path: root/lib/ssh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssh')
30 files changed, 1960 insertions, 1790 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssh/doc/src/ssh.xml b/lib/ssh/doc/src/ssh.xml
index a9e843c36c..ff2d6e082a 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/doc/src/ssh.xml
+++ b/lib/ssh/doc/src/ssh.xml
@@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
+ ]
<p>The example specifies different algorithms in the two directions (client2server and server2client),
@@ -461,6 +462,7 @@
+ ]
<p>The example specifies different algorithms in the two directions (client2server and server2client),
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh.app.src b/lib/ssh/src/ssh.app.src
index c67350bf72..3245ba5197 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh.app.src
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh.app.src
@@ -40,7 +40,12 @@
{applications, [kernel, stdlib, crypto, public_key]},
{env, []},
{mod, {ssh_app, []}},
- {runtime_dependencies, ["stdlib-2.3","public_key-0.22","kernel-3.0",
- "erts-6.0","crypto-3.3"]}]}.
+ {runtime_dependencies, [
+ "crypto-3.3",
+ "erts-6.0",
+ "kernel-3.0",
+ "public_key-1.1",
+ "stdlib-3.0"
+ ]}]}.
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh.erl
index 5c5d59481f..09b07b7a2a 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh.erl
@@ -37,6 +37,11 @@
shell/1, shell/2, shell/3
+%%% Type exports
+ channel_id/0
+ ]).
-spec start() -> ok | {error, term()}.
-spec start(permanent | transient | temporary) -> ok | {error, term()}.
@@ -82,7 +87,7 @@ connect(Host, Port, Options, Timeout) ->
ConnectionTimeout = proplists:get_value(connect_timeout, Options, infinity),
try Transport:connect(Host, Port, [ {active, false} | SocketOptions], ConnectionTimeout) of
{ok, Socket} ->
- Opts = [{user_pid, self()}, {host, Host} | fix_idle_time(SshOptions)],
+ Opts = [{user_pid,self()}, {host,Host} | SshOptions],
ssh_connection_handler:start_connection(client, Socket, Opts, Timeout);
{error, Reason} ->
{error, Reason}
@@ -237,13 +242,6 @@ default_algorithms() ->
%%% Internal functions
-fix_idle_time(SshOptions) ->
- case proplists:get_value(idle_time, SshOptions) of
- undefined ->
- [{idle_time, infinity}|SshOptions];
- _ ->
- SshOptions
- end.
start_daemon(Host, Port, Options, Inet) ->
case handle_options(Options) of
{error, _Reason} = Error ->
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh.hrl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh.hrl
index 73d6e4d2bc..868f3a9181 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh.hrl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh.hrl
@@ -70,8 +70,6 @@
- %%state, %% what it's waiting for
role, %% client | server
peer, %% string version of peer address
@@ -135,8 +133,8 @@
userauth_quiet_mode, % boolean()
- userauth_supported_methods, % string() eg "keyboard-interactive,password"
userauth_methods, % list( string() ) eg ["keyboard-interactive", "password"]
+ userauth_supported_methods, % string() eg "keyboard-interactive,password"
kb_tries_left = 0, % integer(), num tries left for "keyboard-interactive"
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_auth.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_auth.erl
index 4b3c21ce3f..49eec8072f 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_auth.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_auth.erl
@@ -135,9 +135,9 @@ init_userauth_request_msg(#ssh{opts = Opts} = Ssh) ->
service = "ssh-connection"});
{error, no_user} ->
ErrStr = "Could not determine the users name",
- throw(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_ILLEGAL_USER_NAME,
- description = ErrStr,
- language = "en"})
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_ILLEGAL_USER_NAME,
+ description = ErrStr})
userauth_request_msg(#ssh{userauth_preference = []} = Ssh) ->
@@ -355,10 +355,10 @@ handle_userauth_info_response(#ssh_msg_userauth_info_response{num_responses = 1,
_Auth) ->
- throw(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
- description = "Server does not support"
- "keyboard-interactive",
- language = "en"}).
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
+ description = "Server does not support keyboard-interactive"
+ }).
