path: root/lib/sasl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/sasl')
6 files changed, 266 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/lib/sasl/doc/src/appup.xml b/lib/sasl/doc/src/appup.xml
index 770b7c2492..bacfaa76ef 100644
--- a/lib/sasl/doc/src/appup.xml
+++ b/lib/sasl/doc/src/appup.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- <year>1997</year><year>2011</year>
+ <year>1997</year><year>2012</year>
<holder>Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved.</holder>
@@ -56,12 +56,20 @@
the application.</p>
- <p><c>UpFromVsn = string()</c> is an earlier version of
- the application to upgrade from.</p>
+ <p><c>UpFromVsn = string() | binary()</c> is an earlier
+ version of the application to upgrade from. If it is a
+ string, it will be interpreted as a specific version
+ number. If it is a binary, it will be interpreted as a
+ regular expression which can match multiple version
+ numbers.</p>
- <p><c>DownToVsn = string()</c> is an earlier version of
- the application to downgrade to.</p>
+ <p><c>DownToVsn = string() | binary()</c> is an earlier
+ version of the application to downgrade to. If it is a
+ string, it will be interpreted as a specific version
+ number. If it is a binary, it will be interpreted as a
+ regular expression which can match multiple version
+ numbers.</p>
<p><c>Instructions</c> is a list of <em>release upgrade instructions</em>, see below. It is recommended to use
@@ -70,6 +78,12 @@
creating the <c>relup</c> file.</p>
+ <p>In order to avoid duplication of upgrade instructions it is
+ allowed to use regular expressions to specify the <c>UpFromVsn</c>
+ and <c>DownToVsn</c>. To be considered a regular expression, the
+ version identifier must be specified as a binary, e.g.</p>
+ <code type="none">&lt;&lt;"2\\.1\\.[0-9]+">></code>
+ <p>will match all versions <c>2.1.x</c>, where x is any number.</p>
diff --git a/lib/sasl/doc/src/rel.xml b/lib/sasl/doc/src/rel.xml
index 470adf3c03..68ef90330f 100644
--- a/lib/sasl/doc/src/rel.xml
+++ b/lib/sasl/doc/src/rel.xml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- <year>2011</year>
+ <year>2012</year>
<holder>Ericsson AB, All Rights Reserved</holder>
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
<p>The list must be a subset of the included applications
specified in the application resource file
(<c>Application.app</c>) and overrides this value. Defaults
- to the empty list.</p>
+ to the same value as in the application resource file.</p>
diff --git a/lib/sasl/src/release_handler.erl b/lib/sasl/src/release_handler.erl
index 522c7b496b..8d2b9c35d3 100644
--- a/lib/sasl/src/release_handler.erl
+++ b/lib/sasl/src/release_handler.erl
@@ -1572,7 +1572,7 @@ memlib(_Lib, []) -> false.
%% recursively remove file or directory
remove_file(File) ->
- case file:read_file_info(File) of
+ case file:read_link_info(File) of
{ok, Info} when Info#file_info.type==directory ->
case file:list_dir(File) of
{ok, Files} ->
diff --git a/lib/sasl/src/systools_make.erl b/lib/sasl/src/systools_make.erl
index a2ea9a8d7e..61e660e918 100644
--- a/lib/sasl/src/systools_make.erl
+++ b/lib/sasl/src/systools_make.erl
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ get_release1(File, Path, ModTestP, Machine) ->
{ok, Release, Warnings1} = read_release(File, Path),
{ok, Appls0} = collect_applications(Release, Path),
{ok, Appls1} = check_applications(Appls0),
- {ok, Appls2} = sort_included_applications(Appls1, Release), % OTP-4121
+ {ok, Appls2} = sort_used_and_incl_appls(Appls1, Release), % OTP-4121, OTP-9984
{ok, Warnings2} = check_modules(Appls2, Path, ModTestP, Machine),
{ok, Appls} = sort_appls(Appls2),
{ok, Release, Appls, Warnings1 ++ Warnings2}.
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ mandatory_applications([_|Apps],Kernel,Stdlib,Sasl) ->
mandatory_applications([],Type,_,_) when Type=/=permanent ->
mandatory_applications([],_,Type,_) when Type=/=permanent ->
- error_mandatory_application(sasl,Type);
+ error_mandatory_application(stdlib,Type);
mandatory_applications([],_,_,undefined) ->
{ok, [{warning,missing_sasl}]};
mandatory_applications([],_,_,_) ->
@@ -842,34 +842,45 @@ undefined_applications(Appls) ->
filter(fun(X) -> not member(X, Defined) end, Uses).
