path: root/lib/orber/src/orber_ifr_container.erl
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 464 deletions
diff --git a/lib/orber/src/orber_ifr_container.erl b/lib/orber/src/orber_ifr_container.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index e085985bc4..0000000000
--- a/lib/orber/src/orber_ifr_container.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,464 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% File : orber_ifr_container.erl
-%% Purpose : Code for Container
- destroy/1,
- cleanup_for_destroy/1, %not in CORBA 2.0
- lookup/2,
- contents/3,
- lookup_name/5,
- describe_contents/4,
- make_absolute_name/2, %not in CORBA 2.0
- make_containing_repository/1, %not in CORBA 2.0
- add_to_container/5, %not in CORBA 2.0
- create_module/4,
- create_constant/6,
- create_struct/5,
- create_union/6,
- create_enum/5,
- create_alias/5,
- create_interface/5,
- create_exception/5
- ]).
-%%% Container (IRObject)
-%%% Interfaces inherited from IRObject
-'_get_def_kind'(ObjRef) ->
- orber_ifr_irobject:'_get_def_kind'(ObjRef).
-%%% Note, that the destroy function is meant to be called within a
-%%% transaction called in the destroy function of an object which
-%%% inherits from Container. A Container should only be destroyed by
-%%% destroying the object that inherits from a Container. An attempt
-%%% to call this function in user code will result in unpredictable
-%%% results.
-%%% Don't type check the object reference. We need to be able to handle several
-%%% types of objects that inherit from Container.
-destroy(Container_objref) ->
- ObjList = cleanup_for_destroy(Container_objref),
- orber_ifr_irobject:destroy([Container_objref | ObjList]).
-cleanup_for_destroy(Container_objref) ->
- Contents = get_field(Container_objref, contents),
- map(fun destroy_thing/1, Contents) ++ Contents.
-%%% Destroy objects which inherit from Contained, i.e. objects that populate
-%%% the contents list of a Container.
-destroy_thing({ObjType,ObjID}) when ObjType == ir_ModuleDef ->
- orber_ifr_moduledef:cleanup_for_destroy({ObjType,ObjID});
-destroy_thing({ObjType,ObjID}) when ObjType == ir_ConstantDef ->
- orber_ifr_constantdef:cleanup_for_destroy({ObjType,ObjID});
-destroy_thing({ObjType,ObjID}) when ObjType == ir_TypedefDef ->
- orber_ifr_typedef:cleanup_for_destroy({ObjType,ObjID});
-destroy_thing({ObjType,ObjID}) when ObjType == ir_StructDef ->
- orber_ifr_structdef:cleanup_for_destroy({ObjType,ObjID});
-destroy_thing({ObjType,ObjID}) when ObjType == ir_UnionDef ->
- orber_ifr_uniondef:cleanup_for_destroy({ObjType,ObjID});
-destroy_thing({ObjType,ObjID}) when ObjType == ir_EnumDef ->
- orber_ifr_enumdef:cleanup_for_destroy({ObjType,ObjID});
-destroy_thing({ObjType,ObjID}) when ObjType == ir_AliasDef ->
- orber_ifr_aliasdef:cleanup_for_destroy({ObjType,ObjID});
-destroy_thing({ObjType,ObjID}) when ObjType == ir_ExceptionDef ->
- orber_ifr_exceptiondef:cleanup_for_destroy({ObjType,ObjID});
-destroy_thing({ObjType,ObjID}) when ObjType == ir_AttributeDef ->
- orber_ifr_attributedef:cleanup_for_destroy({ObjType,ObjID});
-destroy_thing({ObjType,ObjID}) when ObjType == ir_OperationDef ->
- orber_ifr_operationdef:cleanup_for_destroy({ObjType,ObjID});
-destroy_thing({ObjType,ObjID}) when ObjType == ir_InterfaceDef ->
- orber_ifr_interfacedef:cleanup_for_destroy({ObjType,ObjID});
-destroy_thing({_ObjType,_ObjID}) ->
- %% Unknown object in Container contents.
- true.
-%%% Non-inherited interfaces
-lookup(ObjRef, Search_name) ->
- Contents = contents(ObjRef, dk_All, false),
- %% We now have the contents (a list of object references).
- %% Let's find all objects with the correct name.
- case filter(fun({Type,ID}) ->
- orber_ifr_contained:'_get_absolute_name'({Type,ID}) ==
- Search_name
- end,
- Contents) of
- [Obj] ->
- Obj;
- X ->
- X
- end.