@@ -420,10 +420,10 @@ check_password(User, Password, Opts, Ssh) ->
{false,NewState} ->
{false, Ssh#ssh{pwdfun_user_state=NewState}};
disconnect ->
- throw(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
- description =
- "Unable to connect using the available authentication methods",
- language = ""})
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
+ description = "Unable to connect using the available authentication methods"
+ })
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_channel.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_channel.erl
index de6908bb38..a8e6ebde16 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_channel.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_channel.erl
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
%% Internal application API
-export([cache_create/0, cache_lookup/2, cache_update/2,
cache_delete/1, cache_delete/2, cache_foldl/3,
- cache_find/2,
+ cache_info/2, cache_find/2,
-record(state, {
@@ -335,6 +335,9 @@ cache_delete(Cache) ->
cache_foldl(Fun, Acc, Cache) ->
ets:foldl(Fun, Acc, Cache).
+cache_info(num_entries, Cache) ->
+ proplists:get_value(size, ets:info(Cache)).
cache_find(ChannelPid, Cache) ->
case ets:match_object(Cache, #channel{user = ChannelPid}) of
[] ->
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connect.hrl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connect.hrl
index 397d51de9d..47a166dcfd 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connect.hrl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connect.hrl
@@ -22,13 +22,15 @@
%%% Description : SSH connection protocol
--type channel_id() :: integer().
+-type role() :: client | server .
+-type connection_ref() :: pid().
+-type channel_id() :: pos_integer().
-define(DEFAULT_PACKET_SIZE, 65536).
-define(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, 5000).
--define(MAX_PROTO_VERSION, 255).
+-define(MAX_PROTO_VERSION, 255). % Max length of the hello string
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection.erl
index a34478732c..25d552240a 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection.erl
@@ -232,6 +232,8 @@ exit_status(ConnectionHandler, Channel, Status) ->
ssh_connection_handler:request(ConnectionHandler, Channel,
"exit-status", false, [?uint32(Status)], 0).
+%% The client wants the server to make a tcp connection on behalf of
+%% the client
direct_tcpip(ConnectionHandler, RemoteHost,
RemotePort, OrigIP, OrigPort, Timeout) ->
direct_tcpip(ConnectionHandler, RemoteHost, RemotePort, OrigIP, OrigPort,
@@ -256,6 +258,10 @@ direct_tcpip(ConnectionHandler, RemoteIP, RemotePort, OrigIP, OrigPort,
+%% The client wants the server to listen on BindIP:BindPort for tcp
+%% connections. When there is a tcp connect (SYN) to that pair on the
+%% server, the server sends a #ssh_msg_channel_open{"forwarded-tcpip"}
+%% back to the client for each new tcp connection
tcpip_forward(ConnectionHandler, BindIP, BindPort) ->
case encode_ip(BindIP) of
false ->
@@ -300,22 +306,11 @@ l2b([]) ->
channel_data(ChannelId, DataType, Data, Connection, From)
when is_list(Data)->
- channel_data(ChannelId, DataType,
-%% list_to_binary(Data), Connection, From);
- l2b(Data), Connection, From);
- %% try list_to_binary(Data)
- %% of
- %% B -> B
- %% catch
- %% _:_ -> io:format('BAD BINARY: ~p~n',[Data]),
- %% unicode:characters_to_binary(Data)
- %% end,
- %% Connection, From);
+ channel_data(ChannelId, DataType, l2b(Data), Connection, From);
channel_data(ChannelId, DataType, Data,
#connection{channel_cache = Cache} = Connection,
From) ->
case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId) of
#channel{remote_id = Id, sent_close = false} = Channel0 ->
{SendList, Channel} =
@@ -331,8 +326,7 @@ channel_data(ChannelId, DataType, Data,
FlowCtrlMsgs = flow_control(Replies, Channel, Cache),
{{replies, Replies ++ FlowCtrlMsgs}, Connection};
_ ->
- gen_fsm:reply(From, {error, closed}),
- {noreply, Connection}
+ {{replies,[{channel_request_reply,From,{error,closed}}]}, Connection}
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_open_confirmation{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
@@ -499,7 +493,8 @@ handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_open{channel_type = "session" = Type,
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_open{channel_type = "session",
sender_channel = RemoteId},
- Connection, client) ->
+ Connection,
+ client) ->
%% Client implementations SHOULD reject any session channel open
%% requests to make it more difficult for a corrupt server to attack the
%% client. See See RFC 4254 6.1.
