path: root/lib/kernel/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel/src')
9 files changed, 647 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/code.erl b/lib/kernel/src/code.erl
index 59e226df43..0882cb170c 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/code.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/code.erl
@@ -28,11 +28,15 @@
+ ensure_modules_loaded/1,
+ atomic_load/1,
+ prepare_loading/1,
+ finish_loading/1,
@@ -71,6 +75,7 @@
-export_type([load_error_rsn/0, load_ret/0]).
@@ -88,6 +93,11 @@
-type loaded_ret_atoms() :: 'cover_compiled' | 'preloaded'.
-type loaded_filename() :: (Filename :: file:filename()) | loaded_ret_atoms().
+-define(PREPARED, '$prepared$').
+-opaque prepared_code() ::
+ {?PREPARED,[{module(),{binary(),string(),_}}]}.
%%% BIFs
-export([get_chunk/2, is_module_native/1, make_stub_module/3, module_md5/1]).
@@ -303,6 +313,313 @@ rehash() ->
-spec get_mode() -> 'embedded' | 'interactive'.
get_mode() -> call(get_mode).
+%%% Loading of several modules in parallel.
+-spec ensure_modules_loaded([Module]) ->
+ 'ok' | {'error',[{Module,What}]} when
+ Module :: module(),
+ What :: badfile | nofile | on_load_failure.
+ensure_modules_loaded(Modules) when is_list(Modules) ->
+ case prepare_ensure(Modules, []) of
+ Ms when is_list(Ms) ->
+ ensure_modules_loaded_1(Ms);
+ error ->
+ error(function_clause, [Modules])
+ end.
+ensure_modules_loaded_1(Ms0) ->
+ Ms = lists:usort(Ms0),
+ {Prep,Error0} = load_mods(Ms),
+ {OnLoad,Normal} = partition_on_load(Prep),
+ Error1 = case finish_loading(Normal, true) of
+ ok -> Error0;
+ {error,Err} -> Err ++ Error0
+ end,
+ ensure_modules_loaded_2(OnLoad, Error1).
+ensure_modules_loaded_2([{M,_}|Ms], Errors) ->
+ case ensure_loaded(M) of
+ {module,M} ->
+ ensure_modules_loaded_2(Ms, Errors);
+ {error,Err} ->
+ ensure_modules_loaded_2(Ms, [{M,Err}|Errors])
+ end;
+ensure_modules_loaded_2([], []) ->
+ ok;
+ensure_modules_loaded_2([], [_|_]=Errors) ->
+ {error,Errors}.
+prepare_ensure([M|Ms], Acc) when is_atom(M) ->
+ case erlang:module_loaded(M) of
+ true ->
+ prepare_ensure(Ms, Acc);
+ false ->
+ prepare_ensure(Ms, [M|Acc])
+ end;
+prepare_ensure([], Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+prepare_ensure(_, _) ->
+ error.
+-spec atomic_load(Modules) -> 'ok' | {'error',[{Module,What}]} when
+ Modules :: [Module | {Module, Filename, Binary}],
+ Module :: module(),
+ Filename :: file:filename(),
+ Binary :: binary(),
+ What :: 'badfile' | 'nofile' | 'on_load_not_allowed' | 'duplicated' |
+ 'not_purged' | 'sticky_directory' | 'pending_on_load'.
+atomic_load(Modules) ->
+ case do_prepare_loading(Modules) of
+ {ok,Prep} ->
+ finish_loading(Prep, false);
+ {error,_}=Error ->
+ Error;
+ badarg ->
+ error(function_clause, [Modules])
+ end.
+-spec prepare_loading(Modules) ->
+ {'ok',Prepared} | {'error',[{Module,What}]} when
+ Modules :: [Module | {Module, Filename, Binary}],
+ Module :: module(),
+ Filename :: file:filename(),
+ Binary :: binary(),
+ Prepared :: prepared_code(),
+ What :: 'badfile' | 'nofile' | 'on_load_not_allowed' | 'duplicated'.
+prepare_loading(Modules) ->
+ case do_prepare_loading(Modules) of
+ {ok,Prep} ->
+ {ok,{?PREPARED,Prep}};
+ {error,_}=Error ->
+ Error;
+ badarg ->
+ error(function_clause, [Modules])
+ end.
+-spec finish_loading(Prepared) -> 'ok' | {'error',[{Module,What}]} when
+ Prepared :: prepared_code(),
+ Module :: module(),
+ What :: 'not_purged' | 'sticky_directory' | 'pending_on_load'.
+finish_loading({?PREPARED,Prepared}=Arg) when is_list(Prepared) ->
+ case verify_prepared(Prepared) of
+ ok ->
+ finish_loading(Prepared, false);
+ error ->
+ error(function_clause, [Arg])
+ end.
