path: root/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE.erl b/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE.erl
index cd24819899..68aa152911 100644
--- a/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE.erl
@@ -45,13 +45,17 @@ all() ->
{group, sign_verify},
pkix, pkix_countryname, pkix_emailaddress, pkix_path_validation,
pkix_iso_rsa_oid, pkix_iso_dsa_oid, pkix_crl, general_name,
+ pkix_verify_hostname_cn,
+ pkix_verify_hostname_subjAltName,
+ pkix_verify_hostname_options,
short_cert_issuer_hash, short_crl_issuer_hash,
- ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_sha512
+ ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_sha512,
+ ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_list
groups() ->
@@ -90,20 +94,21 @@ end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
init_per_testcase(TestCase, Config) ->
case TestCase of
- ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_md5_implicit -> init_fingerprint_testcase(md5, Config);
- ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_md5 -> init_fingerprint_testcase(md5, Config);
- ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_sha -> init_fingerprint_testcase(sha, Config);
- ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_sha256 -> init_fingerprint_testcase(sha256, Config);
- ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_sha384 -> init_fingerprint_testcase(sha384, Config);
- ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_sha512 -> init_fingerprint_testcase(sha512, Config);
+ ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_md5_implicit -> init_fingerprint_testcase([md5], Config);
+ ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_md5 -> init_fingerprint_testcase([md5], Config);
+ ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_sha -> init_fingerprint_testcase([sha], Config);
+ ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_sha256 -> init_fingerprint_testcase([sha256], Config);
+ ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_sha384 -> init_fingerprint_testcase([sha384], Config);
+ ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_sha512 -> init_fingerprint_testcase([sha512], Config);
+ ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_list -> init_fingerprint_testcase([sha,md5], Config);
_ -> init_common_per_testcase(Config)
-init_fingerprint_testcase(Alg, Config) ->
- CryptoSupports = lists:member(Alg, proplists:get_value(hashs, crypto:supports())),
- case CryptoSupports of
- false -> {skip,{Alg,not_supported}};
- true -> init_common_per_testcase(Config)
+init_fingerprint_testcase(Algs, Config) ->
+ Hashs = proplists:get_value(hashs, crypto:supports(), []),
+ case Algs -- Hashs of
+ [] -> init_common_per_testcase(Config);
+ UnsupportedAlgs -> {skip,{UnsupportedAlgs,not_supported}}
init_common_per_testcase(Config0) ->
@@ -597,6 +602,14 @@ ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_sha512(_Config) ->
Expected = public_key:ssh_hostkey_fingerprint(sha512, ssh_hostkey(rsa)).
+%% Since this kind of fingerprint is not available yet on standard
+%% distros, we do like this instead.
+ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_list(_Config) ->
+ Expected = ["SHA1:Soammnaqg06jrm2jivMSnzQGlmk",
+ "MD5:4b:0b:63:de:0f:a7:3a:ab:2c:cc:2d:d1:21:37:1d:3a"],
+ Expected = public_key:ssh_hostkey_fingerprint([sha,md5], ssh_hostkey(rsa)).
encrypt_decrypt() ->
[{doc, "Test public_key:encrypt_private and public_key:decrypt_public"}].
encrypt_decrypt(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -814,6 +827,114 @@ pkix_path_validation(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+%% To generate the PEM file contents:
+%% openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout /dev/null -subj '/C=SE/CN=example.com/CN=*.foo.example.com/CN=a*b.bar.example.com/O=erlang.org' > public_key_SUITE_data/pkix_verify_hostname_cn.pem
+%% Note that the same pem-file is used in pkix_verify_hostname_options/1
+%% Subject: C=SE, CN=example.com, CN=*.foo.example.com, CN=a*b.bar.example.com, O=erlang.org
+%% extensions = no subjAltName
+pkix_verify_hostname_cn(Config) ->
+ DataDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
+ {ok,Bin} = file:read_file(filename:join(DataDir,"pkix_verify_hostname_cn.pem")),
+ Cert = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(element(2,hd(public_key:pem_decode(Bin))), otp),
+ %% Check that 1) only CNs are checked,
+ %% 2) an empty label does not match a wildcard and
+ %% 3) a wildcard does not match more than one label
+ false = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{dns_id,"erlang.org"},
+ {dns_id,"foo.EXAMPLE.com"},
+ {dns_id,"b.a.foo.EXAMPLE.com"}]),
+ %% Check that a hostname is extracted from a https-uri and used for checking:
+ true = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{uri_id,"HTTPS://EXAMPLE.com"}]),
+ %% Check wildcard matching one label:
+ true = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{dns_id,"a.foo.EXAMPLE.com"}]),
+ %% Check wildcard with surrounding chars matches one label:
+ true = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{dns_id,"accb.bar.EXAMPLE.com"}]),
+ %% Check that a wildcard with surrounding chars matches an empty string:
+ true = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{uri_id,"https://ab.bar.EXAMPLE.com"}]).
