path: root/lib/kernel/doc/src/logger_formatter.xml
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1 files changed, 253 insertions, 0 deletions
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE erlref SYSTEM "erlref.dtd">
+ <header>
+ <copyright>
+ <year>2017</year>
+ <holder>Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved.</holder>
+ </copyright>
+ <legalnotice>
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ </legalnotice>
+ <title>logger_formatter</title>
+ <prepared></prepared>
+ <responsible></responsible>
+ <docno></docno>
+ <approved></approved>
+ <checked></checked>
+ <date></date>
+ <rev>A</rev>
+ <file>logger_formatter.xml</file>
+ </header>
+ <module>logger_formatter</module>
+ <modulesummary>Default formatter for Logger.</modulesummary>
+ <description>
+ <p>Each log handler has a configured formatter specified as a
+ module and a configuration term. The purpose of the formatter is
+ to translate the log events to a final printable string
+ (<c>unicode:chardata()</c>) which can be written to the output
+ device of the handler.</p>
+ <p><c>logger_formatter</c> is the default formatter used by
+ Logger.</p>
+ </description>
+ <section>
+ <title>Configuration</title>
+ <p>The configuration term for <c>logger_formatter</c> is a map,
+ and the following keys can be set as configuration
+ parameters:</p>
+ <taglist>
+ <tag><c>chars_limit = pos_integer() | unlimited</c></tag>
+ <item>
+ <p>A positive integer representing the value of the option
+ with the same name to be used when calling
+ <seealso marker="stdlib:io_lib#format-3">io_lib:format/3</seealso>.
+ This value limits the total number of characters printed
+ for each log event. Notice that this is a soft limit. For a
+ hard truncation limit, see option <c>max_size</c>.</p>
+ <p>Default is <c>unlimited</c>.</p>
+ <note>
+ <p><c>chars_limit</c> has no effect on log messages on
+ string form. These are expected to be short, but can still
+ be truncated by the <c>max_size</c> parameter.</p>
+ </note>
+ </item>
+ <tag><c>depth = pos_integer() | unlimited</c></tag>
+ <item>
+ <p>A positive integer representing the maximum depth to
+ which terms shall be printed by this formatter. Format
+ strings passed to this formatter are rewritten. The format
+ controls ~p and ~w are replaced with ~P and ~W,
+ respectively, and the value is used as the depth
+ parameter. For details, see
+ <seealso marker="stdlib:io#format-2">io:format/2,3</seealso>
+ in STDLIB.</p>
+ <p>Default is <c>unlimited</c>.</p>
+ <note>
+ <p><c>depth</c> has no effect on log messages on string
+ form. These are expected to be short, but can still be
+ truncated by the <c>max_size</c> parameter.</p>
+ </note>
+ </item>
+ <tag><c>max_size = pos_integer() | unlimited</c></tag>
+ <item>
+ <p>A positive integer representing the absolute maximum size a
+ string returned from this formatter can have. If the
+ formatted string is longer, after possibly being limited
+ by <c>chars_limit</c> or <c>depth</c>, it is truncated.</p>
+ <p>Default is <c>unlimited</c>.</p>
+ </item>
+ <tag><c>single_line = boolean()</c></tag>
+ <item>
+ <p>If set to <c>true</c>, all newlines in the message are
+ replaced with <c>", "</c>, and whitespaces following
+ directly after newlines are removed. Note that newlines
+ added by the <c>template</c> parameter are not replaced.</p>
+ <p>Default is <c>true</c>.</p>
+ </item>
+ <tag><c>legacy_header = boolen()</c></tag>
+ <item>
+ <p>If set to <c>true</c> a header field is added to
+ logger_formatter's part of <c>Metadata</c>. The value of
+ this field is a string similar to the header created by the
+ old <c>error_logger</c> event handlers. It can be included
+ in the log event by adding the
+ tuple <c>{logger_formatter,header}</c> to the template. See
+ section <seealso marker="#default_templates">Default
+ Templates</seealso> for more information.</p>
+ <p>Default is <c>false</c>.</p>
+ </item>
+ <tag><c>report_cb = fun((</c><seealso marker="logger#type-report"><c>logger:report()</c></seealso><c>) -> {</c><seealso marker="stdlib:io#type-format"><c>io:format()</c></seealso><c>,[term()]})</c></tag>
+ <item>
+ <p>A report callback is used by the formatter to transform log
+ messages on report form to a format string and
