path: root/lib/mnesia/test/mnesia_test_lib.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/mnesia/test/mnesia_test_lib.erl')
1 files changed, 1058 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/mnesia/test/mnesia_test_lib.erl b/lib/mnesia/test/mnesia_test_lib.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e98f017f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/mnesia/test/mnesia_test_lib.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1058 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2010. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%%% Author: Hakan Mattsson hakan@erix.ericsson.se
+%%% Purpose: Test case support library
+%%% This test suite may be run as a part of the Grand Test Suite
+%%% of Erlang. The Mnesia test suite is structured in a hierarchy.
+%%% Each test case is implemented as an exported function with arity 1.
+%%% Test case identifiers must have the following syntax: {Module, Function}.
+%%% The driver of the test suite runs in two passes as follows:
+%%% first the test case function is invoked with the atom 'suite' as
+%%% single argument. The returned value is treated as a list of sub
+%%% test cases. If the list of sub test cases is [] the test case
+%%% function is invoked again, this time with a list of nodes as
+%%% argument. If the list of sub test cases is not empty, the test
+%%% case driver applies the algorithm recursively on each element
+%%% in the list.
+%%% All test cases are written in such a manner
+%%% that they start to invoke ?acquire_nodes(X, Config)
+%%% in order to prepare the test case execution. When that is
+%%% done, the test machinery ensures that at least X number
+%%% of nodes are connected to each other. If too few nodes was
+%%% specified in the Config, the test case is skipped. If there
+%%% was enough node names in the Config, X of them are selected
+%%% and if some of them happens to be down they are restarted
+%%% via the slave module. When all nodes are up and running a
+%%% disk resident schema is created on all nodes and Mnesia is
+%%% started a on all nodes. This means that all test cases may
+%%% assume that Mnesia is up and running on all acquired nodes.
+%%% doc(TestCases)
+%%% Generates a test spec from parts of the test case structure
+%%% struct(TestCases)
+%%% Prints out the test case structure
+%%% test(TestCases)
+%%% Run parts of the test suite. Uses test/2.
+%%% Reads Config from mnesia_test.config and starts them if neccessary.
+%%% Kills Mnesia and wipes out the Mnesia directories as a starter.
+%%% test(TestCases, Config)
+%%% Run parts of the test suite on the given Nodes,
+%%% assuming that the nodes are up and running.
+%%% Kills Mnesia and wipes out the Mnesia directories as a starter.
+ log/2,
+ log/4,
+ verbose/4,
+ default_config/0,
+ diskless/1,
+ eval_test_case/3,
+ test_driver/2,
+ test_case_evaluator/3,
+ activity_evaluator/1,
+ flush/0,
+ pick_msg/0,
+ start_activities/1,
+ start_transactions/1,
+ start_transactions/2,
+ start_sync_transactions/1,
+ start_sync_transactions/2,
+ sync_trans_tid_serial/1,
+ prepare_test_case/5,
+ select_nodes/4,
+ init_nodes/3,
+ error/4,
+ slave_start_link/0,
+ slave_start_link/1,
+ slave_sup/0,
+ start_mnesia/1,
+ start_mnesia/2,
+ start_appls/2,
+ start_appls/3,
+ start_wait/2,
+ storage_type/2,
+ stop_mnesia/1,
+ stop_appls/2,
+ sort/1,
+ kill_mnesia/1,
+ kill_appls/2,
+ verify_mnesia/4,
+ shutdown/0,
+ verify_replica_location/5,
+ lookup_config/2,
+ sync_tables/2,
+ remote_start/3,
+ remote_stop/1,
+ remote_kill/1,
+ reload_appls/2,
+ remote_activate_debug_fun/6,
+ do_remote_activate_debug_fun/6,
+ test/1,
+ test/2,
+ doc/1,
+ struct/1,
+ init_per_testcase/2,
+ fin_per_testcase/2,
+ kill_tc/2
+ ]).
+%% included for test server compatibility
+%% assume that all test cases only takes Config as sole argument
+init_per_testcase(_Func, Config) ->
+ global:register_name(mnesia_global_logger, group_leader()),
+ Config.
+fin_per_testcase(_Func, Config) ->
+ global:unregister_name(mnesia_global_logger),
+ %% Nodes = select_nodes(all, Config, ?FILE, ?LINE),
+ %% rpc:multicall(Nodes, mnesia, lkill, []),
+ Config.
+%% Use ?log(Format, Args) as wrapper
+log(Format, Args, LongFile, Line) ->
+ File = filename:basename(LongFile),
+ Format2 = lists:concat([File, "(", Line, ")", ": ", Format]),
+ log(Format2, Args).
+log(Format, Args) ->
+ case global:whereis_name(mnesia_global_logger) of
+ undefined ->
+ io:format(user, Format, Args);
+ Pid ->
+ io:format(Pid, Format, Args)
+ end.
