path: root/lib/kernel/src/logger_disk_log_h.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel/src/logger_disk_log_h.erl')
1 files changed, 252 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/logger_disk_log_h.erl b/lib/kernel/src/logger_disk_log_h.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..47b39da900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/logger_disk_log_h.erl
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+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2017-2018. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%%% API
+%% logger_h_common callbacks
+-export([init/2, check_config/4, reset_state/2,
+ filesync/3, write/4, handle_info/3, terminate/3]).
+%% logger callbacks
+-export([log/2, adding_handler/1, removing_handler/1, changing_config/3,
+ filter_config/1]).
+%%% API
+-spec filesync(Name) -> ok | {error,Reason} when
+ Name :: atom(),
+ Reason :: handler_busy | {badarg,term()}.
+filesync(Name) ->
+ logger_h_common:filesync(?MODULE,Name).
+%%% logger callbacks
+%%% Handler being added
+adding_handler(Config) ->
+ logger_h_common:adding_handler(Config).
+%%% Updating handler config
+changing_config(SetOrUpdate, OldConfig, NewConfig) ->
+ logger_h_common:changing_config(SetOrUpdate, OldConfig, NewConfig).
+%%% Handler being removed
+removing_handler(Config) ->
+ logger_h_common:removing_handler(Config).
+%%% Log a string or report
+-spec log(LogEvent, Config) -> ok when
+ LogEvent :: logger:log_event(),
+ Config :: logger:handler_config().
+log(LogEvent, Config) ->
+ logger_h_common:log(LogEvent, Config).
+%%% Remove internal fields from configuration
+filter_config(Config) ->
+ logger_h_common:filter_config(Config).
+%%% logger_h_common callbacks
+init(Name, #{file:=File,type:=Type,max_no_bytes:=MNB,max_no_files:=MNF}) ->
+ case open_disk_log(Name, File, Type, MNB, MNF) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok,#{log_opts => #{file => File,
+ type => Type,
+ max_no_bytes => MNB,
+ max_no_files => MNF},
+ prev_log_result => ok,
+ prev_sync_result => ok,
+ prev_disk_log_info => undefined}};
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+check_config(Name,set,undefined,HConfig0) ->
+ HConfig=merge_default_logopts(Name,maps:merge(get_default_config(),HConfig0)),
+ check_config(HConfig);
+check_config(_Name,SetOrUpdate,OldHConfig,NewHConfig0) ->
+ WriteOnce = maps:with([type,file,max_no_files,max_no_bytes],OldHConfig),
+ Default =
+ case SetOrUpdate of
+ set ->
+ %% Do not reset write-once fields to defaults
+ maps:merge(get_default_config(),WriteOnce);
+ update ->
+ OldHConfig
+ end,
+ NewHConfig = maps:merge(Default,NewHConfig0),
+ %% Fail if write-once fields are changed
+ case maps:with([type,file,max_no_files,max_no_bytes],NewHConfig) of
+ WriteOnce ->
+ check_config(NewHConfig);
+ Other ->
+ {Old,New} = logger_server:diff_maps(WriteOnce,Other),
+ {error,{illegal_config_change,?MODULE,Old,New}}
+ end.
+check_config(HConfig) ->
+ case check_h_config(maps:to_list(HConfig)) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok,HConfig};
+ {error,{Key,Value}} ->
+ {error,{invalid_config,?MODULE,#{Key=>Value}}}
+ end.
+check_h_config([{file,File}|Config]) when is_list(File) ->
+ check_h_config(Config);
+check_h_config([{max_no_files,undefined}|Config]) ->
+ check_h_config(Config);
+check_h_config([{max_no_files,N}|Config]) when is_integer(N), N>0 ->
+ check_h_config(Config);
+check_h_config([{max_no_bytes,infinity}|Config]) ->
+ check_h_config(Config);
+check_h_config([{max_no_bytes,N}|Config]) when is_integer(N), N>0 ->
+ check_h_config(Config);
+check_h_config([{type,Type}|Config]) when Type==wrap; Type==halt ->
+ check_h_config(Config);
+check_h_config([Other | _]) ->
+ {error,Other};
+check_h_config([]) ->
+ ok.
