path: root/lib/ssh/src/ssh_options.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssh/src/ssh_options.erl')
1 files changed, 1036 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_options.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_options.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e10f72956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_options.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1036 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2017. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+ get_value/5, get_value/6,
+ put_value/5,
+ delete_key/5,
+ handle_options/2
+ ]).
+ ]).
+%%% Types
+-type option_in() :: proplists:property() | proplists:proplist() .
+-type option_class() :: internal_options | socket_options | user_options .
+-type option_declaration() :: #{class := user_options,
+ chk := fun((any) -> boolean() | {true,any()}),
+ default => any()
+ }.
+-type option_declarations() :: #{ {option_key(),def} := option_declaration() }.
+-type error() :: {error,{eoptions,any()}} .
+%%% Get an option
+-spec get_value(option_class(), option_key(), options(),
+ atom(), non_neg_integer()) -> any() | no_return().
+get_value(Class, Key, Opts, _CallerMod, _CallerLine) when is_map(Opts) ->
+ case Class of
+ internal_options -> maps:get(Key, maps:get(internal_options,Opts));
+ socket_options -> proplists:get_value(Key, maps:get(socket_options,Opts));
+ user_options -> maps:get(Key, Opts)
+ end;
+get_value(Class, Key, Opts, _CallerMod, _CallerLine) ->
+ error({bad_options,Class, Key, Opts, _CallerMod, _CallerLine}).
+-spec get_value(option_class(), option_key(), options(), fun(() -> any()),
+ atom(), non_neg_integer()) -> any() | no_return().
+get_value(socket_options, Key, Opts, DefFun, _CallerMod, _CallerLine) when is_map(Opts) ->
+ proplists:get_value(Key, maps:get(socket_options,Opts), DefFun);
+get_value(Class, Key, Opts, DefFun, CallerMod, CallerLine) when is_map(Opts) ->
+ try get_value(Class, Key, Opts, CallerMod, CallerLine)
+ of
+ undefined -> DefFun();
+ Value -> Value
+ catch
+ error:{badkey,Key} -> DefFun()
+ end;
+get_value(Class, Key, Opts, _DefFun, _CallerMod, _CallerLine) ->
+ error({bad_options,Class, Key, Opts, _CallerMod, _CallerLine}).
+%%% Put an option
+-spec put_value(option_class(), option_in(), options(),
+ atom(), non_neg_integer()) -> options().
+put_value(user_options, KeyVal, Opts, _CallerMod, _CallerLine) when is_map(Opts) ->
+ put_user_value(KeyVal, Opts);
+put_value(internal_options, KeyVal, Opts, _CallerMod, _CallerLine) when is_map(Opts) ->
+ InternalOpts = maps:get(internal_options,Opts),
+ Opts#{internal_options := put_internal_value(KeyVal, InternalOpts)};
+put_value(socket_options, KeyVal, Opts, _CallerMod, _CallerLine) when is_map(Opts) ->
+ SocketOpts = maps:get(socket_options,Opts),
+ Opts#{socket_options := put_socket_value(KeyVal, SocketOpts)}.
+put_user_value(L, Opts) when is_list(L) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun put_user_value/2, Opts, L);
+put_user_value({Key,Value}, Opts) ->
+ Opts#{Key := Value}.
+put_internal_value(L, IntOpts) when is_list(L) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun put_internal_value/2, IntOpts, L);
+put_internal_value({Key,Value}, IntOpts) ->
+ IntOpts#{Key => Value}.
+put_socket_value(L, SockOpts) when is_list(L) ->
+ L ++ SockOpts;
+put_socket_value({Key,Value}, SockOpts) ->
+ [{Key,Value} | SockOpts];
+put_socket_value(A, SockOpts) when is_atom(A) ->
+ [A | SockOpts].
+%%% Delete an option
+-spec delete_key(option_class(), option_key(), options(),
+ atom(), non_neg_integer()) -> options().
