path: root/lib/kernel
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel')
26 files changed, 915 insertions, 661 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/doc/src/notes.xml b/lib/kernel/doc/src/notes.xml
index c18ae897b4..0175c38397 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/doc/src/notes.xml
+++ b/lib/kernel/doc/src/notes.xml
@@ -30,6 +30,91 @@
<p>This document describes the changes made to the Kernel application.</p>
+<section><title>Kernel 2.16.2</title>
+ <section><title>Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions</title>
+ <list>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ A bug in prim_inet has been corrected. If the port owner
+ was killed at a bad time while closing the socket port
+ the port could become orphaned hence causing port and
+ socket leaking. Reported by Fred Herbert, Dmitry Belyaev
+ and others.</p>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-10497 Aux Id: OTP-10562 </p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ A few bugs regarding case sensitivity for hostname
+ resolution while using e.g the internal lookup types
+ 'file' and 'dns' has been corrected. When looking up
+ hostnames ASCII letters a-z are to be regarded as the
+ same as A-Z according to RFC 4343 "Domain Name System
+ (DNS) Case Insensitivity Clarification", and this was not
+ always the case.</p>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-10689 Aux Id: seq12227 </p>
+ </item>
+ </list>
+ </section>
+ <section><title>Improvements and New Features</title>
+ <list>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Add <c>application:ensure_started/1,2</c>. It is
+ equivavlent to <c>application:start/1,2</c> except it
+ returns <c>ok</c> for already started applications.</p>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-10910</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Optimize communication with file io server. Thanks to
+ Anthony Ramine.</p>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-11040</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>Erlang source files with non-ASCII characters are now
+ encoded in UTF-8 (instead of latin1).</p>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-11041 Aux Id: OTP-10907 </p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Optimization of simultaneous <c>inet_db</c> operations on
+ the same socket by using a lock free implementation.</p>
+ <p>
+ Impact on the characteristics of the system: Improved
+ performance.</p>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-11074</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ The <c>high_msgq_watermark</c> and
+ <c>low_msgq_watermark</c> <c>inet</c> socket options
+ introduced in OTP-R16A could only be set on TCP sockets.
+ These options are now generic and can be set on all types
+ of sockets.</p>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-11075 Aux Id: OTP-10336 </p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Fix deep list argument error under Windows in os:cmd/1.
+ Thanks to Aleksandr Vinokurov .</p>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-11104</p>
+ </item>
+ </list>
+ </section>
<section><title>Kernel 2.16.1</title>
<section><title>Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions</title>
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/application_master.erl b/lib/kernel/src/application_master.erl
index 34a3efcaf2..3e636197bb 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/application_master.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/application_master.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/file_io_server.erl b/lib/kernel/src/file_io_server.erl
index 07fb55f390..0bcb1a658b 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/file_io_server.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/file_io_server.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2000-2012. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2000-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/gen_sctp.erl b/lib/kernel/src/gen_sctp.erl
index acc116df84..58d84ae924 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/gen_sctp.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/gen_sctp.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2012. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/gen_udp.erl b/lib/kernel/src/gen_udp.erl
index fb5737f82e..e82b11d2ef 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/gen_udp.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/gen_udp.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2012. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/inet.erl b/lib/kernel/src/inet.erl
index aada1252ad..3ea530a366 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/inet.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/inet.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2012. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -947,21 +947,34 @@ gethostbyname_self(Name, Type) when is_atom(Name) ->
gethostbyname_self(Name, Type)
when is_list(Name), Type =:= inet;
is_list(Name), Type =:= inet6 ->
- case inet_db:gethostname() of
- Name ->
- {ok,make_hostent(Name,
- [translate_ip(loopback, Type)],
- [], Type)};
- Self ->
+ N = inet_db:tolower(Name),
+ Self = inet_db:gethostname(),
+ %%
+ %% This is the final fallback that pretends /etc/hosts has got
+ %% a line for the hostname on the loopback address.
+ %% Lookups into /etc/hosts are case insensitive and return
+ %% what is in the file. Therefore the letter case may differ between
+ %% the returned hostent record and the hostname that was asked for.
+ %%
+ case inet_db:tolower(Self) of
+ N ->
+ {ok,
+ make_hostent(
+ Self, [translate_ip(loopback, Type)], [], Type)};
+ _ ->
case inet_db:res_option(domain) of
- "" -> {error,nxdomain};
+ "" ->
+ {error,nxdomain};
Domain ->
- case lists:append([Self,".",Domain]) of
- Name ->
- {ok,make_hostent(Name,
- [translate_ip(loopback, Type)],
- [], Type)};
- _ -> {error,nxdomain}
+ FQDN = lists:append([Self,".",Domain]),
+ case inet_db:tolower(FQDN) of
+ N ->
+ {ok,
+ make_hostent(
+ [translate_ip(loopback, Type)], [], Type)};
+ _ ->
+ {error,nxdomain}
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/inet_db.erl b/lib/kernel/src/inet_db.erl
index d4749b9756..a7679c531b 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/inet_db.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/inet_db.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2010. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -845,7 +845,8 @@ init([]) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
Db = ets:new(inet_db, [public, named_table]),
- Cache = ets:new(inet_cache, [public, bag, {keypos,2}, named_table]),
+ CacheOpts = [public, bag, {keypos,#dns_rr.domain}, named_table],
+ Cache = ets:new(inet_cache, CacheOpts),
BynameOpts = [protected, bag, named_table, {keypos,1}],
ByaddrOpts = [protected, bag, named_table, {keypos,3}],
HostsByname = ets:new(inet_hosts_byname, BynameOpts),
@@ -901,15 +902,21 @@ reset_db(Db) ->
handle_call(Request, From, #state{db=Db}=State) ->
case Request of
{load_hosts_file,IPNmAs} when is_list(IPNmAs) ->
- NIPs = lists:flatten([ [{N,if tuple_size(IP) =:= 4 -> inet;
- tuple_size(IP) =:= 8 -> inet6
- end,IP} || N <- [Nm|As]]
- || {IP,Nm,As} <- IPNmAs]),
+ NIPs =
+ lists:flatten(
+ [ [{N,
+ if tuple_size(IP) =:= 4 -> inet;
+ tuple_size(IP) =:= 8 -> inet6
+ end,IP} || N <- [Nm|As]]
+ || {IP,Nm,As} <- IPNmAs]),
Byname = State#state.hosts_file_byname,
Byaddr = State#state.hosts_file_byaddr,
- ets:insert(Byname, NIPs),
+ %% Byname has lowercased names while Byaddr keep the name casing.
+ %% This is to be able to reconstruct the original
+ %% /etc/hosts entry.
+ ets:insert(Byname, [{tolower(N),Type,IP} || {N,Type,IP} <- NIPs]),
ets:insert(Byaddr, NIPs),
{reply, ok, State};
@@ -938,16 +945,14 @@ handle_call(Request, From, #state{db=Db}=State) ->
{reply, ok, State};
{add_rr, RR} when is_record(RR, dns_rr) ->
- RR1 = lower_rr(RR),
- ?dbg("add_rr: ~p~n", [RR1]),
- do_add_rr(RR1, Db, State),
+ ?dbg("add_rr: ~p~n", [RR]),
+ do_add_rr(RR, Db, State),
{reply, ok, State};
{del_rr, RR} when is_record(RR, dns_rr) ->
- RR1 = lower_rr(RR),
%% note. del_rr will handle wildcards !!!
Cache = State#state.cache,
- ets:match_delete(Cache, RR1),
+ ets:match_delete(Cache, RR),
{reply, ok, State};
{lookup_rr, Domain, Class, Type} ->
@@ -1225,15 +1230,18 @@ handle_set_file(ParseFun, Bin, From, State) ->
handle_rc_list(Opts, From, State)
+%% Byname has lowercased names while Byaddr keep the name casing.
+%% This is to be able to reconstruct the original /etc/hosts entry.
do_add_host(Byname, Byaddr, Names, Type, IP) ->
do_del_host(Byname, Byaddr, IP),
- NIPs = [{tolower(N),Type,IP} || N <- Names],
- ets:insert(Byname, NIPs),
- ets:insert(Byaddr, NIPs),
+ ets:insert(Byname, [{tolower(N),Type,IP} || N <- Names]),
+ ets:insert(Byaddr, [{N,Type,IP} || N <- Names]),
do_del_host(Byname, Byaddr, IP) ->
- [ets:delete_object(Byname, NIP) || NIP <- ets:lookup(Byaddr, IP)],
+ [ets:delete_object(Byname, {tolower(Name),Type,Addr}) ||
+ {Name,Type,Addr} <- ets:lookup(Byaddr, IP)],
ets:delete(Byaddr, IP),
@@ -1369,7 +1377,7 @@ times() ->
%% lookup and remove old entries
do_lookup_rr(Domain, Class, Type) ->
- match_rr(#dns_rr{domain = tolower(Domain), class = Class,type = Type,
+ match_rr(#dns_rr{domain = Domain, class = Class,type = Type,
cnt = '_', tm = '_', ttl = '_',
bm = '_', func = '_', data = '_'}).
@@ -1393,23 +1401,20 @@ filter_rr([], _Time) -> [].
-%% Lower case the domain name before storage
-lower_rr(RR) ->
- Dn = RR#dns_rr.domain,
- if is_list(Dn) ->
- RR#dns_rr { domain = tolower(Dn) };
- true -> RR
- end.
+%% Case fold upper-case to lower-case according to RFC 4343
+%% "Domain Name System (DNS) Case Insensitivity Clarification".
-%% Map upper-case to lower-case
%% NOTE: this code is in kernel and we don't want to relay
-%% to much on stdlib
+%% to much on stdlib. Furthermore string:to_lower/1
+%% does not follow RFC 4343.
tolower([]) -> [];
-tolower([C|Cs]) when C >= $A, C =< $Z -> [(C-$A)+$a|tolower(Cs)];
-tolower([C|Cs]) -> [C|tolower(Cs)].
+tolower([C|Cs]) when is_integer(C) ->
+ if C >= $A, C =< $Z ->
+ [(C-$A)+$a|tolower(Cs)];
+ true ->
+ [C|tolower(Cs)]
+ end.
dn_ip6_int(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) ->
dnib(H) ++ dnib(G) ++ dnib(F) ++ dnib(E) ++
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/inet_gethost_native.erl b/lib/kernel/src/inet_gethost_native.erl
index df866660b4..65d4c84e3b 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/inet_gethost_native.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/inet_gethost_native.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1998-2010. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1998-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/inet_hosts.erl b/lib/kernel/src/inet_hosts.erl
index df1d4fc0be..6e9719b4aa 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/inet_hosts.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/inet_hosts.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -38,9 +38,12 @@ gethostbyname(_) -> {error, formerr}.
gethostbyname(Name, Type) when is_list(Name), is_atom(Type) ->
- case gethostbyname(Name, Type, inet_hosts_byname, inet_hosts_byaddr) of
+ %% Byname has lowercased names while Byaddr keep the name casing.
+ %% This is to be able to reconstruct the original /etc/hosts entry.
+ N = inet_db:tolower(Name),
+ case gethostbyname(N, Type, inet_hosts_byname, inet_hosts_byaddr) of
false ->
- case gethostbyname(Name, Type,
+ case gethostbyname(N, Type,
inet_hosts_file_byaddr) of
false -> {error,nxdomain};
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/inet_int.hrl b/lib/kernel/src/inet_int.hrl
index a01c733d81..67a99913a1 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/inet_int.hrl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/inet_int.hrl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2012. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/inet_res.erl b/lib/kernel/src/inet_res.erl
index 59ba408d7a..94a9f7c64d 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/inet_res.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/inet_res.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2011. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ lookup(Name, Class, Type, Opts, Timeout) ->
lookup_filter({ok,#dns_rec{anlist=Answers}}, Class, Type) ->
[A#dns_rr.data || A <- Answers,
- A#dns_rr.class =:= Class,
- A#dns_rr.type =:= Type];
+ Class =:= any orelse A#dns_rr.class =:= Class,
+ Type =:= any orelse A#dns_rr.type =:= Type];
lookup_filter({error,_}, _, _) -> [].
%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/rpc.erl b/lib/kernel/src/rpc.erl
index 83e0b59cc2..ced6f47bfe 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/rpc.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/rpc.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2012. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
diff --git a/lib/kernel/test/code_SUITE.erl b/lib/kernel/test/code_SUITE.erl
index fc17db2745..cd9359f2aa 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/test/code_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/test/code_SUITE.erl
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
on_load_embedded/1, on_load_errors/1, big_boot_embedded/1,
native_early_modules/1, get_mode/1]).
--export([init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2,
+-export([init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2,
init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1,
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}].
-all() ->
+all() ->
[set_path, get_path, add_path, add_paths, del_path,
replace_path, load_file, load_abs, ensure_loaded,
delete, purge, soft_purge, is_loaded, all_loaded,
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ all() ->
on_load_binary, on_load_embedded, on_load_errors,
big_boot_embedded, native_early_modules, get_mode].
-groups() ->
+groups() ->
init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
@@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ init_per_suite(Config) ->
%% the module name does not match the filename, so
%% we must compile to a binary and write the Beam file
%% ourselves.
- ?line Dir = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
- ?line File = filename:join(Dir, "code_a_test"),
- ?line {ok,code_b_test,Code} = compile:file(File, [binary]),
- ?line ok = file:write_file(File++".beam", Code),
+ Dir = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
+ File = filename:join(Dir, "code_a_test"),
+ {ok,code_b_test,Code} = compile:file(File, [binary]),
+ ok = file:write_file(File++".beam", Code),
end_per_suite(Config) ->
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ init_per_testcase(_Func, Config) ->
[{watchdog, Dog}, {code_path, P}|Config].
