path: root/lib/sasl/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/sasl/src')
6 files changed, 51 insertions, 296 deletions
diff --git a/lib/sasl/src/Makefile b/lib/sasl/src/Makefile
index 7ff6a03a50..92d4818f2e 100644
--- a/lib/sasl/src/Makefile
+++ b/lib/sasl/src/Makefile
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ RELSYSDIR = $(RELEASE_PATH)/lib/sasl-$(VSN)
# ----------------------------------------------------
MODULES= alarm_handler sasl sasl_report \
sasl_report_file_h sasl_report_tty_h format_lib_supp \
- misc_supp overload rb rb_format_supp release_handler \
+ misc_supp rb rb_format_supp release_handler \
release_handler_1 si si_sasl_supp systools \
systools_make systools_rc systools_relup systools_lib \
diff --git a/lib/sasl/src/misc_supp.erl b/lib/sasl/src/misc_supp.erl
index 42de7eedec..39656f6e65 100644
--- a/lib/sasl/src/misc_supp.erl
+++ b/lib/sasl/src/misc_supp.erl
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
%%% 2) Very generic functions such as, multi_map, is_string...
%%% This module is a part of the BOS. (format_pdict is called from
-%%% init, memsup, disksup, overload (but not the fileserver since it
+%%% init, memsup, disksup (but not the fileserver since it
%%% formats its pdict its own way).)
diff --git a/lib/sasl/src/overload.erl b/lib/sasl/src/overload.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index bc8ab7d5e4..0000000000
--- a/lib/sasl/src/overload.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2013. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
--export([start_link/0, request/0, set_config_data/2,
- get_overload_info/0]).
--export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_info/2, terminate/2,
- format_status/2]).
-%%% This is a rewrite of overload from BS.3, by Peter Högfeldt.
-%%% This module implements a server process that keeps record of the
-%%% intensity of calls of the request/0 function, and answers accept or
-%%% reject depending on if the current average intensity is not greater
-%%% than a specified maximum intensity.
-%%% The intensity i is calculated according to the formula:
-%%% i(n) = exp(-K*(T(n) - T(n-1)))*i(n-1) + Kappa
-%%% where i(n) is the intensity at event n, Kappa is a constant, and
-%%% T(n) is the time at event n.
-%%% The constant Kappa can be thought of as 1 / T, where T is the time
-%%% constant. Kappa is externally referred to as Weight.
-%%% We keep track of two intensities: the total call intensity and the
-%%% intensity of accepted calls.
-%%% TODO
-%%% 3. Hysteresis.
--record(state, {total = 0, accept = 0, max, prev_t = get_now(),
- kappa, call_counts = {0, 0}, alarm = clear}).
--define(clear_timeout, 30000).
-start_link() ->
- gen_server:start_link({local, overload}, overload, [], []).
-init([]) ->
- process_flag(priority, high),
- MaxIntensity = fetch_config_data(overload_max_intensity),
- Kappa = fetch_config_data(overload_weight),
- {ok, #state{max = MaxIntensity, kappa = Kappa}}.
-%% Func: request/0
-%% Purpose: This is a request to proceed, e.g. a request to
-%% establish a call.
-%% Returns: accept | reject
-request() -> call(request).
-%% Func: set_config_data/2
-%% Purpose: Set configuration data, and reset intensities.
-%% Arguments: MaxIntensity (real > 0), Weight (real > 0).
-%% Returns: ok | {error, What}
-%% This function is for debugging purposes and is therefore not
-%% documented at all.
-set_config_data(MaxIntensity, Weight) ->
- call({set_config_data, MaxIntensity, Weight}).
-%% Func: get_overload_info/0
-%% Returns: A list of tagged items: TotalIntensity, AcceptIntensity,
-%% MaxIntensity, Weight, TotalRequests, AcceptedRequests.
-get_overload_info() -> call(get_overload_info).
-%% call(Request) -> Term
-call(Req) ->
- gen_server:call(overload, Req, infinity).
