path: root/lib/orber/test/csiv2_SUITE.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/orber/test/csiv2_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 889 deletions
diff --git a/lib/orber/test/csiv2_SUITE.erl b/lib/orber/test/csiv2_SUITE.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7844060582..0000000000
--- a/lib/orber/test/csiv2_SUITE.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,889 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
--define(default_timeout, test_server:minutes(5)).
- fun() ->
- AcTuAlReS = (catch (Expr)),
- case AcTuAlReS of
- ExpectedRes ->
- io:format("------ CORRECT RESULT ------~n~p~n",
- [AcTuAlReS]),
- AcTuAlReS;
- _ ->
- io:format("###### ERROR ERROR ######~nRESULT: ~p~n",
- [AcTuAlReS]),
- exit(AcTuAlReS)
- end
- end()).
--define(REQUEST_ID, 0).
--define(REPLY_FRAG_1, <<71,73,79,80,1,2,2,1,0,0,0,41,0,0,0,?REQUEST_ID,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,78,69,79,0,0,0,0,2,0,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,18,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,49>>).
-%% The fragments are identical for requests and replies.
--define(FRAG_2, <<71,73,79,80,1,2,2,7,0,0,0,5,0,0,0,?REQUEST_ID,50>>).
--define(FRAG_3, <<71,73,79,80,1,2,2,7,0,0,0,5,0,0,0,?REQUEST_ID,51>>).
--define(FRAG_4, <<71,73,79,80,1,2,0,7,0,0,0,5,0,0,0,?REQUEST_ID,0>>).
-%% Should X509 DER generated by, for example, OpenSSL
- <<42>>).
-%% Should X509 PEM generated by, for example, OpenSSL
- <<42>>).
-%% IOR exported by VB (CSIv2 activated).
- #'IOP_IOR'
- {type_id = "IDL:omg.org/CosNotifyComm/SequencePushConsumer:1.0",
- profiles =
- [#'IOP_TaggedProfile'
- profile_data =
- #'IIOP_ProfileBody_1_1'{
- iiop_version = #'IIOP_Version'{major = 1,
- minor = 2},
- host = "",
- port = 0,
- object_key = [0,86,66,1,0,0,0,24,47,70,77,65,95,67,73,82,80,77,65,78,95,80,79,65,95,83,69,67,85,82,69,0,0,0,0,4,0,0,4,186,0,0,2,10,81,218,65,185],
- components =
- [#'IOP_TaggedComponent'{tag = ?TAG_SSL_SEC_TRANS,
- component_data = #'SSLIOP_SSL'{
- target_supports = 102,
- target_requires = 66,
- port = 49934}},
- #'IOP_TaggedComponent'{tag = ?TAG_CSI_SEC_MECH_LIST,
- component_data =
- #'CSIIOP_CompoundSecMechList'{stateful = true,
- mechanism_list =
- [#'CSIIOP_CompoundSecMech'
- {target_requires = 66,
- transport_mech = #'IOP_TaggedComponent'{
- component_data =
- target_supports = 102,
- target_requires = 66,
- addresses =
- [#'CSIIOP_TransportAddress'
- {host_name = "",
- port = 49934}]}},
- as_context_mech =
- #'CSIIOP_AS_ContextSec'{
- target_supports = 0,
- target_requires = 0,
- client_authentication_mech = [],
- target_name = []},
- sas_context_mech =
- #'CSIIOP_SAS_ContextSec'{
- target_supports = 1024,
- target_requires = 0,
- privilege_authorities =
- [#'CSIIOP_ServiceConfiguration'
- {syntax = 1447174401,
- name = "Borland"}],
- supported_naming_mechanisms = [[6,
- 6,
- 103,
- 129,
- 2,
- 1,
- 1,
- 1]],
- supported_identity_types = 15}}]}},
- #'IOP_TaggedComponent'
- {tag = ?TAG_CODE_SETS,
- component_data =
- #'CONV_FRAME_CodeSetComponentInfo'{'ForCharData' =
- #'CONV_FRAME_CodeSetComponent'{
- native_code_set = 65537,
- conversion_code_sets = [83951617]},
- 'ForWcharData' =
- #'CONV_FRAME_CodeSetComponent'{
- native_code_set = 65801,
- conversion_code_sets = []}}},
- #'IOP_TaggedComponent'{tag = ?TAG_ORB_TYPE,
- component_data = 1447645952},
- #'IOP_TaggedComponent'{tag = 1447645955,
- component_data = [0,5,7,1,127]}]}}]}).
