path: root/lib/ic/src/icunion.erl
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1491 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ic/src/icunion.erl b/lib/ic/src/icunion.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index c39a5177e7..0000000000
--- a/lib/ic/src/icunion.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1491 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1998-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
--import(ic_codegen, [emit/2, emit/3, emit/4, emit_c_enc_rpt/4, emit_c_dec_rpt/4]).
--import(ic_cbe, [mk_c_type/3, mk_c_type/4]).
-%% External exports
-%% Internal exports
-union_gen(G, N, X, c) when is_record(X, union) ->
- emit_c_union(G, N, X);
-union_gen(_G, _N, _X, _L) ->
- ok.
-%% Emits the union
-emit_c_union(G, N, X) ->
- %%io:format("Rec = ~p\n",[X]),
- case ic_genobj:is_hrlfile_open(G) of
- true ->
- %% Sort Union Default = put it last in case list
- NewX = #union{ id = X#union.id,
- type = X#union.type,
- body = mvDefaultToTail(X#union.body),
- tk = X#union.tk },
- UnionScope = [ic_forms:get_id2(NewX) | N],
- case ic_pragma:is_local(G,UnionScope) of
- true ->
- HFd = ic_genobj:hrlfiled(G),
- emit_c_union_values(G, N, NewX, HFd),
- UnionName = ic_util:to_undersc(UnionScope),
- emit(HFd, "\n#ifndef __~s__\n",[ictype:to_uppercase(UnionName)]),
- emit(HFd, "#define __~s__\n",[ictype:to_uppercase(UnionName)]),
- ic_codegen:mcomment_light(HFd,
- [io_lib:format("Union definition: ~s",
- [UnionName])],
- c),
- emit(HFd, "typedef struct {\n"),
- emit(HFd, " ~s _d;\n", [get_c_union_discriminator(G, N, NewX)]),
- emit(HFd, " union {\n"),
- emit_c_union_values_decl(G, N, NewX, HFd),
- emit(HFd, " } _u;\n"),
- emit(HFd, "} ~s;\n\n", [UnionName]),
- emit(HFd, "int ~s~s(CORBA_Environment *oe_env, int*, int*);\n",
- [ic_util:mk_oe_name(G, "sizecalc_"), UnionName]),
- emit(HFd, "int ~s~s(CORBA_Environment *oe_env, ~s*);\n",
- [ic_util:mk_oe_name(G, "encode_"), UnionName, UnionName]),
- emit(HFd, "int ~s~s(CORBA_Environment *oe_env, char *, int*, ~s*);\n",
- [ic_util:mk_oe_name(G, "decode_"), UnionName, UnionName]),
- emit(HFd, "\n#endif\n\n"),
- create_c_union_file(G, N, NewX, UnionName);
- false -> %% Do not generate included types att all.
- ok
- end;
- false ->
- ok
- end.
-%% Loops over union members and creates members typedefs
-emit_c_union_values(G, N, X, Fd) ->
- emit_c_union_values_loop(G, N, X, Fd, X#union.body).
-emit_c_union_values_loop(G, N, X, Fd, [CU]) ->
- case CU of
- {case_dcl,_,Id,Type} ->
- case Id of
- {array, _AID, _SZ} -> % Check for arrays
- mk_array_file(G,N,X,Id,Type,Fd);
- _ -> % Elementary types or seq/struct
- ok
- end;
- _ ->
- error
- end;
-emit_c_union_values_loop(G, N, X, Fd, [CU |CUs]) ->
- case CU of
- {case_dcl,_,Id,Type} ->
- case Id of
- {array, _AID, _SZ} -> % Check for arrays
- mk_array_file(G,N,X,Id,Type,Fd);
- _ -> % Elementary types or seq/struct
- emit_c_union_values_loop(G, N, X, Fd, CUs)
- end;
- _ ->
- error
- end.
-%% Loops over union members and declares members inside union structure
-emit_c_union_values_decl(G, N, X, Fd) ->
- emit_c_union_values_decl_loop(G, N, X, Fd, X#union.body).
-emit_c_union_values_decl_loop(G, N, X, Fd, [CU]) ->
- case CU of
- {case_dcl,_,Id,Type} ->
- case Id of
- {array, _AID, _SZ} -> % Check for arrays
- mk_array_decl(G,N,X,Id,Type,Fd);
- _ -> % Elementary types or seq/struct
- mk_union_member_decl(G,N,X,Id,Type,Fd),
- ok
- end;
- _ ->
- error
- end;
-emit_c_union_values_decl_loop(G, N, X, Fd, [CU |CUs]) ->
- case CU of
- {case_dcl,_,Id,Type} ->
- case Id of
- {array, _AID, _SZ} -> % Check for arrays
- mk_array_decl(G,N,X,Id,Type,Fd),
- emit_c_union_values_decl_loop(G, N, X, Fd, CUs);
- _ -> % Elementary types or seq/struct
- mk_union_member_decl(G,N,X,Id,Type,Fd),
- emit_c_union_values_decl_loop(G, N, X, Fd, CUs)
- end;
- _ ->
- error
- end.
-%% Makes the declaration for the array in union
-mk_array_decl(G,N,X,Id,Type,Fd) ->
- emit(Fd, " ~s ~s;\n",
- [getCaseTypeStr(G,N,X,Id,Type),
- mk_array_name(Id)]).
-mk_array_name({array,Id,D}) ->
- ic_forms:get_id2(Id) ++ mk_array_dim(D).
