path: root/lib/ssh
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssh')
5 files changed, 91 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssh/doc/src/ssh_connection.xml b/lib/ssh/doc/src/ssh_connection.xml
index ff72cf7ee0..5e2926dfa6 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/doc/src/ssh_connection.xml
+++ b/lib/ssh/doc/src/ssh_connection.xml
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
<p><c>ssh_request_status() = success | failure</c></p>
<p><c>event() = {ssh_cm, ssh_connection_ref(), ssh_event_msg()} </c></p>
<p><c>ssh_event_msg() = data_events() | status_events() | terminal_events() </c></p>
+ <p><c>reason() = timeout | closed </c></p>
@@ -218,7 +219,7 @@
- <name>exec(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, Command, TimeOut) -> ssh_request_status() </name>
+ <name>exec(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, Command, TimeOut) -> ssh_request_status() | {error, reason()} </name>
<fsummary>Request that the server start the execution of the given command. </fsummary>
<v> ConnectionRef = ssh_connection_ref() </v>
@@ -274,7 +275,8 @@
- <name>ptty_alloc(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, Options, Timeout) -> success | failure</name>
+ <name>ptty_alloc(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, Options) -> </name>
+ <name>ptty_alloc(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, Options, Timeout) -> > ssh_request_status() | {error, reason()} </name>
<fsummary>Send status replies to requests that want such replies. </fsummary>
<v> ConnectionRef = ssh_connection_ref() </v>
@@ -374,7 +376,7 @@
<name>session_channel(ConnectionRef, Timeout) -> </name>
<name>session_channel(ConnectionRef, InitialWindowSize,
- MaxPacketSize, Timeout) -> {ok, ssh_channel_id()} | {error, Reason}</name>
+ MaxPacketSize, Timeout) -> {ok, ssh_channel_id()} | {error, reason()}</name>
<fsummary>Opens a channel for a ssh session. </fsummary>
<v> ConnectionRef = ssh_connection_ref()</v>
@@ -391,7 +393,7 @@
- <name>setenv(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, Var, Value, TimeOut) -> ssh_request_status()</name>
+ <name>setenv(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, Var, Value, TimeOut) -> ssh_request_status() | {error, reason()} </name>
<fsummary> Environment variables may be passed to the
shell/command to be started later.</fsummary>
@@ -409,7 +411,7 @@
- <name>shell(ConnectionRef, ChannelId) -> ssh_request_status()
+ <name>shell(ConnectionRef, ChannelId) -> ssh_request_status() | {error, closed}
<fsummary> Requests that the user's default shell (typically
defined in /etc/passwd in UNIX systems) shall be executed at the server
@@ -426,7 +428,7 @@
- <name>subsystem(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, Subsystem, Timeout) -> ssh_request_status()</name>
+ <name>subsystem(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, Subsystem, Timeout) -> ssh_request_status() | {error, reason()} </name>
<fsummary> </fsummary>
<v> ConnectionRef = ssh_connection_ref() </v>
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_cli.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_cli.erl
index 18841e3d2d..de6d246403 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_cli.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_cli.erl
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, ConnectionHandler,
Pty = Pty0#ssh_pty{width = Width, height = Height,
pixel_width = PixWidth,
pixel_height = PixHeight},
- {Chars, NewBuf} = io_request({window_change, Pty0}, Buf, Pty),
+ {Chars, NewBuf} = io_request({window_change, Pty0}, Buf, Pty, undefined),
write_chars(ConnectionHandler, ChannelId, Chars),
{ok, State#state{pty = Pty, buf = NewBuf}};
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ handle_msg({Group, tty_geometry}, #state{group = Group,
handle_msg({Group, Req}, #state{group = Group, buf = Buf, pty = Pty,
cm = ConnectionHandler,
channel = ChannelId} = State) ->
- {Chars, NewBuf} = io_request(Req, Buf, Pty),
+ {Chars, NewBuf} = io_request(Req, Buf, Pty, Group),
write_chars(ConnectionHandler, ChannelId, Chars),
{ok, State#state{buf = NewBuf}};
@@ -263,40 +263,49 @@ eval(Error) ->
%%% displaying device...
%%% We are *not* really unicode aware yet, we just filter away characters
%%% beyond the latin1 range. We however handle the unicode binaries...