-%% Common basic types
--define(OID, {2,23,130,1,1,1}).
--define(OCTET_STR, [1,2,3,4]).
--define(BIT_STR, [0,1,0,1,1]).
--define(BOOLEAN, false).
--define(ANY, [19,5,111,116,112,67,65]).
-%% PKIX1Explicit88
- #'AlgorithmIdentifier'{algorithm = ?OID,
- parameters = ?ANY}).
--define(Validity, #'Validity'{notBefore = {utcTime, "19820102070533.8"},
- notAfter = {generalTime, "19820102070533.8"}}).
- #'SubjectPublicKeyInfo'{algorithm = ?AlgorithmIdentifier,
- subjectPublicKey = ?BIT_STR}).
- #'AttributeTypeAndValue'{type = ?OID,
- value = <<19,11,69,114,105,99,115,115,111,110,32,65,66>>}).
--define(RelativeDistinguishedName, [?AttributeTypeAndValue]).
--define(RDNSequence, [?RelativeDistinguishedName]).
--define(Name, {rdnSequence, ?RDNSequence}).
--define(Version, v3).
--define(CertificateSerialNumber, 1).
--define(UniqueIdentifier, ?BIT_STR).
--define(Extension, #'Extension'{extnID = ?OID,
- critical = ?BOOLEAN,
- extnValue = ?OCTET_STR}).
--define(Extensions, [?Extension]).
- #'TBSCertificate'{version = ?Version,
- serialNumber = ?CertificateSerialNumber,
- signature = ?AlgorithmIdentifier,
- issuer = ?Name,
- validity = ?Validity,
- subject = ?Name,
- subjectPublicKeyInfo = ?SubjectPublicKeyInfo,
- issuerUniqueID = ?UniqueIdentifier,
- subjectUniqueID = ?UniqueIdentifier,
- extensions = ?Extensions}).
--define(Certificate, #'Certificate'{tbsCertificate = ?TBSCertificate,
- signatureAlgorithm = ?AlgorithmIdentifier,
- signature = ?BIT_STR}).
-%% PKIX1Implicit88
--define(GeneralName, {registeredID, ?OID}).
--define(GeneralNames, [?GeneralName]).
-%% PKIXAttributeCertificate
- #'AttCertValidityPeriod'{notBeforeTime = "19820102070533.8",
- notAfterTime = "19820102070533.8"}).
--define(Attribute, #'Attribute'{type = ?OID,
- values = []}).
--define(Attributes, [?Attribute]).
--define(IssuerSerial, #'IssuerSerial'{issuer = ?GeneralNames,
- serial = ?CertificateSerialNumber,
- issuerUID = ?UniqueIdentifier}).
--define(DigestedObjectType, publicKey). %% Enum
- #'ObjectDigestInfo'{digestedObjectType = ?DigestedObjectType,
- otherObjectTypeID = ?OID,
- digestAlgorithm = ?AlgorithmIdentifier,
- objectDigest = ?BIT_STR}).
--define(V2Form, #'V2Form'{issuerName = ?GeneralNames,
- baseCertificateID = ?IssuerSerial,
- objectDigestInfo = ?ObjectDigestInfo}).
--define(AttCertVersion, v2).
