path: root/lib/hipe
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/hipe')
5 files changed, 221 insertions, 134 deletions
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_bif_types.erl b/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_bif_types.erl
index 30b911c41b..827fa79ec5 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_bif_types.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_bif_types.erl
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
+ t_bitstrlist/0,
@@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ type(binary, bin_to_list, Arity, Xs) when 1 =< Arity, Arity =< 3 ->
fun(_) -> t_list(t_integer()) end);
type(binary, compile_pattern, 1, Xs) ->
strict(arg_types(binary, compile_pattern, 1), Xs,
- fun(_) -> t_tuple([t_atom(bm),t_binary()]) end);
+ fun(_) -> t_binary_compiled_pattern() end);
type(binary, copy, Arity, Xs) when Arity =:= 1; Arity =:= 2 ->
strict(arg_types(binary, copy, Arity), Xs,
fun(_) -> t_binary() end);
@@ -365,7 +366,7 @@ type(erlang, '>', 2, Xs = [Lhs, Rhs]) ->
is_integer(LhsMax), is_integer(RhsMin), RhsMin >= LhsMax -> F;
true -> t_boolean()
- false -> t_boolean()
+ false -> compare('>', Lhs, Rhs)
strict(Xs, Ans);
type(erlang, '>=', 2, Xs = [Lhs, Rhs]) ->
@@ -383,7 +384,7 @@ type(erlang, '>=', 2, Xs = [Lhs, Rhs]) ->
is_integer(LhsMax), is_integer(RhsMin), RhsMin > LhsMax -> F;
true -> t_boolean()
- false -> t_boolean()
+ false -> compare('>=', Lhs, Rhs)
strict(Xs, Ans);
type(erlang, '<', 2, Xs = [Lhs, Rhs]) ->
@@ -401,7 +402,7 @@ type(erlang, '<', 2, Xs = [Lhs, Rhs]) ->
is_integer(LhsMin), is_integer(RhsMax), RhsMax =< LhsMin -> F;
true -> t_boolean()
- false -> t_boolean()
+ false -> compare('<', Lhs, Rhs)
strict(Xs, Ans);
type(erlang, '=<', 2, Xs = [Lhs, Rhs]) ->
@@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ type(erlang, '=<', 2, Xs = [Lhs, Rhs]) ->
is_integer(LhsMin), is_integer(RhsMax), RhsMax < LhsMin -> F;
true -> t_boolean()
- false -> t_boolean()
+ false -> compare('=<', Lhs, Rhs)
strict(Xs, Ans);
type(erlang, '+', 1, Xs) ->
@@ -671,6 +672,9 @@ type(erlang, call_on_load_function, 1, Xs) ->
type(erlang, cancel_timer, 1, Xs) ->
strict(arg_types(erlang, cancel_timer, 1), Xs,
fun (_) -> t_sup(t_integer(), t_atom('false')) end);
+type(erlang, check_old_code, 1, Xs) ->
+ strict(arg_types(erlang, check_old_code, 1), Xs,
+ fun (_) -> t_boolean() end);
type(erlang, check_process_code, 2, Xs) ->
strict(arg_types(erlang, check_process_code, 2), Xs,
fun (_) -> t_boolean() end);
@@ -701,7 +705,7 @@ type(erlang, demonitor, 1, Xs) ->
type(erlang, demonitor, 2, Xs) ->
strict(arg_types(erlang, demonitor, 2), Xs, fun (_) -> t_boolean() end);
type(erlang, disconnect_node, 1, Xs) ->
- strict(arg_types(erlang, disconnect_node, 1), Xs, fun (_) -> t_boolean() end);
+ strict(arg_types(erlang, disconnect_node, 1), Xs, fun (_) -> t_sup([t_boolean(), t_atom('ignored')]) end);
type(erlang, display, 1, _) -> t_atom('true');
type(erlang, display_string, 1, Xs) ->
strict(arg_types(erlang, display_string, 1), Xs, fun(_) -> t_atom('true') end);
@@ -735,6 +739,7 @@ type(erlang, element, 2, Xs) ->
type(erlang, erase, 0, _) -> t_any();
type(erlang, erase, 1, _) -> t_any();
type(erlang, external_size, 1, _) -> t_integer();
+type(erlang, external_size, 2, _) -> t_integer();
type(erlang, finish_after_on_load, 2, Xs) ->
%% Internal BIF used by on_load.
