path: root/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 490 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl b/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl
index e461c95d19..3fbbb98b94 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
- cache = no_cache,
mode = interactive,
on_load = []}).
-type state() :: #state{}.
@@ -89,19 +88,11 @@ init(Ref, Parent, [Root,Mode0]) ->
Path = add_loader_path(IPath, Mode),
- State0 = #state{root = Root,
- path = Path,
- moddb = Db,
- namedb = init_namedb(Path),
- mode = Mode},
- State =
- case init:get_argument(code_path_cache) of
- {ok, _} ->
- create_cache(State0);
- error ->
- State0
- end,
+ State = #state{root = Root,
+ path = Path,
+ moddb = Db,
+ namedb = init_namedb(Path),
+ mode = Mode},
@@ -255,59 +246,33 @@ handle_call({dir,Dir}, {_From,_Tag}, S) ->
Resp = do_dir(Root,Dir,S#state.namedb),
-handle_call({load_file,Mod}, Caller, St) ->
- case modp(Mod) of
- false ->
- {reply,{error,badarg},St};
- true ->
- load_file(Mod, Caller, St)
- end;
+handle_call({load_file,Mod}, Caller, St) when is_atom(Mod) ->
+ load_file(Mod, Caller, St);
handle_call({add_path,Where,Dir0}, {_From,_Tag},
- #state{cache=Cache0,namedb=Namedb,path=Path0}=S) ->
- case Cache0 of
- no_cache ->
- {Resp,Path} = add_path(Where, Dir0, Path0, Namedb),
- {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path}};
- _ ->
- Dir = absname(Dir0), %% Cache always expands the path
- {Resp,Path} = add_path(Where, Dir, Path0, Namedb),
- Cache = update_cache([Dir], Where, Cache0),
- {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path,cache=Cache}}
- end;
+ #state{namedb=Namedb,path=Path0}=S) ->
+ {Resp,Path} = add_path(Where, Dir0, Path0, Namedb),
+ {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path}};
handle_call({add_paths,Where,Dirs0}, {_From,_Tag},
- #state{cache=Cache0,namedb=Namedb,path=Path0}=S) ->
- case Cache0 of
- no_cache ->
- {Resp,Path} = add_paths(Where, Dirs0, Path0, Namedb),
- {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path}};
- _ ->
- %% Cache always expands the path
- Dirs = [absname(Dir) || Dir <- Dirs0],
- {Resp,Path} = add_paths(Where, Dirs, Path0, Namedb),
- Cache=update_cache(Dirs,Where,Cache0),
- {reply,Resp,S#state{cache=Cache,path=Path}}
- end;
+ #state{namedb=Namedb,path=Path0}=S) ->
+ {Resp,Path} = add_paths(Where, Dirs0, Path0, Namedb),
+ {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path}};
handle_call({set_path,PathList}, {_From,_Tag},
#state{path=Path0,namedb=Namedb}=S) ->
{Resp,Path,NewDb} = set_path(PathList, Path0, Namedb),
- {reply,Resp,rehash_cache(S#state{path=Path,namedb=NewDb})};
+ {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path,namedb=NewDb}};
handle_call({del_path,Name}, {_From,_Tag},
#state{path=Path0,namedb=Namedb}=S) ->
{Resp,Path} = del_path(Name, Path0, Namedb),
- {reply,Resp,rehash_cache(S#state{path=Path})};
+ {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path}};