--define(Holder, #'Holder'{baseCertificateID = ?IssuerSerial,
- entityName = ?GeneralNames,
- objectDigestInfo = ?ObjectDigestInfo}).
--define(AttCertIssuer, {v2Form, ?V2Form}).
- #'AttributeCertificateInfo'{version = ?AttCertVersion,
- holder = ?Holder,
- issuer = ?AttCertIssuer,
- signature = ?AlgorithmIdentifier,
- serialNumber = ?CertificateSerialNumber,
- attrCertValidityPeriod = ?AttCertValidityPeriod,
- attributes = ?Attributes,
- issuerUniqueID = ?UniqueIdentifier,
- extensions = ?Extensions}).
- #'AttributeCertificate'{acinfo = ?AttributeCertificateInfo,
- signatureAlgorithm = ?AlgorithmIdentifier,
- signatureValue = ?BIT_STR}).
-%% OrberCSIv2
- #'AttributeCertChain'{attributeCert = ?AttributeCertificate,
- certificateChain = ?CertificateChain}).
--define(CertificateChain, [?Certificate]).
--define(VerifyingCertChain, [?Certificate]).
-%% External exports
--export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2, cases/0,
- init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1,
- init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2,
-% code_CertificateChain_api/1,
-% code_AttributeCertChain_api/1,
-% code_VerifyingCertChain_api/1,
-% code_AttributeCertificate_api/1,
-% code_Certificate_api/1,
-% code_TBSCertificate_api/1,
-% code_CertificateSerialNumber_api/1,
-% code_Version_api/1,
-% code_AlgorithmIdentifier_api/1,
-% code_Name_api/1,
-% code_RDNSequence_api/1,
-% code_RelativeDistinguishedName_api/1,
-% code_AttributeTypeAndValue_api/1,
-% code_Attribute_api/1,
-% code_Validity_api/1,
-% code_SubjectPublicKeyInfo_api/1,
-% code_UniqueIdentifier_api/1,
-% code_Extensions_api/1,
-% code_Extension_api/1,
-% code_AttributeCertificateInfo_api/1,
-% code_AttCertVersion_api/1,
-% code_Holder_api/1,
-% code_AttCertIssuer_api/1,
-% code_AttCertValidityPeriod_api/1,
-% code_V2Form_api/1,
-% code_IssuerSerial_api/1,
-% code_ObjectDigestInfo_api/1,
-% code_OpenSSL509_api/1,
- ssl_server_peercert_api/1,
- ssl_client_peercert_api/1]).
-%% Internal exports
-%% Func: all/1
-%% Args:
-%% Returns:
-suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}].
-all() ->
- cases().
-groups() ->
- [].
-init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
- Config.
-end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
- Config.
-%% NOTE - the fragment test cases must bu first since we explicitly set a request
-%% id. Otherwise, the request-id counter would be increased and we cannot know
-%% what it is.
-cases() ->
- [ssl_server_peercert_api, ssl_client_peercert_api].
-%% Init and cleanup functions.
-init_per_testcase(_Case, Config) ->
- Path = code:which(?MODULE),
- code:add_pathz(filename:join(filename:dirname(Path), "idl_output")),
- Dog=test_server:timetrap(?default_timeout),
- orber:jump_start(0),
- oe_orber_test_server:oe_register(),
- [{watchdog, Dog}|Config].
-end_per_testcase(_Case, Config) ->
- oe_orber_test_server:oe_unregister(),
- orber:jump_stop(),
- Path = code:which(?MODULE),
- code:del_path(filename:join(filename:dirname(Path), "idl_output")),
- Dog = proplists:get_value(watchdog, Config),
- test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
- ok.
-init_per_suite(Config) ->
- try crypto:start() of
- ok ->
- case orber_test_lib:ssl_version() of
- no_ssl ->
- {skip, "SSL is not installed!"};
- _ ->
- Config
- end
- catch _:_ ->
- {skip, "Crypto did not start"}
- end.
