path: root/lib/snmp/test/snmp_test_lib.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/snmp/test/snmp_test_lib.erl')
1 files changed, 214 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/lib/snmp/test/snmp_test_lib.erl b/lib/snmp/test/snmp_test_lib.erl
index a483690653..26b68501e2 100644
--- a/lib/snmp/test/snmp_test_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/snmp/test/snmp_test_lib.erl
@@ -23,9 +23,12 @@
+-export([tc_try/2, tc_try/3]).
-export([hostname/0, hostname/1, localhost/0, localhost/1, os_type/0, sz/1,
--export([non_pc_tc_maybe_skip/4, os_based_skip/1]).
+-export([non_pc_tc_maybe_skip/4, os_based_skip/1,
+ has_support_ipv6/0, has_support_ipv6/1,
+ is_ipv6_host/0, is_ipv6_host/1]).
init_suite_top_dir/2, init_group_top_dir/2, init_testcase_top_dir/2,
@@ -34,17 +37,114 @@
-export([hours/1, minutes/1, seconds/1, sleep/1]).
-export([flush_mqueue/0, trap_exit/0, trap_exit/1]).
-export([ping/1, local_nodes/0, nodes_on/1]).
+-export([start_node/2, stop_node/1]).
is_crypto_running/0, is_mnesia_running/0, is_snmp_running/0]).
-export([crypto_start/0, crypto_support/0]).
-export([watchdog/3, watchdog_start/1, watchdog_start/2, watchdog_stop/1]).
--export([p/2, print1/2, print2/2, print/5, formated_timestamp/0]).
+-export([f/2, p/2, print1/2, print2/2, print/5, formated_timestamp/0]).
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Run test-case
+%% *** tc_try/2,3 ***
+%% Case: Basically the test case name
+%% TCCondFun: A fun that is evaluated before the actual test case
+%% The point of this is that it can performs checks to
+%% see if we shall run the test case at all.
+%% For instance, the test case may only work in specific
+%% conditions.
+%% FCFun: The test case fun
+tc_try(Case, TCFun) ->
+ tc_try(Case, fun() -> ok end, TCFun).
+tc_try(Case, TCCondFun, TCFun)
+ when is_atom(Case) andalso
+ is_function(TCCondFun, 0) andalso
+ is_function(TCFun, 0) ->
+ tc_begin(Case),
+ try TCCondFun() of
+ ok ->
+ try
+ begin
+ TCFun(),
+ sleep(seconds(1)),
+ tc_end("ok")
+ end
+ catch
+ C:{skip, _} = SKIP when ((C =:= throw) orelse (C =:= exit)) ->
+ tc_end( f("skipping(catched,~w,tc)", [C]) ),
+ C:E:S ->
+ tc_end( f("failed(catched,~w,tc)", [C]) ),
+ erlang:raise(C, E, S)
+ end;
+ {skip, _} = SKIP ->
+ tc_end("skipping(tc)"),
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ tc_end("failed(tc)"),
+ exit({tc_cond_failed, Reason})
+ catch
+ C:{skip, _} = SKIP when ((C =:= throw) orelse (C =:= exit)) ->
+ tc_end( f("skipping(catched,~w,cond)", [C]) ),
+ C:E:S ->
+ tc_end( f("failed(catched,~w,cond)", [C]) ),
+ erlang:raise(C, E, S)
+ end.
+tc_set_name(N) when is_atom(N) ->
+ tc_set_name(atom_to_list(N));
+tc_set_name(N) when is_list(N) ->
+ put(tc_name, N).
+tc_get_name() ->
+ get(tc_name).
+tc_begin(TC) ->
+ OldVal = process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ put(old_trap_exit, OldVal),
+ tc_set_name(TC),
+ tc_print("begin ***",
+ "~n----------------------------------------------------~n", "").
+tc_end(Result) when is_list(Result) ->
+ OldVal = erase(old_trap_exit),
+ process_flag(trap_exit, OldVal),
+ tc_print("done: ~s", [Result],
+ "", "----------------------------------------------------~n~n"),
+ ok.
+tc_print(F, Before, After) ->
+ tc_print(F, [], Before, After).
+tc_print(F, A, Before, After) ->
+ Name = tc_which_name(),
+ FStr = f("*** [~s][~s][~p] " ++ F ++ "~n",
+ [formated_timestamp(),Name,self()|A]),
+ io:format(user, Before ++ FStr ++ After, []).
+tc_which_name() ->
+ case tc_get_name() of
+ undefined ->
+ case get(sname) of
+ undefined ->
+ "";
+ SName when is_list(SName) ->
+ SName
+ end;
+ Name when is_list(Name) ->
+ Name
+ end.
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Misc functions
@@ -52,11 +152,12 @@ hostname() ->
hostname(Node) ->
- from($@, atom_to_list(Node)).
-from(H, [H | T]) -> T;
-from(H, [_ | T]) -> from(H, T);
-from(_H, []) -> [].
+ case string:tokens(atom_to_list(Node), [$@]) of
+ [_, Host] ->
+ Host;
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end.
%% localhost() ->
%% {ok, Ip} = snmp_misc:ip(net_adm:localhost()),
@@ -78,7 +179,9 @@ localhost(Family) ->
{error, Reason1} ->
fail({getifaddrs, Reason1}, ?MODULE, ?LINE)
- {ok, {0, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}} when (Family =:= inet6) ->
+ {ok, {A1, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}} when (Family =:= inet6) andalso
+ ((A1 =:= 0) orelse
+ (A1 =:= 16#fe80)) ->
%% Ouch, we need to use something else
case inet:getifaddrs() of
{ok, IfList} ->
@@ -197,63 +300,121 @@ non_pc_tc_maybe_skip(Config, Condition, File, Line)
%% test-server...
