path: root/lib/reltool/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/reltool/src')
4 files changed, 199 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/lib/reltool/src/Makefile b/lib/reltool/src/Makefile
index a7e34053f1..b8387fff96 100644
--- a/lib/reltool/src/Makefile
+++ b/lib/reltool/src/Makefile
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# %CopyrightBegin%
-# Copyright Ericsson AB 2009-2012. All Rights Reserved.
+# Copyright Ericsson AB 2009-2013. All Rights Reserved.
# The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
# Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ APPUP_TARGET = $(EBIN)/$(APPUP_FILE)
# ----------------------------------------------------
ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS += +'{parse_transform,sys_pre_attributes}' \
- +'{attribute,insert,app_vsn,$(APP_VSN)}'
+ +'{attribute,insert,app_vsn,$(APP_VSN)}' \
+ -Werror
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Targets
@@ -79,10 +80,10 @@ docs:
# ----------------------------------------------------
$(APP_TARGET): $(APP_SRC) ../vsn.mk
- sed -e 's;%VSN%;$(VSN);' $< > $@
+ $(vsn_verbose)sed -e 's;%VSN%;$(VSN);' $< > $@
$(APPUP_TARGET): $(APPUP_SRC) ../vsn.mk
- sed -e 's;%VSN%;$(VSN);' $< > $@
+ $(vsn_verbose)sed -e 's;%VSN%;$(VSN);' $< > $@
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Dependencies
diff --git a/lib/reltool/src/reltool_server.erl b/lib/reltool/src/reltool_server.erl
index 3d1d7e54bf..c56e29152d 100644
--- a/lib/reltool/src/reltool_server.erl
+++ b/lib/reltool/src/reltool_server.erl
@@ -674,6 +674,8 @@ mod_init_is_included(ModTab, M, ModCond, AppCond, Default, Status) ->
exclude ->
+ derived ->
+ undefined;
undefined ->
%% print(M#mod.name, hipe, "mod_cond -> ~p\n",
%% [ModCond]),
@@ -693,6 +695,8 @@ mod_init_is_included(ModTab, M, ModCond, AppCond, Default, Status) ->
exclude ->
+ derived ->
+ undefined;
undefined ->
@@ -783,9 +787,10 @@ mod_mark_is_included(#state{app_tab=AppTab, mod_tab=ModTab, sys=Sys} = S,
M#mod{is_pre_included = true,
is_included = true};
exclude ->
- M#mod{is_pre_included = true,
- is_included = true};
- undefined ->
+ M#mod{is_pre_included = false,
+ is_included = false};
+ ModInclCond when ModInclCond==undefined;
+ ModInclCond==derived ->
M#mod{is_included = true}
ets:insert(ModTab, M2),
@@ -979,7 +984,7 @@ refresh_app(#app{name = AppName,
%% Add info from .app file
Base = get_base(AppName, ActiveDir),
- {_, DefaultVsn} = reltool_utils:split_app_name(Base),
+ DefaultVsn = get_vsn_from_dir(AppName,Base),
Ebin = filename:join([ActiveDir, "ebin"]),
AppFile =
@@ -1680,8 +1685,7 @@ app_dirs2([Lib | Libs], Acc) ->
EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "ebin"]),
case filelib:is_dir(EbinDir, erl_prim_loader) of
true ->
- {Name, _Vsn} =
- reltool_utils:split_app_name(Base),
+ Name = find_app_name(Base,EbinDir),
case Name of
erts -> false;
_ -> {true, {Name, AppDir}}
@@ -1699,17 +1703,74 @@ app_dirs2([Lib | Libs], Acc) ->
app_dirs2([], Acc) ->
+find_app_name(Base,EbinDir) ->
+ {ok,EbinFiles} = erl_prim_loader:list_dir(EbinDir),
+ AppFile =
+ case [F || F <- EbinFiles, filename:extension(F)=:=".app"] of
+ [AF] ->
+ AF;
+ _ ->
+ undefined
+ end,
+ find_app_name1(Base,AppFile).
+find_app_name1(Base,undefined) ->
+ {Name,_} = reltool_utils:split_app_name(Base),
+ Name;
+find_app_name1(_Base,AppFile) ->
+ list_to_atom(filename:rootname(AppFile)).
