path: root/lib/ssh/test
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssh/test')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_sup_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_sup_SUITE.erl
index ff53e1c4c6..3f08ec4b38 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_sup_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_sup_SUITE.erl
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ suite() ->
all() ->
- [default_tree, sshc_subtree, sshd_subtree, sshd_subtree_profile].
+ [default_tree, sshc_subtree, sshd_subtree, sshd_subtree_profile,
+ killed_acceptor_restarts].
groups() ->
@@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ sshd_subtree_profile(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?wait_match([], supervisor:which_children(sshd_sup)).
check_sshd_system_tree(Daemon, Config) ->
Host = proplists:get_value(host, Config),
Port = proplists:get_value(port, Config),
@@ -208,4 +209,103 @@ check_sshd_system_tree(Daemon, Config) ->
?wait_match([{_, _,worker,[ssh_channel]}],
+killed_acceptor_restarts(Config) ->
+ Profile = proplists:get_value(profile, Config),
+ SystemDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
+ UserDir = proplists:get_value(userdir, Config),
+ {ok, DaemonPid} = ssh:daemon(0, [{system_dir, SystemDir},
+ {failfun, fun ssh_test_lib:failfun/2},
+ {user_passwords, [{?USER, ?PASSWD}]},
+ {profile, Profile}]),
+ {ok, DaemonPid2} = ssh:daemon(0, [{system_dir, SystemDir},
+ {failfun, fun ssh_test_lib:failfun/2},
+ {user_passwords, [{?USER, ?PASSWD}]},
+ {profile, Profile}]),
+ {ok,Dinf} = ssh:daemon_info(DaemonPid),
+ Port = proplists:get_value(port, Dinf),
+ {ok,Dinf2} = ssh:daemon_info(DaemonPid2),
+ Port2 = proplists:get_value(port, Dinf2),
+ true = (Port /= Port2),
+ ct:pal("~s",[lists:flatten(ssh_info:string())]),
+ {ok,[{AccPid,ListenAddr,Port}]} = acceptor_pid(DaemonPid),
+ {ok,[{AccPid2,ListenAddr,Port2}]} = acceptor_pid(DaemonPid2),
+ true = (AccPid /= AccPid2),
+ %% Connect first client and check it is alive:
+ {ok,C1} = ssh:connect("localhost", Port, [{silently_accept_hosts, true},
+ {user_interaction, false},
+ {user, ?USER},
+ {password, ?PASSWD},
+ {user_dir, UserDir}]),
+ [{client_version,_}] = ssh:connection_info(C1,[client_version]),
+ %% Make acceptor restart:
+ exit(AccPid, kill),
+ %% Check it is a new acceptor:
+ {ok,[{AccPid1,ListenAddr,Port}]} = acceptor_pid(DaemonPid),
+ true = (AccPid /= AccPid1),
+ true = (AccPid2 /= AccPid1),
+ %% Connect second client and check it is alive:
+ {ok,C2} = ssh:connect("localhost", Port, [{silently_accept_hosts, true},
+ {user_interaction, false},
+ {user, ?USER},
+ {password, ?PASSWD},
+ {user_dir, UserDir}]),
+ [{client_version,_}] = ssh:connection_info(C2,[client_version]),
+ ct:pal("~s",[lists:flatten(ssh_info:string())]),
+ %% Check first client is still alive:
+ [{client_version,_}] = ssh:connection_info(C1,[client_version]),
+ ok = ssh:stop_daemon(DaemonPid2),
+ timer:sleep(15000),
+ [{client_version,_}] = ssh:connection_info(C1,[client_version]),
+ [{client_version,_}] = ssh:connection_info(C2,[client_version]),
+ ok = ssh:stop_daemon(DaemonPid),
+ timer:sleep(15000),
+ {error,closed} = ssh:connection_info(C1,[client_version]),
+ {error,closed} = ssh:connection_info(C2,[client_version]).
+acceptor_pid(DaemonPid) ->
+ Parent = self(),
+ Pid = spawn(fun() ->
+ Parent ! {self(), supsearch,
+ [{AccPid,ListenAddr,Port}
+ || {{server,ssh_system_sup,ListenAddr,Port,NS},
+ DPid,supervisor,
+ [ssh_system_sup]} <- supervisor:which_children(sshd_sup),
+ DPid == DaemonPid,
+ {{ssh_acceptor_sup,L1,P1,NS1},
+ AccSupPid,supervisor,
+ [ssh_acceptor_sup]} <- supervisor:which_children(DaemonPid),
+ L1 == ListenAddr,
+ P1 == Port,
+ NS1 == NS1,
+ {{ssh_acceptor_sup,L2,P2,NS2},
+ AccPid,worker,
+ [ssh_acceptor]} <- supervisor:which_children(AccSupPid),
+ L2 == ListenAddr,
+ P2 == Port,
+ NS2 == NS]}
+ end),
+ receive {Pid, supsearch, L} -> {ok,L}
+ after 2000 -> timeout
+ end.