-%% sort_included_applications(Applications, Release) -> Applications
+%% sort_used_and_incl_appls(Applications, Release) -> Applications
%% Applications = [{{Name,Vsn},#application}]
%% Release = #release{}
-%% Check that included applications are given in the same order as in
-%% the release resource file (.rel). Otherwise load instructions in
-%% the boot script, and consequently release upgrade instructions in
-%% relup, may end up in the wrong order.
+%% OTP-4121, OTP-9984
+%% Check that used and included applications are given in the same
+%% order as in the release resource file (.rel). Otherwise load and
+%% start instructions in the boot script, and consequently release
+%% upgrade instructions in relup, may end up in the wrong order.
-sort_included_applications(Applications, Release) when is_tuple(Release) ->
+sort_used_and_incl_appls(Applications, Release) when is_tuple(Release) ->
- sort_included_applications(Applications, Release#release.applications)};
-sort_included_applications([{Tuple,Appl}|Appls], OrderedAppls) ->
- case Appl#application.includes of
- Incls when length(Incls)>1 ->
- IndexedIncls = find_pos(Incls, OrderedAppls),
- SortedIndexedIncls = lists:keysort(1, IndexedIncls),
- Incls2 = lists:map(fun({_Index,Name}) -> Name end,
- SortedIndexedIncls),
- Appl2 = Appl#application{includes=Incls2},
- [{Tuple,Appl2}|sort_included_applications(Appls, OrderedAppls)];
- _Incls ->
- [{Tuple,Appl}|sort_included_applications(Appls, OrderedAppls)]
- end;
-sort_included_applications([], _OrderedAppls) ->
+ sort_used_and_incl_appls(Applications, Release#release.applications)};
+sort_used_and_incl_appls([{Tuple,Appl}|Appls], OrderedAppls) ->
+ Incls2 =
+ case Appl#application.includes of
+ Incls when length(Incls)>1 ->
+ sort_appl_list(Incls, OrderedAppls);
+ Incls ->
+ Incls
+ end,
+ Uses2 =
+ case Appl#application.uses of
+ Uses when length(Uses)>1 ->
+ sort_appl_list(Uses, OrderedAppls);
+ Uses ->
+ Uses
+ end,
+ Appl2 = Appl#application{includes=Incls2, uses=Uses2},
+ [{Tuple,Appl2}|sort_used_and_incl_appls(Appls, OrderedAppls)];
+sort_used_and_incl_appls([], _OrderedAppls) ->
+sort_appl_list(List, Order) ->
+ IndexedList = find_pos(List, Order),
+ SortedIndexedList = lists:keysort(1, IndexedList),
+ lists:map(fun({_Index,Name}) -> Name end, SortedIndexedList).
find_pos([Name|Incs], OrderedAppls) ->
[find_pos(1, Name, OrderedAppls)|find_pos(Incs, OrderedAppls)];
find_pos([], _OrderedAppls) ->
@@ -1253,7 +1264,8 @@ sort_appls(Appls) -> {ok, sort_appls(Appls, [], [], [])}.