+get_default_config() ->
+ #{}.
+merge_default_logopts(Name, HConfig) ->
+ Type = maps:get(type, HConfig, wrap),
+ {DefaultNoFiles,DefaultNoBytes} =
+ case Type of
+ halt -> {undefined,infinity};
+ _wrap -> {10,1048576}
+ end,
+ {ok,Dir} = file:get_cwd(),
+ Defaults = #{file => filename:join(Dir,Name),
+ max_no_files => DefaultNoFiles,
+ max_no_bytes => DefaultNoBytes,
+ type => Type},
+ maps:merge(Defaults, HConfig).
+filesync(Name,_Mode,State) ->
+ Result = ?disk_log_sync(Name),
+ maybe_notify_error(Name, filesync, Result, prev_sync_result, State).
+write(Name, Mode, Bin, State) ->
+ Result = ?disk_log_write(Name, Mode, Bin),
+ maybe_notify_error(Name, log, Result, prev_log_result, State).
+reset_state(_Name, State) ->
+ State#{prev_log_result => ok,
+ prev_sync_result => ok,
+ prev_disk_log_info => undefined}.
+%% The disk log owner must handle status messages from disk_log.
+handle_info(Name, {disk_log, _Node, Log, Info={truncated,_NoLostItems}}, State) ->
+ maybe_notify_status(Name, Log, Info, prev_disk_log_info, State);
+handle_info(Name, {disk_log, _Node, Log, Info = {blocked_log,_Items}}, State) ->
+ maybe_notify_status(Name, Log, Info, prev_disk_log_info, State);
+handle_info(Name, {disk_log, _Node, Log, Info = full}, State) ->
+ maybe_notify_status(Name, Log, Info, prev_disk_log_info, State);
+handle_info(Name, {disk_log, _Node, Log, Info = {error_status,_Status}}, State) ->
+ maybe_notify_status(Name, Log, Info, prev_disk_log_info, State);
+handle_info(_, _, State) ->
+ State.
+terminate(Name, _Reason, _State) ->
+ _ = close_disk_log(Name, normal),
+ ok.
+%%% Internal functions
+open_disk_log(Name, File, Type, MaxNoBytes, MaxNoFiles) ->
+ case filelib:ensure_dir(File) of
+ ok ->
+ Size =
+ if Type == halt -> MaxNoBytes;
+ Type == wrap -> {MaxNoBytes,MaxNoFiles}
+ end,
+ Opts = [{name, Name},
+ {file, File},
+ {size, Size},
+ {type, Type},
+ {linkto, self()},
+ {repair, false},
+ {format, external},
+ {notify, true},
+ {quiet, true},
+ {mode, read_write}],
+ case disk_log:open(Opts) of
+ {ok,Name} ->
+ ok;
+ Error = {error,_Reason} ->
+ Error
+ end;
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+close_disk_log(Name, _) ->
+ _ = ?disk_log_sync(Name),
+ _ = disk_log:lclose(Name),
+ ok.
+disk_log_write(Name, sync, Bin) ->
+ disk_log:blog(Name, Bin);
+disk_log_write(Name, async, Bin) ->
+ disk_log:balog(Name, Bin).
+%%% Print error messages, but don't repeat the same message
+maybe_notify_error(Name, Op, Result, Key, #{log_opts:=LogOpts}=State) ->
+ {Result,error_notify_new({Name, Op, LogOpts, Result}, Result, Key, State)}.
+maybe_notify_status(Name, Log, Info, Key, State) ->
+ error_notify_new({disk_log, Name, Log, Info}, Info, Key, State).
+error_notify_new(Term, What, Key, State) ->
+ error_notify_new(What, maps:get(Key,State), Term),
+ State#{Key => What}.
+error_notify_new(ok,_Prev,_Term) ->
+ ok;
+error_notify_new(Same,Same,_Term) ->
+ ok;
+error_notify_new(_New,_Prev,Term) ->
+ logger_h_common:error_notify(Term).