path: root/lib/kernel/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel/src')
20 files changed, 399 insertions, 1144 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/code.erl b/lib/kernel/src/code.erl
index 352c02562b..ae28c97b47 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/code.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/code.erl
@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@
-export_type([load_error_rsn/0, load_ret/0]).
@@ -293,7 +295,9 @@ replace_path(Name, Dir) when (is_atom(Name) orelse is_list(Name)),
-spec rehash() -> 'ok'.
-rehash() -> call(rehash).
+rehash() ->
+ cache_warning(),
+ ok.
-spec get_mode() -> 'embedded' | 'interactive'.
get_mode() -> call(get_mode).
@@ -322,6 +326,7 @@ start_link(Flags) ->
do_start(Flags) ->
+ maybe_warn_for_cache(),
Mode = get_mode(Flags),
@@ -452,30 +457,14 @@ which(File, Base, [Directory|Tail]) ->
Filename :: file:filename(),
Absname :: file:filename().
where_is_file(File) when is_list(File) ->
- case call({is_cached,File}) of
- no ->
- Path = get_path(),
- which(File, ".", Path);
- Dir ->
- filename:join(Dir, File)
- end.
+ Path = get_path(),
+ which(File, ".", Path).
-spec where_is_file(Path :: file:filename(), Filename :: file:filename()) ->
file:filename() | 'non_existing'.
where_is_file(Path, File) when is_list(Path), is_list(File) ->
- CodePath = get_path(),
- if
- Path =:= CodePath ->
- case call({is_cached, File}) of
- no ->
- which(File, ".", Path);
- Dir ->
- filename:join(Dir, File)
- end;
- true ->
- which(File, ".", Path)
- end.
+ which(File, ".", Path).
-spec set_primary_archive(ArchiveFile :: file:filename(),
ArchiveBin :: binary(),
@@ -553,6 +542,22 @@ has_ext(Ext, Extlen, File) ->
+%%% Warning for deprecated code path cache.
+maybe_warn_for_cache() ->
+ case init:get_argument(code_path_cache) of
+ {ok, _} ->
+ cache_warning();
+ error ->
+ ok
+ end.
+cache_warning() ->
+ W = "The code path cache functionality has been removed",
+ error_logger:warning_report(W).
%%% Silently load native code for all modules loaded so far.
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl b/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl
index e461c95d19..1a42cc0e9f 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
- cache = no_cache,
mode = interactive,
on_load = []}).
-type state() :: #state{}.
@@ -89,19 +88,11 @@ init(Ref, Parent, [Root,Mode0]) ->
Path = add_loader_path(IPath, Mode),
- State0 = #state{root = Root,
- path = Path,
- moddb = Db,
- namedb = init_namedb(Path),
- mode = Mode},
- State =
- case init:get_argument(code_path_cache) of
- {ok, _} ->
- create_cache(State0);
- error ->
- State0
- end,
+ State = #state{root = Root,
+ path = Path,
+ moddb = Db,
+ namedb = init_namedb(Path),
+ mode = Mode},
@@ -264,50 +255,29 @@ handle_call({load_file,Mod}, Caller, St) ->
handle_call({add_path,Where,Dir0}, {_From,_Tag},
- #state{cache=Cache0,namedb=Namedb,path=Path0}=S) ->
- case Cache0 of
- no_cache ->
- {Resp,Path} = add_path(Where, Dir0, Path0, Namedb),
- {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path}};
- _ ->
- Dir = absname(Dir0), %% Cache always expands the path
- {Resp,Path} = add_path(Where, Dir, Path0, Namedb),
- Cache = update_cache([Dir], Where, Cache0),
- {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path,cache=Cache}}
- end;
+ #state{namedb=Namedb,path=Path0}=S) ->
+ {Resp,Path} = add_path(Where, Dir0, Path0, Namedb),
+ {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path}};
handle_call({add_paths,Where,Dirs0}, {_From,_Tag},
- #state{cache=Cache0,namedb=Namedb,path=Path0}=S) ->
- case Cache0 of
- no_cache ->
- {Resp,Path} = add_paths(Where, Dirs0, Path0, Namedb),
- {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path}};
- _ ->
- %% Cache always expands the path
- Dirs = [absname(Dir) || Dir <- Dirs0],
- {Resp,Path} = add_paths(Where, Dirs, Path0, Namedb),
- Cache=update_cache(Dirs,Where,Cache0),
- {reply,Resp,S#state{cache=Cache,path=Path}}
- end;
+ #state{namedb=Namedb,path=Path0}=S) ->
+ {Resp,Path} = add_paths(Where, Dirs0, Path0, Namedb),
+ {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path}};
handle_call({set_path,PathList}, {_From,_Tag},
#state{path=Path0,namedb=Namedb}=S) ->
{Resp,Path,NewDb} = set_path(PathList, Path0, Namedb),
- {reply,Resp,rehash_cache(S#state{path=Path,namedb=NewDb})};
+ {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path,namedb=NewDb}};
handle_call({del_path,Name}, {_From,_Tag},
#state{path=Path0,namedb=Namedb}=S) ->
{Resp,Path} = del_path(Name, Path0, Namedb),
- {reply,Resp,rehash_cache(S#state{path=Path})};
+ {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path}};
handle_call({replace_path,Name,Dir}, {_From,_Tag},
#state{path=Path0,namedb=Namedb}=S) ->
{Resp,Path} = replace_path(Name, Dir, Path0, Namedb),
- {reply,Resp,rehash_cache(S#state{path=Path})};
-handle_call(rehash, {_From,_Tag}, S0) ->
- S = create_cache(S0),
- {reply,ok,S};
+ {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path}};
handle_call(get_path, {_From,_Tag}, S) ->
@@ -398,9 +368,6 @@ handle_call({is_sticky, Mod}, {_From,_Tag}, S) ->
handle_call(stop,{_From,_Tag}, S) ->
-handle_call({is_cached,_File}, {_From,_Tag}, S=#state{cache=no_cache}) ->
- {reply, no, S};
handle_call({set_primary_archive, File, ArchiveBin, FileInfo, ParserFun}, {_From,_Tag}, S=#state{mode=Mode}) ->
case erl_prim_loader:set_primary_archive(File, ArchiveBin, FileInfo, ParserFun) of
{ok, Files} ->
@@ -409,26 +376,6 @@ handle_call({set_primary_archive, File, ArchiveBin, FileInfo, ParserFun}, {_From
{reply, Error, S}
-handle_call({is_cached,File}, {_From,_Tag}, S=#state{cache=Cache}) ->
- ObjExt = objfile_extension(),
- Ext = filename:extension(File),
- Type = case Ext of
- ObjExt -> obj;
- ".app" -> app;
- _ -> undef
- end,
- if Type =:= undef ->
- {reply, no, S};
- true ->
- Key = {Type,list_to_atom(filename:rootname(File, Ext))},
- case ets:lookup(Cache, Key) of
- [] ->
- {reply, no, S};
- [{Key,Dir}] ->
- {reply, Dir, S}
- end
- end;
handle_call(get_mode, {_From,_Tag}, S=#state{mode=Mode}) ->
{reply, Mode, S};
@@ -448,69 +395,6 @@ do_mod_call(Action, Module, Error, St) ->
%% --------------------------------------------------------------
-%% Cache functions
-%% --------------------------------------------------------------
-create_cache(St = #state{cache = no_cache}) ->
- Cache = ets:new(code_cache, [protected]),
- rehash_cache(Cache, St);
-create_cache(St) ->
- rehash_cache(St).
-rehash_cache(St = #state{cache = no_cache}) ->
- St;
-rehash_cache(St = #state{cache = OldCache}) ->
- ets:delete(OldCache),
- Cache = ets:new(code_cache, [protected]),
- rehash_cache(Cache, St).
-rehash_cache(Cache, St = #state{path = Path}) ->
- Exts = [{obj,objfile_extension()}, {app,".app"}],
- {Cache,NewPath} = locate_mods(lists:reverse(Path), first, Exts, Cache, []),
- St#state{cache = Cache, path=NewPath}.
-update_cache(Dirs, Where, Cache0) ->
- Exts = [{obj,objfile_extension()}, {app,".app"}],
- {Cache, _} = locate_mods(Dirs, Where, Exts, Cache0, []),
- Cache.
-locate_mods([Dir0|Path], Where, Exts, Cache, Acc) ->
- Dir = absname(Dir0), %% Cache always expands the path
- case erl_prim_loader:list_dir(Dir) of
- {ok, Files} ->
- Cache = filter_mods(Files, Where, Exts, Dir, Cache),
- locate_mods(Path, Where, Exts, Cache, [Dir|Acc]);
- error ->
- locate_mods(Path, Where, Exts, Cache, Acc)
- end;
-locate_mods([], _, _, Cache, Path) ->
- {Cache,Path}.
-filter_mods([File|Rest], Where, Exts, Dir, Cache) ->
- Ext = filename:extension(File),
- Root = list_to_atom(filename:rootname(File, Ext)),
- case lists:keyfind(Ext, 2, Exts) of
- {Type, _} ->
- Key = {Type,Root},
- case Where of
- first ->
- true = ets:insert(Cache, {Key,Dir});
- last ->
- case ets:lookup(Cache, Key) of
- [] ->
- true = ets:insert(Cache, {Key,Dir});
- _ ->
- ignore
- end
- end;
- false ->
- ok
- end,
- filter_mods(Rest, Where, Exts, Dir, Cache);
-filter_mods([], _, _, _, Cache) ->
- Cache.
-%% --------------------------------------------------------------
%% Path handling functions.