sort_appls([{N, A}|T], Missing, Circular, Visited) ->
{Name,_Vsn} = N,
- {Uses, T1, NotFnd1} = find_all(Name, A#application.uses, T, Visited, [], []),
+ {Uses, T1, NotFnd1} = find_all(Name, lists:reverse(A#application.uses),
+ T, Visited, [], []),
{Incs, T2, NotFnd2} = find_all(Name, lists:reverse(A#application.includes),
T1, Visited, [], []),
Missing1 = NotFnd1 ++ NotFnd2 ++ Missing,
diff --git a/lib/sasl/test/release_handler_SUITE.erl b/lib/sasl/test/release_handler_SUITE.erl
index ac616dab72..467d1226b3 100644
--- a/lib/sasl/test/release_handler_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/sasl/test/release_handler_SUITE.erl
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ win32_cases() ->
cases() ->
[otp_2740, otp_2760, otp_5761, otp_9402, otp_9417,
otp_9395_check_old_code, otp_9395_check_and_purge,
- otp_9395_update_many_mods, otp_9395_rm_many_mods,
+ otp_9395_update_many_mods, otp_9395_rm_many_mods, otp_9864,
instructions, eval_appup, eval_appup_with_restart,
release_handler_which_releases, install_release_syntax_check,
@@ -1205,6 +1205,60 @@ otp_9395_rm_many_mods(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
otp_9395_rm_many_mods(cleanup,_Conf) ->
+otp_9864(Conf) ->
+ %% Set some paths
+ PrivDir = priv_dir(Conf),
+ Dir = filename:join(PrivDir,"otp_9864"),
+ RelDir = filename:join(?config(data_dir, Conf), "app1_app2"),
+ LibDir1 = filename:join(RelDir, "lib1"),
+ LibDir2 = filename:join(RelDir, "lib2"),
+ %% Create the releases
+ Rel1 = create_and_install_fake_first_release(Dir,
+ [{app1,"1.0",LibDir1},
+ {app2,"1.0",LibDir1}]),
+ Rel2 = create_fake_upgrade_release(Dir,
+ "2",
+ [{app1,"2.0",LibDir2},
+ {app2,"1.0",LibDir2}],
+ {[Rel1],[Rel1],[LibDir1]}),
+ Rel1Dir = filename:dirname(Rel1),
+ Rel2Dir = filename:dirname(Rel2),
+ %% Start a slave node
+ {ok, Node} = t_start_node(otp_9864, Rel1, filename:join(Rel1Dir,"sys.config")),
+ %% Unpack rel2 (make sure it does not work if an AppDir is bad)
+ LibDir3 = filename:join(RelDir, "lib3"),
+ {error, {no_such_directory, _}} =
+ rpc:call(Node, release_handler, set_unpacked,
+ [Rel2++".rel", [{app1,"2.0",LibDir2}, {app2,"1.0",LibDir3}]]),
+ {ok, RelVsn2} =
+ rpc:call(Node, release_handler, set_unpacked,
+ [Rel2++".rel", [{app1,"2.0",LibDir2}, {app2,"1.0",LibDir2}]]),
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, release_handler, install_file,
+ [RelVsn2, filename:join(Rel2Dir, "relup")]),
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, release_handler, install_file,
+ [RelVsn2, filename:join(Rel2Dir, "start.boot")]),
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, release_handler, install_file,
+ [RelVsn2, filename:join(Rel2Dir, "sys.config")]),
+ %% Install RelVsn2 without {update_paths, true} option
+ {ok, RelVsn1, []} =
+ rpc:call(Node, release_handler, install_release, [RelVsn2]),
+ %% Install RelVsn1 again
+ {ok, RelVsn1, []} =
+ rpc:call(Node, release_handler, install_release, [RelVsn1]),
+ TempRel2Dir = filename:join(Dir,"releases/2"),
+ file:make_symlink(TempRel2Dir, filename:join(TempRel2Dir, "foo_symlink_dir")),
+ %% This will fail if symlinks are not handled
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, release_handler, remove_release, [RelVsn2]),
+ ok.
upgrade_supervisor(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
%% Set some paths
diff --git a/lib/sasl/test/systools_SUITE.erl b/lib/sasl/test/systools_SUITE.erl
index 4cf7364d74..878d582e6b 100644
--- a/lib/sasl/test/systools_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/sasl/test/systools_SUITE.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
abnormal_script/1, src_tests_script/1, crazy_script/1,
included_script/1, included_override_script/1,
included_fail_script/1, included_bug_script/1, exref_script/1,
- otp_3065_circular_dependenies/1]).
+ otp_3065_circular_dependenies/1, included_and_used_sort_script/1]).