-end_per_testcase(TC, Config) when TC == mult_lib_roots;
+end_per_testcase(TC, Config) when TC == mult_lib_roots;
TC == big_boot_embedded ->
{ok, HostName} = inet:gethostname(),
NodeName = list_to_atom(atom_to_list(TC)++"@"++HostName),
@@ -121,51 +121,49 @@ set_path(doc) -> [];
set_path(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
P = code:get_path(),
NonExDir = filename:join(?config(priv_dir, Config), ?t:temp_name("hej")),
- ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:set_path({a})),
- ?line {error, bad_directory} = (catch code:set_path([{a}])),
- ?line {error, bad_directory} = code:set_path(NonExDir),
- ?line P = code:get_path(), % still the same path.
- ?line true = code:set_path(P), % set the same path again.
- ?line P = code:get_path(), % still the same path.
+ {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:set_path({a})),
+ {error, bad_directory} = (catch code:set_path([{a}])),
+ {error, bad_directory} = code:set_path(NonExDir),
+ P = code:get_path(), % still the same path.
+ true = code:set_path(P), % set the same path again.
+ P = code:get_path(), % still the same path.
LibDir = code:lib_dir(),
- ?line true = code:set_path([LibDir | P]),
- ?line [LibDir | P] = code:get_path(),
- ?line true = code:set_path([LibDir]),
- ?line [LibDir] = code:get_path(),
+ true = code:set_path([LibDir | P]),
+ [LibDir | P] = code:get_path(),
+ true = code:set_path([LibDir]),
+ [LibDir] = code:get_path(),
get_path(suite) -> [];
get_path(doc) -> [];
get_path(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line P = code:get_path(),
+ P = code:get_path(),
% test that all directories are strings (lists).
- ?line [] = lists:filter(fun(Dir) when is_list(Dir) ->
- false;
- (_) ->
- true
- end,
- P),
+ [] = lists:filter(fun
+ (Dir) when is_list(Dir) -> false;
+ (_) -> true
+ end, P),
add_path(suite) -> [];
add_path(doc) -> [];
add_path(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
P = code:get_path(),
- ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:add_path({})),
- ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:add_patha({})),
- ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:add_pathz({})),
- ?line {error, bad_directory} = code:add_path("xyz"),
- ?line {error, bad_directory} = code:add_patha("xyz"),
- ?line {error, bad_directory} = code:add_pathz("xyz"),
+ {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:add_path({})),
+ {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:add_patha({})),
+ {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:add_pathz({})),
+ {error, bad_directory} = code:add_path("xyz"),
+ {error, bad_directory} = code:add_patha("xyz"),
+ {error, bad_directory} = code:add_pathz("xyz"),
LibDir = code:lib_dir(),
- ?line true = code:add_path(LibDir),
- ?line LibDir = lists:last(code:get_path()),
+ true = code:add_path(LibDir),
+ LibDir = lists:last(code:get_path()),
- ?line true = code:add_pathz(LibDir),
- ?line LibDir = lists:last(code:get_path()),
+ true = code:add_pathz(LibDir),
+ LibDir = lists:last(code:get_path()),
- ?line true = code:add_patha(LibDir),
- ?line [LibDir|_] = code:get_path(),
+ true = code:add_patha(LibDir),
+ [LibDir|_] = code:get_path(),
@@ -173,134 +171,134 @@ add_paths(suite) -> [];
add_paths(doc) -> [];
add_paths(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
P = code:get_path(),
- ?line ok = code:add_paths([{}]),
- ?line ok = code:add_pathsa([{}]),
- ?line ok = code:add_pathsz([{}]),
- ?line ok = code:add_paths(["xyz"]),
- ?line ok = code:add_pathsa(["xyz"]),
- ?line ok = code:add_pathsz(["xyz"]),
+ ok = code:add_paths([{}]),
+ ok = code:add_pathsa([{}]),
+ ok = code:add_pathsz([{}]),
+ ok = code:add_paths(["xyz"]),
+ ok = code:add_pathsa(["xyz"]),
+ ok = code:add_pathsz(["xyz"]),
P = code:get_path(), % check that no directory is added.
LibDir = code:lib_dir(),
- ?line ok = code:add_paths([LibDir]),
- ?line LibDir = lists:last(code:get_path()),
+ ok = code:add_paths([LibDir]),
+ LibDir = lists:last(code:get_path()),
- ?line ok = code:add_pathsz([LibDir]),
- ?line LibDir = lists:last(code:get_path()),
+ ok = code:add_pathsz([LibDir]),
+ LibDir = lists:last(code:get_path()),
- ?line ok = code:add_pathsa([LibDir]),
- ?line [LibDir|P] = code:get_path(),
+ ok = code:add_pathsa([LibDir]),
+ [LibDir|P] = code:get_path(),
RootDir = code:root_dir(),
Res = P ++ [LibDir, RootDir],
- ?line ok = code:add_paths([LibDir, RootDir]),
- ?line Res = code:get_path(),
+ ok = code:add_paths([LibDir, RootDir]),
+ Res = code:get_path(),
- ?line ok = code:add_pathsz([LibDir, RootDir]),
- ?line Res = code:get_path(),
+ ok = code:add_pathsz([LibDir, RootDir]),
+ Res = code:get_path(),
- ?line ok = code:add_pathsa([LibDir, RootDir]),
- ?line [RootDir, LibDir|P] = code:get_path(),
+ ok = code:add_pathsa([LibDir, RootDir]),
+ [RootDir, LibDir|P] = code:get_path(),
- ?line ok = code:add_paths([LibDir, "xyz"]),
+ ok = code:add_paths([LibDir, "xyz"]),
Res1 = P ++ [LibDir],
- ?line Res1 = code:get_path(),
+ Res1 = code:get_path(),
- ?line ok = code:add_pathsz([LibDir, "xyz"]),
- ?line Res1 = code:get_path(),
+ ok = code:add_pathsz([LibDir, "xyz"]),
+ Res1 = code:get_path(),
- ?line ok = code:add_pathsa([LibDir, "xyz"]),
- ?line [LibDir|P] = code:get_path(),
+ ok = code:add_pathsa([LibDir, "xyz"]),
+ [LibDir|P] = code:get_path(),
del_path(suite) -> [];
del_path(doc) -> [];
del_path(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line P = code:get_path(),
+ P = code:get_path(),
test_server:format("Initial code:get_path()=~p~n",[P]),
- ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:del_path(3)),
- ?line false = code:del_path(my_dummy_name),
- ?line false = code:del_path("/kdlk/my_dummy_dir"),
+ {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:del_path(3)),
+ false = code:del_path(my_dummy_name),
+ false = code:del_path("/kdlk/my_dummy_dir"),
Dir = filename:join([code:lib_dir(kernel),"ebin"]),
test_server:format("kernel dir: ~p~n",[Dir]),
- ?line true = code:del_path(kernel),
+ true = code:del_path(kernel),
NewP = code:get_path(),
test_server:format("Path after removing 'kernel':~p~n",[NewP]),
ReferenceP = lists:delete(Dir,P),
test_server:format("Reference path:~p~n",[ReferenceP]),
- ?line NewP = ReferenceP, % check that dir is deleted
+ NewP = ReferenceP, % check that dir is deleted
- ?line true = code:del_path(Dir),
+ true = code:del_path(Dir),
NewP1 = code:get_path(),
- ?line NewP1 = lists:delete(Dir,P), % check that dir is deleted
+ NewP1 = lists:delete(Dir,P), % check that dir is deleted
replace_path(suite) -> [];
replace_path(doc) -> [];
replace_path(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
- ?line P = code:get_path(),
- ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:replace_path(3,"")),
- ?line {error, bad_name} = code:replace_path(dummy_name,""),
- ?line {error, bad_name} = code:replace_path(kernel,
+ PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ P = code:get_path(),
+ {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:replace_path(3,"")),
+ {error, bad_name} = code:replace_path(dummy_name,""),
+ {error, bad_name} = code:replace_path(kernel,
- ?line {error, bad_directory} = code:replace_path(kernel,
+ {error, bad_directory} = code:replace_path(kernel,
- ?line P = code:get_path(), % Check that path is not changed.
+ P = code:get_path(), % Check that path is not changed.
- ?line ok = file:set_cwd(PrivDir),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(PrivDir),
%% Replace an existing application.
{ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
NewDir = Cwd ++ "/kernel-2.11",
- ?line true = code:replace_path(kernel, NewDir),
- ?line NewDir = code:lib_dir(kernel),
- ?line true = code:set_path(P), %Reset path
- ?line ok = file:del_dir("./kernel-2.11"),
+ true = code:replace_path(kernel, NewDir),
+ NewDir = code:lib_dir(kernel),
+ true = code:set_path(P), %Reset path
+ ok = file:del_dir("./kernel-2.11"),
%% Add a completly new application.
NewAppName = 'blurf_blarfer',
- ?line NewAppDir = filename:join(Cwd, atom_to_list(NewAppName) ++ "-6.33.1"),
- ?line ok = file:make_dir(NewAppDir),
- ?line true = code:replace_path(NewAppName, NewAppDir),
- ?line NewAppDir = code:lib_dir(NewAppName),
- ?line NewAppDir = lists:last(code:get_path()),
- ?line true = code:set_path(P), %Reset path
- ?line ok = file:del_dir(NewAppDir),
+ NewAppDir = filename:join(Cwd, atom_to_list(NewAppName) ++ "-6.33.1"),
+ ok = file:make_dir(NewAppDir),
+ true = code:replace_path(NewAppName, NewAppDir),
+ NewAppDir = code:lib_dir(NewAppName),
+ NewAppDir = lists:last(code:get_path()),
+ true = code:set_path(P), %Reset path
+ ok = file:del_dir(NewAppDir),
dir_disappeared(suite) -> [];
dir_disappeared(doc) -> ["OTP-3977"];
dir_disappeared(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
- ?line Dir = filename:join(PrivDir, "temp"),
- ?line ok = file:make_dir(Dir),
- ?line true = code:add_path(Dir),
- ?line ok = file:del_dir(Dir),
- ?line non_existing = code:which(bubbelskrammel),
+ PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ Dir = filename:join(PrivDir, "temp"),
+ ok = file:make_dir(Dir),
+ true = code:add_path(Dir),
+ ok = file:del_dir(Dir),
+ non_existing = code:which(bubbelskrammel),
load_file(suite) -> [];
load_file(doc) -> [];
load_file(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line {error, nofile} = code:load_file(duuuumy_mod),
- ?line {error, badfile} = code:load_file(code_a_test),
- ?line {'EXIT', _} = (catch code:load_file(123)),
- ?line {module, code_b_test} = code:load_file(code_b_test),
+ {error, nofile} = code:load_file(duuuumy_mod),
+ {error, badfile} = code:load_file(code_a_test),
+ {'EXIT', _} = (catch code:load_file(123)),
+ {module, code_b_test} = code:load_file(code_b_test),
TestDir = test_dir(),
- ?line {error, sticky_directory} = code:load_file(code_b_test),
+ {error, sticky_directory} = code:load_file(code_b_test),
@@ -311,30 +309,30 @@ load_abs(suite) -> [];
load_abs(doc) -> [];
load_abs(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
TestDir = test_dir(),
- ?line {error, nofile} = code:load_abs(TestDir ++ "/duuuumy_mod"),
- ?line {error, badfile} = code:load_abs(TestDir ++ "/code_a_test"),
- ?line {'EXIT', _} = (catch code:load_abs({})),
- ?line {module, code_b_test} = code:load_abs(TestDir ++ "/code_b_test"),
+ {error, nofile} = code:load_abs(TestDir ++ "/duuuumy_mod"),
+ {error, badfile} = code:load_abs(TestDir ++ "/code_a_test"),
+ {'EXIT', _} = (catch code:load_abs({})),
+ {module, code_b_test} = code:load_abs(TestDir ++ "/code_b_test"),
- ?line {error, sticky_directory} = code:load_abs(TestDir ++ "/code_b_test"),
+ {error, sticky_directory} = code:load_abs(TestDir ++ "/code_b_test"),
ensure_loaded(suite) -> [];
ensure_loaded(doc) -> [];
ensure_loaded(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line {module, lists} = code:ensure_loaded(lists),
+ {module, lists} = code:ensure_loaded(lists),
case init:get_argument(mode) of
{ok, [["embedded"]]} ->
- ?line {error, embedded} = code:ensure_loaded(code_b_test),
- ?line {error, badarg} = code:ensure_loaded(34),
+ {error, embedded} = code:ensure_loaded(code_b_test),
+ {error, badarg} = code:ensure_loaded(34),
_ ->
- ?line {error, nofile} = code:ensure_loaded(duuuumy_mod),
- ?line {error, badfile} = code:ensure_loaded(code_a_test),
- ?line {'EXIT', _} = (catch code:ensure_loaded(34)),
- ?line {module, code_b_test} = code:ensure_loaded(code_b_test),
- ?line {module, code_b_test} = code:ensure_loaded(code_b_test),
+ {error, nofile} = code:ensure_loaded(duuuumy_mod),
+ {error, badfile} = code:ensure_loaded(code_a_test),
+ {'EXIT', _} = (catch code:ensure_loaded(34)),
+ {module, code_b_test} = code:ensure_loaded(code_b_test),
+ {module, code_b_test} = code:ensure_loaded(code_b_test),
@@ -343,15 +341,15 @@ delete(doc) -> [];
delete(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
OldFlag = process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- ?line Pid = code_b_test:do_spawn(),
- ?line true = code:delete(code_b_test),
- ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:delete(122)),
- ?line false = code_b_test:check_exit(Pid),
- ?line false = code:delete(code_b_test),
- ?line false = code_b_test:check_exit(Pid),
+ Pid = code_b_test:do_spawn(),
