path: root/lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 281 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl b/lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl
index 75b50f3420..1116fdb1b6 100644
--- a/lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl
@@ -37,6 +37,10 @@
-define(TLS_URL_START, "https://").
-define(NOT_IN_USE_PORT, 8997).
+%% Using hardcoded file path to keep it below 107 charaters
+%% (maximum length supported by erlang)
+-define(UNIX_SOCKET, "/tmp/inets_httpc_SUITE.sock").
-record(sslsocket, {fd = nil, pid = nil}).
%% Common Test interface functions -----------------------------------
@@ -50,6 +54,8 @@ all() ->
{group, http},
{group, sim_http},
+ {group, http_internal},
+ {group, http_unix_socket},
{group, https},
{group, sim_https},
{group, misc}
@@ -58,7 +64,12 @@ all() ->
groups() ->
{http, [], real_requests()},
- {sim_http, [], only_simulated() ++ [process_leak_on_keepalive]},
+ %% process_leak_on_keepalive is depending on stream_fun_server_close
+ %% and it shall be the last test case in the suite otherwise cookie
+ %% will fail.
+ {sim_http, [], only_simulated() ++ server_closing_connection() ++ [process_leak_on_keepalive]},
+ {http_internal, [], real_requests_esi()},
+ {http_unix_socket, [], simulated_unix_socket()},
{https, [], real_requests()},
{sim_https, [], only_simulated()},
{misc, [], misc()}
@@ -68,6 +79,7 @@ real_requests()->
+ get_query_string,
@@ -93,6 +105,12 @@ real_requests()->
+real_requests_esi() ->
+ [slow_connection].
+simulated_unix_socket() ->
+ [unix_domain_socket].
only_simulated() ->
@@ -127,13 +145,21 @@ only_simulated() ->
+ redirect_relative_uri,
+ get_space,
+server_closing_connection() ->
+ [
+ server_closing_connection_on_first_response,
+ server_closing_connection_on_second_response
+ ].
misc() ->
@@ -176,15 +202,29 @@ init_per_group(Group, Config0) when Group =:= sim_https; Group =:= https->
_:_ ->
{skip, "Crypto did not start"}
+init_per_group(http_unix_socket = Group, Config0) ->
+ case os:type() of
+ {win32,_} ->
+ {skip, "Unix Domain Sockets are not supported on Windows"};
+ _ ->
+ file:delete(?UNIX_SOCKET),
+ start_apps(Group),
+ Config = proplists:delete(port, Config0),
+ Port = server_start(Group, server_config(Group, Config)),
+ [{port, Port} | Config]
+ end;
init_per_group(Group, Config0) ->
Config = proplists:delete(port, Config0),
Port = server_start(Group, server_config(Group, Config)),
[{port, Port} | Config].
+end_per_group(http_unix_socket,_Config) ->
+ file:delete(?UNIX_SOCKET),
+ ok;
end_per_group(_, _Config) ->
do_init_per_group(Group, Config0) ->
Config = proplists:delete(port, Config0),
Port = server_start(Group, server_config(Group, Config)),
@@ -199,7 +239,7 @@ init_per_testcase(pipeline, Config) ->
init_per_testcase(persistent_connection, Config) ->
inets:start(httpc, [{profile, persistent}]),
httpc:set_options([{keep_alive_timeout, 50000},
- {max_keep_alive_length, 3}], persistent_connection),
+ {max_keep_alive_length, 3}], persistent),
init_per_testcase(wait_for_whole_response, Config) ->
@@ -218,6 +258,24 @@ end_per_testcase(pipeline, _Config) ->
inets:stop(httpc, pipeline);
end_per_testcase(persistent_connection, _Config) ->
inets:stop(httpc, persistent);
+end_per_testcase(Case, Config)
+ when Case == server_closing_connection_on_first_response;
+ Case == server_closing_connection_on_second_response ->
+ %% Test case uses at most one session. Ensure no leftover
+ %% sessions left behind.