%% --------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1238,16 +1122,6 @@ load_abs(File, Mod0, Caller, St) ->
-try_load_module(Mod, Dir, Caller, St) ->
- File = filename:append(Dir, to_list(Mod) ++
- objfile_extension()),
- case erl_prim_loader:get_file(File) of
- error ->
- {reply,error,St};
- {ok,Binary,FName} ->
- try_load_module(absname(FName), Mod, Binary, Caller, St)
- end.
try_load_module(File, Mod, Bin, {From,_}=Caller, St0) ->
M = to_atom(Mod),
case pending_on_load(M, From, St0) of
@@ -1345,26 +1219,12 @@ load_file(Mod0, {From,_}=Caller, St0) ->
{yes,St} -> {noreply,St}
-load_file_1(Mod, Caller, #state{path=Path,cache=no_cache}=St) ->
+load_file_1(Mod, Caller, #state{path=Path}=St) ->
case mod_to_bin(Path, Mod) of
error ->
{Mod,Binary,File} ->
try_load_module(File, Mod, Binary, Caller, St)
- end;
-load_file_1(Mod, Caller, #state{cache=Cache}=St0) ->
- Key = {obj,Mod},
- case ets:lookup(Cache, Key) of
- [] ->
- St = rehash_cache(St0),
- case ets:lookup(St#state.cache, Key) of
- [] ->
- {reply,{error,nofile},St};
- [{Key,Dir}] ->
- try_load_module(Mod, Dir, Caller, St)
- end;
- [{Key,Dir}] ->
- try_load_module(Mod, Dir, Caller, St0)
mod_to_bin([Dir|Tail], Mod) ->
@@ -1421,249 +1281,22 @@ absname_vr([[X, $:]|Name], _, _AbsBase) ->
absname(filename:join(Name), Dcwd).
-%% do_purge(Module)
-%% Kill all processes running code from *old* Module, and then purge the
-%% module. Return true if any processes killed, else false.
-do_purge(Mod0) ->
- Mod = to_atom(Mod0),
- case erlang:check_old_code(Mod) of
- false ->
- false;
- true ->
- Res = check_proc_code(erlang:processes(), Mod, true),
- try
- erlang:purge_module(Mod)
- catch
- _:_ -> ignore
- end,
- Res
+is_loaded(M, Db) ->
+ case ets:lookup(Db, M) of
+ [{M,File}] -> {file,File};
+ [] -> false
-%% do_soft_purge(Module)
-%% Purge old code only if no procs remain that run old code.
-%% Return true in that case, false if procs remain (in this
-%% case old code is not purged)
+do_purge(Mod0) ->
+ Mod = to_atom(Mod0),
+ {_WasOld, DidKill} = erts_code_purger:purge(Mod),
+ DidKill.
do_soft_purge(Mod0) ->
Mod = to_atom(Mod0),
- case erlang:check_old_code(Mod) of
- false ->
- true;
- true ->
- case check_proc_code(erlang:processes(), Mod, false) of
- false ->
- false;
- true ->
- try
- erlang:purge_module(Mod)
- catch
- _:_ -> ignore
- end,
- true
- end
- end.
+ erts_code_purger:soft_purge(Mod).
-%% check_proc_code(Pids, Mod, Hard) - Send asynchronous
-%% requests to all processes to perform a check_process_code
-%% operation. Each process will check their own state and
-%% reply with the result. If 'Hard' equals
-%% - true, processes that refer 'Mod' will be killed. If
-%% any processes were killed true is returned; otherwise,
-%% false.
-%% - false, and any processes refer 'Mod', false will
-%% returned; otherwise, true.
-%% Requests will be sent to all processes identified by
-%% Pids at once, but without allowing GC to be performed.
-%% Check process code operations that are aborted due to
-%% GC need, will be restarted allowing GC. However, only
-%% ?MAX_CPC_GC_PROCS outstanding operation allowing GC at
-%% a time will be allowed. This in order not to blow up
-%% memory wise.
-%% We also only allow ?MAX_CPC_NO_OUTSTANDING_KILLS
-%% outstanding kills. This both in order to avoid flooding
-%% our message queue with 'DOWN' messages and limiting the
-%% amount of memory used to keep references to all
-%% outstanding kills.
-%% We maybe should allow more than two outstanding
-%% GC requests, but for now we play it safe...
--define(MAX_CPC_GC_PROCS, 2).
--record(cpc_static, {hard, module, tag}).
--record(cpc_kill, {outstanding = [],
- no_outstanding = 0,
- waiting = [],
- killed = false}).
-check_proc_code(Pids, Mod, Hard) ->
- Tag = erlang:make_ref(),
- CpcS = #cpc_static{hard = Hard,
- module = Mod,
- tag = Tag},
- check_proc_code(CpcS, cpc_init(CpcS, Pids, 0), 0, [], #cpc_kill{}, true).
-check_proc_code(#cpc_static{hard = true}, 0, 0, [],
- #cpc_kill{outstanding = [], waiting = [], killed = Killed},
- true) ->
- %% No outstanding requests. We did a hard check, so result is whether or
- %% not we killed any processes...
- Killed;
-check_proc_code(#cpc_static{hard = false}, 0, 0, [], _KillState, Success) ->
- %% No outstanding requests and we did a soft check...
- Success;
-check_proc_code(#cpc_static{hard = false, tag = Tag} = CpcS, NoReq0, NoGcReq0,
- [], _KillState, false) ->
- %% Failed soft check; just cleanup the remaining replies corresponding
- %% to the requests we've sent...
- {NoReq1, NoGcReq1} = receive
- {check_process_code, {Tag, _P, GC}, _Res} ->
- case GC of
- false -> {NoReq0-1, NoGcReq0};
- true -> {NoReq0, NoGcReq0-1}
- end
- end,
- check_proc_code(CpcS, NoReq1, NoGcReq1, [], _KillState, false);
-check_proc_code(#cpc_static{tag = Tag} = CpcS, NoReq0, NoGcReq0, NeedGC0,
- KillState0, Success) ->
- %% Check if we should request a GC operation
- {NoGcReq1, NeedGC1} = case NoGcReq0 < ?MAX_CPC_GC_PROCS of
- GcOpAllowed when GcOpAllowed == false;
- NeedGC0 == [] ->
- {NoGcReq0, NeedGC0};
- _ ->
- {NoGcReq0+1, cpc_request_gc(CpcS,NeedGC0)}
- end,
- %% Wait for a cpc reply or 'DOWN' message
- {NoReq1, NoGcReq2, Pid, Result, KillState1} = cpc_recv(Tag,
- NoReq0,
- NoGcReq1,
- KillState0),
- %% Check the result of the reply
- case Result of
- aborted ->
- %% Operation aborted due to the need to GC in order to
- %% determine if the process is referring the module.
- %% Schedule the operation for restart allowing GC...
- check_proc_code(CpcS, NoReq1, NoGcReq2, [Pid|NeedGC1], KillState1,
- Success);
- false ->
- %% Process not referring the module; done with this process...
- check_proc_code(CpcS, NoReq1, NoGcReq2, NeedGC1, KillState1,
- Success);
- true ->
- %% Process referring the module...
- case CpcS#cpc_static.hard of
- false ->
- %% ... and soft check. The whole operation failed so
- %% no point continuing; clean up and fail...
- check_proc_code(CpcS, NoReq1, NoGcReq2, [], KillState1,
- false);
- true ->
- %% ... and hard check; schedule kill of it...
- check_proc_code(CpcS, NoReq1, NoGcReq2, NeedGC1,
- cpc_sched_kill(Pid, KillState1), Success)
- end;
- 'DOWN' ->
- %% Handled 'DOWN' message
- check_proc_code(CpcS, NoReq1, NoGcReq2, NeedGC1,
- KillState1, Success)
- end.
-cpc_recv(Tag, NoReq, NoGcReq, #cpc_kill{outstanding = []} = KillState) ->
- receive
- {check_process_code, {Tag, Pid, GC}, Res} ->
- cpc_handle_cpc(NoReq, NoGcReq, GC, Pid, Res, KillState)
- end;
-cpc_recv(Tag, NoReq, NoGcReq,
- #cpc_kill{outstanding = [R0, R1, R2, R3, R4 | _]} = KillState) ->
- receive
- {'DOWN', R, process, _, _} when R == R0;
- R == R1;
- R == R2;
- R == R3;
- R == R4 ->
- cpc_handle_down(NoReq, NoGcReq, R, KillState);
- {check_process_code, {Tag, Pid, GC}, Res} ->
- cpc_handle_cpc(NoReq, NoGcReq, GC, Pid, Res, KillState)
- end;
-cpc_recv(Tag, NoReq, NoGcReq, #cpc_kill{outstanding = [R|_]} = KillState) ->
- receive
- {'DOWN', R, process, _, _} ->
- cpc_handle_down(NoReq, NoGcReq, R, KillState);
- {check_process_code, {Tag, Pid, GC}, Res} ->
- cpc_handle_cpc(NoReq, NoGcReq, GC, Pid, Res, KillState)
- end.
-cpc_handle_down(NoReq, NoGcReq, R, #cpc_kill{outstanding = Rs,
- no_outstanding = N} = KillState) ->
- {NoReq, NoGcReq, undefined, 'DOWN',
- cpc_sched_kill_waiting(KillState#cpc_kill{outstanding = cpc_list_rm(R, Rs),
- no_outstanding = N-1})}.
-cpc_list_rm(R, [R|Rs]) ->
- Rs;
-cpc_list_rm(R0, [R1|Rs]) ->
- [R1|cpc_list_rm(R0, Rs)].
-cpc_handle_cpc(NoReq, NoGcReq, false, Pid, Res, KillState) ->
- {NoReq-1, NoGcReq, Pid, Res, KillState};
-cpc_handle_cpc(NoReq, NoGcReq, true, Pid, Res, KillState) ->
- {NoReq, NoGcReq-1, Pid, Res, KillState}.
-cpc_sched_kill_waiting(#cpc_kill{waiting = []} = KillState) ->
- KillState;
-cpc_sched_kill_waiting(#cpc_kill{outstanding = Rs,
- no_outstanding = N,
- waiting = [P|Ps]} = KillState) ->
- R = erlang:monitor(process, P),
- exit(P, kill),
- KillState#cpc_kill{outstanding = [R|Rs],
- no_outstanding = N+1,
- waiting = Ps,
- killed = true}.
-cpc_sched_kill(Pid, #cpc_kill{no_outstanding = N, waiting = Pids} = KillState)
- KillState#cpc_kill{waiting = [Pid|Pids]};
- #cpc_kill{outstanding = Rs, no_outstanding = N} = KillState) ->
- R = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
- exit(Pid, kill),
- KillState#cpc_kill{outstanding = [R|Rs],
- no_outstanding = N+1,
- killed = true}.
-cpc_request(#cpc_static{tag = Tag, module = Mod}, Pid, AllowGc) ->
- erlang:check_process_code(Pid, Mod, [{async, {Tag, Pid, AllowGc}},
- {allow_gc, AllowGc}]).
-cpc_request_gc(CpcS, [Pid|Pids]) ->
- cpc_request(CpcS, Pid, true),
- Pids.