-mk_array_dim([]) ->
- "";
-mk_array_dim([{_,_,Dim}|Dims]) ->
- "[" ++ Dim ++ "]" ++ mk_array_dim(Dims).
-%% Creates the array file
-mk_array_file(G,N,X,{array,AID,SZ},Type,HFd) ->
- ArrayName = ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(AID),ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N]),
- ArrayDim = extract_array_dim(SZ),
- emit(HFd, "\n#ifndef __~s__\n",[ictype:to_uppercase(ArrayName)]),
- emit(HFd, "#define __~s__\n\n",[ictype:to_uppercase(ArrayName)]),
- icstruct:create_c_array_coding_file(G,
- N,
- {ArrayName,ArrayDim},
- Type,
- no_typedef),
- emit(HFd, "\n#endif\n\n").
-extract_array_dim([{_,_,Dim}]) ->
- [Dim];
-extract_array_dim([{_,_,Dim}|Dims]) ->
- [Dim | extract_array_dim(Dims)].
-%% Makes the declaration for the member in union
-mk_union_member_decl(G,N,X,Id,Type,Fd) ->
- emit(Fd, " ~s ~s;\n",
- [getCaseTypeStr(G,N,X,Id,Type),
- ic_forms:get_id2(Id)]).
-%% File utilities
-create_c_union_file(G, N, X, UnionName) ->
- {Fd , SName} = open_c_coding_file(G, UnionName),
- _HFd = ic_genobj:hrlfiled(G), %% Write on stubfile header
- HrlFName = filename:basename(ic_genobj:include_file(G)),
- ic_codegen:emit_stub_head(G, Fd, SName, c),
- emit(Fd, "#include \"~s\"\n\n",[HrlFName]),
- %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %% Fd = ic_genobj:stubfiled(G), %% Write on stubfile
- %% HFd = ic_genobj:hrlfiled(G), %% Write on stubfile header
- %% HrlFName = filename:basename(ic_genobj:include_file(G)),
- %% emit(Fd, "#include \"~s\"\n\n",[HrlFName]),
- %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- put(op_variable_count, 0),
- put(tmp_declarations, []),
- %% Write generated code on file
- emit_union_sizecount(G, N, X, Fd, UnionName),
- emit_union_encode(G, N, X, Fd, UnionName),
- emit_union_decode(G, N, X, Fd, UnionName),
- file:close(Fd).
-open_c_coding_file(G, Name) ->
- SName = string:concat(ic_util:mk_oe_name(G, "code_"), Name),
- FName =
- ic_file:join(ic_options:get_opt(G, stubdir),ic_file:add_dot_c(SName)),
- case file:open(FName, [write]) of
- {ok, Fd} ->
- {Fd, SName};
- Other ->
- exit(Other)
- end.
-get_c_union_discriminator(G, N, X) ->
- case getDiscrStr(G, N, X#union.type) of
- error ->
- ic_error:fatal_error(G, {illegal_typecode_for_c, X#union.type, N});
- DiscrStr ->
- case ic_code:get_basetype(G, DiscrStr) of
- {short, _} ->
- "CORBA_short";
- {unsigned,{short, _}} ->
- "CORBA_unsigned_short";
- {long, _} ->
- "CORBA_long";
- {unsigned,{long, _}} ->
- "CORBA_unsigned_long";
- {boolean,_} ->
- "CORBA_boolean";
- {char,_} ->
- "CORBA_char";
- {enum, EnumType} ->
- EnumType;
- _ ->
- DiscrStr
- end
- end.
-getDiscrStr(G, N, S) when element(1, S) == scoped_id ->
- case ic_symtab:get_full_scoped_name(G, N, S) of
- {FSN, _, tk_short, _} ->
- ic_util:to_undersc(FSN);
- {FSN, _, tk_ushort, _} ->
- ic_util:to_undersc(FSN);
- {FSN, _, tk_long, _} ->
- ic_util:to_undersc(FSN);
- {FSN, _, tk_ulong, _} ->
- ic_util:to_undersc(FSN);
- {FSN, _, tk_boolean, _} ->
- ic_util:to_undersc(FSN);
- {FSN, _, tk_char, _} ->
- ic_util:to_undersc(FSN);
- {FSN, _, {tk_enum,_,_,_}, _} ->
- ic_util:to_undersc(FSN);
- _ ->
- error
- end;
-getDiscrStr(_G, N, X) ->
- case X of
- {short,_} ->
- "CORBA_short";
- {unsigned,{short,_}} ->
- "CORBA_unsigned_short";
- {long, _} ->
- "CORBA_long";
- {unsigned,{long,_}} ->
- "CORBA_unsigned_long";
- {boolean,_} ->
- "CORBA_boolean";
- {char,_} ->
- "CORBA_char";
- {enum,TID,_,_} ->
- ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(TID) | N]);
- _ ->
- error
- end.
