path: root/lib/ssh/test/ssh_compat_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssh/test/ssh_compat_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 1398 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_compat_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_compat_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c0e010bf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_compat_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1398 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2017. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+-include_lib("ssh/src/ssh_transport.hrl"). % #ssh_msg_kexinit{}
+-include_lib("kernel/include/inet.hrl"). % #hostent{}
+-include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). % #file_info{}
+%% Note: This directive should only be used in test suites.
+-define(PASSWD, "foobar").
+-define(BAD_PASSWD, "NOT-"?PASSWD).
+-define(DOCKER_PFX, "ssh_compat_suite-ssh").
+%% Common Test interface functions -----------------------------------
+suite() ->
+ [{timetrap,{seconds,60}}].
+all() ->
+%% [check_docker_present] ++
+ [{group,G} || G <- ssh_image_versions()].
+groups() ->
+ [{otp_client, [], [login_otp_is_client,
+ all_algorithms_sftp_exec_reneg_otp_is_client,
+ send_recv_big_with_renegotiate_otp_is_client
+ ]},
+ {otp_server, [], [login_otp_is_server,
+ all_algorithms_sftp_exec_reneg_otp_is_server
+ ]} |
+ [{G, [], [{group,otp_client}, {group,otp_server}]} || G <- ssh_image_versions()]
+ ].
+ssh_image_versions() ->
+ try
+ %% Find all useful containers in such a way that undefined command, too low
+ %% priviliges, no containers and containers found give meaningful result:
+ L0 = ["REPOSITORY"++_|_] = string:tokens(os:cmd("docker images"), "\r\n"),
+ [["REPOSITORY","TAG"|_]|L1] = [string:tokens(E, " ") || E<-L0],
+ [list_to_atom(V) || [?DOCKER_PFX,V|_] <- L1]
+ of
+ Vs ->
+ lists:sort(Vs)
+ catch
+ error:{badmatch,_} ->
+ []
+ end.
+init_per_suite(Config) ->
+ case os:find_executable("docker") of
+ false ->
+ {skip, "No docker"};
+ _ ->
+ ssh:start(),
+ ct:log("Crypto info: ~p",[crypto:info_lib()]),
+ Config
+ end).
+end_per_suite(Config) ->
+ %% Remove all containers that are not running:
+%%% os:cmd("docker rm $(docker ps -aq -f status=exited)"),
+ %% Remove dangling images:
+%%% os:cmd("docker rmi $(docker images -f dangling=true -q)"),
+ catch ssh:stop(),
+ Config.
+init_per_group(otp_server, Config) ->
+ case proplists:get_value(common_remote_client_algs, Config) of
+ undefined ->
+ SSHver = proplists:get_value(ssh_version, Config, ""),
+ {skip,"No "++SSHver++ " client found in docker"};
+ _ ->
+ Config
+ end;
+init_per_group(otp_client, Config) ->
+ Config;
+init_per_group(G, Config0) ->
+ case lists:member(G, ssh_image_versions()) of
+ true ->
+ %% This group is for one of the images
+ Vssh = atom_to_list(G),
+ Cmnt = io_lib:format("+++ ~s +++",[Vssh]),
+ ct:comment("~s",[Cmnt]),
+ try start_docker(G) of
+ {ok,ID} ->
+ ct:log("==> ~p started",[G]),
+ %% Find the algorithms that both client and server supports:
+ {IP,Port} = ip_port([{id,ID}]),
+ ct:log("Try contact ~p:~p",[IP,Port]),
+ Config1 = [{id,ID},
+ {ssh_version,Vssh}
+ | Config0],
+ try common_algs(Config1, IP, Port) of
+ {ok, ServerHello, RemoteServerCommon, ClientHello, RemoteClientCommon} ->
+ case chk_hellos([ServerHello,ClientHello], Cmnt) of
+ Cmnt ->
+ ok;
+ NewCmnt ->
+ ct:comment("~s",[NewCmnt])
+ end,
+ AuthMethods =
+ %% This should be obtained by quering the peer, but that
+ %% is a bit hard. It is possible with ssh_protocol_SUITE
+ %% techniques, but it can wait.
+ case Vssh of
+ "dropbear" ++ _ ->
+ [password, publickey];
+ _ ->
+ [password, 'keyboard-interactive', publickey]
+ end,
+ [{common_remote_server_algs,RemoteServerCommon},
+ {common_remote_client_algs,RemoteClientCommon},
+ {common_authmethods,AuthMethods}
+ |Config1];
+ Other ->
+ ct:log("Error in init_per_group: ~p",[Other]),
+ stop_docker(ID),
+ {fail, "Can't contact docker sshd"}
+ catch
+ Class:Exc ->
+ ST = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
+ ct:log("common_algs: ~p:~p~n~p",[Class,Exc,ST]),
+ stop_docker(ID),
+ {fail, "Failed during setup"}
+ end
+ catch
+ cant_start_docker ->
+ {skip, "Can't start docker"};
+ C:E ->
+ ST = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
+ ct:log("No ~p~n~p:~p~n~p",[G,C,E,ST]),
+ {skip, "Can't start docker"}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ Config0
+ end.
+end_per_group(G, Config) ->
+ case lists:member(G, ssh_image_versions()) of
+ true ->
+ catch stop_docker(proplists:get_value(id,Config));
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end.
+%% Test Cases --------------------------------------------------------
+check_docker_present(_Config) ->
+ ct:log("This testcase is just to show in Monitor that we have a test host with docker installed",[]),
+ {fail, "Test is OK: just showing docker is available"}.
+login_otp_is_client(Config) ->
+ {IP,Port} = ip_port(Config),
+ PublicKeyAlgs = [A || {public_key,A} <- proplists:get_value(common_remote_server_algs, Config)],
+ CommonAuths =
+ [{AuthMethod,Alg} || AuthMethod <- proplists:get_value(common_authmethods, Config),
+ Alg <- case AuthMethod of
+ publickey ->
+ PublicKeyAlgs;
+ _ ->
+ [' ']
+ end
+ ],
+ chk_all_algos(?FUNCTION_NAME, CommonAuths, Config,
+ fun(AuthMethod,Alg) ->
+ {Opts,Dir} =
+ case AuthMethod of
+ publickey ->
+ {[], setup_remote_auth_keys_and_local_priv(Alg, Config)};
+ _ ->
+ {[{password,?PASSWD}], new_dir(Config)}
+ end,
+ ssh:connect(IP, Port, [{auth_methods, atom_to_list(AuthMethod)},
+ {user,?USER},
+ {user_dir, Dir},
+ {silently_accept_hosts,true},
+ {user_interaction,false}
+ | Opts
+ ])
+ end).