-end_per_suite(Config) ->
- application:stop(crypto),
- Config.
-%% API tests for ORB to ORB, no security
-%% Encode and decode ASN.1 X509
-%% OrberCSIv2
-%% Code CertificateChain
-code_CertificateChain_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _},
- 'OrberCSIv2':encode('CertificateChain', ?CertificateChain)),
- ?match({ok, [#'Certificate'{}]},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('CertificateChain', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% Code AttributeCertChain
-code_AttributeCertChain_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _},
- 'OrberCSIv2':encode('AttributeCertChain', ?AttributeCertChain)),
- ?match({ok, #'AttributeCertChain'{}},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('AttributeCertChain', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% Code VerifyingCertChain
-code_VerifyingCertChain_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _},
- 'OrberCSIv2':encode('VerifyingCertChain', ?VerifyingCertChain)),
- ?match({ok, [#'Certificate'{}]},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('VerifyingCertChain', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% PKIXAttributeCertificate
-%% Code AttributeCertificate
-code_AttributeCertificate_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _},
- 'OrberCSIv2':encode('AttributeCertificate', ?AttributeCertificate)),
- ?match({ok, #'AttributeCertificate'{}},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('AttributeCertificate', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% Code AttributeCertificateInfo
-code_AttributeCertificateInfo_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _},
- 'OrberCSIv2':encode('AttributeCertificateInfo', ?AttributeCertificateInfo)),
- ?match({ok, #'AttributeCertificateInfo'{}},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('AttributeCertificateInfo', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% Code AttCertVersion
-code_AttCertVersion_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _},
- 'OrberCSIv2':encode('AttCertVersion', ?AttCertVersion)),
- ?match({ok, ?AttCertVersion},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('AttCertVersion', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% Code Holder
-code_Holder_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _},
- 'OrberCSIv2':encode('Holder', ?Holder)),
- ?match({ok, #'Holder'{}},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('Holder', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% Code AttCertIssuer
-code_AttCertIssuer_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _},
- 'OrberCSIv2':encode('AttCertIssuer', ?AttCertIssuer)),
- ?match({ok, {v2Form, _}},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('AttCertIssuer', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% Code AttCertValidityPeriod
-code_AttCertValidityPeriod_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _}, 'OrberCSIv2':encode('AttCertValidityPeriod', ?AttCertValidityPeriod)),
- ?match({ok, #'AttCertValidityPeriod'{}},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('AttCertValidityPeriod', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% Code V2Form
-code_V2Form_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _},
- 'OrberCSIv2':encode('V2Form', ?V2Form)),
- ?match({ok, #'V2Form'{}},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('V2Form', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% Code IssuerSerial
-code_IssuerSerial_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _},
- 'OrberCSIv2':encode('IssuerSerial', ?IssuerSerial)),
- ?match({ok, #'IssuerSerial'{}},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('IssuerSerial', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% Code ObjectDigestInfo
-code_ObjectDigestInfo_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _},
- 'OrberCSIv2':encode('ObjectDigestInfo', ?ObjectDigestInfo)),
- ?match({ok, #'ObjectDigestInfo'{}},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('ObjectDigestInfo', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% PKIX1Explicit88
-%% Code Certificate
-code_Certificate_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _},
- 'OrberCSIv2':encode('Certificate', ?Certificate)),
- ?match({ok, #'Certificate'{}},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('Certificate', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% Code TBSCertificate
-code_TBSCertificate_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _},
- 'OrberCSIv2':encode('TBSCertificate', ?TBSCertificate)),
- ?match({ok, #'TBSCertificate'{}},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('TBSCertificate', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% Code CertificateSerialNumber"];