-getCaseTypeStr(G, N, X, I, T) when element(1, T) == scoped_id ->
- case catch ic_symtab:get_full_scoped_name(G, N, T) of
- {FSN, _, _, _} ->
- BT = ic_code:get_basetype(G, ic_util:to_undersc(FSN)),
- case isList(BT) of
- true ->
- BT;
- false ->
- case BT of
- {short,_} ->
- "CORBA_short";
- {unsigned,{short,_}} ->
- "CORBA_unsigned_short";
- {long, _} ->
- "CORBA_long";
- {unsigned,{long,_}} ->
- "CORBA_unsigned_long";
- {float,_} ->
- "CORBA_float";
- {double,_} ->
- "CORBA_double";
- {boolean,_} ->
- "CORBA_boolean";
- {char,_} ->
- "CORBA_char";
- {wchar,_} ->
- "CORBA_wchar";
- {octet,_} ->
- "CORBA_octet";
- {string,_} ->
- "CORBA_char*";
- {wstring,_} ->
- "CORBA_wchar*";
- {sequence,_,_} ->
- ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(I), ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N]);
- {struct,SID,_,_} ->
- ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(SID), ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N]);
- {enum,EID} ->
- EID;
- {any, _} -> %% Fix for any type
- "CORBA_long";
- _ ->
- %%io:format("BT = ~p~n",[BT]),
- error
- end
- end
- end;
-getCaseTypeStr(_G, N, X, I, T) ->
- case T of
- {short,_} ->
- "CORBA_short";
- {unsigned,{short,_}} ->
- "CORBA_unsigned_short";
- {long, _} ->
- "CORBA_long";
- {unsigned,{long,_}} ->
- "CORBA_unsigned_long";
- {float,_} ->
- "CORBA_float";
- {double,_} ->
- "CORBA_double";
- {boolean,_} ->
- "CORBA_boolean";
- {char,_} ->
- "CORBA_char";
- {wchar,_} ->
- "CORBA_wchar";
- {octet,_} ->
- "CORBA_octet";
- {string,_} ->
- "CORBA_char*";
- {wstring,_} ->
- "CORBA_wchar*";
- {sequence,_,_} ->
- ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(I), ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N]);
- {struct,SID,_,_} ->
- ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(SID), ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N]);
- {union,UID,_,_,_} ->
- ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(UID), ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N]);
- {any, _} -> %% Fix for any type
- "CORBA_long";
- _ ->
- error
- end.
-isList(L) when is_list(L) ->
- true;
-isList(_) ->
- false.
-%% Sizecount facilities
-emit_union_sizecount(G, N, X, Fd, UnionName) ->
- emit(Fd, "int ~s~s(CORBA_Environment *oe_env, int* oe_size_count_index, int* oe_size) {\n\n",
- [ic_util:mk_oe_name(G, "sizecalc_"), UnionName]),
- emit(Fd, " int oe_malloc_size = 0;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " int oe_error_code = 0;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " int oe_type = 0;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " int oe_tmp = 0;\n"),
- emit_union_discr_var_decl(G, N, X, Fd),
- ic_codegen:nl(Fd),
- emit(Fd, " if(*oe_size == 0)\n",[]),
- AlignName = lists:concat(["*oe_size + sizeof(",UnionName,")"]),
- emit(Fd, " *oe_size = ~s;\n\n", [ic_util:mk_align(AlignName)]),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_get_type(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, &oe_type, &oe_tmp)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_get_type", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- %%emit(Fd, " if (oe_tmp != 3)\n"),
- %%emit(Fd, " return -1;\n\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_tuple_header(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_tuple_header", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_atom(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n", []),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_atom", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit_c_union_discr_sizecount(G, N, X, Fd),
- emit(Fd, " /* Calculate union size */\n"),
- emit(Fd, " switch(oe_discr) {\n"),
- emit_c_union_loop(G, N, X, Fd, X#union.body, sizecalc),
- emit(Fd, " }\n\n"),
- emit(Fd, " *oe_size = ~s;\n",[ic_util:mk_align("*oe_size+oe_malloc_size")]),
- emit(Fd, " return 0;\n"),
- emit(Fd, "}\n\n\n").
-emit_union_discr_var_decl(G, N, X, Fd) ->
- UD = get_c_union_discriminator(G, N, X),
- case UD of
- "CORBA_short" ->
- emit(Fd, " long oe_discr = 0;\n");
- "CORBA_unsigned_short" ->
- emit(Fd, " unsigned long oe_discr = 0;\n");
- "CORBA_long" ->
- emit(Fd, " long oe_discr = 0;\n");
- "CORBA_unsigned_long" ->
- emit(Fd, " unsigned long oe_discr = 0;\n");
- "CORBA_boolean" ->
- emit(Fd, " int oe_discr = 0;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " char oe_bool[256];\n");
- "CORBA_char" ->
- emit(Fd, " char oe_discr = 0;\n");
- _T ->
- emit(Fd, " int oe_dummy = 0;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " ~s oe_discr = 0;\n",[UD])
- end.
-emit_c_union_discr_sizecount(G, N, X, Fd) ->
- emit(Fd, " /* Calculate discriminator size */\n"),
- UD = get_c_union_discriminator(G, N, X),
- case UD of
- "CORBA_short" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_long(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, &oe_discr)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_long", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- "CORBA_unsigned_short" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_ulong(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, &oe_discr)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_ulong", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- "CORBA_long" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_long(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, &oe_discr)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_long", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- "CORBA_unsigned_long" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_ulong(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, &oe_discr)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_ulong", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- "CORBA_boolean" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_atom(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, oe_bool)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_atom", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if (strcmp(oe_bool, \"false\") == 0) {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_discr = 0;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " else if (strcmp(oe_bool, \"true\") == 0) {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_discr = 1;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " else {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "not boolean", []),
- emit(Fd, " return -1;\n }\n");
- "CORBA_char" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_char(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, &oe_discr)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_char", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- T ->
- emit(Fd, " oe_tmp = *oe_size_count_index;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_sizecalc_~s(oe_env, oe_size_count_index, &oe_malloc_size)) < 0) {\n", [T]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_size_calc_~s", [T]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " *oe_size_count_index = oe_tmp;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_tmp = oe_env->_iin;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_env->_iin = *oe_size_count_index;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_decode_~s(oe_env, NULL, &oe_dummy, &oe_discr)) < 0) {\n", [T]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_decode_~s", [T]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " *oe_size_count_index = oe_env->_iin;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_env->_iin = oe_tmp;\n\n")
- end.