+%% To generate the PEM file contents:
+%% openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout /dev/null -extensions SAN -config public_key_SUITE_data/verify_hostname.conf 2>/dev/null > public_key_SUITE_data/pkix_verify_hostname_subjAltName.pem
+%% Subject: C=SE, CN=example.com
+%% Subject Alternative Name: DNS:kb.example.org, URI:http://www.example.org, URI:https://wws.example.org
+pkix_verify_hostname_subjAltName(Config) ->
+ DataDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
+ {ok,Bin} = file:read_file(filename:join(DataDir,"pkix_verify_hostname_subjAltName.pem")),
+ Cert = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(element(2,hd(public_key:pem_decode(Bin))), otp),
+ %% Check that neither a uri nor dns hostname matches a CN if subjAltName is present:
+ false = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{uri_id,"https://example.com"},
+ {dns_id,"example.com"}]),
+ %% Check that a uri_id matches a URI subjAltName:
+ true = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{uri_id,"https://wws.example.org"}]),
+ %% Check that a dns_id does not match a URI subjAltName:
+ false = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{dns_id,"www.example.org"},
+ {dns_id,"wws.example.org"}]),
+ %% Check that a dns_id matches a DNS subjAltName:
+ true = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{dns_id,"kb.example.org"}]).
+%% Uses the pem-file for pkix_verify_hostname_cn
+%% Subject: C=SE, CN=example.com, CN=*.foo.example.com, CN=a*b.bar.example.com, O=erlang.org
+pkix_verify_hostname_options(Config) ->
+ DataDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
+ {ok,Bin} = file:read_file(filename:join(DataDir,"pkix_verify_hostname_cn.pem")),
+ Cert = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(element(2,hd(public_key:pem_decode(Bin))), otp),
+ %% Check that the fail_callback is called and is presented the correct certificate:
+ true = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{dns_id,"erlang.org"}],
+ [{fail_callback,
+ fun(#'OTPCertificate'{}=C) when C==Cert ->
+ true; % To test the return value matters
+ (#'OTPCertificate'{}=C) ->
+ ct:log("~p:~p: Wrong cert:~n~p~nExpect~n~p",
+ [?MODULE, ?LINE, C, Cert]),
+ ct:fail("Wrong cert, see log");
+ (C) ->
+ ct:log("~p:~p: Bad cert: ~p",[?MODULE,?LINE,C]),
+ ct:fail("Bad cert, see log")
+ end}]),
+ %% Check the callback for user-provided match functions:
+ true = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{dns_id,"very.wrong.domain"}],
+ [{match_fun,
+ fun("very.wrong.domain", {cn,"example.com"}) ->
+ true;
+ (_, _) ->
+ false
+ end}]),
+ false = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{dns_id,"not.example.com"}],
+ [{match_fun, fun(_, _) -> default end}]),
+ true = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{dns_id,"example.com"}],
+ [{match_fun, fun(_, _) -> default end}]),
+ %% Check the callback for user-provided fqdn extraction:
+ true = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{uri_id,"some://very.wrong.domain"}],
+ [{fqdn_fun,
+ fun({uri_id, "some://very.wrong.domain"}) ->
+ "example.com";
+ (_) ->
+ ""
+ end}]),
+ true = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{uri_id,"https://example.com"}],
+ [{fqdn_fun, fun(_) -> default end}]),
+ false = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{uri_id,"some://very.wrong.domain"}]).
pkix_iso_rsa_oid() ->
[{doc, "Test workaround for supporting certs that use ISO oids"
" instead of PKIX/PKCS oid"}].