+ true = code:delete(code_b_test),
+ {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:delete(122)),
+ false = code_b_test:check_exit(Pid),
+ false = code:delete(code_b_test),
+ false = code_b_test:check_exit(Pid),
- ?line true = code_b_test:check_exit(Pid),
- ?line false = code:delete(code_b_test),
+ true = code_b_test:check_exit(Pid),
+ false = code:delete(code_b_test),
process_flag(trap_exit, OldFlag),
@@ -361,13 +359,13 @@ purge(doc) -> [];
purge(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
OldFlag = process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:purge({})),
- ?line false = code:purge(code_b_test),
- ?line Pid = code_b_test:do_spawn(),
- ?line true = code:delete(code_b_test),
- ?line false = code_b_test:check_exit(Pid),
- ?line true = code:purge(code_b_test),
- ?line true = code_b_test:check_exit(Pid),
+ {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:purge({})),
+ false = code:purge(code_b_test),
+ Pid = code_b_test:do_spawn(),
+ true = code:delete(code_b_test),
+ false = code_b_test:check_exit(Pid),
+ true = code:purge(code_b_test),
+ true = code_b_test:check_exit(Pid),
process_flag(trap_exit, OldFlag),
@@ -376,16 +374,16 @@ soft_purge(doc) -> [];
soft_purge(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
OldFlag = process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:soft_purge(23)),
- ?line true = code:soft_purge(code_b_test),
- ?line Pid = code_b_test:do_spawn(),
- ?line true = code:delete(code_b_test),
- ?line false = code_b_test:check_exit(Pid),
- ?line false = code:soft_purge(code_b_test),
- ?line false = code_b_test:check_exit(Pid),
+ {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:soft_purge(23)),
+ true = code:soft_purge(code_b_test),
+ Pid = code_b_test:do_spawn(),
+ true = code:delete(code_b_test),
+ false = code_b_test:check_exit(Pid),
+ false = code:soft_purge(code_b_test),
+ false = code_b_test:check_exit(Pid),
- ?line true = code_b_test:check_exit(Pid),
- ?line true = code:soft_purge(code_b_test),
+ true = code_b_test:check_exit(Pid),
+ true = code:soft_purge(code_b_test),
process_flag(trap_exit, OldFlag),
@@ -394,12 +392,12 @@ is_loaded(doc) -> [];
is_loaded(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line false = code:is_loaded(duuuuuumy_mod),
- ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:is_loaded(23)),
- ?line {file, preloaded} = code:is_loaded(init),
+ false = code:is_loaded(duuuuuumy_mod),
+ {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:is_loaded(23)),
+ {file, preloaded} = code:is_loaded(init),
TestDir = test_dir(),
- ?line {module, code_b_test} = code:load_abs(TestDir ++ "/code_b_test"),
- ?line {file, _Loaded} = code:is_loaded(code_b_test),
+ {module, code_b_test} = code:load_abs(TestDir ++ "/code_b_test"),
+ {file, _Loaded} = code:is_loaded(code_b_test),
@@ -413,21 +411,19 @@ all_loaded(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
all_loaded_1() ->
- ?line Preloaded = [{M,preloaded} || M <- lists:sort(erlang:pre_loaded())],
+ Preloaded = [{M,preloaded} || M <- lists:sort(erlang:pre_loaded())],
- ?line Loaded0 = lists:sort(code:all_loaded()),
- ?line all_unique(Loaded0),
- ?line Loaded1 = lists:keysort(2, Loaded0),
- ?line Loaded2 = match_and_remove(Preloaded, Loaded1),
+ Loaded0 = lists:sort(code:all_loaded()),
+ all_unique(Loaded0),
+ Loaded1 = lists:keysort(2, Loaded0),
+ Loaded2 = match_and_remove(Preloaded, Loaded1),
ObjExt = code:objfile_extension(),
- ?line [] = lists:filter(fun({Mod,AbsName}) when is_atom(Mod),
- is_list(AbsName) ->
- Mod =/= list_to_atom(filename:basename(AbsName,
- ObjExt));
- (_) -> true
- end,
- Loaded2),
+ [] = lists:filter(fun
+ ({Mod,AbsName}) when is_atom(Mod), is_list(AbsName) ->
+ Mod =/= list_to_atom(filename:basename(AbsName, ObjExt));
+ (_) -> true
+ end, Loaded2),
match_and_remove([], List) -> List;
@@ -442,19 +438,19 @@ load_binary(doc) -> [];
load_binary(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
TestDir = test_dir(),
File = TestDir ++ "/code_b_test" ++ code:objfile_extension(),
- ?line {ok,Bin} = file:read_file(File),
- ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:load_binary(12, File, Bin)),
- ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:load_binary(code_b_test, 12, Bin)),
- ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:load_binary(code_b_test, File, 12)),
- ?line {module, code_b_test} = code:load_binary(code_b_test, File, Bin),
+ {ok,Bin} = file:read_file(File),
+ {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:load_binary(12, File, Bin)),
+ {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:load_binary(code_b_test, 12, Bin)),
+ {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:load_binary(code_b_test, File, 12)),
+ {module, code_b_test} = code:load_binary(code_b_test, File, Bin),
- ?line {error, sticky_directory} = code:load_binary(code_b_test, File, Bin),
+ {error, sticky_directory} = code:load_binary(code_b_test, File, Bin),
-upgrade(Config) ->
+upgrade(Config) ->
DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
%%T = [beam, hipe],
@@ -462,28 +458,28 @@ upgrade(Config) ->
[upgrade_do(DataDir, Client, U1, U2, O1, O2)
|| Client<-T, U1<-T, U2<-T, O1<-T, O2<-T],
upgrade_do(DataDir, Client, U1, U2, O1, O2) ->
- compile_load(upgrade_client, DataDir, undefined, Client),
+ compile_load(upgrade_client, DataDir, undefined, Client),
upgrade_client:run(DataDir, U1, U2, O1, O2),
compile_load(Mod, Dir, Ver, CodeType) ->
Version = case Ver of
- undefined ->
- io:format("Compiling '~p' as ~p\n", [Mod, CodeType]),
- [];
- _ ->
- io:format("Compiling version ~p of '~p' as ~p\n",
- [Ver, Mod, CodeType]),
- [{d,list_to_atom("VERSION_" ++ integer_to_list(Ver))}]
- end,
+ undefined ->
+ io:format("Compiling '~p' as ~p\n", [Mod, CodeType]),
+ [];
+ _ ->
+ io:format("Compiling version ~p of '~p' as ~p\n",
+ [Ver, Mod, CodeType]),
+ [{d,list_to_atom("VERSION_" ++ integer_to_list(Ver))}]
+ end,
Target = case CodeType of
- beam -> [];
- hipe -> [native]
- end,
+ beam -> [];
+ hipe -> [native]
+ end,
CompOpts = [binary, report] ++ Target ++ Version,
Src = filename:join(Dir, atom_to_list(Mod) ++ ".erl"),
@@ -497,17 +493,17 @@ compile_load(Mod, Dir, Ver, CodeType) ->
dir_req(suite) -> [];
dir_req(doc) -> [];
dir_req(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line {ok,[[Root0]]} = init:get_argument(root),
- ?line Root = filename:join([Root0]), % Normalised form.
- ?line Root = code:root_dir(),
+ {ok,[[Root0]]} = init:get_argument(root),
+ Root = filename:join([Root0]), % Normalised form.
+ Root = code:root_dir(),
LibDir = Root ++ "/lib",
- ?line LibDir = code:lib_dir(),
- ?line code:compiler_dir(),
- ?line {error, bad_name} = code:lib_dir(duuumy),
- ?line KernLib = code:lib_dir(kernel),
- ?line Priv = KernLib ++ "/priv",
- ?line Priv = code:priv_dir(kernel),
- ?line {error, bad_name} = code:priv_dir(duuumy),
+ LibDir = code:lib_dir(),
+ code:compiler_dir(),
+ {error, bad_name} = code:lib_dir(duuumy),
+ KernLib = code:lib_dir(kernel),
+ Priv = KernLib ++ "/priv",
+ Priv = code:priv_dir(kernel),
+ {error, bad_name} = code:priv_dir(duuumy),
object_code(suite) -> [];
@@ -517,19 +513,19 @@ object_code(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
P = code:get_path(),
P = code:get_path(),
- ?line {module, code_b_test} = code:load_abs(TestDir ++ "/code_b_test"),
+ {module, code_b_test} = code:load_abs(TestDir ++ "/code_b_test"),
LoadedFile = filename:absname(TestDir ++ "/code_b_test" ++
- ?line case code:get_object_code(code_b_test) of
+ case code:get_object_code(code_b_test) of
{code_b_test,Bin,LoadedFile} when is_binary(Bin) ->
- ?line error = code:get_object_code(dddddddduuuuuuumy),
- ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:get_object_code(23)),
- ?line code:set_path(P),
- ?line P=code:get_path(),
+ error = code:get_object_code(dddddddduuuuuuumy),
+ {'EXIT',_} = (catch code:get_object_code(23)),
+ code:set_path(P),
+ P=code:get_path(),
set_path_file(suite) -> [];
@@ -537,17 +533,17 @@ set_path_file(doc) -> ["Test that set_path does not accept ",
"files as pathnames (known previous bug)"];
set_path_file(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
File=filename:join(?config(priv_dir, Config), "testfil"),
- ?line ok=file:write_file(File, list_to_binary("lite data")),
- ?line {error, bad_directory}=code:set_path([File]).
+ ok=file:write_file(File, list_to_binary("lite data")),
+ {error, bad_directory}=code:set_path([File]).
sticky_dir(suite) -> [];
sticky_dir(doc) -> ["Test that a module with the same name as a module in ",
"a sticky directory cannot be loaded."];
sticky_dir(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line {ok, Node}=?t:start_node(sticky_dir, slave,[{args, "-pa \""++MyDir++"\""}]),
+ {ok, Node}=?t:start_node(sticky_dir, slave,[{args, "-pa \""++MyDir++"\""}]),
File=filename:join([?config(data_dir, Config), "calendar"]),
- ?line Ret=rpc:call(Node, ?MODULE, sticky_compiler, [File]),
+ Ret=rpc:call(Node, ?MODULE, sticky_compiler, [File]),
case Ret of
fail ->
?t:fail("c:c allowed a sticky module to be compiled and loaded.");
@@ -607,70 +603,70 @@ add_del_path(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Dir1 = filename:join(DDir,"dummy_app-1.0/ebin"),
Dir2 = filename:join(DDir,"dummy_app-2.0/ebin"),
- ?line PrivDir1 = filename:join(DDir,"dummy_app-1.0/priv"),
- ?line PrivDir1 = code:priv_dir(dummy_app),
- ?line code:add_path(Dir2), % put last in path
- ?line PrivDir1 = code:priv_dir(dummy_app),
- ?line code:del_path(Dir2),
- ?line PrivDir1 = code:priv_dir(dummy_app),
+ PrivDir1 = filename:join(DDir,"dummy_app-1.0/priv"),
+ PrivDir1 = code:priv_dir(dummy_app),
+ code:add_path(Dir2), % put last in path
+ PrivDir1 = code:priv_dir(dummy_app),
+ code:del_path(Dir2),
+ PrivDir1 = code:priv_dir(dummy_app),
clash(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
DDir = ?config(data_dir,Config)++"clash/",
P = code:get_path(),
- [TestServerPath|_] = [Path || Path <- code:get_path(),
+ [TestServerPath|_] = [Path || Path <- code:get_path(),
re:run(Path,"test_server/?$",[]) /= nomatch],
%% test non-clashing entries
%% remove TestServerPath to prevent clash with test-server path
- ?line true = code:del_path(TestServerPath),
- ?line true = code:add_path(DDir++"foobar-0.1/ebin"),
- ?line true = code:add_path(DDir++"zork-0.8/ebin"),
+ true = code:del_path(TestServerPath),
+ true = code:add_path(DDir++"foobar-0.1/ebin"),
+ true = code:add_path(DDir++"zork-0.8/ebin"),
- ?line ok = code:clash(),
+ ok = code:clash(),
- ?line [OKMsg|_] = test_server:capture_get(),
- ?line true = lists:prefix("** Found 0 name clashes", OKMsg),
- ?line true = code:set_path(P),
+ [OKMsg|_] = test_server:capture_get(),
+ true = lists:prefix("** Found 0 name clashes", OKMsg),
+ true = code:set_path(P),
%% test clashing entries
%% remove TestServerPath to prevent clash with test-server path
- ?line true = code:del_path(TestServerPath),
- ?line true = code:add_path(DDir++"foobar-0.1/ebin"),
- ?line true = code:add_path(DDir++"foobar-0.1.ez/foobar-0.1/ebin"),
+ true = code:del_path(TestServerPath),
+ true = code:add_path(DDir++"foobar-0.1/ebin"),
+ true = code:add_path(DDir++"foobar-0.1.ez/foobar-0.1/ebin"),
- ?line ok = code:clash(),
+ ok = code:clash(),
- ?line [ClashMsg|_] = test_server:capture_get(),
- ?line {match, [" hides "]} = re:run(ClashMsg, "\\*\\* .*( hides ).*",
+ [ClashMsg|_] = test_server:capture_get(),
+ {match, [" hides "]} = re:run(ClashMsg, "\\*\\* .*( hides ).*",
- ?line true = code:set_path(P),
+ true = code:set_path(P),
%% test "Bad path can't read"
%% remove TestServerPath to prevent clash with test-server path
Priv = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
- ?line true = code:del_path(TestServerPath),
+ true = code:del_path(TestServerPath),
TmpEzFile = Priv++"foobar-0.tmp.ez",
- ?line {ok, _} = file:copy(DDir++"foobar-0.1.ez", TmpEzFile),
- ?line true = code:add_path(TmpEzFile++"/foobar-0.1/ebin"),
+ {ok, _} = file:copy(DDir++"foobar-0.1.ez", TmpEzFile),
+ true = code:add_path(TmpEzFile++"/foobar-0.1/ebin"),
case os:type() of
{win32,_} ->
- %% The file wont be deleted on windows until it's closed, why we
+ %% The file wont be deleted on windows until it's closed, why we
%% need to rename instead.