strict(arg_types(erlang, finish_after_on_load, 2), Xs,
@@ -1123,7 +1128,7 @@ type(erlang, nodes, 0, _) -> t_list(t_node());
type(erlang, nodes, 1, Xs) ->
strict(arg_types(erlang, nodes, 1), Xs, fun (_) -> t_list(t_node()) end);
type(erlang, now, 0, _) ->
- t_time();
+ t_timestamp();
type(erlang, open_port, 2, Xs) ->
strict(arg_types(erlang, open_port, 2), Xs, fun (_) -> t_port() end);
type(erlang, phash, 2, Xs) ->
@@ -1198,6 +1203,7 @@ type(erlang, process_flag, 2, Xs) ->
case t_atom_vals(Flag) of
['error_handler'] -> t_atom();
['min_heap_size'] -> t_non_neg_integer();
+ ['scheduler'] -> t_non_neg_integer();
['monitor_nodes'] -> t_boolean();
['priority'] -> t_process_priority_level();
['save_calls'] -> t_non_neg_integer();
@@ -1584,8 +1590,7 @@ type(erlang, system_info, 1, Xs) ->
['multi_scheduling_blockers'] ->
['os_type'] ->
- t_tuple([t_sup([t_atom('ose'), % XXX: undocumented
- t_atom('unix'),
+ t_tuple([t_sup([t_atom('unix'),
@@ -1899,7 +1904,7 @@ type(prim_file, internal_native2name, 1, Xs) ->
fun (_) -> t_prim_file_name() end);
type(prim_file, internal_normalize_utf8, 1, Xs) ->
strict(arg_types(prim_file, internal_normalize_utf8, 1), Xs,
- fun (_) -> t_binary() end);
+ fun (_) -> t_unicode_string() end);
%%-- gen_tcp ------------------------------------------------------------------
%% NOTE: All type information for this module added to avoid loss of precision
type(gen_tcp, accept, 1, Xs) ->
@@ -2692,7 +2697,7 @@ type(os, getpid, 0, _) -> t_string();
type(os, putenv, 2, Xs) ->
strict(arg_types(os, putenv, 2), Xs, fun (_) -> t_atom('true') end);
type(os, timestamp, 0, _) ->
- t_time();
+ t_timestamp();
%%-- re -----------------------------------------------------------------------
type(re, compile, 1, Xs) ->
strict(arg_types(re, compile, 1), Xs,
@@ -3175,6 +3180,50 @@ arith(Op, X1, X2) ->
+%% Comparison of terms
+compare(Op, Lhs, Rhs) ->
+ case t_is_none(t_inf(Lhs, Rhs)) of
+ false -> t_boolean();
+ true ->
+ case Op of
+ '<' -> always_smaller(Lhs, Rhs);
+ '>' -> always_smaller(Rhs, Lhs);
+ '=<' -> always_smaller(Lhs, Rhs);
+ '>=' -> always_smaller(Rhs, Lhs)
+ end
+ end.
+always_smaller(Type1, Type2) ->
+ {Min1, Max1} = type_ranks(Type1),
+ {Min2, Max2} = type_ranks(Type2),
+ if Max1 < Min2 -> t_atom('true');
+ Min1 > Max2 -> t_atom('false');
+ true -> t_boolean()
+ end.
+type_ranks(Type) ->
+ type_ranks(Type, 1, 0, 0, type_order()).
+type_ranks(_Type, _I, Min, Max, []) -> {Min, Max};
+type_ranks(Type, I, Min, Max, [TypeClass|Rest]) ->
+ {NewMin, NewMax} =
+ case t_is_none(t_inf(Type, TypeClass)) of
+ true -> {Min, Max};
+ false -> case Min of
+ 0 -> {I, I};
+ _ -> {Min, I}
+ end
+ end,
+ type_ranks(Type, I+1, NewMin, NewMax, Rest).
+type_order() ->
+ [t_number(), t_atom(), t_reference(), t_fun(), t_port(), t_pid(), t_tuple(),
+ t_list(), t_binary()].
-spec arg_types(atom(), atom(), arity()) -> [erl_types:erl_type()] | 'unknown'.