+delete_key(internal_options, Key, Opts, _CallerMod, _CallerLine) when is_map(Opts) ->
+ InternalOpts = maps:get(internal_options,Opts),
+ Opts#{internal_options := maps:remove(Key, InternalOpts)}.
+%%% Initialize the options
+-spec handle_options(role(), proplists:proplist()) -> options() | error() .
+-spec handle_options(role(), proplists:proplist(), options()) -> options() | error() .
+handle_options(Role, PropList0) ->
+ handle_options(Role, PropList0, #{socket_options => [],
+ internal_options => #{},
+ user_options => []
+ }).
+handle_options(Role, PropList0, Opts0) when is_map(Opts0),
+ is_list(PropList0) ->
+ PropList1 = proplists:unfold(PropList0),
+ try
+ OptionDefinitions = default(Role),
+ InitialMap =
+ maps:fold(
+ fun({K,def}, #{default:=V}, M) -> M#{K=>V};
+ (_,_,M) -> M
+ end,
+ Opts0#{user_options =>
+ maps:get(user_options,Opts0) ++ PropList1
+ },
+ OptionDefinitions),
+ %% Enter the user's values into the map; unknown keys are
+ %% treated as socket options
+ final_preferred_algorithms(
+ lists:foldl(fun(KV, Vals) ->
+ save(KV, OptionDefinitions, Vals)
+ end, InitialMap, PropList1))
+ catch
+ error:{eoptions, KV, undefined} ->
+ {error, {eoptions,KV}};
+ error:{eoptions, KV, Txt} when is_list(Txt) ->
+ {error, {eoptions,{KV,lists:flatten(Txt)}}};
+ error:{eoptions, KV, Extra} ->
+ {error, {eoptions,{KV,Extra}}}
+ end.
+check_fun(Key, Defs) ->
+ #{chk := Fun} = maps:get({Key,def}, Defs),
+ Fun.
+%%% Check and save one option
+%%% First some prohibited inet options:
+save({K,V}, _, _) when K == reuseaddr ;
+ K == active
+ ->
+ forbidden_option(K, V);
+%%% then compatibility conversions:
+save({allow_user_interaction,V}, Opts, Vals) ->
+ save({user_interaction,V}, Opts, Vals);
+%% Special case for socket options 'inet' and 'inet6'
+save(Inet, Defs, OptMap) when Inet==inet ; Inet==inet6 ->
+ save({inet,Inet}, Defs, OptMap);
+%% Two clauses to prepare for a proplists:unfold
+save({Inet,true}, Defs, OptMap) when Inet==inet ; Inet==inet6 -> save({inet,Inet}, Defs, OptMap);
+save({Inet,false}, _Defs, OptMap) when Inet==inet ; Inet==inet6 -> OptMap;
+%% and finaly the 'real stuff':
+save({Key,Value}, Defs, OptMap) when is_map(OptMap) ->
+ try (check_fun(Key,Defs))(Value)
+ of
+ true ->
+ OptMap#{Key := Value};
+ {true, ModifiedValue} ->
+ OptMap#{Key := ModifiedValue};
+ false ->
+ error({eoptions, {Key,Value}, "Bad value"})
+ catch
+ %% An unknown Key (= not in the definition map) is
+ %% regarded as an inet option:
+ error:{badkey,{inet,def}} ->
+ %% atomic (= non-tuple) options 'inet' and 'inet6':
+ OptMap#{socket_options := [Value | maps:get(socket_options,OptMap)]};
+ error:{badkey,{Key,def}} ->
+ OptMap#{socket_options := [{Key,Value} | maps:get(socket_options,OptMap)]};
+ %% But a Key that is known but the value does not validate
+ %% by the check fun will give an error exception:
+ error:{check,{BadValue,Extra}} ->
+ error({eoptions, {Key,BadValue}, Extra})
+ end;
+save(Opt, _Defs, OptMap) when is_map(OptMap) ->
+ OptMap#{socket_options := [Opt | maps:get(socket_options,OptMap)]}.
