path: root/lib/public_key
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/public_key')
7 files changed, 653 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/lib/public_key/doc/src/public_key.xml b/lib/public_key/doc/src/public_key.xml
index c503230d70..c97ec361d1 100644
--- a/lib/public_key/doc/src/public_key.xml
+++ b/lib/public_key/doc/src/public_key.xml
@@ -757,6 +757,39 @@ fun(#'DistributionPoint'{}, #'CertificateList'{},
+ <name>pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, ReferenceIDs) -> boolean()</name>
+ <name>pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, ReferenceIDs, Opts) -> boolean()</name>
+ <fsummary>Verifies that a PKIX x.509 certificate <i>presented identifier</i> (e.g hostname) is
+ an expected one.</fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>Cert = der_encoded() | #'OTPCertificate'{} </v>
+ <v>ReferenceIDs = [ RefID ]</v>
+ <v>RefID = {IdType,string()}</v>
+ <v>IdType = dns_id | srv_id | uri_id</v>
+ <v>Opts = [ PvhOpt() ]</v>
+ <v>PvhOpt = [MatchOpt | FailCallBackOpt | FqdnExtractOpt]</v>
+ <v>MatchOpt = {fun(RefId | FQDN::string(), PresentedID) -> boolean() | default}</v>
+ <v>PresentedID = {dNSName,string()} | {uniformResourceIdentifier,string()}</v>
+ <v>FailCallBackOpt = {fail_callback, fun(#'OTPCertificate'{}) -> boolean()}</v>
+ <v>FqdnExtractOpt = {fqdn_fun, fun(RefID) -> FQDN::string() | default | undefined}</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc>
+ <p>This function checks that the <i>Presented Identifier</i> (e.g hostname) in a peer certificate
+ conforms with the Expected Identifier that the client wants to connect to.
+ This functions is intended to be added as an extra client check to the peer certificate when performing
+ <seealso marker="public_key:public_key#pkix_path_validation-3">public_key:pkix_path_validation/3</seealso>
+ </p>
+ <p>See <url href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6125">RFC 6125</url>
+ for detailed information about hostname verification.
+ The <seealso marker="using_public_key#verify_hostname">User's Manual</seealso>
+ and
+ <seealso marker="using_public_key#verify_hostname_examples">code examples</seealso>
+ describes this function more detailed.
+ </p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
<name>sign(Msg, DigestType, Key) -> binary()</name>
<fsummary>Creates a digital signature.</fsummary>
@@ -824,6 +857,7 @@ fun(#'DistributionPoint'{}, #'CertificateList'{},
<name>ssh_hostkey_fingerprint(HostKey) -> string()</name>
<name>ssh_hostkey_fingerprint(DigestType, HostKey) -> string()</name>
+ <name>ssh_hostkey_fingerprint([DigestType], HostKey) -> [string()]</name>
<fsummary>Calculates a ssh fingerprint for a hostkey.</fsummary>
<v>Key = public_key()</v>
@@ -847,6 +881,10 @@ fun(#'DistributionPoint'{}, #'CertificateList'{},
5> public_key:ssh_hostkey_fingerprint(sha256,Key).
+ 6> public_key:ssh_hostkey_fingerprint([sha,sha256],Key).
+ ["SHA1:bSLY/C4QXLDL/Iwmhyg0PGW9UbY",
+ "SHA256:aZGXhabfbf4oxglxltItWeHU7ub3Dc31NcNw2cMJePQ"]
diff --git a/lib/public_key/doc/src/using_public_key.xml b/lib/public_key/doc/src/using_public_key.xml
index e3a1eed4be..417d479da3 100644
--- a/lib/public_key/doc/src/using_public_key.xml
+++ b/lib/public_key/doc/src/using_public_key.xml
@@ -417,6 +417,259 @@ true = public_key:verify(Digest, none, Signature, PublicKey),</code>
+ <section>
+ <marker id="verify_hostname"></marker>
+ <title>Verifying a certificate hostname</title>
+ <section>
+ <title>Background</title>
+ <p>When a client checks a server certificate there are a number of checks available like
+ checks that the certificate is not revoked, not forged or not out-of-date.
+ </p>
+ <p>There are however attacks that are not detected by those checks. Suppose a bad guy has
+ succeded with a DNS infection. Then the client could belive it is connecting to one host but
+ ends up at another but evil one. Though it is evil, it could have a perfectly legal
+ certificate! The certificate has a valid signature, it is not revoked, the certificate chain
+ is not faked and has a trusted root and so on.
