path: root/lib/snmp/src/agent/snmpa_vacm.erl
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1 files changed, 399 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/snmp/src/agent/snmpa_vacm.erl b/lib/snmp/src/agent/snmpa_vacm.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2eacea4301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/snmp/src/agent/snmpa_vacm.erl
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+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+-export([init/1, init/2, backup/1]).
+-export([delete/1, get_row/1, get_next_row/1, insert/1, insert/2,
+ dump_table/0]).
+%%% Access Control Module for VACM (see also snmpa_acm)
+%%% This module implements:
+%%% 1. access control functions for VACM
+%%% 2. vacmAccessTable as an ordered ets table
+%%% This version of VACM handles v1, v2c and v3.
+%%% 1. access control functions for VACM
+%% Func: get_mib_view/5 -> {ok, ViewName} |
+%% {discarded, Reason}
+%% Types: ViewType = read | write | notify
+%% SecModel = ?SEC_* (see snmp_types.hrl)
+%% SecName = string()
+%% SecLevel = ?'SnmpSecurityLevel_*' (see SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB.hrl)
+%% ContextName = string()
+%% Purpose: This function is used to map VACM parameters to a mib
+%% view.
+get_mib_view(ViewType, SecModel, SecName, SecLevel, ContextName) ->
+ check_auth(catch auth(ViewType, SecModel, SecName, SecLevel, ContextName)).
+%% Follows the procedure in rfc2275
+auth(ViewType, SecModel, SecName, SecLevel, ContextName) ->
+ % 3.2.1 - Check that the context is known to us
+ ?vdebug("check that the context (~p) is known to us",[ContextName]),
+ case snmp_view_based_acm_mib:vacmContextTable(get, ContextName,
+ [?vacmContextName]) of
+ [_Found] ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ snmpa_mpd:inc(snmpUnknownContexts),
+ throw({discarded, noSuchContext})
+ end,
+ % 3.2.2 - Check that the SecModel and SecName is valid
+ ?vdebug("check that SecModel (~p) and SecName (~p) is valid",
+ [SecModel,SecName]),
+ GroupName =
+ case snmp_view_based_acm_mib:get(vacmSecurityToGroupTable,
+ [SecModel, length(SecName) | SecName],
+ [?vacmGroupName, ?vacmSecurityToGroupStatus]) of
+ [{value, GN}, {value, ?'RowStatus_active'}] ->
+ GN;
+ [{value, _GN}, {value, RowStatus}] ->
+ ?vlog("valid SecModel and SecName but wrong row status:"
+ "~n RowStatus: ~p", [RowStatus]),
+ throw({discarded, noGroupName});
+ _ ->
+ throw({discarded, noGroupName})
+ end,
+ % 3.2.3-4 - Find an access entry and its view name
+ ?vdebug("find an access entry and its view name",[]),
+ ViewName =
+ case get_view_name(ViewType, GroupName, ContextName,
+ SecModel, SecLevel) of
+ {ok, VN} -> VN;
+ Error -> throw(Error)
+ end,
+ % 3.2.5a - Find the corresponding mib view
+ ?vdebug("find the corresponding mib view (for ~p)",[ViewName]),
+ get_mib_view(ViewName).
+check_auth({'EXIT', Error}) -> exit(Error);
+check_auth({discarded, Reason}) -> {discarded, Reason};
+check_auth(Res) -> {ok, Res}.
+%% Returns a list of {ViewSubtree, ViewMask, ViewType}
+%% The view table is index by ViewIndex, ViewSubtree,
+%% so a next on ViewIndex returns the first
+%% key in the table >= ViewIndex.
+get_mib_view(ViewName) ->
+ ViewKey = [length(ViewName) | ViewName],
+ case snmp_view_based_acm_mib:table_next(vacmViewTreeFamilyTable,
+ ViewKey) of
+ endOfTable ->
+ {discarded, noSuchView};
+ Indexes ->
+ case split_prefix(ViewKey, Indexes) of
+ {ok, Subtree} ->
+ loop_mib_view(ViewKey, Subtree, Indexes, []);
+ false ->
+ {discarded, noSuchView}
+ end
+ end.
+split_prefix([H|T], [H|T2]) -> split_prefix(T,T2);
+split_prefix([], Rest) -> {ok, Rest};
+split_prefix(_, _) -> false.