@@ -3395,6 +3444,8 @@ arg_types(erlang, call_on_load_function, 1) ->
arg_types(erlang, cancel_timer, 1) ->
+arg_types(erlang, check_old_code, 1) ->
+ [t_atom()];
arg_types(erlang, check_process_code, 2) ->
[t_pid(), t_atom()];
arg_types(erlang, concat_binary, 1) ->
@@ -3441,6 +3492,8 @@ arg_types(erlang, exit, 2) ->
[t_sup(t_pid(), t_port()), t_any()];
arg_types(erlang, external_size, 1) ->
[t_any()]; % takes any term as input
+arg_types(erlang, external_size, 2) ->
+ [t_any(), t_list()]; % takes any term as input and a list of options
arg_types(erlang, finish_after_on_load, 2) ->
[t_atom(), t_boolean()];
arg_types(erlang, float, 1) ->
@@ -3552,7 +3605,7 @@ arg_types(erlang, list_to_binary, 1) ->
arg_types(erlang, list_to_bitstr, 1) -> % XXX: TAKE OUT
arg_types(erlang, list_to_bitstring, 1);
arg_types(erlang, list_to_bitstring, 1) ->
- [t_iolist()];
+ [t_bitstrlist()];
arg_types(erlang, list_to_existing_atom, 1) ->
arg_types(erlang, list_to_float, 1) ->
@@ -3695,6 +3748,7 @@ arg_types(erlang, process_display, 2) ->
arg_types(erlang, process_flag, 2) ->
[t_sup([t_atom('trap_exit'), t_atom('error_handler'),
t_atom('min_heap_size'), t_atom('priority'), t_atom('save_calls'),
+ t_atom('scheduler'), % undocumented
t_atom('monitor_nodes'), % undocumented
t_tuple([t_atom('monitor_nodes'), t_list()])]), % undocumented
t_sup([t_boolean(), t_atom(), t_non_neg_integer()])];
@@ -3733,7 +3787,7 @@ arg_types(erlang, send, 3) ->
arg_types(erlang, send_after, 3) ->
[t_non_neg_integer(), t_sup(t_pid(), t_atom()), t_any()];
arg_types(erlang, seq_trace, 2) ->
- [t_atom(), t_sup([t_boolean(), t_tuple([t_fixnum(), t_fixnum()]), t_nil()])];
+ [t_atom(), t_sup([t_boolean(), t_tuple([t_fixnum(), t_fixnum()]), t_fixnum(), t_nil()])];
arg_types(erlang, seq_trace_info, 1) ->
arg_types(erlang, seq_trace_print, 1) ->
@@ -3982,7 +4036,7 @@ arg_types(ets, match_object, 3) ->
arg_types(ets, match_spec_compile, 1) ->
arg_types(ets, match_spec_run_r, 3) ->
- [t_matchspecs(), t_any(), t_list()];
+ [t_list(t_tuple()),t_matchspecs(), t_list()];
arg_types(ets, member, 2) ->
[t_tab(), t_any()];
arg_types(ets, new, 2) ->
@@ -4014,8 +4068,12 @@ arg_types(ets, select_reverse, 3) ->
arg_types(ets, slot, 2) ->
[t_tab(), t_non_neg_fixnum()]; % 2nd arg can be 0
arg_types(ets, setopts, 2) ->
- Opt = t_sup(t_tuple([t_atom('heir'), t_pid(), t_any()]),
- t_tuple([t_atom('heir'), t_atom('none')])),
+ Opt = t_sup([t_tuple([t_atom('heir'), t_pid(), t_any()]),
+ t_tuple([t_atom('heir'), t_atom('none')]),
+ t_tuple([t_atom('protection'),
+ t_sup([t_atom('protected'),
+ t_atom('private'),
+ t_atom('public')])])]),
[t_tab(), t_sup(Opt, t_list(Opt))];
arg_types(ets, update_counter, 3) ->
Int = t_integer(),
@@ -4457,6 +4515,9 @@ t_date() ->
t_time() ->
t_tuple([t_non_neg_fixnum(), t_non_neg_fixnum(), t_non_neg_fixnum()]).
+t_timestamp() ->
+ t_tuple([t_non_neg_fixnum(), t_non_neg_fixnum(), t_non_neg_fixnum()]).
t_packet() ->
t_sup([t_binary(), t_iolist(), t_httppacket()]).
