path: root/lib/ssh/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssh/src')
22 files changed, 1715 insertions, 1285 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/Makefile b/lib/ssh/src/Makefile
index 9e8d80c71f..bcd13213b3 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/Makefile
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/Makefile
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ APP_TARGET= $(EBIN)/$(APP_FILE)
-INTERNAL_HRL_FILES = ssh_auth.hrl ssh_connect.hrl ssh_transport.hrl ssh.hrl ssh_userauth.hrl ssh_xfer.hrl ssh_dbg.hrl
+INTERNAL_HRL_FILES = ssh_auth.hrl ssh_connect.hrl ssh_transport.hrl ssh.hrl ssh_userauth.hrl ssh_xfer.hrl
# ----------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh.hrl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh.hrl
index 8d950eea3c..0e118ac13f 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh.hrl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh.hrl
@@ -137,6 +137,8 @@
{inet:ip_address(),inet:port_number()}}, %% string version of peer address
+ local, %% Local sockname. Need this AFTER a socket is closed by i.e. a crash
c_vsn, %% client version {Major,Minor}
s_vsn, %% server version {Major,Minor}
@@ -151,8 +153,6 @@
algorithms, %% #alg{}
- kex, %% key exchange algorithm
- hkey, %% host key algorithm
key_cb, %% Private/Public key callback module
io_cb, %% Interaction callback module
@@ -248,4 +248,13 @@
_ -> exit(Reason)
+%% dbg help macros
+ wr_record(R=#N{}) -> ssh_dbg:wr_record(R, record_info(fields,N), BlackList)
+ ).
+-define(wr_record(N), ?wr_record(N, [])).
-endif. % SSH_HRL defined
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_acceptor.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_acceptor.erl
index d66a34c58a..516a9febaa 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_acceptor.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_acceptor.erl
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
%% spawn export
-export([acceptor_init/5, acceptor_loop/6]).
-define(SLEEP_TIME, 200).
@@ -86,7 +88,8 @@ acceptor_init(Parent, Port, Address, Opts, AcceptTimeout) ->
acceptor_loop(Callback, Port, Address, Opts, LSock, AcceptTimeout);
{error,_} -> % Not open, a restart
- {ok,NewLSock} = listen(Port, Opts),
+ %% Allow gen_tcp:listen to fail 4 times if eaddrinuse:
+ {ok,NewLSock} = try_listen(Port, Opts, 4),
proc_lib:init_ack(Parent, {ok, self()}),
Opts1 = ?DELETE_INTERNAL_OPT(lsocket, Opts),
{_, Callback, _} = ?GET_OPT(transport, Opts1),
@@ -98,6 +101,19 @@ acceptor_init(Parent, Port, Address, Opts, AcceptTimeout) ->
+try_listen(Port, Opts, NtriesLeft) ->
+ try_listen(Port, Opts, 1, NtriesLeft).
+try_listen(Port, Opts, N, Nmax) ->
+ case listen(Port, Opts) of
+ {error,eaddrinuse} when N<Nmax ->
+ timer:sleep(10*N), % Sleep 10, 20, 30,... ms
+ try_listen(Port, Opts, N+1, Nmax);
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end.
request_ownership(LSock, SockOwner) ->
SockOwner ! {request_control,LSock,self()},
@@ -181,3 +197,33 @@ handle_error(Reason) ->
exit({accept_failed, String}).
+%%%# Tracing
+dbg_trace(points, _, _) -> [connections];
+dbg_trace(flags, connections, _) -> [c];
+dbg_trace(on, connections, _) -> dbg:tp(?MODULE, acceptor_init, 5, x),
+ dbg:tpl(?MODULE, handle_connection, 5, x);
+dbg_trace(off, connections, _) -> dbg:ctp(?MODULE, acceptor_init, 5),
+ dbg:ctp(?MODULE, handle_connection, 5);
+dbg_trace(format, connections, {call, {?MODULE,acceptor_init,
+ [_Parent, Port, Address, _Opts, _AcceptTimeout]}}) ->
+ [io_lib:format("Starting LISTENER on ~s:~p\n", [ntoa(Address),Port])
+ ];
+dbg_trace(format, connections, {return_from, {?MODULE,handle_connection,5}, {error,Error}}) ->
+ ["Starting connection to server failed:\n",
+ io_lib:format("Error = ~p", [Error])
+ ].
+ntoa(A) ->
+ try inet:ntoa(A)
+ catch
+ _:_ when is_list(A) -> A;
+ _:_ -> io_lib:format('~p',[A])
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_auth.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_auth.erl
index 03d264745b..bf3f5a68e4 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_auth.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_auth.erl
@@ -40,15 +40,12 @@
userauth_request_msg(#ssh{userauth_methods = ServerMethods,
- userauth_supported_methods = UserPrefMethods, % Note: this is not documented as supported for clients
+ userauth_supported_methods = UserPrefMethods,
userauth_preference = ClientMethods0
} = Ssh0) ->
case sort_select_mthds(ClientMethods0, UserPrefMethods, ServerMethods) of
[] ->
- Msg = #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_NO_MORE_AUTH_METHODS_AVAILABLE,
- description = "Unable to connect using the available authentication methods",
- language = "en"},
- {disconnect, Msg, ssh_transport:ssh_packet(Msg, Ssh0)};
[{Pref,Module,Function,Args} | Prefs] ->
Ssh = case Pref of
@@ -196,11 +193,8 @@ init_userauth_request_msg(#ssh{opts = Opts} = Ssh) ->
%% Client side
case ?GET_OPT(user, Opts) of
undefined ->
- ErrStr = "Could not determine the users name",
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_ILLEGAL_USER_NAME,
- description = ErrStr});
+ "Could not determine the users name");
User ->
#ssh_msg_userauth_request{user = User,
@@ -451,11 +445,8 @@ handle_userauth_info_response({extra,#ssh_msg_userauth_info_response{}},
_Auth) ->
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
- description = "Server does not support keyboard-interactive"
- }).
+ "Server does not support keyboard-interactive").
%%% Internal functions
@@ -492,10 +483,8 @@ check_password(User, Password, Opts, Ssh) ->
{false,NewState} ->
{false, Ssh#ssh{pwdfun_user_state=NewState}};
disconnect ->
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
- description = "Unable to connect using the available authentication methods"
- })
+ "")
@@ -591,16 +580,12 @@ keyboard_interact_fun(KbdInteractFun, Name, Instr, PromptInfos, NumPrompts) ->
case KbdInteractFun(Name, Instr, Prompts) of
Rs when length(Rs) == NumPrompts ->
- Rs ->
- throw({mismatching_number_of_responses,
- {got,Rs},
- {expected, NumPrompts},
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
- description = "User interaction failed",
- language = "en"}})
+ _Rs ->
+ nok
key_alg('rsa-sha2-256') -> 'ssh-rsa';
key_alg('rsa-sha2-512') -> 'ssh-rsa';
key_alg(Alg) -> Alg.
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_channel.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_channel.erl
index 85b31f3669..b90e571448 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_channel.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_channel.erl
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
-callback init(Args :: term()) ->
@@ -71,6 +72,8 @@
cache_info/2, cache_find/2,
-record(state, {
@@ -159,14 +162,7 @@ init([Options]) ->
ConnectionManager = proplists:get_value(cm, Options),
ChannelId = proplists:get_value(channel_id, Options),
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- InitArgs =
- case proplists:get_value(exec, Options) of
- undefined ->
- proplists:get_value(init_args, Options);
- Exec ->
- proplists:get_value(init_args, Options) ++ [Exec]
- end,
- try Cb:init(InitArgs) of
+ try Cb:init(channel_cb_init_args(Options)) of
{ok, ChannelState} ->
State = #state{cm = ConnectionManager,
channel_cb = Cb,
@@ -188,6 +184,14 @@ init([Options]) ->
{stop, Reason}
+channel_cb_init_args(Options) ->
+ case proplists:get_value(exec, Options) of
+ undefined ->
+ proplists:get_value(init_args, Options);
+ Exec ->
+ proplists:get_value(init_args, Options) ++ [Exec]
+ end.
%% Function: %% handle_call(Request, From, State) -> {reply, Reply, State} |
%% {reply, Reply, State, Timeout} |
@@ -377,3 +381,76 @@ adjust_window(_) ->
+%%%# Tracing
+dbg_trace(points, _, _) -> [terminate, channels, channel_events];
+dbg_trace(flags, channels, A) -> [c] ++ dbg_trace(flags, terminate, A);
+dbg_trace(on, channels, A) -> dbg:tp(?MODULE, init, 1, x),
+ dbg_trace(on, terminate, A);
+dbg_trace(off, channels, A) -> dbg:ctpg(?MODULE, init, 1),
+ dbg_trace(off, terminate, A);
+dbg_trace(format, channels, {call, {?MODULE,init, [[KVs]]}}) ->
+ ["Server Channel Starting:\n",
+ io_lib:format("Connection: ~p, ChannelId: ~p, CallBack: ~p\nCallBack init args = ~p",
+ [proplists:get_value(K,KVs) || K <- [cm, channel_id, channel_cb]]
+ ++ [channel_cb_init_args(KVs)])
+ ];
+dbg_trace(format, channels, {return_from, {?MODULE,init,1}, {stop,Reason}}) ->
+ ["Server Channel Start FAILED!\n",
+ io_lib:format("Reason = ~p", [Reason])
+ ];
+dbg_trace(format, channels, F) ->
+ dbg_trace(format, terminate, F);
+dbg_trace(flags, terminate, _) -> [c];
+dbg_trace(on, terminate, _) -> dbg:tp(?MODULE, terminate, 2, x);
+dbg_trace(off, terminate, _) -> dbg:ctpg(?MODULE, terminate, 2);
+dbg_trace(format, terminate, {call, {?MODULE,terminate, [Reason, State]}}) ->
+ ["Server Channel Terminating:\n",
+ io_lib:format("Reason: ~p,~nState:~n~s", [Reason, wr_record(State)])
+ ];
+dbg_trace(flags, channel_events, _) -> [c];
+dbg_trace(on, channel_events, _) -> dbg:tp(?MODULE, handle_call, 3, x),
+ dbg:tp(?MODULE, handle_cast, 2, x),
+ dbg:tp(?MODULE, handle_info, 2, x);
+dbg_trace(off, channel_events, _) -> dbg:ctpg(?MODULE, handle_call, 3),
+ dbg:ctpg(?MODULE, handle_cast, 2),
+ dbg:ctpg(?MODULE, handle_info, 2);
+dbg_trace(format, channel_events, {call, {?MODULE,handle_call, [Call,From,State]}}) ->
+ [hdr("is called", State),
+ io_lib:format("From: ~p~nCall: ~p~n", [From, Call])
+ ];
+dbg_trace(format, channel_events, {return_from, {?MODULE,handle_call,3}, Ret}) ->
+ ["Server Channel call returned:\n",
+ io_lib:format("~p~n", [ssh_dbg:reduce_state(Ret)])
+ ];
+dbg_trace(format, channel_events, {call, {?MODULE,handle_cast, [Cast,State]}}) ->
+ [hdr("got cast", State),
+ io_lib:format("Cast: ~p~n", [Cast])
+ ];
+dbg_trace(format, channel_events, {return_from, {?MODULE,handle_cast,2}, Ret}) ->
+ ["Server Channel cast returned:\n",
+ io_lib:format("~p~n", [ssh_dbg:reduce_state(Ret)])
+ ];
+dbg_trace(format, channel_events, {call, {?MODULE,handle_info, [Info,State]}}) ->
+ [hdr("got info", State),
+ io_lib:format("Info: ~p~n", [Info])
+ ];
+dbg_trace(format, channel_events, {return_from, {?MODULE,handle_info,2}, Ret}) ->
+ ["Server Channel info returned:\n",
+ io_lib:format("~p~n", [ssh_dbg:reduce_state(Ret)])
+ ].
+hdr(Title, S) ->
+ io_lib:format("Server Channel (Id=~p, CB=~p) ~s:\n", [S#state.channel_id, S#state.channel_cb, Title]).
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_cli.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_cli.erl
index 958c342f5f..26c7cb45aa 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_cli.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_cli.erl
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
%% ssh_channel callbacks
-export([init/1, handle_ssh_msg/2, handle_msg/2, terminate/2]).
%% state
-record(state, {
@@ -118,42 +120,53 @@ handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, ConnectionHandler,
write_chars(ConnectionHandler, ChannelId, Chars),
{ok, State#state{pty = Pty, buf = NewBuf}};
-handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, ConnectionHandler,
- {shell, ChannelId, WantReply}}, State) ->
+handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, ConnectionHandler, {shell, ChannelId, WantReply}}, State) ->
NewState = start_shell(ConnectionHandler, State),
- ssh_connection:reply_request(ConnectionHandler, WantReply,
- success, ChannelId),
- {ok, NewState#state{channel = ChannelId,
- cm = ConnectionHandler}};
-handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, ConnectionHandler,
- {exec, ChannelId, WantReply, Cmd}}, #state{exec=undefined,
- shell=?DEFAULT_SHELL} = State) ->
- {Reply, Status} = exec(Cmd),
- write_chars(ConnectionHandler,
- ChannelId, io_lib:format("~p\n", [Reply])),
- ssh_connection:reply_request(ConnectionHandler, WantReply,
- success, ChannelId),
- ssh_connection:exit_status(ConnectionHandler, ChannelId, Status),
- ssh_connection:send_eof(ConnectionHandler, ChannelId),
- {stop, ChannelId, State#state{channel = ChannelId, cm = ConnectionHandler}};
-handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, ConnectionHandler,
- {exec, ChannelId, WantReply, _Cmd}}, #state{exec = undefined} = State) ->
- write_chars(ConnectionHandler, ChannelId, 1, "Prohibited.\n"),
ssh_connection:reply_request(ConnectionHandler, WantReply, success, ChannelId),
- ssh_connection:exit_status(ConnectionHandler, ChannelId, 255),
- ssh_connection:send_eof(ConnectionHandler, ChannelId),
- {stop, ChannelId, State#state{channel = ChannelId, cm = ConnectionHandler}};
-handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, ConnectionHandler,
- {exec, ChannelId, WantReply, Cmd}}, State) ->
- NewState = start_shell(ConnectionHandler, Cmd, State),
- ssh_connection:reply_request(ConnectionHandler, WantReply,
- success, ChannelId),
{ok, NewState#state{channel = ChannelId,
cm = ConnectionHandler}};
+handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, ConnectionHandler, {exec, ChannelId, WantReply, Cmd}}, S0) ->
+ case
+ case S0#state.exec of
+ {direct,F} ->
+ %% Exec called and a Fun or MFA is defined to use. The F returns the
+ %% value to return.
+ exec_direct(ConnectionHandler, F, Cmd);
+ undefined when S0#state.shell == ?DEFAULT_SHELL ->
+ %% Exec called and the shell is the default shell (= Erlang shell).
+ %% To be exact, eval the term as an Erlang term (but not using the
+ %% ?DEFAULT_SHELL directly). This disables banner, prompts and such.
+ exec_in_erlang_default_shell(Cmd);
+ undefined ->
+ %% Exec called, but the a shell other than the default shell is defined.
+ %% No new exec shell is defined, so don't execute!
+ %% We don't know if it is intended to use the new shell or not.
+ {"Prohibited.", 255, 1};
+ _ ->
+ %% Exec called and a Fun or MFA is defined to use. The F communicates via
+ %% standard io:write/read.
+ %% Kept for compatibility.
+ S1 = start_exec_shell(ConnectionHandler, Cmd, S0),
+ ssh_connection:reply_request(ConnectionHandler, WantReply, success, ChannelId),
+ {ok, S1}
+ end
+ of
+ {Reply, Status, Type} ->
+ write_chars(ConnectionHandler, ChannelId, Type, Reply),
+ ssh_connection:reply_request(ConnectionHandler, WantReply, success, ChannelId),
+ ssh_connection:exit_status(ConnectionHandler, ChannelId, Status),
+ ssh_connection:send_eof(ConnectionHandler, ChannelId),
+ {stop, ChannelId, S0#state{channel = ChannelId, cm = ConnectionHandler}};
+ {ok, S} ->
+ {ok, S#state{channel = ChannelId,
+ cm = ConnectionHandler}}
+ end;
handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _ConnectionHandler, {eof, _ChannelId}}, State) ->
{ok, State};
@@ -259,35 +272,7 @@ to_group(Data, Group) ->
to_group(Tail, Group).
-exec(Cmd) ->
- case eval(parse(scan(Cmd))) of
- {error, _} ->
- {Cmd, 0}; %% This should be an external call
- Term ->
- Term
- end.
-scan(Cmd) ->
- erl_scan:string(Cmd).
-parse({ok, Tokens, _}) ->
- erl_parse:parse_exprs(Tokens);
-parse(Error) ->
- Error.
-eval({ok, Expr_list}) ->
- case (catch erl_eval:exprs(Expr_list,
- erl_eval:new_bindings())) of
- {value, Value, _NewBindings} ->
- {Value, 0};
- {'EXIT', {Error, _}} ->
- {Error, -1};
- Error ->
- {Error, -1}
- end;
-eval(Error) ->
- {Error, -1}.
%%% io_request, handle io requests from the user process,
%%% Note, this is not the real I/O-protocol, but the mockup version
%%% used between edlin and a user_driver. The protocol tags are
@@ -506,53 +491,130 @@ bin_to_list(L) when is_list(L) ->
bin_to_list(I) when is_integer(I) ->
start_shell(ConnectionHandler, State) ->
- Shell = State#state.shell,
- ConnectionInfo = ssh_connection_handler:connection_info(ConnectionHandler,
- [peer, user]),
- ShellFun = case is_function(Shell) of
- true ->
- User = proplists:get_value(user, ConnectionInfo),
- case erlang:fun_info(Shell, arity) of
- {arity, 1} ->
- fun() -> Shell(User) end;
- {arity, 2} ->
- {_, PeerAddr} = proplists:get_value(peer, ConnectionInfo),
- fun() -> Shell(User, PeerAddr) end;
- _ ->
- Shell
- end;
- _ ->
- Shell
- end,
- Echo = get_echo(State#state.pty),
- Group = group:start(self(), ShellFun, [{echo, Echo}]),
- State#state{group = Group, buf = empty_buf()}.
-start_shell(_ConnectionHandler, Cmd, #state{exec={M, F, A}} = State) ->
- Group = group:start(self(), {M, F, A++[Cmd]}, [{echo, false}]),
- State#state{group = Group, buf = empty_buf()};
-start_shell(ConnectionHandler, Cmd, #state{exec=Shell} = State) when is_function(Shell) ->
- ConnectionInfo = ssh_connection_handler:connection_info(ConnectionHandler,
- [peer, user]),
- User = proplists:get_value(user, ConnectionInfo),
- ShellFun =
- case erlang:fun_info(Shell, arity) of
- {arity, 1} ->
- fun() -> Shell(Cmd) end;
- {arity, 2} ->
- fun() -> Shell(Cmd, User) end;
- {arity, 3} ->
- {_, PeerAddr} = proplists:get_value(peer, ConnectionInfo),
- fun() -> Shell(Cmd, User, PeerAddr) end;
- _ ->
- Shell
- end,
- Echo = get_echo(State#state.pty),
- Group = group:start(self(), ShellFun, [{echo,Echo}]),
- State#state{group = Group, buf = empty_buf()}.
