path: root/lib/ssh/src/ssh_auth.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssh/src/ssh_auth.erl')
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_auth.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_auth.erl
index 0c16e19701..fdbb5c152a 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_auth.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_auth.erl
@@ -44,15 +44,15 @@ publickey_msg([Alg, #ssh{user = User,
Hash = sha, %% Maybe option?!
KeyCb = proplists:get_value(key_cb, Opts, ssh_file),
case KeyCb:user_key(Alg, Opts) of
- {ok, Key} ->
- StrAlgo = algorithm_string(Alg),
- case encode_public_key(StrAlgo, Key) of
+ {ok, PrivKey} ->
+ StrAlgo = atom_to_list(Alg),
+ case encode_public_key(StrAlgo, ssh_transport:extract_public_key(PrivKey)) of
not_ok ->
PubKeyBlob ->
SigData = build_sig_data(SessionId,
User, Service, PubKeyBlob, StrAlgo),
- Sig = ssh_transport:sign(SigData, Hash, Key),
+ Sig = ssh_transport:sign(SigData, Hash, PrivKey),
SigBlob = list_to_binary([?string(StrAlgo), ?binary(Sig)]),
#ssh_msg_userauth_request{user = User,
@@ -118,11 +118,16 @@ init_userauth_request_msg(#ssh{opts = Opts} = Ssh) ->
service = "ssh-connection",
method = "none",
data = <<>>},
+ Algs0 = proplists:get_value(pref_public_key_algs, Opts, ?SUPPORTED_USER_KEYS),
+ %% The following line is not strictly correct. The call returns the
+ %% supported HOST key types while we are interested in USER keys. However,
+ %% they "happens" to be the same (for now). This could change....
+ %% There is no danger as long as the set of user keys is a subset of the set
+ %% of host keys.
+ CryptoSupported = ssh_transport:supported_algorithms(public_key),
+ Algs = [A || A <- Algs0,
+ lists:member(A, CryptoSupported)],
- Algs = proplists:get_value(public_key,
- proplists:get_value(preferred_algorithms, Opts, []),
- ssh_transport:default_algorithms(public_key)),
Prefs = method_preference(Algs),
ssh_transport:ssh_packet(Msg, Ssh#ssh{user = User,
userauth_preference = Prefs,
@@ -174,15 +179,15 @@ handle_userauth_request(#ssh_msg_userauth_request{user = User,
#ssh{opts = Opts,
userauth_supported_methods = Methods} = Ssh) ->
Password = unicode:characters_to_list(BinPwd),
- case check_password(User, Password, Opts) of
- true ->
+ case check_password(User, Password, Opts, Ssh) of
+ {true,Ssh1} ->
{authorized, User,
- ssh_transport:ssh_packet(#ssh_msg_userauth_success{}, Ssh)};
- false ->
+ ssh_transport:ssh_packet(#ssh_msg_userauth_success{}, Ssh1)};
+ {false,Ssh1} ->
{not_authorized, {User, {error,"Bad user or password"}},
authentications = Methods,
- partial_success = false}, Ssh)}
+ partial_success = false}, Ssh1)}
handle_userauth_request(#ssh_msg_userauth_request{user = User,
@@ -335,16 +340,16 @@ handle_userauth_info_response(#ssh_msg_userauth_info_response{num_responses = 1,
kb_tries_left = KbTriesLeft,
user = User,
userauth_supported_methods = Methods} = Ssh) ->
- case check_password(User, unicode:characters_to_list(Password), Opts) of
- true ->
+ case check_password(User, unicode:characters_to_list(Password), Opts, Ssh) of
+ {true,Ssh1} ->
{authorized, User,
- ssh_transport:ssh_packet(#ssh_msg_userauth_success{}, Ssh)};
- false ->
+ ssh_transport:ssh_packet(#ssh_msg_userauth_success{}, Ssh1)};
+ {false,Ssh1} ->
{not_authorized, {User, {error,"Bad user or password"}},
authentications = Methods,
partial_success = false},
- Ssh#ssh{kb_tries_left = max(KbTriesLeft-1, 0)}
+ Ssh1#ssh{kb_tries_left = max(KbTriesLeft-1, 0)}
@@ -364,6 +369,11 @@ method_preference(Algs) ->
[{"publickey", ?MODULE, publickey_msg, [A]} | Acc]
[{"password", ?MODULE, password_msg, []},
+ {"keyboard-interactive", ?MODULE, keyboard_interactive_msg, []},
+ {"keyboard-interactive", ?MODULE, keyboard_interactive_msg, []},
+ {"keyboard-interactive", ?MODULE, keyboard_interactive_msg, []},
+ {"keyboard-interactive", ?MODULE, keyboard_interactive_msg, []},
+ {"keyboard-interactive", ?MODULE, keyboard_interactive_msg, []},
{"keyboard-interactive", ?MODULE, keyboard_interactive_msg, []}
@@ -387,13 +397,34 @@ user_name(Opts) ->
{ok, User}
-check_password(User, Password, Opts) ->
+check_password(User, Password, Opts, Ssh) ->
case proplists:get_value(pwdfun, Opts) of
undefined ->
Static = get_password_option(Opts, User),
- Password == Static;
- Cheker ->
- Cheker(User, Password)
+ {Password == Static, Ssh};
+ Checker when is_function(Checker,2) ->
+ {Checker(User, Password), Ssh};
+ Checker when is_function(Checker,4) ->
+ #ssh{pwdfun_user_state = PrivateState,
+ peer = {_,PeerAddr={_,_}}
+ } = Ssh,
+ case Checker(User, Password, PeerAddr, PrivateState) of
+ true ->
+ {true,Ssh};
+ false ->
+ {false,Ssh};
+ {true,NewState} ->
+ {true, Ssh#ssh{pwdfun_user_state=NewState}};
+ {false,NewState} ->
+ {false, Ssh#ssh{pwdfun_user_state=NewState}};
+ disconnect ->
+ throw(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
+ description =
+ "Unable to connect using the available authentication methods",
+ language = ""})
+ end
get_password_option(Opts, User) ->
@@ -430,12 +461,6 @@ build_sig_data(SessionId, User, Service, KeyBlob, Alg) ->
-algorithm_string('ssh-rsa') -> "ssh-rsa";
-algorithm_string('ssh-dss') -> "ssh-dss";
-algorithm_string('ecdsa-sha2-nistp256') -> "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256";
-algorithm_string('ecdsa-sha2-nistp384') -> "ecdsa-sha2-nistp384";
-algorithm_string('ecdsa-sha2-nistp521') -> "ecdsa-sha2-nistp521".