@@ -4468,27 +4529,6 @@ t_endian() ->
t_sup(t_atom('big'), t_atom('little')).
%% =====================================================================
-%% Types for the binary module
-%% =====================================================================
-t_binary_part() ->
- t_tuple([t_non_neg_integer(), t_integer()]).
-t_binary_canonical_part() ->
- t_tuple([t_non_neg_integer(), t_non_neg_integer()]).
-t_binary_pattern() ->
- t_sup([t_binary(),
- t_list(t_binary()),
- t_binary_compiled_pattern()]).
-t_binary_compiled_pattern() ->
- t_tuple([t_atom('cp'), t_binary()]).
-t_binary_options() ->
- t_list(t_tuple([t_atom('scope'), t_binary_part()])).
-%% =====================================================================
%% HTTP types documented in R12B-4
%% =====================================================================
@@ -4543,7 +4583,28 @@ t_HttpFieldAtom() ->
'Keep-Alive', 'Proxy-Connection']).
t_HttpString() ->
- t_sup(t_string(),t_binary()).
+ t_sup(t_string(), t_binary()).
+%% =====================================================================
+%% These are used for the built-in functions of 'binary'
+%% =====================================================================
+t_binary_part() ->
+ t_tuple([t_non_neg_integer(), t_integer()]).
+t_binary_canonical_part() ->
+ t_tuple([t_non_neg_integer(), t_non_neg_integer()]).
+t_binary_pattern() ->
+ t_sup([t_binary(),
+ t_list(t_binary()),
+ t_binary_compiled_pattern()]).
+t_binary_compiled_pattern() ->
+ t_tuple([t_sup(t_atom('bm'), t_atom('ac')), t_binary()]).
+t_binary_options() ->
+ t_list(t_tuple([t_atom('scope'), t_binary_part()])).
%% =====================================================================
%% These are used for the built-in functions of 'code'
@@ -4564,11 +4625,6 @@ t_code_load_error_rsn() -> % also used in erlang:load_module/2
t_atom('sticky_directory')]). % only for the 'code' functions
-t_code_loaded_fname_or_status() ->
- t_sup([t_string(), % filename
- t_atom('preloaded'),
- t_atom('cover_compiled')]).
%% =====================================================================
%% These are used for the built-in functions of 'erlang'
%% =====================================================================
@@ -4733,7 +4789,6 @@ t_scheduler_bind_type_results() ->
t_system_monitor_settings() ->
t_tuple([t_pid(), t_system_monitor_options()])]).
@@ -4810,16 +4865,12 @@ t_ets_info_items() ->
+ t_atom('compressed'),
+ t_atom('heir'),
+ t_atom('stats'),
%% =====================================================================
-%% These are used for the built-in functions of 'prim_file'
-%% =====================================================================
-t_prim_file_name() ->
- t_sup(t_unicode_string(), t_binary()).
-%% =====================================================================
%% These are used for the built-in functions of 'gen_tcp'
%% =====================================================================
@@ -5013,6 +5064,13 @@ t_re_CapturedData() ->
t_sup([t_tuple([t_integer(), t_integer()]), t_string(), t_binary()]).
%% =====================================================================
+%% These are used for the built-in functions of 'prim_file'
+%% =====================================================================
+t_prim_file_name() ->
+ t_sup(t_unicode_string(), t_binary()).
+%% =====================================================================
%% These are used for the built-in functions of 'unicode'
%% =====================================================================
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl b/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
index 080d6936b2..1748c1cc16 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2010. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2011. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
+ t_bitstrlist/0,
@@ -1457,11 +1458,11 @@ t_is_tuple(_) -> false.
%% Non-primitive types, including some handy syntactic sugar types
--spec t_unicode_string() -> erl_type().
+-spec t_bitstrlist() -> erl_type().
+t_bitstrlist() ->
+ t_iolist(1, t_bitstr()).
-t_unicode_string() ->
- t_list(t_unicode_char()).
-spec t_charlist() -> erl_type().
t_charlist() ->
@@ -1551,15 +1552,16 @@ t_iodata() ->
-spec t_iolist() -> erl_type().
t_iolist() ->
- t_iolist(1).
+ t_iolist(1, t_binary()).