- ?line ok = file:rename(TmpEzFile,TmpEzFile++".moved");
+ ok = file:rename(TmpEzFile,TmpEzFile++".moved");
_ ->
- ?line ok = file:delete(TmpEzFile)
+ ok = file:delete(TmpEzFile)
- ?line ok = code:clash(),
+ ok = code:clash(),
- ?line [BadPathMsg|_] = test_server:capture_get(),
- ?line true = lists:prefix("** Bad path can't read", BadPathMsg),
- ?line true = code:set_path(P),
+ [BadPathMsg|_] = test_server:capture_get(),
+ true = lists:prefix("** Bad path can't read", BadPathMsg),
+ true = code:set_path(P),
file:delete(TmpEzFile++".moved"), %% Only effect on windows
@@ -687,7 +683,7 @@ ext_mod_dep(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
xref:add_directory(s, filename:join(code:lib_dir(kernel),"ebin")),
xref:add_directory(s, filename:join(code:lib_dir(stdlib),"ebin")),
case catch ext_mod_dep2() of
- {'EXIT', Reason} ->
+ {'EXIT', Reason} ->
Else ->
@@ -699,7 +695,7 @@ ext_mod_dep(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ext_mod_dep2() ->
- Exports0 = code_server:module_info(exports) --
+ Exports0 = code_server:module_info(exports) --
Exports = [{code_server,M,A} || {M,A} <- Exports0],
case analyse(Exports, [], [], 0) of
@@ -709,17 +705,17 @@ ext_mod_dep2() ->
-analyse([], [], Visited, ErrCnt) ->
+analyse([], [], Visited, ErrCnt) ->
analyse([], [This={M,F,A}|Path], Visited, ErrCnt0) ->
%% The code_server has been granted to use the following modules,
- %% These modules should be loaded by code.erl before
+ %% These modules should be loaded by code.erl before
%% the code_server is started.
OK = [erlang, os, prim_file, erl_prim_loader, init, ets,
code_server, lists, lists_sort, unicode, binary, filename,
gb_sets, gb_trees, hipe_unified_loader, hipe_bifs,
prim_zip, zlib],
- ErrCnt1 =
+ ErrCnt1 =
case lists:member(M, OK) or erlang:is_builtin(M,F,A) of
true ->
@@ -729,7 +725,7 @@ analyse([], [This={M,F,A}|Path], Visited, ErrCnt0) ->
{Visited, ErrCnt1+ErrCnt0};
analyse([MFA|R], Path, Visited0, ErrCnt0) ->
case lists:member(MFA,Visited0) of
- false ->
+ false ->
{Visited,ErrCnt1} = analyse2(MFA, Path, Visited0),
analyse(R, Path, Visited, ErrCnt1+ErrCnt0);
true ->
@@ -814,7 +810,7 @@ check_funs({'$M_EXPR','$F_EXPR',_},
{code_server,start_link,1}]) -> 0;
[{erlang,spawn_link,1},{code_server,start_link,1}]) -> 0;
[{hipe_unified_loader,patch_to_emu_step1,1} | _]) -> 0;
@@ -829,7 +825,7 @@ check_funs({'$M_EXPR','$F_EXPR',1},
[{code_server,finish_on_load_report,2} | _]) -> 0;
%% This is cheating! /raimo
%% check_funs(This = {M,_,_}, Path) ->
%% case catch atom_to_list(M) of
%% [$h,$i,$p,$e | _] ->
@@ -861,9 +857,9 @@ load_cached(suite) ->
load_cached(doc) ->
load_cached(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line Priv = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
- ?line WD = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
- ?line {ok,Node} =
+ Priv = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ WD = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
+ {ok,Node} =
?t:start_node(code_cache_node, peer, [{args,
"-pa \"" ++ WD ++ "\""},
{erl, [this]}]),
@@ -873,7 +869,7 @@ load_cached(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
_ -> false
- ?line Tabs = rpc:call(Node, ets, all, []),
+ Tabs = rpc:call(Node, ets, all, []),
case rpc:call(Node, lists, any, [CCTabCreated,Tabs]) of
true ->
@@ -881,25 +877,25 @@ load_cached(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
false ->
- ?line rpc:call(Node, code, del_path, [Priv]),
- ?line rpc:call(Node, code, add_pathz, [Priv]),
+ rpc:call(Node, code, del_path, [Priv]),
+ rpc:call(Node, code, add_pathz, [Priv]),
FullModName = Priv ++ "/code_cache_test",
- ?line {ok,Dev} = file:open(FullModName ++ ".erl", [write]),
- ?line io:format(Dev, "-module(code_cache_test). -export([a/0]). a() -> ok.~n", []),
- ?line ok = file:close(Dev),
- ?line {ok,code_cache_test} = compile:file(FullModName, [{outdir,Priv}]),
+ {ok,Dev} = file:open(FullModName ++ ".erl", [write]),
+ io:format(Dev, "-module(code_cache_test). -export([a/0]). a() -> ok.~n", []),
+ ok = file:close(Dev),
+ {ok,code_cache_test} = compile:file(FullModName, [{outdir,Priv}]),
F = fun load_loop/2,
N = 1000,
- ?line {T0,T1} = rpc:call(Node, erlang, apply, [F, [N,code_cache_test]]),
+ {T0,T1} = rpc:call(Node, erlang, apply, [F, [N,code_cache_test]]),
TNoCache = now_diff(T1, T0),
- ?line rpc:call(Node, code, rehash, []),
- ?line {T2,T3} = rpc:call(Node, erlang, apply, [F, [N,code_cache_test]]),
- ?line TCache = now_diff(T3, T2),
+ rpc:call(Node, code, rehash, []),
+ {T2,T3} = rpc:call(Node, erlang, apply, [F, [N,code_cache_test]]),
+ TCache = now_diff(T3, T2),
AvgNoCache = TNoCache/N,
AvgCache = TCache/N,
- ?line io:format("Avg. load time (no_cache/cache): ~w/~w~n", [AvgNoCache,AvgCache]),
+ io:format("Avg. load time (no_cache/cache): ~w/~w~n", [AvgNoCache,AvgCache]),
if AvgNoCache =< AvgCache ->
?t:fail("Cache not working properly.");
@@ -916,7 +912,7 @@ load_loop(N, M, T0) ->
load_loop(N-1, M, T0).
now_diff({A2, B2, C2}, {A1, B1, C1}) ->
((A2-A1)*1000000 + B2-B1)*1000000 + C2-C1.
@@ -925,30 +921,30 @@ start_node_with_cache(suite) ->
start_node_with_cache(doc) ->
start_node_with_cache(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line {ok,Node} =
- ?t:start_node(code_cache_node, peer, [{args,
+ {ok,Node} =
+ ?t:start_node(code_cache_node, peer, [{args,
{erl, [this]}]),
- ?line Tabs = rpc:call(Node, ets, all, []),
+ Tabs = rpc:call(Node, ets, all, []),
io:format("Tabs: ~w~n", [Tabs]),
CCTabCreated = fun(Tab) ->
case rpc:call(Node, ets, info, [Tab,name]) of
code_cache -> true;
_ -> false
- end,
- ?line true = lists:any(CCTabCreated, Tabs),
+ end,
+ true = lists:any(CCTabCreated, Tabs),
add_and_rehash(suite) ->
add_and_rehash(doc) ->
add_and_rehash(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line Priv = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
- ?line WD = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
- ?line {ok,Node} =
+ Priv = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ WD = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
+ {ok,Node} =
?t:start_node(code_cache_node, peer, [{args,
"-pa \"" ++ WD ++ "\""},
{erl, [this]}]),
@@ -958,7 +954,7 @@ add_and_rehash(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
_ -> false
- ?line Tabs0 = rpc:call(Node, ets, all, []),
+ Tabs0 = rpc:call(Node, ets, all, []),
case rpc:call(Node, lists, any, [CCTabCreated,Tabs0]) of
true ->
@@ -966,36 +962,36 @@ add_and_rehash(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
false ->
- ?line ok = rpc:call(Node, code, rehash, []), % create cache
- ?line Tabs1 = rpc:call(Node, ets, all, []),
- ?line true = rpc:call(Node, lists, any, [CCTabCreated,Tabs1]), % cache table created
- ?line ok = rpc:call(Node, code, rehash, []),
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, code, rehash, []), % create cache
+ Tabs1 = rpc:call(Node, ets, all, []),
+ true = rpc:call(Node, lists, any, [CCTabCreated,Tabs1]), % cache table created
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, code, rehash, []),
OkDir = filename:join(Priv, ""),
BadDir = filename:join(Priv, "guggemuffsussiputt"),
- ?line CP = [OkDir | rpc:call(Node, code, get_path, [])],
- ?line true = rpc:call(Node, code, set_path, [CP]),
+ CP = [OkDir | rpc:call(Node, code, get_path, [])],
+ true = rpc:call(Node, code, set_path, [CP]),
CP1 = [BadDir | CP],
- ?line {error,_} = rpc:call(Node, code, set_path, [CP1]),
- ?line true = rpc:call(Node, code, del_path, [OkDir]),
- ?line true = rpc:call(Node, code, add_path, [OkDir]),
- ?line true = rpc:call(Node, code, add_path, [OkDir]),
- ?line {error,_} = rpc:call(Node, code, add_path, [BadDir]),
- ?line ok = rpc:call(Node, code, rehash, []),
+ {error,_} = rpc:call(Node, code, set_path, [CP1]),
+ true = rpc:call(Node, code, del_path, [OkDir]),
+ true = rpc:call(Node, code, add_path, [OkDir]),
+ true = rpc:call(Node, code, add_path, [OkDir]),
+ {error,_} = rpc:call(Node, code, add_path, [BadDir]),
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, code, rehash, []),
where_is_file_no_cache(suite) ->
where_is_file_no_cache(doc) ->
where_is_file_no_cache(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line {T,KernelBeamFile} = timer:tc(code, where_is_file, ["kernel.beam"]),
+ {T,KernelBeamFile} = timer:tc(code, where_is_file, ["kernel.beam"]),
io:format("Load time: ~w ms~n", [T]),
- ?line KernelEbinDir = filename:dirname(KernelBeamFile),
- ?line AppFile = filename:join(KernelEbinDir, "kernel.app"),
- ?line AppFile = code:where_is_file("kernel.app"),
- ?line non_existing = code:where_is_file("kernel"), % no such file
+ KernelEbinDir = filename:dirname(KernelBeamFile),
+ AppFile = filename:join(KernelEbinDir, "kernel.app"),
+ AppFile = code:where_is_file("kernel.app"),
+ non_existing = code:where_is_file("kernel"), % no such file
where_is_file_cached(suite) ->
@@ -1003,97 +999,97 @@ where_is_file_cached(suite) ->
where_is_file_cached(doc) ->
where_is_file_cached(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line {ok,Node} =
- ?t:start_node(code_cache_node, peer, [{args,
+ {ok,Node} =
+ ?t:start_node(code_cache_node, peer, [{args,
{erl, [this]}]),
- ?line Tabs = rpc:call(Node, ets, all, []),
+ Tabs = rpc:call(Node, ets, all, []),
io:format("Tabs: ~w~n", [Tabs]),
CCTabCreated = fun(Tab) ->
case rpc:call(Node, ets, info, [Tab,name]) of
code_cache -> true;
_ -> false
- end,
- ?line true = lists:any(CCTabCreated, Tabs),
- ?line KernelBeamFile = rpc:call(Node, code, where_is_file, ["kernel.beam"]),
- ?line {T,KernelBeamFile} = rpc:call(Node, timer, tc, [code,where_is_file,["kernel.beam"]]),
+ end,
+ true = lists:any(CCTabCreated, Tabs),
+ KernelBeamFile = rpc:call(Node, code, where_is_file, ["kernel.beam"]),
+ {T,KernelBeamFile} = rpc:call(Node, timer, tc, [code,where_is_file,["kernel.beam"]]),
io:format("Load time: ~w ms~n", [T]),
- ?line KernelEbinDir = rpc:call(Node, filename, dirname, [KernelBeamFile]),
- ?line AppFile = rpc:call(Node, filename, join, [KernelEbinDir,"kernel.app"]),
- ?line AppFile = rpc:call(Node, code, where_is_file, ["kernel.app"]),
- ?line non_existing = rpc:call(Node, code, where_is_file, ["kernel"]), % no such file
+ KernelEbinDir = rpc:call(Node, filename, dirname, [KernelBeamFile]),
+ AppFile = rpc:call(Node, filename, join, [KernelEbinDir,"kernel.app"]),
+ AppFile = rpc:call(Node, code, where_is_file, ["kernel.app"]),
+ non_existing = rpc:call(Node, code, where_is_file, ["kernel"]), % no such file
purge_stacktrace(suite) ->
purge_stacktrace(doc) ->
["Test that stacktrace is deleted when purging a referred module"];
purge_stacktrace(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line code:purge(code_b_test),
+ code:purge(code_b_test),
try code_b_test:call(fun(b) -> ok end, a)
error:function_clause ->
- ?line code:load_file(code_b_test),
- ?line case erlang:get_stacktrace() of
+ code:load_file(code_b_test),
+ case erlang:get_stacktrace() of
{?MODULE,purge_stacktrace,1,_}|_] ->
- ?line false = code:purge(code_b_test),
- ?line [] = erlang:get_stacktrace()
+ false = code:purge(code_b_test),
+ [] = erlang:get_stacktrace()
try code_b_test:call(nofun, 2)
error:function_clause ->
- ?line code:load_file(code_b_test),
- ?line case erlang:get_stacktrace() of
+ code:load_file(code_b_test),
+ case erlang:get_stacktrace() of
{?MODULE,purge_stacktrace,1,_}|_] ->
- ?line false = code:purge(code_b_test),
- ?line [] = erlang:get_stacktrace()
+ false = code:purge(code_b_test),
+ [] = erlang:get_stacktrace()
Args = [erlang,error,[badarg]],
try code_b_test:call(erlang, error, [badarg,Args])
error:badarg ->
- ?line code:load_file(code_b_test),
- ?line case erlang:get_stacktrace() of
+ code:load_file(code_b_test),
+ case erlang:get_stacktrace() of
{?MODULE,purge_stacktrace,1,_}|_] ->
- ?line false = code:purge(code_b_test),
- ?line [] = erlang:get_stacktrace()
+ false = code:purge(code_b_test),
+ [] = erlang:get_stacktrace()
mult_lib_roots(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line DataDir = filename:join(?config(data_dir, Config), "mult_lib_roots"),
- ?line mult_lib_compile(DataDir, "my_dummy_app-b/ebin/lists"),
- ?line mult_lib_compile(DataDir,
+ DataDir = filename:join(?config(data_dir, Config), "mult_lib_roots"),
+ mult_lib_compile(DataDir, "my_dummy_app-b/ebin/lists"),
+ mult_lib_compile(DataDir,
%% Set up ERL_LIBS and start a slave node.
