path: root/lib/observer/src/observer_trace_wx.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/observer/src/observer_trace_wx.erl')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_trace_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/observer_trace_wx.erl
index af90e2100c..2c3b46a3a1 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/observer_trace_wx.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_trace_wx.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011-2017. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
--export([start_link/2, add_processes/1, add_ports/1]).
+-export([start_link/3, add_processes/1, add_ports/1]).
-export([init/1, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3, handle_call/3,
handle_event/2, handle_cast/2]).
@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@
-record(titem, {id, opts}).
-start_link(Notebook, ParentPid) ->
- wx_object:start_link(?MODULE, [Notebook, ParentPid], []).
+start_link(Notebook, ParentPid, Config) ->
+ wx_object:start_link(?MODULE, [Notebook, ParentPid, Config], []).
add_processes(Pids) when is_list(Pids) ->
wx_object:cast(observer_wx:get_tracer(), {add_processes, Pids}).
@@ -99,10 +99,10 @@ add_ports(Ports) when is_list(Ports) ->
-init([Notebook, ParentPid]) ->
- wx:batch(fun() -> create_window(Notebook, ParentPid) end).
+init([Notebook, ParentPid, Config]) ->
+ wx:batch(fun() -> create_window(Notebook, ParentPid, Config) end).
-create_window(Notebook, ParentPid) ->
+create_window(Notebook, ParentPid, Config) ->
%% Create the window
Panel = wxPanel:new(Notebook, [{size, wxWindow:getClientSize(Notebook)}]),
Sizer = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL),
@@ -130,11 +130,16 @@ create_window(Notebook, ParentPid) ->
wxSizer:add(Sizer, Buttons, [{flag, ?wxLEFT bor ?wxRIGHT bor ?wxDOWN},
{border, 5}, {proportion,0}]),
wxWindow:setSizer(Panel, Sizer),
+ MS = parse_ms(maps:get(match_specs, Config, []), default_matchspecs()),
{Panel, #state{parent=ParentPid, panel=Panel,
n_view=NodeView, proc_view=ProcessView, port_view=PortView,
m_view=ModView, f_view=FuncView,
toggle_button = ToggleButton,
- match_specs=default_matchspecs()}}.
+ output=maps:get(output, Config, []),
+ def_proc_flags=maps:get(procflags, Config, []),
+ def_port_flags=maps:get(portflags, Config, []),
+ match_specs=MS
+ }}.
default_matchspecs() ->
[{Key,default_matchspecs(Key)} || Key <- [funcs,send,'receive']].
@@ -397,27 +402,19 @@ handle_event(#wx{id=?LOG_SAVE, userData=TCtrl}, #state{panel=Panel} = State) ->
{noreply, State};
handle_event(#wx{id = ?SAVE_TRACEOPTS},
- #state{panel = Panel,
- def_proc_flags = ProcFlags,
- def_port_flags = PortFlags,
- match_specs = MatchSpecs,
- tpatterns = TracePatterns,
- output = Output
- } = State) ->
+ #state{panel = Panel} = State) ->
Dialog = wxFileDialog:new(Panel, [{style, ?wxFD_SAVE bor ?wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT}]),
case wxFileDialog:showModal(Dialog) of
?wxID_OK ->
Path = wxFileDialog:getPath(Dialog),
- write_file(Panel, Path,
- ProcFlags, PortFlags, MatchSpecs, Output,
- dict:to_list(TracePatterns)
- );
+ write_file(Panel, Path, get_config(State));
_ ->
{noreply, State};
handle_event(#wx{id = ?LOAD_TRACEOPTS}, #state{panel = Panel} = State) ->
Dialog = wxFileDialog:new(Panel, [{style, ?wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST}]),
State2 = case wxFileDialog:showModal(Dialog) of
@@ -686,10 +683,14 @@ handle_event(#wx{id=?REMOVE_NODES}, #state{n_view=Nview, nodes=Ns0} = State) ->
{noreply, State#state{nodes = Ns}};
handle_event(#wx{id=ID, event = What}, State) ->
- io:format("~p:~p: Unhandled event: ~p, ~p ~n", [?MODULE, ?LINE, ID, What]),
+ io:format("~p:~p: Unhandled event: ~p, ~tp ~n", [?MODULE, ?LINE, ID, What]),
{noreply, State}.
