path: root/lib/ssh/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssh/src')
3 files changed, 75 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh.erl
index 31e343e81b..68d98d3875 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh.erl
@@ -280,9 +280,11 @@ valid_socket_to_use(Socket, Options) ->
{error, {unsupported,L4}}
-is_tcp_socket(Socket) -> {ok,[]} =/= inet:getopts(Socket, [delay_send]).
+is_tcp_socket(Socket) ->
+ case inet:getopts(Socket, [delay_send]) of
+ {ok,[_]} -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end.
daemon_shell_opt(Options) ->
case proplists:get_value(shell, Options) of
@@ -317,6 +319,7 @@ start_daemon(Socket, Options) ->
do_start_daemon(Socket, [{role,server}|SshOptions], SocketOptions)
throw:bad_fd -> {error,bad_fd};
+ throw:bad_socket -> {error,bad_socket};
_C:_E -> {error,{cannot_start_daemon,_C,_E}}
{error,SockError} ->
@@ -333,6 +336,7 @@ start_daemon(Host, Port, Options, Inet) ->
do_start_daemon(Host, Port, [{role,server}|SshOptions] , [Inet|SocketOptions])
throw:bad_fd -> {error,bad_fd};
+ throw:bad_socket -> {error,bad_socket};
_C:_E -> {error,{cannot_start_daemon,_C,_E}}
@@ -362,8 +366,7 @@ do_start_daemon(Socket, SshOptions, SocketOptions) ->
{error, {already_started, _}} ->
{error, eaddrinuse};
Result = {ok,_} ->
- ssh_acceptor:handle_connection(Callback, Host, Port, Opts, Socket),
- Result;
+ call_ssh_acceptor_handle_connection(Callback, Host, Port, Opts, Socket, Result);
Result = {error, _} ->
@@ -376,8 +379,7 @@ do_start_daemon(Socket, SshOptions, SocketOptions) ->
{error, {already_started, _}} ->
{error, eaddrinuse};
{ok, _} ->
- ssh_acceptor:handle_connection(Callback, Host, Port, Opts, Socket),
- {ok, Sup};
+ call_ssh_acceptor_handle_connection(Callback, Host, Port, Opts, Socket, {ok, Sup});
Other ->
@@ -447,6 +449,16 @@ do_start_daemon(Host0, Port0, SshOptions, SocketOptions) ->
+call_ssh_acceptor_handle_connection(Callback, Host, Port, Opts, Socket, DefaultResult) ->
+ try ssh_acceptor:handle_connection(Callback, Host, Port, Opts, Socket)
+ of
+ {error,Error} -> {error,Error};
+ _ -> DefaultResult
+ catch
+ C:R -> {error,{could_not_start_connection,{C,R}}}
+ end.
sync_request_control(false) ->
sync_request_control({LSock,Callback}) ->
@@ -620,11 +632,22 @@ handle_ssh_option({silently_accept_hosts, Value} = Opt) when is_boolean(Value) -
handle_ssh_option({silently_accept_hosts, Value} = Opt) when is_function(Value,2) ->
handle_ssh_option({silently_accept_hosts, {DigestAlg,Value}} = Opt) when is_function(Value,2) ->
- case lists:member(DigestAlg, [md5, sha, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512]) of
- true ->
- Opt;
- false ->
- throw({error, {eoptions, Opt}})
+ Algs = if is_atom(DigestAlg) -> [DigestAlg];
+ is_list(DigestAlg) -> DigestAlg;
+ true -> throw({error, {eoptions, Opt}})
+ end,
+ case [A || A <- Algs,
+ not lists:member(A, [md5, sha, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512])] of
+ [_|_] = UnSup1 ->
+ throw({error, {{eoptions, Opt}, {not_fingerprint_algos,UnSup1}}});
+ [] ->
+ CryptoHashAlgs = proplists:get_value(hashs, crypto:supports(), []),
+ case [A || A <- Algs,
+ not lists:member(A, CryptoHashAlgs)] of
+ [_|_] = UnSup2 ->
+ throw({error, {{eoptions, Opt}, {unsupported_algo,UnSup2}}});
+ [] -> Opt
+ end
handle_ssh_option({user_interaction, Value} = Opt) when is_boolean(Value) ->
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_cli.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_cli.erl
index 8af0ecc5f9..6f8c050486 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_cli.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_cli.erl
@@ -453,14 +453,20 @@ move_cursor(From, To, #ssh_pty{width=Width, term=Type}) ->
%% %%% make sure that there is data to send
%% %%% before calling ssh_connection:send
write_chars(ConnectionHandler, ChannelId, Chars) ->
- case erlang:iolist_size(Chars) of
- 0 ->
- ok;
- _ ->
- ssh_connection:send(ConnectionHandler, ChannelId,
+ case has_chars(Chars) of
+ false -> ok;
+ true -> ssh_connection:send(ConnectionHandler,
+ ChannelId,
+ Chars)
+has_chars([C|_]) when is_integer(C) -> true;
+has_chars([H|T]) when is_list(H) ; is_binary(H) -> has_chars(H) orelse has_chars(T);
+has_chars(<<_:8,_/binary>>) -> true;
+has_chars(_) -> false.
