path: root/lib/kernel/test/heart_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel/test/heart_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 460 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/test/heart_SUITE.erl b/lib/kernel/test/heart_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b06244db3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/kernel/test/heart_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+-export([all/1, ostype/1, start/1, restart/1, reboot/1, set_cmd/1, clear_cmd/1,
+ dont_drop/1, kill_pid/1, fini/1]).
+-export([init_per_testcase/2, fin_per_testcase/2]).
+-export([start_heart_stress/1, mangle/1, suicide_by_heart/0]).
+-define(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS, 120).
+init_per_testcase(_Func, Config) ->
+ Dog=test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(?DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS)),
+ [{watchdog, Dog}|Config].
+fin_per_testcase(_Func, Config) ->
+ Nodes = nodes(),
+ lists:foreach(fun(X) ->
+ NNam = list_to_atom(hd(string:tokens(atom_to_list(X),"@"))),
+ case NNam of
+ heart_test ->
+ ?t:format(1, "WARNING: Killed ~p~n", [X]),
+ rpc:cast(X, erlang, halt, []);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end
+ end, Nodes),
+ Dog=?config(watchdog, Config),
+ test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog).
+%% Test suite for heart.
+%% Should be started in a CC view with:
+%% erl -sname master -rsh ctrsh
+all(suite) ->
+ [{conf, ostype, [start, restart, reboot,
+ set_cmd, clear_cmd, kill_pid], fini}].
+ostype(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ case os:type() of
+ {win32, windows} ->
+ {skipped, "No use to run on Windows 95/98"};
+ _ ->
+ Config
+ end.
+fini(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Config.
+start_check(Type, Name) ->
+ Args = case ?t:os_type() of
+ {win32,_} -> "-heart -env HEART_COMMAND no_reboot";
+ _ -> "-heart"
+ end,
+ {ok, Node} = case Type of
+ loose ->
+ loose_node:start(Name, Args, ?DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS);
+ _ ->
+ ?t:start_node(Name, Type, [{args, Args}])
+ end,
+ erlang:monitor_node(Node, true),
+ case rpc:call(Node, erlang, whereis, [heart]) of
+ Pid when pid(Pid) ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ test_server:fail(heart_not_started)
+ end,
+ {ok, Node}.
+start(doc) -> [];
+start(suite) -> {req, [{time, 10}]};
+start(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?line {ok, Node} = start_check(slave, heart_test),
+ ?line rpc:call(Node, init, reboot, []),
+ receive
+ {nodedown, Node} ->
+ ok
+ after 2000 ->
+ test_server:fail(node_not_closed)
+ end,
+ test_server:sleep(5000),
+ ?line case net_adm:ping(Node) of
+ pang ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ test_server:fail(node_rebooted)
+ end,
+ test_server:stop_node(Node).
+%% Also test fixed bug in R1B (it was not possible to
+%% do init:stop/0 on a restarted system before)
+%% Slave executes erlang:halt() on master nodedown.
+%% Therefore the slave process has to be killed
+%% before restart.
+restart(doc) -> [];
+restart(suite) ->
+ case ?t:os_type() of
+ {Fam, _} when Fam == unix; Fam == win32 ->
+ {req, [{time,10}]};
+ _ ->
+ {skip, "Only run on unix and win32"}
+ end;
+restart(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?line {ok, Node} = start_check(loose, heart_test),
+ ?line rpc:call(Node, init, restart, []),
+ receive
+ {nodedown, Node} ->
+ ok
+ after 2000 ->
+ test_server:fail(node_not_closed)
+ end,
+ test_server:sleep(5000),
+ ?line case net_adm:ping(Node) of
+ pong ->
+ erlang:monitor_node(Node, true),
+ ?line rpc:call(Node, init, stop, []),
+ receive
+ {nodedown, Node} ->
+ ok
+ after 2000 ->
+ test_server:fail(node_not_closed2)
+ end,
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ test_server:fail(node_not_restarted)
+ end,
+ loose_node:stop(Node).
+reboot(doc) -> [];
+reboot(suite) -> {req, [{time, 10}]};
+reboot(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ {ok, Node} = start_check(slave, heart_test),
+ ?line ok = rpc:call(Node, heart, set_cmd,
+ [atom_to_list(lib:progname()) ++
+ " -noshell -heart " ++ name(Node) ++ "&"]),
+ ?line rpc:call(Node, init, reboot, []),
+ receive
+ {nodedown, Node} ->
+ ok
+ after 2000 ->
+ test_server:fail(node_not_closed)
+ end,
+ test_server:sleep(5000),
+ ?line case net_adm:ping(Node) of
+ pong ->
+ erlang:monitor_node(Node, true),
+ ?line rpc:call(Node, init, reboot, []),
+ receive
+ {nodedown, Node} ->
+ ok
+ after 2000 ->
+ test_server:fail(node_not_closed2)
+ end,
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ test_server:fail(node_not_rebooted)
+ end,
+ ok.