-emit_c_union_loop(G, N, X, Fd, CaseList, Case) ->
- emit_c_union_loop(G, N, X, Fd, CaseList, false, Case).
-emit_c_union_loop(G, N, X, Fd, [], GotDefaultCase, Case) ->
- case GotDefaultCase of
- false ->
- emit_c_union_valueless_discriminator(G, N, X, Fd, Case)
- end;
-emit_c_union_loop(G, N, X, Fd, [CU|CUs], GotDefaultCase, Case) ->
- case CU of
- {case_dcl,CaseList,I,T} ->
- GotDefaultCase = emit_c_union_case(G, N, X, Fd, I, T, CaseList, Case),
- emit_c_union_loop(G, N, X, Fd, CUs, GotDefaultCase, Case);
- _ ->
- error
- end.
-emit_c_union_valueless_discriminator(_G, _N, _X, Fd, Case) ->
- emit(Fd, " default:\n"),
- case Case of
- sizecalc ->
- emit(Fd, " {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " char oe_undefined[15];\n\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_atom(oe_env->_inbuf, "
- "oe_size_count_index, oe_undefined)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_atom", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " }\n");
- encode ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_atom(oe_env, \"undefined\")) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_ei_encode_atom", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " break;\n");
- decode ->
- emit(Fd, " {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " char oe_undefined[15];\n\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_atom(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, "
- "oe_undefined)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_atom", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if (strcmp(oe_undefined, \"undefined\") != 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "undefined", []),
- emit(Fd, " return -1;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " }\n")
- end.
-emit_c_union_case(G, N, X, Fd, I, T, [{default,_}], Case) ->
- emit(Fd, " default:\n"),
- case Case of
- sizecalc ->
- getCaseTypeSizecalc(G, N, X, Fd, I, T);
- encode ->
- getCaseTypeEncode(G, N, X, Fd, I, T);
- decode ->
- getCaseTypeDecode(G, N, X, Fd, I, T)
- end,
- true;
-emit_c_union_case(G, N, X, Fd, I, T, [{Bool,_}], Case) -> %% Boolean discriminator
- case Bool of
- 'TRUE' ->
- emit(Fd, " case 1:\n");
- 'FALSE' ->
- emit(Fd, " case 0:\n")
- end,
- case Case of
- sizecalc ->
- getCaseTypeSizecalc(G, N, X, Fd, I, T);
- encode ->
- getCaseTypeEncode(G, N, X, Fd, I, T);
- decode ->
- getCaseTypeDecode(G, N, X, Fd, I, T)
- end,
- emit(Fd, " break;\n\n"),
- false;
-emit_c_union_case(G, N, X, Fd, I, T, [{Bool,_}|Rest], Case) -> %% Boolean discriminator
- case Bool of
- 'TRUE' ->
- emit(Fd, " case 1:\n");
- 'FALSE' ->
- emit(Fd, " case 0:\n")
- end,
- emit_c_union_case(G, N, X, Fd, I, T, Rest, Case),
- false;
-emit_c_union_case(G, N, X, Fd, I, T, [{_,_,NrStr}], Case) -> %% Integer type discriminator
- case get_c_union_discriminator(G, N, X) of
- "CORBA_char" ->
- emit(Fd, " case \'~s\':\n",[NrStr]);
- _ ->
- emit(Fd, " case ~s:\n",[NrStr])
- end,
- case Case of
- sizecalc ->
- getCaseTypeSizecalc(G, N, X, Fd, I, T);
- encode ->
- getCaseTypeEncode(G, N, X, Fd, I, T);
- decode ->
- getCaseTypeDecode(G, N, X, Fd, I, T)
- end,
- emit(Fd, " break;\n\n"),
- false;
-emit_c_union_case(G, N, X, Fd, I, T, [{_,_,NrStr}|Rest], Case) -> %% Integer type discriminator
- emit(Fd, " case ~s:\n",[NrStr]),
- emit_c_union_case(G, N, X, Fd, I, T, Rest, Case),
- false;
-emit_c_union_case(G, N, X, Fd, I, T, [{scoped_id,_,_,[EID]}], Case) -> %% Enumerant type discriminator
- SID = ic_util:to_undersc([EID|get_c_union_discriminator_scope(G, N, X)]),
- %%io:format("SID = ~p~n",[SID]),
- emit(Fd, " case ~s:\n",[SID]),
- case Case of
- sizecalc ->
- getCaseTypeSizecalc(G, N, X, Fd, I, T);
- encode ->
- getCaseTypeEncode(G, N, X, Fd, I, T);
- decode ->
- getCaseTypeDecode(G, N, X, Fd, I, T)
- end,
- emit(Fd, " break;\n\n"),
- false;
-emit_c_union_case(G, N, X, Fd, I, T, [{scoped_id,_,_,[EID]}|Rest], Case) -> %% Enumerant type discriminator
- SID = ic_util:to_undersc([EID|get_c_union_discriminator_scope(G, N, X)]),
- %%io:format("SID = ~p~n",[SID]),
- emit(Fd, " case ~s:\n",[SID]),
- emit_c_union_case(G, N, X, Fd, I, T, Rest, Case),
- false.