+verbose(Format, Args, File, Line) ->
+ Arg = mnesia_test_verbose,
+ case get(Arg) of
+ false ->
+ ok;
+ true ->
+ log(Format, Args, File, Line);
+ undefined ->
+ case init:get_argument(Arg) of
+ {ok, List} when is_list(List) ->
+ case lists:last(List) of
+ ["true"] ->
+ put(Arg, true),
+ log(Format, Args, File, Line);
+ _ ->
+ put(Arg, false),
+ ok
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ put(Arg, false),
+ ok
+ end
+ end.
+-record('REASON', {file, line, desc}).
+error(Format, Args, File, Line) ->
+ global:send(mnesia_global_logger, {failed, File, Line}),
+ Fail = #'REASON'{file = filename:basename(File),
+ line = Line,
+ desc = Args},
+ case global:whereis_name(mnesia_test_case_sup) of
+ undefined ->
+ ignore;
+ Pid ->
+ Pid ! Fail
+%% global:send(mnesia_test_case_sup, Fail),
+ end,
+ log("<>ERROR<>~n" ++ Format, Args, File, Line).
+storage_type(Default, Config) ->
+ case diskless(Config) of
+ true ->
+ ram_copies;
+ false ->
+ Default
+ end.
+default_config() ->
+ [{nodes, default_nodes()}].
+default_nodes() ->
+ mk_nodes(3, []).
+mk_nodes(0, Nodes) ->
+ Nodes;
+mk_nodes(N, []) ->
+ mk_nodes(N - 1, [node()]);
+mk_nodes(N, Nodes) when N > 0 ->
+ Head = hd(Nodes),
+ [Name, Host] = node_to_name_and_host(Head),
+ Nodes ++ [mk_node(I, Name, Host) || I <- lists:seq(1, N)].
+mk_node(N, Name, Host) ->
+ list_to_atom(lists:concat([Name ++ integer_to_list(N) ++ "@" ++ Host])).
+slave_start_link() ->
+ slave_start_link(node()).
+slave_start_link(Node) ->
+ [Local, Host] = node_to_name_and_host(Node),
+ {Mega, Sec, Micro} = erlang:now(),
+ List = [Local, "_", Mega, "_", Sec, "_", Micro],
+ Name = list_to_atom(lists:concat(List)),
+ slave_start_link(list_to_atom(Host), Name).
+slave_start_link(Host, Name) ->
+ slave_start_link(Host, Name, 10).
+slave_start_link(Host, Name, Retries) ->
+ Debug = atom_to_list(mnesia:system_info(debug)),
+ Args = "-mnesia debug " ++ Debug ++
+ " -pa " ++
+ filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)) ++
+ " -pa " ++
+ filename:dirname(code:which(mnesia)),
+ case starter(Host, Name, Args) of
+ {ok, NewNode} ->
+ ?match(pong, net_adm:ping(NewNode)),
+ {ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
+ Path = code:get_path(),
+ ok = rpc:call(NewNode, file, set_cwd, [Cwd]),
+ true = rpc:call(NewNode, code, set_path, [Path]),
+ spawn_link(NewNode, ?MODULE, slave_sup, []),
+ rpc:multicall([node() | nodes()], global, sync, []),
+ {ok, NewNode};
+ {error, Reason} when Retries == 0->
+ {error, Reason};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ io:format("Could not start slavenode ~p ~p retrying~n",
+ [{Host, Name, Args}, Reason]),
+ timer:sleep(500),
+ slave_start_link(Host, Name, Retries - 1)
+ end.
+starter(Host, Name, Args) ->
+ case os:type() of
+ vxworks ->
+ X = test_server:start_node(Name, slave, [{args,Args}]),
+ timer:sleep(5000),
+ X;
+ _ ->
+ slave:start(Host, Name, Args)
+ end.
+slave_sup() ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ receive
+ {'EXIT', _, _} ->
+ case os:type() of
+ vxworks ->
+ erlang:halt();
+ _ ->
+ ignore
+ end
+ end.
+%% Index the test case structure
+doc(TestCases) when is_list(TestCases) ->
+ test(TestCases, suite),
+ SuiteFname = "index.html",
+ io:format("Generating HTML test specification to file: ~s~n",
+ [SuiteFname]),
+ {ok, Fd} = file:open(SuiteFname, [write]),
+ io:format(Fd, "<TITLE>Test specification for ~p</TITLE>.~n", [TestCases]),
+ io:format(Fd, "<H1>Test specification for ~p</H1>~n", [TestCases]),
+ io:format(Fd, "Test cases which not are implemented yet are written in <B>bold face</B>.~n~n", []),
+ io:format(Fd, "<BR><BR>~n", []),
+ io:format(Fd, "~n<DL>~n", []),
+ do_doc(Fd, TestCases, []),
+ io:format(Fd, "</DL>~n", []),
+ file:close(Fd);
+doc(TestCases) ->
+ doc([TestCases]).