+%%% Default options
+-spec default(role() | common) -> option_declarations() .
+default(server) ->
+ (default(common))
+ #{
+ {subsystems, def} =>
+ #{default => [ssh_sftpd:subsystem_spec([])],
+ chk => fun(L) ->
+ is_list(L) andalso
+ lists:all(fun({Name,{CB,Args}}) ->
+ check_string(Name) andalso
+ is_atom(CB) andalso
+ is_list(Args);
+ (_) ->
+ false
+ end, L)
+ end,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {shell, def} =>
+ #{default => ?DEFAULT_SHELL,
+ chk => fun({M,F,A}) -> is_atom(M) andalso is_atom(F) andalso is_list(A);
+ (V) -> check_function1(V) orelse check_function2(V)
+ end,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {exec, def} => % FIXME: need some archeology....
+ #{default => undefined,
+ chk => fun({M,F,_}) -> is_atom(M) andalso is_atom(F);
+ (V) -> is_function(V)
+ end,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {ssh_cli, def} =>
+ #{default => undefined,
+ chk => fun({Cb, As}) -> is_atom(Cb) andalso is_list(As);
+ (V) -> V == no_cli
+ end,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {system_dir, def} =>
+ #{default => "/etc/ssh",
+ chk => fun(V) -> check_string(V) andalso check_dir(V) end,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {auth_method_kb_interactive_data, def} =>
+ #{default => undefined, % Default value can be constructed when User is known
+ chk => fun({S1,S2,S3,B}) ->
+ check_string(S1) andalso
+ check_string(S2) andalso
+ check_string(S3) andalso
+ is_boolean(B);
+ (F) ->
+ check_function3(F)
+ end,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {user_passwords, def} =>
+ #{default => [],
+ chk => fun(V) ->
+ is_list(V) andalso
+ lists:all(fun({S1,S2}) ->
+ check_string(S1) andalso
+ check_string(S2)
+ end, V)
+ end,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {password, def} =>
+ #{default => undefined,
+ chk => fun check_string/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {dh_gex_groups, def} =>
+ #{default => undefined,
+ chk => fun check_dh_gex_groups/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {dh_gex_limits, def} =>
+ #{default => {0, infinity},
+ chk => fun({I1,I2}) ->
+ check_pos_integer(I1) andalso
+ check_pos_integer(I2) andalso
+ I1 < I2;
+ (_) ->
+ false
+ end,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {pwdfun, def} =>
+ #{default => undefined,
+ chk => fun(V) -> check_function4(V) orelse check_function2(V) end,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {negotiation_timeout, def} =>
+ #{default => 2*60*1000,
+ chk => fun check_timeout/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {max_sessions, def} =>
+ #{default => infinity,
+ chk => fun check_pos_integer/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {max_channels, def} =>
+ #{default => infinity,
+ chk => fun check_pos_integer/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {parallel_login, def} =>
+ #{default => false,
+ chk => fun erlang:is_boolean/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {minimal_remote_max_packet_size, def} =>
+ #{default => 0,
+ chk => fun check_pos_integer/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {failfun, def} =>
+ #{default => fun(_,_,_) -> void end,
+ chk => fun(V) -> check_function3(V) orelse
+ check_function2(V) % Backwards compatibility
+ end,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {connectfun, def} =>
+ #{default => fun(_,_,_) -> void end,
+ chk => fun check_function3/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+%%%%% Undocumented
+ {infofun, def} =>
+ #{default => fun(_,_,_) -> void end,
+ chk => fun(V) -> check_function3(V) orelse
+ check_function2(V) % Backwards compatibility
+ end,
+ class => user_options
+ }
+ };
+default(client) ->
+ (default(common))
+ #{
+ {dsa_pass_phrase, def} =>
+ #{default => undefined,
+ chk => fun check_string/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {rsa_pass_phrase, def} =>
+ #{default => undefined,
+ chk => fun check_string/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {ecdsa_pass_phrase, def} =>
+ #{default => undefined,
+ chk => fun check_string/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {silently_accept_hosts, def} =>
+ #{default => false,
+ chk => fun check_silently_accept_hosts/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {user_interaction, def} =>
+ #{default => true,
+ chk => fun erlang:is_boolean/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {save_accepted_host, def} =>
+ #{default => true,
+ chk => fun erlang:is_boolean/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {pref_public_key_algs, def} =>
+ #{default => ssh_transport:default_algorithms(public_key),
+ chk => fun check_pref_public_key_algs/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {dh_gex_limits, def} =>
+ #{default => {1024, 6144, 8192}, % FIXME: Is this true nowadays?
