path: root/lib/sasl/src/rb.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/sasl/src/rb.erl')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/lib/sasl/src/rb.erl b/lib/sasl/src/rb.erl
index 79df150b41..28829132a1 100644
--- a/lib/sasl/src/rb.erl
+++ b/lib/sasl/src/rb.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2017. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
open_log_file(standard_io) -> standard_io;
open_log_file(Fd) when is_atom(Fd),Fd=/=standard_error ->
case whereis(Fd) of
- undefined -> io:format("rb: Registered name not found '~s'.~n",
+ undefined -> io:format("rb: Registered name not found '~ts'.~n",
io:format("rb: Using standard_io~n"),
@@ -281,10 +281,10 @@ open_log_file(Fd) when is_atom(Fd),Fd=/=standard_error ->
open_log_file(Fd) when is_pid(Fd)-> Fd;
open_log_file(FileName) when is_list(FileName) ->
- case file:open(FileName, [write,append]) of
+ case file:open(FileName, [write,append,{encoding,utf8}]) of
{ok, Fd} -> Fd;
Error ->
- io:format("rb: Cannot open file '~s' (~w).~n",
+ io:format("rb: Cannot open file '~ts' (~w).~n",
[FileName, Error]),
io:format("rb: Using standard_io~n"),
@@ -419,8 +419,8 @@ read_reports(No, Fd, Fname, Max, Type) ->
add_report_data(NewRes, No, Fname);
{error, [Problem | Res]} ->
_ = file:close(Fd),
- io:format("Error: ~p~n",[Problem]),
- io:format("Salvaged ~p entries from corrupt report file ~s...~n",
+ io:format("Error: ~tp~n",[Problem]),
+ io:format("Salvaged ~p entries from corrupt report file ~ts...~n",
NewRes =
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ read_reports(No, Fd, Fname, Max, Type) ->
add_report_data(NewRes, No, Fname);
Else ->
- io:format("err ~p~n", [Else]),
+ io:format("err ~tp~n", [Else]),
[{No, unknown, "Can't read reports from file " ++ Fname,
"???", Fname, 0}]
@@ -530,21 +530,18 @@ get_short_descr({{Date, Time}, {error_report, Pid, {_, crash_report, Rep}}}) ->
{value, {_Key, N}} -> N;
_ -> Pid
- NameStr = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w", [Name])),
- {NameStr, date_str(Date, Time)};
+ {Name, date_str(Date, Time)};
get_short_descr({{Date, Time}, {error_report, Pid, {_, supervisor_report,Rep}}}) ->
Name =
case lists:keysearch(supervisor, 1, Rep) of
{value, {_Key, N}} when is_atom(N) -> N;
_ -> Pid
- NameStr = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w", [Name])),
- {NameStr, date_str(Date,Time)};
+ {Name, date_str(Date,Time)};
get_short_descr({{Date, Time}, {_Type, Pid, _}}) ->
- NameStr = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w", [Pid])),
- {NameStr, date_str(Date,Time)};
+ {Pid, date_str(Date,Time)};
get_short_descr(_) ->
- {"???", "???"}.
+ {'???', "???"}.
date_str({Y,Mo,D}=Date,{H,Mi,S}=Time) ->
case application:get_env(sasl,utc_log) of
@@ -571,53 +568,57 @@ local_time_to_universal_time({Date,Time}) ->
-print_list(Fd, Data, Type) ->
+print_list(Fd, Data0, Type) ->
+ Modifier = misc_supp:modifier(Fd),
Header = {"No", "Type", "Process", "Date Time"},
- Width = find_width([Header | Data], 0)+1,
- DateWidth = find_date_width([Header | Data], 0) +1,
- Format = lists:concat(["~4s~20s ~", Width, "s~20s~n"]),
+ {DescrWidth,DateWidth,Data} = find_widths(Data0, Modifier, 7, 13, []),
+ Format = lists:concat(["~4s~20s ~", DescrWidth, "s~20s~n"]),
io:format(Fd, Format, tuple_to_list(Header)),
io:format(Fd, Format, ["==", "====", "=======", "==== ===="]),
- print_list(Fd, Data, Type, Width, DateWidth).
-print_list(_, [], _, _, _) -> true;
-print_list(Fd, [H|T], Type, Width, DateWidth) ->
- print_one_report(Fd, H, Type, Width, DateWidth),
- print_list(Fd, T, Type, Width, DateWidth).
-find_width([], Width) -> Width;
-find_width([H|T], Width) ->
- Try = length(element(3, H)),
- if
- Try > Width -> find_width(T, Try);
- true -> find_width(T, Width)
- end.
-find_date_width([], Width) -> Width;
-find_date_width([H|T], Width) ->
- Try = length(element(4, H)),
- if
- Try > Width -> find_date_width(T, Try);
- true -> find_date_width(T, Width)
- end.
+ print_list(Fd, Data, Type, DescrWidth, DateWidth, Modifier).
+print_list(_, [], _, _, _, _) -> true;
+print_list(Fd, [H|T], Type, Width, DateWidth, Modifier) ->
+ print_one_report(Fd, H, Type, Width, DateWidth, Modifier),
+ print_list(Fd, T, Type, Width, DateWidth, Modifier).