-cpc_init(_CpcS, [], NoReqs) ->
- NoReqs;
-cpc_init(CpcS, [Pid|Pids], NoReqs) ->
- cpc_request(CpcS, Pid, false),
- cpc_init(CpcS, Pids, NoReqs+1).
-% end of check_proc_code() implementation.
-is_loaded(M, Db) ->
- case ets:lookup(Db, M) of
- [{M,File}] -> {file,File};
- [] -> false
- end.
%% -------------------------------------------------------
%% The on_load functionality.
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/disk_log.erl b/lib/kernel/src/disk_log.erl
index f5450f30af..9b44021872 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/disk_log.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/disk_log.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -1310,13 +1310,20 @@ compare_arg(_Attr, _Val, _A) ->
%% -> {ok, Res, log(), Cnt} | Error
do_open(A) ->
- L = #log{name = A#arg.name,
- filename = A#arg.file,
- size = A#arg.size,
- head = mk_head(A#arg.head, A#arg.format),
- mode = A#arg.mode,
- version = A#arg.version},
- do_open2(L, A).
+ #arg{type = Type, format = Format, name = Name, head = Head0,
+ file = FName, repair = Repair, size = Size, mode = Mode,
+ version = V} = A,
+ Head = mk_head(Head0, Format),
+ case do_open2(Type, Format, Name, FName, Repair, Size, Mode, Head, V) of
+ {ok, Ret, Extra, FormatType, NoItems} ->
+ L = #log{name = Name, type = Type, format = Format,
+ filename = FName, size = Size,
+ format_type = FormatType, head = Head, mode = Mode,
+ version = V, extra = Extra},
+ {ok, Ret, L, NoItems};
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
mk_head({head, Term}, internal) -> {ok, term_to_binary(Term)};
mk_head({head, Bytes}, external) -> {ok, check_bytes(Bytes)};
@@ -1432,57 +1439,44 @@ do_inc_wrap_file(L) ->
%% -> {ok, Reply, log(), Cnt} | Error
%% Note: the header is always written, even if the log size is too small.
-do_open2(L, #arg{type = halt, format = internal, name = Name,
- file = FName, repair = Repair, size = Size, mode = Mode}) ->
- case catch disk_log_1:int_open(FName, Repair, Mode, L#log.head) of
+do_open2(halt, internal, Name, FName, Repair, Size, Mode, Head, _V) ->
+ case catch disk_log_1:int_open(FName, Repair, Mode, Head) of
{ok, {_Alloc, FdC, {NoItems, _NoBytes}, FileSize}} ->
Halt = #halt{fdc = FdC, curB = FileSize, size = Size},
- {ok, {ok, Name}, L#log{format_type = halt_int, extra = Halt},
- NoItems};
+ {ok, {ok, Name}, Halt, halt_int, NoItems};
{repaired, FdC, Rec, Bad, FileSize} ->
Halt = #halt{fdc = FdC, curB = FileSize, size = Size},
{ok, {repaired, Name, {recovered, Rec}, {badbytes, Bad}},
- L#log{format_type = halt_int, extra = Halt},
- Rec};
+ Halt, halt_int, Rec};
Error ->
-do_open2(L, #arg{type = wrap, format = internal, size = {MaxB, MaxF},
- name = Name, repair = Repair, file = FName, mode = Mode,
- version = V}) ->
+do_open2(wrap, internal, Name, FName, Repair, Size, Mode, Head, V) ->
+ {MaxB, MaxF} = Size,
case catch
- disk_log_1:mf_int_open(FName, MaxB, MaxF, Repair, Mode, L#log.head, V) of
+ disk_log_1:mf_int_open(FName, MaxB, MaxF, Repair, Mode, Head, V) of
{ok, Handle, Cnt} ->
- {ok, {ok, Name}, L#log{type = wrap,
- format_type = wrap_int,
- extra = Handle}, Cnt};
+ {ok, {ok, Name}, Handle, wrap_int, Cnt};
{repaired, Handle, Rec, Bad, Cnt} ->
{ok, {repaired, Name, {recovered, Rec}, {badbytes, Bad}},
- L#log{type = wrap, format_type = wrap_int, extra = Handle}, Cnt};
+ Handle, wrap_int, Cnt};
Error ->
-do_open2(L, #arg{type = halt, format = external, file = FName, name = Name,
- size = Size, repair = Repair, mode = Mode}) ->
- case catch disk_log_1:ext_open(FName, Repair, Mode, L#log.head) of
+do_open2(halt, external, Name, FName, Repair, Size, Mode, Head, _V) ->
+ case catch disk_log_1:ext_open(FName, Repair, Mode, Head) of
{ok, {_Alloc, FdC, {NoItems, _NoBytes}, FileSize}} ->
Halt = #halt{fdc = FdC, curB = FileSize, size = Size},
- {ok, {ok, Name},
- L#log{format_type = halt_ext, format = external, extra = Halt},
- NoItems};
+ {ok, {ok, Name}, Halt, halt_ext, NoItems};
Error ->
-do_open2(L, #arg{type = wrap, format = external, size = {MaxB, MaxF},
- name = Name, file = FName, repair = Repair, mode = Mode,
- version = V}) ->
+do_open2(wrap, external, Name, FName, Repair, Size, Mode, Head, V) ->
+ {MaxB, MaxF} = Size,
case catch
- disk_log_1:mf_ext_open(FName, MaxB, MaxF, Repair, Mode, L#log.head, V) of
+ disk_log_1:mf_ext_open(FName, MaxB, MaxF, Repair, Mode, Head, V) of
{ok, Handle, Cnt} ->
- {ok, {ok, Name}, L#log{type = wrap,
- format_type = wrap_ext,
- extra = Handle,
- format = external}, Cnt};
+ {ok, {ok, Name}, Handle, wrap_ext, Cnt};
Error ->
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/disk_log.hrl b/lib/kernel/src/disk_log.hrl
index 6c0aea070f..3262d979ee 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/disk_log.hrl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/disk_log.hrl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2012. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -152,8 +152,8 @@
users = 0 :: non_neg_integer(), %% non-linked users
filename :: file:filename(), %% real name of the file
owners = [] :: [{pid(), boolean()}],%% [{pid, notify}]
- type = halt :: dlog_type(),
- format = internal :: dlog_format(),
+ type :: dlog_type(),
+ format :: dlog_format(),
format_type :: dlog_format_type(),
head = none, %% none | {head, H} | {M,F,A}
%% called when wraplog wraps
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/erts_debug.erl b/lib/kernel/src/erts_debug.erl
index 39308c0043..8e2b5ad214 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/erts_debug.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/erts_debug.erl
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
-export([breakpoint/2, disassemble/1, display/1, dist_ext_to_term/2,
dump_monitors/1, dump_links/1, flat_size/1,
get_internal_state/1, instructions/0, lock_counters/1,
- map_info/1, same/2, set_internal_state/2]).
+ map_info/1, same/2, set_internal_state/2,
+ size_shared/1, copy_shared/1]).
-spec breakpoint(MFA, Flag) -> non_neg_integer() when
MFA :: {Module :: module(),
@@ -86,6 +87,18 @@ dump_links(_) ->
flat_size(_) ->
+-spec size_shared(Term) -> non_neg_integer() when
+ Term :: term().
+size_shared(_) ->
+ erlang:nif_error(undef).
+-spec copy_shared(Term) -> term() when
+ Term :: term().
+copy_shared(_) ->
+ erlang:nif_error(undef).