ErlLibs = filename:join(DataDir, "first_root") ++ mult_lib_sep() ++
filename:join(DataDir, "second_root"),
- ?line {ok,Node} =
+ {ok,Node} =
?t:start_node(mult_lib_roots, slave,
[{args,"-env ERL_LIBS "++ErlLibs}]),
- ?line TSPath = filename:dirname(code:which(test_server)),
- ?line Path0 = rpc:call(Node, code, get_path, []),
- ?line [TSPath,"."|Path1] = Path0,
- ?line [Kernel|Path2] = Path1,
- ?line [Stdlib|Path3] = Path2,
- ?line mult_lib_verify_lib(Kernel, "kernel"),
- ?line mult_lib_verify_lib(Stdlib, "stdlib"),
- ?line [Lib1,Lib2,Lib3,Lib4,Lib5|Path] = Path3,
+ TSPath = filename:dirname(code:which(test_server)),
+ Path0 = rpc:call(Node, code, get_path, []),
+ [TSPath,"."|Path1] = Path0,
+ [Kernel|Path2] = Path1,
+ [Stdlib|Path3] = Path2,
+ mult_lib_verify_lib(Kernel, "kernel"),
+ mult_lib_verify_lib(Stdlib, "stdlib"),
+ [Lib1,Lib2,Lib3,Lib4,Lib5|Path] = Path3,
@@ -1103,7 +1099,7 @@ mult_lib_roots(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
E <- lists:sort([Lib1,Lib2,Lib3,Lib4,Lib5])],
io:format("~p\n", [Path]),
- ?line true = rpc:call(Node, code_SUITE_mult_root_module, works_fine, []),
+ true = rpc:call(Node, code_SUITE_mult_root_module, works_fine, []),
@@ -1113,7 +1109,7 @@ mult_lib_compile(Root, Last) ->
Dir = filename:dirname(Name),
{ok,Mod} = compile:file(Name, [report,{outdir,Dir}]),
mult_lib_sep() ->
case os:type() of
{win32,_} -> ";";
@@ -1123,23 +1119,23 @@ mult_lib_sep() ->
mult_lib_verify_lib(Path, Expected) ->
Dir = filename:basename(filename:dirname(Path)),
true = lists:prefix(Expected, Dir).
mult_lib_remove_prefix([H|T1], [H|T2]) ->
mult_lib_remove_prefix(T1, T2);
mult_lib_remove_prefix([$/|T], []) -> T.
bad_erl_libs(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line {ok,Node} =
+ {ok,Node} =
?t:start_node(mult_lib_roots, slave,
[{args,"-env ERL_LIBS "}]),
- ?line ?t:stop_node(Node),
+ ?t:stop_node(Node),
- ?line {ok,Node2} =
+ {ok,Node2} =
?t:start_node(mult_lib_roots, slave,
[{args,"-env ERL_LIBS /no/such/dir"}]),
- ?line ?t:stop_node(Node2),
+ ?t:stop_node(Node2),
@@ -1158,55 +1154,55 @@ do_code_archive(Config, Root, StripVsn) when is_list(Config) ->
PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
App = code_archive_dict,
VsnBase = atom_to_list(App) ++ "-1.0",
- Base =
+ Base =
case StripVsn of
true -> atom_to_list(App);
false -> VsnBase
Ext = init:archive_extension(),
RootDir = filename:join([PrivDir, Root]),
- ?line ok = file:make_dir(RootDir),
+ ok = file:make_dir(RootDir),
Archive = filename:join([RootDir, VsnBase ++ Ext]),
- ?line {ok, _} = zip:create(Archive, [VsnBase],
+ {ok, _} = zip:create(Archive, [VsnBase],
[{compress, []}, {cwd, DataDir}]),
- ?line {ok, _} = zip:extract(Archive, [{cwd, PrivDir}]),
+ {ok, _} = zip:extract(Archive, [{cwd, PrivDir}]),
case StripVsn of
true ->
- ?line ok = file:rename(filename:join([PrivDir, VsnBase]),
+ ok = file:rename(filename:join([PrivDir, VsnBase]),
filename:join([PrivDir, Base]));
false ->
io:format("DEBUG: ~p\n", [?LINE]),
%% Compile the code
- ?line ok = compile_app(PrivDir, Base),
+ ok = compile_app(PrivDir, Base),
%% Create the archive
- ?line ok = file:delete(Archive),
- ?line {ok, _} = zip:create(Archive, [Base],
+ ok = file:delete(Archive),
+ {ok, _} = zip:create(Archive, [Base],
[{compress, []}, {cwd, PrivDir}]),
%% Set up ERL_LIBS and start a slave node.
- ?line {ok, Node} =
+ {ok, Node} =
?t:start_node(code_archive, slave,
[{args,"-env ERL_LIBS " ++ RootDir}]),
- ?line CodePath = rpc:call(Node, code, get_path, []),
+ CodePath = rpc:call(Node, code, get_path, []),
AppEbin = filename:join([Archive, Base, "ebin"]),
io:format("AppEbin: ~p\n", [AppEbin]),
io:format("CodePath: ~p\n", [CodePath]),
io:format("Archive: ~p\n", [erl_prim_loader:read_file_info(Archive)]),
- ?line true = lists:member(AppEbin, CodePath),
+ true = lists:member(AppEbin, CodePath),
%% Start the app
- ?line ok = rpc:call(Node, application, start, [App]),
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, application, start, [App]),
%% Access the app priv dir
AppPrivDir = rpc:call(Node, code, priv_dir, [App]),
- ?line AppPrivFile = filename:join([AppPrivDir, "code_archive.txt"]),
+ AppPrivFile = filename:join([AppPrivDir, "code_archive.txt"]),
io:format("AppPrivFile: ~p\n", [AppPrivFile]),
- ?line {ok, _Bin, _Path} =
+ {ok, _Bin, _Path} =
rpc:call(Node, erl_prim_loader, get_file, [AppPrivFile]),
%% Use the app
@@ -1221,14 +1217,14 @@ do_code_archive(Config, Root, StripVsn) when is_list(Config) ->
error = rpc:call(Node, App, find, [Tab, Key]),
ok = rpc:call(Node, App, erase, [Tab]),
- ?line ?t:stop_node(Node),
+ ?t:stop_node(Node),
compile_app(TopDir, AppName) ->
AppDir = filename:join([TopDir, AppName]),
SrcDir = filename:join([AppDir, "src"]),
OutDir = filename:join([AppDir, "ebin"]),
- ?line {ok, Files} = file:list_dir(SrcDir),
+ {ok, Files} = file:list_dir(SrcDir),
compile_files(Files, SrcDir, OutDir).
compile_files([File | Files], SrcDir, OutDir) ->
@@ -1253,27 +1249,27 @@ big_boot_embedded(doc) ->
["Test that a boot file with (almost) all of OTP can be used to start an"
" embeddedd system."];
big_boot_embedded(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line {BootArg,AppsInBoot} = create_big_boot(Config),
- ?line {ok, Node} =
+ {BootArg,AppsInBoot} = create_big_boot(Config),
+ {ok, Node} =
?t:start_node(big_boot_embedded, slave,
[{args,"-boot "++BootArg++" -mode embedded"}]),
- ?line RemoteNodeApps =
- [ {X,Y} || {X,_,Y} <-
+ RemoteNodeApps =
+ [ {X,Y} || {X,_,Y} <-
rpc:call(Node,application,loaded_applications,[]) ],
- ?line true = lists:sort(AppsInBoot) =:= lists:sort(RemoteNodeApps),
+ true = lists:sort(AppsInBoot) =:= lists:sort(RemoteNodeApps),
on_load(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Master = on_load_test_case_process,
- ?line Data = filename:join([?config(data_dir, Config),"on_load"]),
- ?line ok = file:set_cwd(Data),
- ?line up_to_date = make:all([{d,'MASTER',Master}]),
+ Data = filename:join([?config(data_dir, Config),"on_load"]),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(Data),
+ up_to_date = make:all([{d,'MASTER',Master}]),
%% Register a name for this process.
- ?line register(Master, self()),
- ?line {_,Ref} = spawn_monitor(fun() ->
+ register(Master, self()),
+ {_,Ref} = spawn_monitor(fun() ->
@@ -1285,8 +1281,8 @@ on_load(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{on_load_c,PidC} -> ok
- ?line Refs = on_load_massive_spawn(lists:seq(1, 50)),
+ Refs = on_load_massive_spawn(lists:seq(1, 50)),
receive after 7 -> ok end,
PidC ! go,
@@ -1304,13 +1300,13 @@ on_load(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{'DOWN',Ref,process,_,Res} ->
- ?line [a,b,c] = Res
+ [a,b,c] = Res
Any ->
- ?line ?t:fail({unexpected,Any})
+ ?t:fail({unexpected,Any})
after 10 ->
@@ -1377,13 +1373,13 @@ on_load_embedded(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
on_load_embedded_1(Config) ->
- ?line DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
%% Link the on_load_app application into the lib directory.
- ?line LibRoot = code:lib_dir(),
- ?line LinkName = filename:join(LibRoot, "on_load_app-1.0"),
- ?line OnLoadApp = filename:join(DataDir, "on_load_app-1.0"),
- ?line del_link(LinkName),
+ LibRoot = code:lib_dir(),
+ LinkName = filename:join(LibRoot, "on_load_app-1.0"),
+ OnLoadApp = filename:join(DataDir, "on_load_app-1.0"),
+ del_link(LinkName),
io:format("LinkName :~p, OnLoadApp: ~p~n",[LinkName,OnLoadApp]),
case file:make_symlink(OnLoadApp, LinkName) of
{error,enotsup} ->
@@ -1392,28 +1388,28 @@ on_load_embedded_1(Config) ->
%% Compile the code.
- ?line OnLoadAppEbin = filename:join(LinkName, "ebin"),
- ?line {ok,_ } = compile:file(filename:join([OnLoadApp,"src",
+ OnLoadAppEbin = filename:join(LinkName, "ebin"),
+ {ok,_ } = compile:file(filename:join([OnLoadApp,"src",
%% Create and compile a boot file.
- ?line true = code:add_pathz(OnLoadAppEbin),
+ true = code:add_pathz(OnLoadAppEbin),
Options = case is_source_dir() of
true -> [local];
false -> []
- ?line BootScript = create_boot(Config, Options),
- ?line true = code:del_path(OnLoadAppEbin),
+ BootScript = create_boot(Config, Options),
+ true = code:del_path(OnLoadAppEbin),
%% Start the node and check that the on_load function was run.
- ?line {ok,Node} = start_node(on_load_embedded,
+ {ok,Node} = start_node(on_load_embedded,
"-mode embedded -boot " ++ BootScript),
ok = rpc:call(Node, on_load_embedded, status, []),
%% Clean up.
- ?line stop_node(Node),
- ?line ok = del_link(LinkName).
+ stop_node(Node),
+ ok = del_link(LinkName).
del_link(LinkName) ->
case file:delete(LinkName) of
@@ -1421,100 +1417,91 @@ del_link(LinkName) ->
Other ->
- end.
+ end.
create_boot(Config, Options) ->
- ?line {ok, OldDir} = file:get_cwd(),
- ?line {LatestDir,LatestName} = create_script(Config),
- ?line ok = file:set_cwd(LatestDir),
- ?line ok = systools:make_script(LatestName, Options),
- ?line ok = file:set_cwd(OldDir),
+ {ok, OldDir} = file:get_cwd(),
+ {LatestDir,LatestName} = create_script(Config),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(LatestDir),
+ ok = systools:make_script(LatestName, Options),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(OldDir),
filename:join(LatestDir, LatestName).
create_script(Config) ->
- ?line PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
- ?line Name = PrivDir ++ "on_load_test",
- ?line Apps = application_controller:which_applications(),
- ?line {value,{_,_,KernelVer}} = lists:keysearch(kernel, 1, Apps),
- ?line {value,{_,_,StdlibVer}} = lists:keysearch(stdlib, 1, Apps),
- ?line {ok,Fd} = file:open(Name ++ ".rel", [write]),
- ?line io:format(Fd,
+ PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ Name = PrivDir ++ "on_load_test",
+ Apps = application_controller:which_applications(),
+ {value,{_,_,KernelVer}} = lists:keysearch(kernel, 1, Apps),
+ {value,{_,_,StdlibVer}} = lists:keysearch(stdlib, 1, Apps),
+ {ok,Fd} = file:open(Name ++ ".rel", [write]),
+ io:format(Fd,
"{release, {\"Test release 3\", \"P2A\"}, \n"
" {erts, \"9.42\"}, \n"
" [{kernel, \"~s\"}, {stdlib, \"~s\"},"
" {on_load_app, \"1.0\"}]}.\n",
- ?line file:close(Fd),
+ file:close(Fd),
create_big_boot(Config) ->
- ?line {ok, OldDir} = file:get_cwd(),
- ?line {Options,Local} = case is_source_dir() of
- true -> {[no_module_tests,local],true};
- _ -> {[no_module_tests],false}
+ {ok, OldDir} = file:get_cwd(),
+ {Options,Local} = case is_source_dir() of
+ true -> {[no_module_tests,local],true};
+ _ -> {[no_module_tests],false}
- ?line {LatestDir,LatestName,Apps} = create_big_script(Config,Local),
- ?line ok = file:set_cwd(LatestDir),
- ?line ok = systools:make_script(LatestName, Options),
- ?line ok = file:set_cwd(OldDir),
+ {LatestDir,LatestName,Apps} = create_big_script(Config,Local),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(LatestDir),
+ ok = systools:make_script(LatestName, Options),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(OldDir),
{filename:join(LatestDir, LatestName),Apps}.