%%% tail, works with empty lists
tl1([_|A]) -> A;
tl1(_) -> [].
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_sftpd.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_sftpd.erl
index b739955836..9352046795 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_sftpd.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_sftpd.erl
@@ -664,29 +664,25 @@ open(Vsn, ReqId, Data, State) when Vsn >= 4 ->
do_open(ReqId, State, Path, Flags).
do_open(ReqId, State0, Path, Flags) ->
- #state{file_handler = FileMod, file_state = FS0, root = Root, xf = #ssh_xfer{vsn = Vsn}} = State0,
- XF = State0#state.xf,
- F = [binary | Flags],
- {IsDir, _FS1} = FileMod:is_dir(Path, FS0),
+ #state{file_handler = FileMod, file_state = FS0, xf = #ssh_xfer{vsn = Vsn}} = State0,
+ AbsPath = relate_file_name(Path, State0),
+ {IsDir, _FS1} = FileMod:is_dir(AbsPath, FS0),
case IsDir of
true when Vsn > 5 ->
ssh_xfer:xf_send_status(State0#state.xf, ReqId,
- ?SSH_FX_FILE_IS_A_DIRECTORY, "File is a directory");
+ ?SSH_FX_FILE_IS_A_DIRECTORY, "File is a directory"),
+ State0;
true ->
ssh_xfer:xf_send_status(State0#state.xf, ReqId,
- ?SSH_FX_FAILURE, "File is a directory");
+ ?SSH_FX_FAILURE, "File is a directory"),
+ State0;
false ->
- AbsPath = case Root of
- "" ->
- Path;
- _ ->
- relate_file_name(Path, State0)
- end,
- {Res, FS1} = FileMod:open(AbsPath, F, FS0),
+ OpenFlags = [binary | Flags],
+ {Res, FS1} = FileMod:open(AbsPath, OpenFlags, FS0),
State1 = State0#state{file_state = FS1},
case Res of
{ok, IoDevice} ->
- add_handle(State1, XF, ReqId, file, {Path,IoDevice});
+ add_handle(State1, State0#state.xf, ReqId, file, {Path,IoDevice});
{error, Error} ->
ssh_xfer:xf_send_status(State1#state.xf, ReqId,
@@ -742,6 +738,10 @@ resolve_symlinks_2([], State, _LinkCnt, AccPath) ->
{{ok, AccPath}, State}.
+%% The File argument is always in a user visible file system, i.e.
+%% is under Root and is relative to CWD or Root, if starts with "/".
+%% The result of the function is always an absolute path in a
+%% "backend" file system.
relate_file_name(File, State) ->
relate_file_name(File, State, _Canonicalize=true).
@@ -749,19 +749,20 @@ relate_file_name(File, State, Canonicalize) when is_binary(File) ->
relate_file_name(unicode:characters_to_list(File), State, Canonicalize);
relate_file_name(File, #state{cwd = CWD, root = ""}, Canonicalize) ->
relate_filename_to_path(File, CWD, Canonicalize);
-relate_file_name(File, #state{root = Root}, Canonicalize) ->
- case is_within_root(Root, File) of
- true ->
- File;
- false ->
- RelFile = make_relative_filename(File),
- NewFile = relate_filename_to_path(RelFile, Root, Canonicalize),
- case is_within_root(Root, NewFile) of
- true ->
- NewFile;
- false ->
- Root
- end
+relate_file_name(File, #state{cwd = CWD, root = Root}, Canonicalize) ->
+ CWD1 = case is_within_root(Root, CWD) of
+ true -> CWD;
+ false -> Root
+ end,
+ AbsFile = case make_relative_filename(File) of
+ File ->
+ relate_filename_to_path(File, CWD1, Canonicalize);
+ RelFile ->
+ relate_filename_to_path(RelFile, Root, Canonicalize)
+ end,
+ case is_within_root(Root, AbsFile) of
+ true -> AbsFile;
+ false -> Root
is_within_root(Root, File) ->