+do_doc(Fd, [H | T], List) ->
+ case H of
+ {Module, TestCase} when is_atom(Module), is_atom(TestCase) ->
+ do_doc(Fd, Module, TestCase, List);
+ TestCase when is_atom(TestCase), List == [] ->
+ do_doc(Fd, mnesia_SUITE, TestCase, List);
+ TestCase when is_atom(TestCase) ->
+ do_doc(Fd, hd(List), TestCase, List)
+ end,
+ do_doc(Fd, T, List);
+do_doc(_, [], _) ->
+ ok.
+do_doc(Fd, Module, TestCase, List) ->
+ case get_suite(Module, TestCase) of
+ [] ->
+ %% Implemented leaf test case
+ Head = ?flat_format("<A HREF=~p.html#~p_1>{~p, ~p}</A>}",
+ [Module, TestCase, Module, TestCase]),
+ print_doc(Fd, Module, TestCase, Head);
+ Suite when is_list(Suite) ->
+ %% Test suite
+ Head = ?flat_format("{~p, ~p}", [Module, TestCase]),
+ print_doc(Fd, Module, TestCase, Head),
+ io:format(Fd, "~n<DL>~n", []),
+ do_doc(Fd, Suite, [Module | List]),
+ io:format(Fd, "</DL>~n", []);
+ 'NYI' ->
+ %% Not yet implemented
+ Head = ?flat_format("<B>{~p, ~p}</B>", [Module, TestCase]),
+ print_doc(Fd, Module, TestCase, Head)
+ end.
+print_doc(Fd, Mod, Fun, Head) ->
+ case catch (apply(Mod, Fun, [doc])) of
+ {'EXIT', _} ->
+ io:format(Fd, "<DT>~s</DT>~n", [Head]);
+ Doc when is_list(Doc) ->
+ io:format(Fd, "<DT><U>~s</U><BR><DD>~n", [Head]),
+ print_rows(Fd, Doc),
+ io:format(Fd, "</DD><BR><BR>~n", [])
+ end.
+print_rows(_Fd, []) ->
+ ok;
+print_rows(Fd, [H | T]) when is_list(H) ->
+ io:format(Fd, "~s~n", [H]),
+ print_rows(Fd, T);
+print_rows(Fd, [H | T]) when is_integer(H) ->
+ io:format(Fd, "~s~n", [[H | T]]).
+%% Show the test case structure
+struct(TestCases) ->
+ T = test(TestCases, suite),
+ struct(T, "").
+struct({Module, TestCase}, Indentation)
+ when is_atom(Module), is_atom(TestCase) ->
+ log("~s{~p, ~p} ...~n", [Indentation, Module, TestCase]);
+struct({Module, TestCase, Other}, Indentation)
+ when is_atom(Module), is_atom(TestCase) ->
+ log("~s{~p, ~p} ~p~n", [Indentation, Module, TestCase, Other]);
+struct([], _) ->
+ ok;
+struct([TestCase | TestCases], Indentation) ->
+ struct(TestCase, Indentation),
+ struct(TestCases, Indentation);
+struct({TestCase, []}, Indentation) ->
+ struct(TestCase, Indentation);
+struct({TestCase, SubTestCases}, Indentation) when is_list(SubTestCases) ->
+ struct(TestCase, Indentation),
+ struct(SubTestCases, Indentation ++ " ").
+%% Execute the test cases
+test(TestCases) ->
+ test(TestCases, []).
+test(TestCases, suite) when is_list(TestCases) ->
+ test_driver(TestCases, suite);
+test(TestCases, Config) when is_list(TestCases) ->
+ D1 = lists:duplicate(10, $=),
+ D2 = lists:duplicate(10, $ ),
+ log("~n~s TEST CASES: ~p~n ~sCONFIG: ~p~n~n", [D1, TestCases, D2, Config]),
+ test_driver(TestCases, Config);
+test(TestCase, Config) ->
+ test([TestCase], Config).
+test_driver([], _Config) ->
+ [];
+test_driver([T|TestCases], Config) ->
+ L1 = test_driver(T, Config),
+ L2 = test_driver(TestCases, Config),
+ [L1|L2];
+test_driver({Module, TestCases}, Config) when is_list(TestCases)->
+ test_driver(default_module(Module, TestCases), Config);
+test_driver({_, {Module, TestCase}}, Config) ->
+ test_driver({Module, TestCase}, Config);
+test_driver({Module, TestCase}, Config) ->
+ Sec = timer:seconds(1) * 1000,
+ case get_suite(Module, TestCase) of
+ [] when Config == suite ->
+ {Module, TestCase, 'IMPL'};
+ [] ->
+ log("Eval test case: ~w~n", [{Module, TestCase}]),
+ {T, Res} =
+ timer:tc(?MODULE, eval_test_case, [Module, TestCase, Config]),
+ log("Tested ~w in ~w sec~n", [TestCase, T div Sec]),
+ {T div Sec, Res};
+ Suite when is_list(Suite), Config == suite ->
+ Res = test_driver(default_module(Module, Suite), Config),
+ {{Module, TestCase}, Res};
+ Suite when is_list(Suite) ->
+ log("Expand test case ~w~n", [{Module, TestCase}]),
+ Def = default_module(Module, Suite),
+ {T, Res} = timer:tc(?MODULE, test_driver, [Def, Config]),
+ {T div Sec, {{Module, TestCase}, Res}};
+ 'NYI' when Config == suite ->
+ {Module, TestCase, 'NYI'};
+ 'NYI' ->
+ log("<WARNING> Test case ~w NYI~n", [{Module, TestCase}]),
+ {0, {skip, {Module, TestCase}, "NYI"}}
+ end;
+test_driver(TestCase, Config) ->
+ DefaultModule = mnesia_SUITE,
+ log("<>WARNING<> Missing module in test case identifier. "
+ "{~w, ~w} assumed~n", [DefaultModule, TestCase]),
+ test_driver({DefaultModule, TestCase}, Config).