-% The following apps cannot be loaded
+% The following apps cannot be loaded
% hipe .app references (or can reference) files that have no
% corresponding beam file (if hipe is not enabled)
-filter_app("hipe",_) ->
- false;
+filter_app("hipe",_) -> false;
% Dialyzer and typer depends on hipe
-filter_app("dialyzer",_) ->
- false;
-filter_app("typer",_) ->
- false;
+filter_app("dialyzer",_) -> false;
+filter_app("typer",_) -> false;
% Orber requires explicit configuration
-filter_app("orber",_) ->
- false;
+filter_app("orber",_) -> false;
% cos* depends on orber
-filter_app("cos"++_,_) ->
- false;
+filter_app("cos"++_,_) -> false;
% ic has a mod instruction in the app file but no corresponding start function
-filter_app("ic",_) ->
- false;
+filter_app("ic",_) -> false;
% Netconf has some dependency that I really do not understand (maybe like orber)
-filter_app("netconf",_) ->
- false;
+filter_app("netconf",_) -> false;
% Safe has the same kind of error in the .app file as ic
-filter_app("safe",_) ->
- false;
+filter_app("safe",_) -> false;
% Comte cannot be started in the "usual" way
-filter_app("comte",_) ->
- false;
+filter_app("comte",_) -> false;
% OS_mon does not find it's port program when running cerl
-filter_app("os_mon",true) ->
- false;
+filter_app("os_mon",true) -> false;
+% erts is not a "real" app either =/
+filter_app("erts",_) -> false;
% Other apps should be OK.
-filter_app(_,_) ->
- true.
+filter_app(_,_) -> true.
create_big_script(Config,Local) ->
- ?line PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
- ?line Name = filename:join(PrivDir,"full_script_test"),
- ?line InitialApplications=application:loaded_applications(),
+ PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ Name = filename:join(PrivDir,"full_script_test"),
+ InitialApplications=application:loaded_applications(),
%% Applications left loaded by the application suite, unload them!
- ?line UnloadFix=[app0,app1,app2,group_leader,app_start_error],
- ?line [application:unload(Leftover) ||
+ UnloadFix=[app0,app1,app2,group_leader,app_start_error],
+ [application:unload(Leftover) ||
Leftover <- UnloadFix,
lists:keymember(Leftover,1,InitialApplications) ],
%% Now we should have only "real" applications...
- ?line [application:load(list_to_atom(Y)) || {match,[Y]} <- [ re:run(X,code:lib_dir()++"/"++"([^/-]*).*/ebin",[{capture,[1],list}]) || X <- code:get_path()],filter_app(Y,Local)],
- ?line Apps = [ {N,V} || {N,_,V} <- application:loaded_applications()],
- ?line {ok,Fd} = file:open(Name ++ ".rel", [write]),
- ?line io:format(Fd,
+ [application:load(list_to_atom(Y)) || {match,[Y]} <- [ re:run(X,code:lib_dir()++"/"++"([^/-]*).*/ebin",[{capture,[1],list}]) || X <- code:get_path()],filter_app(Y,Local)],
+ Apps = [ {N,V} || {N,_,V} <- application:loaded_applications()],
+ {ok,Fd} = file:open(Name ++ ".rel", [write]),
+ io:format(Fd,
"{release, {\"Test release 3\", \"P2A\"}, \n"
" {erts, \"9.42\"}, \n"
" ~p}.\n",
- ?line file:close(Fd),
- ?line NewlyLoaded =
+ file:close(Fd),
+ NewlyLoaded =
application:loaded_applications() -- InitialApplications,
- ?line [ application:unload(N) || {N,_,_} <- NewlyLoaded],
+ [ application:unload(N) || {N,_,_} <- NewlyLoaded],
is_source_dir() ->
@@ -1523,35 +1510,35 @@ is_source_dir() ->
on_load_errors(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Master = on_load_error_test_case_process,
- ?line register(Master, self()),
+ register(Master, self()),
- ?line Data = filename:join([?config(data_dir, Config),"on_load_errors"]),
- ?line ok = file:set_cwd(Data),
- ?line up_to_date = make:all([{d,'MASTER',Master}]),
+ Data = filename:join([?config(data_dir, Config),"on_load_errors"]),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(Data),
+ up_to_date = make:all([{d,'MASTER',Master}]),
- ?line do_on_load_error(an_atom),
+ do_on_load_error(an_atom),
- ?line error_logger:add_report_handler(?MODULE, self()),
+ error_logger:add_report_handler(?MODULE, self()),
- ?line do_on_load_error({something,terrible,is,wrong}),
+ do_on_load_error({something,terrible,is,wrong}),
Any1 ->
- ?line {_, "The on_load function"++_,
+ {_, "The on_load function"++_,
{something,terrible,is,wrong},_]} = Any1
- ?line do_on_load_error(fail), %Cause exception.
+ do_on_load_error(fail), %Cause exception.
Any2 ->
- ?line {_, "The on_load function"++_,
+ {_, "The on_load function"++_,
[on_load_error,{failed,[_|_]},_]} = Any2
%% There should be no more messages.
Unexpected ->
- ?line ?t:fail({unexpected,Unexpected})
+ ?t:fail({unexpected,Unexpected})
after 10 ->
@@ -1559,14 +1546,14 @@ on_load_errors(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
do_on_load_error(ReturnValue) ->
- ?line {_,Ref} = spawn_monitor(fun() ->
+ {_,Ref} = spawn_monitor(fun() ->
receive {on_load_error,ErrorPid} -> ok end,
- ?line ErrorPid ! ReturnValue,
+ ErrorPid ! ReturnValue,
{'DOWN',Ref,process,_,Exit} ->
- ?line {undef,[{on_load_error,main,[],_}|_]} = Exit
+ {undef,[{on_load_error,main,[],_}|_]} = Exit
native_early_modules(suite) -> [];
@@ -1580,10 +1567,10 @@ native_early_modules(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
native_early_modules_1(Architecture) ->
- ?line {lists, ListsBinary, _ListsFilename} = code:get_object_code(lists),
- ?line ChunkName = hipe_unified_loader:chunk_name(Architecture),
- ?line NativeChunk = beam_lib:chunks(ListsBinary, [ChunkName]),
- ?line IsHipeCompiled = case NativeChunk of
+ {lists, ListsBinary, _ListsFilename} = code:get_object_code(lists),
+ ChunkName = hipe_unified_loader:chunk_name(Architecture),
+ NativeChunk = beam_lib:chunks(ListsBinary, [ChunkName]),
+ IsHipeCompiled = case NativeChunk of
{ok,{_,[{_,Bin}]}} when is_binary(Bin) -> true;
{error, beam_lib, _} -> false
@@ -1591,10 +1578,10 @@ native_early_modules_1(Architecture) ->
false ->
{skip,"OTP apparently not configured with --enable-native-libs"};
true ->
- ?line true = lists:all(fun code:is_module_native/1,
- [ets,file,filename,gb_sets,gb_trees,
- %%hipe_unified_loader, no_native as workaround
- lists,os]),
+ true = lists:all(fun code:is_module_native/1,
+ [ets,file,filename,gb_sets,gb_trees,
+ %%hipe_unified_loader, no_native as workaround
+ lists,os]),
diff --git a/lib/kernel/test/file_SUITE.erl b/lib/kernel/test/file_SUITE.erl
index 4218cfa646..e4c8f0ffaf 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/test/file_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/test/file_SUITE.erl
@@ -2651,6 +2651,8 @@ symlinks(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line #file_info{links=1, type=symlink} = Info2,
?line {ok, Name} = ?FILE_MODULE:read_link(Alias),
{ok, Name} = ?FILE_MODULE:read_link_all(Alias),
+ %% If all is good, delete dir again (avoid hanging dir on windows)
+ rm_rf(?FILE_MODULE,NewDir),
@@ -4304,3 +4306,18 @@ disc_free(Path) ->
memsize() ->
{Tot,_Used,_} = memsup:get_memory_data(),
+%%% Utilities
+rm_rf(Mod,Dir) ->
+ case Mod:read_link_info(Dir) of
+ {ok, #file_info{type = directory}} ->
+ {ok, Content} = Mod:list_dir_all(Dir),
+ [ rm_rf(Mod,filename:join(Dir,C)) || C <- Content ],
+ Mod:del_dir(Dir),
+ ok;
+ {ok, #file_info{}} ->
+ Mod:delete(Dir);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/kernel/test/file_name_SUITE.erl b/lib/kernel/test/file_name_SUITE.erl
index a6728564e4..0c8082026a 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/test/file_name_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/test/file_name_SUITE.erl
@@ -197,7 +197,10 @@ normal(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ok = check_normal(prim_file),
- ok = check_normal(file)
+ ok = check_normal(file),
+ %% If all is good, delete dir again (avoid hanging dir on windows)
+ rm_rf(file,"normal_dir"),
+ ok
@@ -219,7 +222,10 @@ icky(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ok = check_icky(prim_file),
- ok = check_icky(file)
+ ok = check_icky(file),
+ %% If all is good, delete dir again (avoid hanging dir on windows)
+ rm_rf(file,"icky_dir"),
+ ok
@@ -243,7 +249,11 @@ very_icky(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{skipped,"VM needs to be started in Unicode filename mode"};
ok ->
- ok = check_very_icky(file)
+ ok = check_very_icky(file),
+ %% If all is good, delete dir again
+ %% (avoid hanging dir on windows)
+ rm_rf(file,"very_icky_dir"),
+ ok
diff --git a/lib/kernel/test/gen_sctp_SUITE.erl b/lib/kernel/test/gen_sctp_SUITE.erl
index c5d8becfd3..e89cb44797 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/test/gen_sctp_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/test/gen_sctp_SUITE.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2012. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
diff --git a/lib/kernel/test/gen_tcp_misc_SUITE.erl b/lib/kernel/test/gen_tcp_misc_SUITE.erl
index 6b672004ec..ee271fbdfa 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/test/gen_tcp_misc_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/test/gen_tcp_misc_SUITE.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1998-2012. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1998-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ iter_max_socks(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% Run on a different node in order to limit the effect if this test fails.
Dir = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
{ok,Node} = test_server:start_node(test_iter_max_socks,slave,
- [{args,"-pa " ++ Dir}]),
+ [{args,"+Q 2048 -pa " ++ Dir}]),
L = rpc:call(Node,?MODULE,do_iter_max_socks,[N, initalize]),
diff --git a/lib/kernel/test/global_SUITE_data/global_trace.erl b/lib/kernel/test/global_SUITE_data/global_trace.erl
index ddbe608c0a..00bacf8f54 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/test/global_SUITE_data/global_trace.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/test/global_SUITE_data/global_trace.erl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
diff --git a/lib/kernel/test/inet_SUITE.erl b/lib/kernel/test/inet_SUITE.erl
index 1f7724d0dc..62ba95e1a3 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/test/inet_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/test/inet_SUITE.erl
@@ -183,80 +183,74 @@ t_gethostbyname(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
h_addr_list = [IP]},
?line HEntF_ = HEntF,
?line check_elems([{HEnt#hostent.h_aliases,[[],Aliases]}]),
+ %%
+ ?line FullNameU = toupper(FullName),
+ ?line {ok,HEntU} = inet:gethostbyname(FullNameU),
+ ?line FullNameU = toupper(HEntU#hostent.h_name),
+ ?line #hostent{
+ h_addrtype = inet,
+ h_length = 4,
+ h_addr_list = [IP]} = HEntU,
+ ?line check_elems(
+ [{[toupper(H) || H <- HEntU#hostent.h_aliases],
+ [[],[toupper(A) || A <- Aliases]]}]),
?line {DName, _DFullName, _DIPStr, _DIP, _, _, _} =
?line {error,nxdomain} = inet:gethostbyname(DName),
- ?line {error,nxdomain} = inet:gethostbyname(IP_46_Str).
