path: root/lib/public_key/src/pubkey_ssh.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/public_key/src/pubkey_ssh.erl')
1 files changed, 148 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/lib/public_key/src/pubkey_ssh.erl b/lib/public_key/src/pubkey_ssh.erl
index 7680d0ce59..90726b1eb3 100644
--- a/lib/public_key/src/pubkey_ssh.erl
+++ b/lib/public_key/src/pubkey_ssh.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011-2014. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011-2016. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -20,10 +20,17 @@
--export([decode/2, encode/2]).
+-export([decode/2, encode/2,
+ dh_gex_group/4,
+ dh_gex_group_sizes/0
+ ]).
-define(UINT32(X), X:32/unsigned-big-integer).
+-define(STRING(X), ?UINT32((size(X))), (X)/binary).
%% Max encoded line length is 72, but conformance examples use 68
%% Comment from rfc 4716: "The following are some examples of public
%% key files that are compliant (note that the examples all wrap
@@ -31,13 +38,16 @@
%% are still compliant.)" So we choose to use 68 also.
%% Internal application API
-spec decode(binary(), public_key | public_key:ssh_file()) ->
- [{public_key:public_key(), Attributes::list()}].
+ [{public_key:public_key(), Attributes::list()}]
+ ; (binary(), ssh2_pubkey) -> public_key:public_key()
+ .
%% Description: Decodes a ssh file-binary.
@@ -50,21 +60,71 @@ decode(Bin, public_key)->
decode(Bin, rfc4716_public_key) ->
+decode(Bin, ssh2_pubkey) ->
+ ssh2_pubkey_decode(Bin);
decode(Bin, Type) ->
openssh_decode(Bin, Type).
-spec encode([{public_key:public_key(), Attributes::list()}], public_key:ssh_file()) ->
- binary().
+ binary()
+ ; (public_key:public_key(), ssh2_pubkey) -> binary()
+ .
%% Description: Encodes a list of ssh file entries.
+encode(Bin, ssh2_pubkey) ->
+ ssh2_pubkey_encode(Bin);
encode(Entries, Type) ->
iolist_to_binary(lists:map(fun({Key, Attributes}) ->
do_encode(Type, Key, Attributes)
end, Entries)).
+-spec dh_gex_group(integer(), integer(), integer(),
+ undefined | [{integer(),[{integer(),integer()}]}]) ->
+ {ok,{integer(),{integer(),integer()}}} | {error,any()} .
+%% Description: Returns Generator and Modulus given MinSize, WantedSize
+%% and MaxSize
+dh_gex_group(Min, N, Max, undefined) ->
+ dh_gex_group(Min, N, Max, ?dh_default_groups);
+dh_gex_group(Min, N, Max, Groups) ->
+ case select_by_keylen(Min-10, N, Max+10, Groups) of
+ {ok,{Sz,GPs}} ->
+ {ok, {Sz,lists:nth(crypto:rand_uniform(1, 1+length(GPs)), GPs)}};
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end.
+ [KeyLen || {KeyLen,_} <- ?dh_default_groups].
+%% Select the one with K closest to N but within the interval [Min,Max]
+select_by_keylen(Min, N, Max, [{K,_Gs}|Groups]) when K < Min ->
+ select_by_keylen(Min, N, Max, Groups);
+select_by_keylen(Min, N, Max, [{K,Gs}|Groups]) when K =< Max ->
+ {ok, select_by_keylen(Min, N, Max, Groups, {K,Gs})};
+select_by_keylen(_Min, _N, _Max, _) ->
+ {error,no_group_found}.
+select_by_keylen(_Min, _N, Max, [{K,_Gs}|_Groups], GPprev) when K > Max ->
+ GPprev;
+select_by_keylen(Min, N, Max, [{K,Gs}|Groups], {Kprev,GsPrev}) ->
+ if
+ N == K -> {K,Gs};
+ N > K -> select_by_keylen(Min, N, Max, Groups, {K,Gs});
+ N < K, (K-N) < (N-Kprev) -> {K,Gs};
+ N < K -> {Kprev,GsPrev}
+ end;
+select_by_keylen(_Min, _N, _Max, [],GPprev) ->
+ %% is between Min and Max
+ GPprev.