-spec get_internal_state(W) -> term() when
W :: reds_left | node_and_dist_references | monitoring_nodes
| next_pid | 'DbTable_words' | check_io_debug
@@ -230,7 +243,7 @@ map_size(Map,Seen0,Sum0) ->
%% is not allowed to leak anywhere. They are only allowed in
%% containers (cons cells and tuples, not maps), in gc and
%% in erts_debug:same/2
- case erts_internal:map_type(Map) of
+ case erts_internal:term_type(Map) of
flatmap ->
Kt = erts_internal:map_to_tuple_keys(Map),
Vs = maps:values(Map),
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/file_io_server.erl b/lib/kernel/src/file_io_server.erl
index bf8b9e2747..deb7b315b1 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/file_io_server.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/file_io_server.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2000-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2000-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -206,8 +206,8 @@ io_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply) ->
#state{handle=Handle}=State) ->
case ?PRIM_FILE:advise(Handle, Offset, Length, Advise) of
- {error,_}=Reply ->
- {stop,normal,Reply,State};
+ {error,Reason}=Reply ->
+ {stop,Reason,Reply,State};
Reply ->
@@ -215,62 +215,91 @@ file_request({allocate, Offset, Length},
#state{handle = Handle} = State) ->
Reply = ?PRIM_FILE:allocate(Handle, Offset, Length),
{reply, Reply, State};
+file_request({pread,At,Sz}, State)
+ when At =:= cur;
+ At =:= {cur,0} ->
+ case get_chars(Sz, latin1, State) of
+ {reply,Reply,NewState}
+ when is_list(Reply);
+ is_binary(Reply) ->
+ {reply,{ok,Reply},NewState};
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end;
- #state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf,read_mode=ReadMode}=State) ->
+ #state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf}=State) ->
case position(Handle, At, Buf) of
- {ok,_Offs} ->
- case ?PRIM_FILE:read(Handle, Sz) of
- {ok,Bin} when ReadMode =:= list ->
- std_reply({ok,binary_to_list(Bin)}, State);
- Reply ->
- std_reply(Reply, State)
- end;
- Reply ->
- std_reply(Reply, State)
+ {error,_} = Reply ->
+ {error,Reply,State};
+ _ ->
+ case get_chars(Sz, latin1, State#state{buf= <<>>}) of
+ {reply,Reply,NewState}
+ when is_list(Reply);
+ is_binary(Reply) ->
+ {reply,{ok,Reply},NewState};
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end
+ #state{buf= <<>>}=State)
+ when At =:= cur;
+ At =:= {cur,0} ->
+ put_chars(Data, latin1, State);
#state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf}=State) ->
case position(Handle, At, Buf) of
- {ok,_Offs} ->
- std_reply(?PRIM_FILE:write(Handle, Data), State);
- Reply ->
- std_reply(Reply, State)
+ {error,_} = Reply ->
+ {error,Reply,State};
+ _ ->
+ put_chars(Data, latin1, State)
#state{handle=Handle}=State) ->
case ?PRIM_FILE:datasync(Handle) of
- {error,_}=Reply ->
- {stop,normal,Reply,State};
+ {error,Reason}=Reply ->
+ {stop,Reason,Reply,State};
Reply ->
#state{handle=Handle}=State) ->
case ?PRIM_FILE:sync(Handle) of
- {error,_}=Reply ->
- {stop,normal,Reply,State};
+ {error,Reason}=Reply ->
+ {stop,Reason,Reply,State};
Reply ->
#state{handle=Handle}=State) ->
- {stop,normal,?PRIM_FILE:close(Handle),State#state{buf= <<>>}};
+ case ?PRIM_FILE:close(Handle) of
+ {error,Reason}=Reply ->
+ {stop,Reason,Reply,State#state{buf= <<>>}};
+ Reply ->
+ {stop,normal,Reply,State#state{buf= <<>>}}
+ end;
#state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf}=State) ->
- std_reply(position(Handle, At, Buf), State);
+ case position(Handle, At, Buf) of
+ {error,_} = Reply ->
+ {error,Reply,State};
+ Reply ->
+ std_reply(Reply, State)
+ end;
#state{handle=Handle}=State) ->
case ?PRIM_FILE:truncate(Handle) of
- {error,_Reason}=Reply ->
- {stop,normal,Reply,State#state{buf= <<>>}};
+ {error,Reason}=Reply ->
+ {stop,Reason,Reply,State#state{buf= <<>>}};
Reply ->
- {reply,Reply,State}
+ std_reply(Reply, State)
#state{}=State) ->
Reason = {request, Unknown},
+%% Standard reply and clear buffer
std_reply({error,_}=Reply, State) ->
{error,Reply,State#state{buf= <<>>}};
std_reply(Reply, State) ->
@@ -286,8 +315,8 @@ io_request({put_chars, Enc, Chars},
io_request({put_chars, Enc, Chars},
#state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf}=State) ->
case position(Handle, cur, Buf) of
- {error,_}=Reply ->
- {stop,normal,Reply,State#state{buf= <<>>}};
+ {error,Reason}=Reply ->
+ {stop,Reason,Reply,State};
_ ->
put_chars(Chars, Enc, State#state{buf= <<>>})
@@ -368,23 +397,27 @@ io_request_loop([Request|Tail],
%% I/O request put_chars
put_chars(Chars, latin1, #state{handle=Handle, unic=latin1}=State) ->
+ NewState = State#state{buf = <<>>},
case ?PRIM_FILE:write(Handle, Chars) of
- {error,_}=Reply ->
- {stop,normal,Reply,State};
+ {error,Reason}=Reply ->
+ {stop,Reason,Reply,NewState};
Reply ->
- {reply,Reply,State}
+ {reply,Reply,NewState}
put_chars(Chars, InEncoding, #state{handle=Handle, unic=OutEncoding}=State) ->
+ NewState = State#state{buf = <<>>},
case unicode:characters_to_binary(Chars,InEncoding,OutEncoding) of
Bin when is_binary(Bin) ->
case ?PRIM_FILE:write(Handle, Bin) of
- {error,_}=Reply ->
- {stop,normal,Reply,State};
+ {error,Reason}=Reply ->
+ {stop,Reason,Reply,NewState};
Reply ->
- {reply,Reply,State}
+ {reply,Reply,NewState}
{error,_,_} ->
- {stop,normal,{error,{no_translation, InEncoding, OutEncoding}},State}
+ {stop,no_translation,
+ {error,{no_translation, InEncoding, OutEncoding}},
+ NewState}
get_line(S, {<<>>, Cont}, OutEnc,
@@ -884,11 +917,14 @@ cbv({utf32,little},_) ->
%% Compensates ?PRIM_FILE:position/2 for the number of bytes
%% we have buffered
-position(Handle, cur, Buf) ->
- position(Handle, {cur, 0}, Buf);
-position(Handle, {cur, Offs}, Buf) when is_binary(Buf) ->
- ?PRIM_FILE:position(Handle, {cur, Offs-byte_size(Buf)});
-position(Handle, At, _Buf) ->
- ?PRIM_FILE:position(Handle, At).
+position(Handle, At, Buf) ->
+ ?PRIM_FILE:position(
+ Handle,
+ case At of
+ cur ->
+ {cur, -byte_size(Buf)};
+ {cur, Offs} ->
+ {cur, Offs-byte_size(Buf)};
+ _ ->
+ At
+ end).
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/global.erl b/lib/kernel/src/global.erl
index 2be1efaf24..0c73ead7c5 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/global.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/global.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2014. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -459,17 +459,17 @@ init([]) ->
+ Ca = case init:get_argument(connect_all) of
+ {ok, [["false"]]} ->
+ false;
+ _ ->
+ true
+ end,
S = #state{the_locker = start_the_locker(DoTrace),
trace = T0,
- the_registrar = start_the_registrar()},
- S1 = trace_message(S, {init, node()}, []),
- case init:get_argument(connect_all) of
- {ok, [["false"]]} ->
- {ok, S1#state{connect_all = false}};
- _ ->
- {ok, S1#state{connect_all = true}}
- end.
+ the_registrar = start_the_registrar(),
+ connect_all = Ca},
+ {ok, trace_message(S, {init, node()}, [])}.
%% Connection algorithm
@@ -2068,23 +2068,17 @@ get_known() ->
gen_server:call(global_name_server, get_known, infinity).
random_sleep(Times) ->
- case (Times rem 10) of
- 0 -> erase(random_seed);
- _ -> ok
- end,
- case get(random_seed) of
- undefined ->
- _ = random:seed(erlang:phash2([erlang:node()]),
- erlang:monotonic_time(),
- erlang:unique_integer()),
- ok;
- _ -> ok
- end,
+ _ = case Times rem 10 of
+ 0 ->
+ _ = rand:seed(exsplus);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end,
%% First time 1/4 seconds, then doubling each time up to 8 seconds max.
Tmax = if Times > 5 -> 8000;
true -> ((1 bsl Times) * 1000) div 8
- T = random:uniform(Tmax),
+ T = rand:uniform(Tmax),
?trace({random_sleep, {me,self()}, {times,Times}, {t,T}, {tmax,Tmax}}),
receive after T -> ok end.
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/global_group.erl b/lib/kernel/src/global_group.erl
index 848df13c39..e71f83f9d3 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/global_group.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/global_group.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1998-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1998-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ init([]) ->
{ok, #state{publish_type = PT, group_publish_type = PubTpGrp,
sync_state = synced, group_name = DefGroupName,
no_contact = lists:sort(DefNodes),
- other_grps = DefOther}}
+ other_grps = DefOther, connect_all = Ca}}
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/inet.erl b/lib/kernel/src/inet.erl
index da7f04089d..b573112445 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/inet.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/inet.erl
@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ stats() ->
connect_options() ->
[tos, priority, reuseaddr, keepalive, linger, sndbuf, recbuf, nodelay,
- header, active, packet, packet_size, buffer, mode, deliver,
+ header, active, packet, packet_size, buffer, mode, deliver, line_delimiter,
exit_on_close, high_watermark, low_watermark, high_msgq_watermark,
low_msgq_watermark, send_timeout, send_timeout_close, delay_send, raw,
@@ -692,6 +692,7 @@ connect_options(Opts, Family) ->
case con_opt(Opts, BaseOpts, connect_options()) of
{ok, R} ->
{ok, R#connect_opts {
+ opts = lists:reverse(R#connect_opts.opts),
ifaddr = translate_ip(R#connect_opts.ifaddr, Family)
Error -> Error
@@ -721,6 +722,8 @@ con_opt([Opt | Opts], #connect_opts{} = R, As) ->
{active,N} when is_integer(N), N < 32768, N >= -32768 ->
NOpts = lists:keydelete(active, 1, R#connect_opts.opts),
con_opt(Opts, R#connect_opts { opts = [{active,N}|NOpts] }, As);
+ {line_delimiter,C} when is_integer(C), C >= 0, C =< 255 ->
+ con_add(line_delimiter, C, R, Opts, As);
{Name,Val} when is_atom(Name) -> con_add(Name, Val, R, Opts, As);
_ -> {error, badarg}
@@ -760,6 +763,7 @@ listen_options(Opts, Family) ->
case list_opt(Opts, BaseOpts, listen_options()) of
{ok, R} ->
{ok, R#listen_opts {
+ opts = lists:reverse(R#listen_opts.opts),
ifaddr = translate_ip(R#listen_opts.ifaddr, Family)
Error -> Error
@@ -818,6 +822,7 @@ udp_options(Opts, Family) ->
case udp_opt(Opts, #udp_opts { }, udp_options()) of
{ok, R} ->
{ok, R#udp_opts {
+ opts = lists:reverse(R#udp_opts.opts),
ifaddr = translate_ip(R#udp_opts.ifaddr, Family)
Error -> Error
@@ -891,9 +896,12 @@ sctp_options() ->
sctp_options(Opts, Mod) ->
case sctp_opt(Opts, Mod, #sctp_opts{}, sctp_options()) of
{ok,#sctp_opts{ifaddr=undefined}=SO} ->
- {ok,SO#sctp_opts{ifaddr=Mod:translate_ip(?SCTP_DEF_IFADDR)}};
- {ok,_}=OK ->
- OK;
+ {ok,
+ SO#sctp_opts{
+ opts=lists:reverse(SO#sctp_opts.opts),
+ ifaddr=Mod:translate_ip(?SCTP_DEF_IFADDR)}};
+ {ok,SO} ->
+ {ok,SO#sctp_opts{opts=lists:reverse(SO#sctp_opts.opts)}};
Error -> Error
@@ -965,6 +973,8 @@ add_opt(Name, Val, Opts, As) ->
case lists:member(Name, As) of
true ->
case prim_inet:is_sockopt_val(Name, Val) of
+ true when Name =:= raw ->
+ {ok, [{Name,Val} | Opts]};
true ->
Opts1 = lists:keydelete(Name, 1, Opts),
{ok, [{Name,Val} | Opts1]};
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/inet6_tcp.erl b/lib/kernel/src/inet6_tcp.erl
index 2ea017285c..1978307b3c 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/inet6_tcp.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/inet6_tcp.erl
@@ -25,10 +25,29 @@
+-export([family/0, mask/2, parse_address/1]).
-export([getserv/1, getaddr/1, getaddr/2, getaddrs/1, getaddrs/2]).
+%% my address family
+family() -> inet6.