+partition_load([Item|T], Bs, Ms) ->
+ case Item of
+ {M,File,Bin} when is_atom(M) andalso
+ is_list(File) andalso
+ is_binary(Bin) ->
+ partition_load(T, [Item|Bs], Ms);
+ M when is_atom(M) ->
+ partition_load(T, Bs, [Item|Ms]);
+ _ ->
+ error
+ end;
+partition_load([], Bs, Ms) ->
+ {Bs,Ms}.
+do_prepare_loading(Modules) ->
+ case partition_load(Modules, [], []) of
+ {ModBins,Ms} ->
+ case prepare_loading_1(ModBins, Ms) of
+ {error,_}=Error ->
+ Error;
+ Prep when is_list(Prep) ->
+ {ok,Prep}
+ end;
+ error ->
+ badarg
+ end.
+prepare_loading_1(ModBins, Ms) ->
+ %% erlang:finish_loading/1 *will* detect duplicates.
+ %% However, we want to detect all errors that can be detected
+ %% by only examining the input data before call the LastAction
+ %% fun.
+ case prepare_check_uniq(ModBins, Ms) of
+ ok ->
+ prepare_loading_2(ModBins, Ms);
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+prepare_loading_2(ModBins, Ms) ->
+ {Prep0,Error0} = load_bins(ModBins),
+ {Prep1,Error1} = load_mods(Ms),
+ case Error0 ++ Error1 of
+ [] ->
+ prepare_loading_3(Prep0 ++ Prep1);
+ [_|_]=Error ->
+ {error,Error}
+ end.
+prepare_loading_3(Prep) ->
+ case partition_on_load(Prep) of
+ {[_|_]=OnLoad,_} ->
+ Error = [{M,on_load_not_allowed} || {M,_} <- OnLoad],
+ {error,Error};
+ {[],_} ->
+ Prep
+ end.
+prepare_check_uniq([{M,_,_}|T], Ms) ->
+ prepare_check_uniq(T, [M|Ms]);
+prepare_check_uniq([], Ms) ->
+ prepare_check_uniq_1(lists:sort(Ms), []).
+prepare_check_uniq_1([M|[M|_]=Ms], Acc) ->
+ prepare_check_uniq_1(Ms, [{M,duplicated}|Acc]);
+prepare_check_uniq_1([_|Ms], Acc) ->
+ prepare_check_uniq_1(Ms, Acc);
+prepare_check_uniq_1([], []) ->
+ ok;
+prepare_check_uniq_1([], [_|_]=Errors) ->
+ {error,Errors}.
+partition_on_load(Prep) ->
+ P = fun({_,{Bin,_,_}}) ->
+ erlang:has_prepared_code_on_load(Bin)
+ end,
+ lists:partition(P, Prep).
+ when is_atom(M), is_binary(Prep), is_list(Name) ->
+ try erlang:has_prepared_code_on_load(Prep) of
+ false ->
+ verify_prepared(T);
+ _ ->
+ error
+ catch
+ error:_ ->
+ error
+ end;
+verify_prepared([]) ->
+ ok;
+verify_prepared(_) ->
+ error.
+finish_loading(Prepared0, EnsureLoaded) ->
+ Prepared = [{M,{Bin,File}} || {M,{Bin,File,_}} <- Prepared0],
+ Native0 = [{M,Code} || {M,{_,_,Code}} <- Prepared0,
+ Code =/= undefined],
+ case call({finish_loading,Prepared,EnsureLoaded}) of
+ ok ->
+ finish_loading_native(Native0);
+ {error,Errors}=E when EnsureLoaded ->
+ S0 = sofs:relation(Errors),
+ S1 = sofs:domain(S0),
+ R0 = sofs:relation(Native0),
+ R1 = sofs:drestriction(R0, S1),
+ Native = sofs:to_external(R1),
+ finish_loading_native(Native),
+ E;
+ {error,_}=E ->
+ E
+ end.
+finish_loading_native([{Mod,Code}|Ms]) ->
+ _ = load_native_partial(Mod, Code),
+ finish_loading_native(Ms);
+finish_loading_native([]) ->
+ ok.
+load_mods([]) ->
+ {[],[]};
+load_mods(Mods) ->
+ Path = get_path(),
+ F = prepare_loading_fun(),
+ {ok,{Succ,Error0}} = erl_prim_loader:get_modules(Mods, F, Path),
+ Error = [case E of
+ badfile -> {M,E};
+ _ -> {M,nofile}
+ end || {M,E} <- Error0],
+ {Succ,Error}.
+load_bins([]) ->
+ {[],[]};
+load_bins(BinItems) ->
+ F = prepare_loading_fun(),
+ do_par(F, BinItems).
+-type prep_fun_type() :: fun((module(), file:filename(), binary()) ->
+ {ok,_} | {error,_}).
