path: root/lib/kernel/src/logger_std_h.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel/src/logger_std_h.erl')
1 files changed, 799 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/logger_std_h.erl b/lib/kernel/src/logger_std_h.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cbc9db372c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/logger_std_h.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,799 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2017. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% API
+-export([start_link/3, info/1, filesync/1, reset/1]).
+%% gen_server and proc_lib callbacks
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
+ terminate/2, code_change/3]).
+%% logger callbacks
+-export([log/2, adding_handler/2, removing_handler/1,
+ changing_config/3, swap_buffer/2]).
+%%% API
+%%% Start a standard handler process and link to caller.
+%%% This function is called by the kernel supervisor when this
+%%% handler process gets added
+-spec start_link(Name, Config, HandlerState) -> {ok,Pid} | {error,Reason} when
+ Name :: atom(),
+ Config :: logger:config(),
+ HandlerState :: map(),
+ Pid :: pid(),
+ Reason :: term().
+start_link(Name, Config, HandlerState) ->
+ proc_lib:start_link(?MODULE,init,[[Name,Config,HandlerState]]).
+-spec filesync(Name) -> ok | {error,Reason} when
+ Name :: atom(),
+ Reason :: handler_busy | {badarg,term()}.
+filesync(Name) when is_atom(Name) ->
+ try
+ gen_server:call(Name, filesync, ?DEFAULT_CALL_TIMEOUT)
+ catch
+ _:{timeout,_} -> {error,handler_busy}
+ end;
+filesync(Name) ->
+ {error,{badarg,{filesync,[Name]}}}.
+-spec info(Name) -> Info | {error,Reason} when
+ Name :: atom(),
+ Info :: term(),
+ Reason :: handler_busy | {badarg,term()}.
+info(Name) when is_atom(Name) ->
+ try
+ gen_server:call(Name, info, ?DEFAULT_CALL_TIMEOUT)
+ catch
+ _:{timeout,_} -> {error,handler_busy}
+ end;
+info(Name) ->
+ {error,{badarg,{info,[Name]}}}.
+-spec reset(Name) -> ok | {error,Reason} when
+ Name :: atom(),
+ Reason :: handler_busy | {badarg,term()}.
+reset(Name) when is_atom(Name) ->
+ try
+ gen_server:call(Name, reset, ?DEFAULT_CALL_TIMEOUT)
+ catch
+ _:{timeout,_} -> {error,handler_busy}
+ end;
+reset(Name) ->
+ {error,{badarg,{reset,[Name]}}}.
+%%% logger callbacks
+%%% Handler being added
+adding_handler(Name, Config) ->
+ case check_config(adding, Name, Config) of
+ {ok, Config1} ->
+ %% create initial handler state by merging defaults with config
+ HConfig = maps:get(?MODULE, Config1, #{}),
+ HState = maps:merge(get_init_state(), HConfig),
+ case logger_h_common:overload_levels_ok(HState) of
+ true ->
+ case start(Name, Config1, HState) of
+ ok ->
+ %% Make sure wait_for_buffer is not stored, so we
+ %% won't hang and wait for buffer on a restart
+ {ok, maps:remove(wait_for_buffer,Config1)};
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+ false ->
+ #{toggle_sync_qlen := TSQL,
+ drop_new_reqs_qlen := DNRQL,
+ flush_reqs_qlen := FRQL} = HState,
+ {error,{invalid_levels,{TSQL,DNRQL,FRQL}}}
+ end;
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+%%% Updating handler config
+ OldConfig=#{id:=Id, ?MODULE:=#{type:=Type}},
+ NewConfig=#{id:=Id}) ->
+ MyConfig = maps:get(?MODULE, NewConfig, #{}),
+ case maps:get(type, MyConfig, Type) of
+ Type ->
+ MyConfig1 = MyConfig#{type=>Type},
+ changing_config1(Name, OldConfig,
+ NewConfig#{?MODULE=>MyConfig1});
+ _ ->
+ {error,{illegal_config_change,OldConfig,NewConfig}}
+ end;
+changing_config(_Name, OldConfig, NewConfig) ->
+ {error,{illegal_config_change,OldConfig,NewConfig}}.
