path: root/lib/orber/test/orber_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/orber/test/orber_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 213 deletions
diff --git a/lib/orber/test/orber_SUITE.erl b/lib/orber/test/orber_SUITE.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 75da31bc5f..0000000000
--- a/lib/orber/test/orber_SUITE.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
--define(default_timeout, test_server:minutes(15)).
--define(application, orber).
-% Test server specific exports
--export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1,
- init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2]).
--export([init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2]).
-% Test cases must be exported.
--export([app_test/1, undefined_functions/1, install_load_order/1,
- install_local_content/1,
- otp_9887/1]).
-%% Exporting error handler callbacks for use in otp_9887
--export([init/1, handle_event/2]).
-%% all/1
-suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}].
-all() ->
- [app_test, undefined_functions, install_load_order,
- install_local_content,
- otp_9887].
-groups() ->
- [].
-init_per_suite(Config) ->
- Config.
-end_per_suite(_Config) ->
- ok.
-init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
- Config.
-end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
- Config.
-init_per_testcase(_Case, Config) ->
- Dog=test_server:timetrap(?default_timeout),
- [{watchdog, Dog}|Config].
-end_per_testcase(_Case, Config) ->
- Dog=proplists:get_value(watchdog, Config),
- test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
- ok.
-% Test cases starts here.
-app_test(_Config) ->
- ok=test_server:app_test(orber),
- ok.
-otp_9887(_Config) ->
- orber:jump_stop(),
- application:set_env(orber, orber_debug_level, 10),
- orber:jump_start([]),
- mnesia:create_table(orber_light_ifr, []),
- error_logger:add_report_handler(?MODULE,[self()]),
- catch orber_ifr:get_module(foo, bar),
- receive
- {stolen,Reason} ->
- {error,_Pid1, {_Pid2, _ErrorString, ArgumentList}} = Reason,
- 5 = length(ArgumentList)
- after 500 ->
- test_server:fail("OTP_9887 TIMED OUT")
- end,
- orber:jump_stop(),
- ok.
-%% Install Orber using the load_order option.
-install_load_order(_Config) ->
- orber:jump_stop(),
- case catch install_load_order2() of
- ok ->
- orber:jump_stop();
- What ->
- orber:jump_stop(),
- exit(What)
- end.
-install_load_order2() ->
- application:load(orber),
- mnesia:start(),
- corba:orb_init([{iiop_port, 0}]),
- orber:install([node()], [{ifr_storage_type, ram_copies},
- {load_order, 10}]),
- orber:start(),
- [H|_] = orber:get_tables(),
- 10 = mnesia:table_info(H, load_order),
- ok.
-%% Install Orber using the local_content option.
-install_local_content(_Config) ->
- orber:jump_stop(),
- case catch install_local_content2() of
- ok ->
- orber:jump_stop();
- What ->
- orber:jump_stop(),
- exit(What)
- end.
-install_local_content2() ->
- application:load(orber),
- mnesia:start(),
- corba:orb_init([{iiop_port, 0}]),
- orber:install([node()], [{ifr_storage_type, ram_copies},
- {local_content, true}]),
- orber:start(),
- [H|_] = orber:get_tables(),
- true = mnesia:table_info(H, local_content),
- ok.
-%% Check for undefined functions
-undefined_functions(_Config) ->
- App = orber,
- Root = code:root_dir(),
- LibDir = code:lib_dir(App),
- EbinDir = filename:join([LibDir,"ebin"]),
- AppFilePath = filename:join([LibDir,"ebin", "orber.app"]),
- {ok, [{application,orber,AppFile}]} = file:consult(AppFilePath),
- io:format("Using ~p~n~p~n", [AppFilePath, AppFile]),
- Mods = key1search(modules, AppFile),
- XRefTestName = undef_funcs_make_name(App, xref_test_name),
- {ok, XRef} = xref:start(XRefTestName),
- ok = xref:set_default(XRef,
- [{verbose,false},{warnings,false}]),
- XRefName = undef_funcs_make_name(App, xref_name),
- {ok, XRefName} = xref:add_release(XRef, Root, {name,XRefName}),
- {ok, App} = xref:replace_application(XRef, App, EbinDir),
- {ok, Undefs} = xref:analyze(XRef, undefined_function_calls),
- xref:stop(XRef),
- analyze_undefined_function_calls(Undefs, Mods, []).
-analyze_undefined_function_calls([], _, []) ->
- ok;
-analyze_undefined_function_calls([], _, AppUndefs) ->
- exit({suite_failed, {undefined_function_calls, AppUndefs}});
-analyze_undefined_function_calls([{{Mod, _F, _A}, _C} = AppUndef|Undefs],
- AppModules, AppUndefs) ->
- %% Check that this module is our's
- case lists:member(Mod,AppModules) of
- true ->
- {Calling,Called} = AppUndef,
- {Mod1,Func1,Ar1} = Calling,
- {Mod2,Func2,Ar2} = Called,
- io:format("undefined function call: "
- "~n ~w:~w/~w calls ~w:~w/~w~n",
- [Mod1,Func1,Ar1,Mod2,Func2,Ar2]),
- analyze_undefined_function_calls(Undefs, AppModules,
- [AppUndef|AppUndefs]);
- false ->
- io:format("dropping ~p~n", [Mod]),
- analyze_undefined_function_calls(Undefs, AppModules, AppUndefs)
- end.
-%% This function is used simply to avoid cut-and-paste errors later...
-undef_funcs_make_name(App, PostFix) ->
- list_to_atom(atom_to_list(App) ++ "_" ++ atom_to_list(PostFix)).
-key1search(Key, L) ->
- case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, L) of
- false ->
- fail({not_found, Key, L});
- {value, {Key, Value}} ->
- Value
- end.
-fail(Reason) ->
- exit({suite_failed, Reason}).
-%% Error handler
-init([Proc]) -> {ok,Proc}.
-handle_event(Event, Proc) ->
- Proc ! {stolen,Event},
- {ok,Proc}.