path: root/lib/ic/src/ic_fetch.erl
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 389 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ic/src/ic_fetch.erl b/lib/ic/src/ic_fetch.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 59f21711ec..0000000000
--- a/lib/ic/src/ic_fetch.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1998-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
--export([fetchTk/3, isArray/3, isBasicType/1, isBasicType/2,
- isBasicType/3, isBasicTypeOrEterm/3, isEterm/3, isString/3,
- isStruct/3, isUnion/3, name2type/2, searchIncludedTk/2,
- searchInsideTks/2, searchTk/2, searchTk/3]).
-name2type(G, Name) ->
- S = ic_genobj:tktab(G),
- ScopedName = lists:reverse(string:tokens(Name,"_")),
- InfoList = ets:lookup( S, ScopedName ),
- filter( InfoList ).
-%% This is en overloaded function,
-%% differs in input on unions
-member2type(_G, X, I) when is_record(X, union)->
- Name = ic_forms:get_id2(I),
- case lists:keysearch(Name,2,element(6,X#union.tk)) of
- false ->
- error;
- {value,Rec} ->
- fetchType(element(3,Rec))
- end;
-member2type( G, SName, MName ) ->
- S = ic_genobj:tktab( G ),
- SNList = lists:reverse(string:tokens(SName,"_")),
- ScopedName = [MName | SNList],
- InfoList = ets:lookup( S, ScopedName ),
- case filter( InfoList ) of
- error ->
- %% Try a little harder, seeking inside tktab
- case lookup_member_type_in_tktab(S, ScopedName, MName) of
- error ->
- %% Check if this is the "return to return1" case
- case MName of
- "return1" ->
- %% Do it all over again !
- ScopedName2 = ["return" | SNList],
- InfoList2 = ets:lookup( S, ScopedName2 ),
- case filter( InfoList2 ) of
- error ->
- %% Last resort: seek in pragma table
- lookup_type_in_pragmatab(G, SName);
- Other ->
- Other
- end;
- _ ->
- %% Last resort: seek in pragma table
- lookup_type_in_pragmatab(G, SName)
- end;
- Other ->
- Other
- end;
- Other ->
- Other
- end.
-lookup_member_type_in_tktab(S, ScopedName, MName) ->
- case ets:match_object(S, {'_',member,{MName,'_'},nil}) of
- [] ->
- error;
- [{_FullScopedName,member,{MName,TKInfo},nil}]->
- fetchType( TKInfo );
- List ->
- lookup_member_type_in_tktab(List,ScopedName)
- end.
-lookup_member_type_in_tktab([],_ScopedName) ->
- error;
-lookup_member_type_in_tktab([{FullScopedName,_,{_,TKInfo},_}|Rest],ScopedName) ->
- case lists:reverse(string:tokens(ic_util:to_undersc(FullScopedName),"_")) of
- ScopedName ->
- fetchType(TKInfo);
- _ ->
- lookup_member_type_in_tktab(Rest,ScopedName)
- end.
-lookup_type_in_pragmatab(G, SName) ->
- S = ic_genobj:pragmatab(G),
- %% Look locally first
- case ets:match(S,{file_data_local,'_','_','$2','_','_',SName,'_','_'}) of
- [] ->
- %% No match, seek included
- case ets:match(S,{file_data_included,'_','_','$2','_','_',SName,'_','_'}) of
- [] ->
- error;
- [[Type]] ->
- io:format("1 Found(~p) : ~p~n",[SName,Type]),
- Type
- end;
- [[Type]] ->
- io:format("2 Found(~p) : ~p~n",[SName,Type]),
- Type
- end.
-filter( [] ) ->
- error;
-filter( [I | Is ] ) ->
- case I of
- { _, member, { _, TKINFO }, _ } ->
- fetchType( TKINFO );
- { _, struct, _, _ } ->
- struct;
- { _, typedef, TKINFO, _ } ->
- fetchType( TKINFO );
- { _, module, _, _ } ->
- module;
- { _, interface, _, _ } ->
- interface;
- { _, op, _, _ } ->
- op;
- { _,enum, _, _ } ->
- enum;
- { _, spellcheck } ->
- filter( Is );
- _ ->
- error
- end.
-fetchType( { tk_sequence, _, _ } ) ->
- sequence;
-fetchType( { tk_array, _, _ } ) ->
- array;
-fetchType( { tk_struct, _, _, _} ) ->
- struct;
-fetchType( { tk_string, _} ) ->
- string;
-fetchType( tk_short ) ->
- short;
-fetchType( tk_long ) ->
- long;
-fetchType( tk_ushort ) ->
- ushort;
-fetchType( tk_ulong ) ->
- ulong;
-fetchType( tk_float ) ->
- float;
-fetchType( tk_double ) ->
- double;
-fetchType( tk_boolean ) ->
- boolean;
-fetchType( tk_char ) ->
- char;
-fetchType( tk_octet ) ->
- octet;
-fetchType( { tk_enum, _, _, _ } ) ->
- enum;
-fetchType( { tk_union, _, _, _, _, _ } ) ->
- union;
-fetchType( tk_any ) ->
- any;
-fetchType( _ ) ->
- error.