+%% Apply netmask on address
+mask({M1,M2,M3,M4,M5,M6,M7,M8}, {IP1,IP2,IP3,IP4,IP5,IP6,IP7,IP8}) ->
+ {M1 band IP1,
+ M2 band IP2,
+ M3 band IP3,
+ M4 band IP4,
+ M5 band IP5,
+ M6 band IP6,
+ M7 band IP7,
+ M8 band IP8 }.
+%% Parse address string
+parse_address(Host) ->
+ inet_parse:ipv6strict_address(Host).
%% inet_tcp port lookup
getserv(Port) when is_integer(Port) -> {ok, Port};
getserv(Name) when is_atom(Name) -> inet:getservbyname(Name,tcp).
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/inet6_tcp_dist.erl b/lib/kernel/src/inet6_tcp_dist.erl
index a74a4916ba..3ab7f269bb 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/inet6_tcp_dist.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/inet6_tcp_dist.erl
@@ -24,28 +24,6 @@
-export([listen/1, accept/1, accept_connection/5,
setup/5, close/1, select/1, is_node_name/1]).
-%% internal exports
--export([accept_loop/2,do_accept/6,do_setup/6, getstat/1,tick/1]).
--define(to_port(Socket, Data, Opts),
- case inet6_tcp:send(Socket, Data, Opts) of
- {error, closed} ->
- self() ! {tcp_closed, Socket},
- {error, closed};
- R ->
- R
- end).
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%% Select this protocol based on node name
@@ -53,14 +31,7 @@
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
select(Node) ->
- case split_node(atom_to_list(Node), $@, []) of
- [_, Host] ->
- case inet:getaddr(Host,inet6) of
- {ok,_} -> true;
- _ -> false
- end;
- _ -> false
- end.
+ inet_tcp_dist:gen_select(inet6_tcp, Node).
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%% Create the listen socket, i.e. the port that this erlang
@@ -68,59 +39,14 @@ select(Node) ->
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
listen(Name) ->
- case inet6_tcp:listen(0, [{active, false}, {packet,2}]) of
- {ok, Socket} ->
- TcpAddress = get_tcp_address(Socket),
- {_,Port} = TcpAddress#net_address.address,
- case erl_epmd:register_node(Name, Port) of
- {ok, Creation} ->
- {ok, {Socket, TcpAddress, Creation}};
- Error ->
- Error
- end;
- Error ->
- Error
- end.
+ inet_tcp_dist:gen_listen(inet6_tcp, Name).
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%% Accepts new connection attempts from other Erlang nodes.
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
accept(Listen) ->
- spawn_opt(?MODULE, accept_loop, [self(), Listen], [link, {priority, max}]).
-accept_loop(Kernel, Listen) ->
- case inet6_tcp:accept(Listen) of
- {ok, Socket} ->
- Kernel ! {accept,self(),Socket,inet6,tcp},
- _ = controller(Kernel, Socket),
- accept_loop(Kernel, Listen);
- Error ->
- exit(Error)
- end.
-controller(Kernel, Socket) ->
- receive
- {Kernel, controller, Pid} ->
- flush_controller(Pid, Socket),
- inet6_tcp:controlling_process(Socket, Pid),
- flush_controller(Pid, Socket),
- Pid ! {self(), controller};
- {Kernel, unsupported_protocol} ->
- exit(unsupported_protocol)
- end.
-flush_controller(Pid, Socket) ->
- receive
- {tcp, Socket, Data} ->
- Pid ! {tcp, Socket, Data},
- flush_controller(Pid, Socket);
- {tcp_closed, Socket} ->
- Pid ! {tcp_closed, Socket},
- flush_controller(Pid, Socket)
- after 0 ->
- ok
- end.
+ inet_tcp_dist:gen_accept(inet6_tcp, Listen).
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%% Accepts a new connection attempt from another Erlang node.
@@ -128,85 +54,7 @@ flush_controller(Pid, Socket) ->
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
accept_connection(AcceptPid, Socket, MyNode, Allowed, SetupTime) ->
- spawn_opt(?MODULE, do_accept,
- [self(), AcceptPid, Socket, MyNode, Allowed, SetupTime],
- [link, {priority, max}]).
-do_accept(Kernel, AcceptPid, Socket, MyNode, Allowed, SetupTime) ->
- receive
- {AcceptPid, controller} ->
- Timer = dist_util:start_timer(SetupTime),
- case check_ip(Socket) of
- true ->
- HSData = #hs_data{
- kernel_pid = Kernel,
- this_node = MyNode,
- socket = Socket,
- timer = Timer,
- this_flags = 0,
- allowed = Allowed,
- f_send = fun(S,D) -> inet6_tcp:send(S,D) end,
- f_recv = fun(S,N,T) -> inet6_tcp:recv(S,N,T)
- end,
- f_setopts_pre_nodeup =
- fun(S) ->
- inet:setopts(S,
- [{active, false},
- {packet, 4},
- nodelay()])
- end,
- f_setopts_post_nodeup =
- fun(S) ->
- inet:setopts(S,
- [{active, true},
- {deliver, port},
- {packet, 4},
- nodelay()])
- end,
- f_getll = fun(S) ->
- inet:getll(S)
- end,
- f_address = fun get_remote_id/2,
- mf_tick = fun ?MODULE:tick/1,
- mf_getstat = fun ?MODULE:getstat/1
- },
- dist_util:handshake_other_started(HSData);
- {false,IP} ->
- error_msg("** Connection attempt from "
- "disallowed IP ~w ** ~n", [IP]),
- ?shutdown(no_node)
- end
- end.
-%% we may not always want the nodelay behaviour
-%% for performance reasons
-nodelay() ->
- case application:get_env(kernel, dist_nodelay) of
- undefined ->
- {nodelay, true};
- {ok, true} ->
- {nodelay, true};
- {ok, false} ->
- {nodelay, false};
- _ ->
- {nodelay, true}
- end.
-%% ------------------------------------------------------------
-%% Get remote information about a Socket.
-%% ------------------------------------------------------------
-get_remote_id(Socket, Node) ->
- {ok, Address} = inet:peername(Socket),
- [_, Host] = split_node(atom_to_list(Node), $@, []),
- #net_address {
- address = Address,
- host = Host,
- protocol = tcp,
- family = inet6 }.
+ inet_tcp_dist:gen_accept_connection(inet6_tcp, AcceptPid, Socket, MyNode, Allowed, SetupTime).
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%% Setup a new connection to another Erlang node.
@@ -214,214 +62,13 @@ get_remote_id(Socket, Node) ->
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
setup(Node, Type, MyNode, LongOrShortNames,SetupTime) ->
- spawn_opt(?MODULE, do_setup,
- [self(), Node, Type, MyNode, LongOrShortNames, SetupTime],
- [link, {priority, max}]).
-do_setup(Kernel, Node, Type, MyNode, LongOrShortNames,SetupTime) ->
- ?trace("~p~n",[{?MODULE,self(),setup,Node}]),
- [Name, Address] = splitnode(Node, LongOrShortNames),
- case inet:getaddr(Address, inet6) of
- {ok, Ip} ->
- Timer = dist_util:start_timer(SetupTime),
- case erl_epmd:port_please(Name, Ip) of
- {port, TcpPort, Version} ->
- ?trace("port_please(~p) -> version ~p~n",
- [Node,Version]),
- dist_util:reset_timer(Timer),
- case inet6_tcp:connect(Ip, TcpPort,
- [{active, false},
- {packet,2}]) of
- {ok, Socket} ->
- HSData = #hs_data{
- kernel_pid = Kernel,
- other_node = Node,
- this_node = MyNode,
- socket = Socket,
- timer = Timer,
- this_flags = 0,
- other_version = Version,
- f_send = fun inet6_tcp:send/2,
- f_recv = fun inet6_tcp:recv/3,
- f_setopts_pre_nodeup =
- fun(S) ->
- inet:setopts
- (S,
- [{active, false},
- {packet, 4},
- nodelay()])
- end,
- f_setopts_post_nodeup =
- fun(S) ->
- inet:setopts
- (S,
- [{active, true},
- {deliver, port},
- {packet, 4},
- nodelay()])
- end,
- f_getll = fun inet:getll/1,
- f_address =
- fun(_,_) ->
- #net_address {
- address = {Ip,TcpPort},
- host = Address,
- protocol = tcp,
- family = inet6}
- end,
- mf_tick = fun ?MODULE:tick/1,
- mf_getstat = fun ?MODULE:getstat/1,
- request_type = Type
- },
- dist_util:handshake_we_started(HSData);
- _ ->
- %% Other Node may have closed since
- %% port_please !
- ?trace("other node (~p) "
- "closed since port_please.~n",
- [Node]),
- ?shutdown(Node)
- end;
- _ ->
- ?trace("port_please (~p) "
- "failed.~n", [Node]),
- ?shutdown(Node)
- end;
- __Other ->
- ?trace("inet_getaddr(~p) "
- "failed (~p).~n", [Node,__Other]),
- ?shutdown(Node)
- end.
+ inet_tcp_dist:gen_setup(inet6_tcp, Node, Type, MyNode, LongOrShortNames, SetupTime).
%% Close a socket.
close(Socket) ->
-%% If Node is illegal terminate the connection setup!!
-splitnode(Node, LongOrShortNames) ->
- case split_node(atom_to_list(Node), $@, []) of
- [Name|Tail] when Tail =/= [] ->
- Host = lists:append(Tail),
- case split_node(Host, $., []) of
- [_] when LongOrShortNames =:= longnames ->
- case inet_parse:ipv6strict_address(Host) of
- {ok, _} ->
- [Name, Host];
- _ ->
- error_msg("** System running to use "
- "fully qualified "
- "hostnames **~n"
- "** Hostname ~s is illegal **~n",
- [Host]),
- ?shutdown(Node)
- end;
- L when length(L) > 1, LongOrShortNames =:= shortnames ->
- error_msg("** System NOT running to use fully qualified "
- "hostnames **~n"
- "** Hostname ~s is illegal **~n",
- [Host]),
- ?shutdown(Node);
- _ ->
- [Name, Host]
- end;
- [_] ->
- error_msg("** Nodename ~p illegal, no '@' character **~n",
- [Node]),
- ?shutdown(Node);
- _ ->
- error_msg("** Nodename ~p illegal **~n", [Node]),
- ?shutdown(Node)
- end.