+ </p>
+ <p>To detect that the server is not the intended one, the client must additionaly perform
+ a <i>hostname verification</i>. This procedure is described in
+ <url href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6125">RFC 6125</url>. The idea is that the certificate
+ lists the hostnames it could be fetched from. This is checked by the certificate issuer when
+ the certificate is signed. So if the certificate is issued by a trusted root the client
+ could trust the host names signed in it.
+ </p>
+ <p>There is a default hostname matching procedure defined in
+ <url href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6125#section-6">RFC 6125, section 6</url>
+ as well as protocol dependent variations defined in
+ <url href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6125#appendix-B">RFC 6125 appendix B</url>.
+ The default procedure is implemented in
+ <seealso marker="public_key:public_key#pkix_verify_hostname-2">public_key:pkix_verify_hostname/2,3</seealso>.
+ It is possible for a client to hook in modified rules using the options list.
+ </p>
+ <p>Some terminology is needed: the certificate presents hostname(s) on which it is valid.
+ Those are called <i>Presented IDs</i>. The hostname(s) the client belives it connects to
+ are called <i>Reference IDs</i>. The matching rules aims to verify that there is at least
+ one of the Reference IDs that matches one of the Presented IDs. If not, the verification fails.
+ </p>
+ <p>The IDs contains normal fully qualified domain names like e.g <c>foo.example.com</c>,
+ but IP addresses are not recommended. The rfc describes why this is not recommended as well
+ as security considerations about how to aquire the Reference IDs.
+ </p>
+ <p>Internationalized domain names are not supported.
+ </p>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <title>The verification process</title>
+ <p>Traditionally the Presented IDs were found in the <c>Subject</c> certificate field as <c>CN</c>
+ names. This is still quite common. When printing a certificate they show up as:
+ </p>
+ <code>
+ $ openssl x509 -text &lt; cert.pem
+ ...
+ Subject: C=SE, CN=example.com, CN=*.example.com, O=erlang.org
+ ...
+ </code>
+ <p>The example <c>Subject</c> field has one C, two CN and one O part. It is only the
+ CN (Common Name) that is used by hostname verification. The two other (C and O) is not used
+ here even when they contain a domain name like the O part. The C and O parts are defined
+ elsewhere and meaningful only for other functions.
+ </p>
+ <p>In the example the Presented IDs are <c>example.com</c> as well as hostnames matching
+ <c>*.example.com</c>. For example <c>foo.example.com</c> and <c>bar.example.com</c> both
+ matches but not <c>foo.bar.example.com</c>. The name <c>erlang.org</c> matches neither
+ since it is not a CN.
+ </p>
+ <p>In case where the Presented IDs are fetched from the <c>Subject</c> certificate field, the
+ names may contain wildcard characters. The function handles this as defined in
+ <url href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6125#section-6.4.3">chapter 6.4.3 in RFC 6125</url>.
+ </p>
+ <p>There may only be one wildcard character and that is in the first label, for example:
+ <c>*.example.com</c>. This matches <c>foo.example.com</c> but neither <c>example.com</c> nor
+ <c>foo.bar.example.com</c>.
+ </p>
+ <p>There may be label characters before or/and after the wildcard. For example:
+ <c>a*d.example.com</c> matches <c>abcd.example.com</c> and <c>ad.example.com</c>,
+ but not <c>ab.cd.example.com</c>.
+ </p>
+ <p>In the previous example there is no indication of which protocols are expected. So a client
+ has no indication of whether it is a web server, an ldap server or maybe a sip server it is
+ connected to.
+ There are fields in the certificate that can indicate this. To be more exact, the rfc
+ introduces the usage of the <c>X509v3 Subject Alternative Name</c> in the <c>X509v3 extensions</c>
+ field:
+ </p>
+ <code>
+ $ openssl x509 -text &lt; cert.pem
+ ...
+ X509v3 extensions:
+ X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
+ DNS:kb.example.org, URI:https://www.example.org
+ ...
+ </code>
+ <p>Here <c>kb.example.org</c> serves any protocol while <c>www.example.org</c> presents a secure
+ web server.
+ </p>
+ <p>The next example has both <c>Subject</c> and <c>Subject Alternate Name</c> present:</p>
+ <code>
+ $ openssl x509 -text &lt; cert.pem
+ ...