+get_vsn_from_dir(AppName,Base) ->
+ Prefix = atom_to_list(AppName) ++ "-",
+ case lists:prefix(Prefix,Base) of
+ true ->
+ lists:nthtail(length(Prefix),Base);
+ false ->
+ ""
+ end.
escripts_to_apps([Escript | Escripts], Apps, Status) ->
{EscriptAppName, _Label} = split_escript_name(Escript),
Ext = code:objfile_extension(),
+ %% First find all .app files and associate the app name to the app
+ %% label - this is in order to now which application a module
+ %% belongs to in the next round.
+ AppFun = fun(FullName, _GetInfo, _GetBin, AppFiles) ->
+ Components = filename:split(FullName),
+ case Components of
+ [AppLabel, "ebin", File] ->
+ case filename:extension(File) of
+ ".app" ->
+ [{AppLabel,File}|AppFiles];
+ _ ->
+ AppFiles
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ AppFiles
+ end
+ end,
+ AppFiles =
+ case reltool_utils:escript_foldl(AppFun, [], Escript) of
+ {ok, AF} ->
+ AF;
+ {error, Reason1} ->
+ reltool_utils:throw_error("Illegal escript ~p: ~p",
+ [Escript,Reason1])
+ end,
+ %% Next, traverse all files...
Fun = fun(FullName, _GetInfo, GetBin, {FileAcc, StatusAcc}) ->
Components = filename:split(FullName),
case Components of
[AppLabel, "ebin", File] ->
case filename:extension(File) of
".app" ->
- {AppName, DefaultVsn} =
- reltool_utils:split_app_name(AppLabel),
+ AppName =
+ list_to_atom(filename:rootname(File)),
+ DefaultVsn =
+ get_vsn_from_dir(AppName,AppLabel),
AppFileName =
filename:join([Escript, FullName]),
{Info, StatusAcc2} =
@@ -1722,8 +1783,9 @@ escripts_to_apps([Escript | Escripts], Apps, Status) ->
{[{AppName, app, Dir, Info} | FileAcc],
E when E =:= Ext ->
- {AppName, _} =
- reltool_utils:split_app_name(AppLabel),
+ AppFile =
+ proplists:get_value(AppLabel,AppFiles),
+ AppName = find_app_name1(AppLabel,AppFile),
Mod = init_mod(AppName,
{File, GetBin()},
@@ -1760,6 +1822,7 @@ escripts_to_apps([Escript | Escripts], Apps, Status) ->
{FileAcc, StatusAcc}
case reltool_utils:escript_foldl(Fun, {[], Status}, Escript) of
{ok, {Files, Status2}} ->
EscriptApp =
@@ -1774,8 +1837,9 @@ escripts_to_apps([Escript | Escripts], Apps, Status) ->
escripts_to_apps(Escripts, Apps2, Status3);
- {error, Reason} ->
- reltool_utils:throw_error("Illegal escript ~p: ~p", [Escript,Reason])
+ {error, Reason2} ->
+ reltool_utils:throw_error("Illegal escript ~p: ~p",
+ [Escript,Reason2])
escripts_to_apps([], Apps, Status) ->
{Apps, Status}.