-code_CertificateSerialNumber_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _},
- 'OrberCSIv2':encode('CertificateSerialNumber', ?CertificateSerialNumber)),
- ?match({ok, ?CertificateSerialNumber},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('CertificateSerialNumber', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% Code Version
-code_Version_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _}, 'OrberCSIv2':encode('Version', ?Version)),
- ?match({ok, ?Version}, 'OrberCSIv2':decode('Version', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% Code AlgorithmIdentifier
-code_AlgorithmIdentifier_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _}, 'OrberCSIv2':encode('AlgorithmIdentifier', ?AlgorithmIdentifier)),
- ?match({ok, #'AlgorithmIdentifier'{}},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('AlgorithmIdentifier', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% Code Name
-code_Name_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _}, 'OrberCSIv2':encode('Name', ?Name)),
- ?match({ok, {rdnSequence,_}},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('Name', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% Code RDNSequence
-code_RDNSequence_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _}, 'OrberCSIv2':encode('RDNSequence', ?RDNSequence)),
- ?match({ok, [[#'AttributeTypeAndValue'{}]]},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('RDNSequence', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% Code RelativeDistinguishedName
-code_RelativeDistinguishedName_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _}, 'OrberCSIv2':encode('RelativeDistinguishedName', ?RelativeDistinguishedName)),
- ?match({ok, [#'AttributeTypeAndValue'{}]},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('RelativeDistinguishedName', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% Code AttributeTypeAndValue
-code_AttributeTypeAndValue_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _}, 'OrberCSIv2':encode('AttributeTypeAndValue', ?AttributeTypeAndValue)),
- ?match({ok, #'AttributeTypeAndValue'{}},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('AttributeTypeAndValue', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% Code Attribute"];
-code_Attribute_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _}, 'OrberCSIv2':encode('Attribute', ?Attribute)),
- ?match({ok, #'Attribute'{}},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('Attribute', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% Code Validity
-code_Validity_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _}, 'OrberCSIv2':encode('Validity', ?Validity)),
- ?match({ok, #'Validity'{}},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('Validity', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% Code SubjectPublicKeyInfo
-code_SubjectPublicKeyInfo_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _}, 'OrberCSIv2':encode('SubjectPublicKeyInfo', ?SubjectPublicKeyInfo)),
- ?match({ok, #'SubjectPublicKeyInfo'{}},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('SubjectPublicKeyInfo', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% Code UniqueIdentifier
-code_UniqueIdentifier_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _}, 'OrberCSIv2':encode('UniqueIdentifier', ?UniqueIdentifier)),
- ?match({ok, _}, 'OrberCSIv2':decode('UniqueIdentifier', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% Code Extensions
-code_Extensions_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _}, 'OrberCSIv2':encode('Extensions', ?Extensions)),
- ?match({ok, [#'Extension'{}]},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('Extensions', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% Code Extension
-code_Extension_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Enc} =
- ?match({ok, _}, 'OrberCSIv2':encode('Extension', ?Extension)),
- ?match({ok, #'Extension'{}},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('Extension', list_to_binary(Enc))),
- ok.
-%% OpenSSL generated x509 Certificate
-%% Code OpenSSL generated x509 Certificate
-code_OpenSSL509_api(_Config) ->
- {ok, Cert} =
- ?match({ok, #'Certificate'{}},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('Certificate', ?X509DER)),
- AttrCertChain = #'AttributeCertChain'{attributeCert = ?AttributeCertificate,
- certificateChain = [Cert]},
- {ok, EAttrCertChain} =
- ?match({ok, _}, 'OrberCSIv2':encode('AttributeCertChain', AttrCertChain)),
- ?match({ok, #'AttributeCertChain'{}},
- 'OrberCSIv2':decode('AttributeCertChain', list_to_binary(EAttrCertChain))),
- ok.