+find_widths([], _Modifier, DescrWidth, DateWidth, Data) ->
+ {DescrWidth+1, DateWidth+1, lists:reverse(Data)};
+find_widths([H|T], Modifier, DescrWidth, DateWidth, Data) ->
+ DescrTerm = element(3,H),
+ Descr = io_lib:format("~"++Modifier++"w", [DescrTerm]),
+ DescrTry = string:length(Descr),
+ NewDescrWidth =
+ if
+ DescrTry > DescrWidth -> DescrTry;
+ true -> DescrWidth
+ end,
+ DateTry = string:length(element(4, H)),
+ NewDateWitdh =
+ if
+ DateTry > DateWidth -> DateTry;
+ true -> DateWidth
+ end,
+ NewH = setelement(3,H,Descr),
+ find_widths(T, Modifier, NewDescrWidth, NewDateWitdh, [NewH|Data]).
print_one_report(Fd, {No, RealType, ShortDescr, Date, _Fname, _FilePos},
- Width, DateWidth) ->
+ Width, DateWidth, Modifier) ->
WantedType == all ->
print_short_descr(Fd, No, RealType, ShortDescr, Date, Width,
- DateWidth);
+ DateWidth, Modifier);
WantedType == RealType ->
print_short_descr(Fd, No, RealType, ShortDescr, Date, Width,
- DateWidth);
+ DateWidth, Modifier);
true -> ok
-print_short_descr(Fd, No, Type, ShortDescr, Date, Width, DateWidth) ->
- Format = lists:concat(["~4w~20w ~", Width, "s~", DateWidth,"s~n"]),
- io:format(Fd, Format, [No,
- Type,
- io_lib:format("~s", [ShortDescr]),
- Date]).
+print_short_descr(Fd, No, Type, ShortDescr, Date, Width, DateWidth, Modifier) ->
+ Format = lists:concat(["~4w~20", Modifier, "w ~", Width, Modifier, "s~",
+ DateWidth, "s~n"]),
+ io:format(Fd, Format, [No, Type, ShortDescr, Date]).
print_report_by_num(Dir, Data, Number, Device, Abort, Log) ->
{_,Device1} = print_report(Dir, Data, Number, Device, Abort, Log),
@@ -658,7 +659,7 @@ print_report(Dir, Data, Number, Device, Abort, Log) ->
{ok, Fd} ->
read_rep(Fd, FilePosition, Device, Abort, Log);
_ ->
- io:format("rb: can't open file ~p~n", [Fname]),
+ io:format("rb: can't open file ~tp~n", [Fname]),
no_report ->
@@ -691,14 +692,14 @@ print_grep_report(Dir, Data, Number, Device, RegExp, Abort, Log) ->
{ok, Fd} when is_pid(Fd) ->
check_rep(Fd, FilePosition, Device, RegExp, Number, Abort, Log);
_ ->
- io:format("rb: can't open file ~p~n", [Fname]),
+ io:format("rb: can't open file ~tp~n", [Fname]),
check_rep(Fd, FilePosition, Device, RegExp, Number, Abort, Log) ->
case read_rep_msg(Fd, FilePosition) of
{Date, Msg} ->
- MsgStr = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p",[Msg])),
+ MsgStr = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~tp",[Msg])),
case run_re(MsgStr, RegExp) of
match ->
io:format("Found match in report number ~w~n", [Number]),
@@ -722,7 +723,7 @@ run_re(Subject, Regexp) ->
run_re(Subject, Regexp, []).
run_re(Subject, Regexp, Options) ->
- case re:run(Subject, Regexp, Options) of
+ case re:run(Subject, Regexp, [unicode|Options--[unicode]]) of
nomatch ->
_ ->
@@ -748,7 +749,7 @@ filter_report(Dir, Data, Filters, Number, Device, Abort, Log) ->
{ok, Fd} ->
filter_rep(Filters, Fd, FilePosition, Device, Abort, Log);
_ ->
- io:format("rb: can't open file ~p~n", [Fname]),
+ io:format("rb: can't open file ~tp~n", [Fname]),
no_report ->
@@ -800,7 +801,7 @@ filter_report([{Key, RegExp, re}|T], Msg) ->
undefined ->
Value ->
- Subject = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p",[Value])),
+ Subject = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~tp",[Value])),
case run_re(Subject, RegExp) of
match ->
filter_report(T, Msg);
@@ -812,7 +813,7 @@ filter_report([{Key, RegExp, re, no}|T], Msg) ->
undefined ->
Value ->
- Subject = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p",[Value])),
+ Subject = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~tp",[Value])),
case run_re(Subject, RegExp) of
match -> false;
_ -> filter_report(T, Msg)
@@ -890,7 +891,7 @@ read_rep(Fd, FilePosition, Device, Abort, Log) ->
handle_bad_form(Date, Msg, Device, Abort, Log) ->
io:format("rb: ERROR! A report on bad form was encountered. " ++
"It can not be printed to the log.~n~n"),
- io:format("Details:~n~p ~p~n~n", [Date,Msg]),
+ io:format("Details:~n~p ~tp~n~n", [Date,Msg]),
case {Abort,Device,open_log_file(Log)} of
{true,standard_io,standard_io} ->
io:format("rb: Logging aborted.~n"),
@@ -899,7 +900,7 @@ handle_bad_form(Date, Msg, Device, Abort, Log) ->
io:format("rb: Logging resumed...~n~n"),
{_,_,standard_io} ->
- io:format("rb: Can not reopen ~p. Logging aborted.~n", [Log]),
+ io:format("rb: Can not reopen ~tp. Logging aborted.~n", [Log]),
{true,_,NewDevice} ->