+ chk => fun({Min,I,Max}) ->
+ lists:all(fun check_pos_integer/1,
+ [Min,I,Max]);
+ (_) -> false
+ end,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {connect_timeout, def} =>
+ #{default => infinity,
+ chk => fun check_timeout/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {user, def} =>
+ #{default =>
+ begin
+ Env = case os:type() of
+ {win32, _} -> "USERNAME";
+ {unix, _} -> "LOGNAME"
+ end,
+ case os:getenv(Env) of
+ false ->
+ case os:getenv("USER") of
+ false -> undefined;
+ User -> User
+ end;
+ User ->
+ User
+ end
+ end,
+ chk => fun check_string/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {password, def} =>
+ #{default => undefined,
+ chk => fun check_string/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {quiet_mode, def} =>
+ #{default => false,
+ chk => fun erlang:is_boolean/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+%%%%% Undocumented
+ {keyboard_interact_fun, def} =>
+ #{default => undefined,
+ chk => fun check_function3/1,
+ class => user_options
+ }
+ };
+default(common) ->
+ #{
+ {user_dir, def} =>
+ #{default => false, % FIXME: TBD ~/.ssh at time of call when user is known
+ chk => fun(V) -> check_string(V) andalso check_dir(V) end,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {preferred_algorithms, def} =>
+ #{default => ssh:default_algorithms(),
+ chk => fun check_preferred_algorithms/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ %% NOTE: This option is supposed to be used only in this very module (?MODULE). There is
+ %% a final stage in handle_options that "merges" the preferred_algorithms option and this one.
+ %% The preferred_algorithms is the one to use in the rest of the ssh application!
+ {modify_algorithms, def} =>
+ #{default => undefined, % signals error if unsupported algo in preferred_algorithms :(
+ chk => fun check_modify_algorithms/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {id_string, def} =>
+ #{default => undefined, % FIXME: see ssh_transport:ssh_vsn/0
+ chk => fun(random) ->
+ {true, {random,2,5}}; % 2 - 5 random characters
+ ({random,I1,I2}) ->
+ %% Undocumented
+ check_pos_integer(I1) andalso
+ check_pos_integer(I2) andalso
+ I1=<I2;
+ (V) ->
+ check_string(V)
+ end,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {key_cb, def} =>
+ #{default => {ssh_file, []},
+ chk => fun({Mod,Opts}) -> is_atom(Mod) andalso is_list(Opts);
+ (Mod) when is_atom(Mod) -> {true, {Mod,[]}};
+ (_) -> false
+ end,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {profile, def} =>
+ #{default => ?DEFAULT_PROFILE,
+ chk => fun erlang:is_atom/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {idle_time, def} =>
+ #{default => infinity,
+ chk => fun check_timeout/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ %% This is a "SocketOption"...
+ %% {fd, def} =>
+ %% #{default => undefined,
+ %% chk => fun erlang:is_integer/1,
+ %% class => user_options
+ %% },
+ {disconnectfun, def} =>
+ #{default => fun(_) -> void end,
+ chk => fun check_function1/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {unexpectedfun, def} =>
+ #{default => fun(_,_) -> report end,
+ chk => fun check_function2/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {ssh_msg_debug_fun, def} =>
+ #{default => fun(_,_,_,_) -> void end,
+ chk => fun check_function4/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {rekey_limit, def} => % FIXME: Why not common?