handle_call({replace_path,Name,Dir}, {_From,_Tag},
#state{path=Path0,namedb=Namedb}=S) ->
{Resp,Path} = replace_path(Name, Dir, Path0, Namedb),
- {reply,Resp,rehash_cache(S#state{path=Path})};
-handle_call(rehash, {_From,_Tag}, S0) ->
- S = create_cache(S0),
- {reply,ok,S};
+ {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path}};
handle_call(get_path, {_From,_Tag}, S) ->
@@ -321,7 +286,7 @@ handle_call({load_abs,File,Mod}, Caller, S) ->
load_abs(File, Mod, Caller, S)
-handle_call({load_binary,Mod,File,Bin}, Caller, S) ->
+handle_call({load_binary,Mod,File,Bin}, Caller, S) when is_atom(Mod) ->
do_load_binary(Mod, File, Bin, Caller, S);
handle_call({load_native_partial,Mod,Bin}, {_From,_Tag}, S) ->
@@ -337,59 +302,44 @@ handle_call({load_native_sticky,Mod,Bin,WholeModule}, {_From,_Tag}, S) ->
Status = hipe_result_to_status(Result),
-handle_call({ensure_loaded,Mod0}, Caller, St0) ->
- Fun = fun (M, St) ->
- case erlang:module_loaded(M) of
- true ->
- {reply,{module,M},St};
- false when St#state.mode =:= interactive ->
- load_file(M, Caller, St);
- false ->
- {reply,{error,embedded},St}
- end
- end,
- do_mod_call(Fun, Mod0, {error,badarg}, St0);
-handle_call({delete,Mod0}, {_From,_Tag}, S) ->
- Fun = fun (M, St) ->
- case catch erlang:delete_module(M) of
- true ->
- ets:delete(St#state.moddb, M),
- {reply,true,St};
- _ ->
- {reply,false,St}
- end
- end,
- do_mod_call(Fun, Mod0, false, S);
+handle_call({ensure_loaded,Mod}, Caller, St) when is_atom(Mod) ->
+ case erlang:module_loaded(Mod) of
+ true ->
+ {reply,{module,Mod},St};
+ false when St#state.mode =:= interactive ->
+ load_file(Mod, Caller, St);
+ false ->
+ {reply,{error,embedded},St}
+ end;
+handle_call({delete,Mod}, {_From,_Tag}, St) when is_atom(Mod) ->
+ case catch erlang:delete_module(Mod) of
+ true ->
+ ets:delete(St#state.moddb, Mod),
+ {reply,true,St};
+ _ ->
+ {reply,false,St}
+ end;
-handle_call({purge,Mod0}, {_From,_Tag}, St0) ->
- do_mod_call(fun (M, St) ->
- {reply,do_purge(M),St}
- end, Mod0, false, St0);
+handle_call({purge,Mod}, {_From,_Tag}, St) when is_atom(Mod) ->
+ {reply,do_purge(Mod),St};
-handle_call({soft_purge,Mod0}, {_From,_Tag}, St0) ->
- do_mod_call(fun (M, St) ->
- {reply,do_soft_purge(M),St}
- end, Mod0, true, St0);
+handle_call({soft_purge,Mod}, {_From,_Tag}, St) when is_atom(Mod) ->
+ {reply,do_soft_purge(Mod),St};
-handle_call({is_loaded,Mod0}, {_From,_Tag}, St0) ->
- do_mod_call(fun (M, St) ->
- {reply,is_loaded(M, St#state.moddb),St}
- end, Mod0, false, St0);
+handle_call({is_loaded,Mod}, {_From,_Tag}, St) when is_atom(Mod) ->
+ {reply,is_loaded(Mod, St#state.moddb),St};
handle_call(all_loaded, {_From,_Tag}, S) ->
Db = S#state.moddb,
-handle_call({get_object_code,Mod0}, {_From,_Tag}, St0) ->
- Fun = fun(M, St) ->
- Path = St#state.path,
- case mod_to_bin(Path, atom_to_list(M)) of
- {_,Bin,FName} -> {reply,{M,Bin,FName},St};
- Error -> {reply,Error,St}
- end
- end,
- do_mod_call(Fun, Mod0, error, St0);