+login_otp_is_server(Config) ->
+ PublicKeyAlgs = [A || {public_key,A} <- proplists:get_value(common_remote_client_algs, Config)],
+ CommonAuths =
+ [{AuthMethod,Alg} || AuthMethod <- proplists:get_value(common_authmethods, Config),
+ Alg <- case AuthMethod of
+ publickey ->
+ PublicKeyAlgs;
+ _ ->
+ [' ']
+ end
+ ],
+ SysDir = setup_local_hostdir(hd(PublicKeyAlgs), Config),
+ chk_all_algos(?FUNCTION_NAME, CommonAuths, Config,
+ fun(AuthMethod,Alg) ->
+ {Opts,UsrDir} =
+ case AuthMethod of
+ publickey ->
+ {[{user_passwords, [{?USER,?BAD_PASSWD}]}],
+ setup_remote_priv_and_local_auth_keys(Alg, Config)
+ };
+ _ ->
+ {[{user_passwords, [{?USER,?PASSWD}]}],
+ new_dir(Config)
+ }
+ end,
+ {Server, Host, HostPort} =
+ ssh_test_lib:daemon(0,
+ [{auth_methods, atom_to_list(AuthMethod)},
+ {system_dir, SysDir},
+ {user_dir, UsrDir},
+ {failfun, fun ssh_test_lib:failfun/2}
+ | Opts
+ ]),
+ R = exec_from_docker(Config, Host, HostPort,
+ "'lists:concat([\"Answer=\",1+3]).\r\n'",
+ [<<"Answer=4">>],
+ ""),
+ ssh:stop_daemon(Server),
+ R
+ end).
+all_algorithms_sftp_exec_reneg_otp_is_client(Config) ->
+ CommonAlgs = proplists:get_value(common_remote_server_algs, Config),
+ {IP,Port} = ip_port(Config),
+ chk_all_algos(?FUNCTION_NAME, CommonAlgs, Config,
+ fun(Tag, Alg) ->
+ ConnRes =
+ ssh:connect(IP, Port,
+ [{user,?USER},
+ {password,?PASSWD},
+ {auth_methods, "password"},
+ {user_dir, new_dir(Config)},
+ {preferred_algorithms, [{Tag,[Alg]}]},
+ {silently_accept_hosts,true},
+ {user_interaction,false}
+ ]) ,
+ test_erl_client_reneg(ConnRes, % Seems that max 10 channels may be open in sshd
+ [{exec,1},
+ {sftp,5},
+ {no_subsyst,1},
+ {setenv, 1},
+ {sftp_async,1}
+ ])
+ end).
+all_algorithms_sftp_exec_reneg_otp_is_server(Config) ->
+ CommonAlgs = proplists:get_value(common_remote_client_algs, Config),
+ UserDir = setup_remote_priv_and_local_auth_keys('ssh-rsa', Config),
+ chk_all_algos(?FUNCTION_NAME, CommonAlgs, Config,
+ fun(Tag,Alg) ->
+ HostKeyAlg = case Tag of
+ public_key -> Alg;
+ _ -> 'ssh-rsa'
+ end,
+ SftpRootDir = new_dir(Config),
+ %% ct:log("Rootdir = ~p",[SftpRootDir]),
+ {Server, Host, HostPort} =
+ ssh_test_lib:daemon(0,
+ [{preferred_algorithms, [{Tag,[Alg]}]},
+ {system_dir, setup_local_hostdir(HostKeyAlg, Config)},
+ {user_dir, UserDir},
+ {user_passwords, [{?USER,?PASSWD}]},
+ {failfun, fun ssh_test_lib:failfun/2},
+ {subsystems,
+ [ssh_sftpd:subsystem_spec([{cwd,SftpRootDir},
+ {root,SftpRootDir}]),
+ {"echo_10",{ssh_echo_server,[10,[{dbg,true}]]}}
+ ]}
+ ]),
+ R = do([fun() ->
+ exec_from_docker(Config, Host, HostPort,
+ "hi_there.\r\n",
+ [<<"hi_there">>],
+ "")
+ end,
+ fun() ->
+ sftp_tests_erl_server(Config, Host, HostPort, SftpRootDir, UserDir)
+ end
+ ]),
+ ssh:stop_daemon(Server),
+ R
+ end).
+send_recv_big_with_renegotiate_otp_is_client(Config) ->
+ %% Connect to the remote openssh server:
+ {IP,Port} = ip_port(Config),
+ {ok,C} = ssh:connect(IP, Port, [{user,?USER},
+ {password,?PASSWD},
+ {user_dir, setup_remote_auth_keys_and_local_priv('ssh-rsa', Config)},
+ {silently_accept_hosts,true},
+ {user_interaction,false}
+ ]),
+ %% Open a channel and exec the Linux 'cat' command at the openssh side.
+ %% This 'cat' will read stdin and write to stdout until an eof is read from stdin.
+ {ok, Ch1} = ssh_connection:session_channel(C, infinity),
+ success = ssh_connection:exec(C, Ch1, "cat", infinity),
+ %% Build big binary
+ HalfSizeBytes = 100*1000*1000,
+ Data = << <<X:32>> || X <- lists:seq(1, HalfSizeBytes div 4)>>,
+ %% Send the data. Must spawn a process to avoid deadlock. The client will block
+ %% until all is sent through the send window. But the server will stop receiveing
+ %% when the servers send-window towards the client is full.
+ %% Since the client can't receive before the server has received all but 655k from the client
+ %% ssh_connection:send/4 is blocking...
+ spawn_link(
+ fun() ->
+ ct:comment("Sending ~p Mbytes with renegotiation in the middle",[2*byte_size(Data)/1000000]),
+ %% ct:log("sending first ~p bytes",[byte_size(Data)]),
+ ok = ssh_connection:send(C, Ch1, Data, 10000),
+ %% ct:log("Init renegotiation test",[]),
+ Kex1 = renegotiate_test(init, C),
+ %% ct:log("sending next ~p bytes",[byte_size(Data)]),
+ ok = ssh_connection:send(C, Ch1, Data, 10000),
+ %% ct:log("Finnish renegotiation test",[]),
+ renegotiate_test(Kex1, C),
+ %% ct:log("sending eof",[]),
+ ok = ssh_connection:send_eof(C, Ch1)
+ %%, ct:log("READY, sent ~p bytes",[2*byte_size(Data)])
+ end),
+ {eof,ReceivedData} =
+ loop_until(fun({eof,_}) -> true;
+ (_ ) -> false
+ end,
+ fun(Acc) ->
+ %%ct:log("Get more ~p",[ ExpectedSize-byte_size(Acc) ]),
+ receive
+ {ssh_cm, C, {eof,Ch}} when Ch==Ch1 ->
+ %% ct:log("eof received",[]),
+ {eof,Acc};
+ {ssh_cm, C, {data,Ch,0,B}} when Ch==Ch1,
+ is_binary(B) ->
+ %% ct:log("(1) Received ~p bytes (total ~p), missing ~p bytes",
+ %% [byte_size(B),
+ %% byte_size(B)+byte_size(Acc),
+ %% 2*byte_size(Data)-(byte_size(B)+byte_size(Acc))]),
+ ssh_connection:adjust_window(C, Ch1, byte_size(B)),
+ <<Acc/binary, B/binary>>
+ end
+ end,
+ <<>>),
+ ExpectedData = <<Data/binary, Data/binary>>,
+ case ReceivedData of
+ ExpectedData ->
+ %% ct:log("Correct data returned",[]),
+ %% receive close messages
+ loop_until(fun(Left) -> %% ct:log("Expect: ~p",[Left]),
+ Left == []
+ end,
+ fun([Next|Rest]) ->
+ receive
+ {ssh_cm,C,Next} -> Rest
+ end
+ end,
+ [%% Already received: {eof, Ch1},
+ {exit_status,Ch1,0},
+ {closed,Ch1}]
+ ),
+ ok;
+ _ when is_binary(ReceivedData) ->
+ ct:fail("~p bytes echoed but ~p expected", [byte_size(ReceivedData), 2*byte_size(Data)])
+ end.
