path: root/lib/inets/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/inets/test')
4 files changed, 339 insertions, 185 deletions
diff --git a/lib/inets/test/Makefile b/lib/inets/test/Makefile
index 87ca60e4b3..0fc98eff6f 100644
--- a/lib/inets/test/Makefile
+++ b/lib/inets/test/Makefile
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# %CopyrightBegin%
-# Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2011. All Rights Reserved.
+# Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2012. All Rights Reserved.
# The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
# Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ endif
# Release directory specification
# ----------------------------------------------------
@@ -284,9 +284,9 @@ docs:
include $(ERL_TOP)/make/otp_release_targets.mk
release_spec: opt
@for d in $(DATADIRS); do \
echo "installing data dir $$d"; \
if test -f $$d/TAR.exclude; then \
@@ -299,9 +299,9 @@ release_spec: opt
find $$d -name 'erl_crash.dump' >> $$d/TAR.exclude2; \
find $$d -name 'core' >> $$d/TAR.exclude2; \
find $$d -name '.cmake.state' >> $$d/TAR.exclude2; \
- tar cfX - $$d/TAR.exclude2 $$d | (cd $(RELSYSDIR)/test; tar xf -); \
+ tar cfX - $$d/TAR.exclude2 $$d | (cd "$(RELSYSDIR)/test"; tar xf -); \
else \
- tar cf - $$d | (cd $(RELSYSDIR)/test; tar xf -); \
+ tar cf - $$d | (cd "$(RELSYSDIR)/test"; tar xf -); \
fi; \
@@ -330,8 +330,8 @@ info:
@echo ""
+ @echo "RELSYSDIR = "$(RELSYSDIR)""
diff --git a/lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl b/lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl
index a116edef77..1cdd96f0b0 100644
--- a/lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl
@@ -761,116 +761,158 @@ http_inets_pipe(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
test_pipeline(URL) ->
- p("test_pipeline -> entry with"
- "~n URL: ~p", [URL]),
- httpc:set_options([{pipeline_timeout, 50000}]),
- p("test_pipeline -> issue (async) request 1"),
- {ok, RequestId1} =
+ p("test_pipeline -> entry with"
+ "~n URL: ~p", [URL]),
+ httpc:set_options([{pipeline_timeout, 50000}]),
+ p("test_pipeline -> issue (async) request 1"
+ "~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
+ {ok, RequestIdA1} =
httpc:request(get, {URL, []}, [], [{sync, false}]),
- test_server:format("RequestId1: ~p~n", [RequestId1]),
- p("test_pipeline -> RequestId1: ~p", [RequestId1]),
- %% Make sure pipeline is initiated
- p("test_pipeline -> sleep some", []),
- test_server:sleep(4000),
- p("test_pipeline -> issue (async) request 2"),
- {ok, RequestId2} =
+ tsp("RequestIdA1: ~p", [RequestIdA1]),
+ p("test_pipeline -> RequestIdA1: ~p"
+ "~n when profile info: ~p", [RequestIdA1, httpc:info()]),
+ %% Make sure pipeline is initiated
+ p("test_pipeline -> sleep some", []),
+ test_server:sleep(4000),
+ p("test_pipeline -> issue (async) request A2, A3 and A4"
+ "~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
+ {ok, RequestIdA2} =
httpc:request(get, {URL, []}, [], [{sync, false}]),
- tsp("RequestId2: ~p", [RequestId2]),
- p("test_pipeline -> RequestId2: ~p", [RequestId2]),
- p("test_pipeline -> issue (sync) request 3"),
- {ok, {{_,200,_}, [_ | _], [_ | _]}} =
+ {ok, RequestIdA3} =
+ httpc:request(get, {URL, []}, [], [{sync, false}]),
+ {ok, RequestIdA4} =
+ httpc:request(get, {URL, []}, [], [{sync, false}]),
+ tsp("RequestIdAs => A2: ~p, A3: ~p and A4: ~p",
+ [RequestIdA2, RequestIdA3, RequestIdA4]),
+ p("test_pipeline -> RequestIds => A2: ~p, A3: ~p and A4: ~p"
+ "~n when profile info: ~p",
+ [RequestIdA2, RequestIdA3, RequestIdA4, httpc:info()]),
+ p("test_pipeline -> issue (sync) request 3"),
+ {ok, {{_,200,_}, [_ | _], [_ | _]}} =
httpc:request(get, {URL, []}, [], []),
+ p("test_pipeline -> expect reply for (async) request A1, A2, A3 and A4"
+ "~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
+ pipeline_await_async_reply([{RequestIdA1, a1, 200},
+ {RequestIdA2, a2, 200},
+ {RequestIdA3, a3, 200},
+ {RequestIdA4, a4, 200}], ?MINS(1)),
- p("test_pipeline -> expect reply for (async) request 1 or 2"),