+ ?line {error,nxdomain} = inet:gethostbyname(IP_46_Str),
+ ok.
t_gethostbyname_v6() -> required(v6).
t_gethostbyname_v6(doc) -> "Test the inet:gethostbyname/1 inet6 function.";
t_gethostbyname_v6(suite) -> [];
t_gethostbyname_v6(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line {Name, _, _, _,Aliases,IP_46_Str,IP_46} =
- ct:get_config(test_host_ipv4_only),
+ {Name, FullName, IPStr, IP, Aliases} =
+ ct:get_config(test_host_ipv6_only),
- case {inet:gethostbyname(IP_46_Str, inet6),
- inet:gethostbyname(Name, inet6)} of
- {{ok,HEnt46},{ok,_}} ->
- ?line HEnt46_ = HEnt46#hostent{h_name = IP_46_Str,
- h_addrtype = inet6,
- h_length = 16,
- h_addr_list = [IP_46]},
- ?line HEnt46_ = HEnt46,
- ?line check_elems([{HEnt46#hostent.h_aliases,[[],Aliases]}]),
- ?line {Name6, FullName6, IPStr6, IP6, Aliases6} =
- ct:get_config(test_host_ipv6_only),
- ?line {ok,_} = inet:gethostbyname(IPStr6, inet6),
- ?line {ok,HEnt6} = inet:gethostbyname(Name6, inet6),
- ?line {ok,HEnt6} = inet:gethostbyname(list_to_atom(Name6), inet6),
- ?line case HEnt6#hostent.h_addr_list of
- [IP6] -> % ipv6 ok
- ?line HEnt6_ = HEnt6#hostent{h_addrtype = inet6,
- h_length = 16,
- h_addr_list = [IP6]},
- ?line HEnt6_ = HEnt6,
- ?line check_elems([{HEnt6#hostent.h_name,[Name6,FullName6]},
- {HEnt6#hostent.h_aliases,[[],Aliases6]}]);
- _ -> % ipv4 compatible addr
- ?line {ok,HEnt4} = inet:gethostbyname(Name6, inet),
- ?line [IP4] = HEnt4#hostent.h_addr_list,
- ?line {ok,IP46_2} =
- inet_parse:ipv6_address("::ffff:"++inet_parse:ntoa(IP4)),
- ?line HEnt6_ = HEnt6#hostent{h_addrtype = inet6,
- h_length = 16,
- h_addr_list = [IP46_2]},
- ?line HEnt6_ = HEnt6,
- ?line check_elems([{HEnt6#hostent.h_name,[Name6,FullName6]}])
- end,
- ?line {ok,HEntF6} = inet:gethostbyname(FullName6, inet6),
- ?line case HEntF6#hostent.h_addr_list of
- [IP6] -> % ipv6 ok
- ?line HEntF6_ = HEntF6#hostent{h_name = FullName6,
- h_addrtype = inet6,
- h_length = 16,
- h_addr_list = [IP6]},
- ?line HEntF6_ = HEntF6,
- ?line check_elems([{HEntF6#hostent.h_aliases,[[],Aliases6]}]);
- _ -> % ipv4 compatible addr
- ?line {ok,HEntF4} = inet:gethostbyname(FullName6, inet),
- ?line [IPF4] = HEntF4#hostent.h_addr_list,
- ?line {ok,IPF46_2} =
- inet_parse:ipv6_address("::ffff:"++inet_parse:ntoa(IPF4)),
- ?line HEntF6_ = HEntF6#hostent{h_addrtype = inet6,
- h_length = 16,
- h_addr_list = [IPF46_2]},
- ?line HEntF6_ = HEntF6,
- ?line check_elems([{HEntF6#hostent.h_name,[Name6,FullName6]}])
- end,
- ?line {DName6, _DFullName6, _DIPStr6, _DIP6, _} =
- ct:get_config(test_dummy_ipv6_host),
- ?line {error,nxdomain} = inet:gethostbyname(DName6, inet6),
- ok;
- {_,_} ->
+ case inet:gethostbyname(Name, inet6) of
+ {ok,HEnt} ->
+ {ok,_} = inet:gethostbyname(IPStr, inet6),
+ {ok,HEnt} = inet:gethostbyname(list_to_atom(Name), inet6),
+ case HEnt#hostent.h_addr_list of
+ [IP] -> % IPv6 address
+ #hostent{h_addrtype = inet6,
+ h_length = 16} = HEnt,
+ check_elems(
+ [{HEnt#hostent.h_name,[Name,FullName]},
+ {HEnt#hostent.h_aliases,[[],Aliases]}]);
+ [IP46] -> % IPv4 compatible address
+ {ok,HEnt4} = inet:gethostbyname(Name, inet),
+ #hostent{h_addrtype = inet,
+ h_length = 4,
+ h_addr_list = [IP4]} = HEnt4,
+ {ok,IP46} =
+ inet_parse:ipv6_address(
+ "::ffff:" ++ inet_parse:ntoa(IP4)),
+ check_elems(
+ [{HEnt#hostent.h_name,[Name,FullName]}])
+ end,
+ {ok,HEntF} = inet:gethostbyname(FullName, inet6),
+ case HEntF#hostent.h_addr_list of
+ [IP] -> % IPv6 address
+ #hostent{h_name = FullName,
+ h_addrtype = inet6,
+ h_length = 16} = HEntF,
+ check_elems(
+ [{HEnt#hostent.h_aliases,[[],Aliases]}]);
+ [IP46F] -> % IPv4 compatible address
+ {ok,HEnt4F} = inet:gethostbyname(FullName, inet),
+ #hostent{h_addrtype = inet,
+ h_length = 4,
+ h_addr_list = [IP4F]} = HEnt4F,
+ {ok,IP46F} =
+ inet_parse:ipv6_address(
+ "::ffff:" ++ inet_parse:ntoa(IP4F)),
+ check_elems(
+ [{HEntF#hostent.h_name,[Name,FullName]}])
+ end;
+ _ ->
{skip, "IPv6 is not supported on this host"}
@@ -290,47 +284,35 @@ t_getaddr(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line {error,nxdomain} = inet:getaddr(DName, inet),
?line {error,nxdomain} = inet:getaddr(DFullName, inet),
?line {ok,DIP} = inet:getaddr(DIPStr, inet),
- ?line {ok,DIP} = inet:getaddr(DIP, inet).
+ ?line {ok,DIP} = inet:getaddr(DIP, inet),
+ ok.
t_getaddr_v6() -> required(v4) ++ required(v6).
t_getaddr_v6(doc) -> "Test the inet:getaddr/2 function.";
t_getaddr_v6(suite) -> [];
t_getaddr_v6(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line {Name,FullName,IPStr,_IP,_,IP_46_Str,IP46} =
- ct:get_config(test_host_ipv4_only),
- case {inet:getaddr(IP_46_Str, inet6),inet:getaddr(Name, inet6)} of
- {{ok,IP46},{ok,V4Addr}} when V4Addr /= {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1} ->
- %% Since we suceeded in parsing an IPv6 address string and
- %% look up the name, this computer fully supports IPv6.
- ?line {ok,IP46} = inet:getaddr(IP46, inet6),
- ?line {ok,IP46} = inet:getaddr(Name, inet6),
- ?line {ok,IP46} = inet:getaddr(FullName, inet6),
- ?line {ok,IP46} = inet:getaddr(IPStr, inet6),
-%% ?line IP4toIP6 = inet:getaddr(IPStr, inet6),
-%% ?line case IP4toIP6 of
-%% {ok,IP46} ->
-%% ?line ok;
-%% {error,nxdomain} ->
-%% ?line false =
-%% lists:member(native,
-%% inet_db:res_option(lookup))
-%% end,
- ?line {Name6, FullName6, IPStr6, IP6, _} =
- ct:get_config(test_host_ipv6_only),
- ?line {ok,_} = inet:getaddr(list_to_atom(Name6), inet6),
- ?line {ok,_} = inet:getaddr(Name6, inet6),
- ?line {ok,_} = inet:getaddr(FullName6, inet6),
- ?line {ok,IP6} = inet:getaddr(IP6, inet6),
- ?line {ok,IP6} = inet:getaddr(IPStr6, inet6),
- ?line {DName6, DFullName6, DIPStr6, DIP6, _} =
+ {Name,FullName,IPStr,IP,_} =
+ ct:get_config(test_host_ipv6_only),
+ case inet:getaddr(Name, inet6) of
+ {ok,Addr} ->
+ IP = Addr,
+ {ok,IP} = inet:getaddr(toupper(Name), inet6),
+ {ok,IP} = inet:getaddr(list_to_atom(Name), inet6),
+ {ok,IP} = inet:getaddr(list_to_atom(toupper(Name)), inet6),
+ {ok,IP} = inet:getaddr(FullName, inet6),
+ {ok,IP} = inet:getaddr(toupper(FullName), inet6),
+ {ok,IP} = inet:getaddr(IP, inet6),
+ {ok,IP} = inet:getaddr(IPStr, inet6),
+ %%
+ {DName,DFullName,DIPStr,DIP,_} =
- ?line {error,nxdomain} = inet:getaddr(DName6, inet6),
- ?line {error,nxdomain} = inet:getaddr(DFullName6, inet6),
- ?line {ok,DIP6} = inet:getaddr(DIPStr6, inet6),
- ?line {ok,DIP6} = inet:getaddr(DIP6, inet6),
+ {error,nxdomain} = inet:getaddr(DName, inet6),
+ {error,nxdomain} = inet:getaddr(DFullName, inet6),
+ {ok,DIP} = inet:getaddr(DIPStr, inet6),
+ {ok,DIP} = inet:getaddr(DIP, inet6),
- {_,_} ->
+ _ ->
{skip, "IPv6 is not supported on this host"}
@@ -608,8 +590,12 @@ t_parse_address(Func, [String|L]) ->
t_parse_address(Func, L).
parse_strict_address(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- {ok, Ipv4} = inet:parse_strict_address(""),
- {ok, Ipv6} = inet:parse_strict_address("c11:0c22:5c33:c440:55c0:c66c:77:0088").
+ {ok, {127,0,0,1}} =
+ inet:parse_strict_address(""),
+ {ok, {3089,3106,23603,50240,21952,50796,119,136}} =
+ inet:parse_strict_address("c11:0c22:5c33:c440:55c0:c66c:77:0088"),
+ {ok, {3089,3106,23603,50240,0,0,119,136}} =
+ inet:parse_strict_address("c11:0c22:5c33:c440::077:0088").
t_gethostnative(suite) ->[];
t_gethostnative(doc) ->[];
@@ -1102,3 +1088,14 @@ ip_member({127,_,_,_}, [{127,_,_,_}|_]) -> true;
ip_member(K, [K|_]) -> true;
ip_member(K, [_|T]) -> ip_member(K, T);
ip_member(_, []) -> false.
+%% Case fold to upper case according to RFC 4343
+toupper([C|Cs]) when is_integer(C) ->
+ if $a =< C, C =< $z ->
+ [(C - $a + $A)|toupper(Cs)];
+ true ->
+ [C|toupper(Cs)]
+ end;
+toupper([]) ->
+ [].
diff --git a/lib/kernel/test/inet_res_SUITE.erl b/lib/kernel/test/inet_res_SUITE.erl
index f3ba28e4f9..1bc93e3138 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/test/inet_res_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/test/inet_res_SUITE.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2009-2011. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2009-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -282,6 +282,7 @@ basic(doc) ->
basic(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
NS = ns(Config),
Name = "ns.otptest",
+ NameC = caseflip(Name),
IP = {127,0,0,254},
%% nslookup
@@ -292,6 +293,17 @@ basic(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Bin1 = inet_dns:encode(Msg1),
%%io:format("Bin1 = ~w~n", [Bin1]),
{ok,Msg1} = inet_dns:decode(Bin1),
+ %% Now with scrambled case
+ {ok,Msg1b} = inet_res:nslookup(NameC, in, a, [NS]),
+ io:format("~p~n", [Msg1b]),
+ [RR1b] = inet_dns:msg(Msg1b, anlist),
+ IP = inet_dns:rr(RR1b, data),
+ Bin1b = inet_dns:encode(Msg1b),
+ %%io:format("Bin1b = ~w~n", [Bin1b]),
+ {ok,Msg1b} = inet_dns:decode(Bin1b),
+ true =
+ (tolower(inet_dns:rr(RR1, domain))
+ =:= tolower(inet_dns:rr(RR1b, domain))),
%% resolve
{ok,Msg2} = inet_res:resolve(Name, in, a, [{nameservers,[NS]},verbose]),
@@ -301,15 +313,29 @@ basic(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Bin2 = inet_dns:encode(Msg2),
%%io:format("Bin2 = ~w~n", [Bin2]),
{ok,Msg2} = inet_dns:decode(Bin2),
+ %% Now with scrambled case
+ {ok,Msg2b} = inet_res:resolve(NameC, in, a, [{nameservers,[NS]},verbose]),
+ io:format("~p~n", [Msg2b]),
+ [RR2b] = inet_dns:msg(Msg2b, anlist),
+ IP = inet_dns:rr(RR2b, data),
+ Bin2b = inet_dns:encode(Msg2b),
+ %%io:format("Bin2b = ~w~n", [Bin2b]),
+ {ok,Msg2b} = inet_dns:decode(Bin2b),
+ true =
+ (tolower(inet_dns:rr(RR2, domain))
+ =:= tolower(inet_dns:rr(RR2b, domain))),
%% lookup
[IP] = inet_res:lookup(Name, in, a, [{nameservers,[NS]},verbose]),
+ [IP] = inet_res:lookup(NameC, in, a, [{nameservers,[NS]},verbose]),
%% gethostbyname
{ok,#hostent{h_addr_list=[IP]}} = inet_res:gethostbyname(Name),
+ {ok,#hostent{h_addr_list=[IP]}} = inet_res:gethostbyname(NameC),
%% getbyname
{ok,#hostent{h_addr_list=[IP]}} = inet_res:getbyname(Name, a),
+ {ok,#hostent{h_addr_list=[IP]}} = inet_res:getbyname(NameC, a),
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
@@ -317,63 +343,115 @@ basic(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
resolve(doc) ->
["Lookup different records using resolve/2..4"];
resolve(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Class = in,
NS = ns(Config),
Domain = "otptest",
RDomain4 = "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa",
RDomain6 = "",
Name = "resolve."++Domain,
- L = [{in,a,Name,[{127,0,0,28}],undefined},
- {in,aaaa,Name,[{0,0,0,0,0,0,32512,28}],undefined},
- {in,cname,"cname."++Name,[Name],undefined},
- {in,a,"cname."++Name,[Name,{127,0,0,28}],undefined},
- {in,ns,"ns."++Name,[],[Name]},
- {in,soa,Domain,[],[{"ns.otptest","lsa.otptest",1,60,10,300,30}]},
+ L = [{a,Name,[{a,{127,0,0,28}}],undefined},
+ {aaaa,Name,[{aaaa,{0,0,0,0,0,0,32512,28}}],undefined},
+ {cname,"cname."++Name,[{cname,Name}],undefined},
+ {a,"cname."++Name,[{cname,Name},{a,{127,0,0,28}}],undefined},
+ {ns,"ns."++Name,[],[{ns,Name}]},
+ {soa,Domain,[],[{soa,{"ns.otptest","lsa.otptest",1,60,10,300,30}}]},
%% WKS: protocol TCP (6), services (bits) TELNET (23) and SMTP (25)
- {in,wks,"wks."++Name,[{{127,0,0,28},6,<<0,0,1,64>>}],undefined},
- {in,ptr,"28."++RDomain4,[Name],undefined},
- {in,ptr,"c."++RDomain6,[Name],undefined},
- {in,hinfo,Name,[{"BEAM","Erlang/OTP"}],undefined},
- {in,mx,RDomain4,[{10,"mx."++Domain}],undefined},
- {in,srv,"_srv._tcp."++Name,[{10,3,4711,Name}],undefined},
- {in,naptr,"naptr."++Name,
- [{10,5,"s","http","","_srv._tcp."++Name}],undefined},
- {in,txt,"txt."++Name,
- [["Hej ","du ","glade "],["ta ","en ","spade!"]],undefined},
- {in,mb,"mb."++Name,["mx."++Name],undefined},
- {in,mg,"mg."++Name,["lsa."++Domain],undefined},
- {in,mr,"mr."++Name,["lsa."++Domain],undefined},
- {in,minfo,"minfo."++Name,
- [{"minfo-owner."++Name,"minfo-bounce."++Name}],undefined},
- {in,any,"cname."++Name,[Name],undefined},
- {in,any,Name,[{127,0,0,28},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0,32512,28},
- {"BEAM","Erlang/OTP"}],undefined}
+ {wks,"wks."++Name,[{wks,{{127,0,0,28},6,<<0,0,1,64>>}}],undefined},
+ {ptr,"28."++RDomain4,[{ptr,Name}],undefined},
+ {ptr,"c."++RDomain6,[{ptr,Name}],undefined},
+ {hinfo,Name,[{hinfo,{"BEAM","Erlang/OTP"}}],undefined},
+ {mx,RDomain4,[{mx,{10,"mx."++Domain}}],undefined},
+ {srv,"_srv._tcp."++Name,[{srv,{10,3,4711,Name}}],undefined},
+ {naptr,"naptr."++Name,
+ [{naptr,{10,5,"s","http","","_srv._tcp."++Name}}],
+ undefined},
+ {txt,"txt."++Name,
+ [{txt,["Hej ","du ","glade "]},{txt,["ta ","en ","spade!"]}],
+ undefined},
+ {mb,"mb."++Name,[{mb,"mx."++Name}],undefined},
+ {mg,"mg."++Name,[{mg,"Lsa."++Domain}],undefined},
+ {mr,"mr."++Name,[{mr,"LSA."++Domain}],undefined},
+ {minfo,"minfo."++Name,
+ [{minfo,{"minfo-OWNER."++Name,"MinfoBounce."++Name}}],
+ undefined},
+ {any,"cname."++Name,[{cname,Name}],undefined},
+ {any,Name,
+ [{a,{127,0,0,28}},
+ {aaaa,{0,0,0,0,0,0,32512,28}},
+ {hinfo,{"BEAM","Erlang/OTP"}}],
+ undefined}
- resolve([{edns,false},{nameservers,[NS]}], L),
- resolve([{edns,0},{nameservers,[NS]}], L).