+ ShellSpawner =
+ case State#state.shell of
+ Shell when is_function(Shell, 1) ->
+ [{user,User}] = ssh_connection_handler:connection_info(ConnectionHandler, [user]),
+ fun() -> Shell(User) end;
+ Shell when is_function(Shell, 2) ->
+ ConnectionInfo =
+ ssh_connection_handler:connection_info(ConnectionHandler, [peer, user]),
+ User = proplists:get_value(user, ConnectionInfo),
+ {_, PeerAddr} = proplists:get_value(peer, ConnectionInfo),
+ fun() -> Shell(User, PeerAddr) end;
+ {_,_,_} = Shell ->
+ Shell
+ end,
+ State#state{group = group:start(self(), ShellSpawner, [{echo, get_echo(State#state.pty)}]),
+ buf = empty_buf()}.
+start_exec_shell(ConnectionHandler, Cmd, State) ->
+ ExecShellSpawner =
+ case State#state.exec of
+ ExecShell when is_function(ExecShell, 1) ->
+ fun() -> ExecShell(Cmd) end;
+ ExecShell when is_function(ExecShell, 2) ->
+ [{user,User}] = ssh_connection_handler:connection_info(ConnectionHandler, [user]),
+ fun() -> ExecShell(Cmd, User) end;
+ ExecShell when is_function(ExecShell, 3) ->
+ ConnectionInfo =
+ ssh_connection_handler:connection_info(ConnectionHandler, [peer, user]),
+ User = proplists:get_value(user, ConnectionInfo),
+ {_, PeerAddr} = proplists:get_value(peer, ConnectionInfo),
+ fun() -> ExecShell(Cmd, User, PeerAddr) end;
+ {M,F,A} ->
+ {M, F, A++[Cmd]}
+ end,
+ State#state{group = group:start(self(), ExecShellSpawner, [{echo,false}]),
+ buf = empty_buf()}.
+exec_in_erlang_default_shell(Cmd) ->
+ case eval(parse(scan(Cmd))) of
+ {ok, Term} ->
+ {io_lib:format("~p\n", [Term]), 0, 0};
+ {error, Error} when is_atom(Error) ->
+ {io_lib:format("Error in ~p: ~p\n", [Cmd,Error]), -1, 1};
+ _ ->
+ {io_lib:format("Error: ~p\n", [Cmd]), -1, 1}
+ end.
+scan(Cmd) ->
+ erl_scan:string(Cmd).
+parse({ok, Tokens, _}) ->
+ erl_parse:parse_exprs(Tokens);
+parse(Error) ->
+ Error.
+eval({ok, Expr_list}) ->
+ case (catch erl_eval:exprs(Expr_list,
+ erl_eval:new_bindings())) of
+ {value, Value, _NewBindings} ->
+ {ok, Value};
+ {'EXIT', {Error, _}} ->
+ {error, Error};
+ {error, Error} ->
+ {error, Error};
+ Error ->
+ {error, Error}
+ end;
+eval({error,Error}) ->
+ {error, Error};
+eval(Error) ->
+ {error, Error}.
+exec_direct(ConnectionHandler, ExecSpec, Cmd) ->
+ try
+ case ExecSpec of
+ _ when is_function(ExecSpec, 1) ->
+ ExecSpec(Cmd);
+ _ when is_function(ExecSpec, 2) ->
+ [{user,User}] = ssh_connection_handler:connection_info(ConnectionHandler, [user]),
+ ExecSpec(Cmd, User);
+ _ when is_function(ExecSpec, 3) ->
+ ConnectionInfo =
+ ssh_connection_handler:connection_info(ConnectionHandler, [peer, user]),
+ User = proplists:get_value(user, ConnectionInfo),
+ {_, PeerAddr} = proplists:get_value(peer, ConnectionInfo),
+ ExecSpec(Cmd, User, PeerAddr)
+ end
+ of
+ Reply ->
+ return_direct_exec_reply(Reply, Cmd)
+ catch
+ C:Error ->
+ {io_lib:format("Error in \"~s\": ~p ~p~n", [Cmd,C,Error]), -1, 1}
+ end.
+return_direct_exec_reply(Reply, Cmd) ->
+ case fmt_exec_repl(Reply) of
+ {ok,S} ->
+ {S, 0, 0};
+ {error,S} ->
+ {io_lib:format("Error in \"~s\": ~s~n", [Cmd,S]), -1, 1}
+ end.
+fmt_exec_repl({T,A}) when T==ok ; T==error ->
+ try
+ {T, io_lib:format("~s",[A])}
+ catch
+ error:badarg ->
+ {T, io_lib:format("~p", [A])};
+ C:Err ->
+ {error, io_lib:format("~p:~p~n",[C,Err])}
+ end;
+fmt_exec_repl(Other) ->
+ {error, io_lib:format("Bad exec-plugin return: ~p",[Other])}.
% Pty can be undefined if the client never sets any pty options before
% starting the shell.
get_echo(undefined) ->
@@ -578,3 +640,19 @@ not_zero(0, B) ->
not_zero(A, _) ->
+%%%# Tracing
+dbg_trace(points, _, _) -> [terminate];
+dbg_trace(flags, terminate, _) -> [c];
+dbg_trace(on, terminate, _) -> dbg:tp(?MODULE, terminate, 2, x);
+dbg_trace(off, terminate, _) -> dbg:ctpg(?MODULE, terminate, 2);
+dbg_trace(format, terminate, {call, {?MODULE,terminate, [Reason, State]}}) ->
+ ["Cli Terminating:\n",
+ io_lib:format("Reason: ~p,~nState:~n~s", [Reason, wr_record(State)])
+ ].
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_client_key.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_client_key.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5296ac2a02..0000000000
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_client_key.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
--callback is_host_key(Key :: public_key(), Host :: string(),
- Algorithm :: 'ssh-rsa'| 'ssh-dsa'| atom(), Options :: proplists:proplist()) ->
- boolean().
--callback user_key(Algorithm :: 'ssh-rsa'| 'ssh-dsa'| atom(), Options :: list()) ->
- {ok, PrivateKey :: term()} | {error, string()}.
--callback add_host_key(Host :: string(), PublicKey :: term(), Options :: list()) ->
- ok | {error, Error::term()}.
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection.erl
index 946ae2967b..2b8780a991 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection.erl
@@ -40,16 +40,29 @@
-export([window_change/4, window_change/6,
signal/3, exit_status/3]).
-%% Internal application API
--export([channel_data/5, handle_msg/3, channel_eof_msg/1,
- channel_close_msg/1, channel_success_msg/1, channel_failure_msg/1,
+%% Internal SSH application API
+ handle_msg/3,
+ handle_stop/1,
+ channel_adjust_window_msg/2,
+ channel_close_msg/1,
+ channel_open_failure_msg/4,
+ channel_open_msg/5,
- channel_adjust_window_msg/2, channel_data_msg/3,
- channel_open_msg/5, channel_open_confirmation_msg/4,
- channel_open_failure_msg/4, channel_request_msg/4,
+ channel_data_msg/3,
+ channel_eof_msg/1,
+ channel_failure_msg/1,
+ channel_open_confirmation_msg/4,
+ channel_request_msg/4,
+ channel_success_msg/1,
- request_success_msg/1, bind/4, unbind/3, unbind_channel/2,
- bound_channel/3, encode_ip/1]).
+ request_success_msg/1,
+ bind/4, unbind/3, unbind_channel/2,
+ bound_channel/3, encode_ip/1
+ ]).
%%% API
@@ -232,27 +245,15 @@ exit_status(ConnectionHandler, Channel, Status) ->
"exit-status", false, [?uint32(Status)], 0).
-%%% Internal API
+%%% Internal, that is, ssh application internal API
-l2b(L) when is_integer(hd(L)) ->
- try list_to_binary(L)
- of
- B -> B
- catch
- _:_ ->
- unicode:characters_to_binary(L)
- end;
-l2b([H|T]) ->
- << (l2b(H))/binary, (l2b(T))/binary >>;
-l2b(B) when is_binary(B) ->
- B;
-l2b([]) ->
- <<>>.
+%%% Send data on a channel/connection as result of for example
+%%% ssh_connection:send (executed in the ssh_connection_state machine)
-channel_data(ChannelId, DataType, Data, Connection, From)
- when is_list(Data)->
+channel_data(ChannelId, DataType, Data, Connection, From) when is_list(Data)->
channel_data(ChannelId, DataType, l2b(Data), Connection, From);
channel_data(ChannelId, DataType, Data,
@@ -271,11 +272,18 @@ channel_data(ChannelId, DataType, Data,
end, SendList),
FlowCtrlMsgs = flow_control(Replies, Channel, Cache),
- {{replies, Replies ++ FlowCtrlMsgs}, Connection};
+ {Replies ++ FlowCtrlMsgs, Connection};
_ ->
- {{replies,[{channel_request_reply,From,{error,closed}}]}, Connection}
+ {[{channel_request_reply,From,{error,closed}}], Connection}
+%%% Handle the channel messages on behalf of the ssh_connection_handler
+%%% state machine.
+%%% Replies {Reply, UpdatedConnection}
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_open_confirmation{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
sender_channel = RemoteId,
initial_window_size = WindowSz,
@@ -292,8 +300,7 @@ handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_open_confirmation{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
send_window_size = WindowSz,
send_packet_size = PacketSz}),
- {Reply, Connection} = reply_msg(Channel, Connection0, {open, ChannelId}),
- {{replies, [Reply]}, Connection};
+ reply_msg(Channel, Connection0, {open, ChannelId});
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_open_failure{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
reason = Reason,
@@ -302,36 +309,16 @@ handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_open_failure{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
#connection{channel_cache = Cache} = Connection0, _) ->
Channel = ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId),
ssh_channel:cache_delete(Cache, ChannelId),
- {Reply, Connection} =
- reply_msg(Channel, Connection0, {open_error, Reason, Descr, Lang}),
- {{replies, [Reply]}, Connection};
+ reply_msg(Channel, Connection0, {open_error, Reason, Descr, Lang});
-handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_success{recipient_channel = ChannelId},
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache} = Connection0, _) ->
- Channel = ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId),
- case reply_msg(Channel, Connection0, success) of
- {[], Connection} ->
- {noreply, Connection};
- {Reply, Connection} ->
- {{replies, [Reply]}, Connection}
- end;
-handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_failure{recipient_channel = ChannelId},
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache} = Connection0, _) ->
- Channel = ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId),
- case reply_msg(Channel, Connection0, failure) of
- {[], Connection} ->
- {noreply, Connection};
- {Reply, Connection} ->
- {{replies, [Reply]}, Connection}
- end;
+handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_success{recipient_channel = ChannelId}, Connection, _) ->
+ reply_msg(ChannelId, Connection, success);
+handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_failure{recipient_channel = ChannelId}, Connection, _) ->
+ reply_msg(ChannelId, Connection, failure);
-handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_eof{recipient_channel = ChannelId},
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache} = Connection0, _) ->
- Channel = ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId),
- {Reply, Connection} = reply_msg(Channel, Connection0, {eof, ChannelId}),
- {{replies, [Reply]}, Connection};
+handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_eof{recipient_channel = ChannelId}, Connection, _) ->
+ reply_msg(ChannelId, Connection, {eof, ChannelId});
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_close{recipient_channel = ChannelId},
#connection{channel_cache = Cache} = Connection0, _) ->
@@ -358,42 +345,23 @@ handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_close{recipient_channel = ChannelId},
[{flow_control, From, {error, closed}}]
- Replies = ConnReplyMsgs ++ [CloseMsg] ++ SendReplyMsgs,
- {{replies, Replies}, Connection};
+ Replies = ConnReplyMsgs ++ CloseMsg ++ SendReplyMsgs,
+ {Replies, Connection};
undefined ->
- {{replies, []}, Connection0}
+ {[], Connection0}
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_data{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
data = Data},
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache} = Connection0, _) ->
- case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId) of
- #channel{recv_window_size = Size} = Channel ->
- WantedSize = Size - size(Data),
- ssh_channel:cache_update(Cache, Channel#channel{
- recv_window_size = WantedSize}),
- {Replies, Connection} =
- channel_data_reply(Cache, Channel, Connection0, 0, Data),
- {{replies, Replies}, Connection};
- undefined ->
- {noreply, Connection0}
- end;
+ Connection, _) ->
+ channel_data_reply_msg(ChannelId, Connection, 0, Data);
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_extended_data{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
data_type_code = DataType,
data = Data},
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache} = Connection0, _) ->
- #channel{recv_window_size = Size} = Channel =
- ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId),
- WantedSize = Size - size(Data),
- ssh_channel:cache_update(Cache, Channel#channel{
- recv_window_size = WantedSize}),
- {Replies, Connection} =
- channel_data_reply(Cache, Channel, Connection0, DataType, Data),
- {{replies, Replies}, Connection};
+ Connection, _) ->
+ channel_data_reply_msg(ChannelId, Connection, DataType, Data);
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_window_adjust{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
bytes_to_add = Add},
@@ -409,7 +377,7 @@ handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_window_adjust{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
{connection_reply, channel_data_msg(RemoteId, Type, Data)}
end, SendList),
FlowCtrlMsgs = flow_control(Channel, Cache),
- {{replies, Replies ++ FlowCtrlMsgs}, Connection};
+ {Replies ++ FlowCtrlMsgs, Connection};
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_open{channel_type = "session" = Type,
sender_channel = RemoteId,
@@ -430,8 +398,7 @@ handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_open{channel_type = "session" = Type,
FailMsg = channel_open_failure_msg(RemoteId,
"Connection refused", "en"),
- {{replies, [{connection_reply, FailMsg}]},
- Connection0}
+ {[{connection_reply, FailMsg}], Connection0}
MinAcceptedPackSz > PacketSz ->
@@ -439,7 +406,7 @@ handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_open{channel_type = "session" = Type,
lists:concat(["Maximum packet size below ",MinAcceptedPackSz,
" not supported"]), "en"),
- {{replies, [{connection_reply, FailMsg}]}, Connection0}
+ {[{connection_reply, FailMsg}], Connection0}
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_open{channel_type = "session",
@@ -452,34 +419,30 @@ handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_open{channel_type = "session",
FailMsg = channel_open_failure_msg(RemoteId,
"Connection refused", "en"),
- {{replies, [{connection_reply, FailMsg}]},
- Connection};
+ {[{connection_reply, FailMsg}], Connection};
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_open{sender_channel = RemoteId}, Connection, _) ->
FailMsg = channel_open_failure_msg(RemoteId,
"Not allowed", "en"),
- {{replies, [{connection_reply, FailMsg}]}, Connection};
+ {[{connection_reply, FailMsg}], Connection};
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_request{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
request_type = "exit-status",
data = Data},
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache} = Connection, _) ->
+ Connection, _) ->
<<?UINT32(Status)>> = Data,
- Channel = ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId),
- {Reply, Connection} =
- reply_msg(Channel, Connection, {exit_status, ChannelId, Status}),
- {{replies, [Reply]}, Connection};
+ reply_msg(ChannelId, Connection, {exit_status, ChannelId, Status});
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_request{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
request_type = "exit-signal",
want_reply = false,
data = Data},
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache} = Connection0, _) ->
- <<?UINT32(SigLen), SigName:SigLen/binary,
- ?BOOLEAN(_Core),
- ?UINT32(ErrLen), Err:ErrLen/binary,
- ?UINT32(LangLen), Lang:LangLen/binary>> = Data,
+ #connection{channel_cache = Cache} = Connection0, _) ->
+ <<?DEC_BIN(SigName, _SigLen),
+ ?BOOLEAN(_Core),
+ ?DEC_BIN(Err, _ErrLen),
+ ?DEC_BIN(Lang, _LangLen)>> = Data,
Channel = ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId),
RemoteId = Channel#channel.remote_id,
{Reply, Connection} = reply_msg(Channel, Connection0,
@@ -488,52 +451,41 @@ handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_request{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
CloseMsg = channel_close_msg(RemoteId),
- {{replies, [{connection_reply, CloseMsg}, Reply]},
- Connection};
+ {[{connection_reply, CloseMsg}|Reply], Connection};
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_request{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
request_type = "xon-xoff",
want_reply = false,
data = Data},
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache} = Connection, _) ->
+ Connection, _) ->
<<?BOOLEAN(CDo)>> = Data,
- Channel = ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId),
- {Reply, Connection} =
- reply_msg(Channel, Connection, {xon_xoff, ChannelId, CDo=/= 0}),
- {{replies, [Reply]}, Connection};
+ reply_msg(ChannelId, Connection, {xon_xoff, ChannelId, CDo=/= 0});
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_request{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
request_type = "window-change",
want_reply = false,
data = Data},
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache} = Connection0, _) ->
+ Connection0, _) ->
- ?UINT32(PixWidth), ?UINT32(PixHeight)>> = Data,
- Channel = ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId),
- {Reply, Connection} =
- reply_msg(Channel, Connection0, {window_change, ChannelId,
- Width, Height,
- PixWidth, PixHeight}),
- {{replies, [Reply]}, Connection};
+ ?UINT32(PixWidth), ?UINT32(PixHeight)>> = Data,
+ reply_msg(ChannelId, Connection0, {window_change, ChannelId,
+ Width, Height,
+ PixWidth, PixHeight});
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_request{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
request_type = "signal",
data = Data},
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache} = Connection0, _) ->
- <<?UINT32(SigLen), SigName:SigLen/binary>> = Data,
- Channel = ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId),
- {Reply, Connection} =
- reply_msg(Channel, Connection0, {signal, ChannelId,
- binary_to_list(SigName)}),
- {{replies, [Reply]}, Connection};
+ Connection0, _) ->
+ <<?DEC_BIN(SigName, _SigLen)>> = Data,
+ reply_msg(ChannelId, Connection0, {signal, ChannelId,
+ binary_to_list(SigName)});
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_request{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
request_type = "subsystem",
want_reply = WantReply,
data = Data},
#connection{channel_cache = Cache} = Connection, server) ->
- <<?UINT32(SsLen), SsName:SsLen/binary>> = Data,
+ <<?DEC_BIN(SsName,_SsLen)>> = Data,
#channel{remote_id = RemoteId} = Channel0 =
ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId),
@@ -547,92 +499,77 @@ handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_request{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
ssh_channel:cache_update(Cache, Channel),
Reply = {connection_reply,
- {{replies, [Reply]}, Connection}
+ {[Reply], Connection}
_:_ ->
- ErrorReply = {connection_reply,
- channel_failure_msg(RemoteId)},
- {{replies, [ErrorReply]}, Connection}
+ ErrorReply = {connection_reply, channel_failure_msg(RemoteId)},
+ {[ErrorReply], Connection}
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_request{request_type = "subsystem"},
Connection, client) ->
%% The client SHOULD ignore subsystem requests. See RFC 4254 6.5.