-%% Returns the enumerant discriminator scope
-get_c_union_discriminator_scope(G, N, X) ->
- {FullScopedName, _, _TK, _} = ic_symtab:get_full_scoped_name(G, N, X#union.type),
- BT = case ic_code:get_basetype(G, ic_util:to_undersc(FullScopedName)) of
- {enum,ST} ->
- ST;
- Other ->
- Other
- end,
- tl(lists:reverse(string:tokens(BT,"_"))). %% Ugly work arround
-getCaseTypeSizecalc(G, N, X, Fd, I, T) when element(1, T) == scoped_id ->
- case ic_fetch:member2type(G,X,I) of
- ushort ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_ulong(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ushort:ei_decode_ulong", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- ulong ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_ulong(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ulong:ei_decode_ulong", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- short ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_long(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "short:ei_decode_long", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- long ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_long(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "long:ei_decode_long", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- float ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_double(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "float:ei_decode_double", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- double ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_double(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "double:ei_decode_double", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- boolean ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_atom(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "boolean:ei_decode_atom", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- char ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_char(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "char:ei_decode_char", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- octet ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_char(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "octet:ei_decode_char", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- string ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_get_type(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, &oe_type, &oe_tmp)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_get_type", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_string(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_string", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_malloc_size = ~s;\n",[ic_util:mk_align("oe_malloc_size+oe_tmp+1")]);
- any -> %% Fix for any type
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_long(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_long", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- _ ->
- case getCaseTypeStr(G, N, X, I, T) of
- "erlang_pid" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_pid(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n",
- []),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_pid", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- "erlang_port" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_port(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n",
- []),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_port", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- "erlang_ref" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_ref(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n",
- []),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_ref", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- "erlang_term" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_term(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n",
- []),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_deoce_term", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- Other ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_sizecalc_~s(oe_env, oe_size_count_index, &oe_malloc_size)) < 0) {\n",
- [Other]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_sizecalc_~s", [Other]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n")
- end
- end;
-getCaseTypeSizecalc(G, N, X, Fd, I, T) ->
- case I of
- {array,_,_} ->
- ArrayName = ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(I),ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N]),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_sizecalc_~s(oe_env, oe_size_count_index, &oe_malloc_size)) < 0) {\n",
- [ArrayName]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_sizecalc_~s", [ArrayName]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- _ ->
- case T of
- {short,_} ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_long(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "short:ei_decode_long", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {unsigned,{short,_}} ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_ulong(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ushort:ei_decode_ulong", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {long, _} ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_long(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "long:ei_decode_long", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {unsigned,{long,_}} ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_ulong(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ulong:ei_decode_ulong", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {float,_} ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_double(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "float:ei_decode_double", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }");
- {double,_} ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_double(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "double:ei_decode_double", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {boolean,_} ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_atom(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "boolean:ei_decode_atom", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {char,_} ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_char(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "char:ei_decode_char", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {octet,_} ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_char(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "octet:ei_decode_char", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {string,_} ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_get_type(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, &oe_type, &oe_tmp)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_get_type", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_string(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_string", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_malloc_size = ~s;\n",[ic_util:mk_align("oe_malloc_size+oe_tmp+1")]);
- {sequence,_,_} ->
- SeqName = ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(I), ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N]),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_sizecalc_~s(oe_env, oe_size_count_index, &oe_malloc_size)) < 0) {\n",
- [SeqName]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "sequence:oe_sizecalc_~s", [SeqName]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {struct,SID,_,_} ->
- StructName = ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(SID), ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N]),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_sizecalc_~s(oe_env, oe_size_count_index, &oe_malloc_size)) < 0) {\n",
- [StructName]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "struct:oe_sizecalc_~s", [StructName]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {union,UID,_,_,_} ->
- UnionName = ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(UID), ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N]),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_sizecalc_~s(oe_env, oe_size_count_index, &oe_malloc_size)) < 0) {\n",
- [UnionName]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "union:oe_sizecalce_~s", [UnionName]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {any, _} -> %% Fix for any type
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_long(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "any:ei_decode_long", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- _ ->
- ic_error:fatal_error(G, {illegal_typecode_for_c, T, N})
- end
- end.
-%% Encode facilities
-emit_union_encode(G, N, X, Fd, UnionName) ->
- emit(Fd, "int ~s~s(CORBA_Environment *oe_env, ~s* oe_rec) {\n\n",
- [ic_util:mk_oe_name(G, "encode_"), UnionName, UnionName]),
- emit(Fd, " int oe_error_code = 0;\n\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_tuple_header(oe_env, 3)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_ei_encode_tuple_header", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_atom(oe_env, \"~s\")) < 0) {\n",
- [UnionName]),
- emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_ei_encode_atom", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit_c_union_discr_encode(G, N, X, Fd),
- emit(Fd, " /* Encode union */\n"),
- emit(Fd, " switch(oe_rec->_d) {\n"),
- emit_c_union_loop(G, N, X, Fd, X#union.body, encode),
- emit(Fd, " }\n\n"),
- emit(Fd, " return 0;\n"),
- emit(Fd, "}\n\n\n").