+-spec prepare_loading_fun() -> prep_fun_type().
+prepare_loading_fun() ->
+ GetNative = get_native_fun(),
+ fun(Mod, FullName, Beam) ->
+ case erlang:prepare_loading(Mod, Beam) of
+ Prepared when is_binary(Prepared) ->
+ {ok,{Prepared,FullName,GetNative(Beam)}};
+ {error,_}=Error ->
+ Error
+ end
+ end.
+get_native_fun() ->
+ Architecture = erlang:system_info(hipe_architecture),
+ try hipe_unified_loader:chunk_name(Architecture) of
+ ChunkTag ->
+ fun(Beam) -> code:get_chunk(Beam, ChunkTag) end
+ catch _:_ ->
+ fun(_) -> undefined end
+ end.
+do_par(Fun, L) ->
+ {_,Ref} = spawn_monitor(do_par_fun(Fun, L)),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN',Ref,process,_,Res} ->
+ Res
+ end.
+-spec do_par_fun(prep_fun_type(), list()) -> fun(() -> no_return()).
+do_par_fun(Fun, L) ->
+ fun() ->
+ _ = [spawn_monitor(do_par_fun_2(Fun, Item)) ||
+ Item <- L],
+ exit(do_par_recv(length(L), [], []))
+ end.
+-spec do_par_fun_2(prep_fun_type(),
+ {module(),file:filename(),binary()}) ->
+ fun(() -> no_return()).
+do_par_fun_2(Fun, Item) ->
+ fun() ->
+ {Mod,Filename,Bin} = Item,
+ try Fun(Mod, Filename, Bin) of
+ {ok,Res} ->
+ exit({good,{Mod,Res}});
+ {error,Error} ->
+ exit({bad,{Mod,Error}})
+ catch
+ _:Error ->
+ exit({bad,{Mod,Error}})
+ end
+ end.
+do_par_recv(0, Good, Bad) ->
+ {Good,Bad};
+do_par_recv(N, Good, Bad) ->
+ receive
+ {'DOWN',_,process,_,{good,Res}} ->
+ do_par_recv(N-1, [Res|Good], Bad);
+ {'DOWN',_,process,_,{bad,Res}} ->
+ do_par_recv(N-1, Good, [Res|Bad])
+ end.
call(Req) ->
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl b/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl
index b52def8777..6262407354 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl
@@ -28,11 +28,10 @@
-import(lists, [foreach/2]).
--define(ANY_NATIVE_CODE_LOADED, any_native_code_loaded).
-type on_load_item() :: {reference(),module(),file:name_all(),[pid()]}.
-record(state, {supervisor :: pid(),
@@ -90,8 +89,6 @@ init(Ref, Parent, [Root,Mode]) ->
namedb = init_namedb(Path),
mode = Mode},
- put(?ANY_NATIVE_CODE_LOADED, false),
Parent ! {Ref,{ok,self()}},
@@ -289,14 +286,14 @@ handle_call({load_binary,Mod,File,Bin}, Caller, S) when is_atom(Mod) ->
handle_call({load_native_partial,Mod,Bin}, {_From,_Tag}, S) ->
Architecture = erlang:system_info(hipe_architecture),
Result = (catch hipe_unified_loader:load(Mod, Bin, Architecture)),
- Status = hipe_result_to_status(Result),
+ Status = hipe_result_to_status(Result, S),
handle_call({load_native_sticky,Mod,Bin,WholeModule}, {_From,_Tag}, S) ->
Architecture = erlang:system_info(hipe_architecture),
Result = (catch hipe_unified_loader:load_module(Mod, Bin, WholeModule,
- Status = hipe_result_to_status(Result),
+ Status = hipe_result_to_status(Result, S),
handle_call({ensure_loaded,Mod}, Caller, St) when is_atom(Mod) ->
@@ -356,6 +353,9 @@ handle_call({set_primary_archive, File, ArchiveBin, FileInfo, ParserFun}, {_From
handle_call(get_mode, {_From,_Tag}, S=#state{mode=Mode}) ->
{reply, Mode, S};
+handle_call({finish_loading,Prepared,EnsureLoaded}, {_,_}, S) ->
+ {reply,finish_loading(Prepared, EnsureLoaded, S),S};
handle_call(Other,{_From,_Tag}, S) ->
error_msg(" ** Codeserver*** ignoring ~w~n ",[Other]),
@@ -1107,8 +1107,7 @@ try_load_module_2(File, Mod, Bin, Caller, Architecture,
#state{moddb=Db}=St) ->
case catch hipe_unified_loader:load_native_code(Mod, Bin, Architecture) of
{module,Mod} = Module ->
- ets:insert(Db, {Mod,File}),
+ ets:insert(Db, [{{native,Mod},true},{Mod,File}]),
no_native ->
try_load_module_3(File, Mod, Bin, Caller, Architecture, St);
@@ -1122,7 +1121,7 @@ try_load_module_3(File, Mod, Bin, Caller, Architecture,
case erlang:load_module(Mod, Bin) of
{module,Mod} = Module ->
ets:insert(Db, {Mod,File}),
- post_beam_load(Mod, Architecture),
+ post_beam_load([Mod], Architecture, St),
{error,on_load} ->
handle_on_load(Mod, File, Caller, St);
@@ -1131,23 +1130,24 @@ try_load_module_3(File, Mod, Bin, Caller, Architecture,
-hipe_result_to_status(Result) ->
+hipe_result_to_status(Result, #state{moddb=Db}) ->
case Result of
- {module,_} ->
+ {module,Mod} ->
+ ets:insert(Db, [{{native,Mod},true}]),
_ ->
-post_beam_load(Mod, Architecture) ->
+post_beam_load(_, undefined, _) ->
+ %% HiPE is disabled.