@@ -1934,7 +1998,7 @@ ensure_app_info(#app{name = Name,
fun(Dir, StatusAcc) ->
Base = get_base(Name, Dir),
Ebin = filename:join([Dir, "ebin"]),
- {_, DefaultVsn} = reltool_utils:split_app_name(Base),
+ DefaultVsn = get_vsn_from_dir(Name,Base),
AppFile = filename:join([Ebin, atom_to_list(Name) ++ ".app"]),
read_app_info(AppFile, AppFile, Name, DefaultVsn, StatusAcc)
diff --git a/lib/reltool/src/reltool_sys_win.erl b/lib/reltool/src/reltool_sys_win.erl
index 0c0b295db1..8e182d02ed 100644
--- a/lib/reltool/src/reltool_sys_win.erl
+++ b/lib/reltool/src/reltool_sys_win.erl
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
- popup_menu,
@@ -136,6 +135,7 @@ init(Options) ->
error:Reason ->
+ io:format("~p: ~p~n",[Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace()]),
exit({Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace()})
@@ -403,8 +403,6 @@ create_menubar(Frame) ->
[{userData, main_window}]),
- wxEvtHandler:connect(File, menu_close),
- wxEvtHandler:connect(Help, menu_close),
create_app_page(#state{book = Book} = S) ->
@@ -780,15 +778,12 @@ root_popup(S, Root, Tree, Item) ->
wxMenu:append(PopupMenu, 1, "Edit"),
Choices = [edit],
- wxEvtHandler:connect(PopupMenu, command_menu_selected),
- wxEvtHandler:connect(PopupMenu, menu_close),
+ Popup = #root_popup{dir = Root, choices = Choices,
+ tree = Tree, item = Item},
+ wxEvtHandler:connect(PopupMenu, command_menu_selected, [{userData, {popup, Popup}}]),
wxWindow:popupMenu(S#state.frame, PopupMenu),
- Popup = #root_popup{dir = Root,
- choices = Choices,
- tree = Tree,
- item = Item},
- S#state{popup_menu = Popup}.
+ S.
lib_popup(S, Lib, Tree, Item) ->
PopupMenu = wxMenu:new(),
@@ -804,12 +799,10 @@ lib_popup(S, Lib, Tree, Item) ->
wxMenu:append(PopupMenu, 3, "Delete"),
[add, edit, delete]
- wxEvtHandler:connect(PopupMenu, command_menu_selected),
- wxEvtHandler:connect(PopupMenu, menu_close),
- wxWindow:popupMenu(S#state.frame, PopupMenu),
Popup = #lib_popup{dir = Lib, choices = Choices, tree = Tree, item = Item},
- S#state{popup_menu = Popup}.
+ wxEvtHandler:connect(PopupMenu, command_menu_selected, [{userData, {popup, Popup}}]),
+ wxWindow:popupMenu(S#state.frame, PopupMenu),
+ S.
escript_popup(S, File, Tree, Item) ->
PopupMenu = wxMenu:new(),
@@ -825,15 +818,11 @@ escript_popup(S, File, Tree, Item) ->
wxMenu:append(PopupMenu, 3, "Delete"),
[add, edit, delete]
- wxEvtHandler:connect(PopupMenu, command_menu_selected),
- wxEvtHandler:connect(PopupMenu, menu_close),
+ Popup = #escript_popup{file = File, choices = Choices,
+ tree = Tree, item = Item},
+ wxEvtHandler:connect(PopupMenu, command_menu_selected, [{userData, {popup, Popup}}]),
wxWindow:popupMenu(S#state.frame, PopupMenu),
- Popup = #escript_popup{file = File,
- choices = Choices,
- tree = Tree,
- item = Item},
- S#state{popup_menu = Popup}.
+ S.
@@ -903,11 +892,13 @@ handle_event(S, #wx{id = Id, obj= ObjRef, userData = UserData, event = Event} =
- #wxMenu{type = menu_close} ->
- S#state{popup_menu = undefined};
- #wxCommand{type = command_menu_selected = Type, cmdString = Str}
- when S#state.popup_menu =/= undefined ->
- handle_popup_event(S, Type, Id, ObjRef, UserData, Str);
+ #wxCommand{type = command_menu_selected = Type, cmdString = Str} ->
+ case UserData of
+ {popup, Popup} ->
+ handle_popup_event(S, Type, Id, ObjRef, Popup, Str);
+ true ->
+ S
+ end;
#wxMouse{type = enter_window} ->
%% The following is commented out because it raises the
%% main system window on top of popup windows.