+ Subject: C=SE, CN=example.com, CN=*.example.com, O=erlang.org
+ ...
+ X509v3 extensions:
+ X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
+ DNS:kb.example.org, URI:https://www.example.org
+ ...
+ </code>
+ <p>The RFC states that if a certificate defines Reference IDs in a <c>Subject Alternate Name</c>
+ field, the <c>Subject</c> field MUST NOT be used for host name checking, even if it contains
+ valid CN names.
+ Therefore only <c>kb.example.org</c> and <c>https://www.example.org</c> matches. The match fails
+ both for <c>example.com</c> and <c>foo.example.com</c> becuase they are in the <c>Subject</c>
+ field which is not checked because the <c>Subject Alternate Name</c> field is present.
+ </p>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <marker id="verify_hostname_examples"></marker>
+ <title>Function call examples</title>
+ <note>
+ <p>Other applications like ssl/tls or https might have options that are passed
+ down to the <c>public_key:pkix_verify_hostname</c>. You will probably not
+ have to call it directly</p>
+ </note>
+ <p>Suppose our client expects to connect to the web server https://www.example.net. This
+ URI is therefore the Reference IDs of the client.
+ The call will be:
+ </p>
+ <code>
+ public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(CertFromHost,
+ [{uri_id, "https://www.example.net"}
+ ]).
+ </code>
+ <p>The call will return <c>true</c> or <c>false</c> depending on the check. The caller
+ do not need to handle the matching rules in the rfc. The matching will proceed as:
+ </p>
+ <list>
+ <item>If there is a <c>Subject Alternate Name</c> field, the <c>{uri_id,string()}</c> in the
+ function call will be compared to any
+ <c>{uniformResourceIdentifier,string()}</c> in the Certificate field.
+ If the two <c>strings()</c> are equal (case insensitive), there is a match.
+ The same applies for any <c>{dns_id,string()}</c> in the call which is compared
+ with all <c>{dNSName,string()}</c> in the Certificate field.
+ </item>
+ <item>If there is NO <c>Subject Alternate Name</c> field, the <c>Subject</c> field will be
+ checked. All <c>CN</c> names will be compared to all hostnames <i>extracted</i> from
+ <c>{uri_id,string()}</c> and from <c>{dns_id,string()}</c>.
+ </item>
+ </list>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <title>Extending the search mechanism</title>
+ <p>The caller can use own extraction and matching rules. This is done with the two options
+ <c>fqdn_fun</c> and <c>match_fun</c>.
+ </p>
+ <section>
+ <title>Hostname extraction</title>
+ <p>The <c>fqdn_fun</c> extracts hostnames (Fully Qualified Domain Names) from uri_id
+ or other ReferenceIDs that are not pre-defined in the public_key function.
+ Suppose you have some URI with a very special protocol-part:
+ <c>myspecial://example.com"</c>. Since this a non-standard URI there will be no hostname
+ extracted for matching CN-names in the <c>Subject</c>.</p>
+ <p>To "teach" the function how to extract, you can give a fun which replaces the default
+ extraction function.
+ The <c>fqdn_fun</c> takes one argument and returns
+ either a <c>string()</c> to be matched to each CN-name or the atom <c>default</c> which will invoke
+ the default fqdn extraction function. The return value <c>undefined</c> removes the current
+ URI from the fqdn extraction.
+ </p>
+ <code>
+ ...
+ Extract = fun({uri_id, "myspecial://"++HostName}) -> HostName;
+ (_Else) -> default
+ end,
+ ...
+ public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(CertFromHost, RefIDs,
+ [{fqdn_fun, Extract}])
+ ...
+ </code>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <title>Re-defining the match operations</title>
+ <p>The default matching handles dns_id and uri_id. In an uri_id the value is tested for
+ equality with a value from the <c>Subject Alternate Name</c>. If som other kind of matching
+ is needed, use the <c>match_fun</c> option.
+ </p>
+ <p>The <c>match_fun</c> takes two arguments and returns either <c>true</c>,
+ <c>false</c> or <c>default</c>. The value <c>default</c> will invoke the default
+ match function.
+ </p>
+ <code>
+ ...
+ Match = fun({uri_id,"myspecial://"++A},
+ {uniformResourceIdentifier,"myspecial://"++B}) ->
+ my_match(A,B);
+ (_RefID, _PresentedID) ->
+ default
+ end,
+ ...