--spec t_iolist(non_neg_integer()) -> erl_type().
+%% Added a second argument which currently is t_binary() | t_bitstr()
+-spec t_iolist(non_neg_integer(), erl_type()) -> erl_type().
-t_iolist(N) when N > 0 ->
- t_maybe_improper_list(t_sup([t_iolist(N-1), t_binary(), t_byte()]),
- t_sup(t_binary(), t_nil()));
-t_iolist(0) ->
- t_maybe_improper_list(t_any(), t_sup(t_binary(), t_nil())).
+t_iolist(N, T) when N > 0 ->
+ t_maybe_improper_list(t_sup([t_iolist(N-1, T), T, t_byte()]),
+ t_sup(T, t_nil()));
+t_iolist(0, T) ->
+ t_maybe_improper_list(t_any(), t_sup(T, t_nil())).
-spec t_parameterized_module() -> erl_type().
@@ -1581,6 +1583,11 @@ t_unicode_binary() ->
t_unicode_char() ->
t_integer(). % representing a valid unicode codepoint
+-spec t_unicode_string() -> erl_type().
+t_unicode_string() ->
+ t_list(t_unicode_char()).
%% Some built-in opaque types
@@ -3220,16 +3227,16 @@ t_to_string(?atom(Set), _RecDict) ->
_ ->
-t_to_string(?bitstr(8, 0), _RecDict) ->
- "binary()";
t_to_string(?bitstr(0, 0), _RecDict) ->
+t_to_string(?bitstr(8, 0), _RecDict) ->
+ "binary()";
t_to_string(?bitstr(0, B), _RecDict) ->
- io_lib:format("<<_:~w>>", [B]);
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("<<_:~w>>", [B]));
t_to_string(?bitstr(U, 0), _RecDict) ->
- io_lib:format("<<_:_*~w>>", [U]);
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("<<_:_*~w>>", [U]));
t_to_string(?bitstr(U, B), _RecDict) ->
- io_lib:format("<<_:~w,_:_*~w>>", [B, U]);
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("<<_:~w,_:_*~w>>", [B, U]));
t_to_string(?function(?any, ?any), _RecDict) ->
t_to_string(?function(?any, Range), RecDict) ->
@@ -3238,16 +3245,18 @@ t_to_string(?function(?product(ArgList), Range), RecDict) ->
"fun((" ++ comma_sequence(ArgList, RecDict) ++ ") -> "
++ t_to_string(Range, RecDict) ++ ")";
t_to_string(?identifier(Set), _RecDict) ->
- if Set =:= ?any -> "identifier()";
- true -> sequence([io_lib:format("~w()", [T])
- || T <- set_to_list(Set)], [], " | ")
+ case Set of
+ ?any -> "identifier()";
+ _ ->
+ string:join([io_lib:format("~w()", [T]) || T <- set_to_list(Set)], " | ")
t_to_string(?opaque(Set), _RecDict) ->
- sequence([case is_opaque_builtin(Mod, Name) of
- true -> io_lib:format("~w()", [Name]);
- false -> io_lib:format("~w:~w()", [Mod, Name])
- end
- || #opaque{mod = Mod, name = Name} <- set_to_list(Set)], [], " | ");
+ string:join([case is_opaque_builtin(Mod, Name) of
+ true -> io_lib:format("~w()", [Name]);
+ false -> io_lib:format("~w:~w()", [Mod, Name])
+ end
+ || #opaque{mod = Mod, name = Name} <- set_to_list(Set)],
+ " | ");
t_to_string(?matchstate(Pres, Slots), RecDict) ->
io_lib:format("ms(~s,~s)", [t_to_string(Pres, RecDict),
@@ -3321,14 +3330,15 @@ t_to_string(?number(?any, ?unknown_qual), _RecDict) -> "number()";
t_to_string(?product(List), RecDict) ->
"<" ++ comma_sequence(List, RecDict) ++ ">";
t_to_string(?remote(Set), RecDict) ->
- sequence([case Args =:= [] of
- true -> io_lib:format("~w:~w()", [Mod, Name]);
- false ->
- ArgString = comma_sequence(Args, RecDict),
- io_lib:format("~w:~w(~s)", [Mod, Name, ArgString])
- end
- || #remote{mod = Mod, name = Name, args = Args} <- set_to_list(Set)],
- [], " | ");
+ string:join([case Args =:= [] of
+ true -> io_lib:format("~w:~w()", [Mod, Name]);
+ false ->
+ ArgString = comma_sequence(Args, RecDict),
+ io_lib:format("~w:~w(~s)", [Mod, Name, ArgString])
+ end
+ || #remote{mod = Mod, name = Name, args = Args} <-
+ set_to_list(Set)],
+ " | ");
t_to_string(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any), _RecDict) -> "tuple()";
t_to_string(?tuple(Elements, _Arity, ?any), RecDict) ->
"{" ++ comma_sequence(Elements, RecDict) ++ "}";
@@ -3350,7 +3360,7 @@ t_to_string(?var(Id), _RecDict) when is_integer(Id) ->
record_to_string(Tag, [_|Fields], FieldNames, RecDict) ->
FieldStrings = record_fields_to_string(Fields, FieldNames, RecDict, []),
- "#" ++ atom_to_list(Tag) ++ "{" ++ sequence(FieldStrings, [], ",") ++ "}".