@@ -1028,11 +1019,9 @@ warning_popup_position(#state{frame=MF,warning_list=WL},{WFW,WFH}) ->
handle_popup_event(S, _Type, 0, _ObjRef, _UserData, _Str) ->
- S#state{popup_menu = undefined};
-handle_popup_event(#state{popup_menu = #root_popup{dir = OldDir,
- choices = Choices},
- sys = Sys} = S,
- _Type, Pos, _ObjRef, _UserData, _Str) ->
+ S;
+handle_popup_event(#state{sys = Sys} = S, _Type, Pos, _ObjRef,
+ #root_popup{dir = OldDir, choices = Choices}, _Str) ->
case lists:nth(Pos, Choices) of
edit ->
Style = ?wxFD_OPEN bor ?wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST,
@@ -1042,18 +1031,16 @@ handle_popup_event(#state{popup_menu = #root_popup{dir = OldDir,
Style) of
{ok, NewDir} when NewDir =:= OldDir ->
%% Same dir.Ignore.
- S#state{popup_menu = undefined};
+ S;
{ok, NewDir} ->
Sys2 = Sys#sys{root_dir = NewDir},
- do_set_sys(S#state{popup_menu = undefined, sys = Sys2});
+ do_set_sys(S#state{sys = Sys2});
cancel ->
- S#state{popup_menu = undefined}
+ S
-handle_popup_event(#state{popup_menu = #lib_popup{dir = OldDir,
- choices = Choices},
- sys = Sys} = S,
- _Type, Pos, _ObjRef, _UserData, _Str) ->
+handle_popup_event(#state{sys = Sys} = S, _Type, Pos, _ObjRef,
+ #lib_popup{dir = OldDir, choices = Choices}, _Str) ->
case lists:nth(Pos, Choices) of
add ->
{ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
@@ -1063,15 +1050,14 @@ handle_popup_event(#state{popup_menu = #lib_popup{dir = OldDir,
case lists:member(NewDir, Sys#sys.lib_dirs) of
true ->
%% Ignore duplicate. Keep old.
- S#state{popup_menu = undefined};
+ S;
false ->
LibDirs = Sys#sys.lib_dirs ++ [NewDir],
Sys2 = Sys#sys{lib_dirs = LibDirs},
- do_set_sys(S#state{popup_menu = undefined,
- sys = Sys2})
+ do_set_sys(S#state{sys = Sys2})
cancel ->
- S#state{popup_menu = undefined}
+ S
edit ->
Style = ?wxFD_OPEN bor ?wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST,
@@ -1083,28 +1069,25 @@ handle_popup_event(#state{popup_menu = #lib_popup{dir = OldDir,
case lists:member(NewDir, Sys#sys.lib_dirs) of
true ->
%% Ignore duplicate. Keep old.
- S#state{popup_menu = undefined};
+ S;
false ->
Pred = fun(E) -> E =/= OldDir end,
{Before, [_| After]} =
lists:splitwith(Pred, Sys#sys.lib_dirs),
LibDirs2 = Before ++ [NewDir | After],
Sys2 = Sys#sys{lib_dirs = LibDirs2},
- do_set_sys(S#state{popup_menu = undefined,
- sys = Sys2})
+ do_set_sys(S#state{sys = Sys2})
cancel ->
- S#state{popup_menu = undefined}
+ S
delete ->
LibDirs = Sys#sys.lib_dirs -- [OldDir],
Sys2 = Sys#sys{lib_dirs = LibDirs},
- do_set_sys(S#state{popup_menu = undefined, sys = Sys2})
+ do_set_sys(S#state{sys = Sys2})
-handle_popup_event(#state{popup_menu = #escript_popup{file = OldFile,
- choices = Choices},
- sys = Sys} = S,
- _Type, Pos, _ObjRef, _UserData, _Str) ->
+handle_popup_event(#state{sys = Sys} = S, _Type, Pos, _ObjRef,
+ #escript_popup{file = OldFile, choices = Choices}, _Str) ->
case lists:nth(Pos, Choices) of
add ->
OldFile2 =
@@ -1124,14 +1107,14 @@ handle_popup_event(#state{popup_menu = #escript_popup{file = OldFile,
case lists:member(NewFile, Sys#sys.escripts) of
true ->
%% Ignore duplicate. Keep old.