+%% Utilities ---------------------------------------------------------
+%% A practical meta function
+loop_until(CondFun, DoFun, Acc) ->
+ case CondFun(Acc) of
+ true ->
+ Acc;
+ false ->
+ loop_until(CondFun, DoFun, DoFun(Acc))
+ end.
+%% Exec the Command in the docker. Add the arguments ExtraSshArg in the
+%% ssh command.
+%% If Expects is returned, then return 'ok', else return {fail,Msg}.
+exec_from_docker(Config, HostIP, HostPort, Command, Expects, ExtraSshArg) when is_binary(hd(Expects)),
+ is_list(Config) ->
+ {DockerIP,DockerPort} = ip_port(Config),
+ {ok,C} = ssh:connect(DockerIP, DockerPort,
+ [{user,?USER},
+ {password,?PASSWD},
+ {user_dir, new_dir(Config)},
+ {silently_accept_hosts,true},
+ {user_interaction,false}
+ ]),
+ R = exec_from_docker(C, HostIP, HostPort, Command, Expects, ExtraSshArg, Config),
+ ssh:close(C),
+ R.
+exec_from_docker(C, DestIP, DestPort, Command, Expects, ExtraSshArg, Config) when is_binary(hd(Expects)) ->
+ ExecCommand =
+ lists:concat(
+ ["sshpass -p ",?PASSWD," "
+ | case proplists:get_value(ssh_version,Config) of
+ "dropbear" ++ _ ->
+ ["dbclient -y -y -p ",DestPort," ",ExtraSshArg," ",iptoa(DestIP)," "];
+ _ -> %% OpenSSH or compatible
+ ["/buildroot/ssh/bin/ssh -o 'CheckHostIP=no' -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' ",
+ ExtraSshArg," -p ",DestPort," ",iptoa(DestIP)," "]
+ end]) ++ Command,
+ case exec(C, ExecCommand) of
+ {ok,{ExitStatus,Result}} = R when ExitStatus == 0 ->
+ case binary:match(Result, Expects) of
+ nomatch ->
+ ct:log("Result of~n ~s~nis~n ~p",[ExecCommand,R]),
+ {fail, "Bad answer"};
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end;
+ {ok,_} = R ->
+ ct:log("Result of~n ~s~nis~n ~p",[ExecCommand,R]),
+ {fail, "Exit status =/= 0"};
+ R ->
+ ct:log("Result of~n ~s~nis~n ~p",[ExecCommand,R]),
+ {fail, "Couldn't login to host"}
+ end.
+exec(C, Cmd) ->
+ %% ct:log("~s",[Cmd]),
+ {ok,Ch} = ssh_connection:session_channel(C, 10000),
+ success = ssh_connection:exec(C, Ch, Cmd, 10000),
+ result_of_exec(C, Ch).
+result_of_exec(C, Ch) ->
+ result_of_exec(C, Ch, undefined, <<>>).
+result_of_exec(C, Ch, ExitStatus, Acc) ->
+ receive
+ {ssh_cm,C,{closed,Ch}} ->
+ %%ct:log("CHAN ~p got *closed*",[Ch]),
+ {ok, {ExitStatus, Acc}};
+ {ssh_cm,C,{exit_status,Ch,ExStat}} when ExitStatus == undefined ->
+ %%ct:log("CHAN ~p got *exit status ~p*",[Ch,ExStat]),
+ result_of_exec(C, Ch, ExStat, Acc);
+ {ssh_cm,C,{data,Ch,_,Data}=_X} when ExitStatus == undefined ->
+ %%ct:log("CHAN ~p got ~p",[Ch,_X]),
+ result_of_exec(C, Ch, ExitStatus, <<Acc/binary, Data/binary>>);
+ _Other ->
+ %%ct:log("OTHER: ~p",[_Other]),
+ result_of_exec(C, Ch, ExitStatus, Acc)
+ after 5000 ->
+ ct:log("NO MORE, received so far:~n~s",[Acc]),
+ {error, timeout}
+ end.
+%% Loop through all {Tag,Alg} pairs in CommonAlgs, call DoTestFun(Tag,Alg) which
+%% returns one of {ok,C}, ok, or Other.
+%% The chk_all_algos returns 'ok' or {fail,FaledAlgosList}
+chk_all_algos(FunctionName, CommonAlgs, Config, DoTestFun) when is_function(DoTestFun,2) ->
+ ct:comment("~p algorithms",[length(CommonAlgs)]),
+ %% Check each algorithm
+ Failed =
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun({Tag,Alg}, FailedAlgos) ->
+ %% ct:log("Try ~p",[Alg]),
+ case DoTestFun(Tag,Alg) of
+ {ok,C} ->
+ ssh:close(C),
+ FailedAlgos;
+ ok ->
+ FailedAlgos;
+ Other ->
+ ct:log("FAILED! ~p ~p: ~p",[Tag,Alg,Other]),
+ [{Alg,Other}|FailedAlgos]
+ end
+ end, [], CommonAlgs),
+ ct:pal("~s", [format_result_table_use_all_algos(FunctionName, Config, CommonAlgs, Failed)]),
+ case Failed of
+ [] ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ {fail, Failed}
+ end.
+%%% Call all Funs as Fun() which returns 'ok', {ok,C} or Other.
+%%% do/1 returns 'ok' or the first encountered value that is not
+%%% successful.
+do(Funs) ->
+ do(Funs, 1).
+do([Fun|Funs], N) ->
+ case Fun() of
+ ok ->
+ %% ct:log("Fun ~p ok",[N]),
+ do(Funs, N-1);
+ {ok,C} ->
+ %% ct:log("Fun ~p {ok,C}",[N]),
+ ssh:close(C),
+ do(Funs, N-1);
+ Other ->
+ ct:log("Fun ~p FAILED:~n~p",[N, Other]),
+ Other
+ end;
+do([], _) ->
+ %% ct:log("All Funs ok",[]),
+ ok.