-emit_c_union_discr_encode(G, N, X, Fd) ->
- emit(Fd, " /* Encode descriminator */\n"),
- UD = get_c_union_discriminator(G, N, X),
- case UD of
- "CORBA_short" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_long(oe_env, oe_rec->_d)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_ei_encode_long", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- "CORBA_unsigned_short" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_ulong(oe_env, oe_rec->_d)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_ei_encode_ulong", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- "CORBA_long" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_long(oe_env, oe_rec->_d)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_ei_encode_long", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- "CORBA_unsigned_long" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_ulong(oe_env, oe_rec->_d)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_ei_encode_ulong", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- "CORBA_boolean" ->
- emit(Fd, " switch(oe_rec->_d) {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " case 0:\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_atom(oe_env, \"false\")) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_ei_encode_atom", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " break;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " case 1:\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_atom(oe_env, \"true\")) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_ei_encode_atom", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " break;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " default:\n"),
- emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "boolean failure", []),
- emit(Fd, " return -1;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " }\n\n");
- "CORBA_char" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_char(oe_env, oe_rec->_d)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_ei_encode_char", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- T ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_encode_~s(oe_env, oe_rec->_d)) < 0) {\n", [T]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_encode_~s", [T]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n")
- end.
-getCaseTypeEncode(G, N, X, Fd, I, T) when element(1, T) == scoped_id ->
- case ic_fetch:member2type(G,X,I) of
- ushort ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_ulong(oe_env, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "ushort:oe_ei_encode_ulong", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- ulong ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_ulong(oe_env, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "ulong:oe_ei_encode_ulong", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- short ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_long(oe_env, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "short:oe_ei_encode_long", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- long ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_long(oe_env, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "long:oe_ei_encode_long", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- float ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_double(oe_env, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "float:oe_ei_encode_double", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- double ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_double(oe_env, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "double:oe_ei_encode_double", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- boolean ->
- emit(Fd, " switch(oe_rec->_u.~s) {\n",[ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- emit(Fd, " case 0:\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_atom(oe_env, \"false\")) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "boolean:oe_ei_encode_atom", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " break;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " case 1:\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_atom(oe_env, \"true\")) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "boolean:oe_ei_encode_atom", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " break;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " default:\n"),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "boolean failure", []),
- emit(Fd, " return -1;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " }\n");
- char ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_char(oe_env, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "char:oe_ei_encode_char", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- octet ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_char(oe_env, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "octet:oe_ei_encode_char", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- string ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_string(oe_env, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_ei_encode_string", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- struct ->
- case ic_cbe:mk_c_type(G, N, T, evaluate_not) of
- "erlang_pid" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_pid(oe_env, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_ei_encode_pid", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- "erlang_port" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_port(oe_env, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_ei_encode_port", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- "erlang_ref" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_ref(oe_env, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_ei_encode_ref", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- "ETERM*" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_term(oe_env, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_ei_encode_term", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- _ ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_encode_~s(oe_env, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [getCaseTypeStr(G, N, X, I, T), ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_encode_~s",
- [getCaseTypeStr(G, N, X, I, T)]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n")
- end;
- sequence ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_encode_~s(oe_env, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [getCaseTypeStr(G, N, X, I, T),ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "sequence:oe_encode_~s",
- [getCaseTypeStr(G, N, X, I, T)]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- array ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_encode_~s(oe_env, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [getCaseTypeStr(G, N, X, I, T),ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "array:oe_encode_~s",
- [getCaseTypeStr(G, N, X, I, T)]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- union ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_encode_~s(oe_env, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [getCaseTypeStr(G, N, X, I, T),ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "union:oe_encode_~s",
- [getCaseTypeStr(G, N, X, I, T)]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- enum ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_encode_~s(oe_env, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [getCaseTypeStr(G, N, X, I, T),ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "enum:oe_encode_~s",
- [getCaseTypeStr(G, N, X, I, T)]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- any -> %% Fix for any type
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_long(oe_env, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "enum:oe_ei_encodelong", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- _ ->
- ic_error:fatal_error(G, {illegal_typecode_for_c, T, N})
- end;
-getCaseTypeEncode(G, N, X, Fd, I, T) ->
- case I of
- {array,AID,_} ->
- ArrayName = ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(AID),ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N]),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_encode_~s(oe_env, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ArrayName,ic_forms:get_id2(AID)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "array:oe_encode_~s", [ArrayName]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- _ ->
- case T of
- {short,_} ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_long(oe_env, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "short:oe_ei_encode_long", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {unsigned,{short,_}} ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_ulong(oe_env, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "ushort:oe_ei_encode_ulong", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {long, _} ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_long(oe_env, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "long:oe_ei_encode_long", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {unsigned,{long,_}} ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_ulong(oe_env, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "ulong:oe_ei_encode_ulong", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {float,_} ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_double(oe_env, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "float:oe_ei_encode_double", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {double,_} ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_double(oe_env, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "double:oe_ei_encode_double", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {boolean,_} ->
- emit(Fd, " switch(oe_rec->_u.~s) {\n",[ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- emit(Fd, " case 0:\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_atom(oe_env, \"false\")) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "boolean:oe_ei_encode_atom", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " break;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " case 1:\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_atom(oe_env, \"true\")) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "boolean:oe_ei_encode_atom", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " break;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " default:\n"),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "boolean failure", []),
- emit(Fd, " return -1;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " }\n");
- {char,_} ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_char(oe_env, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "char:oe_ei_encode_char", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {octet,_} ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_char(oe_env, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "octet:oe_ei_encode_char", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {string,_} ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_string(oe_env, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_ei_encode_string", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {sequence,_,_} ->
- SeqName = ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(I), ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N]),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_encode_~s(oe_env, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [SeqName,ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "sequence:oe_encode_~s", [SeqName]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {struct,SID,_,_} ->
- StructName = ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(SID), ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N]),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_encode_~s(oe_env, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [StructName,ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "struct:oe_encode_~s", [StructName]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {union,UID,_,_,_} ->
- UnionName = ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(UID), ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N]),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_encode_~s(oe_env, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [UnionName,ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "union:oe_encode_~s", [UnionName]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- _ ->
- ic_error:fatal_error(G, {illegal_typecode_for_c, T, N})
- end
- end.
