path: root/lib/inets/src/tftp/tftp_lib.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/inets/src/tftp/tftp_lib.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 474 deletions
diff --git a/lib/inets/src/tftp/tftp_lib.erl b/lib/inets/src/tftp/tftp_lib.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 454754f0a3..0000000000
--- a/lib/inets/src/tftp/tftp_lib.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,474 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%%% File : tftp_lib.erl
-%%% Author : Hakan Mattsson <[email protected]>
-%%% Description : Option parsing, decode, encode etc.
-%%% Created : 18 May 2004 by Hakan Mattsson <[email protected]>
-%% Interface
-%% application internal functions
- parse_config/1,
- parse_config/2,
- decode_msg/1,
- encode_msg/1,
- replace_val/3,
- to_lower/1,
- host_to_string/1,
- add_default_callbacks/1
- ]).
-%% Defines
- if
- Char >= $A, Char =< $Z ->
- Char - ($A - $a);
- true ->
- Char
- end).
-%% Config
-parse_config(Options) ->
- parse_config(Options, #config{}).
-parse_config(Options, Config) ->
- do_parse_config(Options, Config).
-do_parse_config([{Key, Val} | Tail], Config) when is_record(Config, config) ->
- case Key of
- debug ->
- if
- Val =:= 0; Val =:= none ->
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{debug_level = none});
- Val =:= 1; Val =:= error ->
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{debug_level = error});
- Val =:= 2; Val =:= warning ->
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{debug_level = warning});
- Val =:= 3; Val =:= brief ->
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{debug_level = brief});
- Val =:= 4; Val =:= normal ->
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{debug_level = normal});
- Val =:= 5; Val =:= verbose ->
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{debug_level = verbose});
- Val =:= 6; Val =:= all ->
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{debug_level = all});
- true ->
- exit({badarg, {Key, Val}})
- end;
- host ->
- if
- is_list(Val) ->
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{udp_host = Val});
- is_tuple(Val), size(Val) =:= 4 ->
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{udp_host = Val});
- is_tuple(Val), size(Val) =:= 8 ->
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{udp_host = Val});
- true ->
- exit({badarg, {Key, Val}})
- end;
- port ->
- if
- is_integer(Val), Val >= 0 ->
- Config2 = Config#config{udp_port = Val, udp_options = Config#config.udp_options},
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config2);
- true ->
- exit({badarg, {Key, Val}})
- end;
- port_policy ->
- case Val of
- random ->
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{port_policy = Val});
- 0 ->
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{port_policy = random});
- MinMax when is_integer(MinMax), MinMax > 0 ->
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{port_policy = {range, MinMax, MinMax}});
- {range, Min, Max} when Max >= Min,
- is_integer(Min), Min > 0,
- is_integer(Max), Max > 0 ->
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{port_policy = Val});
- true ->
- exit({badarg, {Key, Val}})
- end;
- udp when is_list(Val) ->
- Fun =
- fun({K, V}, List) when K /= active ->
- replace_val(K, V, List);
- (V, List) when V /= list, V /= binary ->
- List ++ [V];
- (V, _List) ->
- exit({badarg, {udp, [V]}})
- end,
- UdpOptions = lists:foldl(Fun, Config#config.udp_options, Val),
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{udp_options = UdpOptions});
- use_tsize ->
- case Val of
- true ->
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{use_tsize = Val});
- false ->
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{use_tsize = Val});
- _ ->
- exit({badarg, {Key, Val}})
- end;
- max_tsize ->
- if
- Val =:= infinity ->
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{max_tsize = Val});
- is_integer(Val), Val >= 0 ->
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{max_tsize = Val});
- true ->
- exit({badarg, {Key, Val}})
- end;
- max_conn ->
- if
- Val =:= infinity ->
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{max_conn = Val});
- is_integer(Val), Val > 0 ->
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{max_conn = Val});
- true ->
- exit({badarg, {Key, Val}})
- end;
- _ when is_list(Key), is_list(Val) ->
- Key2 = to_lower(Key),
- Val2 = to_lower(Val),
- TftpOptions = replace_val(Key2, Val2, Config#config.user_options),
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{user_options = TftpOptions});
- reject ->
- case Val of
- read ->
- Rejected = [Val | Config#config.rejected],
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{rejected = Rejected});
- write ->
- Rejected = [Val | Config#config.rejected],
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{rejected = Rejected});