+%% Functions to set up local and remote host's and user's keys and directories
+setup_local_hostdir(KeyAlg, Config) ->
+ setup_local_hostdir(KeyAlg, new_dir(Config), Config).
+setup_local_hostdir(KeyAlg, HostDir, Config) ->
+ {ok, {Priv,Publ}} = host_priv_pub_keys(Config, KeyAlg),
+ %% Local private and public key
+ DstFile = filename:join(HostDir, dst_filename(host,KeyAlg)),
+ ok = file:write_file(DstFile, Priv),
+ ok = file:write_file(DstFile++".pub", Publ),
+ HostDir.
+setup_remote_auth_keys_and_local_priv(KeyAlg, Config) ->
+ {IP,Port} = ip_port(Config),
+ setup_remote_auth_keys_and_local_priv(KeyAlg, IP, Port, new_dir(Config), Config).
+setup_remote_auth_keys_and_local_priv(KeyAlg, UserDir, Config) ->
+ {IP,Port} = ip_port(Config),
+ setup_remote_auth_keys_and_local_priv(KeyAlg, IP, Port, UserDir, Config).
+setup_remote_auth_keys_and_local_priv(KeyAlg, IP, Port, Config) ->
+ setup_remote_auth_keys_and_local_priv(KeyAlg, IP, Port, new_dir(Config), Config).
+setup_remote_auth_keys_and_local_priv(KeyAlg, IP, Port, UserDir, Config) ->
+ {ok, {Priv,Publ}} = user_priv_pub_keys(Config, KeyAlg),
+ %% Local private and public keys
+ DstFile = filename:join(UserDir, dst_filename(user,KeyAlg)),
+ ok = file:write_file(DstFile, Priv),
+ ok = file:write_file(DstFile++".pub", Publ),
+ %% Remote auth_methods with public key
+ {ok,Ch,Cc} = ssh_sftp:start_channel(IP, Port, [{user, ?USER },
+ {password, ?PASSWD },
+ {auth_methods, "password"},
+ {silently_accept_hosts,true},
+ {user_interaction,false}
+ ]),
+ _ = ssh_sftp:make_dir(Ch, ".ssh"),
+ ok = ssh_sftp:write_file(Ch, ".ssh/authorized_keys", Publ),
+ ok = ssh_sftp:write_file_info(Ch, ".ssh/authorized_keys", #file_info{mode=8#700}),
+ ok = ssh_sftp:write_file_info(Ch, ".ssh", #file_info{mode=8#700}),
+ ok = ssh_sftp:stop_channel(Ch),
+ ok = ssh:close(Cc),
+ UserDir.
+setup_remote_priv_and_local_auth_keys(KeyAlg, Config) ->
+ {IP,Port} = ip_port(Config),
+ setup_remote_priv_and_local_auth_keys(KeyAlg, IP, Port, new_dir(Config), Config).
+setup_remote_priv_and_local_auth_keys(KeyAlg, UserDir, Config) ->
+ {IP,Port} = ip_port(Config),
+ setup_remote_priv_and_local_auth_keys(KeyAlg, IP, Port, UserDir, Config).
+setup_remote_priv_and_local_auth_keys(KeyAlg, IP, Port, Config) ->
+ setup_remote_priv_and_local_auth_keys(KeyAlg, IP, Port, new_dir(Config), Config).
+setup_remote_priv_and_local_auth_keys(KeyAlg, IP, Port, UserDir, Config) ->
+ {ok, {Priv,Publ}} = user_priv_pub_keys(Config, KeyAlg),
+ %% Local auth_methods with public key
+ AuthKeyFile = filename:join(UserDir, "authorized_keys"),
+ ok = file:write_file(AuthKeyFile, Publ),
+ %% Remote private and public key
+ {ok,Ch,Cc} = ssh_sftp:start_channel(IP, Port, [{user, ?USER },
+ {password, ?PASSWD },
+ {auth_methods, "password"},
+ {silently_accept_hosts,true},
+ {user_interaction,false}
+ ]),
+ _ = ssh_sftp:make_dir(Ch, ".ssh"),
+ DstFile = filename:join(".ssh", dst_filename(user,KeyAlg)),
+ ok = ssh_sftp:write_file(Ch, DstFile, Priv),
+ ok = ssh_sftp:write_file_info(Ch, DstFile, #file_info{mode=8#700}),
+ ok = ssh_sftp:write_file(Ch, DstFile++".pub", Publ),
+ ok = ssh_sftp:write_file_info(Ch, ".ssh", #file_info{mode=8#700}),
+ ok = ssh_sftp:stop_channel(Ch),
+ ok = ssh:close(Cc),
+ UserDir.
+user_priv_pub_keys(Config, KeyAlg) -> priv_pub_keys("users_keys", user, Config, KeyAlg).
+host_priv_pub_keys(Config, KeyAlg) -> priv_pub_keys("host_keys", host, Config, KeyAlg).
+priv_pub_keys(KeySubDir, Type, Config, KeyAlg) ->
+ KeyDir = filename:join(proplists:get_value(data_dir,Config), KeySubDir),
+ {ok,Priv} = file:read_file(filename:join(KeyDir,src_filename(Type,KeyAlg))),
+ {ok,Publ} = file:read_file(filename:join(KeyDir,src_filename(Type,KeyAlg)++".pub")),
+ {ok, {Priv,Publ}}.
+%%%---------------- The default filenames
+src_filename(user, 'ssh-rsa' ) -> "id_rsa";
+src_filename(user, 'rsa-sha2-256' ) -> "id_rsa";
+src_filename(user, 'rsa-sha2-512' ) -> "id_rsa";
+src_filename(user, 'ssh-dss' ) -> "id_dsa";
+src_filename(user, 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256') -> "id_ecdsa256";
+src_filename(user, 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384') -> "id_ecdsa384";
+src_filename(user, 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521') -> "id_ecdsa521";
+src_filename(host, 'ssh-rsa' ) -> "ssh_host_rsa_key";
+src_filename(host, 'rsa-sha2-256' ) -> "ssh_host_rsa_key";
+src_filename(host, 'rsa-sha2-512' ) -> "ssh_host_rsa_key";
+src_filename(host, 'ssh-dss' ) -> "ssh_host_dsa_key";
+src_filename(host, 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256') -> "ssh_host_ecdsa_key256";
+src_filename(host, 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384') -> "ssh_host_ecdsa_key384";
+src_filename(host, 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521') -> "ssh_host_ecdsa_key521".
+dst_filename(user, 'ssh-rsa' ) -> "id_rsa";
+dst_filename(user, 'rsa-sha2-256' ) -> "id_rsa";
+dst_filename(user, 'rsa-sha2-512' ) -> "id_rsa";
+dst_filename(user, 'ssh-dss' ) -> "id_dsa";
+dst_filename(user, 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256') -> "id_ecdsa";
+dst_filename(user, 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384') -> "id_ecdsa";
+dst_filename(user, 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521') -> "id_ecdsa";
+dst_filename(host, 'ssh-rsa' ) -> "ssh_host_rsa_key";
+dst_filename(host, 'rsa-sha2-256' ) -> "ssh_host_rsa_key";
+dst_filename(host, 'rsa-sha2-512' ) -> "ssh_host_rsa_key";
+dst_filename(host, 'ssh-dss' ) -> "ssh_host_dsa_key";
+dst_filename(host, 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256') -> "ssh_host_ecdsa_key";
+dst_filename(host, 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384') -> "ssh_host_ecdsa_key";
+dst_filename(host, 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521') -> "ssh_host_ecdsa_key".