+ ok;
+post_beam_load(Mods0, _Architecture, #state{moddb=Db}) ->
%% post_beam_load/2 can potentially be very expensive because it
- %% blocks multi-scheduling; thus we want to avoid the call if we
- %% know that it is not needed.
- case get(?ANY_NATIVE_CODE_LOADED) of
- true -> hipe_unified_loader:post_beam_load(Mod, Architecture);
- false -> ok
- end.
+ %% blocks multi-scheduling. Therefore, we only want to call
+ %% it with modules that are known to have native code loaded.
+ Mods = [M || M <- Mods0, ets:member(Db, {native,M})],
+ hipe_unified_loader:post_beam_load(Mods).
int_list([H|T]) when is_integer(H) -> int_list(T);
int_list([_|_]) -> false;
@@ -1221,7 +1221,6 @@ absname_vr([[X, $:]|Name], _, _AbsBase) ->
absname(filename:join(Name), Dcwd).
is_loaded(M, Db) ->
case ets:lookup(Db, M) of
[{M,File}] -> {file,File};
@@ -1236,6 +1235,64 @@ do_soft_purge(Mod) ->
+%%% Loading of multiple modules in parallel.
+finish_loading(Prepared, EnsureLoaded, #state{moddb=Db}=St) ->
+ Ps = [fun(L) -> finish_loading_ensure(L, EnsureLoaded) end,
+ fun(L) -> abort_if_pending_on_load(L, St) end,
+ fun(L) -> abort_if_sticky(L, Db) end,
+ fun(L) -> do_finish_loading(L, St) end],
+ run(Ps, Prepared).
+finish_loading_ensure(Prepared, true) ->
+ {ok,[P || {M,_}=P <- Prepared, not erlang:module_loaded(M)]};
+finish_loading_ensure(Prepared, false) ->
+ {ok,Prepared}.
+abort_if_pending_on_load(L, #state{on_load=[]}) ->
+ {ok,L};
+abort_if_pending_on_load(L, #state{on_load=OnLoad}) ->
+ Pending = [{M,pending_on_load} ||
+ {M,_} <- L,
+ lists:keymember(M, 2, OnLoad)],
+ case Pending of
+ [] -> {ok,L};
+ [_|_] -> {error,Pending}
+ end.
+abort_if_sticky(L, Db) ->
+ Sticky = [{M,sticky_directory} || {M,_} <- L, is_sticky(M, Db)],
+ case Sticky of
+ [] -> {ok,L};
+ [_|_] -> {error,Sticky}
+ end.
+do_finish_loading(Prepared, #state{moddb=Db}=St) ->
+ MagicBins = [B || {_,{B,_}} <- Prepared],
+ case erlang:finish_loading(MagicBins) of
+ ok ->
+ MFs = [{M,F} || {M,{_,F}} <- Prepared],
+ true = ets:insert(Db, MFs),
+ Ms = [M || {M,_} <- MFs],
+ Architecture = erlang:system_info(hipe_architecture),
+ post_beam_load(Ms, Architecture, St),
+ ok;
+ {Reason,Ms} ->
+ {error,[{M,Reason} || M <- Ms]}
+ end.
+run([F], Data) ->
+ F(Data);
+run([F|Fs], Data0) ->
+ case F(Data0) of
+ {ok,Data} ->
+ run(Fs, Data);
+ {error,_}=Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
%% -------------------------------------------------------
%% The on_load functionality.
%% -------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1317,18 +1374,8 @@ finish_on_load_report(Mod, Term) ->
%% -------------------------------------------------------
all_loaded(Db) ->
- all_l(Db, ets:slot(Db, 0), 1, []).
-all_l(_Db, '$end_of_table', _, Acc) ->
- Acc;
-all_l(Db, ModInfo, N, Acc) ->
- NewAcc = strip_mod_info(ModInfo,Acc),
- all_l(Db, ets:slot(Db, N), N + 1, NewAcc).