-io_request({window_change, OldTty}, Buf, Tty) ->
+io_request({window_change, OldTty}, Buf, Tty, _Group) ->
window_change(Tty, OldTty, Buf);
-io_request({put_chars, Cs}, Buf, Tty) ->
+io_request({put_chars, Cs}, Buf, Tty, _Group) ->
put_chars(bin_to_list(Cs), Buf, Tty);
-io_request({put_chars, unicode, Cs}, Buf, Tty) ->
+io_request({put_chars, unicode, Cs}, Buf, Tty, _Group) ->
put_chars(unicode:characters_to_list(Cs,unicode), Buf, Tty);
-io_request({insert_chars, Cs}, Buf, Tty) ->
+io_request({insert_chars, Cs}, Buf, Tty, _Group) ->
insert_chars(bin_to_list(Cs), Buf, Tty);
-io_request({insert_chars, unicode, Cs}, Buf, Tty) ->
+io_request({insert_chars, unicode, Cs}, Buf, Tty, _Group) ->
insert_chars(unicode:characters_to_list(Cs,unicode), Buf, Tty);
-io_request({move_rel, N}, Buf, Tty) ->
+io_request({move_rel, N}, Buf, Tty, _Group) ->
move_rel(N, Buf, Tty);
-io_request({delete_chars,N}, Buf, Tty) ->
+io_request({delete_chars,N}, Buf, Tty, _Group) ->
delete_chars(N, Buf, Tty);
-io_request(beep, Buf, _Tty) ->
+io_request(beep, Buf, _Tty, _Group) ->
{[7], Buf};
%% New in R12
-io_request({get_geometry,columns},Buf,Tty) ->
+io_request({get_geometry,columns},Buf,Tty, _Group) ->
{ok, Tty#ssh_pty.width, Buf};
-io_request({get_geometry,rows},Buf,Tty) ->
+io_request({get_geometry,rows},Buf,Tty, _Group) ->
{ok, Tty#ssh_pty.height, Buf};
-io_request({requests,Rs}, Buf, Tty) ->
- io_requests(Rs, Buf, Tty, []);
-io_request(tty_geometry, Buf, Tty) ->
- io_requests([{move_rel, 0}, {put_chars, unicode, [10]}], Buf, Tty, []);
+io_request({requests,Rs}, Buf, Tty, Group) ->
+ io_requests(Rs, Buf, Tty, [], Group);
+io_request(tty_geometry, Buf, Tty, Group) ->
+ io_requests([{move_rel, 0}, {put_chars, unicode, [10]}],
+ Buf, Tty, [], Group);
%{[], Buf};
-io_request(_R, Buf, _Tty) ->
+%% New in 18
+io_request({put_chars_sync, Class, Cs, Reply}, Buf, Tty, Group) ->
+ %% We handle these asynchronous for now, if we need output guarantees
+ %% we have to handle these synchronously
+ Group ! {reply, Reply},
+ io_request({put_chars, Class, Cs}, Buf, Tty, Group);
+io_request(_R, Buf, _Tty, _Group) ->
{[], Buf}.
-io_requests([R|Rs], Buf, Tty, Acc) ->
- {Chars, NewBuf} = io_request(R, Buf, Tty),
- io_requests(Rs, NewBuf, Tty, [Acc|Chars]);
-io_requests([], Buf, _Tty, Acc) ->
+io_requests([R|Rs], Buf, Tty, Acc, Group) ->
+ {Chars, NewBuf} = io_request(R, Buf, Tty, Group),
+ io_requests(Rs, NewBuf, Tty, [Acc|Chars], Group);
+io_requests([], Buf, _Tty, Acc, _Group) ->
{Acc, Buf}.
%%% return commands for cursor navigation, assume everything is ansi
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection.erl
index 454a2d943a..e97bf9ceeb 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection.erl
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
--spec session_channel(pid(), timeout()) -> {ok, channel_id()} | {error, term()}.
--spec session_channel(pid(), integer(), integer(), timeout()) -> {ok, channel_id()} | {error, term()}.
+-spec session_channel(pid(), timeout()) -> {ok, channel_id()} | {error, timeout | closed}.
+-spec session_channel(pid(), integer(), integer(), timeout()) -> {ok, channel_id()} | {error, timeout | closed}.
%% Description: Opens a channel for a ssh session. A session is a
%% remote execution of a program. The program may be a shell, an
@@ -81,7 +81,8 @@ session_channel(ConnectionHandler, InitialWindowSize,
--spec exec(pid(), channel_id(), string(), timeout()) -> success | failure.
+-spec exec(pid(), channel_id(), string(), timeout()) ->
+ success | failure | {error, timeout | closed}.