+changing_config1(Name, OldConfig, NewConfig) ->
+ case check_config(changing, Name, NewConfig) of
+ Result = {ok,NewConfig1} ->
+ try gen_server:call(Name, {change_config,OldConfig,NewConfig1},
+ ok -> Result;
+ HError -> HError
+ catch
+ _:{timeout,_} -> {error,handler_busy}
+ end;
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+check_config(adding, Name, Config0) ->
+ %% Merge in defaults on top level
+ Config = maps:merge(#{id => Name}, Config0),
+ %% Merge in defaults on handler level
+ MyConfig0 = maps:get(?MODULE, Config, #{}),
+ MyConfig = maps:merge(#{type => standard_io},
+ MyConfig0),
+ case check_my_config(maps:to_list(MyConfig)) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok,Config#{?MODULE=>MyConfig}};
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+check_config(changing, _Name, Config) ->
+ MyConfig = maps:get(?MODULE, Config, #{}),
+ case check_my_config(maps:to_list(MyConfig)) of
+ ok -> {ok,Config};
+ Error -> Error
+ end.
+check_my_config([{type,Type} | Config]) when Type == standard_io;
+ Type == standard_error ->
+ check_my_config(Config);
+check_my_config([{type,{file,File}} | Config]) when is_list(File) ->
+ check_my_config(Config);
+check_my_config([{type,{file,File,Modes}} | Config]) when is_list(File),
+ is_list(Modes) ->
+ check_my_config(Config);
+check_my_config([Other | Config]) ->
+ case logger_h_common:check_common_config(Other) of
+ valid ->
+ check_my_config(Config);
+ invalid ->
+ {error,{invalid_config,?MODULE,Other}}
+ end;
+check_my_config([]) ->
+ ok.
+%%% Handler being removed
+removing_handler(Name) ->
+ stop(Name).
+%%% Get buffer when swapping from simple handler
+swap_buffer(Name,Buffer) ->
+ case whereis(Name) of
+ undefined ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ Name ! {buffer,Buffer}
+ end.
+%%% Log a string or report
+-spec log(Log, Config) -> ok | dropped when
+ Log :: logger:log(),
+ Config :: logger:config().
+log(Log,Config=#{id:=Name}) ->
+ %% if the handler has crashed, we must drop this request
+ %% and hope the handler restarts so we can try again
+ true = is_pid(whereis(Name)),
+ Bin = logger_h_common:log_to_binary(Log,Config),
+ logger_h_common:call_cast_or_drop(Name, Bin).
+%%% gen_server callbacks
+init([Name, Config,
+ State0 = #{type := Type, file_ctrl_sync_int := FileCtrlSyncInt}]) ->
+ register(Name, self()),
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ process_flag(message_queue_data, off_heap),
+ ?init_test_hooks(),
+ ?start_observation(Name),
+ case do_init(Name, Type) of
+ {ok,InitState} ->
+ catch ets:new(Name, [public, named_table]),
+ ?set_mode(Name, async),
+ State = maps:merge(State0, InitState),
+ T0 = ?timestamp(),
+ State1 =
+ ?merge_with_stats(State#{mode => async,
+ file_ctrl_sync => FileCtrlSyncInt,
+ last_qlen => 0,
+ last_log_ts => T0,
+ burst_win_ts => T0,
+ burst_msg_count => 0}),
+ proc_lib:init_ack({ok,self()}),
+ gen_server:cast(self(), {repeated_filesync,T0}),
+ enter_loop(Config, State1);
+ Error ->
+ logger_h_common:error_notify({init_handler,Name,Error}),
+ proc_lib:init_ack(Error)
+ end.
+do_init(Name, Std) when Std=:=standard_io; Std=:=standard_error ->
+ case open_log_file(Name, Std) of
+ {ok,FileCtrlPid} ->
+ {ok,#{id=>Name,type=>Std,file_ctrl_pid=>FileCtrlPid}};
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+do_init(Name, FileInfo) when is_tuple(FileInfo) ->
+ case open_log_file(Name, FileInfo) of
+ {ok,FileCtrlPid} ->
+ {ok,#{id=>Name,type=>FileInfo,file_ctrl_pid=>FileCtrlPid}};
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+enter_loop(#{wait_for_buffer:=true}=Config,State) ->
+ State1 =
+ receive
+ {buffer,Buffer} ->
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun(Log,S) ->
+ Bin = logger_h_common:log_to_binary(Log,Config),
+ {_,S1} = do_log(Bin,cast,S),
+ S1
+ end,
+ State,
+ Buffer)
+ end,
+ gen_server:enter_loop(?MODULE,[],State1);
+enter_loop(_Config,State) ->
+ gen_server:enter_loop(?MODULE,[],State).
+%% This is the synchronous log request.