+%% Format the result table for chk_all_algos/4
+format_result_table_use_all_algos(FunctionName, Config, CommonAlgs, Failed) ->
+ %% Write a nice table with the result
+ AlgHead = 'Algorithm',
+ AlgWidth = lists:max([length(atom_to_list(A)) || {_,A} <- CommonAlgs]),
+ {ResultTable,_} =
+ lists:mapfoldl(
+ fun({T,A}, Tprev) ->
+ Tag = case T of
+ Tprev -> "";
+ _ -> io_lib:format('~s~n',[T])
+ end,
+ {io_lib:format('~s ~*s ~s~n',
+ [Tag, -AlgWidth, A,
+ case proplists:get_value(A,Failed) of
+ undefined -> "(ok)";
+ Err -> io_lib:format("<<<< FAIL <<<< ~p",[Err])
+ end]),
+ T}
+ end, undefined, CommonAlgs),
+ Vssh = proplists:get_value(ssh_version,Config,""),
+ io_lib:format("~nResults of ~p, Peer version: ~s~n~n"
+ "Tag ~*s Result~n"
+ "=====~*..=s=======~n~s"
+ ,[FunctionName, Vssh,
+ -AlgWidth, AlgHead,
+ AlgWidth, "", ResultTable]).
+%% Docker handling: start_docker/1 and stop_docker/1
+start_docker(Ver) ->
+ Cmnd = lists:concat(["docker run -itd --rm -p 1234 ",?DOCKER_PFX,":",Ver]),
+ Id0 = os:cmd(Cmnd),
+ ct:log("Ver = ~p, Cmnd ~p~n-> ~p",[Ver,Cmnd,Id0]),
+ case is_docker_sha(Id0) of
+ true ->
+ Id = hd(string:tokens(Id0, "\n")),
+ IP = ip(Id),
+ Port = 1234,
+ {ok, {Ver,{IP,Port},Id}};
+ false ->
+ throw(cant_start_docker)
+ end.
+stop_docker({_Ver,_,Id}) ->
+ Cmnd = lists:concat(["docker kill ",Id]),
+ os:cmd(Cmnd).
+is_docker_sha(L) ->
+ lists:all(fun(C) when $a =< C,C =< $z -> true;
+ (C) when $0 =< C,C =< $9 -> true;
+ ($\n) -> true;
+ (_) -> false
+ end, L).
+%% Misc docker info functions
+ip_port(Config) ->
+ {_Ver,{IP,Port},_} = proplists:get_value(id,Config),
+ {IP,Port}.
+port_mapped_to(Id) ->
+ Cmnd = lists:concat(["docker ps --format \"{{.Ports}}\" --filter id=",Id]),
+ [_, PortStr | _] = string:tokens(os:cmd(Cmnd), ":->/"),
+ list_to_integer(PortStr).
+ip(Id) ->
+ Cmnd = lists:concat(["docker inspect --format='{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' ",
+ Id]),
+ IPstr0 = os:cmd(Cmnd),
+ ct:log("Cmnd ~p~n-> ~p",[Cmnd,IPstr0]),
+ IPstr = hd(string:tokens(IPstr0, "\n")),
+ {ok,IP} = inet:parse_address(IPstr),
+ IP.
+%% Normalize the host returned from ssh_test_lib
+iptoa({0,0,0,0}) -> inet_parse:ntoa(host_ip());
+iptoa(IP) -> inet_parse:ntoa(IP).
+host_ip() ->
+ {ok,Name} = inet:gethostname(),
+ {ok,#hostent{h_addr_list = [IP|_]}} = inet_res:gethostbyname(Name),
+ IP.
+%% Create a new fresh directory or clear an existing one
+new_dir(Config) ->
+ PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config),
+ SubDirName = integer_to_list(erlang:system_time()),
+ Dir = filename:join(PrivDir, SubDirName),
+ case file:read_file_info(Dir) of
+ {error,enoent} ->
+ ok = file:make_dir(Dir),
+ Dir;
+ _ ->
+ timer:sleep(25),
+ new_dir(Config)
+ end.
+clear_dir(Dir) ->
+ delete_all_contents(Dir),
+ {ok,[]} = file:list_dir(Dir),
+ Dir.
+delete_all_contents(Dir) ->
+ {ok,Fs} = file:list_dir(Dir),
+ lists:map(fun(F0) ->
+ F = filename:join(Dir, F0),
+ case filelib:is_file(F) of
+ true ->
+ file:delete(F);
+ false ->
+ case filelib:is_dir(F) of
+ true ->
+ delete_all_contents(F),
+ file:del_dir(F);
+ false ->
+ ct:log("Neither file nor dir: ~p",[F])
+ end
+ end
+ end, Fs).
+%% Find the intersection of algoritms for otp ssh and the docker ssh.
+%% Returns {ok, ServerHello, Server, ClientHello, Client} where Server are the algorithms common
+%% with the docker server and analogous for Client.
+%% Client may be undefined if no usable client is found.
+%% Both Server and Client are lists of {Tag,AlgName}.
+common_algs(Config, IP, Port) ->
+ case remote_server_algs(IP, Port) of
+ {ok, {ServerHello, RemoteServerKexInit}} ->
+ RemoteServerAlgs = kexint_msg2default_algorithms(RemoteServerKexInit),
+ Server = find_common_algs(RemoteServerAlgs,
+ use_algorithms(ServerHello)),
+ ct:log("Remote server:~n~p~n~p",[ServerHello, RemoteServerAlgs]),
+ case remote_client_algs(Config) of
+ {ok,{ClientHello,RemoteClientKexInit}} ->
+ RemoteClientAlgs = kexint_msg2default_algorithms(RemoteClientKexInit),
+ Client = find_common_algs(RemoteClientAlgs,
+ use_algorithms(ClientHello)),
+ ct:log("Remote client:~n~p~n~p",[ClientHello, RemoteClientAlgs]),
+ {ok, ServerHello, Server, ClientHello, Client};
+ {error,_} =TO ->
+ ct:log("Remote client algs can't be found: ~p",[TO]),
+ {ok, ServerHello, Server, undefined, undefined};
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end;
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end.
+chk_hellos(Hs, Str) ->
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun(H, Acc) ->
+ try binary:split(H, <<"-">>, [global])
+ of
+ %% [<<"SSH">>,<<"2.0">>|_] ->
+ %% Acc;
+ [<<"SSH">>,OldVer = <<"1.",_/binary>>|_] ->
+ io_lib:format("~s, Old SSH ver ~s",[Acc,OldVer]);
+ _ ->
+ Acc
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ Acc
+ end
+ end, Str, Hs).