-%%% Callback functions from gen_server
-handle_call(request, _From, State) ->
- #state{total = TI, accept = AI, kappa = Kappa, prev_t = PrevT,
- alarm = Alarm} = State,
- {TR, AR} = State#state.call_counts,
- T = get_now(),
- CurI = new_intensity(AI, T, PrevT, Kappa),
- NewTI = new_intensity(TI, T, PrevT, Kappa) + Kappa,
- if
- CurI =< State#state.max ->
- %% Hysteresis: If alarm is set, and current intensity has
- %% fallen below 75% of max intensity, clear alarm.
- NewAlarm = if
- CurI =< 0.75*State#state.max ->
- clear_alarm(Alarm);
- true ->
- Alarm
- end,
- {reply, accept, State#state{call_counts = {TR+1, AR+1},
- prev_t = T, total = NewTI,
- accept = CurI + Kappa,
- alarm = NewAlarm},
- ?clear_timeout};
- true ->
- %% Set alarm if not already set.
- NewAlarm = set_alarm(Alarm),
- {reply, reject,
- State#state{call_counts = {TR+1, AR}, prev_t = T,
- total = NewTI, accept = CurI,
- alarm = NewAlarm},
- ?clear_timeout}
- end;
-handle_call({set_config_data, MaxIntensity, Weight}, _From, _State) ->
- {reply, ok, #state{max = MaxIntensity, kappa = Weight},
- ?clear_timeout};
-handle_call(get_overload_info, _From, State) ->
- #state{max = MI, total = TI, accept = AI, kappa = Kappa,
- prev_t = PrevT, call_counts = {TR, AR}} = State,
- T = get_now(),
- CurI = new_intensity(AI, T, PrevT, Kappa),
- NewTI = new_intensity(TI, T, PrevT, Kappa),
- Reply = [{total_intensity, NewTI}, {accept_intensity, CurI},
- {max_intensity, MI}, {weight, Kappa},
- {total_requests, TR}, {accepted_requests, AR}],
- {reply, Reply, State#state{total = NewTI, accept = CurI},
- ?clear_timeout}.
-handle_info(timeout, State) ->
- #state{total = TI, accept = AI, kappa = Kappa, prev_t = PrevT,
- alarm = Alarm} = State,
- T = get_now(),
- CurI = new_intensity(AI, T, PrevT, Kappa),
- NewTI = new_intensity(TI, T, PrevT, Kappa),
- if
- CurI < 0.75* State#state.max ->
- NewAlarm = clear_alarm(Alarm),
- {noreply, State#state{total = NewTI, accept = CurI,
- alarm = NewAlarm}};
- true ->
- {noreply, State#state{total = NewTI, accept = CurI},
- ?clear_timeout}
- end;
-handle_info(_, State) ->
- {noreply, State, ?clear_timeout}.
-terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
- ok.
-%% Internal functions
-fetch_config_data(Tag) ->
- case application:get_env(sasl, Tag) of
- {ok, Value} -> Value;
- _ -> fetch_default_data(Tag)
- end.
-fetch_default_data(overload_max_intensity) -> 0.8;
-fetch_default_data(overload_weight) -> 0.1.
-set_alarm(clear) ->
- alarm_handler:set_alarm({overload, []}),
- set;
-set_alarm(Alarm) ->
- Alarm.
-clear_alarm(set) ->
- alarm_handler:clear_alarm(overload),
- clear;
-clear_alarm(Alarm) ->
- Alarm.
-%% The catch protects against floating-point exception.
-new_intensity(I, T, PrevT, K) ->
- Diff = sub(T, PrevT)/1000,
- case catch (I*math:exp(-K*Diff)) of
- {'EXIT', _} -> % Assume zero.
- 0.0;
- Res ->
- Res
- end.
-%% Mask equal to 2^27 - 1, used below.
--define(mask27, 16#7ffffff).
-%% Returns number of milliseconds in the range [0, 2^27 - 1]. Must have
-%% this since statistics(wall_clock) wraps. Having 2^27 -1 as the max
-%% assures that we always get non-negative integers. 2^27 milliseconds
-%% are approx. 37.28 hours.
-get_now() ->
- element(1, statistics(wall_clock)) band ?mask27.