+default_module(DefaultModule, TestCases) when is_list(TestCases) ->
+ Fun = fun(T) ->
+ case T of
+ {_, _} -> true;
+ T -> {true, {DefaultModule, T}}
+ end
+ end,
+ lists:zf(Fun, TestCases).
+%% Returns a list (possibly empty) or the atom 'NYI'
+get_suite(Mod, Fun) ->
+ case catch (apply(Mod, Fun, [suite])) of
+ {'EXIT', _} -> 'NYI';
+ List when is_list(List) -> List
+ end.
+eval_test_case(Mod, Fun, Config) ->
+ flush(),
+ global:register_name(mnesia_test_case_sup, self()),
+ Flag = process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, test_case_evaluator, [Mod, Fun, [Config]]),
+ R = wait_for_evaluator(Pid, Mod, Fun, Config),
+ global:unregister_name(mnesia_test_case_sup),
+ process_flag(trap_exit, Flag),
+ R.
+flush() ->
+ receive Msg -> [Msg | flush()]
+ after 0 -> []
+ end.
+wait_for_evaluator(Pid, Mod, Fun, Config) ->
+ receive
+ {'EXIT', Pid, {test_case_ok, _PidRes}} ->
+ Errors = flush(),
+ Res =
+ case Errors of
+ [] -> ok;
+ Errors -> failed
+ end,
+ {Res, {Mod, Fun}, Errors};
+ {'EXIT', Pid, {skipped, Reason}} ->
+ log("<WARNING> Test case ~w skipped, because ~p~n",
+ [{Mod, Fun}, Reason]),
+ Mod:fin_per_testcase(Fun, Config),
+ {skip, {Mod, Fun}, Reason};
+ {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} ->
+ log("<>ERROR<> Eval process ~w exited, because ~p~n",
+ [{Mod, Fun}, Reason]),
+ Mod:fin_per_testcase(Fun, Config),
+ {crash, {Mod, Fun}, Reason}
+ end.
+test_case_evaluator(Mod, Fun, [Config]) ->
+ NewConfig = Mod:init_per_testcase(Fun, Config),
+ R = apply(Mod, Fun, [NewConfig]),
+ Mod:fin_per_testcase(Fun, NewConfig),
+ exit({test_case_ok, R}).
+activity_evaluator(Coordinator) ->
+ activity_evaluator_loop(Coordinator),
+ exit(normal).
+activity_evaluator_loop(Coordinator) ->
+ receive
+ begin_trans ->
+ transaction(Coordinator, 0);
+ {begin_trans, MaxRetries} ->
+ transaction(Coordinator, MaxRetries);
+ end_trans ->
+ end_trans;
+ Fun when is_function(Fun) ->
+ Coordinator ! {self(), Fun()},
+ activity_evaluator_loop(Coordinator);
+% {'EXIT', Coordinator, Reason} ->
+% Reason;
+ ExitExpr ->
+% ?error("activity_evaluator_loop ~p ~p: exit(~p)~n}", [Coordinator, self(), ExitExpr]),
+ exit(ExitExpr)
+ end.
+transaction(Coordinator, MaxRetries) ->
+ Fun = fun() ->
+ Coordinator ! {self(), begin_trans},
+ activity_evaluator_loop(Coordinator)
+ end,
+ Coordinator ! {self(), mnesia:transaction(Fun, MaxRetries)},
+ activity_evaluator_loop(Coordinator).
+pick_msg() ->
+ receive
+ Message -> Message
+ after 4000 -> timeout
+ end.
+start_activities(Nodes) ->
+ Fun = fun(N) -> spawn_link(N, ?MODULE, activity_evaluator, [self()]) end,
+ Pids = mapl(Fun, Nodes),
+ {success, Pids}.
+mapl(Fun, [H|T]) ->
+ Res = Fun(H),
+ [Res|mapl(Fun, T)];
+mapl(_Fun, []) ->
+ [].