- receive
- {http, {RequestId1, {{_, 200, _}, _, _}}} ->
- p("test_pipeline -> received reply for (async) request 1 - now wait for 2"),
- receive
- {http, {RequestId2, {{_, 200, _}, _, _}}} ->
- p("test_pipeline -> received reply for (async) request 2"),
- ok;
- {http, Msg1} ->
- tsf(Msg1)
- end;
- {http, {RequestId2, {{_, 200, _}, _, _}}} ->
- io:format("test_pipeline -> received reply for (async) request 2 - now wait for 1"),
- receive
- {http, {RequestId1, {{_, 200, _}, _, _}}} ->
- io:format("test_pipeline -> received reply for (async) request 1"),
- ok;
- {http, Msg2} ->
- tsf(Msg2)
- end;
- {http, Msg3} ->
- tsf(Msg3)
- after 60000 ->
- receive Any1 ->
- tsp("received crap after timeout: ~n ~p", [Any1]),
- tsf({error, {timeout, Any1}})
- end
- end,
- p("test_pipeline -> sleep some"),
- test_server:sleep(4000),
- p("test_pipeline -> issue (async) request 4"),
- {ok, RequestId3} =
+ p("test_pipeline -> sleep some"
+ "~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
+ test_server:sleep(4000),
+ p("test_pipeline -> issue (async) request B1, B2, B3 and B4"
+ "~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
+ {ok, RequestIdB1} =
httpc:request(get, {URL, []}, [], [{sync, false}]),
- tsp("RequestId3: ~p", [RequestId3]),
- p("test_pipeline -> RequestId3: ~p", [RequestId3]),
- p("test_pipeline -> issue (async) request 5"),
- {ok, RequestId4} =
+ {ok, RequestIdB2} =
httpc:request(get, {URL, []}, [], [{sync, false}]),
- tsp("RequestId4: ~p~n", [RequestId4]),
- p("test_pipeline -> RequestId4: ~p", [RequestId4]),
- p("test_pipeline -> cancel (async) request 4"),
- ok = httpc:cancel_request(RequestId3),
- p("test_pipeline -> expect *no* reply for cancelled (async) request 4 (for 3 secs)"),
- receive
- {http, {RequestId3, _}} ->
- tsf(http_cancel_request_failed)
- after 3000 ->
- ok
- end,
- p("test_pipeline -> expect reply for (async) request 4"),
- Body =
- receive
- {http, {RequestId4, {{_, 200, _}, _, BinBody4}}} = Res ->
- p("test_pipeline -> received reply for (async) request 5"),
- tsp("Receive : ~p", [Res]),
- BinBody4;
- {http, Msg4} ->
- tsf(Msg4)
- after 60000 ->
- receive Any2 ->
- tsp("received crap after timeout: ~n ~p", [Any2]),
- tsf({error, {timeout, Any2}})
- end
- end,
+ {ok, RequestIdB3} =
+ httpc:request(get, {URL, []}, [], [{sync, false}]),
+ {ok, RequestIdB4} =
+ httpc:request(get, {URL, []}, [], [{sync, false}]),
+ tsp("RequestIdBs => B1: ~p, B2: ~p, B3: ~p and B4: ~p",
+ [RequestIdB1, RequestIdB2, RequestIdB3, RequestIdB4]),
+ p("test_pipeline -> RequestIdBs => B1: ~p, B2: ~p, B3: ~p and B4: ~p"
+ "~n when profile info: ~p",
+ [RequestIdB1, RequestIdB2, RequestIdB3, RequestIdB4, httpc:info()]),
+ p("test_pipeline -> cancel (async) request B2"
+ "~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
+ ok = httpc:cancel_request(RequestIdB2),
+ p("test_pipeline -> "
+ "expect *no* reply for cancelled (async) request B2 (for 3 secs)"
+ "~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
+ receive
+ {http, {RequestIdB2, _}} ->
+ tsf(http_cancel_request_failed)
+ after 3000 ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ p("test_pipeline -> expect reply for (async) request B1, B3 and B4"
+ "~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
+ Bodies = pipeline_await_async_reply([{RequestIdB1, b1, 200},
+ {RequestIdB3, b3, 200},
+ {RequestIdB4, b4, 200}], ?MINS(1)),
+ [{b1, Body}|_] = Bodies,
- p("test_pipeline -> check reply for (async) request 5"),
+ p("test_pipeline -> check reply for (async) request B1"
+ "~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
- p("test_pipeline -> ensure no unexpected incomming"),
+ p("test_pipeline -> ensure no unexpected incomming"
+ "~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
{http, Any} ->
tsf({unexpected_message, Any})
after 500 ->
- p("test_pipeline -> done"),
+ p("test_pipeline -> done"
+ "~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
+pipeline_await_async_reply(ReqIds, Timeout) ->
+ pipeline_await_async_reply(ReqIds, Timeout, []).