-export([tar_options/1, normal_tar/1, no_mod_vsn_tar/1, system_files_tar/1,
system_files_tar/2, invalid_system_files_tar/1,
invalid_system_files_tar/2, variable_tar/1,
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ groups() ->
no_sasl_script, src_tests_script, crazy_script,
included_script, included_override_script,
included_fail_script, included_bug_script, exref_script,
- otp_3065_circular_dependenies]},
+ otp_3065_circular_dependenies, included_and_used_sort_script]},
{tar, [],
[tar_options, normal_tar, no_mod_vsn_tar, system_files_tar,
invalid_system_files_tar, variable_tar,
@@ -500,6 +500,22 @@ crazy_script(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{error, _, {mandatory_app,kernel,load}} =
systools:make_script(LatestName3, [silent,{path,P}]),
+ %% Run with .rel file with non-permanent stdlib
+ {LatestDir4, LatestName4} = create_script(latest_stdlib_start_type, Config),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(LatestDir4),
+ error = systools:make_script(LatestName4),
+ {error, _, {mandatory_app,stdlib,load}} =
+ systools:make_script(LatestName4, [silent,{path,P}]),
+ %% Run with .rel file lacking stdlib
+ {LatestDir5, LatestName5} = create_script(latest_no_stdlib, Config),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(LatestDir5),
+ error = systools:make_script(LatestName5),
+ {error, _, {missing_mandatory_app,stdlib}} =
+ systools:make_script(LatestName5, [silent,{path,P}]),
ok = file:set_cwd(OldDir),
@@ -600,6 +616,24 @@ otp_3065_circular_dependenies(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ok = file:set_cwd(OldDir),
+%% Test sorting of included applications and used applications
+included_and_used_sort_script(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ {ok, OldDir} = file:get_cwd(),
+ {LatestDir1, LatestName1} = create_include_files(sort_apps, Config),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(LatestDir1),
+ ok = systools:make_script(LatestName1),
+ ok = check_include_script(LatestName1,
+ [t20,t19,t18,t17,t16,t15,t14],[t20,t19,t18,t14]),
+ {LatestDir2, LatestName2} = create_include_files(sort_apps_rev, Config),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(LatestDir2),
+ ok = systools:make_script(LatestName2),
+ ok = check_include_script(LatestName2,
+ [t18,t19,t20,t15,t16,t17,t14],[t18,t19,t20,t14]),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(OldDir),
+ ok.
%% make_script: Check that make_script exref option works.
exref_script(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -2026,8 +2060,14 @@ create_script(latest_nokernel,Config) ->
Apps = [{db,"2.1"},{fe,"3.1"}],
create_script(latest_kernel_start_type,Config) ->
- Apps = [{kernel,"1.0",load},{db,"2.1"},{fe,"3.1"}],
+ Apps = [{kernel,"1.0",load},{stdlib,"1.0"},{db,"2.1"},{fe,"3.1"}],
+create_script(latest_stdlib_start_type,Config) ->
+ Apps = [{kernel,"1.0"},{stdlib,"1.0",load},{db,"2.1"},{fe,"3.1"}],
+ do_create_script(latest_stdlib_start_type,Config,"4.4",Apps);
+create_script(latest_no_stdlib,Config) ->
+ Apps = [{kernel,"1.0"},{db,"2.1"},{fe,"3.1"}],
+ do_create_script(latest_no_stdlib,Config,"4.4",Apps);
create_script(latest_app_start_type1,Config) ->
Apps = core_apps(current),
@@ -2301,8 +2341,53 @@ create_include_files(otp_3065_circular_dependenies, Config) ->
" {chAts, \"1.0\"}, {aa12, \"1.0\"}, \n"
" {chTraffic, \"1.0\"}]}.\n",
file:write_file(Name ++ ".rel", list_to_binary(Rel)),
+ {filename:dirname(Name), filename:basename(Name)};
+create_include_files(sort_apps, Config) ->