+ #{default => 1024000000,
+ chk => fun check_non_neg_integer/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {auth_methods, def} =>
+ chk => fun(As) ->
+ try
+ Sup = string:tokens(?SUPPORTED_AUTH_METHODS, ","),
+ New = string:tokens(As, ","),
+ [] == [X || X <- New,
+ not lists:member(X,Sup)]
+ catch
+ _:_ -> false
+ end
+ end,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+%%%%% Undocumented
+ {transport, def} =>
+ #{default => ?DEFAULT_TRANSPORT,
+ chk => fun({A,B,C}) ->
+ is_atom(A) andalso is_atom(B) andalso is_atom(C)
+ end,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {vsn, def} =>
+ #{default => {2,0},
+ chk => fun({Maj,Min}) -> check_non_neg_integer(Maj) andalso check_non_neg_integer(Min);
+ (_) -> false
+ end,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {tstflg, def} =>
+ #{default => [],
+ chk => fun erlang:is_list/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {user_dir_fun, def} =>
+ #{default => undefined,
+ chk => fun check_function1/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {max_random_length_padding, def} =>
+ #{default => ?MAX_RND_PADDING_LEN,
+ chk => fun check_non_neg_integer/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {send_ext_info, def} =>
+ #{default => true,
+ chk => fun erlang:is_boolean/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {recv_ext_info, def} =>
+ #{default => true,
+ chk => fun erlang:is_boolean/1,
+ class => user_options
+ }
+ }.
+%%% check_*/1 -> true | false | error({check,Spec})
+%%% See error_in_check/2,3
+%%% error_in_check(BadValue) -> error_in_check(BadValue, undefined).
+error_in_check(BadValue, Extra) -> error({check,{BadValue,Extra}}).
+check_timeout(infinity) -> true;
+check_timeout(I) -> check_pos_integer(I).
+check_pos_integer(I) -> is_integer(I) andalso I>0.
+check_non_neg_integer(I) -> is_integer(I) andalso I>=0.
+check_function1(F) -> is_function(F,1).
+check_function2(F) -> is_function(F,2).
+check_function3(F) -> is_function(F,3).
+check_function4(F) -> is_function(F,4).
+check_pref_public_key_algs(V) ->
+ %% Get the dynamically supported keys, that is, thoose
+ %% that are stored
+ PKs = ssh_transport:supported_algorithms(public_key),
+ CHK = fun(A, Ack) ->
+ case lists:member(A, PKs) of
+ true ->
+ case lists:member(A,Ack) of
+ false -> [A|Ack];
+ true -> Ack % Remove duplicates
+ end;
+ false -> error_in_check(A, "Not supported public key")
+ end
+ end,
+ case lists:foldr(
+ fun(ssh_dsa, Ack) -> CHK('ssh-dss', Ack); % compatibility
+ (ssh_rsa, Ack) -> CHK('ssh-rsa', Ack); % compatibility
+ (X, Ack) -> CHK(X, Ack)
+ end, [], V)
+ of
+ V -> true;
+ [] -> false;
+ V1 -> {true,V1}
+ end.
+%% Check that it is a directory and is readable
+check_dir(Dir) ->
+ case file:read_file_info(Dir) of
+ {ok, #file_info{type = directory,
+ access = Access}} ->
+ case Access of
+ read -> true;
+ read_write -> true;
+ _ -> error_in_check(Dir, eacces)
+ end;
+ {ok, #file_info{}}->
+ error_in_check(Dir, enotdir);
+ {error, Error} ->
+ error_in_check(Dir, Error)
+ end.