- {{replies, []}, Connection};
+ {[], Connection};
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_request{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
request_type = "pty-req",
want_reply = WantReply,
data = Data},
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache} = Connection, server) ->
- <<?UINT32(TermLen), BTermName:TermLen/binary,
- ?UINT32(Width),?UINT32(Height),
- ?UINT32(PixWidth), ?UINT32(PixHeight),
- Modes/binary>> = Data,
+ Connection, server) ->
+ <<?DEC_BIN(BTermName,_TermLen),
+ ?UINT32(Width),?UINT32(Height),
+ ?UINT32(PixWidth), ?UINT32(PixHeight),
+ Modes/binary>> = Data,
TermName = binary_to_list(BTermName),
PtyRequest = {TermName, Width, Height,
PixWidth, PixHeight, decode_pty_opts(Modes)},
- Channel = ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId),
- handle_cli_msg(Connection, Channel,
+ handle_cli_msg(Connection, ChannelId,
{pty, ChannelId, WantReply, PtyRequest});
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_request{request_type = "pty-req"},
Connection, client) ->
%% The client SHOULD ignore pty requests. See RFC 4254 6.2.
- {{replies, []}, Connection};
+ {[], Connection};
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_request{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
request_type = "shell",
want_reply = WantReply},
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache} = Connection, server) ->
- Channel = ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId),
- handle_cli_msg(Connection, Channel,
+ Connection, server) ->
+ handle_cli_msg(Connection, ChannelId,
{shell, ChannelId, WantReply});
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_request{request_type = "shell"},
Connection, client) ->
%% The client SHOULD ignore shell requests. See RFC 4254 6.5.
- {{replies, []}, Connection};
+ {[], Connection};
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_request{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
request_type = "exec",
want_reply = WantReply,
data = Data},
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache} = Connection, server) ->
- <<?UINT32(Len), Command:Len/binary>> = Data,
- Channel = ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId),
- handle_cli_msg(Connection, Channel,
+ Connection, server) ->
+ <<?DEC_BIN(Command, _Len)>> = Data,
+ handle_cli_msg(Connection, ChannelId,
{exec, ChannelId, WantReply, binary_to_list(Command)});
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_request{request_type = "exec"},
Connection, client) ->
%% The client SHOULD ignore exec requests. See RFC 4254 6.5.
- {{replies, []}, Connection};
+ {[], Connection};
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_request{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
request_type = "env",
want_reply = WantReply,
data = Data},
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache} = Connection, server) ->
- <<?UINT32(VarLen),
- Var:VarLen/binary, ?UINT32(ValueLen), Value:ValueLen/binary>> = Data,
- Channel = ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId),
- handle_cli_msg(Connection, Channel,
+ Connection, server) ->
+ <<?DEC_BIN(Var,_VarLen), ?DEC_BIN(Value,_ValLen)>> = Data,
+ handle_cli_msg(Connection, ChannelId,
{env, ChannelId, WantReply, Var, Value});
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_request{request_type = "env"},
Connection, client) ->
%% The client SHOULD ignore env requests.
- {{replies, []}, Connection};
+ {[], Connection};
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_request{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
request_type = _Other,
@@ -642,13 +579,12 @@ handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_request{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId) of
#channel{remote_id = RemoteId} ->
FailMsg = channel_failure_msg(RemoteId),
- {{replies, [{connection_reply, FailMsg}]},
- Connection};
+ {[{connection_reply, FailMsg}], Connection};
undefined -> %% Chanel has been closed
- {noreply, Connection}
+ {[], Connection}
true ->
- {noreply, Connection}
+ {[], Connection}
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_global_request{name = _Type,
@@ -656,79 +592,54 @@ handle_msg(#ssh_msg_global_request{name = _Type,
data = _Data}, Connection, _) ->
if WantReply == true ->
FailMsg = request_failure_msg(),
- {{replies, [{connection_reply, FailMsg}]},
- Connection};
+ {[{connection_reply, FailMsg}], Connection};
true ->
- {noreply, Connection}
+ {[], Connection}
#connection{requests = [{_, From} | Rest]} = Connection, _) ->
- {{replies, [{channel_request_reply, From, {failure, <<>>}}]},
+ {[{channel_request_reply, From, {failure, <<>>}}],
Connection#connection{requests = Rest}};
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_request_success{data = Data},
#connection{requests = [{_, From} | Rest]} = Connection, _) ->
- {{replies, [{channel_request_reply, From, {success, Data}}]},
+ {[{channel_request_reply, From, {success, Data}}],
Connection#connection{requests = Rest}};
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = Code,
- description = Description,
- language = _Lang },
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache} = Connection0, _) ->
- {Connection, Replies} =
- ssh_channel:cache_foldl(fun(Channel, {Connection1, Acc}) ->
- {Reply, Connection2} =
- reply_msg(Channel,
- Connection1,
- {closed, Channel#channel.local_id}),
- {Connection2, [Reply | Acc]}
- end, {Connection0, []}, Cache),
- ssh_channel:cache_delete(Cache),
- {disconnect, {Code, Description}, {{replies, Replies}, Connection}}.
-handle_cli_msg(#connection{channel_cache = Cache} = Connection,
- #channel{user = undefined,
- remote_id = RemoteId,
- local_id = ChannelId} = Channel0, Reply0) ->
- case (catch start_cli(Connection, ChannelId)) of
- {ok, Pid} ->
- erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
- Channel = Channel0#channel{user = Pid},
- ssh_channel:cache_update(Cache, Channel),
- {Reply, Connection1} = reply_msg(Channel, Connection, Reply0),
- {{replies, [Reply]}, Connection1};
- _Other ->
- Reply = {connection_reply,
- channel_failure_msg(RemoteId)},
- {{replies, [Reply]}, Connection}
- end;
-handle_cli_msg(Connection0, Channel, Reply0) ->
- {Reply, Connection} = reply_msg(Channel, Connection0, Reply0),
- {{replies, [Reply]}, Connection}.
+ description = Description},
+ Connection, _) ->
+ {disconnect, {Code, Description}, handle_stop(Connection)}.
-channel_eof_msg(ChannelId) ->
- #ssh_msg_channel_eof{recipient_channel = ChannelId}.
-channel_close_msg(ChannelId) ->
- #ssh_msg_channel_close {recipient_channel = ChannelId}.
-channel_status_msg({success, ChannelId}) ->
- channel_success_msg(ChannelId);
-channel_status_msg({failure, ChannelId}) ->
- channel_failure_msg(ChannelId).
-channel_success_msg(ChannelId) ->
- #ssh_msg_channel_success{recipient_channel = ChannelId}.
-channel_failure_msg(ChannelId) ->
- #ssh_msg_channel_failure{recipient_channel = ChannelId}.
+%%% Returns pending responses to be delivered to the peer when a
+%%% Channel/Connection closes
+handle_stop(#connection{channel_cache = Cache} = Connection0) ->
+ {Connection, Replies} =
+ ssh_channel:cache_foldl(
+ fun(Channel, {Connection1, Acc}) ->
+ {Reply, Connection2} =
+ reply_msg(Channel, Connection1,
+ {closed, Channel#channel.local_id}),
+ {Connection2, Reply ++ Acc}
+ end, {Connection0, []}, Cache),
+ ssh_channel:cache_delete(Cache),
+ {Replies, Connection}.
+%%% channel_*_msg(...)
+%%% Returns a #ssh_msg_....{} for channel operations.
channel_adjust_window_msg(ChannelId, Bytes) ->
#ssh_msg_channel_window_adjust{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
bytes_to_add = Bytes}.
+channel_close_msg(ChannelId) ->
+ #ssh_msg_channel_close {recipient_channel = ChannelId}.
channel_data_msg(ChannelId, 0, Data) ->
#ssh_msg_channel_data{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
data = Data};
@@ -737,6 +648,12 @@ channel_data_msg(ChannelId, Type, Data) ->
data_type_code = Type,
data = Data}.
+channel_eof_msg(ChannelId) ->
+ #ssh_msg_channel_eof{recipient_channel = ChannelId}.
+channel_failure_msg(ChannelId) ->
+ #ssh_msg_channel_failure{recipient_channel = ChannelId}.
channel_open_msg(Type, ChannelId, WindowSize, MaxPacketSize, Data) ->
#ssh_msg_channel_open{channel_type = Type,
sender_channel = ChannelId,
@@ -757,18 +674,34 @@ channel_open_failure_msg(RemoteId, Reason, Description, Lang) ->
description = Description,
lang = Lang}.
+channel_status_msg({success, ChannelId}) ->
+ channel_success_msg(ChannelId);
+channel_status_msg({failure, ChannelId}) ->
+ channel_failure_msg(ChannelId).
channel_request_msg(ChannelId, Type, WantReply, Data) ->
#ssh_msg_channel_request{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
request_type = Type,
want_reply = WantReply,
data = Data}.
+channel_success_msg(ChannelId) ->
+ #ssh_msg_channel_success{recipient_channel = ChannelId}.
+%%% request_*_msg(...)
+%%% Returns a #ssh_msg_....{} for request responses.
request_failure_msg() ->
request_success_msg(Data) ->
#ssh_msg_request_success{data = Data}.
bind(IP, Port, ChannelPid, Connection) ->
Binds = [{{IP, Port}, ChannelPid}
| lists:keydelete({IP, Port}, 1,
@@ -808,6 +741,68 @@ encode_ip(Addr) when is_list(Addr) ->
+%%% Internal functions
+%%% Create the channel data when an ssh_msg_open_channel message
+%%% of "session" typ is handled
+setup_session(#connection{channel_cache = Cache,
+ channel_id_seed = NewChannelID
+ } = C,
+ RemoteId, Type, WindowSize, PacketSize) ->
+ NextChannelID = NewChannelID + 1,
+ Channel =
+ #channel{type = Type,
+ sys = "ssh",
+ local_id = NewChannelID,
+ recv_window_size = ?DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE,
+ recv_packet_size = ?DEFAULT_PACKET_SIZE,
+ send_window_size = WindowSize,
+ send_packet_size = PacketSize,
+ send_buf = queue:new(),
+ remote_id = RemoteId
+ },
+ ssh_channel:cache_update(Cache, Channel),
+ OpenConfMsg = channel_open_confirmation_msg(RemoteId, NewChannelID,
+ Reply = {connection_reply, OpenConfMsg},
+ {[Reply], C#connection{channel_id_seed = NextChannelID}}.
+%%% Start a cli or subsystem
+start_cli(#connection{options = Options,
+ cli_spec = CliSpec,
+ exec = Exec,
+ sub_system_supervisor = SubSysSup}, ChannelId) ->
+ case CliSpec of
+ no_cli ->
+ {error, cli_disabled};
+ {CbModule, Args} ->
+ start_channel(CbModule, ChannelId, Args, SubSysSup, Exec, Options)
+ end.
+start_subsystem(BinName, #connection{options = Options,
+ sub_system_supervisor = SubSysSup},
+ #channel{local_id = ChannelId}, _ReplyMsg) ->
+ Name = binary_to_list(BinName),
+ case check_subsystem(Name, Options) of
+ {Callback, Opts} when is_atom(Callback), Callback =/= none ->
+ start_channel(Callback, ChannelId, Opts, SubSysSup, Options);
+ {Other, _} when Other =/= none ->
+ {error, legacy_option_not_supported}
+ end.
+%%% Helpers for starting cli/subsystems
start_channel(Cb, Id, Args, SubSysSup, Opts) ->
start_channel(Cb, Id, Args, SubSysSup, undefined, Opts).
@@ -827,33 +822,6 @@ max_num_channels_not_exceeded(ChannelSup, Opts) ->
%% Note that NumChannels is BEFORE starting a new one
NumChannels < MaxNumChannels.
-%%% Internal functions
-setup_session(#connection{channel_cache = Cache
- } = Connection0,
- RemoteId,
- Type, WindowSize, PacketSize) ->
- {ChannelId, Connection} = new_channel_id(Connection0),
- Channel = #channel{type = Type,
- sys = "ssh",
- local_id = ChannelId,
- recv_window_size = ?DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE,
- recv_packet_size = ?DEFAULT_PACKET_SIZE,
- send_window_size = WindowSize,
- send_packet_size = PacketSize,
- send_buf = queue:new(),
- remote_id = RemoteId
- },
- ssh_channel:cache_update(Cache, Channel),
- OpenConfMsg = channel_open_confirmation_msg(RemoteId, ChannelId,
- {{replies, [{connection_reply, OpenConfMsg}]}, Connection}.
check_subsystem("sftp"= SsName, Options) ->
case ?GET_OPT(subsystems, Options) of
no_subsys -> % FIXME: Can 'no_subsys' ever be matched?
@@ -872,64 +840,10 @@ check_subsystem(SsName, Options) ->
-start_cli(#connection{cli_spec = no_cli}, _) ->
- {error, cli_disabled};
-start_cli(#connection{options = Options,
- cli_spec = {CbModule, Args},
- exec = Exec,
- sub_system_supervisor = SubSysSup}, ChannelId) ->
- start_channel(CbModule, ChannelId, Args, SubSysSup, Exec, Options).
-start_subsystem(BinName, #connection{options = Options,
- sub_system_supervisor = SubSysSup},
- #channel{local_id = ChannelId}, _ReplyMsg) ->
- Name = binary_to_list(BinName),
- case check_subsystem(Name, Options) of
- {Callback, Opts} when is_atom(Callback), Callback =/= none ->
- start_channel(Callback, ChannelId, Opts, SubSysSup, Options);
- {Other, _} when Other =/= none ->
- {error, legacy_option_not_supported}
- end.
-channel_data_reply(_, #channel{local_id = ChannelId} = Channel,
- Connection0, DataType, Data) ->
- {Reply, Connection} =
- reply_msg(Channel, Connection0, {data, ChannelId, DataType, Data}),
- {[Reply], Connection}.
-new_channel_id(Connection) ->
- ID = Connection#connection.channel_id_seed,
- {ID, Connection#connection{channel_id_seed = ID + 1}}.
-reply_msg(Channel, Connection, {open, _} = Reply) ->
- request_reply_or_data(Channel, Connection, Reply);
-reply_msg(Channel, Connection, {open_error, _, _, _} = Reply) ->
- request_reply_or_data(Channel, Connection, Reply);
-reply_msg(Channel, Connection, success = Reply) ->
- request_reply_or_data(Channel, Connection, Reply);
-reply_msg(Channel, Connection, failure = Reply) ->
- request_reply_or_data(Channel, Connection, Reply);
-reply_msg(Channel, Connection, {closed, _} = Reply) ->
- request_reply_or_data(Channel, Connection, Reply);
-reply_msg(undefined, Connection, _Reply) ->
- {noreply, Connection};
-reply_msg(#channel{user = ChannelPid}, Connection, Reply) ->
- {{channel_data, ChannelPid, Reply}, Connection}.
-request_reply_or_data(#channel{local_id = ChannelId, user = ChannelPid},
- #connection{requests = Requests} =
- Connection, Reply) ->
- case lists:keysearch(ChannelId, 1, Requests) of
- {value, {ChannelId, From}} ->
- {{channel_request_reply, From, Reply},
- Connection#connection{requests =
- lists:keydelete(ChannelId, 1, Requests)}};
- false when (Reply == success) or (Reply == failure) ->
- {[], Connection};
- false ->
- {{channel_data, ChannelPid, Reply}, Connection}
- end.
+%%% Send-window handling
update_send_window(Channel, _, undefined,
#connection{channel_cache = Cache}) ->
@@ -984,6 +898,11 @@ handle_send_window({Type, Data}, _, PacketSize, WindowSize, Acc) ->
<<Msg1:PacketSize/binary, Msg2/binary>> = Data,
{WindowSize - PacketSize, [{Type, Msg1} | Acc], {Type, Msg2}}.
+%%% Flow control
flow_control(Channel, Cache) ->
flow_control([window_adjusted], Channel, Cache).
@@ -1002,6 +921,11 @@ flow_control([_|_], #channel{flow_control = From,
flow_control(_,_,_) ->
+%%% Pseudo terminal stuff
pty_req(ConnectionHandler, Channel, Term, Width, Height,
PixWidth, PixHeight, PtyOpts, TimeOut) ->
@@ -1027,8 +951,7 @@ pty_default_dimensions(Dimension, TermData) ->
encode_pty_opts(Opts) ->
Bin = list_to_binary(encode_pty_opts2(Opts)),
- Len = size(Bin),
- <<?UINT32(Len), Bin/binary>>.
+ <<?STRING(Bin)>>.
encode_pty_opts2([]) ->
@@ -1147,7 +1070,7 @@ decode_pty_opts(<<>>) ->
decode_pty_opts(<<0, 0, 0, 0>>) ->
-decode_pty_opts(<<?UINT32(Len), Modes:Len/binary>>) ->
+decode_pty_opts(<<?DEC_BIN(Modes,_Len)>>) ->
decode_pty_opts(Binary) ->
@@ -1224,3 +1147,104 @@ backwards_compatible([{pixel_hight, Value} | Rest], Acc) ->
backwards_compatible(Rest, [{height, Value} | Acc]);
backwards_compatible([Value| Rest], Acc) ->
backwards_compatible(Rest, [ Value | Acc]).
+%%% Common part of handling channel messages meant for a cli (like "env", "exec" etc)
+%%% Called at the finnish of handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_request,...)
+handle_cli_msg(C0, ChId, Reply0) ->
+ Cache = C0#connection.channel_cache,
+ Ch0 = ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChId),
+ case Ch0#channel.user of
+ undefined ->
+ case (catch start_cli(C0, ChId)) of
+ {ok, Pid} ->
+ erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ Ch = Ch0#channel{user = Pid},
+ ssh_channel:cache_update(Cache, Ch),
+ reply_msg(Ch, C0, Reply0);
+ _Other ->
+ Reply = {connection_reply, channel_failure_msg(Ch0#channel.remote_id)},
+ {[Reply], C0}
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ reply_msg(Ch0, C0, Reply0)
+ end.
+%%% Request response handling on return to the calling ssh_connection_handler
+%%% state machine.
+channel_data_reply_msg(ChannelId, Connection, DataType, Data) ->
+ case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Connection#connection.channel_cache, ChannelId) of
+ #channel{recv_window_size = Size} = Channel ->
+ WantedSize = Size - size(Data),
+ ssh_channel:cache_update(Connection#connection.channel_cache,
+ Channel#channel{recv_window_size = WantedSize}),
+ reply_msg(Channel, Connection, {data, ChannelId, DataType, Data});
+ undefined ->
+ {[], Connection}
+ end.