-%% Returns (X - Y) mod 2^27 (which is in the range [0, 2^27 - 1]).
-sub(X, Y) ->
- (X + (bnot Y) + 1) band ?mask27.
-format_status(Opt, [PDict, #state{max = MI, total = TI, accept = AI,
- kappa = K,
- call_counts = {TR, AR}}]) ->
- [{data, [{"Total Intensity", TI},
- {"Accept Intensity", AI},
- {"Max Intensity", MI},
- {"Weight", K},
- {"Total requests", TR},
- {"Accepted requests", AR}]} |
- misc_supp:format_pdict(Opt, PDict, [])].
diff --git a/lib/sasl/src/release_handler_1.erl b/lib/sasl/src/release_handler_1.erl
index 536ac924d4..a6325270a5 100644
--- a/lib/sasl/src/release_handler_1.erl
+++ b/lib/sasl/src/release_handler_1.erl
@@ -587,12 +587,12 @@ get_supervised_procs() ->
get_supervised_procs(_, Root, Procs, {ok, SupMod}) ->
- get_procs(maybe_supervisor_which_children(get_proc_state(Root), SupMod, Root), Root) ++
+ get_procs(maybe_supervisor_which_children(Root, SupMod, Root), Root) ++
[{undefined, undefined, Root, [SupMod]} | Procs];
get_supervised_procs(Application, Root, Procs, {error, _}) ->
error_logger:error_msg("release_handler: cannot find top supervisor for "
"application ~w~n", [Application]),
- get_procs(maybe_supervisor_which_children(get_proc_state(Root), Application, Root), Root) ++ Procs.
+ get_procs(maybe_supervisor_which_children(Root, Application, Root), Root) ++ Procs.
get_application_names() ->
lists:map(fun({Application, _Name, _Vsn}) ->
@@ -613,33 +613,54 @@ get_procs([{Name, Pid, worker, Mods} | T], Sup) when is_pid(Pid), is_list(Mods)
[{Sup, Name, Pid, Mods} | get_procs(T, Sup)];
get_procs([{Name, Pid, supervisor, Mods} | T], Sup) when is_pid(Pid) ->
[{Sup, Name, Pid, Mods} | get_procs(T, Sup)] ++
- get_procs(maybe_supervisor_which_children(get_proc_state(Pid), Name, Pid), Pid);
+ get_procs(maybe_supervisor_which_children(Pid, Name, Pid), Pid);
get_procs([_H | T], Sup) ->
get_procs(T, Sup);
get_procs(_, _Sup) ->
+maybe_supervisor_which_children(Proc, Name, Pid) ->
+ case get_proc_state(Proc) of
+ noproc ->
+ %% process exited before we could interrogate it.
+ %% not necessarily a bug, but reporting a warning as a curiosity.
+ error_logger:warning_msg("release_handler: a process (~p) exited"
+ " during supervision tree interrogation."
+ " Continuing ...~n", [Proc]),
+ [];
+ suspended ->
+ error_logger:error_msg("release_handler: a which_children call"
+ " to ~p (~w) was avoided. This supervisor"
+ " is suspended and should likely be upgraded"
+ " differently. Exiting ...~n", [Name, Pid]),
+ error(suspended_supervisor);
+ running ->
+ case catch supervisor:which_children(Pid) of
+ Res when is_list(Res) ->
+ Res;
+ Other ->
+ error_logger:error_msg("release_handler: ~p~nerror during"
+ " a which_children call to ~p (~w)."
+ " [State: running] Exiting ... ~n",
+ [Other, Name, Pid]),
+ error(which_children_failed)
+ end
+ end.
get_proc_state(Proc) ->
- {status, _, {module, _}, [_, State, _, _, _]} = sys:get_status(Proc),
- State.
-maybe_supervisor_which_children(suspended, Name, Pid) ->
- error_logger:error_msg("release_handler: a which_children call"
- " to ~p (~w) was avoided. This supervisor"
- " is suspended and should likely be upgraded"
- " differently. Exiting ...~n", [Name, Pid]),
- error(suspended_supervisor);
-maybe_supervisor_which_children(State, Name, Pid) ->
- case catch supervisor:which_children(Pid) of
- Res when is_list(Res) ->
- Res;
- Other ->
- error_logger:error_msg("release_handler: ~p~nerror during"
- " a which_children call to ~p (~w)."