+handle_call(get_config, _, State) ->
+ Config0 = get_config(State),
+ Config = lists:keydelete(trace_p, 1, Config0),
+ {reply, maps:from_list(Config), State};
handle_call(Msg, From, _State) ->
error({unhandled_call, Msg, From}).
@@ -728,7 +729,7 @@ handle_info({update_ms, NewMs}, State) ->
{noreply, State#state{match_specs=NewMs}};
handle_info(Any, State) ->
- io:format("~p~p: received unexpected message: ~p\n", [?MODULE, self(), Any]),
+ io:format("~p~p: received unexpected message: ~tp\n", [?MODULE, self(), Any]),
{noreply, State}.
terminate(_Reason, #state{nodes=_Nodes}) ->
@@ -1045,33 +1046,33 @@ format_trace(Trace, Size, TS0={_,_,MS}) ->
case element(4, Trace) of
{dbg,ok} -> "";
Message ->
- io_lib:format("~s (~100p) << ~100p~n", [TS,From,Message])
+ io_lib:format("~s (~100p) << ~100tp~n", [TS,From,Message])
'send' ->
Message = element(4, Trace),
To = element(5, Trace),
- io_lib:format("~s (~100p) ~100p ! ~100p~n", [TS,From,To,Message]);
+ io_lib:format("~s (~100p) ~100p ! ~100tp~n", [TS,From,To,Message]);
call ->
case element(4, Trace) of
MFA when Size == 5 ->
Message = element(5, Trace),
- io_lib:format("~s (~100p) call ~s (~100p) ~n", [TS,From,ffunc(MFA),Message]);
+ io_lib:format("~s (~100p) call ~ts (~100tp) ~n", [TS,From,ffunc(MFA),Message]);
MFA ->
- io_lib:format("~s (~100p) call ~s~n", [TS,From,ffunc(MFA)])
+ io_lib:format("~s (~100p) call ~ts~n", [TS,From,ffunc(MFA)])
return_from ->
MFA = element(4, Trace),
Ret = element(5, Trace),
- io_lib:format("~s (~100p) returned from ~s -> ~100p~n", [TS,From,ffunc(MFA),Ret]);
+ io_lib:format("~s (~100p) returned from ~ts -> ~100tp~n", [TS,From,ffunc(MFA),Ret]);
return_to ->
MFA = element(4, Trace),
- io_lib:format("~s (~100p) returning to ~s~n", [TS,From,ffunc(MFA)]);
+ io_lib:format("~s (~100p) returning to ~ts~n", [TS,From,ffunc(MFA)]);
spawn when Size == 5 ->
Pid = element(4, Trace),
MFA = element(5, Trace),
- io_lib:format("~s (~100p) spawn ~100p as ~s~n", [TS,From,Pid,ffunc(MFA)]);
+ io_lib:format("~s (~100p) spawn ~100p as ~ts~n", [TS,From,Pid,ffunc(MFA)]);
Op ->
- io_lib:format("~s (~100p) ~100p ~s~n", [TS,From,Op,ftup(Trace,4,Size)])
+ io_lib:format("~s (~100p) ~100p ~ts~n", [TS,From,Op,ftup(Trace,4,Size)])
%%% These f* functions returns non-flat strings
@@ -1079,51 +1080,64 @@ format_trace(Trace, Size, TS0={_,_,MS}) ->
%% {M,F,[A1, A2, ..., AN]} -> "M:F(A1, A2, ..., AN)"
%% {M,F,A} -> "M:F/A"
ffunc({M,F,Argl}) when is_list(Argl) ->
- io_lib:format("~100p:~100p(~s)", [M, F, fargs(Argl)]);
+ io_lib:format("~100p:~100tp(~ts)", [M, F, fargs(Argl)]);
ffunc({M,F,Arity}) ->
- io_lib:format("~100p:~100p/~100p", [M,F,Arity]);
-ffunc(X) -> io_lib:format("~100p", [X]).
+ io_lib:format("~100p:~100tp/~100p", [M,F,Arity]);
+ffunc(X) -> io_lib:format("~100tp", [X]).