+reply_msg(ChId, C, Reply) when is_integer(ChId) ->
+ reply_msg(ssh_channel:cache_lookup(C#connection.channel_cache, ChId), C, Reply);
+reply_msg(Channel, Connection, {open, _} = Reply) ->
+ request_reply_or_data(Channel, Connection, Reply);
+reply_msg(Channel, Connection, {open_error, _, _, _} = Reply) ->
+ request_reply_or_data(Channel, Connection, Reply);
+reply_msg(Channel, Connection, success = Reply) ->
+ request_reply_or_data(Channel, Connection, Reply);
+reply_msg(Channel, Connection, failure = Reply) ->
+ request_reply_or_data(Channel, Connection, Reply);
+reply_msg(Channel, Connection, {closed, _} = Reply) ->
+ request_reply_or_data(Channel, Connection, Reply);
+reply_msg(undefined, Connection, _Reply) ->
+ {[], Connection};
+reply_msg(#channel{user = ChannelPid}, Connection, Reply) ->
+ {[{channel_data, ChannelPid, Reply}], Connection}.
+request_reply_or_data(#channel{local_id = ChannelId, user = ChannelPid},
+ #connection{requests = Requests} =
+ Connection, Reply) ->
+ case lists:keysearch(ChannelId, 1, Requests) of
+ {value, {ChannelId, From}} ->
+ {[{channel_request_reply, From, Reply}],
+ Connection#connection{requests =
+ lists:keydelete(ChannelId, 1, Requests)}};
+ false when (Reply == success) or (Reply == failure) ->
+ {[], Connection};
+ false ->
+ {[{channel_data, ChannelPid, Reply}], Connection}
+ end.
+%%% l(ist)2b(inary)
+l2b(L) when is_integer(hd(L)) ->
+ try list_to_binary(L)
+ of
+ B -> B
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ unicode:characters_to_binary(L)
+ end;
+l2b([H|T]) ->
+ << (l2b(H))/binary, (l2b(T))/binary >>;
+l2b(B) when is_binary(B) ->
+ B;
+l2b([]) ->
+ <<>>.
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl
index ad23d82ea8..033f11f4a1 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
adjust_window/3, close/2,
- disconnect/1, disconnect/2,
+ disconnect/4,
@@ -68,9 +68,21 @@
-export([init_connection_handler/3, % proc_lib:spawn needs this
init_ssh_record/3, % Export of this internal function
% intended for low-level protocol test suites
- renegotiate/1, renegotiate_data/1 % Export intended for test cases
+ renegotiate/1, renegotiate_data/1, alg/1 % Export intended for test cases
+-define(send_disconnect(Code, DetailedText, StateName, State),
+ send_disconnect(Code, DetailedText, ?MODULE, ?LINE, StateName, State)).
+-define(send_disconnect(Code, Reason, DetailedText, StateName, State),
+ send_disconnect(Code, Reason, DetailedText, ?MODULE, ?LINE, StateName, State)).
+-define(call_disconnectfun_and_log_cond(LogMsg, DetailedText, StateName, D),
+ call_disconnectfun_and_log_cond(LogMsg, DetailedText, ?MODULE, ?LINE, StateName, D)).
%% Start / stop
@@ -149,17 +161,16 @@ start_connection(server = Role, Socket, Options, Timeout) ->
%%% Some other module has decided to disconnect.
--spec disconnect(#ssh_msg_disconnect{}) -> no_return().
--spec disconnect(#ssh_msg_disconnect{}, iodata()) -> no_return().
+-spec disconnect(Code::integer(), Details::iodata(),
+ Module::atom(), Line::integer()) -> no_return().
%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-disconnect(Msg = #ssh_msg_disconnect{}) ->
- throw({keep_state_and_data,
- [{next_event, internal, {disconnect, Msg, Msg#ssh_msg_disconnect.description}}]}).
-disconnect(Msg = #ssh_msg_disconnect{}, ExtraInfo) ->
- throw({keep_state_and_data,
- [{next_event, internal, {disconnect, Msg, {Msg#ssh_msg_disconnect.description,ExtraInfo}}}]}).
+% Preferable called with the macro ?DISCONNECT
+disconnect(Code, DetailedText, Module, Line) ->
+ throw({keep_state_and_data,
+ [{next_event, internal, {send_disconnect, Code, DetailedText, Module, Line}}]}).
-spec open_channel(connection_ref(),
@@ -320,6 +331,9 @@ renegotiate(ConnectionHandler) ->
renegotiate_data(ConnectionHandler) ->
cast(ConnectionHandler, data_size).
+alg(ConnectionHandler) ->
+ call(ConnectionHandler, get_alg).
%% Internal process state
@@ -442,7 +456,7 @@ init_ssh_record(Role, Socket, Opts) ->
{ok,PeerAddr} = inet:peername(Socket),
init_ssh_record(Role, Socket, PeerAddr, Opts).
-init_ssh_record(Role, _Socket, PeerAddr, Opts) ->
+init_ssh_record(Role, Socket, PeerAddr, Opts) ->
AuthMethods = ?GET_OPT(auth_methods, Opts),
S0 = #ssh{role = Role,
key_cb = ?GET_OPT(key_cb, Opts),
@@ -453,6 +467,10 @@ init_ssh_record(Role, _Socket, PeerAddr, Opts) ->
{Vsn, Version} = ssh_transport:versions(Role, Opts),
+ LocalName = case inet:sockname(Socket) of
+ {ok,Local} -> Local;
+ _ -> undefined
+ end,
case Role of
client ->
PeerName = case ?GET_INTERNAL_OPT(host, Opts) of
@@ -471,7 +489,8 @@ init_ssh_record(Role, _Socket, PeerAddr, Opts) ->
false -> ssh_no_io
userauth_quiet_mode = ?GET_OPT(quiet_mode, Opts),
- peer = {PeerName, PeerAddr}
+ peer = {PeerName, PeerAddr},
+ local = LocalName
S1#ssh{userauth_pubkeys = [K || K <- ?GET_OPT(pref_public_key_algs, Opts),
is_usable_user_pubkey(K, S1)
@@ -484,7 +503,8 @@ init_ssh_record(Role, _Socket, PeerAddr, Opts) ->
io_cb = ?GET_INTERNAL_OPT(io_cb, Opts, ssh_io),
userauth_methods = string:tokens(AuthMethods, ","),
kb_tries_left = 3,
- peer = {undefined, PeerAddr}
+ peer = {undefined, PeerAddr},
+ local = LocalName
@@ -542,7 +562,7 @@ callback_mode() ->
-handle_event(_, _Event, {init_error,Error}, _) ->
+handle_event(_, _Event, {init_error,Error}=StateName, D) ->
case Error of
enotconn ->
%% Handles the abnormal sequence:
@@ -550,6 +570,9 @@ handle_event(_, _Event, {init_error,Error}, _) ->
%% ACK->
%% RST->
+ ?call_disconnectfun_and_log_cond("Protocol Error",
+ "TCP connenction to server was prematurely closed by the client",
+ StateName, D),
{stop, {shutdown,"TCP connenction to server was prematurely closed by the client"}};
OtherError ->
@@ -558,7 +581,7 @@ handle_event(_, _Event, {init_error,Error}, _) ->
%%% ######## {hello, client|server} ####
%% The very first event that is sent when the we are set as controlling process of Socket
-handle_event(_, socket_control, {hello,_}, D) ->
+handle_event(_, socket_control, {hello,_}=StateName, D) ->
VsnMsg = ssh_transport:hello_version_msg(string_version(D#data.ssh_params)),
send_bytes(VsnMsg, D),
case inet:getopts(Socket=D#data.socket, [recbuf]) of
@@ -573,10 +596,13 @@ handle_event(_, socket_control, {hello,_}, D) ->
{keep_state, D#data{inet_initial_recbuf_size=Size}};
Other ->
+ ?call_disconnectfun_and_log_cond("Option return",
+ io_lib:format("Unexpected getopts return:~n ~p",[Other]),
+ StateName, D),
{stop, {shutdown,{unexpected_getopts_return, Other}}}
-handle_event(_, {info_line,_Line}, {hello,Role}, D) ->
+handle_event(_, {info_line,_Line}, {hello,Role}=StateName, D) ->
case Role of
client ->
%% The server may send info lines to the client before the version_exchange
@@ -587,28 +613,33 @@ handle_event(_, {info_line,_Line}, {hello,Role}, D) ->
%% But the client may NOT send them to the server. Openssh answers with cleartext,
%% and so do we
send_bytes("Protocol mismatch.", D),
+ ?call_disconnectfun_and_log_cond("Protocol mismatch.",
+ "Protocol mismatch in version exchange. Client sent info lines.",
+ StateName, D),
{stop, {shutdown,"Protocol mismatch in version exchange. Client sent info lines."}}
-handle_event(_, {version_exchange,Version}, {hello,Role}, D) ->
+handle_event(_, {version_exchange,Version}, {hello,Role}, D0) ->
{NumVsn, StrVsn} = ssh_transport:handle_hello_version(Version),
- case handle_version(NumVsn, StrVsn, D#data.ssh_params) of
+ case handle_version(NumVsn, StrVsn, D0#data.ssh_params) of
{ok, Ssh1} ->
%% Since the hello part is finnished correctly, we set the
%% socket to the packet handling mode (including recbuf size):
- inet:setopts(D#data.socket, [{packet,0},
+ inet:setopts(D0#data.socket, [{packet,0},
{active, once},
- {recbuf, D#data.inet_initial_recbuf_size}]),
+ {recbuf, D0#data.inet_initial_recbuf_size}]),
{KeyInitMsg, SshPacket, Ssh} = ssh_transport:key_exchange_init_msg(Ssh1),
- send_bytes(SshPacket, D),
- {next_state, {kexinit,Role,init}, D#data{ssh_params = Ssh,
+ send_bytes(SshPacket, D0),
+ {next_state, {kexinit,Role,init}, D0#data{ssh_params = Ssh,
key_exchange_init_msg = KeyInitMsg}};
not_supported ->
- disconnect(
- description = ["Protocol version ",StrVsn," not supported"]},
- {next_state, {hello,Role}, D})
+ {Shutdown, D} =
+ io_lib:format("Offending version is ~p",[string:chomp(Version)]),
+ {hello,Role},
+ D0),
+ {stop, Shutdown, D}
@@ -754,18 +785,20 @@ handle_event(internal, Msg, {ext_info,Role,_ReNegFlag}, D) when is_tuple(Msg) ->
%%% ######## {service_request, client|server} ####
-handle_event(_, Msg = #ssh_msg_service_request{name=ServiceName}, StateName = {service_request,server}, D) ->
+handle_event(_, Msg = #ssh_msg_service_request{name=ServiceName}, StateName = {service_request,server}, D0) ->
case ServiceName of
"ssh-userauth" ->
- Ssh0 = #ssh{session_id=SessionId} = D#data.ssh_params,
+ Ssh0 = #ssh{session_id=SessionId} = D0#data.ssh_params,
{ok, {Reply, Ssh}} = ssh_auth:handle_userauth_request(Msg, SessionId, Ssh0),
- send_bytes(Reply, D),
- {next_state, {userauth,server}, D#data{ssh_params = Ssh}};
+ send_bytes(Reply, D0),
+ {next_state, {userauth,server}, D0#data{ssh_params = Ssh}};
_ ->
- disconnect(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
- description = "Unknown service"},
- StateName, D)
+ {Shutdown, D} =
+ io_lib:format("Unknown service: ~p",[ServiceName]),
+ StateName, D0),
+ {stop, Shutdown, D}
handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_service_accept{name = "ssh-userauth"}, {service_request,client},
@@ -781,15 +814,15 @@ handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_service_accept{name = "ssh-userauth"}, {service_request
Msg = #ssh_msg_userauth_request{service = ServiceName, method = Method},
StateName = {userauth,server},
- D = #data{ssh_params=Ssh0}) ->
+ D0 = #data{ssh_params=Ssh0}) ->
case {ServiceName, Ssh0#ssh.service, Method} of
{"ssh-connection", "ssh-connection", "none"} ->
%% Probably the very first userauth_request but we deny unauthorized login
{not_authorized, _, {Reply,Ssh}} =
ssh_auth:handle_userauth_request(Msg, Ssh0#ssh.session_id, Ssh0),
- send_bytes(Reply, D),
- {keep_state, D#data{ssh_params = Ssh}};
+ send_bytes(Reply, D0),
+ {keep_state, D0#data{ssh_params = Ssh}};
{"ssh-connection", "ssh-connection", Method} ->
%% Userauth request with a method like "password" or so
@@ -798,20 +831,20 @@ handle_event(_,
%% Yepp! we support this method
case ssh_auth:handle_userauth_request(Msg, Ssh0#ssh.session_id, Ssh0) of
{authorized, User, {Reply, Ssh}} ->
- send_bytes(Reply, D),
- D#data.starter ! ssh_connected,
- connected_fun(User, Method, D),
+ send_bytes(Reply, D0),
+ D0#data.starter ! ssh_connected,
+ connected_fun(User, Method, D0),
{next_state, {connected,server},
- D#data{auth_user = User,
+ D0#data{auth_user = User,
ssh_params = Ssh#ssh{authenticated = true}}};
{not_authorized, {User, Reason}, {Reply, Ssh}} when Method == "keyboard-interactive" ->
- retry_fun(User, Reason, D),
- send_bytes(Reply, D),
- {next_state, {userauth_keyboard_interactive,server}, D#data{ssh_params = Ssh}};
+ retry_fun(User, Reason, D0),
+ send_bytes(Reply, D0),
+ {next_state, {userauth_keyboard_interactive,server}, D0#data{ssh_params = Ssh}};
{not_authorized, {User, Reason}, {Reply, Ssh}} ->
- retry_fun(User, Reason, D),
- send_bytes(Reply, D),
- {keep_state, D#data{ssh_params = Ssh}}
+ retry_fun(User, Reason, D0),
+ send_bytes(Reply, D0),
+ {keep_state, D0#data{ssh_params = Ssh}}
false ->
%% No we do not support this method (=/= none)
@@ -825,9 +858,11 @@ handle_event(_,
%% {ServiceName, Expected, Method} when Expected =/= ServiceName -> Do what?
{ServiceName, _, _} when ServiceName =/= "ssh-connection" ->
- disconnect(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
- description = "Unknown service"},
- StateName, D)
+ {Shutdown, D} =
+ io_lib:format("Unknown service: ~p",[ServiceName]),
+ StateName, D0),
+ {stop, Shutdown, D}
%%---- userauth success to client
@@ -843,14 +878,14 @@ handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_userauth_success{}, {userauth,client}, D=#data{ssh_para
%%---- userauth failure response to client
handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_userauth_failure{}, {userauth,client}=StateName,
- D = #data{ssh_params = #ssh{userauth_methods = []}}) ->
- Msg = #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_NO_MORE_AUTH_METHODS_AVAILABLE,
- description = "Unable to connect using the available"
- " authentication methods"},
- disconnect(Msg, StateName, D);
+ #data{ssh_params = #ssh{userauth_methods = []}} = D0) ->
+ {Shutdown, D} =
+ io_lib:format("User auth failed for: ~p",[D0#data.auth_user]),
+ StateName, D0),
+ {stop, Shutdown, D};
handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_userauth_failure{authentications = Methods}, StateName={userauth,client},
- D = #data{ssh_params = Ssh0}) ->
+ D0 = #data{ssh_params = Ssh0}) ->
%% The prefered authentication method failed try next method
Ssh1 = case Ssh0#ssh.userauth_methods of
none ->
@@ -861,15 +896,18 @@ handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_userauth_failure{authentications = Methods}, StateName=
case ssh_auth:userauth_request_msg(Ssh1) of
- {disconnect, DisconnectMsg, {Msg, Ssh}} ->
- send_bytes(Msg, D),
- disconnect(DisconnectMsg, StateName, D#data{ssh_params = Ssh});
+ {send_disconnect, Code, Ssh} ->
+ {Shutdown, D} =
+ ?send_disconnect(Code,
+ io_lib:format("User auth failed for: ~p",[D0#data.auth_user]),
+ StateName, D0#data{ssh_params = Ssh}),
+ {stop, Shutdown, D};
{"keyboard-interactive", {Msg, Ssh}} ->
- send_bytes(Msg, D),
- {next_state, {userauth_keyboard_interactive,client}, D#data{ssh_params = Ssh}};
+ send_bytes(Msg, D0),
+ {next_state, {userauth_keyboard_interactive,client}, D0#data{ssh_params = Ssh}};
{_Method, {Msg, Ssh}} ->
- send_bytes(Msg, D),
- {keep_state, D#data{ssh_params = Ssh}}
+ send_bytes(Msg, D0),
+ {keep_state, D0#data{ssh_params = Ssh}}
%%---- banner to client
@@ -960,10 +998,10 @@ handle_event(_, {#ssh_msg_kexinit{},_}, {connected,Role}, D0) ->
{next_state, {kexinit,Role,renegotiate}, D, [postpone]};
handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_disconnect{description=Desc} = Msg, StateName, D0) ->
- {disconnect, _, {{replies,Replies}, _}} =
+ {disconnect, _, RepliesCon} =
ssh_connection:handle_msg(Msg, D0#data.connection_state, role(StateName)),
- {Actions,D} = send_replies(Replies, D0),
- disconnect_fun(Desc, D),
+ {Actions,D} = send_replies(RepliesCon, D0),
+ disconnect_fun("Received disconnect: "++Desc, D),
{stop_and_reply, {shutdown,Desc}, Actions, D};
handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_ignore{}, _, _) ->
@@ -1030,6 +1068,10 @@ handle_event(cast, renegotiate, {connected,Role}, D) ->
{next_state, {kexinit,Role,renegotiate}, D#data{ssh_params = Ssh,
key_exchange_init_msg = KeyInitMsg}};
+handle_event({call,From}, get_alg, _, D) ->
+ #ssh{algorithms=Algs} = D#data.ssh_params,
+ {keep_state_and_data, [{reply,From,Algs}]};
handle_event(cast, renegotiate, _, _) ->
%% Already in key-exchange so safe to ignore
timer:apply_after(?REKEY_TIMOUT, gen_statem, cast, [self(), renegotiate]), % FIXME: not here in original
@@ -1159,15 +1201,9 @@ handle_event({call,From}, {info, ChannelPid}, _, D) ->
end, [], cache(D)),
{keep_state_and_data, [{reply, From, {ok,Result}}]};
-handle_event({call,From}, stop, StateName, D0) ->
- {disconnect, _Reason, {{replies, Replies}, Connection}} =
- ssh_connection:handle_msg(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION,
- description = "User closed down connection"},
- D0#data.connection_state,
- role(StateName)),
- {Repls,D} = send_replies(Replies, D0),
- {stop_and_reply, normal, [{reply,From,ok}|Repls], D#data{connection_state=Connection}};
+handle_event({call,From}, stop, _StateName, D0) ->
+ {Repls,D} = send_replies(ssh_connection:handle_stop(D0#data.connection_state), D0),
+ {stop_and_reply, normal, [{reply,From,ok}|Repls], D};
handle_event({call,_}, _, StateName, _) when not ?CONNECTED(StateName) ->
{keep_state_and_data, [postpone]};
@@ -1196,9 +1232,8 @@ handle_event({call,From}, {request, ChannelId, Type, Data, Timeout}, StateName,
handle_event({call,From}, {data, ChannelId, Type, Data, Timeout}, StateName, D0)
when ?CONNECTED(StateName) ->
- {{replies, Replies}, Connection} =
- ssh_connection:channel_data(ChannelId, Type, Data, D0#data.connection_state, From),
- {Repls,D} = send_replies(Replies, D0#data{connection_state = Connection}),
+ {Repls,D} = send_replies(ssh_connection:channel_data(ChannelId, Type, Data, D0#data.connection_state, From),
+ D0),
start_channel_request_timer(ChannelId, From, Timeout), % FIXME: No message exchange so why?
