path: root/lib/kernel
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel')
2 files changed, 191 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/inet_parse.erl b/lib/kernel/src/inet_parse.erl
index 0f5dc40553..29804dc50b 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/inet_parse.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/inet_parse.erl
@@ -644,8 +644,12 @@ ipv6_addr(Cs) ->
ipv6_addr(hex(Cs), [], 0).
%% Before "::"
+ipv6_addr({Cs0,"%"++Cs1}, A, N) when N == 7 ->
+ ipv6_addr_scope(Cs1, [hex_to_int(Cs0)|A], [], N+1, []);
ipv6_addr({Cs0,[]}, A, N) when N == 7 ->
+ipv6_addr({Cs0,"::%"++Cs1}, A, N) when N =< 6 ->
+ ipv6_addr_scope(Cs1, [hex_to_int(Cs0)|A], [], N+1, []);
ipv6_addr({Cs0,"::"}, A, N) when N =< 6 ->
ipv6_addr_done([hex_to_int(Cs0)|A], [], N+1);
ipv6_addr({Cs0,"::"++Cs1}, A, N) when N =< 5 ->
@@ -658,6 +662,8 @@ ipv6_addr(_, _, _) ->
%% After "::"
+ipv6_addr({Cs0,"%"++Cs1}, A, B, N) when N =< 6 ->
+ ipv6_addr_scope(Cs1, A, [hex_to_int(Cs0)|B], N+1, []);
ipv6_addr({Cs0,[]}, A, B, N) when N =< 6 ->
ipv6_addr_done(A, [hex_to_int(Cs0)|B], N+1);
ipv6_addr({Cs0,":"++Cs1}, A, B, N) when N =< 5 ->
@@ -667,6 +673,43 @@ ipv6_addr({Cs0,"."++_=Cs1}, A, B, N) when N =< 5 ->
ipv6_addr(_, _, _, _) ->
+%% After "%"
+ipv6_addr_scope([], Ar, Br, N, Sr) ->
+ ScopeId =
+ case lists:reverse(Sr) of
+ %% Empty scope id
+ "" -> 0;
+ %% Scope id starts with 0
+ "0"++S -> dec16(S);
+ _ -> 0
+ end,
+ %% Suggested formats for scope id parsing:
+ %% "" -> "0"
+ %% "0" -> Scope id 0
+ %% "1" - "9", "10" - "99" -> "0"++S
+ %% "0"++DecimalScopeId -> decimal scope id
+ %% "25"++PercentEncoded -> Percent encoded interface name
+ %% S -> Interface name (Unicode?)
+ %% Missing: translation from interface name into integer scope id.
+ %% XXX: scope id is actually 32 bit, but we only have room for
+ %% 16 bit in the second address word - ignore or fix (how)?
+ ipv6_addr_scope(ScopeId, Ar, Br, N);
+ipv6_addr_scope([C|Cs], Ar, Br, N, Sr) ->
+ ipv6_addr_scope(Cs, Ar, Br, N, [C|Sr]).
+ipv6_addr_scope(ScopeId, [P], Br, N)
+ when N =< 7, P =:= 16#fe80;
+ N =< 7, P =:= 16#ff02 ->
+ %% Optimized special case
+ ipv6_addr_done([ScopeId,P], Br, N+1);
+ipv6_addr_scope(ScopeId, Ar, Br, N) ->
+ case lists:reverse(Br++dup(8-N, 0, Ar)) of
+ [P,0|Xs] when P =:= 16#fe80; P =:= 16#ff02 ->
+ list_to_tuple([P,ScopeId|Xs]);
+ _ ->
+ erlang:error(badarg)
+ end.
ipv6_addr_done(Ar, Br, N, {D1,D2,D3,D4}) ->
ipv6_addr_done(Ar, [((D3 bsl 8) bor D4),((D1 bsl 8) bor D2)|Br], N+2).
@@ -690,6 +733,19 @@ hex(Cs, [_|_]=R, _) when is_list(Cs) ->
hex(_, _, _) ->
+%% Parse a reverse decimal integer string, empty is 0
+dec16(Cs) -> dec16(Cs, 0).
+dec16([], I) -> I;
+dec16([C|Cs], I) when C >= $0, C =< $9 ->
+ case 10*I + (C - $0) of
+ J when 16#ffff < J ->
+ erlang:error(badarg);
+ J ->
+ dec16(Cs, J)
+ end;
+dec16(_, _) -> erlang:error(badarg).
%% Hex string to integer
hex_to_int(Cs) -> erlang:list_to_integer(Cs, 16).