+ PrivDir = ?privdir,
+ Name = fname(PrivDir, sort_apps),
+ create_sort_apps(PrivDir),
+ Apps = application_controller:which_applications(),
+ {value,{_,_,KernelVer}} = lists:keysearch(kernel,1,Apps),
+ {value,{_,_,StdlibVer}} = lists:keysearch(stdlib,1,Apps),
+ Rel = "{release, {\"test\",\"R1A\"}, {erts, \"45\"},\n"
+ " [{kernel, \"" ++ KernelVer ++ "\"}, {stdlib, \""
+ ++ StdlibVer ++ "\"},\n"
+ " {t14, \"1.0\"}, \n"
+ " {t20, \"1.0\"}, \n"
+ " {t19, \"1.0\"}, \n"
+ " {t18, \"1.0\"}, \n"
+ " {t17, \"1.0\"}, \n"
+ " {t16, \"1.0\"}, \n"
+ " {t15, \"1.0\"}]}.\n",
+ file:write_file(Name ++ ".rel", list_to_binary(Rel)),
+ {filename:dirname(Name), filename:basename(Name)};
+create_include_files(sort_apps_rev, Config) ->
+ PrivDir = ?privdir,
+ Name = fname(PrivDir, sort_apps_rev),
+ create_sort_apps(PrivDir),
+ Apps = application_controller:which_applications(),
+ {value,{_,_,KernelVer}} = lists:keysearch(kernel,1,Apps),
+ {value,{_,_,StdlibVer}} = lists:keysearch(stdlib,1,Apps),
+ Rel = "{release, {\"test\",\"R1A\"}, {erts, \"45\"},\n"
+ " [{kernel, \"" ++ KernelVer ++ "\"}, {stdlib, \""
+ ++ StdlibVer ++ "\"},\n"
+ " {t14, \"1.0\"}, \n"
+ " {t18, \"1.0\"}, \n"
+ " {t19, \"1.0\"}, \n"
+ " {t20, \"1.0\"}, \n"
+ " {t15, \"1.0\"}, \n"
+ " {t16, \"1.0\"}, \n"
+ " {t17, \"1.0\"}]}.\n",
+ file:write_file(Name ++ ".rel", list_to_binary(Rel)),
{filename:dirname(Name), filename:basename(Name)}.
create_apps(Dir) ->
T1 = "{application, t1,\n"
" [{vsn, \"1.0\"},\n"
@@ -2451,6 +2536,70 @@ create_apps_3065(Dir) ->
" {registered, []}]}.\n",
file:write_file(fname(Dir, 'aa12.app'), list_to_binary(T13)).
+create_sort_apps(Dir) ->
+ T14 = "{application, t14,\n"
+ " [{vsn, \"1.0\"},\n"
+ " {description, \"test\"},\n"
+ " {modules, []},\n"
+ " {applications, [t18,t20,t19]},\n"
+ " {included_applications, [t15,t17,t16]},\n"
+ " {registered, []}]}.\n",
+ file:write_file(fname(Dir, 't14.app'), list_to_binary(T14)),
+ T15 = "{application, t15,\n"
+ " [{vsn, \"1.0\"},\n"
+ " {description, \"test\"},\n"
+ " {modules, []},\n"
+ " {applications, []},\n"
+ " {included_applications, []},\n"
+ " {registered, []}]}.\n",
+ file:write_file(fname(Dir, 't15.app'), list_to_binary(T15)),
+ T16 = "{application, t16,\n"
+ " [{vsn, \"1.0\"},\n"
+ " {description, \"test\"},\n"
+ " {modules, []},\n"
+ " {applications, []},\n"
+ " {included_applications, []},\n"
+ " {registered, []}]}.\n",
+ file:write_file(fname(Dir, 't16.app'), list_to_binary(T16)),
+ T17 = "{application, t17,\n"
+ " [{vsn, \"1.0\"},\n"
+ " {description, \"test\"},\n"
+ " {modules, []},\n"
+ " {applications, []},\n"
+ " {included_applications, []},\n"
+ " {registered, []}]}.\n",
+ file:write_file(fname(Dir, 't17.app'), list_to_binary(T17)),
+ T18 = "{application, t18,\n"
+ " [{vsn, \"1.0\"},\n"
+ " {description, \"test\"},\n"
+ " {modules, []},\n"
+ " {applications, []},\n"
+ " {included_applications, []},\n"
+ " {registered, []}]}.\n",
+ file:write_file(fname(Dir, 't18.app'), list_to_binary(T18)),
+ T19 = "{application, t19,\n"
+ " [{vsn, \"1.0\"},\n"
+ " {description, \"test\"},\n"
+ " {modules, []},\n"
+ " {applications, []},\n"
+ " {included_applications, []},\n"
+ " {registered, []}]}.\n",
+ file:write_file(fname(Dir, 't19.app'), list_to_binary(T19)),
+ T20 = "{application, t20,\n"
+ " [{vsn, \"1.0\"},\n"
+ " {description, \"test\"},\n"
+ " {modules, []},\n"
+ " {applications, []},\n"
+ " {included_applications, []},\n"
+ " {registered, []}]}.\n",
+ file:write_file(fname(Dir, 't20.app'), list_to_binary(T20)).
fname(N) ->