-%% Test ssl:peercert
-%% Test ssl:peercert (server side)
-ssl_server_peercert_api(_Config) ->
- Options = orber_test_lib:get_options(iiop_ssl, server,
- 2, [{iiop_ssl_port, 0}]),
- {ok, ServerNode, ServerHost} =
- ?match({ok,_,_}, orber_test_lib:js_node(Options)),
- ServerPort = orber_test_lib:remote_apply(ServerNode, orber, iiop_ssl_port, []),
- SSLOptions = orber_test_lib:get_options(ssl, client),
- {ok, Socket} =
- ?match({ok, _}, fake_client_ORB(ssl, ServerHost, ServerPort, SSLOptions)),
- {ok, _PeerCert} = ?match({ok, _}, orber_socket:peercert(ssl, Socket)),
- %% ?match({ok, {rdnSequence, _}}, orber_socket:peercert(ssl, Socket, [pkix, subject])),
- %% ?match({ok, {rdnSequence, _}}, orber_socket:peercert(ssl, Socket, [ssl, subject])),
- % ?match({ok, #'Certificate'{}},
- % 'OrberCSIv2':decode('Certificate', PeerCert)),
- destroy_fake_ORB(ssl, Socket),
- ok.
-%% Test ssl:peercert (client side)
-ssl_client_peercert_api(_Config) ->
- Options = orber_test_lib:get_options(iiop_ssl, client,
- 2, [{iiop_ssl_port, 0}]),
- {ok, ClientNode, _ClientHost} =
- ?match({ok,_,_}, orber_test_lib:js_node(Options)),
- crypto:start(),
- ssl:start(),
- SSLOptions = orber_test_lib:get_options(ssl, server),
- {ok, LSock} = ?match({ok, _}, ssl:listen(0, SSLOptions)),
- {ok, {_Address, LPort}} = ?match({ok, {_, _}}, ssl:sockname(LSock)),
- IOR = ?match({'IOP_IOR',_,_},
- iop_ior:create_external({1, 2}, "IDL:FAKE:1.0",
- "localhost", 6004, "FAKE",
- [#'IOP_TaggedComponent'
- component_data=#'SSLIOP_SSL'
- {target_supports = 2,
- target_requires = 2,
- port = LPort}}])),
- spawn(orber_test_lib, remote_apply,
- [ClientNode, corba_object, non_existent, [IOR]]),
- {ok, Socket} = ?match({ok, _}, ssl:transport_accept(LSock)),
- ?match(ok, ssl:ssl_accept(Socket)),
- {ok, _PeerCert} = ?match({ok, _}, orber_socket:peercert(ssl, Socket)),
- %% ?match({ok, {rdnSequence, _}}, orber_socket:peercert(ssl, Socket, [pkix, subject])),
- %% ?match({ok, {rdnSequence, _}}, orber_socket:peercert(ssl, Socket, [ssl, subject])),
- % ?match({ok, #'Certificate'{}},
- % 'OrberCSIv2':decode('Certificate', PeerCert)),
- ssl:close(Socket),
- ssl:close(LSock),
- ssl:stop(),
- ok.
-%% Local functions.
-%% Not used yet.
