path: root/lib/kernel/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel/src')
2 files changed, 60 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/logger_formatter.erl b/lib/kernel/src/logger_formatter.erl
index 624f523465..0d55244034 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/logger_formatter.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/logger_formatter.erl
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
@@ -309,3 +310,47 @@ get_utc_config() ->
undefined -> false
+check_config(Config) when is_map(Config) ->
+ do_check_config(maps:to_list(Config));
+check_config(Config) ->
+ {error,{invalid_formatter_config,?MODULE,Config}}.
+do_check_config([{Type,L}|Config]) when Type == chars_limit;
+ Type == depth;
+ Type == max_size ->
+ case check_limit(L) of
+ ok -> do_check_config(Config);
+ error -> {error,{invalid_formatter_config,?MODULE,{Type,L}}}
+ end;
+do_check_config([{single_line,SL}|Config]) when is_boolean(SL) ->
+ do_check_config(Config);
+do_check_config([{legacy_header,LH}|Config]) when is_boolean(LH) ->
+ do_check_config(Config);
+do_check_config([{report_cb,RCB}|Config]) when is_function(RCB,1) ->
+ do_check_config(Config);
+do_check_config([{template,T}|Config]) when is_list(T) ->
+ case lists:all(fun(X) when is_atom(X) -> true;
+ (X) when is_tuple(X), is_atom(element(1,X)) -> true;
+ (X) when is_list(X) -> io_lib:printable_unicode_list(X);
+ (_) -> false
+ end,
+ T) of
+ true ->
+ do_check_config(Config);
+ false ->
+ {error,{invalid_formatter_template,?MODULE,T}}
+ end;
+do_check_config([{utc,Utc}|Config]) when is_boolean(Utc) ->
+ do_check_config(Config);
+do_check_config([C|_]) ->
+ {error,{invalid_formatter_config,?MODULE,C}};
+do_check_config([]) ->
+ ok.
+check_limit(L) when is_integer(L), L>0 ->
+ ok;
+check_limit(unlimited) ->
+ ok;
+check_limit(_) ->
+ error.
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/logger_server.erl b/lib/kernel/src/logger_server.erl
index 2a3723177f..f1b4a21c6a 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/logger_server.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/logger_server.erl
@@ -416,40 +416,24 @@ check_filter_default(FD) when FD==stop; FD==log ->
check_filter_default(FD) ->
-check_formatter({logger_formatter,Config}) when is_map(Config) ->
- check_logger_formatter_config(maps:to_list(Config));
-check_formatter({logger_formatter,Config}) ->
- throw({invalid_formatter_config,Config});
-check_formatter({Mod,_}) ->
- %% no knowledge of other formatters
- check_mod(Mod);
+check_formatter({Mod,Config}) ->
+ check_mod(Mod),
+ try Mod:check_config(Config) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {error,Error} -> throw(Error)
+ catch
+ C:R:S ->
+ case {C,R,S} of
+ {error,undef,[{Mod,check_config,[Config],_}|_]} ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ throw({callback_crashed,
+ {C,R,logger:filter_stacktrace(?MODULE,S)}})
+ end
+ end;
check_formatter(Formatter) ->
-check_logger_formatter_config([{template,T}|Config]) when is_list(T) ->
- case lists:all(fun(X) when is_atom(X) -> true;
- (X) when is_tuple(X), is_atom(element(1,X)) -> true;
- (X) when is_list(X) -> io_lib:printable_unicode_list(X);
- (_) -> false
- end,
- T) of
- true ->
- check_logger_formatter_config(Config);
- false ->
- throw({invalid_formatter_template,T})
- end;
-check_logger_formatter_config([{legacy_header,LH}|Config]) when is_boolean(LH) ->
- check_logger_formatter_config(Config);
-check_logger_formatter_config([{single_line,SL}|Config]) when is_boolean(SL) ->
- check_logger_formatter_config(Config);
-check_logger_formatter_config([{utc,Utc}|Config]) when is_boolean(Utc) ->
- check_logger_formatter_config(Config);
-check_logger_formatter_config([C|_]) ->
- throw({invalid_formatter_config,C});
-check_logger_formatter_config([]) ->
- ok.
call_h(Module, Function, Args, DefRet) ->
%% Not calling code:ensure_loaded + erlang:function_exported here,
%% since in some rare terminal cases, the code_server might not