+find_common_algs(Remote, Local) ->
+ [{T,V} || {T,Vs} <- ssh_test_lib:extract_algos(
+ ssh_test_lib:intersection(Remote,
+ Local)),
+ V <- Vs].
+use_algorithms(RemoteHelloBin) ->
+ MyAlgos = ssh:chk_algos_opts(
+ [{modify_algorithms,
+ [{append,
+ [{kex,['diffie-hellman-group1-sha1']}
+ ]}
+ ]}
+ ]),
+ ssh_transport:adjust_algs_for_peer_version(binary_to_list(RemoteHelloBin)++"\r\n",
+ MyAlgos).
+kexint_msg2default_algorithms(#ssh_msg_kexinit{kex_algorithms = Kex,
+ server_host_key_algorithms = PubKey,
+ encryption_algorithms_client_to_server = CipherC2S,
+ encryption_algorithms_server_to_client = CipherS2C,
+ mac_algorithms_client_to_server = MacC2S,
+ mac_algorithms_server_to_client = MacS2C,
+ compression_algorithms_client_to_server = CompC2S,
+ compression_algorithms_server_to_client = CompS2C
+ }) ->
+ [{kex, ssh_test_lib:to_atoms(Kex)},
+ {public_key, ssh_test_lib:to_atoms(PubKey)},
+ {cipher, [{client2server,ssh_test_lib:to_atoms(CipherC2S)},
+ {server2client,ssh_test_lib:to_atoms(CipherS2C)}]},
+ {mac, [{client2server,ssh_test_lib:to_atoms(MacC2S)},
+ {server2client,ssh_test_lib:to_atoms(MacS2C)}]},
+ {compression, [{client2server,ssh_test_lib:to_atoms(CompC2S)},
+ {server2client,ssh_test_lib:to_atoms(CompS2C)}]}].
+%% Find the algorithms supported by the remote server
+%% Connect with tcp to the server, send a hello and read the returned
+%% server hello and kexinit message.
+remote_server_algs(IP, Port) ->
+ case try_gen_tcp_connect(IP, Port, 5) of
+ {ok,S} ->
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(S, "SSH-2.0-CheckAlgs\r\n"),
+ receive_hello(S);
+ {error,Error} ->
+ {error,Error}
+ end.
+try_gen_tcp_connect(IP, Port, N) when N>0 ->
+ case gen_tcp:connect(IP, Port, [binary]) of
+ {ok,S} ->
+ {ok,S};
+ {error,_Error} when N>1 ->
+ receive after 1000 -> ok end,
+ try_gen_tcp_connect(IP, Port, N-1);
+ {error,Error} ->
+ {error,Error}
+ end;
+try_gen_tcp_connect(_, _, _) ->
+ {error, "No contact"}.
+%% Find the algorithms supported by the remote client
+%% Set up a fake ssh server and make the remote client connect to it. Use
+%% hello message and the kexinit message.
+remote_client_algs(Config) ->
+ Parent = self(),
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ spawn(
+ fun() ->
+ {ok,Sl} = gen_tcp:listen(0, [binary]),
+ {ok,{IP,Port}} = inet:sockname(Sl),
+ Parent ! {addr,Ref,IP,Port},
+ {ok,S} = gen_tcp:accept(Sl),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(S, "SSH-2.0-CheckAlgs\r\n"),
+ Parent ! {Ref,receive_hello(S)}
+ end),
+ receive
+ {addr,Ref,IP,Port} ->
+ spawn(fun() ->
+ exec_from_docker(Config, IP, Port,
+ "howdy.\r\n",
+ [<<"howdy">>],
+ "")
+ end),
+ receive
+ {Ref, Result} ->
+ Result
+ after 5000 ->
+ {error, {timeout,2}}
+ end
+ after 5000 ->
+ {error, {timeout,1}}
+ end.
+%%% Receive a few packets from the remote server or client and find what is supported:
+receive_hello(S) ->
+ try
+ receive_hello(S, <<>>)
+ of
+ Result ->
+ Result
+ catch
+ Class:Error ->
+ ST = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
+ {error, {Class,Error,ST}}
+ end.
+receive_hello(S, Ack) ->
+ %% The Ack is to collect bytes until the full message is received
+ receive
+ {tcp, S, Bin0} when is_binary(Bin0) ->
+ case binary:split(<<Ack/binary, Bin0/binary>>, [<<"\r\n">>,<<"\r">>,<<"\n">>]) of
+ [Hello = <<"SSH-2.0-",_/binary>>, NextPacket] ->
+ %% ct:log("Got 2.0 hello (~p), ~p bytes to next msg",[Hello,size(NextPacket)]),
+ {ok, {Hello, receive_kexinit(S, NextPacket)}};
+ [Hello = <<"SSH-1.99-",_/binary>>, NextPacket] ->
+ %% ct:log("Got 1.99 hello (~p), ~p bytes to next msg",[Hello,size(NextPacket)]),
+ {ok, {Hello, receive_kexinit(S, NextPacket)}};
+ [Bin] when size(Bin) < 256 ->
+ %% ct:log("Got part of hello (~p chars):~n~s~n~s",[size(Bin),Bin,
+ %% [io_lib:format('~2.16.0b ',[C])
+ %% || C <- binary_to_list(Bin0)
+ %% ]
+ %% ]),
+ receive_hello(S, Bin0);
+ _ ->
+ ct:log("Bad hello string (line ~p, ~p chars):~n~s~n~s",[?LINE,size(Bin0),Bin0,
+ [io_lib:format('~2.16.0b ',[C])
+ || C <- binary_to_list(Bin0)
+ ]
+ ]),
+ ct:fail("Bad hello string received")
+ end;
+ Other ->
+ ct:log("Bad hello string (line ~p):~n~p",[?LINE,Other]),
+ ct:fail("Bad hello string received")
+ after 10000 ->
+ ct:log("Timeout waiting for hello!~n~s",[Ack]),
+ throw(timeout)
+ end.
+receive_kexinit(_S, <<PacketLen:32, PaddingLen:8, PayloadAndPadding/binary>>)
+ when PacketLen < 5000, % heuristic max len to stop huge attempts if packet decodeing get out of sync
+ size(PayloadAndPadding) >= (PacketLen-1) % Need more bytes?
+ ->
+ ct:log("Has all ~p packet bytes",[PacketLen]),
+ PayloadLen = PacketLen - PaddingLen - 1,
+ <<Payload:PayloadLen/binary, _Padding:PaddingLen/binary>> = PayloadAndPadding,
+ ssh_message:decode(Payload);
+receive_kexinit(S, Ack) ->
+ ct:log("Has ~p bytes, need more",[size(Ack)]),
+ receive
+ {tcp, S, Bin0} when is_binary(Bin0) ->
+ receive_kexinit(S, <<Ack/binary, Bin0/binary>>);
+ Other ->
+ ct:log("Bad hello string (line ~p):~n~p",[?LINE,Other]),
+ ct:fail("Bad hello string received")
+ after 10000 ->
+ ct:log("Timeout waiting for kexinit!~n~s",[Ack]),
+ throw(timeout)
+ end.