+diskless(Config) ->
+ case lists:keysearch(diskless, 1, Config) of
+ {value, {diskless, true}} ->
+ true;
+ _Else ->
+ false
+ end.
+start_transactions(Pids) ->
+ Fun = fun(Pid) ->
+ Pid ! begin_trans,
+ ?match_receive({Pid, begin_trans})
+ end,
+ mapl(Fun, Pids).
+start_sync_transactions(Pids) ->
+ Nodes = [node(Pid) || Pid <- Pids],
+ Fun = fun(Pid) ->
+ sync_trans_tid_serial(Nodes),
+ Pid ! begin_trans,
+ ?match_receive({Pid, begin_trans})
+ end,
+ mapl(Fun, Pids).
+start_transactions(Pids, MaxRetries) ->
+ Fun = fun(Pid) ->
+ Pid ! {begin_trans, MaxRetries},
+ ?match_receive({Pid, begin_trans})
+ end,
+ mapl(Fun, Pids).
+start_sync_transactions(Pids, MaxRetries) ->
+ Nodes = [node(Pid) || Pid <- Pids],
+ Fun = fun(Pid) ->
+ sync_trans_tid_serial(Nodes),
+ Pid ! {begin_trans, MaxRetries},
+ ?match_receive({Pid, begin_trans})
+ end,
+ mapl(Fun, Pids).
+sync_trans_tid_serial(Nodes) ->
+ Fun = fun() -> mnesia:write_lock_table(schema) end,
+ rpc:multicall(Nodes, mnesia, transaction, [Fun]).
+select_nodes(N, Config, File, Line) ->
+ prepare_test_case([], N, Config, File, Line).
+prepare_test_case(Actions, N, Config, File, Line) ->
+ NodeList1 = lookup_config(nodes, Config),
+ NodeList2 = lookup_config(nodenames, Config), %% For testserver
+ NodeList3 = append_unique(NodeList1, NodeList2),
+ This = node(),
+ All = [This | lists:delete(This, NodeList3)],
+ Selected = pick_nodes(N, All, File, Line),
+ case diskless(Config) of
+ true ->
+ ok;
+ false ->
+ rpc:multicall(Selected, application, set_env,[mnesia, schema_location, opt_disc])
+ end,
+ do_prepare(Actions, Selected, All, Config, File, Line).
+do_prepare([], Selected, _All, _Config, _File, _Line) ->
+ Selected;
+do_prepare([{init_test_case, Appls} | Actions], Selected, All, Config, File, Line) ->
+ set_kill_timer(Config),
+ Started = init_nodes(Selected, File, Line),
+ All2 = append_unique(Started, All),
+ Alive = mnesia_lib:intersect(nodes() ++ [node()], All2),
+ kill_appls(Appls, Alive),
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ do_prepare(Actions, Started, All2, Config, File, Line);
+do_prepare([delete_schema | Actions], Selected, All, Config, File, Line) ->
+ Alive = mnesia_lib:intersect(nodes() ++ [node()], All),
+ case diskless(Config) of
+ true ->
+ skip;
+ false ->
+ Del = fun(Node) ->
+ case mnesia:delete_schema([Node]) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {error, {"All nodes not running",_}} ->
+ ok;
+ Else ->
+ ?log("Delete schema error ~p ~n", [Else])
+ end
+ end,
+ lists:foreach(Del, Alive)
+ end,
+ do_prepare(Actions, Selected, All, Config, File, Line);
+do_prepare([create_schema | Actions], Selected, All, Config, File, Line) ->
+ case diskless(Config) of
+ true ->
+ skip;
+ _Else ->
+ case mnesia:create_schema(Selected) of
+ ok ->
+ ignore;
+ BadNodes ->
+ ?fatal("Cannot create Mnesia schema on ~p~n", [BadNodes])
+ end
+ end,
+ do_prepare(Actions, Selected, All, Config, File, Line);
+do_prepare([{start_appls, Appls} | Actions], Selected, All, Config, File, Line) ->
+ case start_appls(Appls, Selected, Config) of
+ [] -> ok;
+ Bad -> ?fatal("Cannot start appls ~p: ~p~n", [Appls, Bad])
+ end,
+ do_prepare(Actions, Selected, All, Config, File, Line);
+do_prepare([{reload_appls, Appls} | Actions], Selected, All, Config, File, Line) ->
+ reload_appls(Appls, Selected),
+ do_prepare(Actions, Selected, All, Config, File, Line).
+set_kill_timer(Config) ->
+ case init:get_argument(mnesia_test_timeout) of
+ {ok, _ } -> ok;
+ _ ->
+ Time0 =
+ case lookup_config(tc_timeout, Config) of
+ [] -> timer:minutes(5);
+ ConfigTime when is_integer(ConfigTime) -> ConfigTime
+ end,
+ Mul = try
+ test_server:timetrap_scale_factor()
+ catch _:_ -> 1 end,
+ (catch test_server:timetrap(Mul*Time0 + 1000)),
+ spawn_link(?MODULE, kill_tc, [self(),Time0*Mul])
+ end.