-context_test(Obj) ->
- IDToken1 = #'CSI_IdentityToken'{label = ?CSI_IdentityTokenType_ITTAbsent,
- value = true},
- IDToken2 = #'CSI_IdentityToken'{label = ?CSI_IdentityTokenType_ITTAnonymous,
- value = false},
- IDToken3 = #'CSI_IdentityToken'{label = ?CSI_IdentityTokenType_ITTPrincipalName,
- value = [0,255]},
- IDToken4 = #'CSI_IdentityToken'{label = ?CSI_IdentityTokenType_ITTX509CertChain,
- value = [1,255]},
- IDToken5 = #'CSI_IdentityToken'{label = ?CSI_IdentityTokenType_ITTDistinguishedName,
- value = [2,255]},
- IDToken6 = #'CSI_IdentityToken'{label = ?ULONGMAX,
- value = [3,255]},
- MTEstablishContext1 = #'CSI_SASContextBody'
- {label = ?CSI_MsgType_MTEstablishContext,
- value = #'CSI_EstablishContext'{client_context_id = ?ULONGLONGMAX,
- authorization_token =
- [#'CSI_AuthorizationElement'
- {the_type = ?ULONGMAX,
- the_element = [0,255]}],
- identity_token = IDToken1,
- client_authentication_token = [1, 255]}},
- MTEstablishContext2 = #'CSI_SASContextBody'
- {label = ?CSI_MsgType_MTEstablishContext,
- value = #'CSI_EstablishContext'{client_context_id = ?ULONGLONGMAX,
- authorization_token =
- [#'CSI_AuthorizationElement'
- {the_type = ?ULONGMAX,
- the_element = [0,255]}],
- identity_token = IDToken2,
- client_authentication_token = [1, 255]}},
- MTEstablishContext3 = #'CSI_SASContextBody'
- {label = ?CSI_MsgType_MTEstablishContext,
- value = #'CSI_EstablishContext'{client_context_id = ?ULONGLONGMAX,
- authorization_token =
- [#'CSI_AuthorizationElement'
- {the_type = ?ULONGMAX,
- the_element = [0,255]}],
- identity_token = IDToken3,
- client_authentication_token = [1, 255]}},
- MTEstablishContext4 = #'CSI_SASContextBody'
- {label = ?CSI_MsgType_MTEstablishContext,
- value = #'CSI_EstablishContext'{client_context_id = ?ULONGLONGMAX,
- authorization_token =
- [#'CSI_AuthorizationElement'
- {the_type = ?ULONGMAX,
- the_element = [0,255]}],
- identity_token = IDToken4,
- client_authentication_token = [1, 255]}},
- MTEstablishContext5 = #'CSI_SASContextBody'
- {label = ?CSI_MsgType_MTEstablishContext,
- value = #'CSI_EstablishContext'{client_context_id = ?ULONGLONGMAX,
- authorization_token =
- [#'CSI_AuthorizationElement'
- {the_type = ?ULONGMAX,
- the_element = [0,255]}],
- identity_token = IDToken5,
- client_authentication_token = [1, 255]}},
- MTEstablishContext6 = #'CSI_SASContextBody'
- {label = ?CSI_MsgType_MTEstablishContext,
- value = #'CSI_EstablishContext'{client_context_id = ?ULONGLONGMAX,
- authorization_token =
- [#'CSI_AuthorizationElement'
- {the_type = ?ULONGMAX,
- the_element = [0,255]}],
- identity_token = IDToken6,
- client_authentication_token = [1, 255]}},
- MTCompleteEstablishContext = #'CSI_SASContextBody'
- {label = ?CSI_MsgType_MTCompleteEstablishContext,
- value = #'CSI_CompleteEstablishContext'{client_context_id = ?ULONGLONGMAX,
- context_stateful = false,
- final_context_token = [1, 255]}},
- MTContextError = #'CSI_SASContextBody'
- {label = ?CSI_MsgType_MTContextError,
- value = #'CSI_ContextError'{client_context_id = ?ULONGLONGMAX,
- major_status = 1,
- minor_status = 2,
- error_token = [2,255]}},
- MTMessageInContext = #'CSI_SASContextBody'
- {label = ?CSI_MsgType_MTMessageInContext,
- value = #'CSI_MessageInContext'{client_context_id = ?ULONGLONGMAX,
- discard_context = true}},
- Ctx = [#'IOP_ServiceContext'{context_id=?IOP_SecurityAttributeService,
- context_data = MTEstablishContext1},
- #'IOP_ServiceContext'{context_id=?IOP_SecurityAttributeService,
- context_data = MTEstablishContext2},
- #'IOP_ServiceContext'{context_id=?IOP_SecurityAttributeService,
- context_data = MTEstablishContext3},
- #'IOP_ServiceContext'{context_id=?IOP_SecurityAttributeService,
- context_data = MTEstablishContext4},
- #'IOP_ServiceContext'{context_id=?IOP_SecurityAttributeService,
- context_data = MTEstablishContext5},
- #'IOP_ServiceContext'{context_id=?IOP_SecurityAttributeService,
- context_data = MTEstablishContext6},
- #'IOP_ServiceContext'{context_id=?IOP_SecurityAttributeService,
- context_data = MTCompleteEstablishContext},
- #'IOP_ServiceContext'{context_id=?IOP_SecurityAttributeService,
- context_data = MTContextError},
- #'IOP_ServiceContext'{context_id=?IOP_SecurityAttributeService,
- context_data = MTMessageInContext}],
- ?match(ok, orber_test_server:testing_iiop_context(Obj, [{context, Ctx}])).
