path: root/lib/kernel/test/code_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel/test/code_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 153 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/test/code_SUITE.erl b/lib/kernel/test/code_SUITE.erl
index 08b6477c9d..e52f8a0e37 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/test/code_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/test/code_SUITE.erl
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-export([set_path/1, get_path/1, add_path/1, add_paths/1, del_path/1,
replace_path/1, load_file/1, load_abs/1, ensure_loaded/1,
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@
where_is_file_cached/1, where_is_file_no_cache/1,
purge_stacktrace/1, mult_lib_roots/1, bad_erl_libs/1,
code_archive/1, code_archive2/1, on_load/1,
- on_load_embedded/1, on_load_errors/1]).
+ big_boot_embedded/1,
+ on_load_embedded/1, on_load_errors/1, native_early_modules/1]).
-export([init_per_testcase/2, fin_per_testcase/2,
init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1,
@@ -53,7 +54,8 @@ all(suite) ->
where_is_file_no_cache, where_is_file_cached,
purge_stacktrace, mult_lib_roots, bad_erl_libs,
code_archive, code_archive2, on_load, on_load_embedded,
- on_load_errors].
+ big_boot_embedded,
+ on_load_errors, native_early_modules].
init_per_suite(Config) ->
%% The compiler will no longer create a Beam file if
@@ -584,13 +586,21 @@ clash(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
TmpEzFile = Priv++"foobar-0.tmp.ez",
?line {ok, _} = file:copy(DDir++"foobar-0.1.ez", TmpEzFile),
?line true = code:add_path(TmpEzFile++"/foobar-0.1/ebin"),
- ?line ok = file:delete(TmpEzFile),
+ case os:type() of
+ {win32,_} ->
+ %% The file wont be deleted on windows until it's closed, why we
+ %% need to rename instead.
+ ?line ok = file:rename(TmpEzFile,TmpEzFile++".moved");
+ _ ->
+ ?line ok = file:delete(TmpEzFile)
+ end,
?line ok = code:clash(),
?line [BadPathMsg|_] = test_server:capture_get(),
?line true = lists:prefix("** Bad path can't read", BadPathMsg),
?line true = code:set_path(P),
+ file:delete(TmpEzFile++".moved"), %% Only effect on windows
ext_mod_dep(suite) ->
@@ -635,7 +645,7 @@ analyse([], [This={M,F,A}|Path], Visited, ErrCnt0) ->
%% These modules should be loaded by code.erl before
%% the code_server is started.
OK = [erlang, os, prim_file, erl_prim_loader, init, ets,
- code_server, lists, lists_sort, filename, packages,
+ code_server, lists, lists_sort, unicode, binary, filename, packages,
gb_sets, gb_trees, hipe_unified_loader, hipe_bifs,
prim_zip, zlib],
ErrCnt1 =
@@ -664,6 +674,22 @@ analyse2(MFA={_,_,_}, Path, Visited0) ->
%%%% We need to check these manually...
% fun's are ok as long as they are defined locally.
+ [{unicode,characters_to_binary_int,3},
+ {unicode,characters_to_binary,3},
+ {filename,filename_string_to_binary,1}|_]) -> 0;
+ [{unicode,ml_map,3},
+ {unicode,characters_to_binary_int,3},
+ {unicode,characters_to_binary,3},
+ {filename,filename_string_to_binary,1}|_]) -> 0;
+ [{unicode,do_o_binary2,2},
+ {unicode,do_o_binary,2},
+ {unicode,o_trans,1},
+ {unicode,characters_to_binary_int,3},
+ {unicode,characters_to_binary,3},
+ {filename,filename_string_to_binary,1}|_]) -> 0;
@@ -1145,6 +1171,22 @@ compile_files([File | Files], SrcDir, OutDir) ->
compile_files([], _, _) ->
+big_boot_embedded(suite) ->
+ [];
+big_boot_embedded(doc) ->
+ ["Test that a boot file with (almost) all of OTP can be used to start an"
+ " embeddedd system."];
+big_boot_embedded(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?line {BootArg,AppsInBoot} = create_big_boot(Config),
+ ?line {ok, Node} =
+ ?t:start_node(big_boot_embedded, slave,
+ [{args,"-boot "++BootArg++" -mode embedded"}]),
+ ?line RemoteNodeApps =
+ [ {X,Y} || {X,_,Y} <-
+ rpc:call(Node,application,loaded_applications,[]) ],
+ ?line true = lists:sort(AppsInBoot) =:= lists:sort(RemoteNodeApps),
+ ok.
on_load(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Master = on_load_test_case_process,
@@ -1226,7 +1268,8 @@ on_load_embedded_1(Config) ->
?line LibRoot = code:lib_dir(),
?line LinkName = filename:join(LibRoot, "on_load_app-1.0"),
?line OnLoadApp = filename:join(DataDir, "on_load_app-1.0"),
- ?line file:delete(LinkName),
+ ?line del_link(LinkName),
+ io:format("LinkName :~p, OnLoadApp: ~p~n",[LinkName,OnLoadApp]),
case file:make_symlink(OnLoadApp, LinkName) of
{error,enotsup} ->
throw({skip,"Support for symlinks required"});
@@ -1255,7 +1298,15 @@ on_load_embedded_1(Config) ->
%% Clean up.