+ "#" ++ atom_to_list(Tag) ++ "{" ++ string:join(FieldStrings, ",") ++ "}".
record_fields_to_string([F|Fs], [{FName, _DefType}|FDefs], RecDict, Acc) ->
NewAcc =
@@ -3376,7 +3386,7 @@ record_field_diffs_to_string(?tuple([_|Fs], Arity, Tag), RecDict) ->
{ok, FieldNames} = lookup_record(TagAtom, Arity-1, RecDict),
%% io:format("RecCElems = ~p\nRecTypes = ~p\n", [Fs, FieldNames]),
FieldDiffs = field_diffs(Fs, FieldNames, RecDict, []),
- sequence(FieldDiffs, [], " and ").
+ string:join(FieldDiffs, " and ").
field_diffs([F|Fs], [{FName, DefType}|FDefs], RecDict, Acc) ->
NewAcc =
@@ -3395,21 +3405,11 @@ comma_sequence(Types, RecDict) ->
true -> "_";
false -> t_to_string(T, RecDict)
end || T <- Types],
- sequence(List, ",").
+ string:join(List, ",").
union_sequence(Types, RecDict) ->
List = [t_to_string(T, RecDict) || T <- Types],
- sequence(List, " | ").
-sequence(List, Delimiter) ->
- sequence(List, [], Delimiter).
-sequence([], [], _Delimiter) ->
- [];
-sequence([T], Acc, _Delimiter) ->
- lists:flatten(lists:reverse([T|Acc]));
-sequence([T|Ts], Acc, Delimiter) ->
- sequence(Ts, [T ++ Delimiter|Acc], Delimiter).
+ string:join(List, " | ").
@@ -3490,10 +3490,8 @@ t_from_form({type, _L, binary, []}, _TypeNames, _InOpaque, _RecDict,
t_from_form({type, _L, binary, [Base, Unit]} = Type,
_TypeNames, _InOpaque, _RecDict, _VarDict) ->
case {erl_eval:partial_eval(Base), erl_eval:partial_eval(Unit)} of
- {{integer, _, BaseVal},
- {integer, _, UnitVal}}
- when BaseVal >= 0, UnitVal >= 0 ->
- {t_bitstr(UnitVal, BaseVal), []};
+ {{integer, _, B}, {integer, _, U}} when B >= 0, U >= 0 ->
+ {t_bitstr(U, B), []};
_ -> throw({error, io_lib:format("Unable to evaluate type ~w\n", [Type])})
t_from_form({type, _L, bitstring, []}, _TypeNames, _InOpaque, _RecDict,
@@ -3839,26 +3837,40 @@ t_form_to_string({integer, _L, Int}) -> integer_to_list(Int);
t_form_to_string({op, _L, _Op, _Arg} = Op) ->
case erl_eval:partial_eval(Op) of
{integer, _, _} = Int -> t_form_to_string(Int);
- _ -> io_lib:format("Bad formed type ~w",[Op])
+ _ -> io_lib:format("Badly formed type ~w", [Op])
t_form_to_string({op, _L, _Op, _Arg1, _Arg2} = Op) ->
case erl_eval:partial_eval(Op) of
{integer, _, _} = Int -> t_form_to_string(Int);
- _ -> io_lib:format("Bad formed type ~w",[Op])
+ _ -> io_lib:format("Badly formed type ~w", [Op])
t_form_to_string({ann_type, _L, [Var, Type]}) ->
t_form_to_string(Var) ++ "::" ++ t_form_to_string(Type);
t_form_to_string({paren_type, _L, [Type]}) ->
io_lib:format("(~s)", [t_form_to_string(Type)]);
t_form_to_string({remote_type, _L, [{atom, _, Mod}, {atom, _, Name}, Args]}) ->
- ArgString = "(" ++ sequence(t_form_to_string_list(Args), ",") ++ ")",
+ ArgString = "(" ++ string:join(t_form_to_string_list(Args), ",") ++ ")",
io_lib:format("~w:~w", [Mod, Name]) ++ ArgString;
t_form_to_string({type, _L, arity, []}) -> "arity()";
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, binary, []}) -> "binary()";
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, binary, [Base, Unit]} = Type) ->
+ case {erl_eval:partial_eval(Base), erl_eval:partial_eval(Unit)} of
+ {{integer, _, B}, {integer, _, U}} ->