+handle_call({log, Bin}, _From, State) ->
+ {Result,State1} = do_log(Bin, call, State),
+ %% Result == ok | dropped
+ {reply,Result, State1};
+handle_call(filesync, _From, State = #{type := Type,
+ file_ctrl_pid := FileCtrlPid}) ->
+ if is_atom(Type) ->
+ {reply, ok, State};
+ true ->
+ {reply, file_ctrl_filesync_sync(FileCtrlPid), State}
+ end;
+handle_call({change_config,_OldConfig,NewConfig}, _From,
+ State = #{filesync_repeat_interval := FSyncInt0,
+ last_log_ts := LastLogTS}) ->
+ HConfig = maps:get(?MODULE, NewConfig, #{}),
+ State1 = maps:merge(State, HConfig),
+ case logger_h_common:overload_levels_ok(State1) of
+ true ->
+ _ =
+ case maps:get(filesync_repeat_interval, HConfig, undefined) of
+ undefined ->
+ ok;
+ no_repeat ->
+ _ = logger_h_common:cancel_timer(maps:get(rep_sync_tref,
+ State,
+ undefined));
+ FSyncInt0 ->
+ ok;
+ _FSyncInt1 ->
+ _ = logger_h_common:cancel_timer(maps:get(rep_sync_tref,
+ State,
+ undefined)),
+ gen_server:cast(self(), {repeated_filesync,
+ LastLogTS})
+ end,
+ {reply, ok, State1};
+ false ->
+ #{toggle_sync_qlen := TSQL,
+ drop_new_reqs_qlen := DNRQL,
+ flush_reqs_qlen := FRQL} = State1,
+ {reply, {error,{invalid_levels,{TSQL,DNRQL,FRQL}}}, State}
+ end;
+handle_call(info, _From, State) ->
+ {reply, State, State};
+handle_call(reset, _From, State) ->
+ State1 = ?merge_with_stats(State),
+ {reply, ok, State1#{last_qlen => 0,
+ last_log_ts => ?timestamp()}};
+handle_call(stop, _From, State) ->
+ {stop, {shutdown,stopped}, ok, State}.
+%% This is the asynchronous log request.
+handle_cast({log, Bin}, State) ->
+ {_,State1} = do_log(Bin, cast, State),
+ {noreply, State1};
+%% If FILESYNC_REPEAT_INTERVAL is set to a millisec value, this
+%% clause gets called repeatedly by the handler. In order to
+%% guarantee that a filesync *always* happens after the last log
+%% request, the repeat operation must be active!
+ State = #{type := Type,
+ file_ctrl_pid := FileCtrlPid,
+ filesync_repeat_interval := FSyncInt,
+ last_log_ts := LastLogTS1}) ->
+ State1 =
+ if not is_atom(Type), is_integer(FSyncInt) ->
+ %% only do filesync if something has been
+ %% written since last time we checked
+ if LastLogTS1 == LastLogTS0 ->
+ ok;
+ true ->
+ file_ctrl_filesync_async(FileCtrlPid)
+ end,
+ {ok,TRef} =
+ timer:apply_after(FSyncInt, gen_server,cast,
+ [self(),{repeated_filesync,LastLogTS1}]),
+ State#{rep_sync_tref => TRef};
+ true ->
+ State
+ end,
+ {noreply,State1}.
+handle_info({'EXIT',Pid,Why}, State = #{id := Name, type := FileInfo}) ->
+ case maps:get(file_ctrl_pid, State, undefined) of
+ Pid ->
+ %% file error, terminate handler
+ logger_h_common:handler_exit(Name,
+ {error,{write_failed,FileInfo,Why}});
+ _Other ->
+ %% ignore EXIT
+ ok
+ end,
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_info(_Info, State) ->
+ {noreply, State}.
+terminate(Reason, State = #{id:=Name, file_ctrl_pid:=FWPid,
+ type:=_FileInfo}) ->
+ _ = logger_h_common:cancel_timer(maps:get(rep_sync_tref, State,
+ undefined)),
+ case is_process_alive(FWPid) of
+ true ->
+ unlink(FWPid),
+ _ = file_ctrl_stop(FWPid),
+ MRef = erlang:monitor(process, FWPid),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN',MRef,_,_,_} ->
+ ok
+ after
+ exit(FWPid, kill)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ logger_h_common:stop_or_restart(Name, Reason, State).
