path: root/lib/public_key/src/pubkey_cert.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/public_key/src/pubkey_cert.erl')
1 files changed, 312 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/lib/public_key/src/pubkey_cert.erl b/lib/public_key/src/pubkey_cert.erl
index f45f2c2e9a..c433a96585 100644
--- a/lib/public_key/src/pubkey_cert.erl
+++ b/lib/public_key/src/pubkey_cert.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2017. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -32,12 +32,29 @@
is_issuer/2, issuer_id/2, distribution_points/1,
is_fixed_dh_cert/1, verify_data/1, verify_fun/4,
select_extension/2, match_name/3,
- extensions_list/1, cert_auth_key_id/1, time_str_2_gregorian_sec/1]).
+ extensions_list/1, cert_auth_key_id/1, time_str_2_gregorian_sec/1,
+ gen_test_certs/1, root_cert/2]).
-define(NULL, 0).
+-export_type([cert_opt/0, chain_opts/0, conf_opt/0,
+ test_config/0, test_root_cert/0]).
+-type cert_opt() :: {digest, public_key:digest_type()} |
+ {key, public_key:key_params() | public_key:private_key()} |
+ {validity, {From::erlang:timestamp(), To::erlang:timestamp()}} |
+ {extensions, [#'Extension'{}]}.
+-type chain_end() :: root | peer.
+-type chain_opts() :: #{chain_end() := [cert_opt()], intermediates => [[cert_opt()]]}.
+-type conf_opt() :: {cert, public_key:der_encoded()} |
+ {key, public_key:private_key()} |
+ {cacerts, [public_key:der_encoded()]}.
+-type test_config() ::
+ #{server_config := [conf_opt()], client_config := [conf_opt()]}.
+-type test_root_cert() ::
+ #{cert := binary(), key := public_key:private_key()}.
-%% Internal application API
+%% Internal application APIu
@@ -418,6 +435,94 @@ match_name(Fun, Name, PermittedName, [Head | Tail]) ->
match_name(Fun, Name, Head, Tail)
+-spec gen_test_certs(#{server_chain:= chain_opts(),
+ client_chain:= chain_opts()} |
+ chain_opts()) ->
+ test_config() |
+ [conf_opt()].
+%% Generates server and and client configuration for testing
+%% purposes. All certificate options have default values
+ #{client_chain :=
+ #{root := ClientRoot,
+ intermediates := ClientCAs,
+ peer := ClientPeer},
+ server_chain :=
+ #{root := ServerRoot,
+ intermediates := ServerCAs,
+ peer := ServerPeer}}) ->
+ #{cert := ServerRootCert, key := ServerRootKey} =
+ case ServerRoot of
+ #{} ->
+ ServerRoot;
+ ServerRootConf when is_list(ServerRootConf) ->
+ root_cert("SERVER ROOT CA", ServerRootConf)
+ end,
+ #{cert := ClientRootCert, key := ClientRootKey} =
+ case ClientRoot of
+ #{} ->
+ ClientRoot;
+ ClientRootConf when is_list(ClientRootConf) ->
+ root_cert("CLIENT ROOT CA", ClientRootConf)
+ end,
+ [{ServerDERCert, ServerDERKey} | ServerCAsKeys] =
+ config(
+ server, ServerRootCert, ServerRootKey,
+ lists:reverse([ServerPeer | lists:reverse(ServerCAs)])),
+ [{ClientDERCert, ClientDERKey} | ClientCAsKeys] =
+ config(
+ client, ClientRootCert, ClientRootKey,
+ lists:reverse([ClientPeer | lists:reverse(ClientCAs)])),
+ ServerDERCA = ca_config(ClientRootCert, ServerCAsKeys),
+ ClientDERCA = ca_config(ServerRootCert, ClientCAsKeys),
+ #{server_config =>
+ [{cert, ServerDERCert}, {key, ServerDERKey},
+ {cacerts, ServerDERCA}],
+ client_config =>
+ [{cert, ClientDERCert}, {key, ClientDERKey},
+ {cacerts, ClientDERCA}]};
+%% Generates a node configuration for testing purposes,
+%% when using the node server cert also for the client.