+kill_tc(Pid, Time) ->
+ receive
+ after Time ->
+ case process_info(Pid) of
+ undefined -> ok;
+ _ ->
+ ?error("Watchdog in test case timed out "
+ "in ~p min~n", [Time div (1000*60)]),
+ Files = mnesia_lib:dist_coredump(),
+ ?log("Cores dumped to:~n ~p~n", [Files]),
+ %% Genarate erlang crashdumps.
+ %% GenDump = fun(Node) ->
+ %% File = "CRASH_" ++ atom_to_list(Node) ++ ".dump",
+ %% rpc:call(Node, os, putenv, ["ERL_CRASH_DUMP", File]),
+ %% rpc:cast(Node, erlang, halt, ["RemoteTimeTrap"])
+ %% end,
+ %% [GenDump(Node) || Node <- nodes()],
+ %% erlang:halt("DebugTimeTrap"),
+ exit(Pid, kill)
+ end
+ end.
+append_unique([], List) -> List;
+append_unique([H|R], List) ->
+ case lists:member(H, List) of
+ true -> append_unique(R, List);
+ false -> [H | append_unique(R, List)]
+ end.
+pick_nodes(all, Nodes, File, Line) ->
+ pick_nodes(length(Nodes), Nodes, File, Line);
+pick_nodes(N, [H | T], File, Line) when N > 0 ->
+ [H | pick_nodes(N - 1, T, File, Line)];
+pick_nodes(0, _Nodes, _File, _Line) ->
+ [];
+pick_nodes(N, [], File, Line) ->
+ ?skip("Test case (~p(~p)) ignored: ~p nodes missing~n",
+ [File, Line, N]).
+init_nodes([Node | Nodes], File, Line) ->
+ case net_adm:ping(Node) of
+ pong ->
+ [Node | init_nodes(Nodes, File, Line)];
+ pang ->
+ [Name, Host] = node_to_name_and_host(Node),
+ case slave_start_link(Host, Name) of
+ {ok, Node1} ->
+ Path = code:get_path(),
+ true = rpc:call(Node1, code, set_path, [Path]),
+ [Node1 | init_nodes(Nodes, File, Line)];
+ Other ->
+ ?skip("Test case (~p(~p)) ignored: cannot start node ~p: ~p~n",
+ [File, Line, Node, Other])
+ end
+ end;
+init_nodes([], _File, _Line) ->
+ [].
+%% Returns [Name, Host]
+node_to_name_and_host(Node) ->
+ string:tokens(atom_to_list(Node), [$@]).
+lookup_config(Key,Config) ->
+ case lists:keysearch(Key,1,Config) of
+ {value,{Key,Val}} ->
+ Val;
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end.
+start_appls(Appls, Nodes) ->
+ start_appls(Appls, Nodes, [], [schema]).
+start_appls(Appls, Nodes, Config) ->
+ start_appls(Appls, Nodes, Config, [schema]).
+start_appls([Appl | Appls], Nodes, Config, Tabs) ->
+ {Started, BadStarters} =
+ rpc:multicall(Nodes, ?MODULE, remote_start, [Appl, Config, Nodes]),
+ BadS = [{Node, Appl, Res} || {Node, Res} <- Started, Res /= ok],
+ BadN = [{BadNode, Appl, bad_start} || BadNode <- BadStarters],
+ Bad = BadS ++ BadN,
+ case Appl of
+ mnesia when Bad == [] ->
+ sync_tables(Nodes, Tabs);
+ _ ->
+ ignore
+ end,
+ Bad ++ start_appls(Appls, Nodes, Config, Tabs);
+start_appls([], _Nodes, _Config, _Tabs) ->
+ [].
+remote_start(mnesia, Config, Nodes) ->
+ case diskless(Config) of
+ true ->
+ application_controller:set_env(mnesia,
+ extra_db_nodes,
+ Nodes -- [node()]),
+ application_controller:set_env(mnesia,
+ schema_location,
+ ram);
+ false ->
+ application_controller:set_env(mnesia,
+ schema_location,
+ opt_disc),
+ ignore
+ end,
+ {node(), mnesia:start()};
+remote_start(Appl, _Config, _Nodes) ->
+ Res =
+ case application:start(Appl) of
+ {error, {already_started, Appl}} ->
+ ok;
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end,
+ {node(), Res}.
+%% Start Mnesia on all given nodes and wait for specified
+%% tables to be accessible on each node. The atom all means
+%% that we should wait for all tables to be loaded
+%% Returns a list of error tuples {BadNode, mnesia, Reason}
+start_mnesia(Nodes) ->
+ start_appls([mnesia], Nodes).
+start_mnesia(Nodes, Tabs) when is_list(Nodes) ->
+ start_appls([mnesia], Nodes, [], Tabs).
+%% Wait for the tables to be accessible from all nodes in the list
+%% and that all nodes are aware of that the other nodes also ...