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+%%% Internal functions
+get_init_state() ->
+ #{toggle_sync_qlen => ?TOGGLE_SYNC_QLEN,
+ drop_new_reqs_qlen => ?DROP_NEW_REQS_QLEN,
+ flush_reqs_qlen => ?FLUSH_REQS_QLEN,
+ enable_burst_limit => ?ENABLE_BURST_LIMIT,
+ burst_limit_size => ?BURST_LIMIT_SIZE,
+ burst_window_time => ?BURST_WINDOW_TIME,
+ enable_kill_overloaded => ?ENABLE_KILL_OVERLOADED,
+ handler_overloaded_qlen => ?HANDLER_OVERLOADED_QLEN,
+ handler_overloaded_mem => ?HANDLER_OVERLOADED_MEM,
+ handler_restart_after => ?HANDLER_RESTART_AFTER,
+ file_ctrl_sync_int => ?CONTROLLER_SYNC_INTERVAL,
+ filesync_ok_qlen => ?FILESYNC_OK_QLEN,
+ filesync_repeat_interval => ?FILESYNC_REPEAT_INTERVAL}.
+%%% Add a standard handler to the logger.
+%%% This starts a dedicated handler process which should always
+%%% exist if the handler is registered with logger (and should not
+%%% exist if the handler is not registered).
+%%% Handler specific config should be provided with a sub map associated
+%%% with a key named the same as this module, e.g:
+%%% Config = #{logger_std_h => #{toggle_sync_qlen => 50}
+%%% The standard handler process is linked to logger_sup, which is
+%%% part of the kernel application's supervision tree.
+start(Name, Config, HandlerState) ->
+ LoggerStdH =
+ #{id => Name,
+ start => {?MODULE, start_link, [Name,Config,HandlerState]},
+ restart => temporary,
+ shutdown => 2000,
+ type => worker,
+ modules => [?MODULE]},
+ case supervisor:start_child(logger_sup, LoggerStdH) of
+ {ok,_Pid} ->
+ ok;
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+%%% Stop and remove the handler.
+stop(Name) ->
+ case whereis(Name) of
+ undefined ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ %% We don't want to do supervisor:terminate_child here
+ %% since we need to distinguish this explicit stop from a
+ %% system termination in order to avoid circular attempts
+ %% at removing the handler (implying deadlocks and
+ %% timeouts).
+ _ = gen_server:call(Name,stop),
+ _ = supervisor:delete_child(logger_sup, Name),
+ ok
+ end.
+%%% Logging and overload control.
+-define(update_file_ctrl_sync(C, Interval),
+ if C == 0 -> Interval;
+ true -> C-1 end).
+%% check for overload between every request (and set Mode to async,
+%% sync or drop accordingly), but never flush the whole mailbox
+%% before LogWindowSize requests have been handled
+do_log(Bin, CallOrCast, State = #{id:=Name}) ->
+ T1 = ?timestamp(),
+ %% check if the handler is getting overloaded, or if it's
+ %% recovering from overload (the check must be done for each
+ %% request to react quickly to large bursts of requests and
+ %% to ensure that the handler can never end up in drop mode
+ %% with an empty mailbox, which would stop operation)
+ {Mode1,QLen,Mem,State1} = logger_h_common:check_load(State),
+ %% kill the handler if it can't keep up with the load
+ logger_h_common:kill_if_choked(Name, QLen, Mem, State),
+ if Mode1 == flush ->
+ flush(Name, QLen, T1, State1);
+ true ->
+ write(Name, Mode1, T1, Bin, CallOrCast, State1)
+ end.
+%% this clause is called by do_log/3 after an overload check
+%% has been performed, where QLen > FlushQLen
+flush(Name, _QLen0, T1, State=#{last_log_ts := _T0}) ->
+ %% flush messages in the mailbox (a limited number in
+ %% order to not cause long delays)
+ _NewFlushed = logger_h_common:flush_log_requests(?FLUSH_MAX_N),
+ %% because of the receive loop when flushing messages, the
+ %% handler will be scheduled out often and the mailbox could
+ %% grow very large, so we'd better check the queue again here
+ {_,_QLen1} = process_info(self(), message_queue_len),
+ ?observe(Name,{max_qlen,_QLen1}),
+ %% Add 1 for the current log request
+ ?observe(Name,{flushed,_NewFlushed+1}),
+ State1 = ?update_max_time(?diff_time(T1,_T0),State),
+ {dropped,?update_other(flushed,FLUSHED,_NewFlushed,
+ State1#{mode => ?set_mode(Name,async),
+ last_qlen => 0,
+ last_log_ts => T1})}.