{keep_state, D, Repls};
@@ -1288,29 +1323,32 @@ handle_event(info, {Proto, Sock, NewData}, StateName, D0 = #data{socket = Sock,
{packet_decrypted, DecryptedBytes, EncryptedDataRest, Ssh1} ->
- D = D0#data{ssh_params =
+ D1 = D0#data{ssh_params =
Ssh1#ssh{recv_sequence = ssh_transport:next_seqnum(Ssh1#ssh.recv_sequence)},
decrypted_data_buffer = <<>>,
undecrypted_packet_length = undefined,
encrypted_data_buffer = EncryptedDataRest},
- ssh_message:decode(set_kex_overload_prefix(DecryptedBytes,D))
+ ssh_message:decode(set_kex_overload_prefix(DecryptedBytes,D1))
Msg = #ssh_msg_kexinit{} ->
- {keep_state, D, [{next_event, internal, prepare_next_packet},
+ {keep_state, D1, [{next_event, internal, prepare_next_packet},
{next_event, internal, {Msg,DecryptedBytes}}
Msg ->
- {keep_state, D, [{next_event, internal, prepare_next_packet},
+ {keep_state, D1, [{next_event, internal, prepare_next_packet},
{next_event, internal, Msg}
- _C:_E ->
- disconnect(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- description = "Bad packet"},
- StateName, D)
+ C:E ->
+ {Shutdown, D} =
+ io_lib:format("Bad packet: Decrypted, but can't decode~n~p:~p~n~p",
+ [C,E,erlang:get_stacktrace()]),
+ StateName, D1),
+ {stop, Shutdown, D}
{get_more, DecryptedBytes, EncryptedDataRest, RemainingSshPacketLen, Ssh1} ->
%% Here we know that there are not enough bytes in
%% EncryptedDataRest to use. We must wait for more.
@@ -1321,19 +1359,26 @@ handle_event(info, {Proto, Sock, NewData}, StateName, D0 = #data{socket = Sock,
ssh_params = Ssh1}};
{bad_mac, Ssh1} ->
- disconnect(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- description = "Bad packet"},
- StateName, D0#data{ssh_params=Ssh1});
- {error, {exceeds_max_size,_PacketLen}} ->
- disconnect(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- description = "Bad packet"},
- StateName, D0)
+ {Shutdown, D} =
+ "Bad packet: bad mac",
+ StateName, D0#data{ssh_params=Ssh1}),
+ {stop, Shutdown, D};
+ {error, {exceeds_max_size,PacketLen}} ->
+ {Shutdown, D} =
+ io_lib:format("Bad packet: Size (~p bytes) exceeds max size",
+ [PacketLen]),
+ StateName, D0),
+ {stop, Shutdown, D}
- _C:_E ->
- disconnect(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- description = "Bad packet"},
- StateName, D0)
+ C:E ->
+ {Shutdown, D} =
+ io_lib:format("Bad packet: Couldn't decrypt~n~p:~p~n~p",[C,E,erlang:get_stacktrace()]),
+ StateName, D0),
+ {stop, Shutdown, D}
@@ -1349,15 +1394,13 @@ handle_event(internal, prepare_next_packet, _, D) ->
inet:setopts(D#data.socket, [{active, once}]),
-handle_event(info, {CloseTag,Socket}, StateName,
- D = #data{socket = Socket,
- transport_close_tag = CloseTag}) ->
- %% Simulate a disconnect from the peer
- handle_event(info,
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION,
- description = "Connection closed"},
- StateName,
- D);
+handle_event(info, {CloseTag,Socket}, _StateName,
+ D0 = #data{socket = Socket,
+ transport_close_tag = CloseTag,
+ connection_state = C0}) ->
+ {Repls, D} = send_replies(ssh_connection:handle_stop(C0), D0),
+ disconnect_fun("Received a transport close", D),
+ {stop_and_reply, {shutdown,"Connection closed"}, Repls, D};
handle_event(info, {timeout, {_, From} = Request}, _,
#data{connection_state = #connection{requests = Requests} = C0} = D) ->
@@ -1374,9 +1417,7 @@ handle_event(info, {timeout, {_, From} = Request}, _,
%%% Handle that ssh channels user process goes down
handle_event(info, {'DOWN', _Ref, process, ChannelPid, _Reason}, _, D0) ->
- {{replies, Replies}, D1} = handle_channel_down(ChannelPid, D0),
- {Repls, D} = send_replies(Replies, D1),
- {keep_state, D, Repls};
+ {keep_state, handle_channel_down(ChannelPid, D0)};
%%% So that terminate will be run when supervisor is shutdown
handle_event(info, {'EXIT', _Sup, Reason}, StateName, _) ->
@@ -1438,62 +1479,79 @@ handle_event(info, UnexpectedMessage, StateName, D = #data{ssh_params = Ssh}) ->
-handle_event(internal, {disconnect,Msg,_Reason}, StateName, D) ->
- disconnect(Msg, StateName, D);
+handle_event(internal, {send_disconnect,Code,DetailedText,Module,Line}, StateName, D0) ->
+ {Shutdown, D} =
+ send_disconnect(Code, DetailedText, Module, Line, StateName, D0),
+ {stop, Shutdown, D};
handle_event(_Type, _Msg, {ext_info,Role,_ReNegFlag}, D) ->
%% If something else arrives, goto next state and handle the event in that one
{next_state, {connected,Role}, D, [postpone]};
-handle_event(Type, Ev, StateName, D) ->
- Descr =
+handle_event(Type, Ev, StateName, D0) ->
+ Details =
case catch atom_to_list(element(1,Ev)) of
"ssh_msg_" ++_ when Type==internal ->
-%% "Message in wrong state";
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Message ~p in wrong state (~p)", [element(1,Ev), StateName]));
_ ->
- "Internal error"
+ io_lib:format("Unhandled event in state ~p:~n~p", [StateName,Ev])
- disconnect(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- description = Descr},
- StateName, D).
+ {Shutdown, D} =
+ ?send_disconnect(?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR, Details, StateName, D0),
+ {stop, Shutdown, D}.
-spec terminate(any(),
- ) -> finalize_termination_result() .
+ ) -> term().
%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-terminate(normal, StateName, State) ->
- finalize_termination(StateName, State);
+terminate(normal, _StateName, D) ->
+ stop_subsystem(D),
+ close_transport(D);
-terminate({shutdown,{init,Reason}}, StateName, State) ->
- error_logger:info_report(io_lib:format("Erlang ssh in connection handler init: ~p~n",[Reason])),
- finalize_termination(StateName, State);
+terminate({shutdown,"Connection closed"}, _StateName, D) ->
+ %% Normal: terminated by a sent by peer
+ stop_subsystem(D),
+ close_transport(D);
-terminate(shutdown, StateName, State0) ->
- %% Terminated by supervisor
- State = send_msg(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION,
- description = "Application shutdown"},
- State0),
- finalize_termination(StateName, State);
-terminate({shutdown,_R}, StateName, State) ->
- finalize_termination(StateName, State);
+terminate({shutdown,{init,Reason}}, StateName, D) ->
+ %% Error in initiation. "This error should not occur".
+ log(error, D, io_lib:format("Shutdown in init (StateName=~p): ~p~n",[StateName,Reason])),
+ stop_subsystem(D),
+ close_transport(D);
-terminate(kill, StateName, State) ->
- finalize_termination(StateName, State);
+terminate({shutdown,_R}, _StateName, D) ->
+ %% Internal termination, usually already reported via ?send_disconnect resulting in a log entry
+ stop_subsystem(D),
+ close_transport(D);
-terminate(Reason, StateName, State0) ->
- %% Others, e.g undef, {badmatch,_}
- log_error(Reason),
- State = send_msg(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION,
- description = "Internal error"},
- State0),
- finalize_termination(StateName, State).
+terminate(shutdown, _StateName, D0) ->
+ %% Terminated by supervisor
+ %% Use send_msg directly instead of ?send_disconnect to avoid filling the log
+ D = send_msg(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION,
+ description = "Terminated (shutdown) by supervisor"},
+ D0),
+ stop_subsystem(D),
+ close_transport(D);
+terminate(kill, _StateName, D) ->
+ %% Got a kill signal
+ stop_subsystem(D),
+ close_transport(D);
+terminate(Reason, StateName, D0) ->
+ %% Others, e.g undef, {badmatch,_}, ...
+ log(error, D0, Reason),
+ {_ShutdownReason, D} = ?send_disconnect(?SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION,
+ "Internal error",
+ io_lib:format("Reason: ~p",[Reason]),
+ StateName, D0),
+ stop_subsystem(D),
+ close_transport(D).
@@ -1502,36 +1560,41 @@ terminate(Reason, StateName, State0) ->
format_status(normal, [_, _StateName, D]) ->
[{data, [{"State", D}]}];
format_status(terminate, [_, _StateName, D]) ->
- DataPropList0 = fmt_stat_rec(record_info(fields, data), D,
- [decrypted_data_buffer,
- encrypted_data_buffer,
- key_exchange_init_msg,
- user_passwords,
- opts,
- inet_initial_recbuf_size]),
- SshPropList = fmt_stat_rec(record_info(fields, ssh), D#data.ssh_params,
- [c_keyinit,
- s_keyinit,
- send_mac_key,
- send_mac_size,
- recv_mac_key,
- recv_mac_size,
- encrypt_keys,
- encrypt_ctx,
- decrypt_keys,
- decrypt_ctx,
- compress_ctx,
- decompress_ctx,
- shared_secret,
- exchanged_hash,
- session_id,
- keyex_key,
- keyex_info,
- available_host_keys]),
- DataPropList = lists:keyreplace(ssh_params, 1, DataPropList0,
- {ssh_params,SshPropList}),
- [{data, [{"State", DataPropList}]}].
+ [{data, [{"State", state_data2proplist(D)}]}].
+state_data2proplist(D) ->
+ DataPropList0 =
+ fmt_stat_rec(record_info(fields, data), D,
+ [decrypted_data_buffer,
+ encrypted_data_buffer,
+ key_exchange_init_msg,
+ user_passwords,
+ opts,
+ inet_initial_recbuf_size]),
+ SshPropList =
+ fmt_stat_rec(record_info(fields, ssh), D#data.ssh_params,
+ [c_keyinit,
+ s_keyinit,
+ send_mac_key,
+ send_mac_size,
+ recv_mac_key,
+ recv_mac_size,
+ encrypt_keys,
+ encrypt_ctx,
+ decrypt_keys,
+ decrypt_ctx,
+ compress_ctx,
+ decompress_ctx,
+ shared_secret,
+ exchanged_hash,
+ session_id,
+ keyex_key,
+ keyex_info,
+ available_host_keys]),
+ lists:keyreplace(ssh_params, 1, DataPropList0,
+ {ssh_params,SshPropList}).
fmt_stat_rec(FieldNames, Rec, Exclude) ->
Values = tl(tuple_to_list(Rec)),
@@ -1568,21 +1631,25 @@ start_the_connection_child(UserPid, Role, Socket, Options0) ->
%% Stopping
--type finalize_termination_result() :: ok .
-finalize_termination(_StateName, #data{transport_cb = Transport,
- connection_state = Connection,
- socket = Socket}) ->
- case Connection of
- #connection{system_supervisor = SysSup,
- sub_system_supervisor = SubSysSup} when is_pid(SubSysSup) ->
- ssh_system_sup:stop_subsystem(SysSup, SubSysSup);
- _ ->
- do_nothing
- end,
- (catch Transport:close(Socket)),
+stop_subsystem(#data{connection_state =
+ #connection{system_supervisor = SysSup,
+ sub_system_supervisor = SubSysSup}}) when is_pid(SubSysSup) ->
+ ssh_system_sup:stop_subsystem(SysSup, SubSysSup);
+stop_subsystem(_) ->
+close_transport(#data{transport_cb = Transport,
+ socket = Socket}) ->
+ try
+ Transport:close(Socket)
+ of
+ _ -> ok
+ catch
+ _:_ -> ok
+ end.
%% "Invert" the Role
peer_role(client) -> server;
@@ -1681,7 +1748,20 @@ handle_connection_msg(Msg, StateName, D0 = #data{starter = User,
Renegotiation = renegotiation(StateName),
Role = role(StateName),
try ssh_connection:handle_msg(Msg, Connection0, Role) of
- {{replies, Replies}, Connection} ->
+ {disconnect, Reason0, RepliesConn} ->
+ {Repls, D} = send_replies(RepliesConn, D0),
+ case {Reason0,Role} of
+ {{_, Reason}, client} when ((StateName =/= {connected,client}) and (not Renegotiation)) ->
+ User ! {self(), not_connected, Reason};
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ {stop_and_reply, {shutdown,normal}, Repls, D};
+ {[], Connection} ->
+ {keep_state, D0#data{connection_state = Connection}};
+ {Replies, Connection} when is_list(Replies) ->
{Repls, D} =
case StateName of
{connected,_} ->
@@ -1690,30 +1770,15 @@ handle_connection_msg(Msg, StateName, D0 = #data{starter = User,
{ConnReplies, NonConnReplies} = lists:splitwith(fun not_connected_filter/1, Replies),
send_replies(NonConnReplies, D0#data{event_queue = Qev0 ++ ConnReplies})
- {keep_state, D, Repls};
- {noreply, Connection} ->
- {keep_state, D0#data{connection_state = Connection}};
- {disconnect, Reason0, {{replies, Replies}, Connection}} ->
- {Repls, D} = send_replies(Replies, D0#data{connection_state = Connection}),
- case {Reason0,Role} of
- {{_, Reason}, client} when ((StateName =/= {connected,client}) and (not Renegotiation)) ->
- User ! {self(), not_connected, Reason};
- _ ->
- ok
- end,
- {stop_and_reply, {shutdown,normal}, Repls, D#data{connection_state = Connection}}
+ {keep_state, D, Repls}
- _:Error ->
- {disconnect, _Reason, {{replies, Replies}, Connection}} =
- ssh_connection:handle_msg(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION,
- description = "Internal error"},
- Connection0, Role),
- {Repls, D} = send_replies(Replies, D0#data{connection_state = Connection}),
- {stop_and_reply, {shutdown,Error}, Repls, D#data{connection_state = Connection}}
+ Class:Error ->
+ {Repls, D1} = send_replies(ssh_connection:handle_stop(Connection0), D0),
+ {Shutdown, D} = ?send_disconnect(?SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION,
+ io_lib:format("Internal error: ~p:~p",[Class,Error]),
+ StateName, D1),
+ {stop_and_reply, Shutdown, Repls, D}
@@ -1823,15 +1888,16 @@ handle_request(ChannelId, Type, Data, WantReply, From, D) ->
handle_channel_down(ChannelPid, D) ->
+ Cache = cache(D),
- fun(Channel, Acc) when Channel#channel.user == ChannelPid ->
- ssh_channel:cache_delete(cache(D),
- Channel#channel.local_id),
- Acc;
- (_,Acc) ->
- Acc
- end, [], cache(D)),
- {{replies, []}, cache_check_set_idle_timer(D)}.
+ fun(#channel{user=U,
+ local_id=Id}, Acc) when U == ChannelPid ->
+ ssh_channel:cache_delete(Cache, Id),
+ Acc;
+ (_,Acc) ->
+ Acc
+ end, [], Cache),
+ cache_check_set_idle_timer(D).
update_sys(Cache, Channel, Type, ChannelPid) ->
@@ -1853,11 +1919,49 @@ new_channel_id(#data{connection_state = #connection{channel_id_seed = Id} =
Connection#connection{channel_id_seed = Id + 1}}}.
-%% %%% This server/client has decided to disconnect via the state machine:
-disconnect(Msg=#ssh_msg_disconnect{description=Description}, _StateName, State0) ->
- State = send_msg(Msg, State0),
- disconnect_fun(Description, State),
- {stop, {shutdown,Description}, State}.
+%%% This server/client has decided to disconnect via the state machine:
+%%% The unused arguments are for debugging.
+send_disconnect(Code, DetailedText, Module, Line, StateName, D) ->
+ send_disconnect(Code, default_text(Code), DetailedText, Module, Line, StateName, D).
+send_disconnect(Code, Reason, DetailedText, Module, Line, StateName, D0) ->
+ Msg = #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = Code,
+ description = Reason},
+ D = send_msg(Msg, D0),
+ LogMsg = io_lib:format("Disconnects with code = ~p [RFC4253 11.1]: ~s",[Code,Reason]),
+ call_disconnectfun_and_log_cond(LogMsg, DetailedText, Module, Line, StateName, D),
+ {{shutdown,Reason}, D}.
+call_disconnectfun_and_log_cond(LogMsg, DetailedText, Module, Line, StateName, D) ->
+ case disconnect_fun(LogMsg, D) of
+ void ->
+ log(info, D,
+ io_lib:format("~s~n"
+ "State = ~p~n"
+ "Module = ~p, Line = ~p.~n"
+ "Details:~n ~s~n",
+ [LogMsg, StateName, Module, Line, DetailedText]));
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end.
+default_text(?SSH_DISCONNECT_HOST_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_CONNECT) -> "Host not allowed to connect";
+default_text(?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR) -> "Protocol error";
+default_text(?SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED) -> "Key exchange failed";
+default_text(?SSH_DISCONNECT_RESERVED) -> "Reserved";
+default_text(?SSH_DISCONNECT_MAC_ERROR) -> "Mac error";
+default_text(?SSH_DISCONNECT_COMPRESSION_ERROR) -> "Compression error";
+default_text(?SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE) -> "Service not available";
+default_text(?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED) -> "Protocol version not supported";
+default_text(?SSH_DISCONNECT_HOST_KEY_NOT_VERIFIABLE) -> "Host key not verifiable";
+default_text(?SSH_DISCONNECT_CONNECTION_LOST) -> "Connection lost";
+default_text(?SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION) -> "By application";
+default_text(?SSH_DISCONNECT_TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS) -> "Too many connections";
+default_text(?SSH_DISCONNECT_AUTH_CANCELLED_BY_USER) -> "Auth cancelled by user";
+default_text(?SSH_DISCONNECT_NO_MORE_AUTH_METHODS_AVAILABLE) -> "Unable to connect using the available authentication methods";
+default_text(?SSH_DISCONNECT_ILLEGAL_USER_NAME) -> "Illegal user name".
counterpart_versions(NumVsn, StrVsn, #ssh{role = server} = Ssh) ->
@@ -1870,8 +1974,7 @@ conn_info(client_version, #data{ssh_params=S}) -> {S#ssh.c_vsn, S#ssh.c_version}
conn_info(server_version, #data{ssh_params=S}) -> {S#ssh.s_vsn, S#ssh.s_version};
conn_info(peer, #data{ssh_params=S}) -> S#ssh.peer;
conn_info(user, D) -> D#data.auth_user;
-conn_info(sockname, D) -> {ok, SockName} = inet:sockname(D#data.socket),
- SockName;
+conn_info(sockname, #data{ssh_params=S}) -> S#ssh.local;
%% dbg options ( = not documented):
conn_info(socket, D) -> D#data.socket;
conn_info(chan_ids, D) ->
@@ -1902,23 +2005,54 @@ fold_keys(Keys, Fun, Extra) ->
end, [], Keys).