%%% Internal functions
begin_marker() ->
@@ -130,7 +190,12 @@ rfc4716_pubkey_decode(<<?UINT32(Len), Type:Len/binary,
{erlint(SizeY, Y),
#'Dss-Parms'{p = erlint(SizeP, P),
q = erlint(SizeQ, Q),
- g = erlint(SizeG, G)}}.
+ g = erlint(SizeG, G)}};
+rfc4716_pubkey_decode(<<?UINT32(Len), ECDSA_SHA2_etc:Len/binary,
+ ?UINT32(SizeId), Id:SizeId/binary,
+ ?UINT32(SizeQ), Q:SizeQ/binary>>) ->
+ <<"ecdsa-sha2-", Id/binary>> = ECDSA_SHA2_etc,
+ {#'ECPoint'{point = Q}, {namedCurve,public_key:ssh_curvename2oid(Id)}}.
openssh_decode(Bin, FileType) ->
Lines = binary:split(Bin, <<"\n">>, [global]),
@@ -184,46 +249,42 @@ do_openssh_decode(known_hosts = FileType, [Line | Lines], Acc) ->
do_openssh_decode(openssh_public_key = FileType, [Line | Lines], Acc) ->
- case split_n(2, Line, []) of
- [KeyType, Base64Enc] when KeyType == <<"ssh-rsa">>;
- KeyType == <<"ssh-dss">> ->
+ [KeyType, Base64Enc | Comment0] = split_n(2, Line, []),
+ KnownKeyType =
+ case KeyType of
+ <<"ssh-rsa">> -> true;
+ <<"ssh-dss">> -> true;
+ <<"ecdsa-sha2-",Curve/binary>> -> is_ssh_curvename(Curve);
+ _ -> false
+ end,
+ case Comment0 of
+ [] when KnownKeyType==true ->
do_openssh_decode(FileType, Lines,
[{openssh_pubkey_decode(KeyType, Base64Enc),
[]} | Acc]);
- [KeyType, Base64Enc | Comment0] when KeyType == <<"ssh-rsa">>;
- KeyType == <<"ssh-dss">> ->
+ _ when KnownKeyType==true ->
Comment = string:strip(string_decode(iolist_to_binary(Comment0)), right, $\n),
do_openssh_decode(FileType, Lines,
[{openssh_pubkey_decode(KeyType, Base64Enc),
[{comment, Comment}]} | Acc])
decode_comment([]) ->
decode_comment(Comment) ->
[{comment, string_decode(iolist_to_binary(Comment))}].
-openssh_pubkey_decode(<<"ssh-rsa">>, Base64Enc) ->
- <<?UINT32(StrLen), _:StrLen/binary,
- ?UINT32(SizeE), E:SizeE/binary,
- ?UINT32(SizeN), N:SizeN/binary>>
- = base64:mime_decode(Base64Enc),
- #'RSAPublicKey'{modulus = erlint(SizeN, N),
- publicExponent = erlint(SizeE, E)};
-openssh_pubkey_decode(<<"ssh-dss">>, Base64Enc) ->
- <<?UINT32(StrLen), _:StrLen/binary,
- ?UINT32(SizeP), P:SizeP/binary,
- ?UINT32(SizeQ), Q:SizeQ/binary,
- ?UINT32(SizeG), G:SizeG/binary,
- ?UINT32(SizeY), Y:SizeY/binary>>
- = base64:mime_decode(Base64Enc),
- {erlint(SizeY, Y),
- #'Dss-Parms'{p = erlint(SizeP, P),
- q = erlint(SizeQ, Q),
- g = erlint(SizeG, G)}};
-openssh_pubkey_decode(KeyType, Base64Enc) ->
- {KeyType, base64:mime_decode(Base64Enc)}.
+openssh_pubkey_decode(Type, Base64Enc) ->
+ try
+ ssh2_pubkey_decode(Type, base64:mime_decode(Base64Enc))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ {Type, base64:mime_decode(Base64Enc)}
+ end.
erlint(MPIntSize, MPIntValue) ->
Bits= MPIntSize * 8,
@@ -347,10 +408,9 @@ line_end("") ->
line_end(Comment) ->
[" ", Comment, "\n"].