-%% Decode facilities
-emit_union_decode(G, N, X, Fd, UnionName) ->
- emit(Fd, "int ~s~s(CORBA_Environment *oe_env, char *oe_first, int* oe_index, ~s* oe_rec) {\n\n",
- [ic_util:mk_oe_name(G, "decode_"), UnionName, UnionName]),
- emit(Fd, " int oe_error_code = 0;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " int oe_tmp = 0;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " char oe_union_name[256];\n\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if((char*) oe_rec == oe_first)\n",[]),
- AlignName = lists:concat(["*oe_index + sizeof(",UnionName,")"]),
- emit(Fd, " *oe_index = ~s;\n\n", [ic_util:mk_align(AlignName)]),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_tuple_header(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_tmp)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_tuple_header", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_atom(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, oe_union_name)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_atom", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit_c_union_discr_decode(G, N, X, Fd),
- emit(Fd, " /* Decode union */\n"),
- emit(Fd, " switch(oe_rec->_d) {\n"),
- emit_c_union_loop(G, N, X, Fd, X#union.body, decode),
- emit(Fd, " }\n\n"),
- emit(Fd, " *oe_index = ~s;\n", [ic_util:mk_align("*oe_index")]),
- emit(Fd, " return 0;\n"),
- emit(Fd, "}\n\n\n").
-emit_c_union_discr_decode(G, N, X, Fd) ->
- emit(Fd, " /* Decode descriminator */\n"),
- UD = get_c_union_discriminator(G, N, X),
- case UD of
- "CORBA_short" ->
- emit(Fd, " {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " long oe_long;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_long(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_long)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "short:ei_decode_long", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_rec->_d = (short) oe_long;\n\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if (oe_rec->_d != oe_long)\n return -1;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " }\n\n");
- "CORBA_unsigned_short" ->
- emit(Fd, " {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " unsigned long oe_ulong;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_ulong(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_ulong)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "unshort:ei_decode_ulong", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_rec->_d = (unsigned short) oe_ulong;\n\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if (oe_rec->_d != oe_ulong)\n return -1;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " }\n\n");
- "CORBA_long" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_long(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_rec->_d)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "long:ei_decode_long", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- "CORBA_unsigned_long" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_ulong(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_rec->_d)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ulong:ei_decode_ulong", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- "CORBA_boolean" ->
- emit(Fd, " {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " char oe_bool[25];\n\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_atom(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, oe_bool)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "boolean:ei_decode_atom", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if (strcmp(oe_bool, \"false\") == 0) {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_rec->_d = 0;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " }else if (strcmp(oe_bool, \"true\") == 0) {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_rec->_d = 1;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " } else {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "boolean failure", []),
- emit(Fd, " return -1;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " }\n\n");
- "CORBA_char" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_char(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_rec->_d)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "char:ei_decode_char", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- T ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_decode_~s(oe_env, oe_first, oe_index, &oe_rec->_d)) < 0) {\n",
- [T]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_decode_~s", [T]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n")
- end.
-getCaseTypeDecode(G, N, X, Fd, I, T) when element(1, T) == scoped_id ->
- case ic_fetch:member2type(G,X,I) of
- ushort ->
- emit(Fd, " {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " unsigned long oe_ulong;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_ulong(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_ulong)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ushort:ei_decode_ulong", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_rec->_u.~s = (unsigned short) oe_ulong;\n\n",[ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- emit(Fd, " if (oe_rec->_u.~s != oe_ulong)\n return -1;\n",[ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- emit(Fd, " }\n");
- ulong ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_ulong(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ulong:ei_decode_ulong", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- short ->
- emit(Fd, " {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " long oe_long;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_long(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_long)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "short:ei_decode_long", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_rec->_u.~s = (short) oe_long;\n\n",[ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- emit(Fd, " if (oe_rec->_u.~s != oe_long)\n return -1;\n",[ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- emit(Fd, " }\n");
- long ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_long(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "long:ei_decode_long", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- float ->
- emit(Fd, " {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " double oe_double;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_double(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_double)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "float:ei_decode_double", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_rec->_u.~s = (float) oe_double;\n",[ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- emit(Fd, " }\n");
- double ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_double(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "double:ei_decode_double", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- boolean ->
- emit(Fd, " {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " char oe_bool[25];\n\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_atom(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, oe_bool)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "boolean:ei_decode_atom", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if (strcmp(oe_bool, \"false\") == 0) {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_rec->_u.~s = 0;\n",[ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- emit(Fd, " } else if (strcmp(oe_bool, \"true\") == 0) {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_rec->_u.~s = 1;\n",[ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- emit(Fd, " } else {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "boolean failure", []),
- emit(Fd, " return -1;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " }\n");
- char ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_char(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "char:ei_decode_char", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- octet ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_char(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "octet:ei_decode_char", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- string ->
- emit(Fd, " {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " int oe_type = 0;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " int oe_string_ctr = 0;\n\n"),
- emit(Fd, " (int) ei_get_type(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_type, &oe_string_ctr);\n\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_rec->_u.~s = (void *) (oe_first + *oe_index);\n\n",[ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_string(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_string", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " *oe_index = ~s;\n",[ic_util:mk_align("*oe_index+oe_string_ctr+1")]),
- emit(Fd, " }\n");
- struct ->
- case ic_cbe:mk_c_type(G, N, T, evaluate_not) of