+ {_, Status} = proplists:lookup(tc_status, Config),
+ ShallCleanup = case Status of
+ ok -> true;
+ {failed, _} -> true;
+ {skipped, _} -> false
+ end,
+ if ShallCleanup =:= true ->
+ httpc:request(url(group_name(Config), "/just_close.html", Config)),
+ ok;
+ true ->
+ ct:pal("Not cleaning up because test case status was ~p", [Status]),
+ ok
+ end;
end_per_testcase(_Case, _Config) ->
@@ -243,6 +301,25 @@ get(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ok, {{_,200,_}, [_ | _], BinBody}} = httpc:request(get, Request, [], [{body_format, binary}]),
true = is_binary(BinBody).
+get_query_string() ->
+ [{doc, "Test http get request with query string against local server"}].
+get_query_string(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Request = {url(group_name(Config), "/dummy.html?foo=bar", Config), []},
+ {ok, {{_,200,_}, [_ | _], Body = [_ | _]}} = httpc:request(get, Request, [], []),
+ inets_test_lib:check_body(Body).
+get_space() ->
+ [{"Test http get request with '%20' in the path of the URL."}].
+get_space(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Request = {url(group_name(Config), "/space%20.html", Config), []},
+ {ok, {{_,200,_}, [_ | _], Body = [_ | _]}} = httpc:request(get, Request, [], []),
+ inets_test_lib:check_body(Body).
post() ->
[{"Test http post request against local server. We do in this case "
@@ -576,7 +653,26 @@ redirect_temporary_redirect(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ok, {{_,200,_}, [_ | _], [_|_]}}
= httpc:request(post, {URL307, [],"text/plain", "foobar"},
[], []).
+redirect_relative_uri() ->
+ [{doc, "The server SHOULD generate a Location header field in the response "
+ "containing a preferred URI reference for the new permanent URI. The user "
+ "agent MAY use the Location field value for automatic redirection. The server's "
+ "response payload usually contains a short hypertext note with a "
+ "hyperlink to the new URI(s)."}].
+redirect_relative_uri(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ URL301 = url(group_name(Config), "/301_rel_uri.html", Config),
+ {ok, {{_,200,_}, [_ | _], [_|_]}}
+ = httpc:request(get, {URL301, []}, [], []),
+ {ok, {{_,200,_}, [_ | _], []}}
+ = httpc:request(head, {URL301, []}, [], []),
+ {ok, {{_,200,_}, [_ | _], [_|_]}}
+ = httpc:request(post, {URL301, [],"text/plain", "foobar"},
+ [], []).
redirect_loop() ->
[{"doc, Test redirect loop detection"}].
@@ -1054,8 +1150,6 @@ remote_socket_close_async(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
process_leak_on_keepalive(Config) ->
- {ok, ClosedSocket} = gen_tcp:listen(6666, [{active, false}]),
- ok = gen_tcp:close(ClosedSocket),
Request = {url(group_name(Config), "/dummy.html", Config), []},
HttpcHandlers0 = supervisor:which_children(httpc_handler_sup),
{ok, {{_, 200, _}, _, Body}} = httpc:request(get, Request, [], []),
@@ -1067,11 +1161,10 @@ process_leak_on_keepalive(Config) ->
- sys:replace_state(
- Pid, fun (State) ->
- Session = element(3, State),
- setelement(3, State, Session#session{socket=ClosedSocket})
- end),
+ State = sys:get_state(Pid),
+ #session{socket=Socket} = element(3, State),
+ gen_tcp:close(Socket),
{ok, {{_, 200, _}, _, Body}} = httpc:request(get, Request, [], []),
%% bad handler with the closed socket should get replaced by
%% the new one, so children count should stay the same
@@ -1204,7 +1297,87 @@ stream_fun_server_close(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
after 13000 ->
+server_closing_connection_on_first_response() ->
+ [{doc, "Client receives \"Connection: close\" on first response."
+ "A client that receives a \"close\" connection option MUST cease sending"
+ "requests on that connection and close the connection after reading"
+ "the response message containing the \"close\""}].