+ public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(CertFromHost, RefIDs,
+ [{match_fun, Match}]),
+ ...
+ </code>
+ <p>In case of a match operation between a ReferenceID and a CN value from the <c>Subject</c>
+ field, the first argument to the fun is the extracted hostname from the ReferenceID, and the
+ second argument is the tuple <c>{cn, string()}</c> taken from the <c>Subject</c> field. That
+ makes it possible to have separate matching rules for Presented IDs from the <c>Subject</c>
+ field and from the <c>Subject Alternate Name</c> field.
+ </p>
+ <p>The default matching transformes the ascii values in strings to lowercase before comparing.
+ The <c>match_fun</c> is however called without any transfomation applied to the strings. The
+ reason is to enable the user to do unforseen handling of the strings where the original format
+ is needed.
+ </p>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <title>"Pinning" a Certificate</title>
+ <p>The <url href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6125">RFC 6125</url> defines <i>pinning</i>
+ as:</p>
+ <quote>
+ <p>"The act of establishing a cached name association between
+ the application service's certificate and one of the client's
+ reference identifiers, despite the fact that none of the presented
+ identifiers matches the given reference identifier. ..."
+ </p>
+ </quote>
+ <p>The purpose is to have a mechanism for a human to accept an otherwise faulty Certificate.
+ In for example a web browser, you could get a question like </p>
+ <quote>
+ <p>Warning: you wanted to visit the site www.example.com,
+ but the certificate is for shop.example.com. Accept anyway (yes/no)?"
+ </p>
+ </quote>
+ <p>This could be accomplished with the option <c>fail_callback</c> which will
+ be called if the hostname verification fails:
+ </p>
+ <code>
+ -include_lib("public_key/include/public_key.hrl"). % Record def
+ ...
+ Fail = fun(#'OTPCertificate'{}=C) ->
+ case in_my_cache(C) orelse my_accept(C) of
+ true ->
+ enter_my_cache(C),
+ true;
+ false ->
+ false
+ end,
+ ...
+ public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(CertFromHost, RefIDs,
+ [{fail_callback, Fail}]),
+ ...
+ </code>
+ </section>
+ </section>
<title>SSH Files</title>
diff --git a/lib/public_key/src/public_key.erl b/lib/public_key/src/public_key.erl
index 05c09f8996..adc35073d6 100644
--- a/lib/public_key/src/public_key.erl
+++ b/lib/public_key/src/public_key.erl
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
+ pkix_verify_hostname/2, pkix_verify_hostname/3,
ssh_decode/2, ssh_encode/2,
ssh_hostkey_fingerprint/1, ssh_hostkey_fingerprint/2,
ssh_curvename2oid/1, oid2ssh_curvename/1,
@@ -763,6 +764,76 @@ pkix_crls_validate(OtpCert, DPAndCRLs0, Options) ->
pkix_crls_validate(OtpCert, DPAndCRLs, DPAndCRLs,
Options, pubkey_crl:init_revokation_state()).
+-spec pkix_verify_hostname(Cert :: #'OTPCertificate'{} | binary(),
+ ReferenceIDs :: [{uri_id | dns_id | oid(), string()}]) -> boolean().
+-spec pkix_verify_hostname(Cert :: #'OTPCertificate'{} | binary(),
+ ReferenceIDs :: [{uri_id | dns_id | oid(), string()}],
+ Options :: proplists:proplist()) -> boolean().
+%% Description: Validates a hostname to RFC 6125
+pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, ReferenceIDs) ->
+ pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, ReferenceIDs, []).