_ ->
- case Condition() of
+ try Condition() of
true ->
skip(non_pc_testcase, File, Line);
false ->
+ catch
+ C:E:S ->
+ skip({condition, C, E, S}, File, Line)
+%% The type and spec'ing is just to increase readability
+-type os_family() :: win32 | unix.
+-type os_name() :: atom().
+-type os_version() :: string() | {non_neg_integer(),
+ non_neg_integer(),
+ non_neg_integer()}.
+-type os_skip_check() :: fun(() -> boolean()) |
+ fun((os_version()) -> boolean()).
+-type skippable() :: any | [os_family() |
+ {os_family(), os_name() |
+ [os_name() | {os_name(),
+ os_skip_check()}]}].
+-spec os_based_skip(skippable()) -> boolean().
os_based_skip(any) ->
- io:format("os_based_skip(any) -> entry"
- "~n", []),
os_based_skip(Skippable) when is_list(Skippable) ->
- io:format("os_based_skip -> entry with"
- "~n Skippable: ~p"
- "~n", [Skippable]),
- {OsFam, OsName} =
- case os:type() of
- {_Fam, _Name} = FamAndName ->
- FamAndName;
- Fam ->
- {Fam, undefined}
- end,
- io:format("os_based_skip -> os-type: "
- "~n OsFam: ~p"
- "~n OsName: ~p"
- "~n", [OsFam, OsName]),
+ os_base_skip(Skippable, os:type());
+os_based_skip(_Crap) ->
+ false.
+os_base_skip(Skippable, {OsFam, OsName}) ->
+ os_base_skip(Skippable, OsFam, OsName);
+os_base_skip(Skippable, OsFam) ->
+ os_base_skip(Skippable, OsFam, undefined).
+os_base_skip(Skippable, OsFam, OsName) ->
+ %% Check if the entire family is to be skipped
+ %% Example: [win32, unix]
case lists:member(OsFam, Skippable) of
true ->
false ->
- case lists:keysearch(OsFam, 1, Skippable) of
- {value, {OsFam, OsName}} ->
- true;
- {value, {OsFam, OsNames}} when is_list(OsNames) ->
+ %% Example: [{unix, freebsd}] | [{unix, [freebsd, darwin]}]
+ case lists:keysearch(OsFam, 1, Skippable) of
+ {value, {OsFam, OsName}} ->
+ true;
+ {value, {OsFam, OsNames}} when is_list(OsNames) ->
+ %% OsNames is a list of:
+ %% [atom()|{atom(), function/0 | function/1}]
case lists:member(OsName, OsNames) of
true ->
false ->
- case lists:keymember(OsName, 1, OsNames) of
- {value, {OsName, Check}} when is_function(Check) ->
- Check();
- _ ->
- false
- end
+ os_based_skip_check(OsName, OsNames)
- _ ->
- false
- end
- end;
-os_based_skip(_Crap) ->
- io:format("os_based_skip -> entry with"
- "~n _Crap: ~p"
- "~n", [_Crap]),
- false.
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end
+ end.
+%% Performs a check via a provided fun with arity 0 or 1.
+%% The argument is the result of os:version().
+os_based_skip_check(OsName, OsNames) ->
+ case lists:keysearch(OsName, 1, OsNames) of
+ {value, {OsName, Check}} when is_function(Check, 0) ->
+ Check();
+ {value, {OsName, Check}} when is_function(Check, 1) ->
+ Check(os:version());
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
+%% A basic test to check if current host supports IPv6
+has_support_ipv6() ->
+ case inet:gethostname() of
+ {ok, Hostname} ->
+ has_support_ipv6(Hostname);
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
+has_support_ipv6(Hostname) ->
+ case inet:getaddr(Hostname, inet6) of
+ {ok, Addr} when (size(Addr) =:= 8) andalso
+ (element(1, Addr) =/= 0) andalso
+ (element(1, Addr) =/= 16#fe80) ->
+ true;
+ {ok, _} ->
+ false;
+ {error, _} ->
+ false
+ end.
+is_ipv6_host() ->
+ case inet:gethostname() of
+ {ok, Hostname} ->
+ is_ipv6_host(Hostname);
+ {error, _} ->
+ false
+ end.
+is_ipv6_host(Hostname) ->
+ case ct:require(ipv6_hosts) of
+ ok ->
+ lists:member(list_to_atom(Hostname), ct:get_config(ipv6_hosts));
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -452,10 +613,14 @@ nodes_on(Host) when is_list(Host) ->
start_node(Name, Args) ->
- Opts = [{cleanup,false}, {args,Args}],
+ Opts = [{cleanup, false}, {args, Args}],
test_server:start_node(Name, slave, Opts).
+stop_node(Node) ->
+ test_server:stop_node(Node).
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
%% Application and Crypto utility functions
@@ -648,6 +813,9 @@ cover([Suite, Case] = Args) when is_atom(Suite) andalso is_atom(Case) ->
%% (debug) Print functions
+f(F, A) ->
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format(F, A)).
p(Mod, Case) when is_atom(Mod) andalso is_atom(Case) ->
case get(test_case) of
undefined ->