%% Description: Will request that the server start the
%% execution of the given command.
@@ -101,8 +102,8 @@ shell(ConnectionHandler, ChannelId) ->
ssh_connection_handler:request(ConnectionHandler, self(), ChannelId,
"shell", false, <<>>, 0).
--spec subsystem(pid(), channel_id(), string(), timeout()) ->
- success | failure | {error, timeout}.
+-spec subsystem(pid(), channel_id(), string(), timeout()) ->
+ success | failure | {error, timeout | closed}.
%% Description: Executes a predefined subsystem.
@@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ send_eof(ConnectionHandler, Channel) ->
ssh_connection_handler:send_eof(ConnectionHandler, Channel).
--spec adjust_window(pid(), channel_id(), integer()) -> ok.
+-spec adjust_window(pid(), channel_id(), integer()) -> ok | {error, closed}.
%% Description: Adjusts the ssh flowcontrol window.
@@ -151,7 +152,8 @@ adjust_window(ConnectionHandler, Channel, Bytes) ->
ssh_connection_handler:adjust_window(ConnectionHandler, Channel, Bytes).
--spec setenv(pid(), channel_id(), string(), string(), timeout()) -> success | failure.
+-spec setenv(pid(), channel_id(), string(), string(), timeout()) ->
+ success | failure | {error, timeout | closed}.
%% Description: Environment variables may be passed to the shell/command to be
@@ -183,7 +185,11 @@ reply_request(_,false, _, _) ->
--spec ptty_alloc(pid(), channel_id(), proplists:proplist()) -> success | failiure.
+-spec ptty_alloc(pid(), channel_id(), proplists:proplist()) ->
+ success | failiure | {error, closed}.
+-spec ptty_alloc(pid(), channel_id(), proplists:proplist(), timeout()) ->
+ success | failiure | {error, timeout} | {error, closed}.
%% Description: Sends a ssh connection protocol pty_req.
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl
index fdb9d3b3e6..915060c426 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl
@@ -289,8 +289,13 @@ renegotiate_data(ConnectionHandler) ->
-spec close(pid(), channel_id()) -> ok.
close(ConnectionHandler, ChannelId) ->
- sync_send_all_state_event(ConnectionHandler, {close, ChannelId}).
+ case sync_send_all_state_event(ConnectionHandler, {close, ChannelId}) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ {error, closed} ->
+ ok
+ end.
-spec stop(pid()) -> ok | {error, term()}.
@@ -1204,7 +1209,11 @@ sync_send_all_state_event(FsmPid, Event) ->
sync_send_all_state_event(FsmPid, Event, infinity).
sync_send_all_state_event(FsmPid, Event, Timeout) ->
- try gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(FsmPid, Event, Timeout)
+ try gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(FsmPid, Event, Timeout) of
+ {closed, _Channel} ->
+ {error, closed};
+ Result ->
+ Result
exit:{noproc, _} ->
{error, closed};
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_connection_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_connection_SUITE.erl
index 227cfd20fb..c9441a46b0 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_connection_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_connection_SUITE.erl
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
all() ->
{group, openssh},
- {group, openssh_payload},
@@ -47,7 +46,8 @@ all() ->
- stop_listener
+ stop_listener,
+ start_subsystem_on_closed_channel
groups() ->
[{openssh, [], payload() ++ ptty()}].
@@ -577,6 +577,31 @@ stop_listener(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ct:fail({unexpected, Error})
+start_subsystem_on_closed_channel(Config) ->
+ PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ UserDir = filename:join(PrivDir, nopubkey), % to make sure we don't use public-key-auth
+ file:make_dir(UserDir),
+ SysDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ {Pid, Host, Port} = ssh_test_lib:daemon([{system_dir, SysDir},
+ {user_dir, UserDir},
+ {password, "morot"},
+ {subsystems, [{"echo_n", {ssh_echo_server, [4000000]}}]}]),
+ ConnectionRef = ssh_test_lib:connect(Host, Port, [{silently_accept_hosts, true},
+ {user, "foo"},
+ {password, "morot"},
+ {user_interaction, false},
+ {user_dir, UserDir}]),
+ {ok, ChannelId} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity),
+ ok = ssh_connection:close(ConnectionRef, ChannelId),
+ {error, closed} = ssh_connection:subsystem(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, "echo_n", infinity),
+ ssh:close(ConnectionRef),
+ ssh:stop_daemon(Pid).
%% Internal functions ------------------------------------------------