+check_string(S) -> is_list(S). % FIXME: stub
+check_dh_gex_groups({file,File}) when is_list(File) ->
+ case file:consult(File) of
+ {ok, GroupDefs} ->
+ check_dh_gex_groups(GroupDefs);
+ {error, Error} ->
+ error_in_check({file,File},Error)
+ end;
+check_dh_gex_groups({ssh_moduli_file,File}) when is_list(File) ->
+ case file:open(File,[read]) of
+ {ok,D} ->
+ try
+ read_moduli_file(D, 1, [])
+ of
+ {ok,Moduli} ->
+ check_dh_gex_groups(Moduli);
+ {error,Error} ->
+ error_in_check({ssh_moduli_file,File}, Error)
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ error_in_check({ssh_moduli_file,File}, "Bad format in file "++File)
+ after
+ file:close(D)
+ end;
+ {error, Error} ->
+ error_in_check({ssh_moduli_file,File}, Error)
+ end;
+check_dh_gex_groups(L0) when is_list(L0), is_tuple(hd(L0)) ->
+ {true,
+ collect_per_size(
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun({N,G,P}, Acc) when is_integer(N),N>0,
+ is_integer(G),G>0,
+ is_integer(P),P>0 ->
+ [{N,{G,P}} | Acc];
+ ({N,{G,P}}, Acc) when is_integer(N),N>0,
+ is_integer(G),G>0,
+ is_integer(P),P>0 ->
+ [{N,{G,P}} | Acc];
+ ({N,GPs}, Acc) when is_list(GPs) ->
+ lists:foldr(fun({Gi,Pi}, Acci) when is_integer(Gi),Gi>0,
+ is_integer(Pi),Pi>0 ->
+ [{N,{Gi,Pi}} | Acci]
+ end, Acc, GPs)
+ end, [], L0))};
+check_dh_gex_groups(_) ->
+ false.
+collect_per_size(L) ->
+ lists:foldr(
+ fun({Sz,GP}, [{Sz,GPs}|Acc]) -> [{Sz,[GP|GPs]}|Acc];
+ ({Sz,GP}, Acc) -> [{Sz,[GP]}|Acc]
+ end, [], lists:sort(L)).
+read_moduli_file(D, I, Acc) ->
+ case io:get_line(D,"") of
+ {error,Error} ->
+ {error,Error};
+ eof ->
+ {ok, Acc};
+ "#" ++ _ -> read_moduli_file(D, I+1, Acc);
+ <<"#",_/binary>> -> read_moduli_file(D, I+1, Acc);
+ Data ->
+ Line = if is_binary(Data) -> binary_to_list(Data);
+ is_list(Data) -> Data
+ end,
+ try
+ [_Time,_Class,_Tests,_Tries,Size,G,P] = string:tokens(Line," \r\n"),
+ M = {list_to_integer(Size),
+ {list_to_integer(G), list_to_integer(P,16)}
+ },
+ read_moduli_file(D, I+1, [M|Acc])
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ read_moduli_file(D, I+1, Acc)
+ end
+ end.
+-define(SHAs, [md5, sha, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512]).
+check_silently_accept_hosts(B) when is_boolean(B) -> true;
+check_silently_accept_hosts(F) when is_function(F,2) -> true;
+check_silently_accept_hosts({false,S}) when is_atom(S) -> valid_hash(S);
+check_silently_accept_hosts({S,F}) when is_function(F,2) -> valid_hash(S);
+check_silently_accept_hosts(_) -> false.
+valid_hash(S) -> valid_hash(S, proplists:get_value(hashs,crypto:supports())).
+valid_hash(S, Ss) when is_atom(S) -> lists:member(S, ?SHAs) andalso lists:member(S, Ss);
+valid_hash(L, Ss) when is_list(L) -> lists:all(fun(S) -> valid_hash(S,Ss) end, L);
+valid_hash(X, _) -> error_in_check(X, "Expect atom or list in fingerprint spec").
