path: root/lib/kernel/src/erts_debug.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel/src/erts_debug.erl')
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/erts_debug.erl b/lib/kernel/src/erts_debug.erl
index 9662f8fa90..1270de4144 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/erts_debug.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/erts_debug.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2018. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
%% Low-level debugging support. EXPERIMENTAL!
%% This module contains the following *experimental* BIFs:
%% disassemble/1
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
%%% BIFs
-export([breakpoint/2, disassemble/1, display/1, dist_ext_to_term/2,
- dump_monitors/1, dump_links/1, flat_size/1,
- get_internal_state/1, instructions/0,
+ flat_size/1, get_internal_state/1, instructions/0,
map_info/1, same/2, set_internal_state/2,
size_shared/1, copy_shared/1, dirty_cpu/2, dirty_io/2, dirty/3,
- lcnt_control/1, lcnt_control/2, lcnt_collect/0, lcnt_clear/0]).
+ lcnt_control/1, lcnt_control/2, lcnt_collect/0, lcnt_clear/0,
+ lc_graph/0, lc_graph_to_dot/2, lc_graph_merge/2]).
-spec breakpoint(MFA, Flag) -> non_neg_integer() when
MFA :: {Module :: module(),
@@ -70,18 +70,6 @@ display(_) ->
dist_ext_to_term(_, _) ->
--spec dump_monitors(Id) -> true when
- Id :: pid() | atom().
-dump_monitors(_) ->
- erlang:nif_error(undef).
--spec dump_links(Id) -> true when
- Id :: pid() | port() | atom().
-dump_links(_) ->
- erlang:nif_error(undef).
-spec flat_size(Term) -> non_neg_integer() when
Term :: term().
@@ -347,55 +335,52 @@ is_term_seen(_, []) -> false.
-spec df(module()) -> df_ret().
df(Mod) when is_atom(Mod) ->
- df(lists:concat([Mod, ".dis"]), Mod).
--spec df(module(), atom()) -> df_ret();
- (file:io_device() | file:filename(), module()) -> df_ret().
-df(Mod, Func) when is_atom(Mod), is_atom(Func) ->
- df(lists:concat([Mod, "_", Func, ".dis"]), Mod, Func);
-df(Name, Mod) when is_atom(Mod) ->
try Mod:module_info(functions) of
Fs0 when is_list(Fs0) ->
+ Name = lists:concat([Mod, ".dis"]),
Fs = [{Mod,Func,Arity} || {Func,Arity} <- Fs0],
dff(Name, Fs)
catch _:_ -> {undef,Mod}
+-spec df(module(), atom()) -> df_ret().
--spec df(module(), atom(), arity()) -> df_ret();
- (file:io_device() | file:filename(), module(), atom()) -> df_ret().
-df(Mod, Func, Arity) when is_atom(Mod), is_atom(Func), is_integer(Arity) ->
- df(lists:concat([Mod, "_", Func, "_", Arity, ".dis"]), Mod, Func, Arity);
-df(Name, Mod, Func) when is_atom(Mod), is_atom(Func) ->
+df(Mod, Func) when is_atom(Mod), is_atom(Func) ->
try Mod:module_info(functions) of
Fs0 when is_list(Fs0) ->
+ Name = lists:concat([Mod, "_", Func, ".dis"]),
Fs = [{Mod,Func1,Arity} || {Func1,Arity} <- Fs0, Func1 =:= Func],
dff(Name, Fs)
catch _:_ -> {undef,Mod}
--spec df(file:io_device() | file:filename(), module(), atom(), arity()) -> df_ret().
-df(Name, Mod, Func, Arity) when is_atom(Mod), is_atom(Func), is_integer(Arity) ->
+-spec df(module(), atom(), arity()) -> df_ret().
+df(Mod, Func, Arity) when is_atom(Mod), is_atom(Func) ->
try Mod:module_info(functions) of
Fs0 when is_list(Fs0) ->
+ Name = lists:concat([Mod, "_", Func, "_", Arity, ".dis"]),
Fs = [{Mod,Func1,Arity1} || {Func1,Arity1} <- Fs0,
Func1 =:= Func, Arity1 =:= Arity],
dff(Name, Fs)
catch _:_ -> {undef,Mod}
-dff(File, Fs) when is_pid(File), is_list(Fs) ->
- lists:foreach(fun(Mfa) ->
- disassemble_function(File, Mfa),
- io:nl(File)
- end, Fs);
-dff(Name, Fs) when is_list(Name) ->
- case file:open(Name, [write]) of
+-spec dis_to_file(module(), file:filename()) -> df_ret().