@@ -703,7 +759,7 @@ dup(N, E, L) when is_integer(N), N >= 1 ->
%% Convert IPv4 address to ascii
%% Convert IPv6 / IPV4 address to ascii (plain format)
-ntoa({A,B,C,D}) ->
+ntoa({A,B,C,D}) when (A band B band C band D band (bnot 16#ff)) =:= 0 ->
integer_to_list(A) ++ "." ++ integer_to_list(B) ++ "." ++
integer_to_list(C) ++ "." ++ integer_to_list(D);
%% ANY
@@ -711,13 +767,25 @@ ntoa({0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}) -> "::";
ntoa({0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1}) -> "::1";
%% IPV4 ipv6 host address
-ntoa({0,0,0,0,0,0,A,B}) -> "::" ++ dig_to_dec(A) ++ "." ++ dig_to_dec(B);
+ntoa({0,0,0,0,0,0,A,B}) when (A band B band (bnot 16#ffff)) =:= 0 ->
+ "::" ++ dig_to_dec(A) ++ "." ++ dig_to_dec(B);
%% IPV4 non ipv6 host address
-ntoa({0,0,0,0,0,16#ffff,A,B}) ->
- "::FFFF:" ++ dig_to_dec(A) ++ "." ++ dig_to_dec(B);
-ntoa({_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_}=T) ->
- %% Find longest sequence of zeros, at least 2, to replace with "::"
- ntoa(tuple_to_list(T), []);
+ntoa({0,0,0,0,0,16#ffff,A,B}) when (A band B band (bnot 16#ffff)) =:= 0 ->
+ "::ffff:" ++ dig_to_dec(A) ++ "." ++ dig_to_dec(B);
+ when (A band B band C band D band E band F band G band H band
+ (bnot 16#ffff)) =:= 0 ->
+ if
+ A =:= 16#fe80, B =/= 0;
+ A =:= 16#ff02, B =/= 0 ->
+ %% Find longest sequence of zeros, at least 2,
+ %% to replace with "::"
+ ntoa([A,0,C,D,E,F,G,H], []) ++ "%0" ++ integer_to_list(B);
+ true ->
+ %% Find longest sequence of zeros, at least 2,
+ %% to replace with "::"
+ ntoa([A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H], [])
+ end;
ntoa(_) ->
{error, einval}.
@@ -780,9 +848,19 @@ dig_to_dec(X) ->
integer_to_list((X bsr 8) band 16#ff) ++ "." ++
integer_to_list(X band 16#ff).
-%% Convert a integer to hex string
-dig_to_hex(X) ->
- erlang:integer_to_list(X, 16).
+%% Convert a integer to hex string (lowercase)
+dig_to_hex(0) -> "0";
+dig_to_hex(X) when is_integer(X), 0 < X ->
+ dig_to_hex(X, "").
+dig_to_hex(0, Acc) -> Acc;
+dig_to_hex(X, Acc) ->
+ dig_to_hex(
+ X bsr 4,
+ [case X band 15 of
+ D when D < 10 -> D + $0;
+ D -> D - 10 + $a
+ end|Acc]).
%% Count number of '.' in a name
diff --git a/lib/kernel/test/inet_SUITE.erl b/lib/kernel/test/inet_SUITE.erl
index 97f789b61c..3b502be8b8 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/test/inet_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/test/inet_SUITE.erl
@@ -447,91 +447,125 @@ parse_hosts(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
parse_address(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- V4Strict =
+ V4Reversable =
- {{1,2,3,4},""},
+ {{1,2,3,4},""},
- V6Strict =
+ V6Reversable =
+ {{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1},"::1"},
+ {{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2},"::"},
- {{15,16#f11,0,0,0,0,256,2},"f:f11::0100:2"},
- {{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16#17},"::17"},
- {{16#700,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},"0700::"},
