path: root/lib/kernel/src/logger_formatter.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel/src/logger_formatter.erl')
1 files changed, 526 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/logger_formatter.erl b/lib/kernel/src/logger_formatter.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0d4adc14d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/logger_formatter.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2017-2018. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%%% Types
+-type config() :: #{chars_limit => pos_integer() | unlimited,
+ depth => pos_integer() | unlimited,
+ encoding => unicode:encoding(),
+ legacy_header => boolean(),
+ max_size => pos_integer() | unlimited,
+ report_cb => logger:report_cb(),
+ single_line => boolean(),
+ template => template(),
+ time_designator => byte(),
+ time_offset => integer() | [byte()]}.
+-type template() :: [metakey() | {metakey(),template(),template()} | string()].
+-type metakey() :: atom() | [atom()].
+%%% API
+-spec format(LogEvent,Config) -> unicode:chardata() when
+ LogEvent :: logger:log_event(),
+ Config :: config().
+ when is_map(Config0) ->
+ Config = add_default_config(Config0),
+ Meta1 = maybe_add_legacy_header(Level,Meta,Config),
+ Template = maps:get(template,Config),
+ {BT,AT0} = lists:splitwith(fun(msg) -> false; (_) -> true end, Template),
+ {DoMsg,AT} =
+ case AT0 of
+ [msg|Rest] -> {true,Rest};
+ _ ->{false,AT0}
+ end,
+ B = do_format(Level,Meta1,BT,Config),
+ A = do_format(Level,Meta1,AT,Config),
+ MsgStr =
+ if DoMsg ->
+ Config1 =
+ case maps:get(chars_limit,Config) of
+ unlimited ->
+ Config;
+ Size0 ->
+ Size =
+ case Size0 - string:length([B,A]) of
+ S when S>=0 -> S;
+ _ -> 0
+ end,
+ Config#{chars_limit=>Size}
+ end,
+ MsgStr0 = format_msg(Msg0,Meta1,Config1),
+ case maps:get(single_line,Config) of
+ true ->
+ %% Trim leading and trailing whitespaces, and replace
+ %% newlines with ", "
+ re:replace(string:trim(MsgStr0),",?\r?\n\s*",", ",
+ [{return,list},global,unicode]);
+ _false ->
+ MsgStr0
+ end;
+ true ->
+ ""
+ end,
+ truncate(B ++ MsgStr ++ A,maps:get(max_size,Config)).
+do_format(Level,Data,[level|Format],Config) ->
+ [to_string(level,Level,Config)|do_format(Level,Data,Format,Config)];
+do_format(Level,Data,[{Key,IfExist,Else}|Format],Config) ->
+ String =
+ case value(Key,Data) of
+ {ok,Value} -> do_format(Level,Data#{Key=>Value},IfExist,Config);
+ error -> do_format(Level,Data,Else,Config)
+ end,
+ [String|do_format(Level,Data,Format,Config)];
+ when is_atom(Key) orelse
+ (is_list(Key) andalso is_atom(hd(Key))) ->
+ String =
+ case value(Key,Data) of
+ {ok,Value} -> to_string(Key,Value,Config);
+ error -> ""
+ end,
+ [String|do_format(Level,Data,Format,Config)];
+do_format(Level,Data,[Str|Format],Config) ->
+ [Str|do_format(Level,Data,Format,Config)];
+do_format(_Level,_Data,[],_Config) ->
+ [].
+value(Key,Meta) when is_map_key(Key,Meta) ->
+ {ok,maps:get(Key,Meta)};
+value([Key|Keys],Meta) when is_map_key(Key,Meta) ->
+ value(Keys,maps:get(Key,Meta));
+value([],Value) ->
+ {ok,Value};
+value(_,_) ->
+ error.
+to_string(time,Time,Config) ->
+ format_time(Time,Config);
+to_string(mfa,MFA,Config) ->
+ format_mfa(MFA,Config);
+to_string(_,Value,Config) ->
+ to_string(Value,Config).
+to_string(X,_) when is_atom(X) ->
+ atom_to_list(X);
+to_string(X,_) when is_integer(X) ->
+ integer_to_list(X);
+to_string(X,_) when is_pid(X) ->
+ pid_to_list(X);
+to_string(X,_) when is_reference(X) ->
+ ref_to_list(X);
+to_string(X,Config) when is_list(X) ->
+ case printable_list(lists:flatten(X)) of
+ true -> X;
+ _ -> io_lib:format(p(Config),[X])
+ end;
+to_string(X,Config) ->
+ io_lib:format(p(Config),[X]).
+printable_list([]) ->
+ false;
+printable_list(X) ->
+ io_lib:printable_list(X).