+handle_call({get_object_code,Mod}, {_From,_Tag}, St) when is_atom(Mod) ->
+ Path = St#state.path,
+ case mod_to_bin(Path, Mod) of
+ {_,Bin,FName} -> {reply,{Mod,Bin,FName},St};
+ Error -> {reply,Error,St}
+ end;
handle_call({is_sticky, Mod}, {_From,_Tag}, S) ->
Db = S#state.moddb,
@@ -398,9 +348,6 @@ handle_call({is_sticky, Mod}, {_From,_Tag}, S) ->
handle_call(stop,{_From,_Tag}, S) ->
-handle_call({is_cached,_File}, {_From,_Tag}, S=#state{cache=no_cache}) ->
- {reply, no, S};
handle_call({set_primary_archive, File, ArchiveBin, FileInfo, ParserFun}, {_From,_Tag}, S=#state{mode=Mode}) ->
case erl_prim_loader:set_primary_archive(File, ArchiveBin, FileInfo, ParserFun) of
{ok, Files} ->
@@ -409,26 +356,6 @@ handle_call({set_primary_archive, File, ArchiveBin, FileInfo, ParserFun}, {_From
{reply, Error, S}
-handle_call({is_cached,File}, {_From,_Tag}, S=#state{cache=Cache}) ->
- ObjExt = objfile_extension(),
- Ext = filename:extension(File),
- Type = case Ext of
- ObjExt -> obj;
- ".app" -> app;
- _ -> undef
- end,
- if Type =:= undef ->
- {reply, no, S};
- true ->
- Key = {Type,list_to_atom(filename:rootname(File, Ext))},
- case ets:lookup(Cache, Key) of
- [] ->
- {reply, no, S};
- [{Key,Dir}] ->
- {reply, Dir, S}
- end
- end;
handle_call(get_mode, {_From,_Tag}, S=#state{mode=Mode}) ->
{reply, Mode, S};
@@ -436,80 +363,6 @@ handle_call(Other,{_From,_Tag}, S) ->
error_msg(" ** Codeserver*** ignoring ~w~n ",[Other]),
-do_mod_call(Action, Module, _Error, St) when is_atom(Module) ->
- Action(Module, St);
-do_mod_call(Action, Module, Error, St) ->
- try list_to_atom(Module) of
- Atom when is_atom(Atom) ->
- Action(Atom, St)
- catch
- error:badarg ->
- {reply,Error,St}
- end.
-%% --------------------------------------------------------------
-%% Cache functions
-%% --------------------------------------------------------------
-create_cache(St = #state{cache = no_cache}) ->
- Cache = ets:new(code_cache, [protected]),
- rehash_cache(Cache, St);
-create_cache(St) ->
- rehash_cache(St).
-rehash_cache(St = #state{cache = no_cache}) ->
- St;
-rehash_cache(St = #state{cache = OldCache}) ->
- ets:delete(OldCache),
- Cache = ets:new(code_cache, [protected]),
- rehash_cache(Cache, St).
-rehash_cache(Cache, St = #state{path = Path}) ->
- Exts = [{obj,objfile_extension()}, {app,".app"}],
- {Cache,NewPath} = locate_mods(lists:reverse(Path), first, Exts, Cache, []),
- St#state{cache = Cache, path=NewPath}.
-update_cache(Dirs, Where, Cache0) ->
- Exts = [{obj,objfile_extension()}, {app,".app"}],
- {Cache, _} = locate_mods(Dirs, Where, Exts, Cache0, []),
- Cache.
-locate_mods([Dir0|Path], Where, Exts, Cache, Acc) ->
- Dir = absname(Dir0), %% Cache always expands the path
- case erl_prim_loader:list_dir(Dir) of
- {ok, Files} ->
- Cache = filter_mods(Files, Where, Exts, Dir, Cache),
- locate_mods(Path, Where, Exts, Cache, [Dir|Acc]);
- error ->
- locate_mods(Path, Where, Exts, Cache, Acc)
- end;
-locate_mods([], _, _, Cache, Path) ->
- {Cache,Path}.