-log_error(Reason) ->
- Report = io_lib:format("Erlang ssh connection handler failed with reason:~n"
- " ~p~n"
- "Stacktrace:~n"
- " ~p~n",
- [Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace()]),
- error_logger:error_report(Report).
+log(Tag, D, Reason) ->
+ case atom_to_list(Tag) of % Dialyzer-technical reasons...
+ "error" -> do_log(error_msg, Reason, D);
+ "warning" -> do_log(warning_msg, Reason, D);
+ "info" -> do_log(info_msg, Reason, D)
+ end.
+do_log(F, Reason, #data{ssh_params = #ssh{role = Role} = S
+ }) ->
+ VSN =
+ case application:get_key(ssh,vsn) of
+ {ok,Vsn} -> Vsn;
+ undefined -> ""
+ end,
+ PeerVersion =
+ case Role of
+ server -> S#ssh.c_version;
+ client -> S#ssh.s_version
+ end,
+ CryptoInfo =
+ try
+ [{_,_,CI}] = crypto:info_lib(),
+ <<"(",CI/binary,")">>
+ catch
+ _:_ -> ""
+ end,
+ Other =
+ case Role of
+ server -> "Client";
+ client -> "Server"
+ end,
+ error_logger:F("Erlang SSH ~p ~s ~s.~n"
+ "~s: ~p~n"
+ "~s~n",
+ [Role, VSN, CryptoInfo,
+ Other, PeerVersion,
+ Reason]).
not_connected_filter({connection_reply, _Data}) -> true;
not_connected_filter(_) -> false.
+send_replies({Repls,C = #connection{}}, D) when is_list(Repls) ->
+ send_replies(Repls, D#data{connection_state=C});
send_replies(Repls, State) ->
- lists:foldl(fun get_repl/2,
- {[],State},
- Repls).
+ lists:foldl(fun get_repl/2, {[],State}, Repls).
get_repl({connection_reply,Msg}, {CallRepls,S}) ->
if is_record(Msg, ssh_msg_channel_success) ->
@@ -1939,15 +2073,17 @@ get_repl({flow_control,Cache,Channel,From,Msg}, {CallRepls,S}) ->
{[{reply,From,Msg}|CallRepls], S};
get_repl({flow_control,From,Msg}, {CallRepls,S}) ->
{[{reply,From,Msg}|CallRepls], S};
-get_repl(noreply, Acc) ->
- Acc;
+%% get_repl(noreply, Acc) ->
+%% Acc;
+%% get_repl([], Acc) ->
+%% Acc;
get_repl(X, Acc) ->
-define(CALL_FUN(Key,D), catch (?GET_OPT(Key, (D#data.ssh_params)#ssh.opts)) ).
-disconnect_fun({disconnect,Msg}, D) -> ?CALL_FUN(disconnectfun,D)(Msg);
+%%disconnect_fun({disconnect,Msg}, D) -> ?CALL_FUN(disconnectfun,D)(Msg);
disconnect_fun(Reason, D) -> ?CALL_FUN(disconnectfun,D)(Reason).
unexpected_fun(UnexpectedMessage, #data{ssh_params = #ssh{peer = {_,Peer} }} = D) ->
@@ -2102,3 +2238,137 @@ update_inet_buffers(Socket) ->
_:_ -> ok
+%%%# Tracing
+dbg_trace(points, _, _) -> [terminate, disconnect, connections, connection_events];
+dbg_trace(flags, connections, A) -> [c] ++ dbg_trace(flags, terminate, A);
+dbg_trace(on, connections, A) -> dbg:tp(?MODULE, init_connection_handler, 3, x),
+ dbg_trace(on, terminate, A);
+dbg_trace(off, connections, A) -> dbg:ctpg(?MODULE, init_connection_handler, 3),
+ dbg_trace(off, terminate, A);
+dbg_trace(format, connections, {call, {?MODULE,init_connection_handler, [Role, Sock, Opts]}}) ->
+ DefaultOpts = ssh_options:handle_options(Role,[]),
+ ExcludedKeys = [internal_options, user_options],
+ NonDefaultOpts =
+ maps:filter(fun(K,V) ->
+ case lists:member(K,ExcludedKeys) of
+ true ->
+ false;
+ false ->
+ V =/= (catch maps:get(K,DefaultOpts))
+ end
+ end,
+ Opts),
+ {ok, {IPp,Portp}} = inet:peername(Sock),
+ {ok, {IPs,Ports}} = inet:sockname(Sock),
+ [io_lib:format("Starting ~p connection:\n",[Role]),
+ io_lib:format("Socket = ~p, Peer = ~s:~p, Local = ~s:~p,~n"
+ "Non-default options:~n~p",
+ [Sock,inet:ntoa(IPp),Portp,inet:ntoa(IPs),Ports,
+ NonDefaultOpts])
+ ];
+dbg_trace(format, connections, F) ->
+ dbg_trace(format, terminate, F);
+dbg_trace(flags, connection_events, _) -> [c];
+dbg_trace(on, connection_events, _) -> dbg:tp(?MODULE, handle_event, 4, x);
+dbg_trace(off, connection_events, _) -> dbg:ctpg(?MODULE, handle_event, 4);
+dbg_trace(format, connection_events, {call, {?MODULE,handle_event, [EventType, EventContent, State, _Data]}}) ->
+ ["Connection event\n",
+ io_lib:format("EventType: ~p~nEventContent: ~p~nState: ~p~n", [EventType, EventContent, State])
+ ];
+dbg_trace(format, connection_events, {return_from, {?MODULE,handle_event,4}, Ret}) ->
+ ["Connection event result\n",
+ io_lib:format("~p~n", [event_handler_result(Ret)])
+ ];
+dbg_trace(flags, terminate, _) -> [c];
+dbg_trace(on, terminate, _) -> dbg:tp(?MODULE, terminate, 3, x);
+dbg_trace(off, terminate, _) -> dbg:ctpg(?MODULE, terminate, 3);
+dbg_trace(format, terminate, {call, {?MODULE,terminate, [Reason, StateName, D]}}) ->
+ ExtraInfo =
+ try
+ {conn_info(peer,D),
+ conn_info(user,D),
+ conn_info(sockname,D)}
+ of
+ {{_,{IPp,Portp}}, Usr, {IPs,Ports}} when is_tuple(IPp), is_tuple(IPs),
+ is_integer(Portp), is_integer(Ports) ->
+ io_lib:format("Peer=~s:~p, Local=~s:~p, User=~p",
+ [inet:ntoa(IPp),Portp,inet:ntoa(IPs),Ports,Usr]);
+ {Peer,Usr,Sockname} ->
+ io_lib:format("Peer=~p, Local=~p, User=~p",[Peer,Sockname,Usr])
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ ""
+ end,
+ if
+ Reason == normal ;
+ Reason == shutdown ;
+ element(1,Reason) == shutdown
+ ->
+ ["Connection Terminating:\n",
+ io_lib:format("Reason: ~p, StateName: ~p~n~s", [Reason, StateName, ExtraInfo])
+ ];
+ true ->
+ ["Connection Terminating:\n",
+ io_lib:format("Reason: ~p, StateName: ~p~n~s~nStateData = ~p",
+ [Reason, StateName, ExtraInfo, state_data2proplist(D)])
+ ]
+ end;
+dbg_trace(flags, disconnect, _) -> [c];
+dbg_trace(on, disconnect, _) -> dbg:tpl(?MODULE, send_disconnect, 7, x);
+dbg_trace(off, disconnect, _) -> dbg:ctpl(?MODULE, send_disconnect, 7);
+dbg_trace(format, disconnect, {call,{?MODULE,send_disconnect,
+ [Code, Reason, DetailedText, Module, Line, StateName, _D]}}) ->
+ ["Disconnecting:\n",
+ io_lib:format(" Module = ~p, Line = ~p, StateName = ~p,~n"
+ " Code = ~p, Reason = ~p,~n"
+ " DetailedText =~n"
+ " ~p",
+ [Module, Line, StateName, Code, Reason, lists:flatten(DetailedText)])
+ ].
+event_handler_result({next_state, NextState, _NewData}) ->
+ {next_state, NextState, "#data{}"};
+event_handler_result({next_state, NextState, _NewData, Actions}) ->
+ {next_state, NextState, "#data{}", Actions};
+event_handler_result(R) ->
+ state_callback_result(R).
+state_callback_result({keep_state, _NewData}) ->
+ {keep_state, "#data{}"};
+state_callback_result({keep_state, _NewData, Actions}) ->
+ {keep_state, "#data{}", Actions};
+state_callback_result(keep_state_and_data) ->
+ keep_state_and_data;
+state_callback_result({keep_state_and_data, Actions}) ->
+ {keep_state_and_data, Actions};
+state_callback_result({repeat_state, _NewData}) ->
+ {repeat_state, "#data{}"};
+state_callback_result({repeat_state, _NewData, Actions}) ->
+ {repeat_state, "#data{}", Actions};
+state_callback_result(repeat_state_and_data) ->
+ repeat_state_and_data;
+state_callback_result({repeat_state_and_data, Actions}) ->
+ {repeat_state_and_data, Actions};
+state_callback_result(stop) ->
+ stop;
+state_callback_result({stop, Reason}) ->
+ {stop, Reason};
+state_callback_result({stop, Reason, _NewData}) ->
+ {stop, Reason, "#data{}"};
+state_callback_result({stop_and_reply, Reason, Replies}) ->
+ {stop_and_reply, Reason, Replies};
+state_callback_result({stop_and_reply, Reason, Replies, _NewData}) ->
+ {stop_and_reply, Reason, Replies, "#data{}"};
+state_callback_result(R) ->
+ R.
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_dbg.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_dbg.erl
index eb2c2848f3..2ee4237e05 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_dbg.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_dbg.erl
@@ -20,339 +20,110 @@
+%%% Purpose:
+%%% This module implements support for using the Erlang trace in a simple way for ssh
+%%% debugging.
+%%% Begin the session with ssh_dbg:start(). This will do a dbg:start() if needed and
+%%% then dbg:p/2 to set some flags.
+%%% Next select trace points to activate: for example plain text printouts of messages
+%%% sent or received. This is switched on and off with ssh_dbg:on(TracePoint(s)) and
+%%% ssh_dbg:off(TracePoint(s)). For example:
+%%% ssh_dbg:on(messages) -- switch on printing plain text messages
+%%% ssh_dbg:on([alg,terminate]) -- switch on printing info about algorithm negotiation
+%%% ssh_dbg:on() -- switch on all ssh debugging
+%%% To switch, use the off/0 or off/1 function in the same way, for example:
+%%% ssh_dbg:off(alg) -- switch off algorithm negotiation tracing, but keep all other
+%%% ssh_dbg:off() -- switch off all ssh debugging
+%%% Present the trace result with some other method than the default io:format/2:
+%%% ssh_dbg:start(fun(Format,Args) ->
+%%% my_special( io_lib:format(Format,Args) )
+%%% end)
--export([messages/0, messages/1, messages/2, messages/3,
- auth/0, auth/1, auth/2, auth/3,
- algs/0, algs/1, algs/2, algs/3,
- hostkey/0, hostkey/1, hostkey/2, hostkey/3,
- stop/0
+-export([start/0, start/1,
+ stop/0,
+ start_server/0,
+ start_tracer/0, start_tracer/1,
+ on/1, on/0,
+ off/1, off/0,
+ go_on/0
- wr_record/3]).
+ reduce_state/1,
+ wr_record/3]).
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]).
-messages() -> start(msg).
-messages(F) -> start(msg,F).
-messages(F,X) -> start(msg,F,X).
-messages(F,M,I) -> start(msg,F,M,I).
-auth() -> start(auth).
-auth(F) -> start(auth,F).
-auth(F,X) -> start(auth,F,X).
-auth(F,M,I) -> start(auth,F,M,I).
-algs() -> start(algs).
-algs(F) -> start(algs,F).
-algs(F,X) -> start(algs,F,X).
-algs(F,M,I) -> start(algs,F,M,I).
-hostkey() -> start(hostkey).
-hostkey(F) -> start(hostkey,F).
-hostkey(F,X) -> start(hostkey,F,X).
-hostkey(F,M,I) -> start(hostkey,F,M,I).
-stop() -> dbg:stop().
-start(Type) -> start(Type, fun io:format/2).
+-define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
-start(Type, F) when is_function(F,2) -> start(Type, fmt_fun(F));
-start(Type, F) when is_function(F,3) -> start(Type, F, id_fun()).
-start(Type, WriteFun, MangleArgFun) when is_function(WriteFun, 3),
- is_function(MangleArgFun, 1) ->
- start(Type, WriteFun, MangleArgFun, []);
-start(Type, WriteFun, InitValue) ->
- start(Type, WriteFun, id_fun(), InitValue).
-start(Type, WriteFun, MangleArgFun, InitValue) when is_function(WriteFun, 3),
- is_function(MangleArgFun, 1) ->
- cond_start(Type, WriteFun, MangleArgFun, InitValue),
- dbg_ssh(Type).
+-define(ALL_DBG_TYPES, get_all_dbg_types()).
-fmt_fun(F) -> fun(Fmt,Args,Data) -> F(Fmt,Args), Data end.
+start() -> start(fun io:format/2).
-id_fun() -> fun(X) -> X end.
+start(IoFmtFun) when is_function(IoFmtFun,2) ; is_function(IoFmtFun,3) ->
+ start_server(),
+ catch dbg:start(),
+ start_tracer(IoFmtFun),
+ dbg:p(all, get_all_trace_flags()),
-dbg_ssh(What) ->
- case [E || E <- lists:flatten(dbg_ssh0(What)),
- element(1,E) =/= ok] of
- [] -> ok;
- Other -> Other
- end.
-dbg_ssh0(auth) ->
- [dbg:tp(ssh_transport,hello_version_msg,1, x),
- dbg:tp(ssh_transport,handle_hello_version,1, x),
- dbg:tp(ssh_message,encode,1, x),
- dbg:tpl(ssh_transport,select_algorithm,4, x),
- dbg:tpl(ssh_connection_handler,ext_info,2, x),
- lists:map(fun(F) -> dbg:tp(ssh_auth, F, x) end,
- [publickey_msg, password_msg, keyboard_interactive_msg])
- ];
-dbg_ssh0(algs) ->
- [dbg:tpl(ssh_transport,select_algorithm,4, x),
- dbg:tpl(ssh_connection_handler,ext_info,2, x)
- ];
-dbg_ssh0(hostkey) ->
- [dbg:tpl(ssh_transport, verify_host_key, 4, x),
- dbg:tp(ssh_transport, verify, 4, x),
- dbg:tpl(ssh_transport, known_host_key, 3, x),
-%% dbg:tpl(ssh_transport, accepted_host, 4, x),
- dbg:tpl(ssh_transport, add_host_key, 4, x),
- dbg:tpl(ssh_transport, is_host_key, 5, x)
- ];
-dbg_ssh0(msg) ->
- [dbg_ssh0(hostkey),
- dbg_ssh0(auth),
- dbg:tp(ssh_message,encode,1, x),
- dbg:tp(ssh_message,decode,1, x),
- dbg:tpl(ssh_transport,select_algorithm,4, x),
- dbg:tp(ssh_transport,hello_version_msg,1, x),
- dbg:tp(ssh_transport,handle_hello_version,1, x),
- dbg:tpl(ssh_connection_handler,ext_info,2, x)
- ].
-cond_start(Type, WriteFun, MangleArgFun, Init) ->
+stop() ->
- dbg:start(),
- setup_tracer(Type, WriteFun, MangleArgFun, Init),
- dbg:p(new,[c,timestamp])
+ dbg:stop_clear(),
+ gen_server:stop(?SERVER)
_:_ -> ok
+start_server() ->
+ gen_server:start({local,?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [], []).
-msg_formater(msg, {trace_ts,Pid,call,{ssh_message,encode,[Msg]},TS}, D) ->
- fmt("~n~s SEND ~p ~s~n", [ts(TS),Pid,wr_record(shrink_bin(Msg))], D);
-msg_formater(msg, {trace_ts,_Pid,return_from,{ssh_message,encode,1},_Res,_TS}, D) ->
- D;
-msg_formater(msg, {trace_ts,_Pid,call,{ssh_message,decode,_},_TS}, D) ->
- D;
-msg_formater(msg, {trace_ts,Pid,return_from,{ssh_message,decode,1},Msg,TS}, D) ->
- Extra =
- case Msg of
- #ssh_msg_userauth_info_request{data = D0} ->
- try ssh_message:decode_keyboard_interactive_prompts(D0, [])
- of
- Acc ->
- io_lib:format(" -- decoded data:~n", []) ++
- element(1,
- lists:mapfoldl(
- fun({Prompt,Echo}, N) ->
- {io_lib:format(" prompt[~p]: \"~s\" (echo=~p)~n",[N,Prompt,Echo]), N+1}
- end, 1, Acc))
- catch
- _:_ ->
- ""
- end;
- _ ->
- ""
+start_tracer() -> start_tracer(fun io:format/2).
+start_tracer(WriteFun) when is_function(WriteFun,2) ->
+ start_tracer(fun(F,A,S) -> WriteFun(F,A), S end);
+start_tracer(WriteFun) when is_function(WriteFun,3) ->
+ start_tracer(WriteFun, undefined).