+format_msg({string,Chardata},Meta,Config) ->
+ format_msg({s(Config),[Chardata]},Meta,Config);
+ when is_function(Fun,1); is_function(Fun,2) ->
+ format_msg(Msg,Meta#{report_cb=>Fun},maps:remove(report_cb,Config));
+format_msg({report,Report},#{report_cb:=Fun}=Meta,Config) when is_function(Fun,1) ->
+ try Fun(Report) of
+ {Format,Args} when is_list(Format), is_list(Args) ->
+ format_msg({Format,Args},maps:remove(report_cb,Meta),Config);
+ Other ->
+ P = p(Config),
+ format_msg({"REPORT_CB/1 ERROR: "++P++"; Returned: "++P,
+ [Report,Other]},Meta,Config)
+ catch C:R:S ->
+ P = p(Config),
+ format_msg({"REPORT_CB/1 CRASH: "++P++"; Reason: "++P,
+ [Report,{C,R,logger:filter_stacktrace(?MODULE,S)}]},
+ Meta,Config)
+ end;
+format_msg({report,Report},#{report_cb:=Fun}=Meta,Config) when is_function(Fun,2) ->
+ try Fun(Report,maps:with([encoding,depth,chars_limit],Config)) of
+ String when ?IS_STRING(String) ->
+ try unicode:characters_to_list(String)
+ catch _:_ ->
+ P = p(Config),
+ format_msg({"REPORT_CB/2 ERROR: "++P++"; Returned: "++P,
+ [Report,String]},Meta,Config)
+ end;
+ Other ->
+ P = p(Config),
+ format_msg({"REPORT_CB/2 ERROR: "++P++"; Returned: "++P,
+ [Report,Other]},Meta,Config)
+ catch C:R:S ->
+ P = p(Config),
+ format_msg({"REPORT_CB/2 CRASH: "++P++"; Reason: "++P,
+ [Report,{C,R,logger:filter_stacktrace(?MODULE,S)}]},
+ Meta,Config)
+ end;
+format_msg({report,Report},Meta,Config) ->
+ format_msg({report,Report},
+ Meta#{report_cb=>fun logger:format_report/1},
+ Config);
+ encoding:=Enc,single_line:=Single}) ->
+ Opts = chars_limit_to_opts(CharsLimit),
+ format_msg(Msg, Depth, Opts, Enc, Single).
+chars_limit_to_opts(unlimited) -> [];
+chars_limit_to_opts(CharsLimit) -> [{chars_limit,CharsLimit}].
+format_msg({Format0,Args},Depth,Opts,Enc,Single) ->
+ try
+ Format1 = io_lib:scan_format(Format0, Args),
+ Format = reformat(Format1, Depth, Single),
+ io_lib:build_text(Format,Opts)
+ catch C:R:S ->
+ P = p(Enc,Single),
+ FormatError = "FORMAT ERROR: "++P++" - "++P,
+ case Format0 of
+ FormatError ->
+ %% already been here - avoid failing cyclically
+ erlang:raise(C,R,S);
+ _ ->
+ format_msg({FormatError,[Format0,Args]},
+ Depth,Opts,Enc,Single)
+ end
+ end.
+reformat(Format,unlimited,false) ->
+ Format;
+reformat([#{control_char:=C}=M|T], Depth, true) when C =:= $p ->
+ [limit_depth(M#{width => 0}, Depth)|reformat(T, Depth, true)];
+reformat([#{control_char:=C}=M|T], Depth, true) when C =:= $P ->
+ [M#{width => 0}|reformat(T, Depth, true)];
+reformat([#{control_char:=C}=M|T], Depth, Single) when C =:= $p; C =:= $w ->
+ [limit_depth(M, Depth)|reformat(T, Depth, Single)];
+reformat([H|T], Depth, Single) ->
+ [H|reformat(T, Depth, Single)];
+reformat([], _, _) ->
+ [].
+limit_depth(M0, unlimited) ->
+ M0;
+limit_depth(#{control_char:=C0, args:=Args}=M0, Depth) ->
+ C = C0 - ($a - $A), %To uppercase.
+ M0#{control_char:=C,args:=Args++[Depth]}.
+truncate(String,unlimited) ->
+ String;
+truncate(String,Size) ->
+ Length = string:length(String),
+ if Length>Size ->
+ case lists:reverse(lists:flatten(String)) of
+ [$\n|_] ->
+ string:slice(String,0,Size-4)++"...\n";
+ _ ->
+ string:slice(String,0,Size-3)++"..."
+ end;
+ true ->
+ String
+ end.