- " [State: ~p] Exiting ... ~n",
- [Other, Name, Pid, State]),
- error(which_children_failed)
+ %% sys:send_system_msg can exit with {noproc, {m,f,a}}.
+ %% This happens if a supervisor exits after which_children has provided
+ %% its pid for interrogation.
+ %% ie. Proc may no longer be running at this point.
+ try sys:get_status(Proc) of
+ %% as per sys:get_status/1, SysState can only be running | suspended.
+ {status, _, {module, _}, [_, State, _, _, _]} when State == running ;
+ State == suspended ->
+ State
+ catch exit:{noproc, {sys, get_status, [Proc]}} ->
+ noproc
maybe_get_dynamic_mods(Name, Pid) ->
@@ -655,48 +676,19 @@ maybe_get_dynamic_mods(Name, Pid) ->
-%% XXXX
-%% Note: The following is a terrible hack done in order to resolve the
-%% problem stated in ticket OTP-3452.
-%% XXXX NOTE WELL: This record is from supervisor.erl. Also the record
-%% name is really `state'.
--record(supervisor_state, {name,
- strategy,
- children = [],
- dynamics = [],
- intensity,
- period,
- restarts = [],
- module,
- args}).
%% Return the name of the call-back module that implements the
%% (top) supervisor SupPid.
%% Returns: {ok, Module} | {error,undefined}
get_supervisor_module(SupPid) ->
- case catch get_supervisor_module1(SupPid) of
- {ok, Module} when is_atom(Module) ->
+ case catch supervisor:get_callback_module(SupPid) of
+ Module when is_atom(Module) ->
{ok, Module};
_Other ->
io:format("~w: reason: ~w~n", [SupPid, _Other]),
{error, undefined}
-get_supervisor_module1(SupPid) ->
- {status, _Pid, {module, _Mod},
- [_PDict, _SysState, _Parent, _Dbg, Misc]} = sys:get_status(SupPid),
- %% supervisor Misc field changed at R13B04, handle old and new variants here
- State = case Misc of
- [_Name, State1, _Type, _Time] ->
- State1;
- [_Header, _Data, {data, [{"State", State2}]}] ->
- State2
- end,
- %% Cannot use #supervisor_state{module = Module} = State.
- {ok, element(#supervisor_state.module, State)}.
%% Func: do_soft_purge/3
%% Args: Mod = atom()
diff --git a/lib/sasl/src/sasl.app.src b/lib/sasl/src/sasl.app.src
index 705bb73fc5..16e8e44ba2 100644
--- a/lib/sasl/src/sasl.app.src
+++ b/lib/sasl/src/sasl.app.src
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
- overload,
@@ -41,11 +40,11 @@
- {registered, [sasl_sup, alarm_handler, overload, release_handler]},
+ {registered, [sasl_sup, alarm_handler, release_handler]},
{applications, [kernel, stdlib]},
{env, [{sasl_error_logger, tty},
{errlog_type, all}]},
{mod, {sasl, []}},
- {runtime_dependencies, ["tools-2.6.14","stdlib-2.6","kernel-4.1",
+ {runtime_dependencies, ["tools-2.6.14","stdlib-2.8","kernel-4.1",
diff --git a/lib/sasl/src/sasl.erl b/lib/sasl/src/sasl.erl
index fc49fc2465..0fb85682c6 100644
--- a/lib/sasl/src/sasl.erl
+++ b/lib/sasl/src/sasl.erl
@@ -170,7 +170,4 @@ init(safe) ->
AlarmH = {alarm_handler,
{alarm_handler, start_link, []},
permanent, 2000, worker, dynamic},
- Overload = {overload,
- {overload, start_link, []},
- permanent, 2000, worker, [overload]},
- {ok, {SupFlags, [AlarmH, Overload]}}.
+ {ok, {SupFlags, [AlarmH]}}.