decode_keyboard_interactive_prompts(_NumPrompts, Data) ->
@@ -457,14 +482,14 @@ keyboard_interact_get_responses(false, undefined, undefined, _, _, _, [Prompt|_]
ssh_no_io:read_line(Prompt, Opts); %% Throws error as keyboard interaction is not allowed
keyboard_interact_get_responses(true, undefined, _,IoCb, Name, Instr, PromptInfos, Opts, _) ->
keyboard_interact(IoCb, Name, Instr, PromptInfos, Opts);
-keyboard_interact_get_responses(true, Fun, _, Name, Instr, PromptInfos, _, _, NumPrompts) ->
+keyboard_interact_get_responses(true, Fun, _Pwd, _IoCb, Name, Instr, PromptInfos, _Opts, NumPrompts) ->
keyboard_interact_fun(Fun, Name, Instr, PromptInfos, NumPrompts).
keyboard_interact(IoCb, Name, Instr, Prompts, Opts) ->
- if Name /= "" -> IoCb:format("~s", [Name]);
+ if Name /= "" -> IoCb:format("~s~n", [Name]);
true -> ok
- if Instr /= "" -> IoCb:format("~s", [Instr]);
+ if Instr /= "" -> IoCb:format("~s~n", [Instr]);
true -> ok
lists:map(fun({Prompt, true}) -> IoCb:read_line(Prompt, Opts);
@@ -487,47 +512,18 @@ keyboard_interact_fun(KbdInteractFun, Name, Instr, PromptInfos, NumPrompts) ->
language = "en"}})
-decode_public_key_v2(<<?UINT32(Len0), _:Len0/binary,
- ?UINT32(Len1), E:Len1/big-signed-integer-unit:8,
- ?UINT32(Len2), N:Len2/big-signed-integer-unit:8>>
- ,"ssh-rsa") ->
- {ok, #'RSAPublicKey'{publicExponent = E, modulus = N}};
-decode_public_key_v2(<<?UINT32(Len0), _:Len0/binary,
- ?UINT32(Len1), P:Len1/big-signed-integer-unit:8,
- ?UINT32(Len2), Q:Len2/big-signed-integer-unit:8,
- ?UINT32(Len3), G:Len3/big-signed-integer-unit:8,
- ?UINT32(Len4), Y:Len4/big-signed-integer-unit:8>>
- , "ssh-dss") ->
- {ok, {Y, #'Dss-Parms'{p = P, q = Q, g = G}}};
-decode_public_key_v2(<<?UINT32(Len0), _:Len0/binary,
- ?UINT32(Len1), Id:Len1/binary, %% Id = <<"nistp256">> for example
- ?UINT32(Len2), Blob:Len2/binary>>,
- Curve) ->
- Id =
- case Curve of
- "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256" -> <<"nistp256">>;
- "ecdsa-sha2-nistp384" -> <<"nistp384">>;
- "ecdsa-sha2-nistp521" -> <<"nistp521">>
- end,
- {ok, {#'ECPoint'{point=Blob}, Id}};
-decode_public_key_v2(_, _) ->
- {error, bad_format}.
-encode_public_key("ssh-rsa", #'RSAPrivateKey'{publicExponent = E, modulus = N}) ->
- ssh_bits:encode(["ssh-rsa",E,N], [string,mpint,mpint]);
-encode_public_key("ssh-dss", #'DSAPrivateKey'{p = P, q = Q, g = G, y = Y}) ->
- ssh_bits:encode(["ssh-dss",P,Q,G,Y], [string,mpint,mpint,mpint,mpint]);
-encode_public_key("ecdsa-sha2-"++Curve, #'ECPrivateKey'{parameters = Params,
- publicKey = Pub}) ->
- Id = ecdsa_id(Params),
- if
- Id =/= Curve ->
- not_ok;
- true ->
- ssh_bits:encode(["ecdsa-sha2-"++Id, Id, Pub],
- [string, string, binary])
+decode_public_key_v2(Bin, _Type) ->
+ try
+ public_key:ssh_decode(Bin, ssh2_pubkey)
+ of
+ Key -> {ok, Key}
+ catch
+ _:_ -> {error, bad_format}
-ecdsa_id({namedCurve,?'secp256r1'}) -> "nistp256";
-ecdsa_id({namedCurve,?'secp384r1'}) -> "nistp384";
-ecdsa_id({namedCurve,?'secp521r1'}) -> "nistp521".
+encode_public_key(_Alg, Key) ->
+ try
+ public_key:ssh_encode(Key, ssh2_pubkey)
+ catch
+ _:_ -> not_ok
+ end.