+%% All certificate options have default values
+ #{root := Root, intermediates := CAs, peer := Peer}) ->
+ #{cert := RootCert, key := RootKey} =
+ case Root of
+ #{} ->
+ Root;
+ RootConf when is_list(RootConf) ->
+ root_cert("SERVER ROOT CA", RootConf)
+ end,
+ [{DERCert, DERKey} | CAsKeys] =
+ config(
+ server, RootCert, RootKey,
+ lists:reverse([Peer | lists:reverse(CAs)])),
+ DERCAs = ca_config(RootCert, CAsKeys),
+ [{cert, DERCert}, {key, DERKey}, {cacerts, DERCAs}].
+-spec root_cert(string(), [cert_opt()]) -> test_root_cert().
+%% Generate a self-signed root cert
+root_cert(Name, Opts) ->
+ PrivKey = gen_key(proplists:get_value(key, Opts, default_key_gen())),
+ TBS = cert_template(),
+ Issuer = subject("root", Name),
+ TBS#'OTPTBSCertificate'{
+ signature = sign_algorithm(PrivKey, Opts),
+ issuer = Issuer,
+ validity = validity(Opts),
+ subject = Issuer,
+ subjectPublicKeyInfo = public_key(PrivKey),
+ extensions = extensions(undefined, ca, Opts)
+ },
+ #{cert => public_key:pkix_sign(OTPTBS, PrivKey),
+ key => PrivKey}.
%%% Internal functions
@@ -1064,3 +1169,206 @@ missing_basic_constraints(OtpCert, SelfSigned, ValidationState, VerifyFun, UserS
Len - 1},
+gen_key(KeyGen) ->
+ case is_key(KeyGen) of
+ true ->
+ KeyGen;
+ false ->
+ public_key:generate_key(KeyGen)
+ end.
+is_key(#'DSAPrivateKey'{}) ->
+ true;
+is_key(#'RSAPrivateKey'{}) ->
+ true;
+is_key(#'ECPrivateKey'{}) ->
+ true;
+is_key(_) ->
+ false.
+cert_template() ->
+ #'OTPTBSCertificate'{
+ version = v3,
+ serialNumber = erlang:unique_integer([positive, monotonic]),
+ issuerUniqueID = asn1_NOVALUE,
+ subjectUniqueID = asn1_NOVALUE
+ }.
+subject(Contact, Name) ->
+ Opts = [{email, Contact ++ "@example.org"},
+ {name, Name},
+ {city, "Stockholm"},
+ {country, "SE"},
+ {org, "erlang"},
+ {org_unit, "automated testing"}],
+ subject(Opts).
+subject(SubjectOpts) when is_list(SubjectOpts) ->
+ Encode = fun(Opt) ->
+ {Type,Value} = subject_enc(Opt),
+ [#'AttributeTypeAndValue'{type=Type, value=Value}]
+ end,
+ {rdnSequence, [Encode(Opt) || Opt <- SubjectOpts]}.
+subject_enc({name, Name}) ->
+ {?'id-at-commonName', {printableString, Name}};
+subject_enc({email, Email}) ->
+ {?'id-emailAddress', Email};
+subject_enc({city, City}) ->
+ {?'id-at-localityName', {printableString, City}};
+subject_enc({org, Org}) ->
+ {?'id-at-organizationName', {printableString, Org}};
+subject_enc({org_unit, OrgUnit}) ->
+ {?'id-at-organizationalUnitName', {printableString, OrgUnit}};
+subject_enc({country, Country}) ->
+ {?'id-at-countryName', Country}.