+server_closing_connection_on_first_response(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ReqSrvSendOctFun =
+ fun(V, U, S) ->
+ {ok, {{V, S, _}, Headers0, []}} =
+ httpc:request(get, {U, []}, [{version, V}], []),
+ {_, SendOctStr} =
+ proplists:lookup("x-socket-stat-send-oct", Headers0),
+ list_to_integer(SendOctStr)
+ end,
+ V = "HTTP/1.1",
+ Url0 = url(group_name(Config), "/http_1_1_send_oct.html", Config),
+ Url1 = url(group_name(Config), "/http_1_1_send_oct_and_connection_close.html", Config),
+ %% Test case assumes at most one reusable past session.
+ _ = ReqSrvSendOctFun(V, Url1, 204),
+ 0 = ReqSrvSendOctFun(V, Url0, 204),
+ ok.
+server_closing_connection_on_second_response() ->
+ [{doc, "Client receives \"Connection: close\" on second response."
+ "A client that receives a \"close\" connection option MUST cease sending"
+ "requests on that connection and close the connection after reading"
+ "the response message containing the \"close\""}].
+server_closing_connection_on_second_response(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ReqSrvSendOctFun =
+ fun(V, U, S) ->
+ {ok, {{V, S, _}, Headers0, []}} =
+ httpc:request(get, {U, []}, [{version, V}], []),
+ {_, SendOctStr} =
+ proplists:lookup("x-socket-stat-send-oct", Headers0),
+ list_to_integer(SendOctStr)
+ end,
+ V = "HTTP/1.1",
+ Url0 = url(group_name(Config), "/http_1_1_send_oct.html", Config),
+ Url1 = url(group_name(Config), "/http_1_1_send_oct_and_connection_close.html", Config),
+ %% Test case assumes no reusable past sessions.
+ SendOct0 = 0 = ReqSrvSendOctFun(V, Url0, 204),
+ case ReqSrvSendOctFun(V, Url1, 204) of SendOct1 when SendOct1 > SendOct0 -> ok end,
+ 0 = ReqSrvSendOctFun(V, Url0, 204),
+ ok.
+slow_connection() ->
+ [{doc, "Test that a request on a slow keep-alive connection won't crash the httpc_manager"}].
+slow_connection(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ BodyFun = fun(0) -> eof;
+ (LenLeft) -> timer:sleep(1000),
+ {ok, lists:duplicate(10, "1"), LenLeft - 10}
+ end,
+ Request = {url(group_name(Config), "/httpc_SUITE:esi_post", Config),
+ [{"content-length", "100"}],
+ "text/plain",
+ {BodyFun, 100}},
+ {ok, _} = httpc:request(post, Request, [], []),
+ %% Second request causes a crash if gen_server timeout is not set to infinity
+ %% in httpc_handler.
+ {ok, _} = httpc:request(post, Request, [], []).
+unix_domain_socket() ->
+ [{"doc, Test HTTP requests over unix domain sockets"}].
+unix_domain_socket(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ URL = "http:///v1/kv/foo",
+ {ok,[{unix_socket,?UNIX_SOCKET}]} =
+ httpc:get_options([unix_socket]),
+ {ok, {{_,200,_}, [_ | _], _}}
+ = httpc:request(put, {URL, [], [], ""}, [], []),
+ {ok, {{_,200,_}, [_ | _], _}}
+ = httpc:request(get, {URL, []}, [], []).