-strip_mod_info([{{sticky,_},_}|T], Acc) -> strip_mod_info(T, Acc);
-strip_mod_info([H|T], Acc) -> strip_mod_info(T, [H|Acc]);
-strip_mod_info([], Acc) -> Acc.
+ Ms = ets:fun2ms(fun({M,_}=T) when is_atom(M) -> T end),
+ ets:select(Db, Ms).
-spec error_msg(io:format(), [term()]) -> 'ok'.
error_msg(Format, Args) ->
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/erl_epmd.erl b/lib/kernel/src/erl_epmd.erl
index 55ce9a7e64..c6202dd796 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/erl_epmd.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/erl_epmd.erl
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
%% External exports
-export([start/0, start_link/0, stop/0, port_please/2,
port_please/3, names/0, names/1,
- register_node/2, open/0, open/1, open/2]).
+ register_node/2, register_node/3, open/0, open/1, open/2]).
%% gen_server callbacks
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
@@ -102,7 +102,9 @@ names(EpmdAddr) ->
register_node(Name, PortNo) ->
- gen_server:call(erl_epmd, {register, Name, PortNo}, infinity).
+ register_node(Name, PortNo, inet).
+register_node(Name, PortNo, Family) ->
+ gen_server:call(erl_epmd, {register, Name, PortNo, Family}, infinity).
%%% Callback functions from gen_server
@@ -120,10 +122,10 @@ init(_) ->
-spec handle_call(calls(), term(), state()) ->
{'reply', term(), state()} | {'stop', 'shutdown', 'ok', state()}.
-handle_call({register, Name, PortNo}, _From, State) ->
+handle_call({register, Name, PortNo, Family}, _From, State) ->
case State#state.socket of
P when P < 0 ->
- case do_register_node(Name, PortNo) of
+ case do_register_node(Name, PortNo, Family) of
{alive, Socket, Creation} ->
S = State#state{socket = Socket,
port_no = PortNo,
@@ -206,8 +208,12 @@ open({A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H}=EpmdAddr, Timeout) when ?ip6(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) ->
close(Socket) ->
-do_register_node(NodeName, TcpPort) ->
- case open() of
+do_register_node(NodeName, TcpPort, Family) ->
+ Localhost = case Family of
+ inet -> open({127,0,0,1});
+ inet6 -> open({0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1})
+ end,
+ case Localhost of
{ok, Socket} ->
Name = to_string(NodeName),
Extra = "",
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/error_logger.erl b/lib/kernel/src/error_logger.erl
index eb231fd155..30a9457bb3 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/error_logger.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/error_logger.erl
@@ -435,5 +435,82 @@ add_node(X, Pid) ->
%% Can't do io_lib:format
-display2(Tag,F,A) ->
- erlang:display({error_logger,Tag,F,A}).
+display2({{_Y,_Mo,_D},{_H,_Mi,_S}} = Date, F, A) ->
+ display_date(Date),
+ display3(string_p(F), F, A).
+display_date({{Y,Mo,D},{H,Mi,S}}) ->
+ erlang:display_string(
+ integer_to_list(Y) ++ "-" ++
+ two_digits(Mo) ++ "-" ++
+ two_digits(D) ++ " " ++
+ two_digits(H) ++ ":" ++
+ two_digits(Mi) ++ ":" ++
+ two_digits(S) ++ " ").
+two_digits(N) when 0 =< N, N =< 9 ->
+ [$0, $0 + N];
+two_digits(N) ->
+ integer_to_list(N).
+display3(true, F, A) ->
+ %% Format string with arguments
+ erlang:display_string(F ++ "\n"),
+ [begin
+ erlang:display_string("\t"),
+ erlang:display(Arg)
+ end || Arg <- A],
+ ok;
+display3(false, Atom, A) when is_atom(Atom) ->
+ %% The widest atom seems to be 'supervisor_report' at 17.
+ ColumnWidth = 20,
+ AtomString = atom_to_list(Atom),
+ AtomLength = length(AtomString),
+ Padding = lists:duplicate(ColumnWidth - AtomLength, $\s),
+ erlang:display_string(AtomString ++ Padding),
+ display4(A);
+display3(_, F, A) ->
+ erlang:display({F, A}).
+display4([A, []]) ->
+ %% Not sure why crash reports look like this.
+ display4(A);
+display4(A = [_|_]) ->
+ case lists:all(fun({Key,_Value}) -> is_atom(Key); (_) -> false end, A) of
+ true ->
+ erlang:display_string("\n"),
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun({Key, Value}) ->
+ erlang:display_string(
+ " " ++
+ atom_to_list(Key) ++
+ ": "),
+ erlang:display(Value)
+ end, A);
+ false ->
+ erlang:display(A)
+ end;
+display4(A) ->
+ erlang:display(A).