+sync_tables(Nodes, Tabs) ->
+ Res = send_wait(Nodes, Tabs, []),
+ if
+ Res == [] ->
+ mnesia:transaction(fun() -> mnesia:write_lock_table(schema) end),
+ Res;
+ true ->
+ Res
+ end.
+send_wait([Node | Nodes], Tabs, Pids) ->
+ Pid = spawn_link(Node, ?MODULE, start_wait, [self(), Tabs]),
+ send_wait(Nodes, Tabs, [Pid | Pids]);
+send_wait([], _Tabs, Pids) ->
+ rec_wait(Pids, []).
+rec_wait([Pid | Pids], BadRes) ->
+ receive
+ {'EXIT', Pid, R} ->
+ rec_wait(Pids, [{node(Pid), bad_wait, R} | BadRes]);
+ {Pid, ok} ->
+ rec_wait(Pids, BadRes);
+ {Pid, {error, R}} ->
+ rec_wait(Pids, [{node(Pid), bad_wait, R} | BadRes])
+ end;
+rec_wait([], BadRes) ->
+ BadRes.
+start_wait(Coord, Tabs) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ Mon = whereis(mnesia_monitor),
+ case catch link(Mon) of
+ {'EXIT', _} ->
+ unlink(Coord),
+ Coord ! {self(), {error, {node_not_running, node()}}};
+ _ ->
+ Res = start_wait_loop(Tabs),
+ unlink(Mon),
+ unlink(Coord),
+ Coord ! {self(), Res}
+ end.
+start_wait_loop(Tabs) ->
+ receive
+ {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} ->
+ {error, {start_wait, Pid, Reason}}
+ after 0 ->
+ case mnesia:wait_for_tables(Tabs, timer:seconds(30)) of
+ ok ->
+ verify_nodes(Tabs);
+ {timeout, BadTabs} ->
+ log("<>WARNING<> Wait for tables ~p: ~p~n", [node(), Tabs]),
+ start_wait_loop(BadTabs);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, {start_wait, Reason}}
+ end
+ end.
+verify_nodes(Tabs) ->
+ verify_nodes(Tabs, 0).
+verify_nodes([], _) ->
+ ok;
+verify_nodes([Tab| Tabs], N) ->
+ ?match(X when is_atom(X), mnesia_lib:val({Tab, where_to_read})),
+ Nodes = mnesia:table_info(Tab, where_to_write),
+ Copies =
+ mnesia:table_info(Tab, disc_copies) ++
+ mnesia:table_info(Tab, disc_only_copies) ++
+ mnesia:table_info(Tab, ram_copies),
+ Local = mnesia:table_info(Tab, local_content),
+ case Copies -- Nodes of
+ [] ->
+ verify_nodes(Tabs, 0);
+ _Else when Local == true, Nodes /= [] ->
+ verify_nodes(Tabs, 0);
+ Else ->
+ N2 =
+ if
+ N > 20 ->
+ log("<>WARNING<> ~w Waiting for table: ~p on ~p ~n",
+ [node(), Tab, Else]),
+ 0;
+ true -> N+1
+ end,
+ timer:sleep(500),
+ verify_nodes([Tab| Tabs], N2)
+ end.
+%% Nicely stop Mnesia on all given nodes
+%% Returns a list of error tuples {BadNode, Reason}
+stop_mnesia(Nodes) when is_list(Nodes) ->
+ stop_appls([mnesia], Nodes).
+stop_appls([Appl | Appls], Nodes) when is_list(Nodes) ->
+ {Stopped, BadNodes} = rpc:multicall(Nodes, ?MODULE, remote_stop, [Appl]),
+ BadS =[{Node, Appl, Res} || {Node, Res} <- Stopped, Res /= stopped],
+ BadN =[{BadNode, Appl, bad_node} || BadNode <- BadNodes],
+ BadS ++ BadN ++ stop_appls(Appls, Nodes);
+stop_appls([], _Nodes) ->
+ [].
+remote_stop(mnesia) ->
+ {node(), mnesia:stop()};
+remote_stop(Appl) ->
+ {node(), application:stop(Appl)}.
+remote_kill([Appl | Appls]) ->
+ catch Appl:lkill(),
+ application:stop(Appl),
+ remote_kill(Appls);
+remote_kill([]) ->
+ ok.
+%% Abruptly kill Mnesia on all given nodes
+%% Returns []
+kill_appls(Appls, Nodes) when is_list(Nodes) ->
+ verbose("<>WARNING<> Intentionally killing ~p: ~w...~n",
+ [Appls, Nodes], ?FILE, ?LINE),
+ rpc:multicall(Nodes, ?MODULE, remote_kill, [Appls]),
+ [].
+kill_mnesia(Nodes) when is_list(Nodes) ->
+ kill_appls([mnesia], Nodes).