- _ when is_list(Val) ->
- Rejected = [Val | Config#config.rejected],
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{rejected = Rejected});
- _ ->
- exit({badarg, {Key, Val}})
- end;
- callback ->
- case Val of
- {RegExp, Mod, State} when is_list(RegExp), is_atom(Mod) ->
- case re:compile(RegExp) of
- {ok, Internal} ->
- Callback = #callback{regexp = RegExp,
- internal = Internal,
- module = Mod,
- state = State},
- Callbacks = Config#config.callbacks ++ [Callback],
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{callbacks = Callbacks});
- {error, Reason} ->
- exit({badarg, {Key, Val}, Reason})
- end;
- _ ->
- exit({badarg, {Key, Val}})
- end;
- logger ->
- if
- is_atom(Val) ->
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{logger = Val});
- true ->
- exit({badarg, {Key, Val}})
- end;
- max_retries ->
- if
- is_integer(Val), Val > 0 ->
- do_parse_config(Tail, Config#config{max_retries = Val});
- true ->
- exit({badarg, {Key, Val}})
- end;
- _ ->
- exit({badarg, {Key, Val}})
- end;
-do_parse_config([], #config{udp_host = Host,
- udp_options = UdpOptions,
- user_options = UserOptions,
- callbacks = Callbacks} = Config) ->
- IsInet6 = lists:member(inet6, UdpOptions),
- IsInet = lists:member(inet, UdpOptions),
- Host2 =
- if
- (IsInet and not IsInet6); (not IsInet and not IsInet6) ->
- case inet:getaddr(Host, inet) of
- {ok, Addr} ->
- Addr;
- {error, Reason} ->
- exit({badarg, {host, Reason}})
- end;
- (IsInet6 and not IsInet) ->
- case inet:getaddr(Host, inet6) of
- {ok, Addr} ->
- Addr;
- {error, Reason} ->
- exit({badarg, {host, Reason}})
- end;
- true ->
- %% Conflicting options
- exit({badarg, {udp, [inet]}})
- end,
- UdpOptions2 = lists:reverse(UdpOptions),
- TftpOptions = lists:reverse(UserOptions),
- Callbacks2 = add_default_callbacks(Callbacks),
- Config#config{udp_host = Host2,
- udp_options = UdpOptions2,
- user_options = TftpOptions,
- callbacks = Callbacks2};
-do_parse_config(Options, Config) when is_record(Config, config) ->
- exit({badarg, Options}).
-add_default_callbacks(Callbacks) ->
- RegExp = "",
- {ok, Internal} = re:compile(RegExp),
- File = #callback{regexp = RegExp,
- internal = Internal,
- module = tftp_file,
- state = []},
- Bin = #callback{regexp = RegExp,
- internal = Internal,
- module = tftp_binary,
- state = []},
- Callbacks ++ [File, Bin].
-host_to_string(Host) ->
- case Host of
- String when is_list(String) ->
- String;
- {A1, A2, A3, A4} -> % inet
- lists:concat([A1, ".", A2, ".", A3, ".",A4]);
- {A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8} -> % inet6
- lists:concat([
- int16_to_hex(A1), "::",
- int16_to_hex(A2), "::",
- int16_to_hex(A3), "::",
- int16_to_hex(A4), "::",
- int16_to_hex(A5), "::",
- int16_to_hex(A6), "::",
- int16_to_hex(A7), "::",
- int16_to_hex(A8)
- ])
- end.
-int16_to_hex(0) ->
- [$0];
-int16_to_hex(I) ->
- N1 = ((I bsr 8) band 16#ff),
- N2 = (I band 16#ff),
- [code_character(N1 div 16), code_character(N1 rem 16),
- code_character(N2 div 16), code_character(N2 rem 16)].
-code_character(N) when N < 10 ->
- $0 + N;
-code_character(N) ->
- $A + (N - 10).
-%% Decode
-decode_msg(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
- case Bin of
- <<?TFTP_OPCODE_RRQ:16/integer, Tail/binary>> ->
- case decode_strings(Tail, [keep_case, lower_case]) of
- [Filename, Mode | Strings] ->
- Options = decode_options(Strings),
- #tftp_msg_req{access = read,
- filename = Filename,
- mode = to_lower(Mode),
- options = Options};
- [_Filename | _Strings] ->
- exit(#tftp_msg_error{code = undef,
- text = "Missing mode"});
- _ ->
- exit(#tftp_msg_error{code = undef,
- text = "Missing filename"})
- end;
- <<?TFTP_OPCODE_WRQ:16/integer, Tail/binary>> ->
- case decode_strings(Tail, [keep_case, lower_case]) of
- [Filename, Mode | Strings] ->
- Options = decode_options(Strings),
- #tftp_msg_req{access = write,
- filename = Filename,
- mode = to_lower(Mode),
- options = Options};
- [_Filename | _Strings] ->
- exit(#tftp_msg_error{code = undef,
- text = "Missing mode"});
- _ ->
- exit(#tftp_msg_error{code = undef,
- text = "Missing filename"})
- end;
- <<?TFTP_OPCODE_DATA:16/integer, SeqNo:16/integer, Data/binary>> ->
- #tftp_msg_data{block_no = SeqNo, data = Data};
- <<?TFTP_OPCODE_ACK:16/integer, SeqNo:16/integer>> ->
- #tftp_msg_ack{block_no = SeqNo};
- <<?TFTP_OPCODE_ERROR:16/integer, ErrorCode:16/integer, Tail/binary>> ->
- case decode_strings(Tail, [keep_case]) of
- [ErrorText] ->
- ErrorCode2 = decode_error_code(ErrorCode),
- #tftp_msg_error{code = ErrorCode2,
- text = ErrorText};
- _ ->
- exit(#tftp_msg_error{code = undef,
- text = "Trailing garbage"})
- end;
- <<?TFTP_OPCODE_OACK:16/integer, Tail/binary>> ->
- Strings = decode_strings(Tail, [lower_case]),
- Options = decode_options(Strings),
- #tftp_msg_oack{options = Options};
- _ ->
- exit(#tftp_msg_error{code = undef,
- text = "Invalid syntax"})
- end.