+%%% Test of sftp from the OpenSSH client side
+sftp_tests_erl_server(Config, ServerIP, ServerPort, ServerRootDir, UserDir) ->
+ try
+ Cmnds = prepare_local_directory(ServerRootDir),
+ call_sftp_in_docker(Config, ServerIP, ServerPort, Cmnds, UserDir),
+ check_local_directory(ServerRootDir)
+ catch
+ Class:Error ->
+ ST = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
+ {error, {Class,Error,ST}}
+ end.
+prepare_local_directory(ServerRootDir) ->
+ file:write_file(filename:join(ServerRootDir,"tst1"),
+ <<"Some test text">>
+ ),
+ ["get tst1",
+ "put tst1 tst2",
+ "put tst1 tst3",
+ "rename tst1 ex_tst1",
+ "rm tst3",
+ "mkdir mydir",
+ "cd mydir",
+ "put tst1 file_1",
+ "put tst1 unreadable_file",
+ "chmod 222 unreadable_file",
+ "exit"].
+check_local_directory(ServerRootDir) ->
+ case lists:sort(ok(file:list_dir(ServerRootDir)) -- [".",".."]) of
+ ["ex_tst1","mydir","tst2"] ->
+ {ok,Expect} = file:read_file(filename:join(ServerRootDir,"ex_tst1")),
+ case file:read_file(filename:join(ServerRootDir,"tst2")) of
+ {ok,Expect} ->
+ case lists:sort(ok(file:list_dir(filename:join(ServerRootDir,"mydir"))) -- [".",".."]) of
+ ["file_1","unreadable_file"] ->
+ case file:read_file(filename:join([ServerRootDir,"mydir","file_1"])) of
+ {ok,Expect} ->
+ case file:read_file(filename:join([ServerRootDir,"mydir","unreadable_file"])) of
+ {error,_} ->
+ ok;
+ {ok,_} ->
+ {error, {could_read_unreadable,"mydir/unreadable_file"}}
+ end;
+ {ok,Other} ->
+ ct:log("file_1:~n~s~nExpected:~n~s",[Other,Expect]),
+ {error, {bad_contents_in_file,"mydir/file_1"}}
+ end;
+ Other ->
+ ct:log("Directory ~s~n~p",[filename:join(ServerRootDir,"mydir"),Other]),
+ {error,{bad_dir_contents,"mydir"}}
+ end;
+ {ok,Other} ->
+ ct:log("tst2:~n~s~nExpected:~n~s",[Other,Expect]),
+ {error, {bad_contents_in_file,"tst2"}}
+ end;
+ ["tst1"] ->
+ {error,{missing_file,"tst2"}};
+ Other ->
+ ct:log("Directory ~s~n~p",[ServerRootDir,Other]),
+ {error,{bad_dir_contents,"/"}}
+ end.
+call_sftp_in_docker(Config, ServerIP, ServerPort, Cmnds, UserDir) ->
+ {DockerIP,DockerPort} = ip_port(Config),
+ {ok,C} = ssh:connect(DockerIP, DockerPort,
+ [{user,?USER},
+ {password,?PASSWD},
+ {user_dir, UserDir},
+ {silently_accept_hosts,true},
+ {user_interaction,false}
+ ]),
+ %% Make commands for "expect" in the docker:
+ PreExpectCmnds = ["spawn /buildroot/ssh/bin/sftp -oPort="++integer_to_list(ServerPort)++
+ " -oCheckHostIP=no -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no " ++
+ iptoa(ServerIP)++"\n"
+ ],
+ PostExpectCmnds= [],
+ ExpectCmnds =
+ PreExpectCmnds ++
+ ["expect \"sftp>\" {send \""++Cmnd++"\n\"}\n" || Cmnd <- Cmnds] ++
+ PostExpectCmnds,
+ %% Make an commands file in the docker
+ {ok,Ch} = ssh_sftp:start_channel(C, [{timeout,10000}]),
+ ok = ssh_sftp:write_file(Ch, "commands", erlang:iolist_to_binary(ExpectCmnds)),
+ ok = ssh_sftp:stop_channel(Ch),
+ %% Call expect in the docker
+ {ok, Ch1} = ssh_connection:session_channel(C, infinity),
+ Kex1 = renegotiate_test(init, C),
+ success = ssh_connection:exec(C, Ch1, "expect commands", infinity),
+ renegotiate_test(Kex1, C),
+ recv_log_msgs(C, Ch1),
+ %% Done.
+ ssh:close(C).
+recv_log_msgs(C, Ch) ->
+ receive
+ {ssh_cm,C,{closed,Ch}} ->
+ %% ct:log("Channel closed ~p",[{closed,1}]),
+ ok;
+ {ssh_cm,C,{data,Ch,1,Msg}} ->
+ ct:log("*** ERROR from docker:~n~s",[Msg]),
+ recv_log_msgs(C, Ch);
+ {ssh_cm,C,_Msg} ->
+ %% ct:log("Got ~p",[_Msg]),
+ recv_log_msgs(C, Ch)
+ end.
+%%% Tests from the Erlang client side
+test_erl_client_reneg({ok,C}, Spec) ->
+ %% Start the test processes on the connection C:
+ Parent = self(),
+ Pids = [spawn(
+ fun() ->
+ Parent ! {self(), TestType, Id, one_test_erl_client(TestType,Id,C)}
+ end
+ )
+ || {TestType,N} <- Spec,
+ Id <- lists:seq(1,N)],
+ Kex1 = renegotiate_test(init, C),
+ %% Collect the results:
+ case lists:filter(
+ fun(R) -> R=/=ok end,
+ [receive
+ {Pid,_TestType,_Id,ok} ->
+ %% ct:log("Test ~p:~p passed!", [_TestType,_Id]),
+ ok;
+ {Pid,TestType,Id,OtherResult} ->
+ ct:log("~p:~p ~p ~p~n~p",[?MODULE,?LINE,TestType,Id,OtherResult]),
+ {error,TestType,Id}
+ end || Pid <- Pids])
+ of
+ [] ->
+ renegotiate_test(Kex1, C),
+ {ok,C};
+ Other ->
+ renegotiate_test(Kex1, C),
+ Other
+ end;
+test_erl_client_reneg(Error, _) ->
+ Error.