-split_node([Chr|T], Chr, Ack) -> [lists:reverse(Ack)|split_node(T, Chr, [])];
-split_node([H|T], Chr, Ack) -> split_node(T, Chr, [H|Ack]);
-split_node([], _, Ack) -> [lists:reverse(Ack)].
-%% ------------------------------------------------------------
-%% Fetch local information about a Socket.
-%% ------------------------------------------------------------
-get_tcp_address(Socket) ->
- {ok, Address} = inet:sockname(Socket),
- {ok, Host} = inet:gethostname(),
- #net_address {
- address = Address,
- host = Host,
- protocol = tcp,
- family = inet6
- }.
-%% ------------------------------------------------------------
-%% Do only accept new connection attempts from nodes at our
-%% own LAN, if the check_ip environment parameter is true.
-%% ------------------------------------------------------------
-check_ip(Socket) ->
- case application:get_env(check_ip) of
- {ok, true} ->
- case get_ifs(Socket) of
- {ok, IFs, IP} ->
- check_ip(IFs, IP);
- _ ->
- ?shutdown(no_node)
- end;
- _ ->
- true
- end.
-get_ifs(Socket) ->
- case inet:peername(Socket) of
- {ok, {IP, _}} ->
- case inet:getif(Socket) of
- {ok, IFs} -> {ok, IFs, IP};
- Error -> Error
- end;
- Error ->
- Error
- end.
-check_ip([{OwnIP, _, Netmask}|IFs], PeerIP) ->
- case {mask(Netmask, PeerIP), mask(Netmask, OwnIP)} of
- {M, M} -> true;
- _ -> check_ip(IFs, PeerIP)
- end;
-check_ip([], PeerIP) ->
- {false, PeerIP}.
-mask({M1,M2,M3,M4,M5,M6,M7,M8}, {IP1,IP2,IP3,IP4,IP5,IP6,IP7,IP8}) ->
- {M1 band IP1,
- M2 band IP2,
- M3 band IP3,
- M4 band IP4,
- M5 band IP5,
- M6 band IP6,
- M7 band IP7,
- M8 band IP8 }.
is_node_name(Node) when is_atom(Node) ->
- case split_node(atom_to_list(Node), $@, []) of
- [_,_Host] -> true;
- _ -> false
- end;
-is_node_name(_Node) ->
- false.
-tick(Sock) ->
- ?to_port(Sock,[],[force]).
-getstat(Socket) ->
- case inet:getstat(Socket, [recv_cnt, send_cnt, send_pend]) of
- {ok, Stat} ->
- split_stat(Stat,0,0,0);
- Error ->
- Error
- end.
-split_stat([{recv_cnt, R}|Stat], _, W, P) ->
- split_stat(Stat, R, W, P);
-split_stat([{send_cnt, W}|Stat], R, _, P) ->
- split_stat(Stat, R, W, P);
-split_stat([{send_pend, P}|Stat], R, W, _) ->
- split_stat(Stat, R, W, P);
-split_stat([], R, W, P) ->
- {ok, R, W, P}.
+ inet_tcp_dist:is_node_name(Node).
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/inet_config.erl b/lib/kernel/src/inet_config.erl
index 803fae846e..a0d5344f11 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/inet_config.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/inet_config.erl
@@ -188,9 +188,6 @@ do_load_resolv({win32,Type}, longnames) ->
-do_load_resolv({ose,_}, _) ->
- inet_db:set_lookup([file]);
do_load_resolv(_, _) ->
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/inet_db.erl b/lib/kernel/src/inet_db.erl
index 1621efbfd7..108a803610 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/inet_db.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/inet_db.erl
@@ -633,20 +633,22 @@ make_hostent(Name, Datas, Aliases, Type) ->
hostent_by_domain(Domain, Type) ->
?dbg("hostent_by_domain: ~p~n", [Domain]),
- hostent_by_domain(stripdot(Domain), [], Type).
+ hostent_by_domain(stripdot(Domain), [], [], Type).
-hostent_by_domain(Domain, Aliases, Type) ->
+hostent_by_domain(Domain, Aliases, LAliases, Type) ->
case lookup_type(Domain, Type) of
[] ->
case lookup_cname(Domain) of
[] ->
{error, nxdomain};
[CName | _] ->
- case lists:member(CName, [Domain | Aliases]) of
+ LDomain = tolower(Domain),
+ case lists:member(CName, [LDomain | LAliases]) of
true ->
{error, nxdomain};
false ->
- hostent_by_domain(CName, [Domain | Aliases], Type)
+ hostent_by_domain(CName, [Domain | Aliases],
+ [LDomain | LAliases], Type)
Addrs ->
@@ -671,24 +673,26 @@ lookup_rr(Domain, Class, Type) ->
%% match data field directly and cache RRs.
res_hostent_by_domain(Domain, Type, Rec) ->
- res_cache_answer(Rec),
- RRs = Rec#dns_rec.anlist,
+ RRs = lists:map(fun lower_rr/1, Rec#dns_rec.anlist),
+ res_cache_answer(Rec#dns_rec{anlist = RRs}),
?dbg("res_hostent_by_domain: ~p - ~p~n", [Domain, RRs]),
- res_hostent_by_domain(stripdot(Domain), [], Type, RRs).
+ res_hostent_by_domain(stripdot(Domain), [], [], Type, RRs).
-res_hostent_by_domain(Domain, Aliases, Type, RRs) ->
- case res_lookup_type(Domain, Type, RRs) of
+res_hostent_by_domain(Domain, Aliases, LAliases, Type, RRs) ->
+ LDomain = tolower(Domain),
+ case res_lookup_type(LDomain, Type, RRs) of
[] ->
- case res_lookup_type(Domain, ?S_CNAME, RRs) of
+ case res_lookup_type(LDomain, ?S_CNAME, RRs) of
[] ->
{error, nxdomain};
[CName | _] ->
- case lists:member(CName, [Domain | Aliases]) of
+ case lists:member(tolower(CName), [LDomain | LAliases]) of
true ->
{error, nxdomain};
false ->
res_hostent_by_domain(CName, [Domain | Aliases],
- Type, RRs)
+ [LDomain | LAliases], Type,
+ RRs)
Addrs ->
@@ -721,7 +725,8 @@ gethostbyaddr(IP) ->
res_gethostbyaddr(IP, Rec) ->
{ok, {IP1, HType, HLen}} = dnt(IP),
- res_cache_answer(Rec),
+ RRs = lists:map(fun lower_rr/1, Rec#dns_rec.anlist),
+ res_cache_answer(Rec#dns_rec{anlist = RRs}),
ent_gethostbyaddr(Rec#dns_rec.anlist, IP1, HType, HLen).
ent_gethostbyaddr(RRs, IP, AddrType, Length) ->
@@ -1378,7 +1383,7 @@ times() ->
%% lookup and remove old entries
do_lookup_rr(Domain, Class, Type) ->
- match_rr(#dns_rr{domain = Domain, class = Class,type = Type,
+ match_rr(#dns_rr{domain = tolower(Domain), class = Class,type = Type,
cnt = '_', tm = '_', ttl = '_',
bm = '_', func = '_', data = '_'}).
@@ -1400,6 +1405,11 @@ filter_rr([RR | RRs], Time) ->
[RR | filter_rr(RRs, Time)];
filter_rr([], _Time) -> [].
+%% Lower case the domain name before storage.
+lower_rr(#dns_rr{domain=Domain}=RR) when is_list(Domain) ->
+ RR#dns_rr { domain = tolower(Domain) };
+lower_rr(RR) -> RR.
%% Case fold upper-case to lower-case according to RFC 4343
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/inet_dns_record_adts.pl b/lib/kernel/src/inet_dns_record_adts.pl
index 657d2b9d35..6d719d836e 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/inet_dns_record_adts.pl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/inet_dns_record_adts.pl
@@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ while(<DATA>) {
$" = ',';
$\ = "\n";
-while( my ($Name, $r) = each(%Names)) {
+foreach my $Name (sort keys %Names) {
+ my $r = $Names{$Name};
# Create substitutions for this Name
my ($Record, @Fields) = @{ $r };
my @FieldMatchValues;
@@ -110,7 +111,8 @@ while( my ($Name, $r) = each(%Names)) {
for my $i ( 0 .. $#INDEX ) {
my $line = $INDEX[$i];
if ($line =~ s/^[*]//) {
- while( my ($Name, $r) = each(%Names)) {
+ foreach my $Name (sort keys %Names) {
+ my $r = $Names{$Name};
my ($Record) = @{ $r };
$_ = $line;
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/inet_int.hrl b/lib/kernel/src/inet_int.hrl
index bfe4c9ec8c..e7c6cf8ae2 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/inet_int.hrl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/inet_int.hrl
@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@
-define(INET_LOPT_NETNS, 38).
+-define(INET_LOPT_LINE_DELIM, 40).
% Specific SCTP options: separate range:
-define(SCTP_OPT_RTOINFO, 100).
-define(SCTP_OPT_ASSOCINFO, 101).
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/inet_tcp.erl b/lib/kernel/src/inet_tcp.erl
index b5c758c02c..f551af9709 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/inet_tcp.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/inet_tcp.erl
@@ -27,11 +27,25 @@
+-export([family/0, mask/2, parse_address/1]).
-export([getserv/1, getaddr/1, getaddr/2, getaddrs/1, getaddrs/2]).
+%% my address family
+family() -> inet.
+%% Apply netmask on address
+mask({M1,M2,M3,M4}, {IP1,IP2,IP3,IP4}) ->
+ {M1 band IP1,
+ M2 band IP2,
+ M3 band IP3,
+ M4 band IP4}.
+%% Parse address string
+parse_address(Host) ->
+ inet_parse:ipv4strict_address(Host).
%% inet_tcp port lookup
getserv(Port) when is_integer(Port) -> {ok, Port};
getserv(Name) when is_atom(Name) -> inet:getservbyname(Name,tcp).
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/inet_tcp_dist.erl b/lib/kernel/src/inet_tcp_dist.erl
index 1bdc1c9ed8..64b28bb49b 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/inet_tcp_dist.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/inet_tcp_dist.erl
@@ -24,9 +24,13 @@
-export([listen/1, accept/1, accept_connection/5,
setup/5, close/1, select/1, is_node_name/1]).
+%% Generalized dist API
+-export([gen_listen/2, gen_accept/2, gen_accept_connection/6,
+ gen_setup/6, gen_select/2]).