%% Integer -> "Integer"
%% [A1, A2, ..., AN] -> "A1, A2, ..., AN"
fargs(Arity) when is_integer(Arity) -> integer_to_list(Arity);
fargs([]) -> [];
-fargs([A]) -> io_lib:format("~100p", [A]); %% last arg
-fargs([A|Args]) -> [io_lib:format("~100p,", [A]) | fargs(Args)];
-fargs(A) -> io_lib:format("~100p", [A]). % last or only arg
+fargs([A]) -> io_lib:format("~100tp", [A]); %% last arg
+fargs([A|Args]) -> [io_lib:format("~100tp,", [A]) | fargs(Args)];
+fargs(A) -> io_lib:format("~100tp", [A]). % last or only arg
%% {A_1, A_2, ..., A_N} -> "A_Index A_Index+1 ... A_Size"
ftup(Trace, Index, Index) ->
- io_lib:format("~100p", [element(Index, Trace)]);
+ io_lib:format("~100tp", [element(Index, Trace)]);
ftup(Trace, Index, Size) ->
- [io_lib:format("~100p ", [element(Index, Trace)])
+ [io_lib:format("~100tp ", [element(Index, Trace)])
| ftup(Trace, Index+1, Size)].
-write_file(Frame, Filename, ProcFlags, PortFlags, MatchSpecs, Output, TPs) ->
+get_config(#state{def_proc_flags = ProcFlags,
+ def_port_flags = PortFlags,
+ match_specs = MatchSpecs0,
+ tpatterns = TracePatterns,
+ output = Output}) ->
MSToList = fun(#match_spec{name=Id, term=T, func=F}) ->
- MSTermList = [{ms,Key,[MSToList(MS) || MS <- MSs]} ||
- {Key,MSs} <- MatchSpecs],
+ MatchSpecs = [{ms,Key,[MSToList(MS) || MS <- MSs]} ||
+ {Key,MSs} <- MatchSpecs0],
TPToTuple = fun(#tpattern{fa={F,A}, ms=Ms}) ->
- {F,A,MSToList(Ms)}
+ {F,A,MSToList(Ms)}
ModuleTermList = [{tp, Module, [TPToTuple(FTP) || FTP <- FTPs]} ||
- {Module,FTPs} <- TPs],
+ {Module,FTPs} <- dict:to_list(TracePatterns)],
+ [{procflags,ProcFlags},
+ {portflags,PortFlags},
+ {match_specs,MatchSpecs},
+ {output,Output},
+ {trace_p,ModuleTermList}].
+write_file(Frame, Filename, Config) ->
Str =
- ["%%%\n%%% This file is generated by Observer\n",
+ ["%%% ",epp:encoding_to_string(utf8), "\n"
+ "%%%\n%%% This file is generated by Observer\n",
"%%%\n%%% DO NOT EDIT!\n%%%\n",
- [io_lib:format("~p.~n",[MSTerm]) || MSTerm <- MSTermList],
- io_lib:format("~p.~n",[{procflags,ProcFlags}]),
- io_lib:format("~p.~n",[{portflags,PortFlags}]),
- io_lib:format("~p.~n",[{output,Output}]),
- [io_lib:format("~p.~n",[ModuleTerm]) || ModuleTerm <- ModuleTermList]
+ [io_lib:format("~tp.~n",[MSTerm]) ||
+ MSTerm <- proplists:get_value(match_specs, Config)],
+ io_lib:format("~p.~n",[lists:keyfind(procflags, 1, Config)]),
+ io_lib:format("~p.~n",[lists:keyfind(portflags, 1, Config)]),
+ io_lib:format("~tp.~n",[lists:keyfind(output, 1, Config)]),
+ [io_lib:format("~tp.~n",[ModuleTerm]) ||
+ ModuleTerm <- proplists:get_value(trace_p, Config)]
- case file:write_file(Filename, list_to_binary(Str)) of
+ case file:write_file(Filename, unicode:characters_to_binary(Str)) of
ok ->
{error, Reason} ->
@@ -1187,7 +1201,7 @@ make_ms(MS) ->
make_ms(Name, Term, FunStr) ->
- #match_spec{name=Name, term=Term, str=io_lib:format("~w", Term), func = FunStr}.
+ #match_spec{name=Name, term=Term, str=io_lib:format("~tw", [Term]), func = FunStr}.
parse_tp({tp, Mod, FAs}, State) ->
Patterns = [#tpattern{m=Mod,fa={F,A}, ms=make_ms(List)} ||