+one_test_erl_client(exec, Id, C) ->
+ {ok, Ch} = ssh_connection:session_channel(C, infinity),
+ success = ssh_connection:exec(C, Ch, "echo Hi there", 5000),
+ case loop_until(fun({eof,_}) -> true;
+ (_ ) -> false
+ end,
+ fun(Acc) ->
+ receive
+ {ssh_cm, C, {eof,Ch}} ->
+ {eof,Acc};
+ {ssh_cm, C, {data,Ch,0,B}} when is_binary(B) ->
+ <<Acc/binary, B/binary>>
+ end
+ end,
+ <<>>) of
+ {eof,<<"Hi there\n">>} ->
+ ok;
+ Other ->
+ ct:pal("exec Got other ~p", [Other]),
+ {error, {exec,Id,bad_msg,Other,undefined}}
+ end;
+one_test_erl_client(no_subsyst, Id, C) ->
+ {ok, Ch} = ssh_connection:session_channel(C, infinity),
+ case ssh_connection:subsystem(C, Ch, "foo", infinity) of
+ failure ->
+ ok;
+ Other ->
+ ct:pal("no_subsyst Got other ~p", [Other]),
+ {error, {no_subsyst,Id,bad_ret,Other,undefined}}
+ end;
+one_test_erl_client(setenv, Id, C) ->
+ {ok, Ch} = ssh_connection:session_channel(C, infinity),
+ Var = "ENV_TEST",
+ Value = lists:concat(["env_test_",Id,"_",erlang:system_time()]),
+ Env = case ssh_connection:setenv(C, Ch, Var, Value, infinity) of
+ success -> binary_to_list(Value++"\n");
+ failure -> <<"\n">>
+ end,
+ success = ssh_connection:exec(C, Ch, "echo $"++Var, 5000),
+ case loop_until(fun({eof,_}) -> true;
+ (_ ) -> false
+ end,
+ fun(Acc) ->
+ receive
+ {ssh_cm, C, {eof,Ch}} ->
+ {eof,Acc};
+ {ssh_cm, C, {data,Ch,0,B}} when is_binary(B) ->
+ <<Acc/binary, B/binary>>
+ end
+ end,
+ <<>>) of
+ {eof,Env} ->
+ ok;
+ Other ->
+ ct:pal("setenv Got other ~p", [Other]),
+ {error, {setenv,Id,bad_msg,Other,undefined}}
+ end;
+one_test_erl_client(SFTP, Id, C) when SFTP==sftp ; SFTP==sftp_async ->
+ try
+ {ok,Ch} = ssh_sftp:start_channel(C, [{timeout,10000}]),
+ %% A new fresh name of a new file tree:
+ RootDir = lists:concat(["r_",Id,"_",erlang:system_time()]),
+ %% Check that it does not exist:
+ false = lists:member(RootDir, ok(ssh_sftp:list_dir(Ch, "."))),
+ %% Create it:
+ ok = ssh_sftp:make_dir(Ch, RootDir),
+ {ok, #file_info{type=directory, access=read_write}} = ssh_sftp:read_file_info(Ch, RootDir),
+ R = do_sftp_tests_erl_client(SFTP, C, Ch, Id, RootDir),
+ catch ssh_sftp:stop_channel(Ch),
+ R
+ catch
+ Class:Error ->
+ ST = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
+ {error, {SFTP,Id,Class,Error,ST}}
+ end.
+do_sftp_tests_erl_client(sftp_async, _C, Ch, _Id, RootDir) ->
+ FileName1 = "boring_name",
+ F1 = filename:join(RootDir, FileName1),
+ %% Open a new handle and start writing:
+ {ok,Handle1} = ssh_sftp:open(Ch, F1, [write,binary]),
+ {async,Aref1} = ssh_sftp:awrite(Ch, Handle1, <<0:250000/unsigned-unit:8>>),
+ wait_for_async_result(Aref1);
+do_sftp_tests_erl_client(sftp, _C, Ch, _Id, RootDir) ->
+ FileName0 = "f0",
+ F0 = filename:join(RootDir, FileName0),
+ %% Create and write a file:
+ ok = ssh_sftp:write_file(Ch,
+ F0 = filename:join(RootDir, FileName0),
+ Data0 = mkbin(1234,240)),
+ {ok,Data0} = ssh_sftp:read_file(Ch, F0),
+ {ok, #file_info{type=regular, access=read_write, size=1234}} = ssh_sftp:read_file_info(Ch, F0),
+ %% Re-write:
+ {ok,Handle0} = ssh_sftp:open(Ch, F0, [write,read,binary]),
+ ok = ssh_sftp:pwrite(Ch, Handle0, 16, Data0_1=mkbin(10,255)),
+ <<B1:16/binary, _:10/binary, B2:(1234-26)/binary>> = Data0,
+ FileContents = <<B1:16/binary, Data0_1:10/binary, B2:(1234-26)/binary>>,
+ <<_:1/binary, Part:25/binary, _/binary>> = FileContents,
+ {ok, Part} = ssh_sftp:pread(Ch, Handle0, 1, 25),
+ %% Check:
+ {ok, FileContents} = ssh_sftp:pread(Ch, Handle0, 0, 1234),
+ ok = ssh_sftp:close(Ch, Handle0),
+ %% Check in another way:
+ {ok, FileContents} = ssh_sftp:read_file(Ch, F0),
+ %% Remove write access rights and check that it can't be written:
+ ok = ssh_sftp:write_file_info(Ch, F0, #file_info{mode=8#400}), %read}),
+ {ok, #file_info{type=regular, access=read}} = ssh_sftp:read_file_info(Ch, F0),
+ {error,permission_denied} = ssh_sftp:write_file(Ch, F0, mkbin(10,14)),
+ %% Test deletion of file and dir:
+ [FileName0] = ok(ssh_sftp:list_dir(Ch, RootDir)) -- [".", ".."],
+ ok = ssh_sftp:delete(Ch, F0),
+ [] = ok(ssh_sftp:list_dir(Ch, RootDir)) -- [".", ".."],
+ ok = ssh_sftp:del_dir(Ch, RootDir),
+ false = lists:member(RootDir, ok(ssh_sftp:list_dir(Ch, "."))),
+ ok.
+wait_for_async_result(Aref) ->
+ receive
+ {async_reply, Aref, Result} ->
+ Result
+ after
+ 60000 ->
+ timeout
+ end.
+mkbin(Size, Byte) ->
+ list_to_binary(lists:duplicate(Size,Byte)).
+ok({ok,X}) -> X.
+renegotiate_test(init, ConnectionRef) ->
+ Kex1 = ssh_test_lib:get_kex_init(ConnectionRef),
+ ssh_connection_handler:renegotiate(ConnectionRef),
+ %%ct:log("Renegotiate test initiated!",[]),
+ Kex1;
+renegotiate_test(Kex1, ConnectionRef) ->
+ case ssh_test_lib:get_kex_init(ConnectionRef) of
+ Kex1 ->
+ ct:log("Renegotiate test failed, Kex1 == Kex2!",[]),
+ error(renegotiate_failed);
+ _ ->
+ %% ct:log("Renegotiate test passed!",[]),
+ ok
+ end.