+%% SysTime is the system time in microseconds
+ when is_integer(SysTime) ->
+ calendar:system_time_to_rfc3339(SysTime,[{unit,microsecond},
+ {offset,Offset},
+ {time_designator,Des}]).
+%% SysTime is the system time in microseconds
+timestamp_to_datetimemicro(SysTime,Config) when is_integer(SysTime) ->
+ Micro = SysTime rem 1000000,
+ Sec = SysTime div 1000000,
+ UniversalTime = erlang:posixtime_to_universaltime(Sec),
+ {{Date,Time},UtcStr} =
+ case offset_to_utc(maps:get(time_offset,Config)) of
+ true -> {UniversalTime,"UTC "};
+ _ -> {erlang:universaltime_to_localtime(UniversalTime),""}
+ end,
+ {Date,Time,Micro,UtcStr}.
+format_mfa({M,F,A},_) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_integer(A) ->
+ atom_to_list(M)++":"++atom_to_list(F)++"/"++integer_to_list(A);
+format_mfa({M,F,A},Config) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_list(A) ->
+ format_mfa({M,F,length(A)},Config);
+format_mfa(MFA,Config) ->
+ to_string(MFA,Config).
+ #{time:=Timestamp}=Meta,
+ #{legacy_header:=true}=Config) ->
+ #{title:=Title}=MyMeta = add_legacy_title(Level,Meta,Config),
+ {{Y,Mo,D},{H,Mi,Sec},Micro,UtcStr} =
+ timestamp_to_datetimemicro(Timestamp,Config),
+ S = s(Config),
+ Header =
+ io_lib:format("="++S++"==== ~w-~s-~4w::~2..0w:~2..0w:~2..0w.~6..0w ~s===",
+ [Title,D,month(Mo),Y,H,Mi,Sec,Micro,UtcStr]),
+ Meta#{?MODULE=>MyMeta#{header=>Header}};
+maybe_add_legacy_header(_,Meta,_) ->
+ Meta.
+add_legacy_title(_Level,#{?MODULE:=#{title:=_}=MyMeta},_) ->
+ MyMeta;
+add_legacy_title(Level,Meta,Config) ->
+ case maps:get(?MODULE,Meta,#{}) of
+ #{title:=_}=MyMeta ->
+ MyMeta;
+ MyMeta ->
+ TitleLevel =
+ case (Level=:=notice andalso maps:find(error_logger,Meta)) of
+ {ok,_} ->
+ maps:get(error_logger_notice_header,Config);
+ _ ->
+ Level
+ end,
+ Title = string:uppercase(atom_to_list(TitleLevel)) ++ " REPORT",
+ MyMeta#{title=>Title}
+ end.
+month(1) -> "Jan";
+month(2) -> "Feb";
+month(3) -> "Mar";
+month(4) -> "Apr";
+month(5) -> "May";
+month(6) -> "Jun";
+month(7) -> "Jul";
+month(8) -> "Aug";
+month(9) -> "Sep";
+month(10) -> "Oct";
+month(11) -> "Nov";
+month(12) -> "Dec".
+%% Ensure that all valid configuration parameters exist in the final
+%% configuration map
+add_default_config(Config0) ->
+ Default =
+ #{chars_limit=>unlimited,
+ encoding=>utf8,
+ error_logger_notice_header=>info,
+ legacy_header=>false,
+ single_line=>true,
+ time_designator=>$T},
+ MaxSize = get_max_size(maps:get(max_size,Config0,undefined)),
+ Depth = get_depth(maps:get(depth,Config0,undefined)),
+ Offset = get_offset(maps:get(time_offset,Config0,undefined)),
+ add_default_template(maps:merge(Default,Config0#{max_size=>MaxSize,
+ depth=>Depth,
+ time_offset=>Offset})).
+add_default_template(#{template:=_}=Config) ->
+ Config;
+add_default_template(Config) ->
+ Config#{template=>default_template(Config)}.
+default_template(#{legacy_header:=true}) ->
+default_template(#{single_line:=true}) ->
+default_template(_) ->
+get_max_size(undefined) ->
+ unlimited;
+get_max_size(S) ->
+ max(10,S).
+get_depth(undefined) ->
+ error_logger:get_format_depth();
+get_depth(S) ->
+ max(5,S).
+get_offset(undefined) ->
+ utc_to_offset(get_utc_config());
+get_offset(Offset) ->
+ Offset.
+utc_to_offset(true) ->
+ "Z";
+utc_to_offset(false) ->
+ "".
+get_utc_config() ->
+ %% SASL utc_log overrides stdlib config - in order to have uniform
+ %% timestamps in log messages
+ case application:get_env(sasl, utc_log) of
+ {ok, Val} when is_boolean(Val) -> Val;
+ _ ->
+ case application:get_env(stdlib, utc_log) of
+ {ok, Val} when is_boolean(Val) -> Val;
+ _ -> false
+ end
+ end.