+reload_appls([Appl | Appls], Selected) ->
+ kill_appls([Appl], Selected),
+ timer:sleep(1000),
+ Ok = {[ok || _N <- Selected], []},
+ {Ok2temp, Empty} = rpc:multicall(Selected, application, unload, [Appl]),
+ Conv = fun({error,{not_loaded,mnesia}}) -> ok; (Else) -> Else end,
+ Ok2 = {lists:map(Conv, Ok2temp), Empty},
+ Ok3 = rpc:multicall(Selected, application, load, [Appl]),
+ if
+ Ok /= Ok2 ->
+ ?fatal("Cannot unload appl ~p: ~p~n", [Appl, Ok2]);
+ Ok /= Ok3 ->
+ ?fatal("Cannot load appl ~p: ~p~n", [Appl, Ok3]);
+ true ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ reload_appls(Appls, Selected);
+reload_appls([], _Selected) ->
+ ok.
+shutdown() ->
+ log("<>WARNING<> Intentionally shutting down all nodes... ~p~n",
+ [nodes() ++ [node()]]),
+ rpc:multicall(nodes(), erlang, halt, []),
+ erlang:halt().
+verify_mnesia(Ups, Downs, File, Line) when is_list(Ups), is_list(Downs) ->
+ BadUps =
+ [N || N <- Ups, rpc:call(N, mnesia, system_info, [is_running]) /= yes],
+ BadDowns =
+ [N || N <- Downs, rpc:call(N, mnesia, system_info, [is_running]) == yes],
+ if
+ BadUps == [] ->
+ ignore;
+ true ->
+ error("Mnesia is not running as expected: ~p~n",
+ [BadUps], File, Line)
+ end,
+ if
+ BadDowns == [] ->
+ ignore;
+ true ->
+ error("Mnesia is not stopped as expected: ~p~n",
+ [BadDowns], File, Line)
+ end,
+ ok.
+verify_replica_location(Tab, [], [], [], _) ->
+ ?match({'EXIT', _}, mnesia:table_info(Tab, ram_copies)),
+ ?match({'EXIT', _}, mnesia:table_info(Tab, disc_copies)),
+ ?match({'EXIT', _}, mnesia:table_info(Tab, disc_only_copies)),
+ ?match({'EXIT', _}, mnesia:table_info(Tab, where_to_write)),
+ ?match({'EXIT', _}, mnesia:table_info(Tab, where_to_read)),
+ [];
+verify_replica_location(Tab, DiscOnly0, Ram0, Disc0, AliveNodes0) ->
+%% sync_tables(AliveNodes0, [Tab]),
+ AliveNodes = lists:sort(AliveNodes0),
+ DiscOnly = lists:sort(DiscOnly0),
+ Ram = lists:sort(Ram0),
+ Disc = lists:sort(Disc0),
+ Write = ignore_dead(DiscOnly ++ Ram ++ Disc, AliveNodes),
+ Read = ignore_dead(DiscOnly ++ Ram ++ Disc, AliveNodes),
+ This = node(),
+ timer:sleep(100),
+ S1 = ?match(AliveNodes, lists:sort(mnesia:system_info(running_db_nodes))),
+ S2 = ?match(DiscOnly, lists:sort(mnesia:table_info(Tab, disc_only_copies))),
+ S3 = ?match(Ram, lists:sort(mnesia:table_info(Tab, ram_copies))),
+ S4 = ?match(Disc, lists:sort(mnesia:table_info(Tab, disc_copies))),
+ S5 = ?match(Write, lists:sort(mnesia:table_info(Tab, where_to_write))),
+ S6 = case lists:member(This, Read) of
+ true ->
+ ?match(This, mnesia:table_info(Tab, where_to_read));
+ false ->
+ ?match(true, lists:member(mnesia:table_info(Tab, where_to_read), Read))
+ end,
+ lists:filter(fun({success,_}) -> false; (_) -> true end, [S1,S2,S3,S4,S5,S6]).
+ignore_dead(Nodes, AliveNodes) ->
+ Filter = fun(Node) -> lists:member(Node, AliveNodes) end,
+ lists:sort(lists:zf(Filter, Nodes)).
+remote_activate_debug_fun(N, I, F, C, File, Line) ->
+ Pid = spawn_link(N, ?MODULE, do_remote_activate_debug_fun, [self(), I, F, C, File, Line]),
+ receive
+ {activated, Pid} -> ok;
+ {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} -> {error, Reason}
+ end.
+do_remote_activate_debug_fun(From, I, F, C, File, Line) ->
+ mnesia_lib:activate_debug_fun(I, F, C, File, Line),
+ From ! {activated, self()},
+ timer:sleep(infinity). % Dies whenever the test process dies !!
+sort(L) when is_list(L) ->
+ lists:sort(L);
+sort({atomic, L}) when is_list(L) ->
+ {atomic, lists:sort(L)};
+sort({ok, L}) when is_list(L) ->
+ {ok, lists:sort(L)};
+sort(W) ->
+ W.