-contents(ObjRef, Limit_type, Exclude_inherited) ->
- Contents =
- flatten(get_field(ObjRef, contents) ++
- inherited_contents(ObjRef,Exclude_inherited)),
- AllContents =
- Contents ++
- flatten(subcontents(Limit_type,Contents)),
- limit_contents(Limit_type,AllContents).
-subcontents(_,[]) -> [];
-subcontents(Limit_type,Contents) ->
- map(fun(ObjRef) -> contents(ObjRef,Limit_type) end, Contents).
-contents({ir_Repository,ObjID},Limit_type) ->
- orber_ifr_repository:contents({ir_Repository,ObjID},Limit_type,false);
-contents({ir_ModuleDef,ObjID},Limit_type) ->
- orber_ifr_moduledef:contents({ir_ModuleDef,ObjID},Limit_type,false);
-contents({ir_InterfaceDef,ObjID},Limit_type) ->
- orber_ifr_interfacedef:contents({ir_InterfaceDef,ObjID},Limit_type,false);
-contents(_,_) -> [].
-limit_contents(dk_All,Contents) -> Contents;
-limit_contents(Limit_type,Contents) ->
- filter(fun(Obj_Ref) -> '_get_def_kind'(Obj_Ref) == Limit_type end,
- Contents).
-lookup_name(ObjRef, Search_name, Levels_to_search,
- Limit_type, Exclude_inherited) ->
- Contents = get_field(ObjRef, contents),
- AllContents = Contents ++ inherited_contents(ObjRef, Exclude_inherited),
- lookup_name(AllContents, Search_name, Levels_to_search, Limit_type).
-inherited_contents({ir_InterfaceDef,ObjID}, false) ->
- map(fun(ObjRef) -> get_field(ObjRef,contents) end,
- orber_ifr_interfacedef:'_get_base_interfaces'({ir_InterfaceDef,ObjID}));
-inherited_contents(_, false) -> [];
-inherited_contents(_, true) -> [].
-lookup_name(Contents, Search_name, Level, Limit_type) ->
- filter(fun(X) ->
- (orber_ifr_contained:'_get_id'(X) == Search_name)
- and
- ('_get_def_kind'(X) == Limit_type)
- end, Contents) ++
- sublookup_name(Contents, Search_name, Level - 1, Limit_type).
-sublookup_name([],_,_,_) -> [];
-sublookup_name(_,_,0,_) -> [];
-sublookup_name(Contents, Search_name, Level, Limit_type) ->
- map(fun(X) ->
- Conts = subcontents(X),
- lookup_name(Conts, Search_name, Level - 1, Limit_type)
- end, Contents).
-subcontents({ir_Repository,ObjID}) ->
- get_field({ir_Repository,ObjID}, contents);
-subcontents({ir_ModuleDefObjType,ObjID}) ->
- get_field({ir_ModuleDef,ObjID}, contents);
-subcontents({ir_InterfaceDef,ObjID}) ->
- get_field({ir_InterfaceDef,ObjID}, contents);
-subcontents(_) -> [].
-describe_contents(ObjRef, Limit_type, Exclude_inherited,
- Max_returned_objs) ->
- Limited_contents = contents(ObjRef,Limit_type,Exclude_inherited),
- describe_contents(Limited_contents, Max_returned_objs, []).
-describe_contents(_, 0, Acc) ->
- Acc;
-describe_contents([], _Max_returned_objs, Acc) ->
- Acc;
-describe_contents([H|T], Max_returned_objs, Acc) ->
- Desc = orber_ifr_contained:describe(H),
- describe_contents(T, Max_returned_objs-1, [Desc|Acc]).
-%% This is a kludge. Se p. 6-11 in CORBA 2.0.
-make_absolute_name({ObjType,ObjID}, Name) ->
- case ObjType of
- ir_Repository ->
- "::" ++ Name;
- _ ->
- orber_ifr_contained:'_get_absolute_name'({ObjType,ObjID}) ++
- "::" ++ Name
- end.
-%% This is a kludge. Se p. 6-15 in CORBA 2.0.
-make_containing_repository({ObjType,ObjID}) ->
- case ObjType of
- ir_Repository ->
- {ir_Repository,ObjID};
- _ ->
- orber_ifr_contained:'_get_containing_repository'({ObjType, ObjID})
- end.
-add_to_container(ContainerRef,Object, Id, Table, Index) ->
- F = fun() ->
- [Container_obj] = mnesia:wread(ContainerRef),
- case mnesia:index_read(Table, Id, Index) of
- [] ->
- ObjectRef = makeref(Object),
- New_container_obj =
- construct(Container_obj,contents,
- [ObjectRef | select(Container_obj,contents)]),
- mnesia:write(New_container_obj),
- mnesia:write(Object);
- _ ->
- mnesia:abort("duplicate")
- end
- end,
- case mnesia:transaction(F) of
- {aborted, "duplicate"} ->
- %% Must keep the misspelled word (must match IC generated code).