+offset_to_utc(Z) when Z=:=0; Z=:="z"; Z=:="Z" ->
+ true;
+offset_to_utc([$+|Tz]) ->
+ case io_lib:fread("~d:~d", Tz) of
+ {ok, [0, 0], []} ->
+ true;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end;
+offset_to_utc(_) ->
+ false.
+-spec check_config(Config) -> ok | {error,term()} when
+ Config :: config().
+check_config(Config) when is_map(Config) ->
+ do_check_config(maps:to_list(Config));
+check_config(Config) ->
+ {error,{invalid_formatter_config,?MODULE,Config}}.
+do_check_config([{Type,L}|Config]) when Type == chars_limit;
+ Type == depth;
+ Type == max_size ->
+ case check_limit(L) of
+ ok -> do_check_config(Config);
+ error -> {error,{invalid_formatter_config,?MODULE,{Type,L}}}
+ end;
+do_check_config([{single_line,SL}|Config]) when is_boolean(SL) ->
+ do_check_config(Config);
+do_check_config([{legacy_header,LH}|Config]) when is_boolean(LH) ->
+ do_check_config(Config);
+do_check_config([{error_logger_notice_header,ELNH}|Config]) when ELNH == info;
+ ELNH == notice ->
+ do_check_config(Config);
+do_check_config([{report_cb,RCB}|Config]) when is_function(RCB,1);
+ is_function(RCB,2) ->
+ do_check_config(Config);
+do_check_config([{template,T}|Config]) ->
+ case check_template(T) of
+ ok -> do_check_config(Config);
+ error -> {error,{invalid_formatter_template,?MODULE,T}}
+ end;
+do_check_config([{time_offset,Offset}|Config]) ->
+ case check_offset(Offset) of
+ ok ->
+ do_check_config(Config);
+ error ->
+ {error,{invalid_formatter_config,?MODULE,{time_offset,Offset}}}
+ end;
+do_check_config([{time_designator,Char}|Config]) when Char>=0, Char=<255 ->
+ case io_lib:printable_latin1_list([Char]) of
+ true ->
+ do_check_config(Config);
+ false ->
+ {error,{invalid_formatter_config,?MODULE,{time_designator,Char}}}
+ end;
+do_check_config([C|_]) ->
+ {error,{invalid_formatter_config,?MODULE,C}};
+do_check_config([]) ->
+ ok.
+check_limit(L) when is_integer(L), L>0 ->
+ ok;
+check_limit(unlimited) ->
+ ok;
+check_limit(_) ->
+ error.
+check_template([Key|T]) when is_atom(Key) ->
+ check_template(T);
+check_template([Key|T]) when is_list(Key), is_atom(hd(Key)) ->
+ case lists:all(fun(X) when is_atom(X) -> true;
+ (_) -> false
+ end,
+ Key) of
+ true ->
+ check_template(T);
+ false ->
+ error
+ end;
+ when is_atom(Key) orelse
+ (is_list(Key) andalso is_atom(hd(Key))) ->
+ case check_template(IfExist) of
+ ok ->
+ case check_template(Else) of
+ ok ->
+ check_template(T);
+ error ->
+ error
+ end;
+ error ->
+ error
+ end;
+check_template([Str|T]) when is_list(Str) ->
+ case io_lib:printable_unicode_list(Str) of
+ true -> check_template(T);
+ false -> error
+ end;
+check_template([]) ->
+ ok;
+check_template(_) ->
+ error.
+check_offset(I) when is_integer(I) ->
+ ok;
+check_offset(Tz) when Tz=:=""; Tz=:="Z"; Tz=:="z" ->
+ ok;
+check_offset([Sign|Tz]) when Sign=:=$+; Sign=:=$- ->
+ check_timezone(Tz);
+check_offset(_) ->
+ error.
+check_timezone(Tz) ->
+ try io_lib:fread("~d:~d", Tz) of
+ {ok, [_, _], []} ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ error
+ catch _:_ ->
+ error
+ end.
+p(#{encoding:=Enc, single_line:=Single}) ->
+ p(Enc,Single).
+p(Enc,Single) ->
+ "~"++p_width(Single)++p_char(Enc).
+p_width(true) ->
+ "0";
+p_width(false) ->
+ "".
+p_char(latin1) ->
+ "p";
+p_char(_) ->
+ "tp".
+s(#{encoding:=Enc}) ->
+ s(Enc);
+s(latin1) ->
+ "~s";
+s(_) ->
+ "~ts".