+%% this clause is called to write to file
+write(Name, Mode, T1, Bin, _CallOrCast,
+ State = #{file_ctrl_pid := FileCtrlPid,
+ file_ctrl_sync := FileCtrlSync,
+ last_qlen := LastQLen,
+ last_log_ts := T0,
+ file_ctrl_sync_int := FileCtrlSyncInt}) ->
+ %% check if we need to limit the number of writes
+ %% during a burst of log requests
+ {DoWrite,BurstWinT,BurstMsgCount} = logger_h_common:limit_burst(State),
+ %% only send a synhrounous request to the file controller process
+ %% every FileCtrlSyncInt time, to give the handler time between
+ %% file writes so it can keep up with incoming messages
+ {Result,LastQLen1} =
+ if DoWrite, FileCtrlSync == 0 ->
+ ?observe(Name,{_CallOrCast,1}),
+ file_write_sync(FileCtrlPid, Bin, false),
+ {ok,element(2, process_info(self(), message_queue_len))};
+ DoWrite ->
+ ?observe(Name,{_CallOrCast,1}),
+ file_write_async(FileCtrlPid, Bin),
+ {ok,LastQLen};
+ not DoWrite ->
+ ?observe(Name,{flushed,1}),
+ {dropped,LastQLen}
+ end,
+ %% Check if the time since the previous log request is long enough -
+ %% and the queue length small enough - to assume the mailbox has
+ %% been emptied, and if so, do filesync operation and reset mode to
+ %% async. Note that this is the best we can do to detect an idle
+ %% handler without setting a timer after each log call/cast. If the
+ %% time between two consecutive log requests is fast and no new
+ %% request comes in after the last one, idle state won't be detected!
+ Time = ?diff_time(T1,T0),
+ {Mode1,BurstMsgCount1} =
+ if (LastQLen1 < ?FILESYNC_OK_QLEN) andalso
+ %% do filesync if necessary
+ case maps:get(type, State) of
+ Std when is_atom(Std) ->
+ ok;
+ _File ->
+ file_ctrl_filesync_async(FileCtrlPid)
+ end,
+ {?change_mode(Name, Mode, async),0};
+ true ->
+ {Mode,BurstMsgCount}
+ end,
+ State1 =
+ ?update_calls_or_casts(_CallOrCast,1,State),
+ State2 =
+ ?update_max_time(Time,
+ State1#{mode => Mode1,
+ last_qlen := LastQLen1,
+ last_log_ts => T1,
+ burst_win_ts => BurstWinT,
+ burst_msg_count => BurstMsgCount1,
+ file_ctrl_sync =>
+ ?update_file_ctrl_sync(FileCtrlSync,
+ FileCtrlSyncInt)}),
+ {Result,State2}.
+open_log_file(HandlerName, FileInfo) ->
+ case file_ctrl_start(HandlerName, FileInfo) of
+ OK = {ok,_FileCtrlPid} -> OK;
+ Error -> Error
+ end.
+do_open_log_file({file,File}) ->
+ do_open_log_file({file,File,[raw,append,delayed_write]});
+do_open_log_file({file,File,[]}) ->
+ do_open_log_file({file,File,[raw,append,delayed_write]});
+do_open_log_file({file,File,Modes}) ->
+ try
+ case filelib:ensure_dir(File) of
+ ok ->
+ file:open(File, Modes);
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end
+ catch
+ _:Reason -> {error,Reason}
+ end.
+close_log_file(Std) when Std == standard_io; Std == standard_error ->
+ ok;
+close_log_file(Fd) ->
+ _ = file:datasync(Fd),
+ _ = file:close(Fd).
+%%% File control process
+file_ctrl_start(HandlerName, FileInfo) ->
+ Starter = self(),
+ FileCtrlPid =
+ spawn_link(fun() ->
+ file_ctrl_init(HandlerName, FileInfo, Starter)
+ end),
+ receive
+ {FileCtrlPid,ok} ->
+ {ok,FileCtrlPid};
+ {FileCtrlPid,Error} ->
+ Error
+ after
+ {error,file_ctrl_process_not_started}
+ end.
+file_ctrl_stop(Pid) ->
+ Pid ! stop.
+file_write_async(Pid, Bin) ->
+ Pid ! {log,Bin},
+ ok.
+file_write_sync(Pid, Bin, FileSync) ->
+ case file_ctrl_call(Pid, {log,self(),Bin,FileSync}) of
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ {error,{write_failed,Bin,Reason}};
+ Result ->
+ Result
+ end.