%% internal exports
@@ -34,15 +38,6 @@
--define(to_port(Socket, Data, Opts),
- case inet_tcp:send(Socket, Data, Opts) of
- {error, closed} ->
- self() ! {tcp_closed, Socket},
- {error, closed};
- R ->
- R
- end).
@@ -53,8 +48,15 @@
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
select(Node) ->
+ gen_select(inet_tcp, Node).
+gen_select(Driver, Node) ->
case split_node(atom_to_list(Node), $@, []) of
- [_,_Host] -> true;
+ [_, Host] ->
+ case inet:getaddr(Host, Driver:family()) of
+ {ok,_} -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end;
_ -> false
@@ -64,9 +66,12 @@ select(Node) ->
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
listen(Name) ->
- case do_listen([{active, false}, {packet,2}, {reuseaddr, true}]) of
+ gen_listen(inet_tcp, Name).
+gen_listen(Driver, Name) ->
+ case do_listen(Driver, [{active, false}, {packet,2}, {reuseaddr, true}]) of
{ok, Socket} ->
- TcpAddress = get_tcp_address(Socket),
+ TcpAddress = get_tcp_address(Driver, Socket),
{_,Port} = TcpAddress#net_address.address,
case erl_epmd:register_node(Name, Port) of
{ok, Creation} ->
@@ -78,7 +83,7 @@ listen(Name) ->
-do_listen(Options) ->
+do_listen(Driver, Options) ->
{First,Last} = case application:get_env(kernel,inet_dist_listen_min) of
{ok,N} when is_integer(N) ->
case application:get_env(kernel,
@@ -91,14 +96,14 @@ do_listen(Options) ->
_ ->
- do_listen(First, Last, listen_options([{backlog,128}|Options])).
+ do_listen(Driver, First, Last, listen_options([{backlog,128}|Options])).
-do_listen(First,Last,_) when First > Last ->
+do_listen(_Driver, First,Last,_) when First > Last ->
-do_listen(First,Last,Options) ->
- case inet_tcp:listen(First, Options) of
+do_listen(Driver, First,Last,Options) ->
+ case Driver:listen(First, Options) of
{error, eaddrinuse} ->
- do_listen(First+1,Last,Options);
+ do_listen(Driver, First+1,Last,Options);
Other ->
@@ -124,23 +129,26 @@ listen_options(Opts0) ->
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
accept(Listen) ->
- spawn_opt(?MODULE, accept_loop, [self(), Listen], [link, {priority, max}]).
+ gen_accept(inet_tcp, Listen).
-accept_loop(Kernel, Listen) ->
- case inet_tcp:accept(Listen) of
+gen_accept(Driver, Listen) ->
+ spawn_opt(?MODULE, accept_loop, [Driver, self(), Listen], [link, {priority, max}]).
+accept_loop(Driver, Kernel, Listen) ->
+ case Driver:accept(Listen) of
{ok, Socket} ->
- Kernel ! {accept,self(),Socket,inet,tcp},
- _ = controller(Kernel, Socket),
- accept_loop(Kernel, Listen);
+ Kernel ! {accept,self(),Socket,Driver:family(),tcp},
+ _ = controller(Driver, Kernel, Socket),
+ accept_loop(Driver, Kernel, Listen);
Error ->
-controller(Kernel, Socket) ->
+controller(Driver, Kernel, Socket) ->
{Kernel, controller, Pid} ->
flush_controller(Pid, Socket),
- inet_tcp:controlling_process(Socket, Pid),
+ Driver:controlling_process(Socket, Pid),
flush_controller(Pid, Socket),
Pid ! {self(), controller};
{Kernel, unsupported_protocol} ->
@@ -165,15 +173,18 @@ flush_controller(Pid, Socket) ->
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
accept_connection(AcceptPid, Socket, MyNode, Allowed, SetupTime) ->
+ gen_accept_connection(inet_tcp, AcceptPid, Socket, MyNode, Allowed, SetupTime).
+gen_accept_connection(Driver, AcceptPid, Socket, MyNode, Allowed, SetupTime) ->
spawn_opt(?MODULE, do_accept,
- [self(), AcceptPid, Socket, MyNode, Allowed, SetupTime],
+ [Driver, self(), AcceptPid, Socket, MyNode, Allowed, SetupTime],
[link, {priority, max}]).
-do_accept(Kernel, AcceptPid, Socket, MyNode, Allowed, SetupTime) ->
+do_accept(Driver, Kernel, AcceptPid, Socket, MyNode, Allowed, SetupTime) ->
{AcceptPid, controller} ->
Timer = dist_util:start_timer(SetupTime),
- case check_ip(Socket) of
+ case check_ip(Driver, Socket) of
true ->
HSData = #hs_data{
kernel_pid = Kernel,
@@ -182,9 +193,8 @@ do_accept(Kernel, AcceptPid, Socket, MyNode, Allowed, SetupTime) ->
timer = Timer,
this_flags = 0,
allowed = Allowed,
- f_send = fun(S,D) -> inet_tcp:send(S,D) end,
- f_recv = fun(S,N,T) -> inet_tcp:recv(S,N,T)
- end,
+ f_send = fun Driver:send/2,
+ f_recv = fun Driver:recv/3,
f_setopts_pre_nodeup =
fun(S) ->
@@ -203,8 +213,8 @@ do_accept(Kernel, AcceptPid, Socket, MyNode, Allowed, SetupTime) ->
f_getll = fun(S) ->
- f_address = fun get_remote_id/2,
- mf_tick = fun ?MODULE:tick/1,
+ f_address = fun(S, Node) -> get_remote_id(Driver, S, Node) end,
+ mf_tick = fun(S) -> tick(Driver, S) end,
mf_getstat = fun ?MODULE:getstat/1
@@ -235,13 +245,13 @@ nodelay() ->
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%% Get remote information about a Socket.
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
-get_remote_id(Socket, Node) ->
+get_remote_id(Driver, Socket, Node) ->
case inet:peername(Socket) of
{ok,Address} ->
case split_node(atom_to_list(Node), $@, []) of
[_,Host] ->
- protocol=tcp,family=inet};
+ protocol=tcp,family=Driver:family()};
_ ->
%% No '@' or more than one '@' in node name.
@@ -256,14 +266,18 @@ get_remote_id(Socket, Node) ->
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
setup(Node, Type, MyNode, LongOrShortNames,SetupTime) ->
+ gen_setup(inet_tcp, Node, Type, MyNode, LongOrShortNames, SetupTime).
+gen_setup(Driver, Node, Type, MyNode, LongOrShortNames, SetupTime) ->
spawn_opt(?MODULE, do_setup,
- [self(), Node, Type, MyNode, LongOrShortNames, SetupTime],
+ [Driver, self(), Node, Type, MyNode, LongOrShortNames, SetupTime],
[link, {priority, max}]).
-do_setup(Kernel, Node, Type, MyNode, LongOrShortNames,SetupTime) ->
+do_setup(Driver, Kernel, Node, Type, MyNode, LongOrShortNames, SetupTime) ->
- [Name, Address] = splitnode(Node, LongOrShortNames),
- case inet:getaddr(Address, inet) of
+ [Name, Address] = splitnode(Driver, Node, LongOrShortNames),
+ AddressFamily = Driver:family(),
+ case inet:getaddr(Address, AddressFamily) of
{ok, Ip} ->
Timer = dist_util:start_timer(SetupTime),
case erl_epmd:port_please(Name, Ip) of
@@ -272,7 +286,7 @@ do_setup(Kernel, Node, Type, MyNode, LongOrShortNames,SetupTime) ->
- inet_tcp:connect(
+ Driver:connect(
Ip, TcpPort,
connect_options([{active, false}, {packet, 2}]))
@@ -285,8 +299,8 @@ do_setup(Kernel, Node, Type, MyNode, LongOrShortNames,SetupTime) ->
timer = Timer,
this_flags = 0,
other_version = Version,
- f_send = fun inet_tcp:send/2,
- f_recv = fun inet_tcp:recv/3,
+ f_send = fun Driver:send/2,
+ f_recv = fun Driver:recv/3,
f_setopts_pre_nodeup =
fun(S) ->
@@ -311,9 +325,9 @@ do_setup(Kernel, Node, Type, MyNode, LongOrShortNames,SetupTime) ->
address = {Ip,TcpPort},
host = Address,
protocol = tcp,
- family = inet}
+ family = AddressFamily}
- mf_tick = fun ?MODULE:tick/1,
+ mf_tick = fun(S) -> tick(Driver, S) end,
mf_getstat = fun ?MODULE:getstat/1,
request_type = Type
@@ -353,18 +367,23 @@ close(Socket) ->
%% If Node is illegal terminate the connection setup!!
-splitnode(Node, LongOrShortNames) ->
+splitnode(Driver, Node, LongOrShortNames) ->
case split_node(atom_to_list(Node), $@, []) of
[Name|Tail] when Tail =/= [] ->
Host = lists:append(Tail),
case split_node(Host, $., []) of
[_] when LongOrShortNames =:= longnames ->
- error_msg("** System running to use "
- "fully qualified "
- "hostnames **~n"
- "** Hostname ~s is illegal **~n",
- [Host]),
- ?shutdown(Node);
+ case Driver:parse_address(Host) of
+ {ok, _} ->
+ [Name, Host];
+ _ ->
+ error_msg("** System running to use "
+ "fully qualified "
+ "hostnames **~n"
+ "** Hostname ~s is illegal **~n",
+ [Host]),
+ ?shutdown(Node)
+ end;
L when length(L) > 1, LongOrShortNames =:= shortnames ->
error_msg("** System NOT running to use fully qualified "
"hostnames **~n"
@@ -390,26 +409,26 @@ split_node([], _, Ack) -> [lists:reverse(Ack)].
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%% Fetch local information about a Socket.
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
-get_tcp_address(Socket) ->
+get_tcp_address(Driver, Socket) ->
{ok, Address} = inet:sockname(Socket),
{ok, Host} = inet:gethostname(),
#net_address {
address = Address,
host = Host,
protocol = tcp,
- family = inet
+ family = Driver:family()
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%% Do only accept new connection attempts from nodes at our
%% own LAN, if the check_ip environment parameter is true.