-decode_strings(Bin, Cases) when is_binary(Bin), is_list(Cases) ->
- do_decode_strings(Bin, Cases, []).
-do_decode_strings(<<>>, _Cases, Strings) ->
- lists:reverse(Strings);
-do_decode_strings(Bin, [Case | Cases], Strings) ->
- {String, Tail} = decode_string(Bin, Case, []),
- if
- Cases =:= [] ->
- do_decode_strings(Tail, [Case], [String | Strings]);
- true ->
- do_decode_strings(Tail, Cases, [String | Strings])
- end.
-decode_string(<<Char:8/integer, Tail/binary>>, Case, String) ->
- if
- Char =:= 0 ->
- {lists:reverse(String), Tail};
- Case =:= keep_case ->
- decode_string(Tail, Case, [Char | String]);
- Case =:= lower_case ->
- Char2 = ?LOWER(Char),
- decode_string(Tail, Case, [Char2 | String])
- end;
-decode_string(<<>>, _Case, _String) ->
- exit(#tftp_msg_error{code = undef, text = "Trailing null missing"}).
-decode_options([Key, Value | Strings]) ->
- [{to_lower(Key), Value} | decode_options(Strings)];
-decode_options([]) ->
- [].
-decode_error_code(Int) ->
- case Int of
- ?TFTP_ERROR_UNDEF -> undef;
- ?TFTP_ERROR_ENOENT -> enoent;
- ?TFTP_ERROR_EACCES -> eacces;
- ?TFTP_ERROR_ENOSPC -> enospc;
- ?TFTP_ERROR_BADOP -> badop;
- ?TFTP_ERROR_BADBLK -> badblk;
- ?TFTP_ERROR_EEXIST -> eexist;
- ?TFTP_ERROR_BADUSER -> baduser;
- ?TFTP_ERROR_BADOPT -> badopt;
- Int when is_integer(Int), Int >= 0, Int =< 65535 -> Int;
- _ -> exit(#tftp_msg_error{code = undef, text = "Error code outside range."})
- end.
-%% Encode
-encode_msg(#tftp_msg_req{access = Access,
- filename = Filename,
- mode = Mode,
- options = Options}) ->
- OpCode = case Access of
- read -> ?TFTP_OPCODE_RRQ;
- write -> ?TFTP_OPCODE_WRQ
- end,
- [
- <<OpCode:16/integer>>,
- Filename,
- 0,
- Mode,
- 0,
- [[Key, 0, Val, 0] || {Key, Val} <- Options]
- ];
-encode_msg(#tftp_msg_data{block_no = BlockNo, data = Data}) when BlockNo =< 65535 ->
- [
- <<?TFTP_OPCODE_DATA:16/integer, BlockNo:16/integer>>,
- Data
- ];
-encode_msg(#tftp_msg_ack{block_no = BlockNo}) when BlockNo =< 65535 ->
- <<?TFTP_OPCODE_ACK:16/integer, BlockNo:16/integer>>;
-encode_msg(#tftp_msg_error{code = Code, text = Text}) ->
- IntCode = encode_error_code(Code),
- [
- <<?TFTP_OPCODE_ERROR:16/integer, IntCode:16/integer>>,
- Text,
- 0
- ];
-encode_msg(#tftp_msg_oack{options = Options}) ->
- [
- <<?TFTP_OPCODE_OACK:16/integer>>,
- [[Key, 0, Val, 0] || {Key, Val} <- Options]
- ].
-encode_error_code(Code) ->
- case Code of
- undef -> ?TFTP_ERROR_UNDEF;
- enoent -> ?TFTP_ERROR_ENOENT;
- eacces -> ?TFTP_ERROR_EACCES;
- enospc -> ?TFTP_ERROR_ENOSPC;
- badop -> ?TFTP_ERROR_BADOP;
- badblk -> ?TFTP_ERROR_BADBLK;
- eexist -> ?TFTP_ERROR_EEXIST;
- baduser -> ?TFTP_ERROR_BADUSER;
- badopt -> ?TFTP_ERROR_BADOPT;
- Int when is_integer(Int), Int >= 0, Int =< 65535 -> Int
- end.
-%% Miscellaneous
-replace_val(Key, Val, List) ->
- case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, List) of
- false ->
- List ++ [{Key, Val}];
- {value, {_, OldVal}} when OldVal =:= Val ->
- List;
- {value, {_, _}} ->
- lists:keyreplace(Key, 1, List, {Key, Val})
- end.
-to_lower(Chars) ->
- [?LOWER(Char) || Char <- Chars].