+ %% the following mirrors the clauses of t_to_string/2
+ case {U, B} of
+ {0, 0} -> "<<>>";
+ {8, 0} -> "binary()";
+ {0, B} -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("<<_:~w>>", [B]));
+ {U, 0} -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("<<_:_*~w>>", [U]));
+ {U, B} -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("<<_:~w,_:_*~w>>", [B, U]))
+ end;
+ _ -> io_lib:format("Badly formed bitstr type ~w", [Type])
+ end;
t_form_to_string({type, _L, 'fun', []}) -> "fun()";
t_form_to_string({type, _L, 'fun', [{type, _, any, []}, Range]}) ->
"fun(...) -> " ++ t_form_to_string(Range);
t_form_to_string({type, _L, 'fun', [{type, _, product, Domain}, Range]}) ->
- "fun((" ++ sequence(t_form_to_string_list(Domain), ",") ++ ") -> "
+ "fun((" ++ string:join(t_form_to_string_list(Domain), ",") ++ ") -> "
++ t_form_to_string(Range) ++ ")";
t_form_to_string({type, _L, iodata, []}) -> "iodata()";
t_form_to_string({type, _L, iolist, []}) -> "iolist()";
@@ -3871,7 +3883,7 @@ t_form_to_string({type, _L, nonempty_list, [Type]}) ->
"[" ++ t_form_to_string(Type) ++ ",...]";
t_form_to_string({type, _L, nonempty_string, []}) -> "nonempty_string()";
t_form_to_string({type, _L, product, Elements}) ->
- "<" ++ sequence(t_form_to_string_list(Elements), ",") ++ ">";
+ "<" ++ string:join(t_form_to_string_list(Elements), ",") ++ ">";
t_form_to_string({type, _L, range, [From, To]} = Type) ->
case {erl_eval:partial_eval(From), erl_eval:partial_eval(To)} of
{{integer, _, FromVal}, {integer, _, ToVal}} ->
@@ -3881,7 +3893,7 @@ t_form_to_string({type, _L, range, [From, To]} = Type) ->
t_form_to_string({type, _L, record, [{atom, _, Name}]}) ->
io_lib:format("#~w{}", [Name]);
t_form_to_string({type, _L, record, [{atom, _, Name}|Fields]}) ->
- FieldString = sequence(t_form_to_string_list(Fields), ","),
+ FieldString = string:join(t_form_to_string_list(Fields), ","),
io_lib:format("#~w{~s}", [Name, FieldString]);
t_form_to_string({type, _L, field_type, [{atom, _, Name}, Type]}) ->
io_lib:format("~w::~s", [Name, t_form_to_string(Type)]);
@@ -3889,27 +3901,16 @@ t_form_to_string({type, _L, term, []}) -> "term()";
t_form_to_string({type, _L, timeout, []}) -> "timeout()";
t_form_to_string({type, _L, tuple, any}) -> "tuple()";
t_form_to_string({type, _L, tuple, Args}) ->
- "{" ++ sequence(t_form_to_string_list(Args), ",") ++ "}";
+ "{" ++ string:join(t_form_to_string_list(Args), ",") ++ "}";
t_form_to_string({type, _L, union, Args}) ->
- sequence(t_form_to_string_list(Args), " | ");
+ string:join(t_form_to_string_list(Args), " | ");
t_form_to_string({type, _L, Name, []} = T) ->
try t_to_string(t_from_form(T))
catch throw:{error, _} -> atom_to_list(Name) ++ "()"
-t_form_to_string({type, _L, binary, [X,Y]} = Type) ->
- case {erl_eval:partial_eval(X), erl_eval:partial_eval(Y)} of
- {{integer, _, XVal}, {integer, _, YVal}} ->
- case YVal of
- 0 ->
- case XVal of
- 0 -> "<<>>";
- _ -> io_lib:format("<<_:~w>>", [XVal])
- end
- end;
- _ -> io_lib:format("Bad formed type ~w",[Type])
- end;
t_form_to_string({type, _L, Name, List}) ->
- io_lib:format("~w(~s)", [Name, sequence(t_form_to_string_list(List), ",")]).