?line stop_node(Node),
- ?line ok = file:delete(LinkName).
+ ?line ok = del_link(LinkName).
+del_link(LinkName) ->
+ case file:delete(LinkName) of
+ {error,eperm} ->
+ file:del_dir(LinkName);
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end.
create_boot(Config, Options) ->
?line {ok, OldDir} = file:get_cwd(),
@@ -1281,6 +1332,73 @@ create_script(Config) ->
?line file:close(Fd),
+create_big_boot(Config) ->
+ ?line {ok, OldDir} = file:get_cwd(),
+ ?line {Options,Local} = case is_source_dir() of
+ true -> {[no_module_tests,local],true};
+ _ -> {[no_module_tests],false}
+ end,
+ ?line {LatestDir,LatestName,Apps} = create_big_script(Config,Local),
+ ?line ok = file:set_cwd(LatestDir),
+ ?line ok = systools:make_script(LatestName, Options),
+ ?line ok = file:set_cwd(OldDir),
+ {filename:join(LatestDir, LatestName),Apps}.
+% The following apps cannot be loaded
+% hipe .app references (or can reference) files that have no
+% corresponding beam file (if hipe is not enabled)
+filter_app("hipe",_) ->
+ false;
+% Dialyzer and typer depends on hipe
+filter_app("dialyzer",_) ->
+ false;
+filter_app("typer",_) ->
+ false;
+% Orber requires explicit configuration
+filter_app("orber",_) ->
+ false;
+% cos* depends on orber
+filter_app("cos"++_,_) ->
+ false;
+% ic has a mod instruction in the app file but no corresponding start function
+filter_app("ic",_) ->
+ false;
+% Netconf has some dependency that I really do not understand (maybe like orber)
+filter_app("netconf",_) ->
+ false;
+% Safe has the same kind of error in the .app file as ic
+filter_app("safe",_) ->
+ false;
+% OS_mon does not find it's port program when running cerl
+filter_app("os_mon",true) ->
+ false;
+% Other apps should be OK.
+filter_app(_,_) ->
+ true.
+create_big_script(Config,Local) ->
+ ?line PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ ?line Name = filename:join(PrivDir,"full_script_test"),
+ ?line InitialApplications=application:loaded_applications(),
+ %% Applications left loaded by the application suite, unload them!
+ ?line UnloadFix=[app0,app1,app2,group_leader,app_start_error],
+ ?line [application:unload(Leftover) ||
+ Leftover <- UnloadFix,
+ lists:keymember(Leftover,1,InitialApplications) ],
+ %% Now we should have only "real" applications...
+ ?line [application:load(list_to_atom(Y)) || {match,[Y]} <- [ re:run(X,code:lib_dir()++"/"++"([^/-]*).*/ebin",[{capture,[1],list}]) || X <- code:get_path()],filter_app(Y,Local)],
+ ?line Apps = [ {N,V} || {N,_,V} <- application:loaded_applications()],
+ ?line {ok,Fd} = file:open(Name ++ ".rel", write),
+ ?line io:format(Fd,
+ "{release, {\"Test release 3\", \"P2A\"}, \n"
+ " {erts, \"9.42\"}, \n"
+ " ~p}.\n",
+ [Apps]),
+ ?line file:close(Fd),
+ ?line NewlyLoaded =
+ application:loaded_applications() -- InitialApplications,
+ ?line [ application:unload(N) || {N,_,_} <- NewlyLoaded],
+ {filename:dirname(Name),filename:basename(Name),Apps}.
is_source_dir() ->
filename:basename(code:lib_dir(kernel)) =:= "kernel" andalso
filename:basename(code:lib_dir(stdlib)) =:= "stdlib".
@@ -1333,6 +1451,34 @@ do_on_load_error(ReturnValue) ->
?line {undef,[{on_load_error,main,[]}|_]} = Exit
+native_early_modules(suite) -> [];
+native_early_modules(doc) -> ["Test that the native code of early loaded modules is loaded"];
+native_early_modules(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ case erlang:system_info(hipe_architecture) of
+ undefined ->
+ {skip,"Native code support is not enabled"};
+ Architecture ->
+ native_early_modules_1(Architecture)
+ end.
+native_early_modules_1(Architecture) ->
+ ?line {lists, ListsBinary, _ListsFilename} = code:get_object_code(lists),
+ ?line ChunkName = hipe_unified_loader:chunk_name(Architecture),
+ ?line NativeChunk = beam_lib:chunks(ListsBinary, [ChunkName]),
+ ?line IsHipeCompiled = case NativeChunk of
+ {ok,{_,[{_,Bin}]}} when is_binary(Bin) -> true;
+ {error, beam_lib, _} -> false
+ end,
+ case IsHipeCompiled of
+ false ->
+ {skip,"OTP apparently not configured with --enable-native-libs"};
+ true ->
+ ?line true = lists:all(fun code:is_module_native/1,
+ [ets,file,filename,gb_sets,gb_trees,
+ hipe_unified_loader,lists,os,packages]),
+ ok
+ end.
%% error_logger handler.
%% (Copied from stdlib/test/proc_lib_SUITE.erl.)