+ arguments. The report callback can be specified in the
+ metadata for the log event. If no report callback exist in
+ metadata, <c>logger_formatter</c> will
+ use <seealso marker="logger#format_report-1">
+ <c>logger:format_report/1</c></seealso> as default
+ callback.</p>
+ <p>If this configuration parameter is set, it replaces both
+ the default report callback, and any report callback found
+ in metadata. That is, all reports are converted by this
+ configured function.</p>
+ <p>The value must be a function with arity 1,
+ returning <c>{Format,Args}</c>, and it will be called with a
+ report as only argument.</p>
+ </item>
+ <tag><c>template = </c><seealso marker="#type-template"><c>template()</c></seealso></tag>
+ <item>
+ <p>The template is a list of atoms, tuples and strings. The
+ atoms <c>level</c> or <c>msg</c>, are treated as
+ placeholders for the severity level and the log message,
+ repectively. Other atoms or tuples are interpreted as
+ placeholders for metadata, where atoms are expected to match
+ top level keys, and tuples represent paths to sub keys when
+ the metadata is a nested map. For example the
+ tuple <c>{key1,key2}</c> is replaced by the value of
+ the <c>key2</c> field in the nested map below. The
+ atom <c>key1</c> on its own is replaced by the complete
+ value of the <c>key1</c> field. The values are converted to
+ strings.</p>
+ ...}
+ ...}</code>
+ <p>Strings in the template are printed literally.</p>
+ <p>The default template differs depending on the values
+ of <c>legacy_header</c>
+ and <c>single_line</c>. See <seealso marker="#default_templates">Default
+ Templates</seealso> for more information</p>
+ </item>
+ <tag><c>utc = boolean()</c></tag>
+ <item>
+ <p>If set to <c>true</c>, all dates are displayed in Universal
+ Coordinated Time.</p>
+ <p>Default is <c>false</c>.</p>
+ </item>
+ </taglist>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <marker id="default_templates"/>
+ <title>Default templates</title>
+ <p>The default value for the <c>template</c> configuration
+ parameter depends on the value of <c>single_line</c>
+ and <c>legacy_header</c> as follows.</p>
+ <p>The log event used in the examples is:</p>
+ <code>
+?LOG_ERROR("name: ~p~nexit_reason: ~p",[my_reg_name,"It crashed"])</code>
+ <taglist>
+ <tag><c>legacy_header=true</c></tag>
+ <item>
+ <p>Default template: <c>[{logger_formatter,header},"\n",msg,"\n"]</c></p>
+ <p>Example log entry:</p>
+ <code>
+=ERROR REPORT==== 29-Dec-2017::13:30:51.245123 ===
+name: my_reg_name
+exit_reason: "It crashed"</code>
+ <p>Notice that all eight levels might occur in the heading,
+ not only <c>ERROR</c>, <c>WARNING</c> or <c>INFO</c> as the
+ old <c>error_logger</c> produced. And microseconds are
+ added at the end of the timestamp.</p>
+ </item>
+ <tag><c>single_line=true</c></tag>
+ <item>
+ <p>Default template: <c>[time," ",level,": ",msg,"\n"]</c></p>
+ <p>Example log entry:</p>
+ <code>2017-12-29 13:31:49.640317 error: name: my_reg_name, exit_reason: "It crashed"</code>
+ </item>
+ <tag><c>legacy_header=false, single_line=false</c></tag>
+ <item>
+ <p>Default template: <c>[time," ",level,":\n",msg,"\n"]</c></p>
+ <p>Example log entry:</p>
+ <code>
+2017-12-29 13:32:25.191925 error:
+name: my_reg_name
+exit_reason: "It crashed"</code>
+ </item>
+ </taglist>
+ </section>
+ <datatypes>
+ <datatype>
+ <name name="template"/>
+ <desc>
+ </desc>
+ </datatype>
+ </datatypes>
+ <funcs>
+ <func>
+ <name name="format" arity="2"/>
+ <fsummary>Formats the given message.</fsummary>
+ <desc>
+ <p>This the formatter callback function to be called from
+ handlers. The log event is processed as follows:</p>
+ <list>
+ <item>If the message is on report form, it is converted to
+ <c>{Format,Args}</c> by calling the report
+ callback.</item>
+ <item>The size is limited according to the values of
+ configuration parameters <c>chars_limit</c>
+ and <c>depth</c>. Notice that this does not apply to
+ messages on string form.</item>
+ <item>The full log entry is composed according to
+ the <c>template</c>.</item>
+ <item>If the final string is too long, it is truncated
+ according to the value of configuration
+ parameter <c>max_size</c>.</item>
+ </list>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ </funcs>