-key_type(#'RSAPublicKey'{}) ->
- <<"ssh-rsa">>;
-key_type({_, #'Dss-Parms'{}}) ->
- <<"ssh-dss">>.
+key_type(#'RSAPublicKey'{}) -> <<"ssh-rsa">>;
+key_type({_, #'Dss-Parms'{}}) -> <<"ssh-dss">>;
+key_type({#'ECPoint'{}, {namedCurve,Curve}}) -> <<"ecdsa-sha2-", (public_key:oid2ssh_curvename(Curve))/binary>>.
comma_list_encode([Option], []) ->
@@ -380,20 +440,49 @@ ssh2_pubkey_encode({Y, #'Dss-Parms'{p = P, q = Q, g = G}}) ->
- YBin/binary>>.
-is_key_field(<<"ssh-dss">>) ->
- true;
-is_key_field(<<"ssh-rsa">>) ->
- true;
-is_key_field(<<"ecdsa-sha2-nistp256">>) ->
- true;
-is_key_field(<<"ecdsa-sha2-nistp384">>) ->
- true;
-is_key_field(<<"ecdsa-sha2-nistp521">>) ->
- true;
-is_key_field(_) ->
- false.
+ YBin/binary>>;
+ssh2_pubkey_encode(Key={#'ECPoint'{point = Q}, {namedCurve,OID}}) ->
+ TypeStr = key_type(Key),
+ StrLen = size(TypeStr),
+ IdB = public_key:oid2ssh_curvename(OID),
+ <<?UINT32(StrLen), TypeStr:StrLen/binary,
+ (string(IdB))/binary,
+ (string(Q))/binary>>.
+ssh2_pubkey_decode(Bin = <<?UINT32(Len), Type:Len/binary, _/binary>>) ->
+ ssh2_pubkey_decode(Type, Bin).
+ <<?UINT32(Len), _:Len/binary,
+ ?UINT32(SizeE), E:SizeE/binary,
+ ?UINT32(SizeN), N:SizeN/binary>>) ->
+ #'RSAPublicKey'{modulus = erlint(SizeN, N),
+ publicExponent = erlint(SizeE, E)};
+ <<?UINT32(Len), _:Len/binary,
+ ?UINT32(SizeP), P:SizeP/binary,
+ ?UINT32(SizeQ), Q:SizeQ/binary,
+ ?UINT32(SizeG), G:SizeG/binary,
+ ?UINT32(SizeY), Y:SizeY/binary>>) ->
+ {erlint(SizeY, Y),
+ #'Dss-Parms'{p = erlint(SizeP, P),
+ q = erlint(SizeQ, Q),
+ g = erlint(SizeG, G)}};
+ <<?UINT32(Len), ECDSA_SHA2_etc:Len/binary,
+ ?UINT32(SizeId), Id:SizeId/binary,
+ ?UINT32(SizeQ), Q:SizeQ/binary>>) ->
+ <<"ecdsa-sha2-", Id/binary>> = ECDSA_SHA2_etc,
+ {#'ECPoint'{point = Q}, {namedCurve,public_key:ssh_curvename2oid(Id)}}.
+is_key_field(<<"ssh-dss">>) -> true;
+is_key_field(<<"ssh-rsa">>) -> true;
+is_key_field(<<"ecdsa-sha2-",Id/binary>>) -> is_ssh_curvename(Id);
+is_key_field(_) -> false.
is_bits_field(Part) ->
try list_to_integer(binary_to_list(Part)) of
@@ -507,3 +596,14 @@ int_to_bin_neg(-1, Ds=[MSB|_]) when MSB >= 16#80 ->
int_to_bin_neg(X,Ds) ->
int_to_bin_neg(X bsr 8, [(X band 255)|Ds]).
+string(X) when is_binary(X) ->
+ << ?STRING(X) >>;
+string(X) ->
+ << ?STRING(list_to_binary(X)) >>.
+is_ssh_curvename(Id) -> try public_key:ssh_curvename2oid(Id) of _ -> true
+ catch _:_ -> false
+ end.