- S#state{popup_menu = undefined};
+ S;
false ->
Escripts = Sys#sys.escripts ++ [NewFile],
Sys2 = Sys#sys{escripts = Escripts},
- do_set_sys(S#state{popup_menu = undefined, sys = Sys2})
+ do_set_sys(S#state{sys = Sys2})
cancel ->
- S#state{popup_menu = undefined}
+ S
edit ->
Style = ?wxFD_OPEN bor ?wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST,
@@ -1143,23 +1126,22 @@ handle_popup_event(#state{popup_menu = #escript_popup{file = OldFile,
case lists:member(NewFile, Sys#sys.escripts) of
true ->
%% Ignore duplicate. Keep old.
- S#state{popup_menu = undefined};
+ S;
false ->
Pred = fun(E) -> E =/= OldFile end,
{Before, [_| After]} =
lists:splitwith(Pred, Sys#sys.escripts),
Escripts2 = Before ++ [NewFile | After],
Sys2 = Sys#sys{escripts = Escripts2},
- do_set_sys(S#state{popup_menu = undefined,
- sys = Sys2})
+ do_set_sys(S#state{sys = Sys2})
cancel ->
- S#state{popup_menu = undefined}
+ S
delete ->
Escripts = Sys#sys.escripts -- [OldFile],
Sys2 = Sys#sys{escripts = Escripts},
- do_set_sys(S#state{popup_menu = undefined, sys = Sys2})
+ do_set_sys(S#state{sys = Sys2})
handle_system_event(#state{sys = Sys} = S,
diff --git a/lib/reltool/src/reltool_target.erl b/lib/reltool/src/reltool_target.erl
index c39ed0ecd5..1f4ce7226a 100644
--- a/lib/reltool/src/reltool_target.erl
+++ b/lib/reltool/src/reltool_target.erl
@@ -333,7 +333,9 @@ merge_apps(#rel{name = RelName,
A#app.name =/= ?MISSING_APP_NAME,
not lists:keymember(A#app.name, #app.name, MergedApps2)],
MergedApps3 = do_merge_apps(RelName, Embedded, Apps, EmbAppType, MergedApps2),
- sort_apps(lists:reverse(MergedApps3)).
+ RevMerged = lists:reverse(MergedApps3),
+ MergedSortedUsedAndIncs = sort_used_and_incl_apps(RevMerged,RevMerged),
+ sort_apps(MergedSortedUsedAndIncs).
do_merge_apps(RelName, [#rel_app{name = Name} = RA | RelApps], Apps, RelAppType, Acc) ->
case is_already_merged(Name, RelApps, Acc) of
@@ -342,9 +344,11 @@ do_merge_apps(RelName, [#rel_app{name = Name} = RA | RelApps], Apps, RelAppType,
false ->
{value, App} = lists:keysearch(Name, #app.name, Apps),
MergedApp = merge_app(RelName, RA, RelAppType, App),
- MoreNames = (MergedApp#app.info)#app_info.applications,
+ ReqNames = (MergedApp#app.info)#app_info.applications,
+ IncNames = (MergedApp#app.info)#app_info.incl_apps,
Acc2 = [MergedApp | Acc],
- do_merge_apps(RelName, MoreNames ++ RelApps, Apps, RelAppType, Acc2)
+ do_merge_apps(RelName, ReqNames ++ IncNames ++ RelApps,
+ Apps, RelAppType, Acc2)
do_merge_apps(RelName, [Name | RelApps], Apps, RelAppType, Acc) ->
case is_already_merged(Name, RelApps, Acc) of
@@ -478,33 +482,62 @@ do_gen_script(#rel{name = RelName, vsn = RelVsn},
-load_app_mods(#app{mods = Mods} = App, Mand, PathFlag, Variables) ->
+load_app_mods(#app{mods = Mods0} = App, Mand, PathFlag, Variables) ->
Path = cr_path(App, PathFlag, Variables),
- PartNames =
- lists:sort([{packages:split(M),M} ||
- #mod{name = M, is_included=true} <- Mods,
- not lists:member(M, Mand)]),
- SplitMods =
- lists:foldl(
- fun({Parts,M}, [{Last, Acc}|Rest]) ->
- [_|Tail] = lists:reverse(Parts),
- case lists:reverse(Tail) of
- Subs when Subs == Last ->
- [{Last,[M|Acc]}|Rest];
- Subs ->
- [{Subs, [M]}|[{Last,Acc}|Rest]]
- end
- end,
- [{[],
- []}],
- PartNames),
- lists:foldl(
- fun({Subs,Ms}, Cmds) ->
- [{path, [filename:join([Path | Subs])]},
- {primLoad, lists:sort(Ms)} | Cmds]
- end,
- [],
- SplitMods).