- "erlang_pid" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_pid(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_pid", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- "erlang_port" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_port(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_port", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- "erlang_ref" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_ref(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_ref", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- "ETERM*" ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_term(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, (void **)&oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_term", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- _ ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_decode_~s(oe_env, oe_first, oe_index, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [getCaseTypeStr(G, N, X, I, T),ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_decode_~s",
- [getCaseTypeStr(G, N, X, I, T)]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n")
- end;
- sequence ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_decode_~s(oe_env, oe_first, oe_index, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [getCaseTypeStr(G, N, X, I, T),ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "sequence:oe_decode_~s",
- [getCaseTypeStr(G, N, X, I, T)]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- array ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_decode_~s(oe_env, oe_first, oe_index, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [getCaseTypeStr(G, N, X, I, T),ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "array:oe_decode_~s", [getCaseTypeStr(G, N, X, I, T)]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- union ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_decode_~s(oe_env, oe_first, oe_index, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [getCaseTypeStr(G, N, X, I, T),ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "union:oe_decode_~s", [getCaseTypeStr(G, N, X, I, T)]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- enum ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_decode_~s(oe_env, oe_first, oe_index, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [getCaseTypeStr(G, N, X, I, T),ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "enum:oe_decode_~s", [getCaseTypeStr(G, N, X, I, T)]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- any -> %% Fix for any type
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_long(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "any:ei_decodelong", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- _ ->
- ic_error:fatal_error(G, {illegal_typecode_for_c, T, N})
- end;
-getCaseTypeDecode(G, N, X, Fd, I, T) ->
- case I of
- {array,AID,_} ->
- ArrayName = ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(AID),ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N]),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_decode_~s(oe_env, oe_first, oe_index, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ArrayName,ic_forms:get_id2(AID)]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "array:oe_decode_~s", [ArrayName]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- _ ->
- case T of
- {short,_} ->
- emit(Fd, " {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " long oe_long;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_long(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_long)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "short:ei_decode_long", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_rec->_u.~s = (short) oe_long;\n\n",[ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- emit(Fd, " if (oe_rec->_u.~s != oe_long)\n return -1;\n",[ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- emit(Fd, " }\n");
- {unsigned,{short,_}} ->
- emit(Fd, " {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " unsigned long oe_ulong;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_ulong(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_ulong)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ushort:ei_decode_ulong", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_rec->_u.~s = (unsigned short) oe_ulong;\n\n",[ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- emit(Fd, " if (oe_rec->_u.~s != oe_ulong)\n return -1;\n",[ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- emit(Fd, " }\n");
- {long, _} ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_long(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "long:ei_decode_long", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {unsigned,{long,_}} ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_ulong(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ulong:ei_decode_ulong", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {float,_} ->
- emit(Fd, " {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " double oe_double;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_double(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_double)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "float:ei_decode_double", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_rec->_u.~s = (float) oe_double;\n",[ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- emit(Fd, " }\n");
- {double,_} ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_double(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "dobule:ei_decode_double", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {boolean,_} ->
- emit(Fd, " {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " char oe_bool[25];\n\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_atom(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, oe_bool)) < 0) {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "boolean:ei_decode_atom", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if (strcmp(oe_bool, \"false\") == 0) {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_rec->_u.~s = 0;\n",[ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- emit(Fd, " } else if (strcmp(oe_bool, \"true\") == 0) {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_rec->_u.~s = 1;\n",[ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- emit(Fd, " } else {\n"),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "boolean failure", []),
- emit(Fd, " return -1;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " }\n");
- {char,_} ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_char(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "char:ei_decode_char", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {octet,_} ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_char(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {string,_} ->
- emit(Fd, " {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " int oe_type = 0;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " int oe_string_ctr = 0;\n\n"),
- emit(Fd, " (int) ei_get_type(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_type, &oe_string_ctr);\n\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_rec->_u.~s = (void *) (oe_first + *oe_index);\n\n",[ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_string(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_string", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " *oe_index = ~s;\n",[ic_util:mk_align("*oe_index+oe_string_ctr+1")]),
- emit(Fd, " }\n");
- {sequence,_,_} ->
- SeqName = ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(I), ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N]),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_decode_~s(oe_env, oe_first, oe_index, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [SeqName,ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "sequence:oe_decode_~s", [SeqName]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {struct,SID,_,_} ->
- StructName = ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(SID), ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N]),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_decode_~s(oe_env, oe_first, oe_index, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [StructName,ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "struct:oe_decode_~s", [StructName]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
- {union,UID,_,_,_} ->
- UnionName = ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(UID), ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N]),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_decode_~s(oe_env, oe_first, oe_index, &oe_rec->_u.~s)) < 0) {\n",
- [UnionName,ic_forms:get_id2(I)]),
- ?emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "union:oe_decode_~s", [UnionName]),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }");
- _ ->
- ic_error:fatal_error(G, {illegal_typecode_for_c, T, N})
- end
- end.
-mvDefaultToTail(CDclL) ->
- mvDefaultToTail(CDclL,[],[]).
-mvDefaultToTail([], F, FD) ->
- lists:reverse(F) ++ FD;
-mvDefaultToTail([{case_dcl,CaseList,I,T}|Rest], Found, FoundDefault) ->
- case lists:keysearch(default, 1, CaseList) of
- {value,Default} ->
- NewCaseList = lists:delete(Default, CaseList) ++ [Default],
- mvDefaultToTail(Rest, Found, [{case_dcl,NewCaseList,I,T}|FoundDefault]);
- false ->
- mvDefaultToTail(Rest, [{case_dcl,CaseList,I,T}|Found], FoundDefault)
- end.