+pkix_verify_hostname(BinCert, ReferenceIDs, Options) when is_binary(BinCert) ->
+ pkix_verify_hostname(pkix_decode_cert(BinCert,otp), ReferenceIDs, Options);
+pkix_verify_hostname(Cert = #'OTPCertificate'{tbsCertificate = TbsCert}, ReferenceIDs0, Opts) ->
+ MatchFun = proplists:get_value(match_fun, Opts, undefined),
+ FailCB = proplists:get_value(fail_callback, Opts, fun(_Cert) -> false end),
+ FqdnFun = proplists:get_value(fqdn_fun, Opts, fun verify_hostname_extract_fqdn_default/1),
+ ReferenceIDs = [{T,to_string(V)} || {T,V} <- ReferenceIDs0],
+ PresentedIDs =
+ try lists:keyfind(?'id-ce-subjectAltName',
+ #'Extension'.extnID,
+ TbsCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.extensions)
+ of
+ #'Extension'{extnValue = ExtVals} ->
+ [{T,to_string(V)} || {T,V} <- ExtVals];
+ false ->
+ []
+ catch
+ _:_ -> []
+ end,
+ %% PresentedIDs example: [{dNSName,"ewstest.ericsson.com"}, {dNSName,"www.ericsson.com"}]}
+ case PresentedIDs of
+ [] ->
+ %% Fallback to CN-ids [rfc6125, ch6]
+ case TbsCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.subject of
+ {rdnSequence,RDNseq} ->
+ PresentedCNs =
+ [{cn, to_string(V)}
+ || ATVs <- RDNseq, % RDNseq is list-of-lists
+ #'AttributeTypeAndValue'{type = ?'id-at-commonName',
+ value = {_T,V}} <- ATVs
+ % _T = kind of string (teletexString etc)
+ ],
+ %% Example of PresentedCNs: [{cn,"www.ericsson.se"}]
+ %% match ReferenceIDs to PresentedCNs
+ verify_hostname_match_loop(verify_hostname_fqnds(ReferenceIDs, FqdnFun),
+ PresentedCNs,
+ MatchFun, FailCB, Cert);
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ %% match ReferenceIDs to PresentedIDs
+ case verify_hostname_match_loop(ReferenceIDs, PresentedIDs,
+ MatchFun, FailCB, Cert) of
+ false ->
+ %% Try to extract DNS-IDs from URIs etc
+ DNS_ReferenceIDs =
+ [{dns_is,X} || X <- verify_hostname_fqnds(ReferenceIDs, FqdnFun)],
+ verify_hostname_match_loop(DNS_ReferenceIDs, PresentedIDs,
+ MatchFun, FailCB, Cert);
+ true ->
+ true
+ end
+ end.
-spec ssh_decode(binary(), public_key | ssh_file()) -> [{public_key(), Attributes::list()}]
@@ -822,21 +893,31 @@ oid2ssh_curvename(?'secp521r1') -> <<"nistp521">>.
-spec ssh_hostkey_fingerprint(public_key()) -> string().
--spec ssh_hostkey_fingerprint(digest_type(), public_key()) -> string().
+-spec ssh_hostkey_fingerprint( digest_type(), public_key()) -> string()
+ ; ([digest_type()], public_key()) -> [string()]
+ .
ssh_hostkey_fingerprint(Key) ->
- sshfp_string(md5, Key).
+ sshfp_string(md5, public_key:ssh_encode(Key,ssh2_pubkey) ).
-ssh_hostkey_fingerprint(HashAlg, Key) ->
- lists:concat([sshfp_alg_name(HashAlg),
- [$: | sshfp_string(HashAlg, Key)]
- ]).
+ssh_hostkey_fingerprint(HashAlgs, Key) when is_list(HashAlgs) ->
+ EncKey = public_key:ssh_encode(Key, ssh2_pubkey),
+ [sshfp_full_string(HashAlg,EncKey) || HashAlg <- HashAlgs];
+ssh_hostkey_fingerprint(HashAlg, Key) when is_atom(HashAlg) ->
+ EncKey = public_key:ssh_encode(Key, ssh2_pubkey),
+ sshfp_full_string(HashAlg, EncKey).
-sshfp_string(HashAlg, Key) ->
+sshfp_string(HashAlg, EncodedKey) ->
%% Other HashAlgs than md5 will be printed with
%% other formats than hextstr by
%% ssh-keygen -E <alg> -lf <file>
- fp_fmt(sshfp_fmt(HashAlg), crypto:hash(HashAlg, public_key:ssh_encode(Key,ssh2_pubkey))).
+ fp_fmt(sshfp_fmt(HashAlg), crypto:hash(HashAlg, EncodedKey)).
+sshfp_full_string(HashAlg, EncKey) ->
+ lists:concat([sshfp_alg_name(HashAlg),
+ [$: | sshfp_string(HashAlg, EncKey)]
+ ]).
sshfp_alg_name(sha) -> "SHA1";
sshfp_alg_name(Alg) -> string:to_upper(atom_to_list(Alg)).
@@ -1200,3 +1281,96 @@ ascii_to_lower(String) ->
<<C>> <= iolist_to_binary(String) >>.