@@ -514,10 +509,10 @@ handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_open{channel_type = "forwarded-tcpip" = Type,
initial_window_size = RWindowSz,
maximum_packet_size = RPacketSz,
data = Data},
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache,
- options = SSHopts} = Connection0, server) ->
+ #connection{channel_cache = Cache, options = SSHopts} = Connection0,
+ server) ->
<<?UINT32(ALen), Address:ALen/binary, ?UINT32(Port),
- ?UINT32(OLen), Orig:OLen/binary, ?UINT32(OrigPort)>> = Data,
+ ?UINT32(OLen), Orig:OLen/binary, ?UINT32(OrigPort)>> = Data,
MinAcceptedPackSz = proplists:get_value(minimal_remote_max_packet_size, SSHopts, 0),
@@ -786,11 +781,11 @@ handle_msg(#ssh_msg_global_request{name = _Type,
#connection{requests = [{_, From} | Rest]} = Connection, _) ->
- {{replies, [{channel_requst_reply, From, {failure, <<>>}}]},
+ {{replies, [{channel_request_reply, From, {failure, <<>>}}]},
Connection#connection{requests = Rest}};
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_request_success{data = Data},
#connection{requests = [{_, From} | Rest]} = Connection, _) ->
- {{replies, [{channel_requst_reply, From, {success, Data}}]},
+ {{replies, [{channel_request_reply, From, {success, Data}}]},
Connection#connection{requests = Rest}};
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = Code,
@@ -1059,7 +1054,7 @@ request_reply_or_data(#channel{local_id = ChannelId, user = ChannelPid},
Connection, Reply) ->
case lists:keysearch(ChannelId, 1, Requests) of
{value, {ChannelId, From}} ->
- {{channel_requst_reply, From, Reply},
+ {{channel_request_reply, From, Reply},
Connection#connection{requests =
lists:keydelete(ChannelId, 1, Requests)}};
false when (Reply == success) or (Reply == failure) ->
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl
index 2bef6a41cd..e5229eb954 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl
@@ -28,94 +28,91 @@
-%% Internal application API
--export([open_channel/6, reply_request/3, request/6, request/7,
- global_request/4, send/5, send_eof/2, info/1, info/2,
- connection_info/2, channel_info/3,
- adjust_window/3, close/2, stop/1, renegotiate/1, renegotiate_data/1,
- start_connection/4,
- get_print_info/1]).
-%% gen_fsm callbacks
--export([hello/2, kexinit/2, key_exchange/2,
- key_exchange_dh_gex_init/2, key_exchange_dh_gex_reply/2,
- new_keys/2,
- service_request/2, connected/2,
- userauth/2,
- userauth_keyboard_interactive/2,
- userauth_keyboard_interactive_info_response/2,
- error/2]).
--export([init/1, handle_event/3,
- handle_sync_event/4, handle_info/3, terminate/3, format_status/2, code_change/4]).
--record(state, {
- role,
- client,
- starter,
- auth_user,
- connection_state,
- latest_channel_id = 0,
- idle_timer_ref,
- transport_protocol, % ex: tcp
- transport_cb,
- transport_close_tag,
- ssh_params, % #ssh{} - from ssh.hrl
- socket, % socket()
- decoded_data_buffer, % binary()
- encoded_data_buffer, % binary()
- undecoded_packet_length, % integer()
- key_exchange_init_msg, % #ssh_msg_kexinit{}
- renegotiate = false, % boolean()
- last_size_rekey = 0,
- event_queue = [],
- connection_queue,
- address,
- port,
- opts,
- recbuf
- }).
--type state_name() :: hello | kexinit | key_exchange | key_exchange_dh_gex_init |
- key_exchange_dh_gex_reply | new_keys | service_request |
- userauth | userauth_keyboard_interactive |
- userauth_keyboard_interactive_info_response |
- connection.
--type gen_fsm_state_return() :: {next_state, state_name(), term()} |
- {next_state, state_name(), term(), timeout()} |
- {stop, term(), term()}.
--type gen_fsm_sync_return() :: {next_state, state_name(), term()} |
- {next_state, state_name(), term(), timeout()} |
- {reply, term(), state_name(), term()} |
- {stop, term(), term(), term()}.