+pipeline_await_async_reply([], _, Acc) ->
+ lists:keysort(1, Acc);
+pipeline_await_async_reply(ReqIds, Timeout, Acc) when Timeout > 0 ->
+ T1 = inets_test_lib:timestamp(),
+ p("pipeline_await_async_reply -> await replies"
+ "~n ReqIds: ~p"
+ "~n Timeout: ~p", [ReqIds, Timeout]),
+ receive
+ {http, {RequestId, {{_, Status, _}, _, Body}}} ->
+ p("pipeline_await_async_reply -> received reply for"
+ "~n RequestId: ~p"
+ "~n Status: ~p", [RequestId, Status]),
+ case lists:keysearch(RequestId, 1, ReqIds) of
+ {value, {RequestId, N, Status}} ->
+ p("pipeline_await_async_reply -> "
+ "found expected request ~w", [N]),
+ ReqIds2 = lists:keydelete(RequestId, 1, ReqIds),
+ NewTimeout = Timeout - (inets_test_lib:timestamp()-T1),
+ pipeline_await_async_reply(ReqIds2, NewTimeout,
+ [{N, Body} | Acc]);
+ {value, {RequestId, N, WrongStatus}} ->
+ p("pipeline_await_async_reply -> "
+ "found request ~w with wrong status", [N]),
+ tsf({reply_with_unexpected_status,
+ {RequestId, N, WrongStatus}});
+ false ->
+ tsf({unexpected_reply, {RequestId, Status}})
+ end;
+ {http, Msg} ->
+ tsf({unexpected_reply, Msg})
+ after Timeout ->
+ receive
+ Any ->
+ tsp("pipeline_await_async_reply -> "
+ "received unknown data after timeout: "
+ "~n ~p", [Any]),
+ tsf({timeout, {unknown, Any}})
+ end
+ end;
+pipeline_await_async_reply(ReqIds, _, Acc) ->
+ tsp("pipeline_await_async_reply -> "
+ "timeout: "
+ "~n ~p"
+ "~nwhen"
+ "~n ~p", [ReqIds, Acc]),
+ tsf({timeout, ReqIds, Acc}).
http_trace(doc) ->
["Perform a TRACE request that goes through a proxy."];
diff --git a/lib/inets/test/httpd_mod.erl b/lib/inets/test/httpd_mod.erl
index cb1214b7fb..387263ce58 100644
--- a/lib/inets/test/httpd_mod.erl
+++ b/lib/inets/test/httpd_mod.erl
@@ -82,19 +82,23 @@ actions(Type, Port, Host, Node) ->
[{statuscode, 200},
{version, "HTTP/1.0"}]).
security(ServerRoot, Type, Port, Host, Node) ->
- %% io:format(user, "~w:security -> entry with"
- %% "~n ServerRoot: ~p"
- %% "~n Type: ~p"
- %% "~n Port: ~p"
- %% "~n Host: ~p"
- %% "~n Node: ~p"
- %% "~n", [?MODULE, ServerRoot, Type, Port, Host, Node]),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> register~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "entry with"
+ "~n ServerRoot: ~p"
+ "~n Type: ~p"
+ "~n Port: ~p"
+ "~n Host: ~p"
+ "~n Node: ~p", [ServerRoot, Type, Port, Host, Node]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "register - receive security events"),
global:register_name(mod_security_test, self()), % Receive events
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "sleep"),
OpenDir = filename:join([ServerRoot, "htdocs", "open"]),
@@ -102,133 +106,240 @@ security(ServerRoot, Type, Port, Host, Node) ->
%% Test blocking / unblocking of users.