- exit({allready_registered, Id});
- {aborted, Reason} ->
- orber:dbg("[~p] orber_ifr_container:add_to_container(~p). aborted:~n~p~n",
- [?LINE, Id, Reason], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
- corba:raise(#'INTF_REPOS'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
- {atomic, _} ->
- ok
- end.
-add_to_light(#orber_light_ifr_ref{data = Data} = LRef, Id, Type, Name) ->
- BaseId = get_base_id(Data#lightdata.id, Id),
- NewScope = scoped_name(Data#lightdata.scope, Name, Type),
- F = fun() ->
- D = #orber_light_ifr{id = Id,
- module = list_to_atom(NewScope),
- type = Type, base_id = BaseId},
- mnesia:write(D)
- end,
- case mnesia:transaction(F) of
- {aborted, Reason} ->
- orber:dbg("[~p] orber_ifr_container:add_to_light(~p). aborted:~n~p~n",
- [?LINE, Id, Reason], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
- corba:raise(#'INTF_REPOS'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
- {atomic, _} ->
- LRef#orber_light_ifr_ref{data = Data#lightdata{scope = NewScope,
- id = BaseId}}
- end.
-get_base_id("", Id) ->
- Id;
-get_base_id(Id, _) ->
- Id.
-scoped_name("", Name, _) ->
- Name;
-scoped_name(Scope, _, ?IFR_ConstantDef) ->
- Scope;
-scoped_name(Scope, Name, _) ->
- Scope ++ "_" ++ Name.
-create_module(#orber_light_ifr_ref{} = LRef, Id, Name, _Version) ->
- add_to_light(LRef, Id, ?IFR_ModuleDef, Name);
-create_module(ObjRef, Id, Name, Version) ->
- New_module = #ir_ModuleDef{ir_Internal_ID = unique(),
- def_kind = dk_Module,
- contents = [],
- id = Id,
- name = Name,
- version = Version,
- defined_in = ObjRef,
- absolute_name =
- make_absolute_name(ObjRef, Name),
- containing_repository =
- make_containing_repository(ObjRef)},
- add_to_container(ObjRef,New_module, Id, ir_ModuleDef, #ir_ModuleDef.id),
- makeref(New_module).
-create_constant(#orber_light_ifr_ref{} = LRef, Id, Name, _Version, _Type, _Value) ->
- add_to_light(LRef, Id, ?IFR_ConstantDef, Name);
-create_constant(ObjRef, Id, Name, Version, Type, Value) ->
- IDL_typecode = get_field(Type,type),
- {Typecode, _} = Value,
- case IDL_typecode == Typecode of
- false ->
- orber:dbg("[~p] ~p:create_constant(~p, ~p, ~p, ~p, ~p, ~p);~n"
- "Wrong type.~n",
- [?LINE, ?MODULE, ObjRef, Id, Name, Version, Type, Value],
- corba:raise(#'INTF_REPOS'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
- true ->
- New_constant = #ir_ConstantDef{ir_Internal_ID = unique(),
- def_kind = dk_Constant,
- id = Id,
- name = Name,
- version = Version,
- defined_in = ObjRef,
- absolute_name =
- make_absolute_name(ObjRef, Name),
- containing_repository =
- make_containing_repository(ObjRef),
- type = get_field(Type,type),
- type_def = Type,
- value = Value},
- add_to_container(ObjRef,New_constant,
- Id, ir_ConstantDef, #ir_ConstantDef.id),
- makeref(New_constant)
- end.
-create_struct(#orber_light_ifr_ref{} = LRef, Id, Name, _Version, _Members) ->
- add_to_light(LRef, Id, ?IFR_StructDef, Name);
-create_struct(ObjRef, Id, Name, Version, Members) ->
- New_struct = #ir_StructDef{ir_Internal_ID = unique(),
- def_kind = dk_Struct,
- id = Id,
- name = Name,
- version = Version,
- defined_in = ObjRef,
- absolute_name =
- make_absolute_name(ObjRef, Name),
- containing_repository =
- make_containing_repository(ObjRef),
- type = {tk_struct, Id, Name,
- map(fun(#structmember{name=MemName,
- type=Type}) ->
- {MemName,Type} end,
- Members)},
- members = Members},
- add_to_container(ObjRef, New_struct, Id, ir_StructDef, #ir_StructDef.id),
- makeref(New_struct).