+validity(Opts) ->
+ DefFrom0 = calendar:gregorian_days_to_date(calendar:date_to_gregorian_days(date())-1),
+ DefTo0 = calendar:gregorian_days_to_date(calendar:date_to_gregorian_days(date())+7),
+ {DefFrom, DefTo} = proplists:get_value(validity, Opts, {DefFrom0, DefTo0}),
+ Format =
+ fun({Y,M,D}) ->
+ lists:flatten(
+ io_lib:format("~4..0w~2..0w~2..0w000000Z",[Y,M,D]))
+ end,
+ #'Validity'{notBefore={generalTime, Format(DefFrom)},
+ notAfter ={generalTime, Format(DefTo)}}.
+sign_algorithm(#'RSAPrivateKey'{}, Opts) ->
+ Type = rsa_digest_oid(proplists:get_value(digest, Opts, sha1)),
+ #'SignatureAlgorithm'{algorithm = Type,
+ parameters = 'NULL'};
+sign_algorithm(#'DSAPrivateKey'{p=P, q=Q, g=G}, _Opts) ->
+ #'SignatureAlgorithm'{algorithm = ?'id-dsa-with-sha1',
+ parameters = {params,#'Dss-Parms'{p=P, q=Q, g=G}}};
+sign_algorithm(#'ECPrivateKey'{parameters = Parms}, Opts) ->
+ Type = ecdsa_digest_oid(proplists:get_value(digest, Opts, sha1)),
+ #'SignatureAlgorithm'{algorithm = Type,
+ parameters = Parms}.
+rsa_digest_oid(sha1) ->
+ ?'sha1WithRSAEncryption';
+rsa_digest_oid(sha512) ->
+ ?'sha512WithRSAEncryption';
+rsa_digest_oid(sha384) ->
+ ?'sha384WithRSAEncryption';
+rsa_digest_oid(sha256) ->
+ ?'sha256WithRSAEncryption';
+rsa_digest_oid(md5) ->
+ ?'md5WithRSAEncryption'.
+ecdsa_digest_oid(sha1) ->
+ ?'ecdsa-with-SHA1';
+ecdsa_digest_oid(sha512) ->
+ ?'ecdsa-with-SHA512';
+ecdsa_digest_oid(sha384) ->
+ ?'ecdsa-with-SHA384';
+ecdsa_digest_oid(sha256) ->
+ ?'ecdsa-with-SHA256'.
+config(Role, Root, Key, Opts) ->
+ cert_chain(Role, Root, Key, Opts).
+cert_chain(Role, Root, RootKey, Opts) ->
+ cert_chain(Role, Root, RootKey, Opts, 0, []).
+cert_chain(Role, IssuerCert, IssuerKey, [PeerOpts], _, Acc) ->
+ Key = gen_key(proplists:get_value(key, PeerOpts, default_key_gen())),
+ Cert = cert(Role, public_key:pkix_decode_cert(IssuerCert, otp),
+ IssuerKey, Key, "admin", " Peer cert", PeerOpts, peer),
+ [{Cert, encode_key(Key)}, {IssuerCert, encode_key(IssuerKey)} | Acc];
+cert_chain(Role, IssuerCert, IssuerKey, [CAOpts | Rest], N, Acc) ->
+ Key = gen_key(proplists:get_value(key, CAOpts, default_key_gen())),
+ Cert = cert(Role, public_key:pkix_decode_cert(IssuerCert, otp), IssuerKey, Key, "webadmin",
+ " Intermidiate CA " ++ integer_to_list(N), CAOpts, ca),
+ cert_chain(Role, Cert, Key, Rest, N+1, [{IssuerCert, encode_key(IssuerKey)} | Acc]).