+check_modify_algorithms(M) when is_list(M) ->
+ [error_in_check(Op_KVs, "Bad modify_algorithms")
+ || Op_KVs <- M,
+ not is_tuple(Op_KVs)
+ orelse (size(Op_KVs) =/= 2)
+ orelse (not lists:member(element(1,Op_KVs), [append,prepend,rm]))],
+ {true, [{Op,normalize_mod_algs(KVs,false)} || {Op,KVs} <- M]};
+check_modify_algorithms(_) ->
+ error_in_check(modify_algorithms, "Bad option value. List expected.").
+normalize_mod_algs(KVs, UseDefaultAlgs) ->
+ normalize_mod_algs(ssh_transport:algo_classes(), KVs, [], UseDefaultAlgs).
+normalize_mod_algs([K|Ks], KVs0, Acc, UseDefaultAlgs) ->
+ %% Pick the expected keys in order and check if they are in the user's list
+ {Vs1, KVs} =
+ case lists:keytake(K, 1, KVs0) of
+ {value, {K,Vs0}, KVs1} ->
+ {Vs0, KVs1};
+ false ->
+ {[], KVs0}
+ end,
+ Vs = normalize_mod_alg_list(K, Vs1, UseDefaultAlgs),
+ normalize_mod_algs(Ks, KVs, [{K,Vs} | Acc], UseDefaultAlgs);
+normalize_mod_algs([], [], Acc, _) ->
+ %% No values left in the key-value list after removing the expected entries
+ %% (thats good)
+ lists:reverse(Acc);
+normalize_mod_algs([], [{K,_}|_], _, _) ->
+ %% Some values left in the key-value list after removing the expected entries
+ %% (thats bad)
+ case ssh_transport:algo_class(K) of
+ true -> error_in_check(K, "Duplicate key");
+ false -> error_in_check(K, "Unknown key")
+ end;
+normalize_mod_algs([], [X|_], _, _) ->
+ error_in_check(X, "Bad list element").
+%%% Handle the algorithms list
+normalize_mod_alg_list(K, Vs, UseDefaultAlgs) ->
+ normalize_mod_alg_list(K,
+ ssh_transport:algo_two_spec_class(K),
+ Vs,
+ def_alg(K,UseDefaultAlgs)).
+normalize_mod_alg_list(_K, _, [], Default) ->
+ Default;
+normalize_mod_alg_list(K, true, [{client2server,L1}], [_,{server2client,L2}]) ->
+ [nml1(K,{client2server,L1}),
+ {server2client,L2}];
+normalize_mod_alg_list(K, true, [{server2client,L2}], [{client2server,L1},_]) ->
+ [{client2server,L1},
+ nml1(K,{server2client,L2})];
+normalize_mod_alg_list(K, true, [{server2client,L2},{client2server,L1}], _) ->
+ [nml1(K,{client2server,L1}),
+ nml1(K,{server2client,L2})];
+normalize_mod_alg_list(K, true, [{client2server,L1},{server2client,L2}], _) ->
+ [nml1(K,{client2server,L1}),
+ nml1(K,{server2client,L2})];
+normalize_mod_alg_list(K, true, L0, _) ->
+ L = nml(K,L0), % Throws errors
+ [{client2server,L},
+ {server2client,L}];
+normalize_mod_alg_list(K, false, L, _) ->
+ nml(K,L).
+nml1(K, {T,V}) when T==client2server ; T==server2client ->
+ {T, nml({K,T}, V)}.
+nml(K, L) ->
+ [error_in_check(K, "Bad value for this key") % This is a throw
+ || V <- L,
+ not is_atom(V)
+ ],
+ case L -- lists:usort(L) of
+ [] -> ok;
+ Dups -> error_in_check({K,Dups}, "Duplicates") % This is a throw
+ end,
+ L.
+def_alg(K, false) ->
+ case ssh_transport:algo_two_spec_class(K) of
+ false -> [];
+ true -> [{client2server,[]}, {server2client,[]}]
+ end;
+def_alg(K, true) ->
+ ssh_transport:default_algorithms(K).