%% /open, require user one Aladdin
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> remove user~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "blocking and unblocking of users - "
+ "remove all existing users"),
remove_users(Node, ServerRoot, Host, Port, "open"),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> auth request~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "blocking and unblocking of users - "
+ "auth request for nonex user 'one' - expect 401"),
auth_request(Type, Host, Port, Node, "/open/", "one", "onePassword",
[{statuscode, 401}]),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> await fail security event~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "blocking and unblocking of users - "
+ "await fail security event"),
receive_security_event({event, auth_fail, Port, OpenDir,
[{user, "one"}, {password, "onePassword"}]},
Node, Port),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> auth request~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "blocking and unblocking of users - "
+ "auth request for nonex user 'two' - expect 401"),
auth_request(Type,Host,Port,Node,"/open/", "two", "twoPassword",
[{statuscode, 401}]),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> await fail security event~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "blocking and unblocking of users - "
+ "await fail security event"),
receive_security_event({event, auth_fail, Port, OpenDir,
[{user, "two"}, {password, "twoPassword"}]},
Node, Port),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> auth request~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "blocking and unblocking of users - "
+ "auth request for nonex user 'Alladin' - expect 401"),
auth_request(Type, Host, Port, Node,"/open/", "Aladdin",
"AladdinPassword", [{statuscode, 401}]),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> await fail security event~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "blocking and unblocking of users - "
+ "await fail security event"),
receive_security_event({event, auth_fail, Port, OpenDir,
[{user, "Aladdin"},
{password, "AladdinPassword"}]},
Node, Port),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> add users~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "blocking and unblocking of users - "
+ "add user 'one'"),
add_user(Node, ServerRoot, Port, "open", "one", "onePassword", []),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "blocking and unblocking of users - "
+ "add user 'two'"),
add_user(Node, ServerRoot, Port, "open", "two", "twoPassword", []),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> auth request~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "blocking and unblocking of users - "
+ "auth request 1 for user 'one' with wrong password - expect 401"),
auth_request(Type, Host, Port, Node,"/open/", "one", "WrongPassword",
[{statuscode, 401}]),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> await fail security event~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "blocking and unblocking of users - "
+ "await fail security event"),
receive_security_event({event, auth_fail, Port, OpenDir,
[{user, "one"}, {password, "WrongPassword"}]},
Node, Port),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> auth request~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "blocking and unblocking of users - "
+ "auth request 2 for user 'one' with wrong password - expect 401"),
auth_request(Type, Host, Port, Node,"/open/", "one", "WrongPassword",
[{statuscode, 401}]),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> await fail security event~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "blocking and unblocking of users - "
+ "await fail security event"),
receive_security_event({event, auth_fail, Port, OpenDir,
[{user, "one"}, {password, "WrongPassword"}]},
Node, Port),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> await block security event~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "blocking and unblocking of users - "
+ "await block security event (two failed attempts)"),
receive_security_event({event, user_block, Port, OpenDir,
[{user, "one"}]}, Node, Port),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> unregister~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "blocking and unblocking of users - "
+ "unregister - no more security events"),
global:unregister_name(mod_security_test), % No more events.
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> auth request~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "blocking and unblocking of users - "
+ "auth request for user 'one' with wrong password - expect 401"),
auth_request(Type, Host, Port, Node,"/open/", "one", "WrongPassword",
[{statuscode, 401}]),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> auth request~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "blocking and unblocking of users - "
+ "auth request for user 'one' with correct password - expect 403"),
auth_request(Type, Host, Port, Node,"/open/", "one", "onePassword",
[{statuscode, 403}]),
%% User "one" should be blocked now..