+start_tracer(WriteFun, InitAcc) when is_function(WriteFun, 3) ->
+ Handler =
+ fun(Arg, Acc0) ->
+ try_all_types_in_all_modules(gen_server:call(?SERVER, get_on),
+ Arg, WriteFun,
+ Acc0)
- fmt("~n~s ~p RECV ~s~s~n", [ts(TS),Pid,wr_record(shrink_bin(Msg)),Extra], D);
-msg_formater(_auth, {trace_ts,Pid,return_from,{ssh_message,decode,1},#ssh_msg_userauth_failure{authentications=As},TS}, D) ->
- fmt("~n~s ~p Client login FAILURE. Try ~s~n", [ts(TS),Pid,As], D);
-msg_formater(_auth, {trace_ts,Pid,return_from,{ssh_message,decode,1},#ssh_msg_userauth_success{},TS}, D) ->
- fmt("~n~s ~p Client login SUCCESS~n", [ts(TS),Pid], D);
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,_Pid,call,{ssh_transport,select_algorithm,_},_TS}, D) ->
- D;
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,Pid,return_from,{ssh_transport,select_algorithm,_},{ok,Alg},TS}, D) ->
- fmt("~n~s ~p ALGORITHMS~n~s~n", [ts(TS),Pid, wr_record(Alg)], D);
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,_Pid,call,{ssh_transport,hello_version_msg,_},_TS}, D) ->
- D;
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,Pid,return_from,{ssh_transport,hello_version_msg,1},Hello,TS}, D) ->
- fmt("~n~s ~p TCP SEND HELLO~n ~p~n", [ts(TS),Pid,lists:flatten(Hello)], D);
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,Pid,call,{ssh_transport,handle_hello_version,[Hello]},TS}, D) ->
- fmt("~n~s ~p RECV HELLO~n ~p~n", [ts(TS),Pid,lists:flatten(Hello)], D);
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,_Pid,return_from,{ssh_transport,handle_hello_version,1},_,_TS}, D) ->
- D;
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,Pid,call,{ssh_connection_handler,ext_info,[{"server-sig-algs",SigAlgs},State]},TS}, D) ->
- try lists:keyfind(ssh, 1, tuple_to_list(State)) of
- false ->
- D;
- #ssh{userauth_pubkeys = PKs} ->
- fmt("~n~s ~p Client got suggestion to use user public key sig-algs~n ~p~n and can use~n ~p~n",
- [ts(TS),Pid,string:tokens(SigAlgs,","),PKs], D)
- catch
- _:_ ->
- D
- end;
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,Pid,return_from,{ssh_connection_handler,ext_info,2},State,TS}, D) ->
- try lists:keyfind(ssh, 1, tuple_to_list(State)) of
- false ->
- D;
- #ssh{userauth_pubkeys = PKs} ->
- fmt("~n~s ~p Client will try user public key sig-algs~n ~p~n", [ts(TS),Pid,PKs], D)
- catch
- _:_ ->
- D
- end;
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,Pid,call, {ssh_transport,verify_host_key,[_Ssh,_PK,_Dgst,{AlgStr,_Sign}]},TS}, D) ->
- fmt("~n~s ~p Client got a ~s hostkey. Will try to verify it~n", [ts(TS),Pid,AlgStr], D);
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,Pid,return_from, {ssh_transport,verify_host_key,4}, Result, TS}, D) ->
- case Result of
- ok -> fmt("~n~s ~p Hostkey verified.~n", [ts(TS),Pid], D);
- {error,E} ->
- fmt("~n~s ~p ***** Hostkey NOT verified: ~p ******!~n", [ts(TS),Pid,E], D);
- _ -> fmt("~n~s ~p ***** Hostkey is NOT verified: ~p ******!~n", [ts(TS),Pid,Result], D)
- end;
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,Pid,return_from, {ssh_transport,verify,4}, Result, TS}, D) ->
- case Result of
- true -> D;
- _ -> fmt("~n~s ~p Couldn't verify the signature!~n", [ts(TS),Pid], D)
- end;
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,_Pid,call, {ssh_transport,is_host_key,_}, _TS}, D) -> D;
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,Pid,return_from, {ssh_transport,is_host_key,5}, {CbMod,Result}, TS}, D) ->
- case Result of
- true -> fmt("~n~s ~p Hostkey found by ~p.~n", [ts(TS),Pid,CbMod], D);
- _ -> fmt("~n~s ~p Hostkey NOT found by ~p.~n", [ts(TS),Pid,CbMod], D)
- end;
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,_Pid,call, {ssh_transport,add_host_key,_}, _TS}, D) -> D;
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,Pid,return_from, {ssh_transport,add_host_key,4}, {CbMod,Result}, TS}, D) ->
- case Result of
- ok -> fmt("~n~s ~p New hostkey added by ~p.~n", [ts(TS),Pid,CbMod], D);
- _ -> D
- end;
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,_Pid,call,{ssh_transport,known_host_key,_},_TS}, D) -> D;
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,Pid,return_from, {ssh_transport,known_host_key,3}, Result, TS}, D) ->
- case Result of
- ok -> D;
- {error,E} -> fmt("~n~s ~p Hostkey addition failed: ~p~n", [ts(TS),Pid,E], D);
- _ -> fmt("~n~s ~p Hostkey addition: ~p~n", [ts(TS),Pid,Result], D)
- end;
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,Pid,call,{ssh_auth,publickey_msg,[[SigAlg,#ssh{user=User}]]},TS}, D) ->
- fmt("~n~s ~p Client will try to login user ~p with method: public key algorithm ~p~n", [ts(TS),Pid,User,SigAlg], D);
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,Pid,return_from,{ssh_auth,publickey_msg,1},{not_ok,#ssh{user=User}},TS}, D) ->
- fmt("~s ~p User ~p can't use that kind of public key~n", [ts(TS),Pid,User], D);
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,_Pid,return_from,{ssh_auth,publickey_msg,1},_,_TS}, D) -> D;
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,Pid,call,{ssh_auth,password_msg,[[#ssh{user=User}]]},TS}, D) ->
- fmt("~n~s ~p Client will try to login user ~p with method: password~n", [ts(TS),Pid,User], D);
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,Pid,return_from,{ssh_auth,password_msg,1},{not_ok,#ssh{user=User}},TS}, D) ->
- fmt("~s ~p User ~p can't use method password as login method~n", [ts(TS),Pid,User], D);
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,_Pid,return_from,{ssh_auth,password_msg,1},_Result,_TS}, D) -> D;
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,Pid,call,{ssh_auth,keyboard_interactive_msg,[[#ssh{user=User}]]},TS}, D) ->
- fmt("~n~s ~p Client will try to login user ~p with method: keyboard-interactive~n", [ts(TS),Pid,User], D);
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,Pid,return_from,{ssh_auth,keyboard_interactive_msg,1},{not_ok,#ssh{user=User}},TS}, D) ->
- fmt("~s ~p User ~p can't use method keyboard-interactive as login method~n", [ts(TS),Pid,User], D);
-msg_formater(_, {trace_ts,_Pid,return_from,{ssh_auth,keyboard_interactive_msg,1},_Result,_TS}, D) -> D;
-msg_formater(msg, {trace_ts,Pid,send,{tcp,Sock,Bytes},Pid,TS}, D) ->
- fmt("~n~s ~p TCP SEND on ~p~n ~p~n", [ts(TS),Pid,Sock, shrink_bin(Bytes)], D);
-msg_formater(msg, {trace_ts,Pid,send,{tcp,Sock,Bytes},Dest,TS}, D) ->
- fmt("~n~s ~p TCP SEND from ~p TO ~p~n ~p~n", [ts(TS),Pid,Sock,Dest, shrink_bin(Bytes)], D);
-msg_formater(msg, {trace_ts,Pid,send,ErlangMsg,Dest,TS}, D) ->
- fmt("~n~s ~p ERL MSG SEND TO ~p~n ~p~n", [ts(TS),Pid,Dest, shrink_bin(ErlangMsg)], D);
-msg_formater(msg, {trace_ts,Pid,'receive',{tcp,Sock,Bytes},TS}, D) ->
- fmt("~n~s ~p TCP RECEIVE on ~p~n ~p~n", [ts(TS),Pid,Sock,shrink_bin(Bytes)], D);
-msg_formater(msg, {trace_ts,Pid,'receive',ErlangMsg,TS}, D) ->
- fmt("~n~s ~p ERL MSG RECEIVE~n ~p~n", [ts(TS),Pid,shrink_bin(ErlangMsg)], D);
-msg_formater(_, _M, D) ->
- fmt("~nDBG other ~n~p~n", [shrink_bin(_M)], D),
- D.
+ dbg:tracer(process, {Handler,InitAcc}).
--record(data, {writer,
- initialized,
- acc}).
-fmt(Fmt, Args, D=#data{initialized=false}) ->
- fmt(Fmt, Args,
- D#data{acc = (D#data.writer)("~s~n", [initial_info()], D#data.acc),
- initialized = true}
- );
-fmt(Fmt, Args, D=#data{writer=Write, acc=Acc}) ->
- D#data{acc = Write(Fmt,Args,Acc)}.
-ts({_,_,Usec}=Now) ->
- {_Date,{HH,MM,SS}} = calendar:now_to_local_time(Now),
- io_lib:format("~.2.0w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w.~.6.0w",[HH,MM,SS,Usec]);
-ts(_) ->
- "-".
+on() -> on(?ALL_DBG_TYPES).
+on(Type) -> switch(on, Type).
-setup_tracer(Type, WriteFun, MangleArgFun, Init) ->
- Handler = fun(Arg, D) ->
- msg_formater(Type, MangleArgFun(Arg), D)
- end,
- InitialData = #data{writer = WriteFun,
- initialized = false,
- acc = Init},
- {ok,_} = dbg:tracer(process, {Handler, InitialData}),
- ok.
-initial_info() ->
- Lines =
- [ts(erlang:timestamp()),
- "",
- "SSH:"]
- ++ as_list_of_lines(case application:get_key(ssh,vsn) of
- {ok,Vsn} -> Vsn;
- _ -> "(ssh not started)"
- end)
- ++ ["",
- "Cryptolib:"]
- ++ as_list_of_lines(crypto:info_lib())
- ++ ["",
- "Crypto app:"]
- ++ as_list_of_lines(crypto:supports()),
- W = max_len(Lines),
- append_lines([line_of($*, W+4)]
- ++ prepend_lines("* ", Lines)
- ++ [line_of($-, W+4)],
- io_lib:nl()
- ).
+off() -> off(?ALL_DBG_TYPES). % A bit overkill...
+off(Type) -> switch(off, Type).
-as_list_of_lines(Term) ->
- prepend_lines(" ",
- string:tokens(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p",[Term])),
- io_lib:nl() % Get line endings in current OS
- )
- ).
-line_of(Char,W) -> lists:duplicate(W,Char).
-max_len(L) -> lists:max([length(S) || S<-L]).
-append_lines(L, X) -> [S++X || S<-L].
-prepend_lines(X, L) -> [X++S || S<-L].
+go_on() ->
+ IsOn = gen_server:call(?SERVER, get_on),
+ on(IsOn).
shrink_bin(B) when is_binary(B), size(B)>256 -> {'*** SHRINKED BIN',
@@ -365,69 +136,198 @@ shrink_bin(L) when is_list(L) -> lists:map(fun shrink_bin/1, L);
shrink_bin(T) when is_tuple(T) -> list_to_tuple(shrink_bin(tuple_to_list(T)));
shrink_bin(X) -> X.
+%% Replace last element (the state) with "#<state-name>{}"
+reduce_state(T) ->
+ try
+ erlang:setelement(size(T),
+ T,
+ lists:concat(['#',element(1,element(size(T),T)),'{}'])
+ )
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ T
+ end.
+-record(data, {
+ types_on = []
+ }).
+init(_) ->
+ {ok, #data{}}.
+handle_call({switch,on,Types}, _From, D) ->
+ NowOn = lists:usort(Types ++ D#data.types_on),
+ call_modules(on, Types, NowOn),
+ {reply, {ok,NowOn}, D#data{types_on = NowOn}};
+handle_call({switch,off,Types}, _From, D) ->
+ StillOn = D#data.types_on -- Types,
+ call_modules(off, Types, StillOn),
+ call_modules(on, StillOn, StillOn),
+ {reply, {ok,StillOn}, D#data{types_on = StillOn}};
+handle_call(get_on, _From, D) ->
+ {reply, D#data.types_on, D};
+handle_call(C, _From, D) ->
+ io:format('*** Unknown call: ~p~n',[C]),
+ {reply, {error,{unknown_call,C}}, D}.
+handle_cast(C, D) ->
+ io:format('*** Unknown cast: ~p~n',[C]),
+ {noreply, D}.
+handle_info(C, D) ->
+ io:format('*** Unknown info: ~p~n',[C]),
+ {noreply, D}.
+ssh_modules_with_trace() ->
+ {ok,AllSshModules} = application:get_key(ssh, modules),
+ [M || M <- AllSshModules,
+ lists:member({dbg_trace,3}, M:module_info(exports))].
--define(wr_record(N,BlackList), wr_record(R=#N{}) -> wr_record(R, record_info(fields,N), BlackList)).
--define(wr_record(N), ?wr_record(N, [])).
-wr_record(R) -> io_lib:format('~p~n',[R]).
+get_all_trace_flags() ->
+ get_all_trace_flags(ssh_modules_with_trace()).
+get_all_trace_flags(Modules) ->
+ lists:usort(
+ lists:flatten(
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun(Type, Acc) ->
+ call_modules(flags, Type, undefined, Acc, Modules)
+ end, [timestamp], ?ALL_DBG_TYPES))).
+get_all_dbg_types() ->
+ lists:usort(
+ lists:flatten(
+ call_modules(points, undefined) )).
+call_modules(Cmnd, Type) ->
+ call_modules(Cmnd, Type, undefined).
+call_modules(Cmnd, Type, Arg) ->
+ call_modules(Cmnd, Type, Arg, []).
+call_modules(Cmnd, Type, Arg, Acc0) ->
+ call_modules(Cmnd, Type, Arg, Acc0, ssh_modules_with_trace()).
+call_modules(Cmnd, Types, Arg, Acc0, Modules) when is_list(Types) ->
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun(Type, Acc) ->
+ call_modules(Cmnd, Type, Arg, Acc, Modules)
+ end, Acc0, Types);
+call_modules(Cmnd, Type, Arg, Acc0, Modules) ->
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun(Mod, Acc) ->
+ try Mod:dbg_trace(Cmnd, Type, Arg)
+ of
+ Result -> [Result|Acc]
+ catch
+ _:_ -> Acc
+ end
+ end, Acc0, Modules).
+switch(X, Type) when is_atom(Type) ->
+ switch(X, [Type]);
+switch(X, Types) when is_list(Types) ->
+ case whereis(?SERVER) of
+ undefined ->
+ start();
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ case lists:usort(Types) -- ?ALL_DBG_TYPES of
+ [] ->
+ gen_server:call(?SERVER, {switch,X,Types});
+ L ->
+ {error, {unknown, L}}
+ end.
+%%% Format of trace messages are described in reference manual for erlang:trace/4
+%%% {call,MFA}
+%%% {return_from,{M,F,N},Result}
+%%% {send,Msg,To}
+%%% {'receive',Msg}
+trace_pid({trace,Pid,_}) -> Pid;
+trace_pid({trace,Pid,_,_}) -> Pid;
+trace_pid({trace,Pid,_,_,_}) -> Pid;
+trace_pid({trace,Pid,_,_,_,_}) -> Pid;
+trace_pid({trace,Pid,_,_,_,_,_}) -> Pid;
+trace_pid({trace_ts,Pid,_,_TS}) -> Pid;
+trace_pid({trace_ts,Pid,_,_,_TS}) -> Pid;
+trace_pid({trace_ts,Pid,_,_,_,_TS}) -> Pid;
+trace_pid({trace_ts,Pid,_,_,_,_,_TS}) -> Pid;
+trace_pid({trace_ts,Pid,_,_,_,_,_,_TS}) -> Pid.
+trace_ts({trace_ts,_Pid,_,TS}) -> ts(TS);
+trace_ts({trace_ts,_Pid,_,_,TS}) -> ts(TS);
+trace_ts({trace_ts,_Pid,_,_,_,TS}) -> ts(TS);
+trace_ts({trace_ts,_Pid,_,_,_,_,TS}) -> ts(TS);
+trace_ts({trace_ts,_Pid,_,_,_,_,_,TS}) -> ts(TS);
+trace_ts(_) -> "-".
+trace_info({trace,_Pid,A}) -> A;
+trace_info({trace,_Pid,A,B}) -> {A,B};
+trace_info({trace,_Pid,A,B,C}) -> {A,B,C};
+trace_info({trace,_Pid,A,B,C,D}) -> {A,B,C,D};
+trace_info({trace,_Pid,A,B,C,D,E}) -> {A,B,C,D,E};
+trace_info({trace_ts,_Pid,A,_TS}) -> A;
+trace_info({trace_ts,_Pid,A,B,_TS}) -> {A,B};
+trace_info({trace_ts,_Pid,A,B,C,_TS}) -> {A,B,C};
+trace_info({trace_ts,_Pid,A,B,C,D,_TS}) -> {A,B,C,D};
+trace_info({trace_ts,_Pid,A,B,C,D,E,_TS}) -> {A,B,C,D,E}.
+try_all_types_in_all_modules(TypesOn, Arg, WriteFun, Acc0) ->
+ SshModules = ssh_modules_with_trace(),
+ TS = trace_ts(Arg),
+ PID = trace_pid(Arg),
+ INFO = trace_info(Arg),
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun(Type, Acc1) ->
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun(SshMod,Acc) ->
+ try WriteFun("~n~s ~p ~s~n",
+ [lists:flatten(TS), PID, lists:flatten(SshMod:dbg_trace(format,Type,INFO))],
+ Acc)
+ catch
+ _:_ -> Acc
+ end
+ end, Acc1, SshModules)
+ end, Acc0, TypesOn).
wr_record(T, Fs, BL) when is_tuple(T) ->
wr_record(tuple_to_list(T), Fs, BL);
-wr_record([Name|Values], Fields, BlackL) ->
+wr_record([_Name|Values], Fields, BlackL) ->
W = case Fields of
[] -> 0;
_ -> lists:max([length(atom_to_list(F)) || F<-Fields])
- [io_lib:format("~p:~n",[string:to_upper(atom_to_list(Name))])
- | [io_lib:format(" ~*p: ~p~n",[W,Tag,Value]) || {Tag,Value} <- lists:zip(Fields,Values),
- not lists:member(Tag,BlackL)
- ]
+ [io_lib:format(" ~*p: ~p~n",[W,Tag,Value]) || {Tag,Value} <- lists:zip(Fields,Values),
+ not lists:member(Tag,BlackL)
+ts({_,_,Usec}=Now) when is_integer(Usec) ->
+ {_Date,{HH,MM,SS}} = calendar:now_to_local_time(Now),
+ io_lib:format("~.2.0w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w.~.6.0w",[HH,MM,SS,Usec]);
+ts(_) ->
+ "-".
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_dbg.hrl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_dbg.hrl
deleted file mode 100644
index e94664737b..0000000000
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_dbg.hrl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
--define(SSH_DBG_HRL, 1).
- ssh_dbg:wr_record(R, record_info(fields,RecName), [])).
--endif. % SSH_DBG_HRL defined
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_message.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_message.erl
index eb06f05a4a..a2251eab97 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_message.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_message.erl
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
-export([encode/1, decode/1, decode_keyboard_interactive_prompts/2]).
-define('2bin'(X), (if is_binary(X) -> X;
is_list(X) -> list_to_binary(X);
X==undefined -> <<>>
@@ -611,3 +613,86 @@ encode_signature({#'ECPoint'{}, {namedCurve,OID}}, _SigAlg, Signature) ->
CurveName = public_key:oid2ssh_curvename(OID),
<<?Ebinary(<<"ecdsa-sha2-",CurveName/binary>>), ?Ebinary(Signature)>>.