-fake_server_ORB(Type, Port, Options) ->
- start_ssl(Type),
- {ok, ListenSocket, NewPort} =
- orber_socket:listen(Type, Port,
- [{active, false}|Options]),
- Socket = orber_socket:accept(Type, ListenSocket),
- orber_socket:post_accept(Type, Socket),
- {ok, Socket, NewPort}.
-fake_server_ORB(Type, Port, Options, Action, Data) ->
- start_ssl(Type),
- {ok, ListenSocket, _NewPort} =
- orber_socket:listen(Type, Port, [{active, false}|Options]),
- Socket = orber_socket:accept(Type, ListenSocket),
- orber_socket:post_accept(Type, Socket),
- do_server_action(Type, Socket, Action, Data),
- orber_socket:close(Type, Socket),
- ok.
-start_ssl(ssl) ->
- crypto:start(),
- ssl:start();
-start_ssl(_) ->
- ok.
-destroy_fake_ORB(ssl, Socket) ->
- orber_socket:close(ssl, Socket),
- ssl:stop();
-destroy_fake_ORB(Type, Socket) ->
- orber_socket:close(Type, Socket).
-fake_client_ORB(Type, Host, Port, Options) ->
- start_ssl(Type),
- Socket = orber_socket:connect(Type, Host, Port, [{active, false}|Options]),
- {ok, Socket}.
-%% Not used yet.
-fake_client_ORB(Type, Host, Port, Options, Action, Data) ->
- start_ssl(Type),
- Socket = orber_socket:connect(Type, Host, Port, [{active, false}|Options]),
- Result = do_client_action(Type, Socket, Action, Data),
- orber_socket:close(Type, Socket),
- Result.
-do_client_action(Type, Socket, fragments, FragList) ->
- ok = send_data(Type, Socket, FragList),
- {ok, Bytes} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0),
- {#reply_header{request_id = ?REQUEST_ID, reply_status = no_exception}, ok, [Par]} =
- cdr_decode:dec_message({tk_void,[tk_any],[tk_any]}, Bytes),
- Par;
-do_client_action(Type, Socket, fragments_max, FragList) ->
- ok = send_data(Type, Socket, FragList),
- {ok, Bytes} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0),
- {#reply_header{request_id = ?REQUEST_ID, reply_status = system_exception}, Exc, []} =
- cdr_decode:dec_message({tk_void,[tk_any],[tk_any]}, Bytes),
- Exc;
-do_client_action(Type, Socket, message_error, Data) ->
- ok = send_data(Type, Socket, Data),
- {ok,Bytes} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0),
- 'message_error' = cdr_decode:dec_message({tk_void,[tk_any],[tk_any]}, Bytes),
- ok;
-do_client_action(_Type, _Socket, _Action, _Data) ->
- ok.
-do_server_action(Type, Socket, fragments, FragList) ->
- {ok, _B} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0),
- ok = send_data(Type, Socket, FragList);
-do_server_action(_Type, _Socket, _Action, _Data) ->
- ok.
-send_data(_Type, _Socket, []) ->
- ok;
-send_data(Type, Socket, [H|T]) ->
- orber_socket:write(Type, Socket, H),
- send_data(Type, Socket, T).