-filter_mods([File|Rest], Where, Exts, Dir, Cache) ->
- Ext = filename:extension(File),
- Root = list_to_atom(filename:rootname(File, Ext)),
- case lists:keyfind(Ext, 2, Exts) of
- {Type, _} ->
- Key = {Type,Root},
- case Where of
- first ->
- true = ets:insert(Cache, {Key,Dir});
- last ->
- case ets:lookup(Cache, Key) of
- [] ->
- true = ets:insert(Cache, {Key,Dir});
- _ ->
- ignore
- end
- end;
- false ->
- ok
- end,
- filter_mods(Rest, Where, Exts, Dir, Cache);
-filter_mods([], _, _, _, Cache) ->
- Cache.
%% --------------------------------------------------------------
%% Path handling functions.
%% --------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1207,9 +1060,9 @@ add_paths(_,_,Path,_) ->
do_load_binary(Module, File, Binary, Caller, St) ->
- case modp(Module) andalso modp(File) andalso is_binary(Binary) of
+ case modp(File) andalso is_binary(Binary) of
true ->
- case erlang:module_loaded(to_atom(Module)) of
+ case erlang:module_loaded(Module) of
true -> do_purge(Module);
false -> ok
@@ -1238,21 +1091,10 @@ load_abs(File, Mod0, Caller, St) ->
-try_load_module(Mod, Dir, Caller, St) ->
- File = filename:append(Dir, to_list(Mod) ++
- objfile_extension()),
- case erl_prim_loader:get_file(File) of
- error ->
- {reply,error,St};
- {ok,Binary,FName} ->
- try_load_module(absname(FName), Mod, Binary, Caller, St)
- end.
try_load_module(File, Mod, Bin, {From,_}=Caller, St0) ->
- M = to_atom(Mod),
- case pending_on_load(M, From, St0) of
+ case pending_on_load(Mod, From, St0) of
no ->
- try_load_module_1(File, M, Bin, Caller, St0);
+ try_load_module_1(File, Mod, Bin, Caller, St0);
{yes,St} ->
@@ -1271,9 +1113,10 @@ try_load_module_2(File, Mod, Bin, Caller, undefined, St) ->
try_load_module_3(File, Mod, Bin, Caller, undefined, St);
try_load_module_2(File, Mod, Bin, Caller, Architecture,
#state{moddb=Db}=St) ->
- case catch load_native_code(Mod, Bin, Architecture) of
+ case catch hipe_unified_loader:load_native_code(Mod, Bin, Architecture) of
{module,Mod} = Module ->
- ets:insert(Db, {Mod,File}),
+ ets:insert(Db, {Mod,File}),
no_native ->
try_load_module_3(File, Mod, Bin, Caller, Architecture, St);
@@ -1296,26 +1139,6 @@ try_load_module_3(File, Mod, Bin, Caller, Architecture,
-load_native_code(Mod, Bin, Architecture) ->
- %% During bootstrapping of Open Source Erlang, we don't have any hipe
- %% loader modules, but the Erlang emulator might be hipe enabled.
- %% Therefore we must test for that the loader modules are available
- %% before trying to to load native code.
- case erlang:module_loaded(hipe_unified_loader) of
- false ->
- no_native;
- true ->
- Result = hipe_unified_loader:load_native_code(Mod, Bin,
- Architecture),
- case Result of
- {module,_} ->
- _ ->
- ok
- end,
- Result
- end.
hipe_result_to_status(Result) ->
case Result of
{module,_} ->
@@ -1338,37 +1161,22 @@ int_list([H|T]) when is_integer(H) -> int_list(T);
int_list([_|_]) -> false;
int_list([]) -> true.