+ Mods = [M || #mod{name = M, is_included=true} <- Mods0,
+ not lists:member(M, Mand)],
+ [{path, [filename:join([Path])]},
+ {primLoad, lists:sort(Mods)}].
+%% sort_used_and_incl_apps(Apps, OrderedApps) -> Apps
+%% Apps = [#app{}]
+%% OrderedApps = [#app{}]
+%% OTP-4121, OTP-9984
+%% (Tickets are written for systools, but needs to be implemented here
+%% as well.)
+%% Make sure that used and included applications are given in the same
+%% order as in the release resource file (.rel). Otherwise load and
+%% start instructions in the boot script, and consequently release
+%% upgrade instructions in relup, may end up in the wrong order.
+sort_used_and_incl_apps([#app{info=Info} = App|Apps], OrderedApps) ->
+ Incls2 =
+ case Info#app_info.incl_apps of
+ Incls when length(Incls)>1 ->
+ sort_appl_list(Incls, OrderedApps);
+ Incls ->
+ Incls
+ end,
+ Uses2 =
+ case Info#app_info.applications of
+ Uses when length(Uses)>1 ->
+ sort_appl_list(Uses, OrderedApps);
+ Uses ->
+ Uses
+ end,
+ App2 = App#app{info=Info#app_info{incl_apps=Incls2, applications=Uses2}},
+ [App2|sort_used_and_incl_apps(Apps, OrderedApps)];
+sort_used_and_incl_apps([], _OrderedApps) ->
+ [].
+sort_appl_list(List, Order) ->
+ IndexedList = find_pos(List, Order),
+ SortedIndexedList = lists:keysort(1, IndexedList),
+ lists:map(fun({_Index,Name}) -> Name end, SortedIndexedList).
+find_pos([Name|Incs], OrderedApps) ->
+ [find_pos(1, Name, OrderedApps)|find_pos(Incs, OrderedApps)];
+find_pos([], _OrderedApps) ->
+ [].
+find_pos(N, Name, [#app{name=Name}|_OrderedApps]) ->
+ {N, Name};
+find_pos(N, Name, [_OtherAppl|OrderedApps]) ->
+ find_pos(N+1, Name, OrderedApps).
%% Function: sort_apps(Apps) -> {ok, Apps'} | throw({error, Error})
@@ -1420,12 +1453,10 @@ do_install(RelName, TargetDir) ->
BinDir = filename:join([TargetDir2, "bin"]),
case os:type() of
{win32, _} ->
- NativeRootDir = filename:nativename(TargetDir2),
- %% NativeBinDir =
- %% filename:nativename(filename:join([BinDir, "win32"])),
- NativeBinDir = filename:nativename(BinDir),
+ NativeRootDir = nativename(TargetDir2),
+ NativeErtsBinDir = nativename(ErtsBinDir),
IniData = ["[erlang]\r\n",
- "Bindir=", NativeBinDir, "\r\n",
+ "Bindir=", NativeErtsBinDir, "\r\n",
"Rootdir=", NativeRootDir, "\r\n"],
IniFile = filename:join([BinDir, "erl.ini"]),
@@ -1445,6 +1476,15 @@ do_install(RelName, TargetDir) ->
reltool_utils:throw_error("~s: Illegal data file syntax", [DataFile])
+nativename(Dir) ->
+ escape_backslash(filename:nativename(Dir)).
+escape_backslash([$\\|T]) ->
+ [$\\,$\\|escape_backslash(T)];
+escape_backslash([H|T]) ->
+ [H|escape_backslash(T)];
+escape_backslash([]) ->
+ [].
subst_src_scripts(Scripts, SrcDir, DestDir, Vars, Opts) ->
Fun = fun(Script) ->
subst_src_script(Script, SrcDir, DestDir, Vars, Opts)