+check_preferred_algorithms(Algs) when is_list(Algs) ->
+ check_input_ok(Algs),
+ {true, normalize_mod_algs(Algs, true)};
+check_preferred_algorithms(_) ->
+ error_in_check(modify_algorithms, "Bad option value. List expected.").
+check_input_ok(Algs) ->
+ [error_in_check(KVs, "Bad preferred_algorithms")
+ || KVs <- Algs,
+ not is_tuple(KVs)
+ orelse (size(KVs) =/= 2)].
+final_preferred_algorithms(Options) ->
+ Result =
+ case ?GET_OPT(modify_algorithms, Options) of
+ undefined ->
+ rm_non_supported(true,
+ ?GET_OPT(preferred_algorithms, Options));
+ ModAlgs ->
+ rm_non_supported(false,
+ eval_ops(?GET_OPT(preferred_algorithms, Options),
+ ModAlgs))
+ end,
+ error_if_empty(Result), % Throws errors if any value list is empty
+ ?PUT_OPT({preferred_algorithms,Result}, Options).
+eval_ops(PrefAlgs, ModAlgs) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun eval_op/2, PrefAlgs, ModAlgs).
+eval_op({Op,AlgKVs}, PrefAlgs) ->
+ eval_op(Op, AlgKVs, PrefAlgs, []).
+eval_op(Op, [{C,L1}|T1], [{C,L2}|T2], Acc) ->
+ eval_op(Op, T1, T2, [{C,eval_op(Op,L1,L2,[])} | Acc]);
+eval_op(_, [], [], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
+eval_op(rm, Opt, Pref, []) when is_list(Opt), is_list(Pref) -> Pref -- Opt;
+eval_op(append, Opt, Pref, []) when is_list(Opt), is_list(Pref) -> (Pref--Opt) ++ Opt;
+eval_op(prepend, Opt, Pref, []) when is_list(Opt), is_list(Pref) -> Opt ++ (Pref--Opt).
+rm_non_supported(UnsupIsErrorFlg, KVs) ->
+ [{K,rmns(K,Vs, UnsupIsErrorFlg)} || {K,Vs} <- KVs].
+rmns(K, Vs, UnsupIsErrorFlg) ->
+ case ssh_transport:algo_two_spec_class(K) of
+ false ->
+ rm_unsup(Vs, ssh_transport:supported_algorithms(K), UnsupIsErrorFlg, K);
+ true ->
+ [{C, rm_unsup(Vsx, Sup, UnsupIsErrorFlg, {K,C})}
+ || {{C,Vsx},{C,Sup}} <- lists:zip(Vs,ssh_transport:supported_algorithms(K))
+ ]
+ end.
+rm_unsup(A, B, Flg, ErrInf) ->
+ case A--B of
+ Unsup=[_|_] when Flg==true -> error({eoptions,
+ {preferred_algorithms,{ErrInf,Unsup}},
+ "Unsupported value(s) found"
+ });
+ Unsup -> A -- Unsup
+ end.
+error_if_empty([{K,[]}|_]) ->
+ error({eoptions, K, "Empty resulting algorithm list"});
+error_if_empty([{K,[{client2server,[]}, {server2client,[]}]}]) ->
+ error({eoptions, K, "Empty resulting algorithm list"});
+error_if_empty([{K,[{client2server,[]}|_]} | _]) ->
+ error({eoptions, {K,client2server}, "Empty resulting algorithm list"});
+error_if_empty([{K,[_,{server2client,[]}|_]} | _]) ->
+ error({eoptions, {K,server2client}, "Empty resulting algorithm list"});
+error_if_empty([_|T]) ->
+ error_if_empty(T);
+error_if_empty([]) ->
+ ok.
+forbidden_option(K,V) ->
+ Txt = io_lib:format("The option '~s' is used internally. The "
+ "user is not allowed to specify this option.",
+ [K]),
+ error({eoptions, {K,V}, Txt}).