- %% [{"one",_, Port, OpenDir,_}] = list_blocked_users(Node,Port),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> list blocked users~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "blocking and unblocking of users - "
+ "list blocked users - 'one' should be the only one"),
case list_blocked_users(Node, Port) of
[{"one",_, Port, OpenDir,_}] ->
Blocked ->
- %% io:format(user, "~w:security -> Blocked: ~p"
- %% "~n", [?MODULE, Blocked]),
+ tsp(" *** unexpected blocked users ***"
+ "~n Blocked: ~p", [Blocked]),
exit({unexpected_blocked, Blocked})
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> list blocked users~n", [?MODULE]),
- [{"one",_, Port, OpenDir,_}] = list_blocked_users(Node,Port,OpenDir),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> unblock user~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "blocking and unblocking of users - "
+ "list users blocked for dir '~p' - "
+ "user 'one' should be the only one", [OpenDir]),
+ [{"one",_, Port, OpenDir,_}] = list_blocked_users(Node, Port, OpenDir),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "blocking and unblocking of users - "
+ "unblock user 'one' for dir '~p'", [OpenDir]),
true = unblock_user(Node, "one", Port, OpenDir),
- %% User "one" should not be blocked any more..
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> list blocked users~n", [?MODULE]),
+ %% User "one" should not be blocked any more.
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "blocking and unblocking of users - "
+ "ensure user 'one' is no longer blocked"),
[] = list_blocked_users(Node, Port),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> list blocked users~n", [?MODULE]),
- [] = list_blocked_users(Node, Port, OpenDir),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> auth request~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "blocking and unblocking of users - "
+ "auth request for user 'one' with correct password - expect 200"),
auth_request(Type, Host, Port, Node,"/open/", "one", "onePassword",
[{statuscode, 200}]),
%% Test list_auth_users & auth_timeout
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> list blocked users~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "list-auth-users and auth-timeout - "
+ "list auth users - expect user 'one'"),
["one"] = list_auth_users(Node, Port),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> list blocked users~n", [?MODULE]),
- ["one"] = list_auth_users(Node, Port, OpenDir),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> auth request~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "list-auth-users and auth-timeout - "
+ "auth request for user 'two' with wrong password - expect 401"),
auth_request(Type, Host, Port, Node,"/open/", "two", "onePassword",
[{statuscode, 401}]),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> list blocked users~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "list-auth-users and auth-timeout - "
+ "list auth users - expect user 'one'"),
["one"] = list_auth_users(Node, Port),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> list blocked users~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "list-auth-users and auth-timeout - "
+ "list auth users for dir '~p' - expect user 'one'", [OpenDir]),
["one"] = list_auth_users(Node, Port, OpenDir),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> auth request~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "list-auth-users and auth-timeout - "
+ "auth request for user 'two' with correct password - expect 401"),
auth_request(Type, Host, Port, Node,"/open/", "two", "twoPassword",
[{statuscode, 401}]),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> list blocked users~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "list-auth-users and auth-timeout - "
+ "list auth users - expect user 'one'"),
["one"] = list_auth_users(Node, Port),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> list blocked users~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "list-auth-users and auth-timeout - "
+ "list auth users for dir '~p' - expect user 'one'", [OpenDir]),
["one"] = list_auth_users(Node, Port, OpenDir),
%% Wait for successful auth to timeout.
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "list-auth-users and auth-timeout - "
+ "wait for successful auth to timeout"),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> list blocked users~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "list-auth-users and auth-timeout - "
+ "list auth users - expect none"),
[] = list_auth_users(Node, Port),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> list blocked users~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "list-auth-users and auth-timeout - "
+ "list auth users for dir '~p'~n - expect none", [OpenDir]),
[] = list_auth_users(Node, Port, OpenDir),
%% "two" is blocked.
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> unblock user~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "list-auth-users and auth-timeout - "
+ "unblock user 'two' for dir '~p'", [OpenDir]),
true = unblock_user(Node, "two", Port, OpenDir),
%% Test explicit blocking. Block user 'two'.
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> list blocked users~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "explicit blocking - list blocked users - should be none"),
[] = list_blocked_users(Node,Port,OpenDir),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> block user~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "explicit blocking - "
+ "block user 'two' for dir '~p'", [OpenDir]),
true = block_user(Node, "two", Port, OpenDir, 10),
-%% io:format(user, "~w:security -> auth request~n", [?MODULE]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "explicit blocking - "
+ "auth request for user 'two' with correct password - expect 401"),
auth_request(Type, Host, Port, Node,"/open/", "two", "twoPassword",
- [{statuscode, 401}]).
+ [{statuscode, 401}]),
+ tsp("security -> "
+ "done").
auth(Type, Port, Host, Node) ->
+ tsp("auth -> "
+ "entry with"
+ "~n Type: ~p"
+ "~n Port: ~p"
+ "~n Host: ~p"
+ "~n Node: ~p", [Type, Port, Host, Node]),
%% Authentication required!
ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type,Host,Port,Node,
"GET /open/ HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n",
@@ -913,13 +1024,11 @@ list_users(Node, Root, _Host, Port, Dir) ->
receive_security_event(Event, Node, Port) ->
- %% io:format(user, "~w:receive_security_event -> entry with"
- %% "~n Event: ~p"
- %% "~n Node: ~p"
- %% "~n Port: ~p"
- %% "~n", [?MODULE, Event, Node, Port]),
+ tsp("receive_security_event -> await ~w event", [element(2, Event)]),
Event ->
+ tsp("receive_security_event -> "
+ "received expected ~w event", [element(2, Event)]),
{'EXIT', _, _} ->
receive_security_event(Event, Node, Port)
@@ -1027,8 +1136,14 @@ check_lists_members1(L1,L2) ->
-%% tsp(F) ->
-%% inets_test_lib:tsp(F).
+%% p(F) ->
+%% p(F, []).
+%% p(F, A) ->
+%% io:format(user, "~w:" ++ F ++ "~n", [?MODULE|A]).
+tsp(F) ->
+ inets_test_lib:tsp(F).
tsp(F, A) ->
inets_test_lib:tsp(F, A).
diff --git a/lib/inets/test/inets_test_lib.erl b/lib/inets/test/inets_test_lib.erl
index c94be796cd..0f8671b682 100644
--- a/lib/inets/test/inets_test_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/inets/test/inets_test_lib.erl
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
send/3, close/2]).
-export([copy_file/3, copy_files/2, copy_dirs/2, del_dirs/1]).
-export([info/4, log/4, debug/4, print/4]).
+-export([timestamp/0, formated_timestamp/0]).
-export([tsp/1, tsp/2, tsf/1, tss/1]).
-export([millis/0, millis_diff/2, hours/1, minutes/1, seconds/1, sleep/1]).
@@ -530,34 +531,27 @@ connect(ip_comm, Host, Port, Opts, Type) ->
"~n Opts: ~p"
"~n Type: ~p", [Host, Port, Opts, Type]),
- case gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, Opts) of
+ case gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, Opts, timer:seconds(10)) of
{ok, Socket} ->
tsp("connect success"),
{ok, Socket};
- {error, nxdomain} when Type =:= inet6 ->
- tsp("connect error nxdomain when"
- "~n Opts: ~p", [Opts]),
- connect(ip_comm, Host, Port, Opts -- [inet6], inet);
- {error, eafnosupport} when Type =:= inet6 ->
- tsp("connect error eafnosupport when"
- "~n Opts: ~p", [Opts]),
- connect(ip_comm, Host, Port, Opts -- [inet6], inet);
- {error, econnreset} when Type =:= inet6 ->
- tsp("connect error econnreset when"
- "~n Opts: ~p", [Opts]),
- connect(ip_comm, Host, Port, Opts -- [inet6], inet);
- {error, enetunreach} when Type =:= inet6 ->
- tsp("connect error eafnosupport when"
- "~n Opts: ~p", [Opts]),
- connect(ip_comm, Host, Port, Opts -- [inet6], inet);
- {error, econnrefused} when Type =:= inet6 ->
- tsp("connect error econnrefused when"
- "~n Opts: ~p", [Opts]),
+ {error, Reason} when ((Type =:= inet6) andalso
+ ((Reason =:= timeout) orelse
+ (Reason =:= nxdomain) orelse
+ (Reason =:= eafnosupport) orelse
+ (Reason =:= econnreset) orelse
+ (Reason =:= enetunreach) orelse
+ (Reason =:= econnrefused) orelse
+ (Reason =:= ehostunreach))) ->
+ tsp("connect(ip_comm) -> Connect error: "
+ "~n Reason: ~p"
+ "~n Type: ~p"
+ "~n Opts: ~p", [Reason, Type, Opts]),
connect(ip_comm, Host, Port, Opts -- [inet6], inet);
Error ->
- tsp("connect(ip_conn) -> Fatal connect error: "
+ tsp("connect(ip_comm) -> Fatal connect error: "
"~n Error: ~p"
"~n Host: ~p"
@@ -642,6 +636,9 @@ tsf(Reason) ->
tss(Time) ->
+timestamp() ->
+ http_util:timestamp().
formated_timestamp() ->
format_timestamp( os:timestamp() ).