+%% Only tests bad command, correct behaviour is tested in reboot/1.
+set_cmd(suite) -> [];
+set_cmd(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?line {ok, Node} = start_check(slave, heart_test),
+ Cmd = wrong_atom,
+ ?line {error, {bad_cmd, Cmd}} = rpc:call(Node, heart, set_cmd, [Cmd]),
+ Cmd1 = lists:duplicate(2047, $a),
+ ?line {error, {bad_cmd, Cmd1}} = rpc:call(Node, heart, set_cmd, [Cmd1]),
+ Cmd2 = lists:duplicate(28, $a),
+ ?line ok = rpc:call(Node, heart, set_cmd, [Cmd2]),
+ Cmd3 = lists:duplicate(2000, $a),
+ ?line ok = rpc:call(Node, heart, set_cmd, [Cmd3]),
+ stop_node(Node),
+ ok.
+clear_cmd(suite) -> {req,[{time,15}]};
+clear_cmd(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?line {ok, Node} = start_check(slave, heart_test),
+ ?line ok = rpc:call(Node, heart, set_cmd,
+ [atom_to_list(lib:progname()) ++
+ " -noshell -heart " ++ name(Node) ++ "&"]),
+ ?line rpc:call(Node, init, reboot, []),
+ receive
+ {nodedown, Node} ->
+ ok
+ after 2000 ->
+ test_server:fail(node_not_closed)
+ end,
+ test_server:sleep(5000),
+ ?line case net_adm:ping(Node) of
+ pong ->
+ erlang:monitor_node(Node, true);
+ _ ->
+ test_server:fail(node_not_rebooted)
+ end,
+ ?line ok = rpc:call(Node, heart, set_cmd,
+ ["erl -noshell -heart " ++ name(Node) ++ "&"]),
+ ?line ok = rpc:call(Node, heart, clear_cmd, []),
+ ?line rpc:call(Node, init, reboot, []),
+ receive
+ {nodedown, Node} ->
+ ok
+ after 2000 ->
+ test_server:fail(node_not_closed)
+ end,
+ test_server:sleep(5000),
+ ?line case net_adm:ping(Node) of
+ pang ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ test_server:fail(node_rebooted)
+ end,
+ ok.
+dont_drop(suite) ->
+%%% Removed as it may crash epmd/distribution in colourful
+%%% ways. While we ARE finding out WHY, it would
+%%% be nice for others to be able to run the kernel test suite
+%%% without "exploding machines", so thats why I removed it for now.
+ [];
+dont_drop(doc) ->
+ ["Tests that the heart command does not get dropped when ",
+ "set just before halt on very high I/O load."];
+dont_drop(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %%% Have to do it some times to make it happen...
+ case os:type() of
+ vxworks ->
+ {comment, "No use to run with slaves on other nodes..."};
+ _ ->
+ [ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok] = do_dont_drop(Config,10),
+ ok
+ end.
+do_dont_drop(_,0) ->
+ [];
+do_dont_drop(Config,N) ->
+ %% Name of first slave node
+ ?line NN1 = atom_to_list(?MODULE) ++ "slave_1",
+ %% Name of node started by heart on failure
+ ?line NN2 = atom_to_list(?MODULE) ++ "slave_2",
+ %% Name of node started by heart on success
+ ?line NN3 = atom_to_list(?MODULE) ++ "slave_3",
+ ?line Host = hd(tl(string:tokens(atom_to_list(node()),"@"))),
+ %% The initial heart command
+ ?line FirstCmd = erl() ++ name(NN2 ++ "@" ++ Host),
+ %% Separated the parameters to start_node_run for clarity...
+ ?line Name = list_to_atom(NN1),
+ ?line Env = [{"HEART_COMMAND", FirstCmd}],
+ ?line Func = "start_heart_stress",
+ ?line Arg = NN3 ++ "@" ++ Host ++ " " ++
+ filename:join(?config(data_dir, Config), "simple_echo"),
+ ?line start_node_run(Name,Env,Func,Arg),
+ ?line case wait_for_any_of(list_to_atom(NN2 ++ "@" ++ Host),
+ list_to_atom(NN3 ++ "@" ++ Host)) of
+ 2 ->
+ ?line [ok | do_dont_drop(Config,N-1)];
+ _ ->
+ ?line false
+ end.
+wait_for_any_of(N1,N2) ->
+ ?line wait_for_any_of(N1,N2,45).
+wait_for_any_of(_N1,_N2,0) ->
+ ?line false;
+wait_for_any_of(N1,N2,Times) ->
+ ?line receive
+ after 1000 ->
+ ?line ok
+ end,
+ ?line case net_adm:ping(N1) of
+ pang ->
+ ?line case net_adm:ping(N2) of
+ pang ->
+ ?line wait_for_any_of(N1,N2,Times - 1);
+ pong ->
+ ?line rpc:call(N2,init,stop,[]),
+ ?line 2
+ end;
+ pong ->
+ ?line rpc:call(N1,init,stop,[]),
+ ?line 1
+ end.