+string_p([]) ->
+ false;
+string_p(Term) ->
+ string_p1(Term).
+string_p1([H|T]) when is_integer(H), H >= $\s, H < 255 ->
+ string_p1(T);
+string_p1([$\n|T]) -> string_p1(T);
+string_p1([$\r|T]) -> string_p1(T);
+string_p1([$\t|T]) -> string_p1(T);
+string_p1([$\v|T]) -> string_p1(T);
+string_p1([$\b|T]) -> string_p1(T);
+string_p1([$\f|T]) -> string_p1(T);
+string_p1([$\e|T]) -> string_p1(T);
+string_p1([H|T]) when is_list(H) ->
+ case string_p1(H) of
+ true -> string_p1(T);
+ _ -> false
+ end;
+string_p1([]) -> true;
+string_p1(_) -> false.
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/gen_tcp.erl b/lib/kernel/src/gen_tcp.erl
index d7dba4ac80..8cb2a725e8 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/gen_tcp.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/gen_tcp.erl
@@ -114,7 +114,8 @@
-type socket() :: port().
--export_type([option/0, option_name/0, connect_option/0, listen_option/0]).
+-export_type([option/0, option_name/0, connect_option/0, listen_option/0,
+ socket/0]).
%% Connect a socket
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/heart.erl b/lib/kernel/src/heart.erl
index 137fad706f..eea78aabdf 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/heart.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/heart.erl
@@ -34,7 +34,11 @@
%%% It recognizes the flag '-heart'
--export([start/0, init/2, set_cmd/1, clear_cmd/0, get_cmd/0, cycle/0]).
+-export([start/0, init/2,
+ set_cmd/1, clear_cmd/0, get_cmd/0,
+ set_callback/2, clear_callback/0, get_callback/0,
+ set_options/1, get_options/0,
+ cycle/0]).
-define(START_ACK, 1).
-define(HEART_BEAT, 2).
@@ -49,6 +53,16 @@
-define(CYCLE_TIMEOUT, 10000).
-define(HEART_PORT_NAME, heart_port).
+%% valid heart options
+-define(SCHEDULER_CHECK_OPT, check_schedulers).
+-type heart_option() :: ?SCHEDULER_CHECK_OPT.
+-record(state,{port :: port(),
+ cmd :: [] | binary(),
+ options :: [heart_option()],
+ callback :: 'undefined' | {atom(), atom()}}).
-spec start() -> 'ignore' | {'error', term()} | {'ok', pid()}.
@@ -81,11 +95,11 @@ wait_for_init_ack(From) ->
init(Starter, Parent) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
process_flag(priority, max),
- register(heart, self()),
+ register(?MODULE, self()),
case catch start_portprogram() of
{ok, Port} ->
Starter ! {ok, self()},
- loop(Parent, Port, "");
+ loop(Parent, #state{port=Port, cmd=[], options=[]});
no_heart ->
Starter ! {no_heart, self()};
error ->
@@ -96,33 +110,68 @@ init(Starter, Parent) ->
Cmd :: string().
set_cmd(Cmd) ->
- heart ! {self(), set_cmd, Cmd},
+ ?MODULE ! {self(), set_cmd, Cmd},
-spec get_cmd() -> {ok, Cmd} when
Cmd :: string().
get_cmd() ->
- heart ! {self(), get_cmd},
+ ?MODULE ! {self(), get_cmd},
-spec clear_cmd() -> ok.
clear_cmd() ->
- heart ! {self(), clear_cmd},
+ ?MODULE ! {self(), clear_cmd},
+ wait().
+-spec set_callback(Module,Function) -> 'ok' | {'error', {'bad_callback', {Module, Function}}} when
+ Module :: atom(),
+ Function :: atom().
+set_callback(Module, Function) ->
+ ?MODULE ! {self(), set_callback, {Module,Function}},
+ wait().
+-spec get_callback() -> {'ok', {Module, Function}} | 'none' when
+ Module :: atom(),
+ Function :: atom().
+get_callback() ->
+ ?MODULE ! {self(), get_callback},
+ wait().
+-spec clear_callback() -> ok.
+clear_callback() ->
+ ?MODULE ! {self(), clear_callback},
+ wait().
+-spec set_options(Options) -> 'ok' | {'error', {'bad_options', Options}} when
+ Options :: [heart_option()].
+set_options(Options) ->
+ ?MODULE ! {self(), set_options, Options},
+-spec get_options() -> {'ok', Options} | 'none' when
+ Options :: [atom()].
+get_options() ->
+ ?MODULE ! {self(), get_options},
+ wait().
%%% Should be used solely by the release handler!!!!!!!
