path: root/lib/ssh/src/ssh_dbg.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssh/src/ssh_dbg.erl')
1 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_dbg.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_dbg.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..251741da7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_dbg.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2017. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+ messages/1,
+ messages/2,
+ stop/0
+ ]).
+ wr_record/3]).
+-record(data, {
+ writer,
+ acc = []}).
+messages() ->
+ messages(fun(String,_D) -> io:format(String) end).
+messages(Write) when is_function(Write,2) ->
+ messages(Write, fun(X) -> X end).
+messages(Write, MangleArg) when is_function(Write,2),
+ is_function(MangleArg,1) ->
+ catch dbg:start(),
+ setup_tracer(Write, MangleArg),
+ dbg:p(new,[c,timestamp]),
+ dbg_ssh_messages().
+dbg_ssh_messages() ->
+ dbg:tp(ssh_message,encode,1, x),
+ dbg:tp(ssh_message,decode,1, x),
+ dbg:tpl(ssh_transport,select_algorithm,3, x),
+ dbg:tp(ssh_transport,hello_version_msg,1, x),
+ dbg:tp(ssh_transport,handle_hello_version,1, x).
+stop() ->
+ dbg:stop().
+msg_formater({trace_ts,Pid,call,{ssh_message,encode,[Msg]},TS}, D) ->
+ fmt("~n~s SEND ~p ~s~n", [ts(TS),Pid,wr_record(shrink_bin(Msg))], D);
+msg_formater({trace_ts,_Pid,return_from,{ssh_message,encode,1},_Res,_TS}, D) ->
+ D;
+msg_formater({trace_ts,_Pid,call,{ssh_message,decode,_},_TS}, D) ->
+ D;
+msg_formater({trace_ts,Pid,return_from,{ssh_message,decode,1},Msg,TS}, D) ->
+ fmt("~n~s ~p RECV ~s~n", [ts(TS),Pid,wr_record(shrink_bin(Msg))], D);
+msg_formater({trace_ts,_Pid,call,{ssh_transport,select_algorithm,_},_TS}, D) ->
+ D;
+msg_formater({trace_ts,Pid,return_from,{ssh_transport,select_algorithm,3},{ok,Alg},TS}, D) ->
+ fmt("~n~s ~p ALGORITHMS~n~s~n", [ts(TS),Pid, wr_record(Alg)], D);
+msg_formater({trace_ts,_Pid,call,{ssh_transport,hello_version_msg,_},_TS}, D) ->
+ D;
+msg_formater({trace_ts,Pid,return_from,{ssh_transport,hello_version_msg,1},Hello,TS}, D) ->
+ fmt("~n~s ~p TCP SEND HELLO~n ~p~n", [ts(TS),Pid,lists:flatten(Hello)], D);
+msg_formater({trace_ts,Pid,call,{ssh_transport,handle_hello_version,[Hello]},TS}, D) ->
+ fmt("~n~s ~p RECV HELLO~n ~p~n", [ts(TS),Pid,lists:flatten(Hello)], D);
+msg_formater({trace_ts,_Pid,return_from,{ssh_transport,handle_hello_version,1},_,_TS}, D) ->
+ D;
+msg_formater({trace_ts,Pid,send,{tcp,Sock,Bytes},Pid,TS}, D) ->
+ fmt("~n~s ~p TCP SEND on ~p~n ~p~n", [ts(TS),Pid,Sock, shrink_bin(Bytes)], D);
+msg_formater({trace_ts,Pid,send,{tcp,Sock,Bytes},Dest,TS}, D) ->
+ fmt("~n~s ~p TCP SEND from ~p TO ~p~n ~p~n", [ts(TS),Pid,Sock,Dest, shrink_bin(Bytes)], D);
+msg_formater({trace_ts,Pid,send,ErlangMsg,Dest,TS}, D) ->
+ fmt("~n~s ~p ERL MSG SEND TO ~p~n ~p~n", [ts(TS),Pid,Dest, shrink_bin(ErlangMsg)], D);
+msg_formater({trace_ts,Pid,'receive',{tcp,Sock,Bytes},TS}, D) ->
+ fmt("~n~s ~p TCP RECEIVE on ~p~n ~p~n", [ts(TS),Pid,Sock,shrink_bin(Bytes)], D);
+msg_formater({trace_ts,Pid,'receive',ErlangMsg,TS}, D) ->
+ fmt("~n~s ~p ERL MSG RECEIVE~n ~p~n", [ts(TS),Pid,shrink_bin(ErlangMsg)], D);
+msg_formater(M, D) ->
+ fmt("~nDBG ~n~p~n", [shrink_bin(M)], D).
+%% msg_formater(_, D) ->
+%% D.
+fmt(Fmt, Args, D=#data{writer=Write,acc=Acc}) ->
+ D#data{acc = Write(io_lib:format(Fmt, Args), Acc)}.
+ts({_,_,Usec}=Now) ->
+ {_Date,{HH,MM,SS}} = calendar:now_to_local_time(Now),
+ io_lib:format("~.2.0w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w.~.6.0w",[HH,MM,SS,Usec]);
+ts(_) ->
+ "-".
+setup_tracer(Write, MangleArg) ->
+ Handler = fun(Arg, D) ->
+ msg_formater(MangleArg(Arg), D)
+ end,
+ InitialData = #data{writer = Write},
+ {ok,_} = dbg:tracer(process, {Handler, InitialData}),
+ ok.
+shrink_bin(B) when is_binary(B), size(B)>256 -> {'*** SHRINKED BIN',
+ size(B),
+ element(1,split_binary(B,64)),
+ '...',
+ element(2,split_binary(B,size(B)-64))
+ };
+shrink_bin(L) when is_list(L) -> lists:map(fun shrink_bin/1, L);
+shrink_bin(T) when is_tuple(T) -> list_to_tuple(shrink_bin(tuple_to_list(T)));
+shrink_bin(X) -> X.
+-define(wr_record(N,BlackList), wr_record(R=#N{}) -> wr_record(R, record_info(fields,N), BlackList)).
+-define(wr_record(N), ?wr_record(N, [])).
+wr_record(R) -> io_lib:format('~p~n',[R]).
+wr_record(T, Fs, BL) when is_tuple(T) ->
+ wr_record(tuple_to_list(T), Fs, BL);
+wr_record([Name|Values], Fields, BlackL) ->
+ W = case Fields of
+ [] -> 0;
+ _ -> lists:max([length(atom_to_list(F)) || F<-Fields])
+ end,
+ [io_lib:format("~p:~n",[string:to_upper(atom_to_list(Name))])
+ | [io_lib:format(" ~*p: ~p~n",[W,Tag,Value]) || {Tag,Value} <- lists:zip(Fields,Values),
+ not lists:member(Tag,BlackL)
+ ]
+ ].