-create_union(#orber_light_ifr_ref{} = LRef, Id, Name, _Version,
- _Discriminator_type, _Members) ->
- add_to_light(LRef, Id, ?IFR_UnionDef, Name);
-create_union(ObjRef, Id, Name, Version,
- Discriminator_type, Members) ->
- Discriminator_type_code = get_field(Discriminator_type, type),
- New_union = #ir_UnionDef{ir_Internal_ID = unique(),
- def_kind = dk_Union,
- id = Id,
- name = Name,
- version = Version,
- defined_in = ObjRef,
- absolute_name =
- make_absolute_name(ObjRef, Name),
- containing_repository =
- make_containing_repository(ObjRef),
- type = {tk_union, Id, Name,
- Discriminator_type_code, -1,
- map(fun(#unionmember{name=MemName,
- label=Label,
- type=Type}) ->
- {Label,MemName,Type} end,
- Members)},
- discriminator_type = Discriminator_type_code,
- discriminator_type_def = Discriminator_type,
- members = Members},
- add_to_container(ObjRef, New_union, Id, ir_UnionDef, #ir_UnionDef.id),
- makeref(New_union).
-create_enum(#orber_light_ifr_ref{} = LRef, Id, Name, _Version, _Members) ->
- add_to_light(LRef, Id, ?IFR_EnumDef, Name);
-create_enum(ObjRef, Id, Name, Version, Members) ->
- New_enum = #ir_EnumDef{ir_Internal_ID = unique(),
- def_kind = dk_Enum,
- id = Id,
- name = Name,
- version = Version,
- defined_in = ObjRef,
- absolute_name =
- make_absolute_name(ObjRef, Name),
- containing_repository =
- make_containing_repository(ObjRef),
- type = {tk_enum, Id, Name, Members},
- members = Members},
- add_to_container(ObjRef, New_enum, Id, ir_EnumDef, #ir_EnumDef.id),
- makeref(New_enum).
-create_alias(#orber_light_ifr_ref{} = LRef, Id, Name, _Version, _Original_type) ->
- add_to_light(LRef, Id, ?IFR_AliasDef, Name);
-create_alias(ObjRef, Id, Name, Version, Original_type) ->
- New_alias = #ir_AliasDef{ir_Internal_ID = unique(),
- def_kind = dk_Alias,
- id = Id,
- name = Name,
- version = Version,
- defined_in = ObjRef,
- absolute_name =
- make_absolute_name(ObjRef, Name),
- containing_repository =
- make_containing_repository(ObjRef),
- type = {tk_alias, Id, Name,
- get_field(Original_type,type)},
- original_type_def = Original_type},
- add_to_container(ObjRef, New_alias, Id, ir_AliasDef, #ir_AliasDef.id),
- makeref(New_alias).
-create_interface(#orber_light_ifr_ref{} = LRef, Id, Name, _Version, _Base_interfaces) ->
- add_to_light(LRef, Id, ?IFR_InterfaceDef, Name);
-create_interface(ObjRef, Id, Name, Version, Base_interfaces) ->
- New_interface = #ir_InterfaceDef{ir_Internal_ID = unique(),
- def_kind = dk_Interface,
- contents = [],
- id = Id,
- name = Name,
- version = Version,
- defined_in = ObjRef,
- absolute_name =
- make_absolute_name(ObjRef,Name),
- containing_repository =
- make_containing_repository(ObjRef),
- type = {tk_objref, Id, Name},
- base_interfaces = Base_interfaces},
- add_to_container(ObjRef, New_interface, Id, ir_InterfaceDef, #ir_InterfaceDef.id),
- makeref(New_interface).
-create_exception(#orber_light_ifr_ref{} = LRef, Id, Name, _Version, _Members) ->
- add_to_light(LRef, Id, ?IFR_ExceptionDef, Name);
-create_exception(ObjRef, Id, Name, Version, Members) ->
- New_exception = #ir_ExceptionDef{ir_Internal_ID = unique(),
- def_kind = dk_Exception,
- id = Id,
- name = Name,
- version = Version,
- defined_in = ObjRef,
- absolute_name =
- make_absolute_name(ObjRef,Name),
- containing_repository =
- make_containing_repository(ObjRef),
- type = {tk_except, Id, Name,
- map(fun(#structmember{name=MemName,
- type=Type})
- ->
- {MemName,Type} end,
- Members)},
- members = Members},
- add_to_container(ObjRef, New_exception, Id, ir_ExceptionDef, #ir_ExceptionDef.id),
- makeref(New_exception).