+file_ctrl_filesync_async(Pid) ->
+ Pid ! filesync,
+ ok.
+file_ctrl_filesync_sync(Pid) ->
+ file_ctrl_call(Pid, {filesync,self()}).
+file_ctrl_call(Pid, Msg) ->
+ MRef = monitor(process, Pid),
+ Pid ! {Msg,MRef},
+ receive
+ {MRef,Result} ->
+ demonitor(MRef, [flush]),
+ Result;
+ {'DOWN',MRef,_Type,_Object,Reason} ->
+ {error,Reason}
+ after
+ {error,{no_response,Pid}}
+ end.
+file_ctrl_init(HandlerName, FileInfo, Starter) when is_tuple(FileInfo) ->
+ process_flag(message_queue_data, off_heap),
+ FileName = element(2, FileInfo),
+ case do_open_log_file(FileInfo) of
+ {ok,Fd} ->
+ Starter ! {self(),ok},
+ file_ctrl_loop(Fd, file, FileName, false, ok, ok, HandlerName);
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ Starter ! {self(),{error,{open_failed,FileName,Reason}}}
+ end;
+file_ctrl_init(HandlerName, StdDev, Starter) ->
+ Starter ! {self(),ok},
+ file_ctrl_loop(StdDev, standard_io, StdDev, false, ok, ok, HandlerName).
+file_ctrl_loop(Fd, Type, DevName, Synced,
+ PrevWriteResult, PrevSyncResult, HandlerName) ->
+ receive
+ %% asynchronous request
+ {log,Bin} ->
+ Result = if Type == file ->
+ write_to_dev(Fd, Bin, DevName,
+ PrevWriteResult, HandlerName);
+ true ->
+ io:put_chars(Fd, Bin)
+ end,
+ file_ctrl_loop(Fd, Type, DevName, false,
+ Result, PrevSyncResult, HandlerName);
+ %% synchronous request
+ {{log,From,Bin,FileSync},MRef} ->
+ if Type == file ->
+ %% check that file hasn't been deleted
+ CheckFile =
+ fun() -> {ok,_} = file:read_file_info(DevName) end,
+ spawn_link(CheckFile),
+ WResult = write_to_dev(Fd, Bin, DevName,
+ PrevWriteResult, HandlerName),
+ {Synced1,SResult} =
+ if not FileSync ->
+ {false,PrevSyncResult};
+ true ->
+ case sync_dev(Fd, DevName,
+ PrevSyncResult, HandlerName) of
+ ok -> {true,ok};
+ Error -> {false,Error}
+ end
+ end,
+ From ! {MRef,ok},
+ file_ctrl_loop(Fd, Type, DevName, Synced1,
+ WResult, SResult, HandlerName);
+ true ->
+ _ = io:put_chars(Fd, Bin),
+ From ! {MRef,ok},
+ file_ctrl_loop(Fd, Type, DevName, false,
+ ok, PrevSyncResult, HandlerName)
+ end;
+ filesync when not Synced ->
+ Result = sync_dev(Fd, DevName, PrevSyncResult, HandlerName),
+ file_ctrl_loop(Fd, Type, DevName, true,
+ PrevWriteResult, Result, HandlerName);
+ filesync ->
+ file_ctrl_loop(Fd, Type, DevName, true,
+ PrevWriteResult, PrevSyncResult, HandlerName);
+ {{filesync,From},MRef} ->
+ Result = if not Synced ->
+ sync_dev(Fd, DevName, PrevSyncResult, HandlerName);
+ true ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ From ! {MRef,ok},
+ file_ctrl_loop(Fd, Type, DevName, true,
+ PrevWriteResult, Result, HandlerName);
+ stop ->
+ _ = close_log_file(Fd),
+ stopped
+ end.
+write_to_dev(Fd, Bin, FileName, PrevWriteResult, HandlerName) ->
+ case ?file_write(Fd, Bin) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ PrevWriteResult ->
+ %% don't report same error twice
+ PrevWriteResult;
+ Error ->
+ logger_h_common:error_notify({HandlerName,write,FileName,Error}),
+ Error
+ end.
+sync_dev(Fd, DevName, PrevSyncResult, HandlerName) ->
+ case ?file_datasync(Fd) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ PrevSyncResult ->
+ %% don't report same error twice
+ PrevSyncResult;
+ Error ->
+ logger_h_common:error_notify({HandlerName,filesync,DevName,Error}),
+ Error
+ end.