+ io_lib:format("~w(~s)",
+ [Name, string:join(t_form_to_string_list(List), ",")]).
t_form_to_string_list(List) ->
t_form_to_string_list(List, []).
@@ -3917,8 +3918,8 @@ t_form_to_string_list(List) ->
t_form_to_string_list([H|T], Acc) ->
t_form_to_string_list(T, [t_form_to_string(H)|Acc]);
t_form_to_string_list([], Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc).
+ lists:reverse(Acc).
%% Utilities
@@ -4057,7 +4058,7 @@ set_to_string(Set) ->
true -> io_lib:write_string(atom_to_list(X), $'); % stupid emacs '
false -> io_lib:format("~w", [X])
end || X <- set_to_list(Set)],
- sequence(L, [], " | ").
+ string:join(L, " | ").
set_min([H|_]) -> H.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/doc/src/notes.xml b/lib/hipe/doc/src/notes.xml
index 434bfac64c..4eb188f76f 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/doc/src/notes.xml
+++ b/lib/hipe/doc/src/notes.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- <year>2006</year><year>2010</year>
+ <year>2006</year><year>2011</year>
<holder>Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved.</holder>
@@ -30,6 +30,39 @@
<p>This document describes the changes made to HiPE.</p>
+<section><title>Hipe 3.8</title>
+ <section><title>Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions</title>
+ <list>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Fix hipe bug causing minor heap corruption related to
+ binary matching. The bug has not been confirmed as the
+ cause of any actual fault symptom.</p>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-9182</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Enable HiPE by default when compiling for PPC64</p>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-9198</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Fix handling of &lt;&lt;_:N,_:_*M&gt;&gt; type
+ expressions Fix the argument of
+ erlang:list_to_bitstring/1 Remove unneeded function
+ 'sequence/2' Same functionality provided by
+ string:join/2.</p>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-9277</p>
+ </item>
+ </list>
+ </section>
<section><title>Hipe 3.7.9</title>
<section><title>Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions</title>
diff --git a/lib/hipe/main/hipe.hrl.src b/lib/hipe/main/hipe.hrl.src
index a1fbeda9cf..ec55c707ef 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/main/hipe.hrl.src
+++ b/lib/hipe/main/hipe.hrl.src
@@ -50,9 +50,8 @@
%% Flags:
%% DEBUG - Turns on debugging. (Can be defined to a integer
%% value to determine the level of debugging)
-%% VERBOSE - More info is printed...
%% HIPE_LOGGING - Turn on logging of messages with erl_logger.
-%% DO_ASSERT - Turn on Assertions.
+%% DO_ASSERT - Turn on assertions.
%% TIMING - Turn on timing.
%% HIPE_INSTRUMENT_COMPILER - Turn on instrumentation of the compiler.
@@ -107,13 +106,9 @@
%% Define the exit macro
--define(EXIT(Reason), erlang:error({?MODULE,?LINE,Reason})).
?msg("EXITED with reason ~w @~w:~w\n", [Reason,?MODULE,?LINE]),
%% Assertions.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/vsn.mk b/lib/hipe/vsn.mk
index 6ba9009a24..58ebe68401 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/vsn.mk
+++ b/lib/hipe/vsn.mk
@@ -1 +1 @@
-HIPE_VSN = 3.7.9
+HIPE_VSN = 3.8