%% Internal Functions ------------------------------------------------
@@ -1298,6 +1471,8 @@ url(https, End, Config) ->
?TLS_URL_START ++ Host ++ ":" ++ integer_to_list(Port) ++ End;
url(sim_http, End, Config) ->
url(http, End, Config);
+url(http_internal, End, Config) ->
+ url(http, End, Config);
url(sim_https, End, Config) ->
url(https, End, Config).
url(http, UserInfo, End, Config) ->
@@ -1317,19 +1492,28 @@ group_name(Config) ->
server_start(sim_http, _) ->
Inet = inet_version(),
- ok = httpc:set_options([{ipfamily, Inet}]),
- {_Pid, Port} = dummy_server(Inet),
+ ok = httpc:set_options([{ipfamily, Inet},{unix_socket, undefined}]),
+ {_Pid, Port} = http_test_lib:dummy_server(ip_comm, Inet, [{content_cb, ?MODULE}]),
server_start(sim_https, SslConfig) ->
Inet = inet_version(),
- ok = httpc:set_options([{ipfamily, Inet}]),
- {_Pid, Port} = dummy_server(ssl, Inet, SslConfig),
+ ok = httpc:set_options([{ipfamily, Inet},{unix_socket, undefined}]),
+ {_Pid, Port} = http_test_lib:dummy_server(ssl, Inet, [{ssl, SslConfig}, {content_cb, ?MODULE}]),
+ Port;
+server_start(http_unix_socket, Config) ->
+ Inet = local,
+ Socket = proplists:get_value(unix_socket, Config),
+ ok = httpc:set_options([{ipfamily, Inet},{unix_socket, Socket}]),
+ {_Pid, Port} = http_test_lib:dummy_server(unix_socket, Inet, [{content_cb, ?MODULE},
+ {unix_socket, Socket}]),
server_start(_, HttpdConfig) ->
{ok, Pid} = inets:start(httpd, HttpdConfig),
Serv = inets:services_info(),
+ ok = httpc:set_options([{ipfamily, inet_version()},{unix_socket, undefined}]),
{value, {_, _, Info}} = lists:keysearch(Pid, 2, Serv),
proplists:get_value(port, Info).
@@ -1344,14 +1528,31 @@ server_config(http, Config) ->
{mime_type, "text/plain"},
{script_alias, {"/cgi-bin/", filename:join(ServerRoot, "cgi-bin") ++ "/"}}
+server_config(http_internal, Config) ->
+ ServerRoot = proplists:get_value(server_root, Config),
+ [{port, 0},
+ {server_name,"httpc_test"},
+ {server_root, ServerRoot},
+ {document_root, proplists:get_value(doc_root, Config)},
+ {bind_address, any},
+ {ipfamily, inet_version()},
+ {mime_type, "text/plain"},
+ {erl_script_alias, {"", [httpc_SUITE]}}
+ ];
server_config(https, Config) ->
[{socket_type, {essl, ssl_config(Config)}} | server_config(http, Config)];
server_config(sim_https, Config) ->
+server_config(http_unix_socket, _Config) ->
+ Socket = ?UNIX_SOCKET,
+ [{unix_socket, Socket}];
server_config(_, _) ->
+esi_post(Sid, _Env, _Input) ->
+ mod_esi:deliver(Sid, ["OK"]).
start_apps(https) ->
inets_test_lib:start_apps([crypto, public_key, ssl]);
start_apps(sim_https) ->
@@ -1428,13 +1629,7 @@ receive_replys([ID|IDs]) ->
ct:pal({recived_canceld_id, Other})
-%% Perform a synchronous stop
-dummy_server_stop(Pid) ->
- Pid ! {stop, self()},
- receive
- {stopped, Pid} ->
- ok
- end.