-load_file(Mod0, {From,_}=Caller, St0) ->
- Mod = to_atom(Mod0),
+load_file(Mod, {From,_}=Caller, St0) ->
case pending_on_load(Mod, From, St0) of
no -> load_file_1(Mod, Caller, St0);
{yes,St} -> {noreply,St}
-load_file_1(Mod, Caller, #state{path=Path,cache=no_cache}=St) ->
+load_file_1(Mod, Caller, #state{path=Path}=St) ->
case mod_to_bin(Path, Mod) of
error ->
{Mod,Binary,File} ->
- try_load_module(File, Mod, Binary, Caller, St)
- end;
-load_file_1(Mod, Caller, #state{cache=Cache}=St0) ->
- Key = {obj,Mod},
- case ets:lookup(Cache, Key) of
- [] ->
- St = rehash_cache(St0),
- case ets:lookup(St#state.cache, Key) of
- [] ->
- {reply,{error,nofile},St};
- [{Key,Dir}] ->
- try_load_module(Mod, Dir, Caller, St)
- end;
- [{Key,Dir}] ->
- try_load_module(Mod, Dir, Caller, St0)
+ try_load_module_1(File, Mod, Binary, Caller, St)
mod_to_bin([Dir|Tail], Mod) ->
- File = filename:append(Dir, to_list(Mod) ++ objfile_extension()),
+ File = filename:append(Dir, atom_to_list(Mod) ++ objfile_extension()),
case erl_prim_loader:get_file(File) of
error ->
mod_to_bin(Tail, Mod);
@@ -1421,243 +1229,6 @@ absname_vr([[X, $:]|Name], _, _AbsBase) ->
absname(filename:join(Name), Dcwd).
-%% do_purge(Module)
-%% Kill all processes running code from *old* Module, and then purge the
-%% module. Return true if any processes killed, else false.
-do_purge(Mod0) ->
- Mod = to_atom(Mod0),
- case erlang:check_old_code(Mod) of
- false ->
- false;
- true ->
- Res = check_proc_code(erlang:processes(), Mod, true),
- try
- erlang:purge_module(Mod)
- catch
- _:_ -> ignore
- end,
- Res
- end.
-%% do_soft_purge(Module)
-%% Purge old code only if no procs remain that run old code.
-%% Return true in that case, false if procs remain (in this
-%% case old code is not purged)
-do_soft_purge(Mod0) ->
- Mod = to_atom(Mod0),
- case erlang:check_old_code(Mod) of
- false ->
- true;
- true ->
- case check_proc_code(erlang:processes(), Mod, false) of
- false ->
- false;
- true ->
- try
- erlang:purge_module(Mod)
- catch
- _:_ -> ignore
- end,
- true
- end
- end.
-%% check_proc_code(Pids, Mod, Hard) - Send asynchronous
-%% requests to all processes to perform a check_process_code
-%% operation. Each process will check their own state and
-%% reply with the result. If 'Hard' equals
-%% - true, processes that refer 'Mod' will be killed. If
-%% any processes were killed true is returned; otherwise,
-%% false.
-%% - false, and any processes refer 'Mod', false will
-%% returned; otherwise, true.
-%% Requests will be sent to all processes identified by
-%% Pids at once, but without allowing GC to be performed.
-%% Check process code operations that are aborted due to
-%% GC need, will be restarted allowing GC. However, only
-%% ?MAX_CPC_GC_PROCS outstanding operation allowing GC at
-%% a time will be allowed. This in order not to blow up
-%% memory wise.
-%% We also only allow ?MAX_CPC_NO_OUTSTANDING_KILLS
-%% outstanding kills. This both in order to avoid flooding
-%% our message queue with 'DOWN' messages and limiting the
-%% amount of memory used to keep references to all
-%% outstanding kills.
-%% We maybe should allow more than two outstanding
-%% GC requests, but for now we play it safe...
--define(MAX_CPC_GC_PROCS, 2).
--record(cpc_static, {hard, module, tag}).
--record(cpc_kill, {outstanding = [],
- no_outstanding = 0,
- waiting = [],
- killed = false}).