+%% ViewName is including length from now on
+loop_mib_view(ViewName, Subtree, Indexes, MibView) ->
+ [{value, Mask}, {value, Type}, {value, Status}] =
+ snmp_view_based_acm_mib:vacmViewTreeFamilyTable(
+ get, Indexes,
+ [?vacmViewTreeFamilyMask,
+ ?vacmViewTreeFamilyType,
+ ?vacmViewTreeFamilyStatus]),
+ NextMibView =
+ case Status of
+ ?'RowStatus_active' ->
+ [_Length | Tree] = Subtree,
+ [{Tree, Mask, Type} | MibView];
+ _ ->
+ MibView
+ end,
+ case snmp_view_based_acm_mib:table_next(vacmViewTreeFamilyTable,
+ Indexes) of
+ endOfTable -> NextMibView;
+ NextIndexes ->
+ case split_prefix(ViewName, NextIndexes) of
+ {ok, NextSubTree} ->
+ loop_mib_view(ViewName, NextSubTree, NextIndexes,
+ NextMibView);
+ false ->
+ NextMibView
+ end
+ end.
+%%% 1b. The ordered ets table that implements vacmAccessTable
+init(Dir) ->
+ init(Dir, terminate).
+init(Dir, InitError) ->
+ FName = filename:join(Dir, "snmpa_vacm.db"),
+ case file:read_file_info(FName) of
+ {ok, _} ->
+ %% File exists - we must check this, since ets doesn't tell
+ %% us the reason in case of error...
+ case ets:file2tab(FName) of
+ {ok, _Tab} ->
+ gc_tab([]);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ user_err("Corrupt VACM database ~p", [FName]),
+ case InitError of
+ terminate ->
+ throw({error, {file2tab, FName, Reason}});
+ _ ->
+ %% Rename old file (for later analyzes)
+ Saved = FName ++ ".saved",
+ file:rename(FName, Saved),
+ ets:new(snmpa_vacm,
+ [public, ordered_set, named_table])
+ end
+ end;
+ {error, _} ->
+ ets:new(snmpa_vacm, [public, ordered_set, named_table])
+ end,
+ ets:insert(snmp_agent_table, {snmpa_vacm_file, FName}),
+ {ok, FName}.
+backup(BackupDir) ->
+ BackupFile = filename:join(BackupDir, "snmpa_vacm.db"),
+ ets:tab2file(snmpa_vacm, BackupFile).
+%% Ret: {ok, ViewName} | {error, Reason}
+get_view_name(ViewType, GroupName, ContextName, SecModel, SecLevel) ->
+ GroupKey = [length(GroupName) | GroupName],
+ case get_access_row(GroupKey, ContextName, SecModel, SecLevel) of
+ undefined ->
+ {discarded, noAccessEntry};
+ Row ->
+ ?vtrace("get_view_name -> Row: ~n ~p", [Row]),
+ ViewName =
+ case ViewType of
+ read -> element(?vacmAReadViewName, Row);
+ write -> element(?vacmAWriteViewName, Row);
+ notify -> element(?vacmANotifyViewName, Row)
+ end,
+ case ViewName of
+ "" ->
+ ?vtrace("get_view_name -> not found when"
+ "~n ViewType: ~p"
+ "~n GroupName: ~p"
+ "~n ContextName: ~p"
+ "~n SecModel: ~p"
+ "~n SecLevel: ~p", [ViewType, GroupName,
+ ContextName, SecModel,
+ SecLevel]),
+ {discarded, noSuchView};
+ _ -> {ok, ViewName}
+ end
+ end.
+get_row(Key) ->
+ case ets:lookup(snmpa_vacm, Key) of
+ [{_Key, Row}] -> {ok, Row};
+ _ -> false
+ end.
+get_next_row(Key) ->
+ case ets:next(snmpa_vacm, Key) of
+ '$end_of_table' -> false;
+ NextKey ->
+ case ets:lookup(snmpa_vacm, NextKey) of
+ [Entry] -> Entry;
+ _ -> false
+ end
+ end.
+insert(Entries) -> insert(Entries, true).
+insert(Entries, Dump) ->
+ lists:foreach(fun(Entry) -> ets:insert(snmpa_vacm, Entry) end, Entries),
+ dump_table(Dump).
+delete(Key) ->
+ ets:delete(snmpa_vacm, Key),
+ dump_table().
+dump_table(true) ->
+ dump_table();
+dump_table(_) ->
+ ok.
+dump_table() ->
+ [{_, FName}] = ets:lookup(snmp_agent_table, snmpa_vacm_file),
+ TmpName = FName ++ ".tmp",
+ case ets:tab2file(snmpa_vacm, TmpName) of
+ ok ->
+ case file:rename(TmpName, FName) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ Else -> % What is this? Undocumented return code...
+ user_err("Warning: could not move VACM db ~p"
+ " (~p)", [FName, Else])
+ end;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ user_err("Warning: could not save vacm db ~p (~p)",
+ [FName, Reason])
+ end.
+%% Alg.
+%% Procedure is defined in the descr. of vacmAccessTable.