inet_version() ->
inet. %% Just run inet for now
@@ -1562,7 +1757,7 @@ dummy_request_handler_loop({Module, Function, Args}, SockType, Socket) ->
handle_request(Module, Function, Args, Socket) ->
case Module:Function(Args) of
{ok, Result} ->
- case handle_http_msg(Result, Socket) of
+ case handle_http_msg(Result, Socket, []) of
stop ->
<<>> ->
@@ -1587,8 +1782,7 @@ handle_request(Module, Function, Args, Socket) ->
-handle_http_msg({Method, RelUri, _, {_, Headers}, Body}, Socket) ->
+handle_http_msg({Method, RelUri, _, {_, Headers}, Body}, Socket, _) ->
ct:print("Request: ~p ~p", [Method, RelUri]),
NextRequest =
@@ -1712,6 +1906,15 @@ content_length(["content-length:" ++ Value | _]) ->
content_length([_Head | Tail]) ->
+handle_uri("GET","/dummy.html?foo=bar",_,_,_,_) ->
+ "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\nTEST";
+handle_uri("GET","/space%20.html",_,_,_,_) ->
+ Body = "<HTML><BODY>foobar</BODY></HTML>",
+ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" ++
+ "Content-Length:" ++ integer_to_list(length(Body)) ++ "\r\n\r\n" ++
+ Body;
handle_uri(_,"/just_close.html",_,_,_,_) ->
handle_uri(_,"/no_content.html",_,_,_,_) ->
@@ -1777,6 +1980,23 @@ handle_uri(_,"/301.html",Port,_,Socket,_) ->
"Content-Length:" ++ integer_to_list(length(Body))
++ "\r\n\r\n" ++ Body;
+handle_uri("HEAD","/301_rel_uri.html",_,_,_,_) ->
+ NewUri = "/dummy.html",
+ "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently\r\n" ++
+ "Location:" ++ NewUri ++ "\r\n" ++
+ "Content-Length:0\r\n\r\n";
+handle_uri(_,"/301_rel_uri.html",_,_,_,_) ->
+ NewUri = "/dummy.html",
+ Body = "<HTML><BODY><a href=" ++ NewUri ++
+ ">New place</a></BODY></HTML>",
+ "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently\r\n" ++
+ "Location:" ++ NewUri ++ "\r\n" ++
+ "Content-Length:" ++ integer_to_list(length(Body))
+ ++ "\r\n\r\n" ++ Body;
handle_uri("HEAD","/302.html",Port,_,Socket,_) ->
NewUri = url_start(Socket) ++
integer_to_list(Port) ++ "/dummy.html",
@@ -2071,9 +2291,44 @@ handle_uri(_,"/delay_close.html",_,_,Socket,_) ->
handle_uri("HEAD",_,_,_,_,_) ->
"HTTP/1.1 200 ok\r\n" ++
+handle_uri("PUT","/v1/kv/foo",_,_,_,_) ->
+ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" ++
+ "Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2018 14:39:08 GMT\r\n" ++
+ "Content-Length: 5\r\n\r\n" ++
+ "Content-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n" ++
+ "true\n";
+handle_uri("GET","/v1/kv/foo",_,_,_,_) ->
+ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" ++
+ "Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2018 14:39:08 GMT\r\n" ++
+ "Content-Length: 24\r\n" ++
+ "Content-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n" ++
+ "[{\"Value\": \"aGVsbG8=\"}]\n";
+handle_uri(_,"/http_1_1_send_oct.html",_,_,Socket,_) ->
+ "HTTP/1.1 204 No Content\r\n" ++
+ "X-Socket-Stat-Send-Oct: " ++ integer_to_list(get_stat(Socket, send_oct)) ++ "\r\n" ++
+ "\r\n";
+handle_uri(_,"/http_1_1_send_oct_and_connection_close.html",_,_,Socket,_) ->
+ "HTTP/1.1 204 No Content\r\n" ++
+ "X-Socket-Stat-Send-Oct: " ++ integer_to_list(get_stat(Socket, send_oct)) ++ "\r\n" ++
+ "Connection: close\r\n" ++
+ "\r\n";
handle_uri(_,_,_,_,_,DefaultResponse) ->
+get_stat(S, Opt) ->
+ case getstat(S, [Opt]) of
+ {ok, [{Opt, V}]} when is_integer(V) ->
+ V;
+ {error, _} = E ->
+ E
+ end.
+getstat(#sslsocket{} = S, Opts) ->
+ ssl:getstat(S, Opts);
+getstat(S, Opts) ->
+ inet:getstat(S, Opts).
url_start(#sslsocket{}) ->
{ok,Host} = inet:gethostname(),
?TLS_URL_START ++ Host ++ ":";