+%%% Exports
+%%% Start and stop
+ stop/1
+ ]).
+%%% Internal application API
+ open_channel/6,
+ request/6, request/7,
+ reply_request/3,
+ global_request/4,
+ send/5,
+ send_eof/2,
+ info/1, info/2,
+ connection_info/2,
+ channel_info/3,
+ adjust_window/3, close/2,
+ disconnect/1, disconnect/2,
+ get_print_info/1
+ ]).
+%%% Behaviour callbacks
+-export([handle_event/4, terminate/3, format_status/2, code_change/4]).
+%%% Exports not intended to be used :). They are used for spawning and tests
+-export([init_connection_handler/3, % proc_lib:spawn needs this
+ init_ssh_record/3, % Export of this internal function
+ % intended for low-level protocol test suites
+ renegotiate/1, renegotiate_data/1 % Export intended for test cases
+ ]).
-%% Internal application API
+%% Start / stop
+-spec start_link(role(),
+ inet:socket(),
+ proplists:proplist()
+ ) -> {ok, pid()}.
+%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+start_link(Role, Socket, Options) ->
+ {ok, proc_lib:spawn_link(?MODULE, init_connection_handler, [Role, Socket, Options])}.
--spec start_connection(client| server, port(), proplists:proplist(),
- timeout()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, term()}.
+-spec stop(connection_ref()
+ ) -> ok | {error, term()}.
+%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+ case call(ConnectionHandler, stop) of
+ {error, closed} ->
+ ok;
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end.
+%% Internal application API
+-define(DefaultTransport, {tcp, gen_tcp, tcp_closed} ).
+-spec start_connection(role(),
+ inet:socket(),
+ proplists:proplist(),
+ timeout()
+ ) -> {ok, connection_ref()} | {error, term()}.
+%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
start_connection(client = Role, Socket, Options, Timeout) ->
{ok, Pid} = sshc_sup:start_child([Role, Socket, Options]),
- {_, Callback, _} =
- proplists:get_value(transport, Options, {tcp, gen_tcp, tcp_closed}),
- ok = socket_control(Socket, Pid, Callback),
- Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
- handshake(Pid, Ref, Timeout)
+ ok = socket_control(Socket, Pid, Options),
+ handshake(Pid, erlang:monitor(process,Pid), Timeout)
exit:{noproc, _} ->
{error, ssh_not_started};
@@ -128,8 +125,8 @@ start_connection(server = Role, Socket, Options, Timeout) ->
case proplists:get_value(parallel_login, SSH_Opts, false) of
true ->
- HandshakerPid =
- spawn_link(fun() ->
+ HandshakerPid =
+ spawn_link(fun() ->
{do_handshake, Pid} ->
handshake(Pid, erlang:monitor(process,Pid), Timeout)
@@ -148,953 +145,1146 @@ start_connection(server = Role, Socket, Options, Timeout) ->
{error, Error}
-start_the_connection_child(UserPid, Role, Socket, Options) ->
- Sups = proplists:get_value(supervisors, Options),
- ConnectionSup = proplists:get_value(connection_sup, Sups),
- Opts = [{supervisors, Sups}, {user_pid, UserPid} | proplists:get_value(ssh_opts, Options, [])],
- {ok, Pid} = ssh_connection_sup:start_child(ConnectionSup, [Role, Socket, Opts]),
- {_, Callback, _} = proplists:get_value(transport, Options, {tcp, gen_tcp, tcp_closed}),
- socket_control(Socket, Pid, Callback),
- Pid.
+%%% Some other module has decided to disconnect.
+-spec disconnect(#ssh_msg_disconnect{}) -> no_return().
+-spec disconnect(#ssh_msg_disconnect{}, iodata()) -> no_return().
+%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+disconnect(Msg = #ssh_msg_disconnect{}) ->
+ throw({keep_state_and_data,
+ [{next_event, internal, {disconnect, Msg, Msg#ssh_msg_disconnect.description}}]}).
-start_link(Role, Socket, Options) ->
- {ok, proc_lib:spawn_link(?MODULE, init, [[Role, Socket, Options]])}.
+disconnect(Msg = #ssh_msg_disconnect{}, ExtraInfo) ->
+ throw({keep_state_and_data,
+ [{next_event, internal, {disconnect, Msg, {Msg#ssh_msg_disconnect.description,ExtraInfo}}}]}).