+%%%# Tracing
+dbg_trace(points, _, _) -> [ssh_messages, raw_messages];
+dbg_trace(flags, ssh_messages, _) -> [c];
+dbg_trace(on, ssh_messages, _) -> dbg:tp(?MODULE,encode,1,x),
+ dbg:tp(?MODULE,decode,1,x);
+dbg_trace(off, ssh_messages, _) -> dbg:ctpg(?MODULE,encode,1),
+ dbg:ctpg(?MODULE,decode,1);
+dbg_trace(flags, raw_messages, A) -> dbg_trace(flags, ssh_messages, A);
+dbg_trace(on, raw_messages, A) -> dbg_trace(on, ssh_messages, A);
+dbg_trace(off, raw_messages, A) -> dbg_trace(off, ssh_messages, A);
+dbg_trace(format, ssh_messages, {call,{?MODULE,encode,[Msg]}}) ->
+ Name = string:to_upper(atom_to_list(element(1,Msg))),
+ ["Going to send ",Name,":\n",
+ wr_record(ssh_dbg:shrink_bin(Msg))
+ ];
+dbg_trace(format, ssh_messages, {return_from,{?MODULE,decode,1},Msg}) ->
+ Name = string:to_upper(atom_to_list(element(1,Msg))),
+ ["Received ",Name,":\n",
+ wr_record(ssh_dbg:shrink_bin(Msg))
+ ];
+dbg_trace(format, raw_messages, {call,{?MODULE,decode,[BytesPT]}}) ->
+ ["Received plain text bytes (shown after decryption):\n",
+ io_lib:format("~p",[BytesPT])
+ ];
+dbg_trace(format, raw_messages, {return_from,{?MODULE,encode,1},BytesPT}) ->
+ ["Going to send plain text bytes (shown before encryption):\n",
+ io_lib:format("~p",[BytesPT])
+ ].
+wr_record(R) -> io_lib:format('~p~n',[R]).
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_no_io.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_no_io.erl
index 1da257ed99..25be0023e9 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_no_io.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_no_io.erl
@@ -31,35 +31,24 @@
-spec yes_no(any(), any()) -> no_return().
yes_no(_, _) ->
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
- description = "User interaction is not allowed"},
- {no_io_allowed, yes_no}).
+ "User interaction is not allowed").
-spec read_password(any(), any()) -> no_return().
read_password(_, _) ->
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
- description = "User interaction is not allowed"},
- {no_io_allowed, read_password}).
+ "User interaction is not allowed").
-spec read_line(any(), any()) -> no_return().
read_line(_, _) ->
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
- description = "User interaction is not allowed"},
- {no_io_allowed, read_line}).
+ "User interaction is not allowed").
-spec format(any(), any()) -> no_return().
format(_, _) ->
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
- description = "User interaction is not allowed"},
- {no_io_allowed, format}).
+ "User interaction is not allowed").
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_options.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_options.erl
index 1e10f72956..c05293d1ae 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_options.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_options.erl
@@ -275,10 +275,12 @@ default(server) ->
class => user_options
- {exec, def} => % FIXME: need some archeology....
+ {exec, def} =>
#{default => undefined,
- chk => fun({M,F,_}) -> is_atom(M) andalso is_atom(F);
- (V) -> is_function(V)
+ chk => fun({direct, V}) -> check_function1(V) orelse check_function2(V) orelse check_function3(V);
+ %% Compatibility (undocumented):
+ ({M,F,A}) -> is_atom(M) andalso is_atom(F) andalso is_list(A);
+ (V) -> check_function1(V) orelse check_function2(V) orelse check_function3(V)
class => user_options
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_server_key.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_server_key.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ce0c7e3fe..0000000000
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_server_key.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
--type ssh_algorithm() :: string().
--callback host_key(Algorithm :: ssh_algorithm(), Options :: list()) ->
- {ok, [{public_key(), Attributes::list()}]} | public_key()
- | {error, string()}.
--callback is_auth_key(Key :: public_key(), User :: string(),
- Algorithm :: ssh_algorithm(), Options :: list()) ->
- boolean().
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_sftp.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_sftp.erl
index 9e1229dc85..f00c0aed1f 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_sftp.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_sftp.erl
@@ -52,6 +52,8 @@
%% TODO: Should be placed elsewhere ssh_sftpd should not call functions in ssh_sftp!
-export([info_to_attr/1, attr_to_info/1]).
@@ -1460,3 +1462,21 @@ format_channel_start_error({shutdown, Reason}) ->
format_channel_start_error(Reason) ->
+%%%# Tracing
+dbg_trace(points, _, _) -> [terminate];
+dbg_trace(flags, terminate, _) -> [c];
+dbg_trace(on, terminate, _) -> dbg:tp(?MODULE, terminate, 2, x);
+dbg_trace(off, terminate, _) -> dbg:ctpg(?MODULE, terminate, 2);
+dbg_trace(format, terminate, {call, {?MODULE,terminate, [Reason, State]}}) ->
+ ["Sftp Terminating:\n",
+ io_lib:format("Reason: ~p,~nState:~n~s", [Reason, wr_record(State)])
+ ].
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_sftpd.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_sftpd.erl
index a9136e5614..945e9f457b 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_sftpd.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_sftpd.erl
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
-export([init/1, handle_ssh_msg/2, handle_msg/2, terminate/2]).
-record(state, {
xf, % [{channel,ssh_xfer states}...]
cwd, % current dir (on first connect)
@@ -949,3 +951,20 @@ maybe_increase_recv_window(ConnectionManager, ChannelId, Options) ->
Increment =< 0 ->
+%%%# Tracing
+dbg_trace(points, _, _) -> [terminate];
+dbg_trace(flags, terminate, _) -> [c];
+dbg_trace(on, terminate, _) -> dbg:tp(?MODULE, terminate, 2, x);
+dbg_trace(off, terminate, _) -> dbg:ctpg(?MODULE, terminate, 2);
+dbg_trace(format, terminate, {call, {?MODULE,terminate, [Reason, State]}}) ->
+ ["SftpD Terminating:\n",
+ io_lib:format("Reason: ~p,~nState:~n~s", [Reason, wr_record(State)])
+ ].
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_shell.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_shell.erl
index 17224b6ef4..085534592d 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_shell.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_shell.erl
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
%%% As this is an user interactive client it behaves like a daemon
@@ -34,6 +35,8 @@
%% Spawn export
io, %% Io process
@@ -194,3 +197,20 @@ get_ancestors() ->
A when is_list(A) -> A;
_ -> []
+%%%# Tracing
+dbg_trace(points, _, _) -> [terminate];
+dbg_trace(flags, terminate, _) -> [c];
+dbg_trace(on, terminate, _) -> dbg:tp(?MODULE, terminate, 2, x);
+dbg_trace(off, terminate, _) -> dbg:ctpg(?MODULE, terminate, 2);
+dbg_trace(format, terminate, {call, {?MODULE,terminate, [Reason, State]}}) ->
+ ["Shell Terminating:\n",
+ io_lib:format("Reason: ~p,~nState:~n~s", [Reason, wr_record(State)])
+ ].
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_system_sup.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_system_sup.erl
index 17f990c5d8..469f9560e9 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_system_sup.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_system_sup.erl
@@ -88,11 +88,11 @@ stop_listener(Address, Port, Profile) ->
stop_system(SysSup) ->
- spawn(fun() -> sshd_sup:stop_child(SysSup) end),
+ catch sshd_sup:stop_child(SysSup),
stop_system(Address, Port, Profile) ->
- spawn(fun() -> sshd_sup:stop_child(Address, Port, Profile) end),
+ catch sshd_sup:stop_child(Address, Port, Profile),
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_transport.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_transport.erl
index 975053d301..f5bba9f824 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_transport.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_transport.erl
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@
sha/1, sign/3, verify/5]).
%%% For test suites
-export([pack/3, adjust_algs_for_peer_version/2]).
-export([decompress/2, decrypt_blocks/3, is_valid_mac/3 ]). % FIXME: remove
@@ -319,10 +321,11 @@ handle_kexinit_msg(#ssh_msg_kexinit{} = CounterPart, #ssh_msg_kexinit{} = Own,
Ssh#ssh{algorithms = Algos})
- _:_ ->
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED,
- description = "Selection of key exchange algorithm failed"})
+ Class:Error ->
+ io_lib:format("Kexinit failed in client: ~p:~p",
+ [Class,Error])
+ )
handle_kexinit_msg(#ssh_msg_kexinit{} = CounterPart, #ssh_msg_kexinit{} = Own,
@@ -335,10 +338,11 @@ handle_kexinit_msg(#ssh_msg_kexinit{} = CounterPart, #ssh_msg_kexinit{} = Own,
Algos ->
{ok, Ssh#ssh{algorithms = Algos}}
- _:_ ->
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED,
- description = "Selection of key exchange algorithm failed"})
+ Class:Error ->
+ io_lib:format("Kexinit failed in server: ~p:~p",
+ [Class,Error])
+ )
@@ -439,12 +443,10 @@ handle_kexdh_init(#ssh_msg_kexdh_init{e = E},
session_id = sid(Ssh1, H)}};
true ->
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "Key exchange failed, 'e' out of bounds"},
- {error,bad_e_from_peer}
- )
+ io_lib:format("Kexdh init failed, received 'e' out of bounds~n E=~p~n P=~p",
+ [E,P])
+ )
handle_kexdh_reply(#ssh_msg_kexdh_reply{public_host_key = PeerPubHostKey,
@@ -464,20 +466,16 @@ handle_kexdh_reply(#ssh_msg_kexdh_reply{public_host_key = PeerPubHostKey,
exchanged_hash = H,
session_id = sid(Ssh, H)})};
Error ->
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "Key exchange failed"},
- Error)
+ io_lib:format("Kexdh init failed. Verify host key: ~p",[Error])
+ )
true ->
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "Key exchange failed, 'f' out of bounds"},
- bad_f_from_peer
- )
+ io_lib:format("Kexdh init failed, received 'f' out of bounds~n F=~p~n P=~p",
+ [F,P])
+ )
@@ -501,11 +499,9 @@ handle_kex_dh_gex_request(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request{min = Min0,
keyex_info = {Min0, Max0, NBits}
{error,_} ->
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "No possible diffie-hellman-group-exchange group found"
- })
+ io_lib:format("No possible diffie-hellman-group-exchange group found",[])
+ )
handle_kex_dh_gex_request(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request_old{n = NBits},
@@ -535,20 +531,14 @@ handle_kex_dh_gex_request(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request_old{n = NBits},
keyex_info = {-1, -1, NBits} % flag for kex_hash calc
{error,_} ->
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "No possible diffie-hellman-group-exchange group found"
- })
+ io_lib:format("No possible diffie-hellman-group-exchange group found",[])
+ )
handle_kex_dh_gex_request(_, _) ->
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "Key exchange failed, bad values in ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request"},
- bad_ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request).
+ "Key exchange failed, bad values in ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request").
adjust_gex_min_max(Min0, Max0, Opts) ->
{Min1, Max1} = ?GET_OPT(dh_gex_limits, Opts),
@@ -558,11 +548,8 @@ adjust_gex_min_max(Min0, Max0, Opts) ->
Min2 =< Max2 ->
{Min2, Max2};
Max2 < Min2 ->
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "No possible diffie-hellman-group-exchange group possible"
- })
+ "No possible diffie-hellman-group-exchange group possible")
@@ -600,18 +587,15 @@ handle_kex_dh_gex_init(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_init{e = E},
session_id = sid(Ssh, H)
true ->
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "Key exchange failed, 'K' out of bounds"},
- bad_K)
+ "Kexdh init failed, received 'k' out of bounds"
+ )
true ->
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "Key exchange failed, 'e' out of bounds"},
- bad_e_from_peer)
+ io_lib:format("Kexdh gex init failed, received 'e' out of bounds~n E=~p~n P=~p",
+ [E,P])
+ )
handle_kex_dh_gex_reply(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_reply{public_host_key = PeerPubHostKey,
@@ -634,28 +618,22 @@ handle_kex_dh_gex_reply(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_reply{public_host_key = PeerPubHostK
{ok, SshPacket, install_alg(snd, Ssh#ssh{shared_secret = ssh_bits:mpint(K),
exchanged_hash = H,
session_id = sid(Ssh, H)})};
- _Error ->
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "Key exchange failed"
- })
+ Error ->
+ io_lib:format("Kexdh gex reply failed. Verify host key: ~p",[Error])
+ )
true ->
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "Key exchange failed, 'K' out of bounds"},
- bad_K)
+ "Kexdh gex init failed, 'K' out of bounds"
+ )
true ->
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "Key exchange failed, 'f' out of bounds"},
- bad_f_from_peer
- )
+ io_lib:format("Kexdh gex init failed, received 'f' out of bounds~n F=~p~n P=~p",
+ [F,P])
+ )
@@ -686,12 +664,11 @@ handle_kex_ecdh_init(#ssh_msg_kex_ecdh_init{q_c = PeerPublic},
exchanged_hash = H,
session_id = sid(Ssh1, H)}}
- _:_ ->
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "Peer ECDH public key is invalid"},
- invalid_peer_public_key)
+ Class:Error ->
+ io_lib:format("ECDH compute key failed in server: ~p:~p",
+ [Class,Error])
+ )
handle_kex_ecdh_reply(#ssh_msg_kex_ecdh_reply{public_host_key = PeerPubHostKey,
@@ -713,19 +690,16 @@ handle_kex_ecdh_reply(#ssh_msg_kex_ecdh_reply{public_host_key = PeerPubHostKey,
exchanged_hash = H,
session_id = sid(Ssh, H)})};
Error ->
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "Key exchange failed"},
- Error)
+ io_lib:format("ECDH reply failed. Verify host key: ~p",[Error])
+ )
- _:_ ->
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "Peer ECDH public key is invalid"},
- invalid_peer_public_key)
+ Class:Error ->
+ io_lib:format("Peer ECDH public key seem invalid: ~p:~p",
+ [Class,Error])
+ )
@@ -735,11 +709,11 @@ handle_new_keys(#ssh_msg_newkeys{}, Ssh0) ->
#ssh{} = Ssh ->
{ok, Ssh}
- _C:_Error -> %% TODO: Throw earlier ....
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- description = "Install alg failed"
- })
+ Class:Error -> %% TODO: Throw earlier ...
+ io_lib:format("Install alg failed: ~p:~p",
+ [Class,Error])
+ )
@@ -1057,9 +1031,7 @@ install_alg(Dir, SSH) ->
alg_setup(snd, SSH) ->
ALG = SSH#ssh.algorithms,
- SSH#ssh{kex = ALG#alg.kex,
- hkey = ALG#alg.hkey,
- encrypt = ALG#alg.encrypt,
+ SSH#ssh{encrypt = ALG#alg.encrypt,
send_mac = ALG#alg.send_mac,
send_mac_size = mac_digest_size(ALG#alg.send_mac),
compress = ALG#alg.compress,
@@ -1071,9 +1043,7 @@ alg_setup(snd, SSH) ->
alg_setup(rcv, SSH) ->
ALG = SSH#ssh.algorithms,
- SSH#ssh{kex = ALG#alg.kex,
- hkey = ALG#alg.hkey,
- decrypt = ALG#alg.decrypt,
+ SSH#ssh{decrypt = ALG#alg.decrypt,
recv_mac = ALG#alg.recv_mac,
recv_mac_size = mac_digest_size(ALG#alg.recv_mac),
decompress = ALG#alg.decompress,
@@ -1115,10 +1085,9 @@ select_all(CL, SL) when length(CL) + length(SL) < ?MAX_NUM_ALGORITHMS ->
%% algorithms used by client and server (client pref)
lists:map(fun(ALG) -> list_to_atom(ALG) end, (CL -- A));
select_all(CL, SL) ->
- Err = lists:concat(["Received too many algorithms (",length(CL),"+",length(SL)," >= ",?MAX_NUM_ALGORITHMS,")."]),
- ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- description = Err}).
+ Error = lists:concat(["Received too many algorithms (",length(CL),"+",length(SL)," >= ",?MAX_NUM_ALGORITHMS,")."]),
+ Error).
select([], []) ->
@@ -1810,7 +1779,7 @@ mac('hmac-sha2-512', Key, SeqNum, Data) ->
hash(_SSH, _Char, 0) ->
hash(SSH, Char, N) ->
- HashAlg = sha(SSH#ssh.kex),
+ HashAlg = sha(SSH#ssh.algorithms#alg.kex),
K = SSH#ssh.shared_secret,
H = SSH#ssh.exchanged_hash,
K1 = crypto:hash(HashAlg, [K, H, Char, SSH#ssh.session_id]),
@@ -2041,3 +2010,40 @@ trim_tail(Str) ->
lists:takewhile(fun(C) ->
C=/=$\r andalso C=/=$\n
end, Str).
+%%%# Tracing
+dbg_trace(points, _, _) -> [alg, ssh_messages, raw_messages, hello];
+dbg_trace(flags, hello, _) -> [c];
+dbg_trace(on, hello, _) -> dbg:tp(?MODULE,hello_version_msg,1,x),
+ dbg:tp(?MODULE,handle_hello_version,1,x);
+dbg_trace(off, hello, _) -> dbg:ctpg(?MODULE,hello_version_msg,1),
+ dbg:ctpg(?MODULE,handle_hello_version,1);
+dbg_trace(C, raw_messages, A) -> dbg_trace(C, hello, A);
+dbg_trace(C, ssh_messages, A) -> dbg_trace(C, hello, A);
+dbg_trace(flags, alg, _) -> [c];
+dbg_trace(on, alg, _) -> dbg:tpl(?MODULE,select_algorithm,4,x);
+dbg_trace(off, alg, _) -> dbg:ctpl(?MODULE,select_algorithm,4);
+dbg_trace(format, hello, {return_from,{?MODULE,hello_version_msg,1},Hello}) ->
+ ["Going to send hello message:\n",
+ Hello
+ ];
+dbg_trace(format, hello, {call,{?MODULE,handle_hello_version,[Hello]}}) ->
+ ["Received hello message:\n",
+ Hello
+ ];
+dbg_trace(format, alg, {return_from,{?MODULE,select_algorithm,4},{ok,Alg}}) ->
+ ["Negotiated algorithms:\n",
+ wr_record(Alg)
+ ].
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_transport.hrl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_transport.hrl
index 87c3719514..7d5a4c153e 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_transport.hrl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_transport.hrl
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
+-define(DISCONNECT(Code, DetailedText),
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(Code, DetailedText, ?MODULE, ?LINE)).
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/sshc_sup.erl b/lib/ssh/src/sshc_sup.erl
index fd4d8a3c07..f4b39dbbdc 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/sshc_sup.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/sshc_sup.erl
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
--export([start_link/0, start_child/1, stop_child/1]).
+-export([start_link/0, start_child/1]).
%% Supervisor callback
@@ -43,13 +43,6 @@ start_link() ->
start_child(Args) ->
supervisor:start_child(?MODULE, Args).
-stop_child(Client) ->
- spawn(fun() ->
- ClientSup = whereis(?SSHC_SUP),
- supervisor:terminate_child(ClientSup, Client)
- end),
- ok.
%%% Supervisor callback