+dis_to_file(Mod, Name) when is_atom(Mod) ->
+ try Mod:module_info(functions) of
+ Fs0 when is_list(Fs0) ->
+ Fs = [{Mod,Func,Arity} || {Func,Arity} <- Fs0],
+ dff(Name, Fs)
+ catch _:_ -> {undef,Mod}
+ end.
+dff(Name, Fs) ->
+ case file:open(Name, [write,raw,delayed_write]) of
{ok,F} ->
- dff(F, Fs)
+ dff_1(F, Fs)
_ = file:close(F)
@@ -403,12 +388,18 @@ dff(Name, Fs) when is_list(Name) ->
+dff_1(File, Fs) ->
+ lists:foreach(fun(Mfa) ->
+ disassemble_function(File, Mfa),
+ file:write(File, "\n")
+ end, Fs).
disassemble_function(File, {_,_,_}=MFA) ->
cont_dis(File, erts_debug:disassemble(MFA), MFA).
cont_dis(_, false, _) -> ok;
cont_dis(File, {Addr,Str,MFA}, MFA) ->
- io:put_chars(File, binary_to_list(Str)),
+ ok = file:write(File, Str),
cont_dis(File, erts_debug:disassemble(Addr), MFA);
cont_dis(_, {_,_,_}, _) -> ok.
@@ -417,3 +408,90 @@ cont_dis(_, {_,_,_}, _) -> ok.
map_info(_) ->
+%% Create file "lc_graph.<pid>" with all actual lock dependencies
+%% recorded so far by the VM.
+%% Needs debug VM or --enable-lock-checking config, returns 'notsup' otherwise.
+lc_graph() ->
+ erts_debug:set_internal_state(available_internal_state, true),
+ erts_debug:get_internal_state(lc_graph).
+%% Convert "lc_graph.<pid>" file to https://www.graphviz.org dot format.
+lc_graph_to_dot(OutFile, InFile) ->
+ {ok, [LL0]} = file:consult(InFile),
+ [{"NO LOCK",0} | LL] = LL0,
+ Map = maps:from_list([{Id, Name} || {Name, Id, _, _} <- LL]),
+ case file:open(OutFile, [exclusive]) of
+ {ok, Out} ->
+ ok = file:write(Out, "digraph G {\n"),
+ [dot_print_lock(Out, Lck, Map) || Lck <- LL],
+ ok = file:write(Out, "}\n"),
+ ok = file:close(Out);
+ {error,eexist} ->
+ {"File already exists", OutFile}
+ end.
+dot_print_lock(Out, {_Name, Id, Lst, _}, Map) ->
+ [dot_print_edge(Out, From, Id, Map) || From <- Lst],
+ ok.
+dot_print_edge(_, 0, _, _) ->
+ ignore; % "NO LOCK"
+dot_print_edge(Out, From, To, Map) ->
+ io:format(Out, "~p -> ~p;\n", [maps:get(From,Map), maps:get(To,Map)]).
+%% Merge several "lc_graph" files into one file.
+lc_graph_merge(OutFile, InFiles) ->
+ LLs = lists:map(fun(InFile) ->
+ {ok, [LL]} = file:consult(InFile),
+ LL
+ end,
+ InFiles),
+ Res = lists:foldl(fun(A, B) -> lcg_merge(A, B) end,
+ hd(LLs),
+ tl(LLs)),
+ case file:open(OutFile, [exclusive]) of
+ {ok, Out} ->
+ try
+ lcg_print(Out, Res)
+ after
+ file:close(Out)
+ end,
+ ok;
+ {error, eexist} ->
+ {"File already exists", OutFile}
+ end.
+lcg_merge(A, B) ->
+ lists:zipwith(fun(LA, LB) -> lcg_merge_locks(LA, LB) end,
+ A, B).
+lcg_merge_locks(L, L) ->
+ L;
+lcg_merge_locks({Name, Id, DA, IA}, {Name, Id, DB, IB}) ->
+ Direct = lists:umerge(DA, DB),
+ Indirect = lists:umerge(IA, IB),
+ {Name, Id, Direct, Indirect -- Direct}.
+lcg_print(Out, LL) ->
+ io:format(Out, "[", []),
+ lcg_print_locks(Out, LL),
+ io:format(Out, "].\n", []),
+ ok.
+lcg_print_locks(Out, [{_,_}=NoLock | Rest]) ->
+ io:format(Out, "~p,\n", [NoLock]),
+ lcg_print_locks(Out, Rest);
+lcg_print_locks(Out, [LastLock]) ->
+ io:format(Out, "~w", [LastLock]);
+lcg_print_locks(Out, [Lock | Rest]) ->
+ io:format(Out, "~w,\n", [Lock]),
+ lcg_print_locks(Out, Rest).