+cert(Role, #'OTPCertificate'{tbsCertificate = #'OTPTBSCertificate'{subject = Issuer}},
+ PrivKey, Key, Contact, Name, Opts, Type) ->
+ TBS = cert_template(),
+ OTPTBS = TBS#'OTPTBSCertificate'{
+ signature = sign_algorithm(PrivKey, Opts),
+ issuer = Issuer,
+ validity = validity(Opts),
+ subject = subject(Contact, atom_to_list(Role) ++ Name),
+ subjectPublicKeyInfo = public_key(Key),
+ extensions = extensions(Role, Type, Opts)
+ },
+ public_key:pkix_sign(OTPTBS, PrivKey).
+ca_config(Root, CAsKeys) ->
+ [Root | [CA || {CA, _} <- CAsKeys]].
+default_key_gen() ->
+ case crypto:ec_curves() of
+ [] ->
+ {rsa, 2048, 17};
+ [Curve |_] ->
+ Oid = pubkey_cert_records:namedCurves(Curve),
+ {namedCurve, Oid}
+ end.
+public_key(#'RSAPrivateKey'{modulus=N, publicExponent=E}) ->
+ Public = #'RSAPublicKey'{modulus=N, publicExponent=E},
+ Algo = #'PublicKeyAlgorithm'{algorithm= ?rsaEncryption, parameters='NULL'},
+ #'OTPSubjectPublicKeyInfo'{algorithm = Algo,
+ subjectPublicKey = Public};
+public_key(#'DSAPrivateKey'{p=P, q=Q, g=G, y=Y}) ->
+ Algo = #'PublicKeyAlgorithm'{algorithm= ?'id-dsa',
+ parameters={params, #'Dss-Parms'{p=P, q=Q, g=G}}},
+ #'OTPSubjectPublicKeyInfo'{algorithm = Algo, subjectPublicKey = Y};
+public_key(#'ECPrivateKey'{version = _Version,
+ privateKey = _PrivKey,
+ parameters = Params,
+ publicKey = PubKey}) ->
+ Algo = #'PublicKeyAlgorithm'{algorithm= ?'id-ecPublicKey', parameters=Params},
+ #'OTPSubjectPublicKeyInfo'{algorithm = Algo,
+ subjectPublicKey = #'ECPoint'{point = PubKey}}.
+extensions(Role, Type, Opts) ->
+ Exts = proplists:get_value(extensions, Opts, []),
+ add_default_extensions(Role, Type, Exts).
+add_default_extensions(_, ca, Exts) ->
+ Default = [#'Extension'{extnID = ?'id-ce-keyUsage',
+ extnValue = [keyCertSign, cRLSign],
+ critical = false},
+ #'Extension'{extnID = ?'id-ce-basicConstraints',
+ extnValue = #'BasicConstraints'{cA = true},
+ critical = true}],
+ add_default_extensions(Default, Exts);
+add_default_extensions(server, peer, Exts) ->
+ Hostname = net_adm:localhost(),
+ Default = [#'Extension'{extnID = ?'id-ce-keyUsage',
+ extnValue = [digitalSignature, keyAgreement],
+ critical = false},
+ #'Extension'{extnID = ?'id-ce-subjectAltName',
+ extnValue = [{dNSName, Hostname}],
+ critical = false}
+ ],
+ add_default_extensions(Default, Exts);
+add_default_extensions(client, peer, Exts) ->
+ Exts.
+add_default_extensions(Defaults0, Exts) ->
+ Defaults = lists:filtermap(fun(#'Extension'{extnID = ID} = Ext) ->
+ case lists:keymember(ID, 2, Exts) of
+ true ->
+ false;
+ false ->
+ {true, Ext}
+ end
+ end, Defaults0),
+ Exts ++ Defaults.
+encode_key(#'RSAPrivateKey'{} = Key) ->
+ {'RSAPrivateKey', public_key:der_encode('RSAPrivateKey', Key)};
+encode_key(#'ECPrivateKey'{} = Key) ->
+ {'ECPrivateKey', public_key:der_encode('ECPrivateKey', Key)};
+encode_key(#'DSAPrivateKey'{} = Key) ->
+ {'DSAPrivateKey', public_key:der_encode('DSAPrivateKey', Key)}.