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
-check_ip(Socket) ->
+check_ip(Driver, Socket) ->
case application:get_env(check_ip) of
{ok, true} ->
case get_ifs(Socket) of
{ok, IFs, IP} ->
- check_ip(IFs, IP);
+ check_ip(Driver, IFs, IP);
_ ->
@@ -428,20 +447,14 @@ get_ifs(Socket) ->
-check_ip([{OwnIP, _, Netmask}|IFs], PeerIP) ->
- case {mask(Netmask, PeerIP), mask(Netmask, OwnIP)} of
+check_ip(Driver, [{OwnIP, _, Netmask}|IFs], PeerIP) ->
+ case {Driver:mask(Netmask, PeerIP), Driver:mask(Netmask, OwnIP)} of
{M, M} -> true;
- _ -> check_ip(IFs, PeerIP)
+ _ -> check_ip(Driver, IFs, PeerIP)
-check_ip([], PeerIP) ->
+check_ip(_Driver, [], PeerIP) ->
{false, PeerIP}.
-mask({M1,M2,M3,M4}, {IP1,IP2,IP3,IP4}) ->
- {M1 band IP1,
- M2 band IP2,
- M3 band IP3,
- M4 band IP4}.
is_node_name(Node) when is_atom(Node) ->
case split_node(atom_to_list(Node), $@, []) of
[_, _Host] -> true;
@@ -450,8 +463,14 @@ is_node_name(Node) when is_atom(Node) ->
is_node_name(_Node) ->
-tick(Sock) ->
- ?to_port(Sock,[],[force]).
+tick(Driver, Socket) ->
+ case Driver:send(Socket, [], [force]) of
+ {error, closed} ->
+ self() ! {tcp_closed, Socket},
+ {error, closed};
+ R ->
+ R
+ end.
getstat(Socket) ->
case inet:getstat(Socket, [recv_cnt, send_cnt, send_pend]) of
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/kernel.app.src b/lib/kernel/src/kernel.app.src
index c9327e4f31..b5555ca1a5 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/kernel.app.src
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/kernel.app.src
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -116,6 +116,6 @@
{applications, []},
{env, [{error_logger, tty}]},
{mod, {kernel, []}},
- {runtime_dependencies, ["erts-7.0", "stdlib-2.5", "sasl-2.4"]}
+ {runtime_dependencies, ["erts-7.0", "stdlib-2.6", "sasl-2.6"]}
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/kernel.appup.src b/lib/kernel/src/kernel.appup.src
index 701aafc717..860d3640d0 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/kernel.appup.src
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/kernel.appup.src
@@ -18,7 +18,9 @@
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Up from - max one major revision back
- [{<<"3\\.[0-2](\\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}], % OTP-17
+ [{<<"4\\.[0-1](\\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}, % OTP-18.*
+ {<<"3\\.[0-2](\\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}], % OTP-17
%% Down to - max one major revision back
- [{<<"3\\.[0-2](\\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}] % OTP-17
+ [{<<"4\\.[0-1](\\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}, % OTP-18.*
+ {<<"3\\.[0-2](\\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}] % OTP-17
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/os.erl b/lib/kernel/src/os.erl
index 3330b38d84..0022959c11 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/os.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/os.erl
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ unsetenv(_) ->
%%% End of BIFs
-spec type() -> {Osfamily, Osname} when
- Osfamily :: unix | win32 | ose,
+ Osfamily :: unix | win32,
Osname :: atom().
type() ->
@@ -212,174 +212,33 @@ extensions() ->
Command :: atom() | io_lib:chars().
cmd(Cmd) ->
- Bytes = case type() of
- {unix, _} ->
- unix_cmd(Cmd);
- {win32, Wtype} ->
- Command0 = case {os:getenv("COMSPEC"),Wtype} of
- {false,windows} -> lists:concat(["command.com /c", Cmd]);
- {false,_} -> lists:concat(["cmd /c", Cmd]);
- {Cspec,_} -> lists:concat([Cspec," /c",Cmd])
- end,
- %% open_port/2 awaits string() in Command, but io_lib:chars() can be
- %% deep lists according to io_lib module description.
- Command = lists:flatten(Command0),
- Port = open_port({spawn, Command}, [stream, in, eof, hide]),
- get_data(Port, [])
- end,
- String = unicode:characters_to_list(list_to_binary(Bytes)),
+ {SpawnCmd, SpawnOpts, SpawnInput} = mk_cmd(os:type(), Cmd),
+ Port = open_port({spawn, SpawnCmd}, [binary, stderr_to_stdout,
+ stream, in, eof, hide | SpawnOpts]),
+ true = port_command(Port, SpawnInput),
+ Bytes = get_data(Port, []),
+ String = unicode:characters_to_list(Bytes),
if %% Convert to unicode list if possible otherwise return bytes
is_list(String) -> String;
- true -> Bytes
+ true -> binary_to_list(Bytes)
-unix_cmd(Cmd) ->
- Tag = make_ref(),
- {Pid,Mref} = erlang:spawn_monitor(
- fun() ->
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- Port = start_port(),
- erlang:port_command(Port, mk_cmd(Cmd)),
- exit({Tag,unix_get_data(Port)})
- end),
- receive
- {'DOWN',Mref,_,Pid,{Tag,Result}} ->
- Result;
- {'DOWN',Mref,_,Pid,Reason} ->
- exit(Reason)
- end.
-%% The -s flag implies that only the positional parameters are set,
-%% and the commands are read from standard input. We set the
-%% $1 parameter for easy identification of the resident shell.
--define(ROOT, "/").
--define(ROOT_ANDROID, "/system").
--define(SHELL, "bin/sh -s unix:cmd 2>&1").
--define(PORT_CREATOR_NAME, os_cmd_port_creator).
-%% Serializing open_port through a process to avoid smp lock contention
-%% when many concurrent os:cmd() want to do vfork (OTP-7890).
--spec start_port() -> port().
-start_port() ->
- Ref = make_ref(),
- Request = {Ref,self()},
- {Pid, Mon} = case whereis(?PORT_CREATOR_NAME) of
- undefined ->
- spawn_monitor(fun() ->
- start_port_srv(Request)
- end);
- P ->
- P ! Request,
- M = erlang:monitor(process, P),
- {P, M}
- end,
- receive
- {Ref, Port} when is_port(Port) ->
- erlang:demonitor(Mon, [flush]),
- Port;
- {Ref, Error} ->
- erlang:demonitor(Mon, [flush]),
- exit(Error);
- {'DOWN', Mon, process, Pid, _Reason} ->
- start_port()
- end.
-start_port_srv(Request) ->
- %% We don't want a group leader of some random application. Use
- %% kernel_sup's group leader.
- {group_leader, GL} = process_info(whereis(kernel_sup),
- group_leader),
- true = group_leader(GL, self()),
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- StayAlive = try register(?PORT_CREATOR_NAME, self())
- catch
- error:_ -> false
- end,
- start_port_srv_handle(Request),
- case StayAlive of
- true -> start_port_srv_loop();
- false -> exiting
- end.
-start_port_srv_handle({Ref,Client}) ->
- Path = case lists:reverse(erlang:system_info(system_architecture)) of
- % androideabi
- "ibaediordna" ++ _ -> filename:join([?ROOT_ANDROID, ?SHELL]);
- _ -> filename:join([?ROOT, ?SHELL])
- end,
- Reply = try open_port({spawn, Path},[stream]) of
- Port when is_port(Port) ->
- (catch port_connect(Port, Client)),
- unlink(Port),
- Port
- catch
- error:Reason ->
- {Reason,erlang:get_stacktrace()}
- end,
- Client ! {Ref,Reply},
- ok.
-start_port_srv_loop() ->
- receive
- {Ref, Client} = Request when is_reference(Ref),
- is_pid(Client) ->
- start_port_srv_handle(Request);
- _Junk ->
- ok
- end,
- start_port_srv_loop().
-%% unix_get_data(Port) -> Result
-unix_get_data(Port) ->
- unix_get_data(Port, []).
-unix_get_data(Port, Sofar) ->
- receive
- {Port,{data, Bytes}} ->
- case eot(Bytes) of
- {done, Last} ->
- lists:flatten([Sofar|Last]);
- more ->
- unix_get_data(Port, [Sofar|Bytes])
- end;
- {'EXIT', Port, _} ->
- lists:flatten(Sofar)
- end.
-%% eot(String) -> more | {done, Result}
-eot(Bs) ->
- eot(Bs, []).
-eot([4| _Bs], As) ->
- {done, lists:reverse(As)};
-eot([B| Bs], As) ->
- eot(Bs, [B| As]);
-eot([], _As) ->
- more.
-%% mk_cmd(Cmd) -> {ok, ShellCommandString} | {error, ErrorString}
-%% We do not allow any input to Cmd (hence commands that want
-%% to read from standard input will return immediately).
-%% Standard error is redirected to standard output.
-%% We use ^D (= EOT = 4) to mark the end of the stream.
-mk_cmd(Cmd) when is_atom(Cmd) -> % backward comp.
- mk_cmd(atom_to_list(Cmd));
-mk_cmd(Cmd) ->
- %% We insert a new line after the command, in case the command
- %% contains a comment character.
- [$(, unicode:characters_to_binary(Cmd), "\n) </dev/null; echo \"\^D\"\n"].
+mk_cmd({win32,Wtype}, Cmd) ->
+ Command = case {os:getenv("COMSPEC"),Wtype} of
+ {false,windows} -> lists:concat(["command.com /c", Cmd]);
+ {false,_} -> lists:concat(["cmd /c", Cmd]);
+ {Cspec,_} -> lists:concat([Cspec," /c",Cmd])
+ end,
+ {Command, [], []};
+mk_cmd(OsType,Cmd) when is_atom(Cmd) ->
+ mk_cmd(OsType, atom_to_list(Cmd));
+mk_cmd(_,Cmd) ->
+ %% Have to send command in like this in order to make sh commands like
+ %% cd and ulimit available
+ {"/bin/sh -s unix:cmd", [out],
+ %% We insert a new line after the command, in case the command
+ %% contains a comment character.
+ ["(", unicode:characters_to_binary(Cmd), "\n); exit\n"]}.
validate(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) ->
@@ -397,7 +256,7 @@ validate1([]) ->
get_data(Port, Sofar) ->
{Port, {data, Bytes}} ->
- get_data(Port, [Sofar|Bytes]);
+ get_data(Port, [Sofar,Bytes]);
{Port, eof} ->
Port ! {self(), close},
@@ -410,5 +269,5 @@ get_data(Port, Sofar) ->
after 1 -> % force context switch
- lists:flatten(Sofar)
+ iolist_to_binary(Sofar)