-spec cycle() -> 'ok' | {'error', term()}.
cycle() ->
- heart ! {self(), cycle},
+ ?MODULE ! {self(), cycle},
wait() ->
- {heart, Res} ->
+ {?MODULE, Res} ->
@@ -182,8 +231,8 @@ wait_ack(Port) ->
{error, Reason}
-loop(Parent, Port, Cmd) ->
- _ = send_heart_beat(Port),
+loop(Parent, #state{port=Port}=S) ->
+ _ = send_heart_beat(S),
{From, set_cmd, NewCmd0} ->
Enc = file:native_name_encoding(),
@@ -191,37 +240,72 @@ loop(Parent, Port, Cmd) ->
NewCmd when is_binary(NewCmd), byte_size(NewCmd) < 2047 ->
_ = send_heart_cmd(Port, NewCmd),
_ = wait_ack(Port),
- From ! {heart, ok},
- loop(Parent, Port, NewCmd);
+ From ! {?MODULE, ok},
+ loop(Parent, S#state{cmd=NewCmd});
_ ->
- From ! {heart, {error, {bad_cmd, NewCmd0}}},
- loop(Parent, Port, Cmd)
+ From ! {?MODULE, {error, {bad_cmd, NewCmd0}}},
+ loop(Parent, S)
{From, clear_cmd} ->
- From ! {heart, ok},
- _ = send_heart_cmd(Port, ""),
+ From ! {?MODULE, ok},
+ _ = send_heart_cmd(Port, []),
_ = wait_ack(Port),
- loop(Parent, Port, "");
+ loop(Parent, S#state{cmd = []});
{From, get_cmd} ->
- From ! {heart, get_heart_cmd(Port)},
- loop(Parent, Port, Cmd);
+ From ! {?MODULE, get_heart_cmd(Port)},
+ loop(Parent, S);
+ {From, set_callback, Callback} ->
+ case Callback of
+ {M,F} when is_atom(M), is_atom(F) ->
+ From ! {?MODULE, ok},
+ loop(Parent, S#state{callback=Callback});
+ _ ->
+ From ! {?MODULE, {error, {bad_callback, Callback}}},
+ loop(Parent, S)
+ end;
+ {From, get_callback} ->
+ Res = case S#state.callback of
+ undefined -> none;
+ Cb -> {ok, Cb}
+ end,
+ From ! {?MODULE, Res},
+ loop(Parent, S);
+ {From, clear_callback} ->
+ From ! {?MODULE, ok},
+ loop(Parent, S#state{callback=undefined});
+ {From, set_options, Options} ->
+ case validate_options(Options) of
+ Validated when is_list(Validated) ->
+ From ! {?MODULE, ok},
+ loop(Parent, S#state{options=Validated});
+ _ ->
+ From ! {?MODULE, {error, {bad_options, Options}}},
+ loop(Parent, S)
+ end;
+ {From, get_options} ->
+ Res = case S#state.options of
+ [] -> none;
+ Cb -> {ok, Cb}
+ end,
+ From ! {?MODULE, Res},
+ loop(Parent, S);
{From, cycle} ->
%% Calls back to loop
- do_cycle_port_program(From, Parent, Port, Cmd);
+ do_cycle_port_program(From, Parent, S);
{'EXIT', Parent, shutdown} ->
{'EXIT', Parent, Reason} ->
exit(Port, Reason),
{'EXIT', Port, badsig} -> % we can ignore badsig-messages!
- loop(Parent, Port, Cmd);
+ loop(Parent, S);
{'EXIT', Port, _Reason} ->
- exit({port_terminated, {heart, loop, [Parent, Port, Cmd]}});
+ exit({port_terminated, {?MODULE, loop, [Parent, S]}});
_ ->
- loop(Parent, Port, Cmd)
+ loop(Parent, S)
- loop(Parent, Port, Cmd)
+ loop(Parent, S)
-spec no_reboot_shutdown(port()) -> no_return().
@@ -233,36 +317,44 @@ no_reboot_shutdown(Port) ->
-do_cycle_port_program(Caller, Parent, Port, Cmd) ->
+validate_options(Opts) -> validate_options(Opts,[]).
+validate_options([],Res) -> Res;
+validate_options([?SCHEDULER_CHECK_OPT=Opt|Opts],Res) -> validate_options(Opts,[Opt|Res]);
+validate_options(_,_) -> error.
+do_cycle_port_program(Caller, Parent, #state{port=Port} = S) ->
case catch start_portprogram() of
{ok, NewPort} ->
_ = send_shutdown(Port),
{'EXIT', Port, _Reason} ->
- _ = send_heart_cmd(NewPort, Cmd),
- Caller ! {heart, ok},
- loop(Parent, NewPort, Cmd)
+ _ = send_heart_cmd(NewPort, S#state.cmd),
+ Caller ! {?MODULE, ok},
+ loop(Parent, S#state{port=NewPort})
%% Huh! Two heart port programs running...