+kill_pid(suite) ->
+ [];
+kill_pid(doc) ->
+ ["Tests that heart kills the old erlang node before executing ",
+ "heart command."];
+kill_pid(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %%% Have to do it some times to make it happen...
+ case os:type() of
+ vxworks ->
+ {comment, "No use to run with slaves on other nodes..."};
+ _ ->
+ ok = do_kill_pid(Config)
+ end.
+do_kill_pid(_Config) ->
+ Name = heart_test,
+ Env = [{"HEART_COMMAND", "nickeNyfikenFarEttJobb"}],
+ {ok,Node} = start_node_run(Name,Env,suicide_by_heart,[]),
+ ok = wait_for_node(Node,15),
+ erlang:monitor_node(Node, true),
+ receive
+ {nodedown,Node} ->
+ ok
+ after 30000 ->
+ false
+ end.
+wait_for_node(_,0) ->
+ false;
+wait_for_node(Node,N) ->
+ receive
+ after 1000 ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ case net_adm:ping(Node) of
+ pong ->
+ ok;
+ pang ->
+ wait_for_node(Node,N-1)
+ end.
+erl() ->
+ case os:type() of
+ {win32,_} ->
+ "werl ";
+ _ ->
+ "erl "
+ end.
+name(Node) when is_list(Node) -> name(Node,[]);
+name(Node) when atom(Node) -> name(atom_to_list(Node),[]).
+name([$@|Node], Name) ->
+ case lists:member($., Node) of
+ true ->
+ "-name " ++ lists:reverse(Name);
+ _ ->
+ "-sname " ++ lists:reverse(Name)
+ end;
+name([H|T], Name) ->
+ name(T, [H|Name]).
+atom_conv(A) when atom(A) ->
+ atom_to_list(A);
+atom_conv(A) when is_list(A) ->
+ A.
+env_conv([]) ->
+ [];
+env_conv([{X,Y}|T]) ->
+ atom_conv(X) ++ " \"" ++ atom_conv(Y) ++ "\" " ++ env_conv(T).
+%%% Starts a node and runs a function in this
+%%% module.
+%%% Name is the node name as either atom or string,
+%%% Env is a list of Tuples containing name-value pairs.
+%%% Function is the function to run in this module
+%%% Argument is the argument(s) to send through erl -s
+start_node_run(Name, Env, Function, Argument) ->
+ ?line PA = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
+ ?line Params = "-heart -env " ++ env_conv(Env) ++ " -pa " ++ PA ++
+ " -s " ++
+ atom_conv(?MODULE) ++ " " ++ atom_conv(Function) ++ " " ++
+ atom_conv(Argument),
+ ?line start_node(Name, Params).
+start_node(Name, Param) ->
+ test_server:start_node(Name, slave, [{args, Param}]).
+stop_node(Node) ->
+ test_server:stop_node(Node).
+%%% This code is run in a slave node to ensure that
+%%% A heart command really gets set syncronously
+%%% and cannot get "dropped".
+send_to(_,_,0) ->
+ ok;
+send_to(Port,D,N) ->
+ Port ! {self(),{command,D}},
+ send_to(Port,D,N-1).
+receive_from(_,_,0) ->
+ ok;
+receive_from(Port,D,N) ->
+ receive
+ {Port, {data,{eol,_Data}}} ->
+ receive_from(Port,D,N-1);
+ X ->
+ io:format("Got garbage ~p~n",[X])
+ end.
+mangle(PP) when is_list(PP) ->
+ Port = open_port({spawn,PP},[{line,100}]),
+ mangle(Port);
+mangle(Port) ->
+ send_to(Port, "ABCDEFGHIJ" ++ io_lib:nl(),1),
+ receive_from(Port,"ABCDEFGHIJ",1),
+ mangle(Port).
+explode(0,_) ->
+ ok;
+explode(N,PP) ->
+ spawn(?MODULE,mangle,[PP]),
+ explode(N-1,PP).
+start_heart_stress([NewName,PortProgram]) ->
+ explode(10,atom_to_list(PortProgram)),
+ NewCmd = erl() ++ name(NewName),
+ %%io:format("~p~n",[NewCmd]),
+ receive
+ after 10000 ->
+ heart:set_cmd(NewCmd),
+ halt()
+ end.
+suicide_by_heart() ->
+ %%io:format("Suicide starting...~n"),
+ open_port({spawn,"heart -ht 11 -pid "++os:getpid()},[{packet,2}]),
+ receive X -> X end,
+ %% Just hang and wait for heart to timeout
+ receive
+ {makaronipudding} ->
+ sallad
+ end.