-check_proc_code(Pids, Mod, Hard) ->
- Tag = erlang:make_ref(),
- CpcS = #cpc_static{hard = Hard,
- module = Mod,
- tag = Tag},
- check_proc_code(CpcS, cpc_init(CpcS, Pids, 0), 0, [], #cpc_kill{}, true).
-check_proc_code(#cpc_static{hard = true}, 0, 0, [],
- #cpc_kill{outstanding = [], waiting = [], killed = Killed},
- true) ->
- %% No outstanding requests. We did a hard check, so result is whether or
- %% not we killed any processes...
- Killed;
-check_proc_code(#cpc_static{hard = false}, 0, 0, [], _KillState, Success) ->
- %% No outstanding requests and we did a soft check...
- Success;
-check_proc_code(#cpc_static{hard = false, tag = Tag} = CpcS, NoReq0, NoGcReq0,
- [], _KillState, false) ->
- %% Failed soft check; just cleanup the remaining replies corresponding
- %% to the requests we've sent...
- {NoReq1, NoGcReq1} = receive
- {check_process_code, {Tag, _P, GC}, _Res} ->
- case GC of
- false -> {NoReq0-1, NoGcReq0};
- true -> {NoReq0, NoGcReq0-1}
- end
- end,
- check_proc_code(CpcS, NoReq1, NoGcReq1, [], _KillState, false);
-check_proc_code(#cpc_static{tag = Tag} = CpcS, NoReq0, NoGcReq0, NeedGC0,
- KillState0, Success) ->
- %% Check if we should request a GC operation
- {NoGcReq1, NeedGC1} = case NoGcReq0 < ?MAX_CPC_GC_PROCS of
- GcOpAllowed when GcOpAllowed == false;
- NeedGC0 == [] ->
- {NoGcReq0, NeedGC0};
- _ ->
- {NoGcReq0+1, cpc_request_gc(CpcS,NeedGC0)}
- end,
- %% Wait for a cpc reply or 'DOWN' message
- {NoReq1, NoGcReq2, Pid, Result, KillState1} = cpc_recv(Tag,
- NoReq0,
- NoGcReq1,
- KillState0),
- %% Check the result of the reply
- case Result of
- aborted ->
- %% Operation aborted due to the need to GC in order to
- %% determine if the process is referring the module.
- %% Schedule the operation for restart allowing GC...
- check_proc_code(CpcS, NoReq1, NoGcReq2, [Pid|NeedGC1], KillState1,
- Success);
- false ->
- %% Process not referring the module; done with this process...
- check_proc_code(CpcS, NoReq1, NoGcReq2, NeedGC1, KillState1,
- Success);
- true ->
- %% Process referring the module...
- case CpcS#cpc_static.hard of
- false ->
- %% ... and soft check. The whole operation failed so
- %% no point continuing; clean up and fail...
- check_proc_code(CpcS, NoReq1, NoGcReq2, [], KillState1,
- false);
- true ->
- %% ... and hard check; schedule kill of it...
- check_proc_code(CpcS, NoReq1, NoGcReq2, NeedGC1,
- cpc_sched_kill(Pid, KillState1), Success)
- end;
- 'DOWN' ->
- %% Handled 'DOWN' message
- check_proc_code(CpcS, NoReq1, NoGcReq2, NeedGC1,
- KillState1, Success)
- end.
-cpc_recv(Tag, NoReq, NoGcReq, #cpc_kill{outstanding = []} = KillState) ->
- receive
- {check_process_code, {Tag, Pid, GC}, Res} ->
- cpc_handle_cpc(NoReq, NoGcReq, GC, Pid, Res, KillState)
- end;
-cpc_recv(Tag, NoReq, NoGcReq,
- #cpc_kill{outstanding = [R0, R1, R2, R3, R4 | _]} = KillState) ->
- receive
- {'DOWN', R, process, _, _} when R == R0;
- R == R1;
- R == R2;
- R == R3;
- R == R4 ->
- cpc_handle_down(NoReq, NoGcReq, R, KillState);
- {check_process_code, {Tag, Pid, GC}, Res} ->
- cpc_handle_cpc(NoReq, NoGcReq, GC, Pid, Res, KillState)
- end;
-cpc_recv(Tag, NoReq, NoGcReq, #cpc_kill{outstanding = [R|_]} = KillState) ->
- receive
- {'DOWN', R, process, _, _} ->
- cpc_handle_down(NoReq, NoGcReq, R, KillState);
- {check_process_code, {Tag, Pid, GC}, Res} ->
- cpc_handle_cpc(NoReq, NoGcReq, GC, Pid, Res, KillState)
- end.