+%% for (each entry with matching group name, context, secmodel and seclevel)
+%% {
+%% rate the entry; if it's score is > prev max score, keep it
+%% }
+%% Rating: The procedure says to keep entries in order
+%% 1. matching secmodel ('any'(0) or same(1) is ok)
+%% 2. matching contextprefix (exact(1) or prefix(0) is ok)
+%% 3. longest prefix (0..32)
+%% 4. highest secLevel (noAuthNoPriv(0) < authNoPriv(1) < authPriv(2))
+%% We give each entry a single rating number according to this order.
+%% The number is chosen so that a higher number gives a better
+%% entry, according to the order above.
+%% The number is:
+%% secLevel + (3 * prefix_len) + (99 * match_prefix) + (198 * match_secmodel)
+%% Optimisation: Maybe the most common case is that there
+%% is just one matching entry, and it matches exact. We could do
+%% an exact lookup for this entry; if we find one, use it, otherwise
+%% perform this alg.
+get_access_row(GroupKey, ContextName, SecModel, SecLevel) ->
+ %% First, try the optimisation...
+ ExactKey =
+ GroupKey ++ [length(ContextName) | ContextName] ++ [SecModel,SecLevel],
+ case ets:lookup(snmpa_vacm, ExactKey) of
+ [{_Key, Row}] ->
+ Row;
+ _ -> % Otherwise, perform the alg
+ get_access_row(GroupKey, GroupKey, ContextName,
+ SecModel, SecLevel, 0, undefined)
+ end.
+get_access_row(Key, GroupKey, ContextName, SecModel, SecLevel, Score, Found) ->
+ case get_next_row(Key) of
+ {NextKey, Row}
+ when element(?vacmAStatus, Row) == ?'RowStatus_active'->
+ case catch score(NextKey, GroupKey, ContextName,
+ element(?vacmAContextMatch, Row),
+ SecModel, SecLevel) of
+ {ok, NScore} when NScore > Score ->
+ get_access_row(NextKey, GroupKey, ContextName,
+ SecModel, SecLevel, NScore, Row);
+ {ok, _} -> % e.g. a throwed {ok, 0}
+ get_access_row(NextKey, GroupKey, ContextName,
+ SecModel, SecLevel, Score, Found);
+ false ->
+ Found
+ end;
+ {NextKey, _InvalidRow} ->
+ get_access_row(NextKey, GroupKey, ContextName, SecModel,
+ SecLevel, Score, Found);
+ false ->
+ Found
+ end.
+score(Key, GroupKey, ContextName, Match, SecModel, SecLevel) ->
+ [CtxLen | Rest1] = chop_off_group(GroupKey, Key),
+ {NPrefix, [VSecModel, VSecLevel]} =
+ chop_off_context(ContextName, Rest1, 0, CtxLen, Match),
+ %% Make sure the vacmSecModel is valid (any or matching)
+ NSecModel = case VSecModel of
+ SecModel -> 198;
+ ?SEC_ANY -> 0;
+ _ -> throw({ok, 0})
+ end,
+ %% Make sure the vacmSecLevel is less than the requested
+ NSecLevel = if
+ VSecLevel =< SecLevel -> VSecLevel - 1;
+ true -> throw({ok, 0})
+ end,
+ {ok, NSecLevel + 3*CtxLen + NPrefix + NSecModel}.
+chop_off_group([H|T], [H|T2]) -> chop_off_group(T, T2);
+chop_off_group([], Rest) -> Rest;
+chop_off_group(_, _) -> throw(false).
+chop_off_context([H|T], [H|T2], Cnt, Len, Match) when Cnt < Len ->
+ chop_off_context(T, T2, Cnt+1, Len, Match);
+chop_off_context([], Rest, _Len, _Len, _Match) ->
+ %% We have exact match; don't care about Match
+ {99, Rest};
+chop_off_context(_, Rest, Len, Len, ?vacmAccessContextMatch_prefix) ->
+ %% We have a prefix match
+ {0, Rest};
+chop_off_context(_Ctx, _Rest, _Cnt, _Len, _Match) ->
+ %% Otherwise, it didn't match!
+ throw({ok, 0}).
+gc_tab(Oid) ->
+ case get_next_row(Oid) of
+ {NextOid, Row} ->
+ case element(?vacmAStorageType, Row) of
+ ?'StorageType_volatile' ->
+ ets:delete(snmpa_vacm, NextOid),
+ gc_tab(NextOid);
+ _ ->
+ gc_tab(NextOid)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end.
+user_err(F, A) ->
+ snmpa_error:user_err(F, A).
+% config_err(F, A) ->
+% snmpa_error:config_err(F, A).