+%%% pkix_verify_hostname help functions
+verify_hostname_extract_fqdn_default({dns_id,S}) ->
+ S;
+verify_hostname_extract_fqdn_default({uri_id,URI}) ->
+ {ok,{https,_,Host,_,_,_}} = http_uri:parse(URI),
+ Host.
+verify_hostname_fqnds(L, FqdnFun) ->
+ [E || E0 <- L,
+ E <- [try case FqdnFun(E0) of
+ default -> verify_hostname_extract_fqdn_default(E0);
+ undefined -> undefined; % will make the "is_list(E)" test fail
+ Other -> Other
+ end
+ catch _:_-> undefined % will make the "is_list(E)" test fail
+ end],
+ is_list(E),
+ E =/= "",
+ {error,einval} == inet:parse_address(E)
+ ].
+-define(srvName_OID, {1,3,6,1,4,1,434,2,2,1,37,0}).
+verify_hostname_match_default(Ref, Pres) ->
+ verify_hostname_match_default0(to_lower_ascii(Ref), to_lower_ascii(Pres)).
+verify_hostname_match_default0(FQDN=[_|_], {cn,FQDN}) ->
+ not lists:member($*, FQDN);
+verify_hostname_match_default0(FQDN=[_|_], {cn,Name=[_|_]}) ->
+ [F1|Fs] = string:tokens(FQDN, "."),
+ [N1|Ns] = string:tokens(Name, "."),
+ match_wild(F1,N1) andalso Fs==Ns;
+verify_hostname_match_default0({dns_id,R}, {dNSName,P}) ->
+ R==P;
+verify_hostname_match_default0({uri_id,R}, {uniformResourceIdentifier,P}) ->
+ R==P;
+verify_hostname_match_default0({srv_id,R}, {T,P}) when T == srvName ;
+ T == ?srvName_OID ->
+ R==P;
+verify_hostname_match_default0(_, _) ->
+ false.
+match_wild(A, [$*|B]) -> match_wild_suffixes(A, B);
+match_wild([C|A], [ C|B]) -> match_wild(A, B);
+match_wild([], []) -> true;
+match_wild(_, _) -> false.
+%% Match the parts after the only wildcard by comparing them from the end
+match_wild_suffixes(A, B) -> match_wild_sfx(lists:reverse(A), lists:reverse(B)).
+match_wild_sfx([$*|_], _) -> false; % Bad name (no wildcards alowed)
+match_wild_sfx(_, [$*|_]) -> false; % Bad pattern (no more wildcards alowed)
+match_wild_sfx([A|Ar], [A|Br]) -> match_wild_sfx(Ar, Br);
+match_wild_sfx(Ar, []) -> not lists:member($*, Ar); % Chk for bad name (= wildcards)
+match_wild_sfx(_, _) -> false.
+verify_hostname_match_loop(Refs0, Pres0, undefined, FailCB, Cert) ->
+ Pres = lists:map(fun to_lower_ascii/1, Pres0),
+ Refs = lists:map(fun to_lower_ascii/1, Refs0),
+ lists:any(
+ fun(R) ->
+ lists:any(fun(P) ->
+ verify_hostname_match_default(R,P) orelse FailCB(Cert)
+ end, Pres)
+ end, Refs);
+verify_hostname_match_loop(Refs, Pres, MatchFun, FailCB, Cert) ->
+ lists:any(
+ fun(R) ->
+ lists:any(fun(P) ->
+ (case MatchFun(R,P) of
+ default -> verify_hostname_match_default(R,P);
+ Bool -> Bool
+ end) orelse FailCB(Cert)
+ end,
+ Pres)
+ end,
+ Refs).
+to_lower_ascii(S) when is_list(S) -> lists:map(fun to_lower_ascii/1, S);
+to_lower_ascii({T,S}) -> {T, to_lower_ascii(S)};
+to_lower_ascii(C) when $A =< C,C =< $Z -> C + ($a-$A);
+to_lower_ascii(C) -> C.