- {{0,0,0,0,0,0,2,1},"::2:1"},
+ {{15,16#f11,0,0,0,0,256,2},"f:f11::100:2"},
+ {{16#700,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},"700::"},
+ {{0,0,0,0,0,0,2,1},"::"},
- {{0,7,6,5,4,3,2,1},"::7:6:5:4:3:2:1"},
+ {{0,7,6,5,4,3,2,1},"0:7:6:5:4:3:2:1"},
- {{7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0},"7:6:5:4:3:2:1::"},
+ {{7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0},"7:6:5:4:3:2:1:0"},
+ {{0,0,6,5,4,3,0,0},"::6:5:4:3:0:0"},
+ {{0,0,6,5,4,0,0,0},"0:0:6:5:4::"},
+ {{8,0,0,5,4,0,0,1},"8::5:4:0:0:1"},
+ {{8,0,0,5,0,0,0,1},"8:0:0:5::1"},
+ {{0,7,6,5,4,3,2,0},"0:7:6:5:4:3:2:0"},
+ {{0,0,6,5,4,3,0,0},"::6:5:4:3:0:0"},
+ {{0,0,0,5,4,0,0,0},"::5:4:0:0:0"},
+ {{0,0,0,0,4,0,0,0},"::4:0:0:0"},
+ {{0,0,0,5,0,0,0,0},"0:0:0:5::"},
- "c11:0c22:5c33:c440:55c0:c66c:77:0088"},
+ "c11:c22:5c33:c440:55c0:c66c:77:88"},
+ {{0,16#c22,16#5c33,16#c440,16#55c0,16#c66c,16#77,16#88},
+ "0:c22:5c33:c440:55c0:c66c:77:88"},
- "c11::5c33:c440:55c0:c66c:77:0088"},
+ "c11:0:5c33:c440:55c0:c66c:77:88"},
- "c11:0c22::c440:55c0:c66c:77:0088"},
+ "c11:c22:0:c440:55c0:c66c:77:88"},
- "c11:0c22:5c33::55c0:c66c:77:0088"},
+ "c11:c22:5c33:0:55c0:c66c:77:88"},
- "c11:0c22:5c33:c440::c66c:77:0088"},
+ "c11:c22:5c33:c440:0:c66c:77:88"},
- "c11:0c22:5c33:c440:55c0::77:0088"},
+ "c11:c22:5c33:c440:55c0:0:77:88"},
- "c11:0c22:5c33:c440:55c0:c66c::0088"},
+ "c11:c22:5c33:c440:55c0:c66c:0:88"},
+ {{16#c11,16#c22,16#5c33,16#c440,16#55c0,16#c66c,16#77,0},
+ "c11:c22:5c33:c440:55c0:c66c:77:0"},
+ {{0,0,16#5c33,16#c440,16#55c0,16#c66c,16#77,16#88},
+ "::5c33:c440:55c0:c66c:77:88"},
- "c11::c440:55c0:c66c:77:0088"},
+ "c11::c440:55c0:c66c:77:88"},
- "c11:0c22::55c0:c66c:77:0088"},
+ "c11:c22::55c0:c66c:77:88"},
- "c11:0c22:5c33::c66c:77:0088"},
+ "c11:c22:5c33::c66c:77:88"},
- "c11:0c22:5c33:c440::77:0088"},
+ "c11:c22:5c33:c440::77:88"},
- "c11:0c22:5c33:c440:55c0::0088"},
+ "c11:c22:5c33:c440:55c0::88"},
+ {{16#c11,16#c22,16#5c33,16#c440,16#55c0,16#c66c,0,0},
+ "c11:c22:5c33:c440:55c0:c66c::"},
+ {{0,0,0,16#c440,16#55c0,16#c66c,16#77,16#88},
+ "::c440:55c0:c66c:77:88"},
- "c11::55c0:c66c:77:0088"},
+ "c11::55c0:c66c:77:88"},
- "c11:0c22::c66c:77:0088"},
+ "c11:c22::c66c:77:88"},
- "c11:0c22:5c33::77:0088"},
+ "c11:c22:5c33::77:88"},
- "c11:0c22:5c33:c440::0088"},
+ "c11:c22:5c33:c440::88"},
+ {{16#c11,16#c22,16#5c33,16#c440,16#55c0,0,0,0},
+ "c11:c22:5c33:c440:55c0::"},
+ {{0,0,0,0,16#55c0,16#c66c,16#77,16#88},
+ "::55c0:c66c:77:88"},
- "c11::c66c:77:0088"},
+ "c11::c66c:77:88"},
- "c11:0c22::77:0088"},
+ "c11:c22::77:88"},
- "c11:0c22:5c33::0088"},
+ "c11:c22:5c33::88"},
+ {{16#c11,16#c22,16#5c33,16#c440,0,0,0,0},
+ "c11:c22:5c33:c440::"},
+ {{0,0,0,0,0,16#c66c,16#77,16#88},
+ "::c66c:77:88"},
- "c11::77:0088"},
+ "c11::77:88"},
- "c11:0c22::0088"},
- {{0,0,0,0,0,65535,258,65534},"::FFFF:"},
+ "c11:c22::88"},
+ {{16#c11,16#c22,16#5c33,0,0,0,0,0},
+ "c11:c22:5c33::"},
+ {{0,0,0,0,0,65535,258,65534},"::ffff:"},
+ {{16#fe80,12345,0,0,0,0,0,16#12},"fe80::12%012345"},