-resolve(_Opts, []) -> ok;
-resolve(Opts, [{Class,Type,Name,Answers,Authority}=Q|Qs]) ->
+ resolve(Class, [{edns,0},{nameservers,[NS]}], L),
+ resolve(Class, [{edns,false},{nameservers,[NS]}], L),
+ %% Again, to see ensure the cache does not mess things up
+ resolve(Class, [{edns,0},{nameservers,[NS]}], L),
+ resolve(Class, [{edns,false},{nameservers,[NS]}], L).
+resolve(_Class, _Opts, []) ->
+ ok;
+resolve(Class, Opts, [{Type,Nm,Answers,Authority}=Q|Qs]) ->
io:format("Query: ~p~nOptions: ~p~n", [Q,Opts]),
- {ok,Msg} = inet_res:resolve(Name, Class, Type, Opts),
+ {Name,NameC} =
+ case erlang:phash2(Q) band 4 of
+ 0 ->
+ {Nm,caseflip(Nm)};
+ _ ->
+ {caseflip(Nm),Nm}
+ end,
AnList =
Answers =/= undefined ->
- lists:sort(Answers);
+ normalize_answers(Answers);
true ->
NsList =
Authority =/= undefined ->
- lists:sort(Authority);
+ normalize_answers(Authority);
true ->
- case {lists:sort
- ([inet_dns:rr(RR, data) || RR <- inet_dns:msg(Msg, anlist)]),
- lists:sort
- ([inet_dns:rr(RR, data) || RR <- inet_dns:msg(Msg, nslist)])} of
+ {ok,Msg} = inet_res:resolve(Name, Class, Type, Opts),
+ check_msg(Class, Type, Msg, AnList, NsList),
+ {ok,MsgC} = inet_res:resolve(NameC, Class, Type, Opts),
+ check_msg(Class, Type, MsgC, AnList, NsList),
+ resolve(Class, Opts, Qs).
+normalize_answers(AnList) ->
+ lists:sort([normalize_answer(Answer) || Answer <- AnList]).
+normalize_answer({soa,{NS,HM,Ser,Ref,Ret,Exp,Min}}) ->
+ {tolower(NS),tolower_email(HM),Ser,Ref,Ret,Exp,Min};
+normalize_answer({mx,{Prio,DN}}) ->
+ {Prio,tolower(DN)};
+normalize_answer({srv,{Prio,Weight,Port,DN}}) ->
+ {Prio,Weight,Port,tolower(DN)};
+normalize_answer({naptr,{Order,Pref,Flags,Service,RE,Repl}}) ->
+ {Order,Pref,Flags,Service,RE,tolower(Repl)};
+normalize_answer({minfo,{RespM,ErrM}}) ->
+ {tolower_email(RespM),tolower_email(ErrM)};
+normalize_answer({T,MN}) when T =:= mg; T =:= mr ->
+ tolower_email(MN);
+normalize_answer({T,DN}) when T =:= cname; T =:= ns; T =:= ptr; T =:= mb ->
+ tolower(DN);
+normalize_answer(Answer) ->
+ Answer.
+check_msg(Class, Type, Msg, AnList, NsList) ->
+ io:format("check_msg Type: ~p, Msg: ~p~n.", [Type,Msg]),
+ case {normalize_answers(
+ [begin
+ Class = inet_dns:rr(RR, class),
+ {inet_dns:rr(RR, type),inet_dns:rr(RR, data)}
+ end || RR <- inet_dns:msg(Msg, anlist)]),
+ normalize_answers(
+ [begin
+ Class = inet_dns:rr(RR, class),
+ {inet_dns:rr(RR, type),inet_dns:rr(RR, data)}
+ end || RR <- inet_dns:msg(Msg, nslist)])} of
{AnList,NsList} ->
{NsList,AnList} when Type =:= ns ->
@@ -389,7 +467,7 @@ resolve(Opts, [{Class,Type,Name,Answers,Authority}=Q|Qs]) ->
Buf = inet_dns:encode(Msg),
{ok,Msg} = inet_dns:decode(Buf),
- resolve(Opts, Qs).
+ ok.
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
@@ -497,6 +575,7 @@ files_monitor(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
do_files_monitor(Config) ->
Dir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
{ok,Hostname} = inet:gethostname(),
+ io:format("Hostname = ~p.~n", [Hostname]),
case inet_db:res_option(domain) of
"" ->
@@ -504,11 +583,13 @@ do_files_monitor(Config) ->
_ ->
+ io:format("FQDN = ~p.~n", [FQDN]),
HostsFile = filename:join(Dir, "files_monitor_hosts"),
ResolvConf = filename:join(Dir, "files_monitor_resolv.conf"),
ok = inet_db:res_option(resolv_conf, ResolvConf),
ok = inet_db:res_option(hosts_file, HostsFile),
[] = inet_db:res_option(search),
+ %% The inet function will use its final fallback to find this host
{ok,#hostent{h_name = Hostname,
h_addrtype = inet,
h_length = 4,
@@ -521,6 +602,7 @@ do_files_monitor(Config) ->
{error,nxdomain} = inet_res:gethostbyname(FQDN),
{ok,{127,0,0,10}} = inet:getaddr("mx.otptest", inet),
{ok,{0,0,0,0,0,0,32512,28}} = inet:getaddr("resolve.otptest", inet6),
+ %% The inet function will use its final fallback to find this host
{ok,#hostent{h_name = Hostname,
h_addrtype = inet6,
h_length = 16,
@@ -603,3 +685,41 @@ ipv4_to_ipv6() -> inet_SUITE:ipv4_to_ipv6().
ipv4_to_ipv6(Config) -> inet_SUITE:ipv4_to_ipv6(Config).
host_and_addr() -> inet_SUITE:host_and_addr().
host_and_addr(Config) -> inet_SUITE:host_and_addr(Config).
+%% Case flip helper
+caseflip([C|Cs]) when is_integer(C), $a =< C, C =< $z ->
+ [(C - $a + $A)|caseflip_skip(Cs)];
+caseflip([C|Cs]) when is_integer(C), $A =< C, C =< $Z ->
+ [(C - $A + $a)|caseflip_skip(Cs)];
+caseflip([C|Cs]) ->
+ [C|caseflip(Cs)];
+caseflip([]) ->
+ [].
+caseflip_skip([C|Cs]) when is_integer(C), $a =< C, C =< $z ->
+ [C|caseflip(Cs)];
+caseflip_skip([C|Cs]) when is_integer(C), $A =< C, C =< $Z ->
+ [C|caseflip(Cs)];
+caseflip_skip([C|Cs]) ->
+ [C|caseflip_skip(Cs)];
+caseflip_skip([]) ->
+ [].
+tolower_email([$.|Cs]) ->
+ [$.|tolower(Cs)];
+tolower_email([C|Cs]) ->
+ [C|tolower_email(Cs)].
+%% Case fold to lower case according to RFC 4343
+tolower([C|Cs]) when is_integer(C) ->
+ if $A =< C, C =< $Z ->
+ [(C - $A + $a)|tolower(Cs)];
+ true ->
+ [C|tolower(Cs)]
+ end;
+tolower([]) ->
+ [].
diff --git a/lib/kernel/test/inet_res_SUITE_data/otptest/named_inc.conf b/lib/kernel/test/inet_res_SUITE_data/otptest/named_inc.conf
index 0b01b25204..2d68f6e59c 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/test/inet_res_SUITE_data/otptest/named_inc.conf
+++ b/lib/kernel/test/inet_res_SUITE_data/otptest/named_inc.conf
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ zone "." in {
type master;
file "root.zone";
-zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" in {
+zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa." in {
type master;
file "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa.zone";
-zone "" in {
+zone "" in {
type master;
file "";
-}; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/kernel/test/inet_res_SUITE_data/otptest/root.zone b/lib/kernel/test/inet_res_SUITE_data/otptest/root.zone
index 11cba18d45..5a56eac95c 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/test/inet_res_SUITE_data/otptest/root.zone
+++ b/lib/kernel/test/inet_res_SUITE_data/otptest/root.zone
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ naptr.resolve.otptest IN NAPTR 10 5 "S" "HTTP" "" _srv._tcp.resolve.otptest
txt.resolve.otptest IN TXT "Hej " "du " "glade "
txt.resolve.otptest IN TXT "ta " "en " "spade!"
mb.resolve.otptest IN MB mx.resolve.otptest
-mg.resolve.otptest IN MG lsa.otptest
-mr.resolve.otptest IN MR lsa.otptest
-minfo.resolve.otptest IN MINFO minfo-owner.resolve.otptest minfo-bounce.resolve.otptest
+mg.resolve.otptest IN MG Lsa.otptest
+mr.resolve.otptest IN MR LSA.otptest
+minfo.resolve.otptest IN MINFO minfo-OWNER.resolve.otptest MinfoBounce.resolve.otptest
ns.otptest IN A
diff --git a/lib/kernel/test/inet_sockopt_SUITE.erl b/lib/kernel/test/inet_sockopt_SUITE.erl
index 185751fead..9d236a8a0a 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/test/inet_sockopt_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/test/inet_sockopt_SUITE.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2012. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
diff --git a/lib/kernel/test/interactive_shell_SUITE.erl b/lib/kernel/test/interactive_shell_SUITE.erl
index dac021c6c6..d7d9434b1f 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/test/interactive_shell_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/test/interactive_shell_SUITE.erl
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ job_control_remote(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{getline," -->"},
- {putline,"r "++MyNode},
+ {putline,"r '"++MyNode++"'"},
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ job_control_remote_noshell(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{getline," -->"},
- {putline,"r "++NSNodeStr},
+ {putline,"r '"++NSNodeStr++"'"},
@@ -721,4 +721,4 @@ get_default_shell() ->
atom2list(A) ->
- lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w", [A])).
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s", [A])).
diff --git a/lib/kernel/test/prim_file_SUITE.erl b/lib/kernel/test/prim_file_SUITE.erl
index ac75037536..199e597e78 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/test/prim_file_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/test/prim_file_SUITE.erl
@@ -2039,6 +2039,8 @@ symlinks(Config, Handle, Suffix) ->
?PRIM_FILE_call(read_link, Handle, [Alias]),
{ok, Name} =
?PRIM_FILE_call(read_link_all, Handle, [Alias]),
+ %% If all is good, delete dir again (avoid hanging dir on windows)
+ rm_rf(?PRIM_FILE,NewDir),
@@ -2245,3 +2247,18 @@ zip_data([], Bs) ->
zip_data(As, []) ->
+%%% Utilities
+rm_rf(Mod,Dir) ->
+ case Mod:read_link_info(Dir) of
+ {ok, #file_info{type = directory}} ->
+ {ok, Content} = Mod:list_dir_all(Dir),
+ [ rm_rf(Mod,filename:join(Dir,C)) || C <- Content ],
+ Mod:del_dir(Dir),
+ ok;
+ {ok, #file_info{}} ->
+ Mod:delete(Dir);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/kernel/vsn.mk b/lib/kernel/vsn.mk
index 49404196dd..96c1e3d83d 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/vsn.mk
+++ b/lib/kernel/vsn.mk
@@ -1 +1 @@
-KERNEL_VSN = 2.16.2
+KERNEL_VSN = 2.16.3