+to_string(S) when is_list(S) -> S;
+to_string(B) when is_binary(B) -> binary_to_list(B).
diff --git a/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE.erl b/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE.erl
index cd24819899..68aa152911 100644
--- a/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE.erl
@@ -45,13 +45,17 @@ all() ->
{group, sign_verify},
pkix, pkix_countryname, pkix_emailaddress, pkix_path_validation,
pkix_iso_rsa_oid, pkix_iso_dsa_oid, pkix_crl, general_name,
+ pkix_verify_hostname_cn,
+ pkix_verify_hostname_subjAltName,
+ pkix_verify_hostname_options,
short_cert_issuer_hash, short_crl_issuer_hash,
- ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_sha512
+ ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_sha512,
+ ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_list
groups() ->
@@ -90,20 +94,21 @@ end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
init_per_testcase(TestCase, Config) ->
case TestCase of
- ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_md5_implicit -> init_fingerprint_testcase(md5, Config);
- ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_md5 -> init_fingerprint_testcase(md5, Config);
- ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_sha -> init_fingerprint_testcase(sha, Config);
- ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_sha256 -> init_fingerprint_testcase(sha256, Config);
- ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_sha384 -> init_fingerprint_testcase(sha384, Config);
- ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_sha512 -> init_fingerprint_testcase(sha512, Config);
+ ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_md5_implicit -> init_fingerprint_testcase([md5], Config);
+ ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_md5 -> init_fingerprint_testcase([md5], Config);
+ ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_sha -> init_fingerprint_testcase([sha], Config);
+ ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_sha256 -> init_fingerprint_testcase([sha256], Config);
+ ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_sha384 -> init_fingerprint_testcase([sha384], Config);
+ ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_sha512 -> init_fingerprint_testcase([sha512], Config);
+ ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_list -> init_fingerprint_testcase([sha,md5], Config);
_ -> init_common_per_testcase(Config)
-init_fingerprint_testcase(Alg, Config) ->
- CryptoSupports = lists:member(Alg, proplists:get_value(hashs, crypto:supports())),
- case CryptoSupports of
- false -> {skip,{Alg,not_supported}};
- true -> init_common_per_testcase(Config)
+init_fingerprint_testcase(Algs, Config) ->
+ Hashs = proplists:get_value(hashs, crypto:supports(), []),
+ case Algs -- Hashs of
+ [] -> init_common_per_testcase(Config);
+ UnsupportedAlgs -> {skip,{UnsupportedAlgs,not_supported}}
init_common_per_testcase(Config0) ->
@@ -597,6 +602,14 @@ ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_sha512(_Config) ->
Expected = public_key:ssh_hostkey_fingerprint(sha512, ssh_hostkey(rsa)).
+%% Since this kind of fingerprint is not available yet on standard
+%% distros, we do like this instead.
+ssh_hostkey_fingerprint_list(_Config) ->
+ Expected = ["SHA1:Soammnaqg06jrm2jivMSnzQGlmk",
+ "MD5:4b:0b:63:de:0f:a7:3a:ab:2c:cc:2d:d1:21:37:1d:3a"],
+ Expected = public_key:ssh_hostkey_fingerprint([sha,md5], ssh_hostkey(rsa)).
encrypt_decrypt() ->
[{doc, "Test public_key:encrypt_private and public_key:decrypt_public"}].
encrypt_decrypt(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -814,6 +827,114 @@ pkix_path_validation(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+%% To generate the PEM file contents:
+%% openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout /dev/null -subj '/C=SE/CN=example.com/CN=*.foo.example.com/CN=a*b.bar.example.com/O=erlang.org' > public_key_SUITE_data/pkix_verify_hostname_cn.pem
+%% Note that the same pem-file is used in pkix_verify_hostname_options/1
+%% Subject: C=SE, CN=example.com, CN=*.foo.example.com, CN=a*b.bar.example.com, O=erlang.org
+%% extensions = no subjAltName
+pkix_verify_hostname_cn(Config) ->
+ DataDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
+ {ok,Bin} = file:read_file(filename:join(DataDir,"pkix_verify_hostname_cn.pem")),
+ Cert = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(element(2,hd(public_key:pem_decode(Bin))), otp),
+ %% Check that 1) only CNs are checked,
+ %% 2) an empty label does not match a wildcard and
+ %% 3) a wildcard does not match more than one label
+ false = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{dns_id,"erlang.org"},
+ {dns_id,"foo.EXAMPLE.com"},
+ {dns_id,"b.a.foo.EXAMPLE.com"}]),
+ %% Check that a hostname is extracted from a https-uri and used for checking:
+ true = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{uri_id,"HTTPS://EXAMPLE.com"}]),
+ %% Check wildcard matching one label:
+ true = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{dns_id,"a.foo.EXAMPLE.com"}]),
+ %% Check wildcard with surrounding chars matches one label:
+ true = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{dns_id,"accb.bar.EXAMPLE.com"}]),
+ %% Check that a wildcard with surrounding chars matches an empty string:
+ true = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{uri_id,"https://ab.bar.EXAMPLE.com"}]).