-isBasicTypeOrEterm(G, N, S) ->
- case isBasicType(G, N, S) of
- true ->
- true;
- false ->
- isEterm(G, N, S)
- end.
-isEterm(G, N, S) when element(1, S) == scoped_id ->
- {FullScopedName, _, _TK, _} = ic_symtab:get_full_scoped_name(G, N, S),
- case ic_code:get_basetype(G, ic_util:to_undersc(FullScopedName)) of
- "erlang_term" ->
- true;
- "ETERM*" ->
- true;
- _X ->
- false
- end;
-isEterm(_G, _Ni, _X) ->
- false.
-isBasicType(G, N, S) when element(1, S) == scoped_id ->
- {_, _, TK, _} = ic_symtab:get_full_scoped_name(G, N, S),
- isBasicType(fetchType(TK));
-isBasicType(_G, _N, {string, _} ) ->
- false;
-isBasicType(_G, _N, {Type, _} ) ->
- isBasicType(Type).
-isBasicType(G, Name) ->
- isBasicType(name2type(G, Name )).
-isBasicType(Type) ->
- lists:member(Type,
- [tk_short,short,
- tk_long,long,
- tk_ushort,ushort,
- tk_ulong,ulong,
- tk_float,float,
- tk_double,double,
- tk_boolean,boolean,
- tk_char,char,
- tk_octet,octet]).
-isString(G, N, T) when element(1, T) == scoped_id ->
- case ic_symtab:get_full_scoped_name(G, N, T) of
- {_FullScopedName, _, {'tk_string',_}, _} ->
- true;
- _ ->
- false
- end;
-isString(_G, _N, T) when is_record(T, string) ->
- true;
-isString(_G, _N, _Other) ->
- false.
-isArray(G, N, T) when element(1, T) == scoped_id ->
- case ic_symtab:get_full_scoped_name(G, N, T) of
- {_FullScopedName, _, {'tk_array', _, _}, _} ->
- true;
- _ ->
- false
- end;
-isArray(_G, _N, T) when is_record(T, array) ->
- true;
-isArray(_G, _N, _Other) ->
- false.
-isStruct(G, N, T) when element(1, T) == scoped_id ->
- case ic_symtab:get_full_scoped_name(G, N, T) of
- {_FullScopedName, _, {'tk_struct', _, _, _}, _} ->
- true;
- _ ->
- false
- end;
-isStruct(_G, _N, T) when is_record(T, struct) ->
- true;
-isStruct(_G, _N, _Other) ->
- false.
-isUnion(G, N, T) when element(1, T) == scoped_id ->
- case ic_symtab:get_full_scoped_name(G, N, T) of
- {_FullScopedName, _, {'tk_union', _, _, _,_,_}, _} ->
- true;
- _Other ->
- false
- end;
-isUnion(_G, _N, T) when is_record(T, union) ->
- true;
-isUnion(_G, _N, _Other) ->
- false.
-%% Always fetchs TK of a record.
-fetchTk(G,N,X) ->
- case ic_forms:get_tk(X) of
- undefined ->
- searchTk(G,ictk:get_IR_ID(G, N, X));
- TK ->
- TK
- end.
-%% seek type code when not accessible by get_tk/1
-searchTk(G,IR_ID) ->
- S = ic_genobj:tktab(G),
- case catch searchTk(S,IR_ID,typedef) of
- {value,TK} ->
- TK;
- _ -> %% false / exit
- case catch searchTk(S,IR_ID,struct) of
- {value,TK} ->
- TK;
- _ -> %% false / exit
- case catch searchTk(S,IR_ID,union) of
- {value,TK} ->
- TK;
- _ ->
- undefined
- end
- end
- end.
-searchTk(S,IR_ID,Type) ->
- L = lists:flatten(ets:match(S,{'_',Type,'$1','_'})),
- case lists:keysearch(IR_ID,2,L) of
- {value,TK} ->
- {value,TK};
- false ->
- searchInsideTks(L,IR_ID)
- end.
-searchInsideTks([],_IR_ID) ->
- false;
-searchInsideTks([{tk_array,TK,_}|Xs],IR_ID) ->
- case searchIncludedTk(TK,IR_ID) of
- {value,TK} ->
- {value,TK};
- false ->
- searchInsideTks(Xs,IR_ID)
- end.
-searchIncludedTk({tk_array,TK,_},IR_ID) ->
- searchIncludedTk(TK,IR_ID);
-searchIncludedTk({tk_sequence,TK,_},IR_ID) ->
- searchIncludedTk(TK,IR_ID);
-searchIncludedTk(TK,_IR_ID) when is_atom(TK) ->
- false;
-searchIncludedTk(TK,IR_ID) ->
- case element(2,TK) == IR_ID of
- true ->
- {value,TK};
- false ->
- false
- end.