-cpc_handle_down(NoReq, NoGcReq, R, #cpc_kill{outstanding = Rs,
- no_outstanding = N} = KillState) ->
- {NoReq, NoGcReq, undefined, 'DOWN',
- cpc_sched_kill_waiting(KillState#cpc_kill{outstanding = cpc_list_rm(R, Rs),
- no_outstanding = N-1})}.
-cpc_list_rm(R, [R|Rs]) ->
- Rs;
-cpc_list_rm(R0, [R1|Rs]) ->
- [R1|cpc_list_rm(R0, Rs)].
-cpc_handle_cpc(NoReq, NoGcReq, false, Pid, Res, KillState) ->
- {NoReq-1, NoGcReq, Pid, Res, KillState};
-cpc_handle_cpc(NoReq, NoGcReq, true, Pid, Res, KillState) ->
- {NoReq, NoGcReq-1, Pid, Res, KillState}.
-cpc_sched_kill_waiting(#cpc_kill{waiting = []} = KillState) ->
- KillState;
-cpc_sched_kill_waiting(#cpc_kill{outstanding = Rs,
- no_outstanding = N,
- waiting = [P|Ps]} = KillState) ->
- R = erlang:monitor(process, P),
- exit(P, kill),
- KillState#cpc_kill{outstanding = [R|Rs],
- no_outstanding = N+1,
- waiting = Ps,
- killed = true}.
-cpc_sched_kill(Pid, #cpc_kill{no_outstanding = N, waiting = Pids} = KillState)
- KillState#cpc_kill{waiting = [Pid|Pids]};
- #cpc_kill{outstanding = Rs, no_outstanding = N} = KillState) ->
- R = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
- exit(Pid, kill),
- KillState#cpc_kill{outstanding = [R|Rs],
- no_outstanding = N+1,
- killed = true}.
-cpc_request(#cpc_static{tag = Tag, module = Mod}, Pid, AllowGc) ->
- erlang:check_process_code(Pid, Mod, [{async, {Tag, Pid, AllowGc}},
- {allow_gc, AllowGc}]).
-cpc_request_gc(CpcS, [Pid|Pids]) ->
- cpc_request(CpcS, Pid, true),
- Pids.
-cpc_init(_CpcS, [], NoReqs) ->
- NoReqs;
-cpc_init(CpcS, [Pid|Pids], NoReqs) ->
- cpc_request(CpcS, Pid, false),
- cpc_init(CpcS, Pids, NoReqs+1).
-% end of check_proc_code() implementation.
is_loaded(M, Db) ->
case ets:lookup(Db, M) of
@@ -1665,6 +1236,14 @@ is_loaded(M, Db) ->
[] -> false
+do_purge(Mod) ->
+ {_WasOld, DidKill} = erts_code_purger:purge(Mod),
+ DidKill.
+do_soft_purge(Mod) ->
+ erts_code_purger:soft_purge(Mod).
%% -------------------------------------------------------
%% The on_load functionality.
%% -------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1779,6 +1358,3 @@ archive_extension() ->
to_list(X) when is_list(X) -> X;
to_list(X) when is_atom(X) -> atom_to_list(X).
-to_atom(X) when is_atom(X) -> X;
-to_atom(X) when is_list(X) -> list_to_atom(X).