+%% To generate the PEM file contents:
+%% openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout /dev/null -extensions SAN -config public_key_SUITE_data/verify_hostname.conf 2>/dev/null > public_key_SUITE_data/pkix_verify_hostname_subjAltName.pem
+%% Subject: C=SE, CN=example.com
+%% Subject Alternative Name: DNS:kb.example.org, URI:http://www.example.org, URI:https://wws.example.org
+pkix_verify_hostname_subjAltName(Config) ->
+ DataDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
+ {ok,Bin} = file:read_file(filename:join(DataDir,"pkix_verify_hostname_subjAltName.pem")),
+ Cert = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(element(2,hd(public_key:pem_decode(Bin))), otp),
+ %% Check that neither a uri nor dns hostname matches a CN if subjAltName is present:
+ false = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{uri_id,"https://example.com"},
+ {dns_id,"example.com"}]),
+ %% Check that a uri_id matches a URI subjAltName:
+ true = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{uri_id,"https://wws.example.org"}]),
+ %% Check that a dns_id does not match a URI subjAltName:
+ false = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{dns_id,"www.example.org"},
+ {dns_id,"wws.example.org"}]),
+ %% Check that a dns_id matches a DNS subjAltName:
+ true = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{dns_id,"kb.example.org"}]).
+%% Uses the pem-file for pkix_verify_hostname_cn
+%% Subject: C=SE, CN=example.com, CN=*.foo.example.com, CN=a*b.bar.example.com, O=erlang.org
+pkix_verify_hostname_options(Config) ->
+ DataDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
+ {ok,Bin} = file:read_file(filename:join(DataDir,"pkix_verify_hostname_cn.pem")),
+ Cert = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(element(2,hd(public_key:pem_decode(Bin))), otp),
+ %% Check that the fail_callback is called and is presented the correct certificate:
+ true = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{dns_id,"erlang.org"}],
+ [{fail_callback,
+ fun(#'OTPCertificate'{}=C) when C==Cert ->
+ true; % To test the return value matters
+ (#'OTPCertificate'{}=C) ->
+ ct:log("~p:~p: Wrong cert:~n~p~nExpect~n~p",
+ [?MODULE, ?LINE, C, Cert]),
+ ct:fail("Wrong cert, see log");
+ (C) ->
+ ct:log("~p:~p: Bad cert: ~p",[?MODULE,?LINE,C]),
+ ct:fail("Bad cert, see log")
+ end}]),
+ %% Check the callback for user-provided match functions:
+ true = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{dns_id,"very.wrong.domain"}],
+ [{match_fun,
+ fun("very.wrong.domain", {cn,"example.com"}) ->
+ true;
+ (_, _) ->
+ false
+ end}]),
+ false = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{dns_id,"not.example.com"}],
+ [{match_fun, fun(_, _) -> default end}]),
+ true = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{dns_id,"example.com"}],
+ [{match_fun, fun(_, _) -> default end}]),
+ %% Check the callback for user-provided fqdn extraction:
+ true = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{uri_id,"some://very.wrong.domain"}],
+ [{fqdn_fun,
+ fun({uri_id, "some://very.wrong.domain"}) ->
+ "example.com";
+ (_) ->
+ ""
+ end}]),
+ true = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{uri_id,"https://example.com"}],
+ [{fqdn_fun, fun(_) -> default end}]),
+ false = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, [{uri_id,"some://very.wrong.domain"}]).
pkix_iso_rsa_oid() ->
[{doc, "Test workaround for supporting certs that use ISO oids"
" instead of PKIX/PKCS oid"}].
diff --git a/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE_data/pkix_verify_hostname_cn.pem b/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE_data/pkix_verify_hostname_cn.pem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f7b428f9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE_data/pkix_verify_hostname_cn.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
diff --git a/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE_data/pkix_verify_hostname_subjAltName.pem b/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE_data/pkix_verify_hostname_subjAltName.pem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83e1ad37b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE_data/pkix_verify_hostname_subjAltName.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
diff --git a/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE_data/verify_hostname.conf b/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE_data/verify_hostname.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a28864dc78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE_data/verify_hostname.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+prompt = no
+distinguished_name = DN
+subjectAltName = @alt_names
+DNS = kb.example.org
+URI.1 = http://www.example.org
+URI.2 = https://wws.example.org