%% well, the old one has to be sick not to respond
%% so we'll settle for the new one...
- _ = send_heart_cmd(NewPort, Cmd),
- Caller ! {heart, {error, stop_error}},
- loop(Parent, NewPort, Cmd)
+ _ = send_heart_cmd(NewPort, S#state.cmd),
+ Caller ! {?MODULE, {error, stop_error}},
+ loop(Parent, S#state{port=NewPort})
no_heart ->
- Caller ! {heart, {error, no_heart}},
- loop(Parent, Port, Cmd);
+ Caller ! {?MODULE, {error, no_heart}},
+ loop(Parent, S);
error ->
- Caller ! {heart, {error, start_error}},
- loop(Parent, Port, Cmd)
+ Caller ! {?MODULE, {error, start_error}},
+ loop(Parent, S)
%% "Beates" the heart once.
-send_heart_beat(Port) -> Port ! {self(), {command, [?HEART_BEAT]}}.
+send_heart_beat(#state{port=Port, callback=Cb, options=Opts}) ->
+ ok = check_system(Opts),
+ ok = check_callback(Cb),
+ Port ! {self(), {command, [?HEART_BEAT]}}.
%% Set a new HEART_COMMAND.
-dialyzer({no_improper_lists, send_heart_cmd/2}).
@@ -278,6 +370,24 @@ get_heart_cmd(Port) ->
{ok, Cmd}
+check_system([]) -> ok;
+check_system([?SCHEDULER_CHECK_OPT|Opts]) ->
+ ok = erts_internal:system_check(schedulers),
+ check_system(Opts).
+%% validate system by performing a check before the heartbeat
+%% return 'ok' if everything is alright.
+%% Terminate if with reason if something is a miss.
+%% It is fine to timeout in the callback, in fact that is the intention
+%% if something goes wront -> no heartbeat.
+check_callback(Callback) ->
+ case Callback of
+ undefined -> ok;
+ {M,F} ->
+ erlang:apply(M,F,[])
+ end.
%% Sends shutdown command to the port.
send_shutdown(Port) -> Port ! {self(), {command, [?SHUT_DOWN]}}.
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/hipe_unified_loader.erl b/lib/kernel/src/hipe_unified_loader.erl
index ddbbc548dd..73fcb2469c 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/hipe_unified_loader.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/hipe_unified_loader.erl
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
%% Only the code and code_server modules may call the entries below!
- post_beam_load/2,
+ post_beam_load/1,
@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@ load_native_code(Mod, Bin, Architecture) when is_atom(Mod), is_binary(Bin) ->
--spec post_beam_load(atom(), hipe_architecture()) -> 'ok'.
+-spec post_beam_load([module()]) -> 'ok'.
-%% does nothing on a hipe-disabled system
-post_beam_load(_Mod, undefined) ->
-post_beam_load(Mod, _) when is_atom(Mod) ->
+post_beam_load([_|_]=Mods) ->
erlang:system_flag(multi_scheduling, block),
- patch_to_emu(Mod)
+ _ = [patch_to_emu(Mod) || Mod <- Mods],
+ ok
erlang:system_flag(multi_scheduling, unblock)
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/inet.erl b/lib/kernel/src/inet.erl
index b573112445..c1ae99ea24 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/inet.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/inet.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2015. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2016. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ getifaddrs(Socket) ->
-spec getifaddrs() -> {ok, Iflist} | {error, posix()} when
Iflist :: [{Ifname,[Ifopt]}],
Ifname :: string(),
- Ifopt :: {flag,[Flag]} | {addr,Addr} | {netmask,Netmask}
+ Ifopt :: {flags,[Flag]} | {addr,Addr} | {netmask,Netmask}
| {broadaddr,Broadaddr} | {dstaddr,Dstaddr}
| {hwaddr,Hwaddr},
Flag :: up | broadcast | loopback | pointtopoint
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/kernel.appup.src b/lib/kernel/src/kernel.appup.src
index 860d3640d0..a13819a183 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/kernel.appup.src
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/kernel.appup.src
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Up from - max one major revision back
- [{<<"4\\.[0-1](\\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}, % OTP-18.*
- {<<"3\\.[0-2](\\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}], % OTP-17
+ [{<<"5\\.0(\\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}, % OTP-19.*
+ {<<"4\\.[0-2](\\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}], % OTP-18.*
%% Down to - max one major revision back
- [{<<"4\\.[0-1](\\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}, % OTP-18.*
- {<<"3\\.[0-2](\\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}] % OTP-17
+ [{<<"5\\.0(\\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}, % OTP-19.*
+ {<<"4\\.[0-2](\\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}] % OTP-18.*