- |[{{D2,0,0,0,0,P,(D1 bsl 8) bor D2,(D3 bsl 8) bor D4},
- erlang:integer_to_list(D2, 16)++"::"++Q++S}
- || {{D1,D2,D3,D4},S} <- V4Strict,
- {P,Q} <- [{0,""},{16#17,"17:"},{16#ff0,"0ff0:"}]]],
+ |[{list_to_tuple(P++[(D1 bsl 8) bor D2,(D3 bsl 8) bor D4]),
+ Q++S}
+ || {{D1,D2,D3,D4},S} <-
+ tl(V4Reversable),
+ {P,Q} <-
+ [{[0,0,0,0,0,16#ffff],"::ffff:"},
+ {[0,0,0,0,0,0],"::"}]]],
V4Sloppy =
- {{255,255,255,255},""},
- {{255,255,255,255},"0Xff.000000000377.0x0000ff.255"},
- {{255,255,255,255},"255.255.65535"},
- {{255,255,255,255},"255.0xFF.0177777"},
- {{255,255,255,255},"255.16777215"},
- {{255,255,255,255},"00377.0XFFFFFF"},
- {{255,255,255,255},"4294967295"},
- {{255,255,255,255},"0xffffffff"},
- {{255,255,255,255},"00000000000037777777777"},
+ {{252,253,254,255},""},
+ {{252,253,254,255},"0Xfc.000000000375.0x0000fe.255"},
+ {{252,253,254,255},"252.253.65279"},
+ {{252,253,254,255},"252.0xFD.0177377"},
+ {{252,253,254,255},"252.16645887"},
+ {{252,253,254,255},"00374.0XFDFEFF"},
+ {{252,253,254,255},"4244504319"},
+ {{252,253,254,255},"0xfcfdfeff"},
+ {{252,253,254,255},"00000000000037477377377"},
@@ -543,8 +577,14 @@ parse_address(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
V6Sloppy =
- [{{0,0,0,0,0,65535,(D1 bsl 8) bor D2,(D3 bsl 8) bor D4},S}
- || {{D1,D2,D3,D4},S} <- V4Strict++V4Sloppy],
+ [{{16#a,16#b,16#c,16#0,16#0,16#d,16#e,16#f},"A:B:C::d:e:f"},
+ {{16#fe80,0,0,0,0,0,0,16#12},"fe80::12%XXXXXXX"}]
+ ++
+ [{{P,0,0,0,0,D2,(D1 bsl 8) bor D2,(D3 bsl 8) bor D4},
+ Q++erlang:integer_to_list(D2, 16)++":"++S}
+ || {{D1,D2,D3,D4},S} <- V4Reversable,
+ {P,Q} <-
+ [{16#2001,"2001::"},{16#177,"177::"},{16#ff0,"Ff0::"}]],
V4Err =
@@ -588,28 +628,36 @@ parse_address(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- V6Strict++V6Sloppy++V6Err++V4Err),
+ false,
+ V6Reversable++V6Sloppy++V6Err++V4Err),
- V6Strict++V6Err++V4Err++[S || {_,S} <- V6Sloppy]),
+ true,
+ V6Reversable++V6Err++V4Err),
- V4Strict++V4Sloppy++V4Err++V6Err++[S || {_,S} <- V6Strict]),
+ false,
+ V4Reversable++V4Sloppy++V4Err++V6Err++[S || {_,S} <- V6Reversable]),
- V4Strict++V4Err++V6Err++[S || {_,S} <- V4Sloppy++V6Strict]).
+ true,
+ V4Reversable++V4Err++V6Err++[S || {_,S} <- V4Sloppy++V6Reversable]).
-t_parse_address(Func, []) ->
+t_parse_address(Func, _Reversable, []) ->
io:format("~p done.~n", [Func]),
-t_parse_address(Func, [{Addr,String}|L]) ->
+t_parse_address(Func, Reversable, [{Addr,String}|L]) ->
io:format("~p = ~p.~n", [Addr,String]),
{ok,Addr} = inet:Func(String),
- t_parse_address(Func, L);
-t_parse_address(Func, [String|L]) ->
+ case Reversable of
+ true ->String = inet:ntoa(Addr);
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ t_parse_address(Func, Reversable, L);
+t_parse_address(Func, Reversable, [String|L]) ->
io:format("~p.~n", [String]),
{error,einval} = inet:Func(String),
- t_parse_address(Func, L).
+ t_parse_address(Func, Reversable, L).
parse_strict_address(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ok, {127,0,0,1}} =