-init([Role, Socket, SshOpts]) ->
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- {NumVsn, StrVsn} = ssh_transport:versions(Role, SshOpts),
- {Protocol, Callback, CloseTag} =
- proplists:get_value(transport, SshOpts, {tcp, gen_tcp, tcp_closed}),
- Cache = ssh_channel:cache_create(),
- State0 = #state{
- role = Role,
- connection_state = #connection{channel_cache = Cache,
- channel_id_seed = 0,
- port_bindings = [],
- requests = [],
- options = SshOpts},
- socket = Socket,
- decoded_data_buffer = <<>>,
- encoded_data_buffer = <<>>,
- transport_protocol = Protocol,
- transport_cb = Callback,
- transport_close_tag = CloseTag,
- opts = SshOpts
- },
- State = init_role(State0),
- try init_ssh(Role, NumVsn, StrVsn, SshOpts, Socket) of
- Ssh ->
- gen_fsm:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], hello,
- State#state{ssh_params = Ssh})
- catch
- _:Error ->
- gen_fsm:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], error, {Error, State})
- end.
-%% Temporary fix for the Nessus error. SYN-> <-SYNACK ACK-> RST-> ?
-error(_Event, {Error,State=#state{}}) ->
- case Error of
- {badmatch,{error,enotconn}} ->
- %% {error,enotconn} probably from inet:peername in
- %% init_ssh(server,..)/5 called from init/1
- {stop, {shutdown,"TCP connenction to server was prematurely closed by the client"}, State};
- _ ->
- {stop, {shutdown,{init,Error}}, State}
- end;
-error(Event, State) ->
- %% State deliberately not checked beeing #state. This is a panic-clause...
- {stop, {shutdown,{init,{spurious_error,Event}}}, State}.
--spec open_channel(pid(), string(), iodata(), integer(), integer(),
- timeout()) -> {open, channel_id()} | {error, term()}.
-open_channel(ConnectionHandler, ChannelType, ChannelSpecificData,
- InitialWindowSize,
- MaxPacketSize, Timeout) ->
- sync_send_all_state_event(ConnectionHandler, {open, self(), ChannelType,
- InitialWindowSize, MaxPacketSize,
- ChannelSpecificData,
- Timeout}).
--spec request(pid(), pid(), channel_id(), string(), boolean(), iodata(),
- timeout()) -> success | failure | ok | {error, term()}.
+-spec open_channel(connection_ref(),
+ string(),
+ iodata(),
+ pos_integer(),
+ pos_integer(),
+ timeout()
+ ) -> {open, channel_id()} | {error, term()}.
+%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+ ChannelType, ChannelSpecificData, InitialWindowSize, MaxPacketSize,
+ Timeout) ->
+ call(ConnectionHandler,
+ {open,
+ self(),
+ ChannelType, InitialWindowSize, MaxPacketSize, ChannelSpecificData,
+ Timeout}).
+-spec request(connection_ref(),
+ pid(),
+ channel_id(),
+ string(),
+ boolean(),
+ iodata(),
+ timeout()
+ ) -> success | failure | ok | {error,timeout}.
+-spec request(connection_ref(),
+ channel_id(),
+ string(),
+ boolean(),
+ iodata(),
+ timeout()
+ ) -> success | failure | ok | {error,timeout}.
+%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
request(ConnectionHandler, ChannelPid, ChannelId, Type, true, Data, Timeout) ->
- sync_send_all_state_event(ConnectionHandler, {request, ChannelPid, ChannelId, Type, Data,
- Timeout});
+ call(ConnectionHandler, {request, ChannelPid, ChannelId, Type, Data, Timeout});
request(ConnectionHandler, ChannelPid, ChannelId, Type, false, Data, _) ->
- send_all_state_event(ConnectionHandler, {request, ChannelPid, ChannelId, Type, Data}).
+ cast(ConnectionHandler, {request, ChannelPid, ChannelId, Type, Data}).
--spec request(pid(), channel_id(), string(), boolean(), iodata(),
- timeout()) -> success | failure | {error, timeout}.
request(ConnectionHandler, ChannelId, Type, true, Data, Timeout) ->
- sync_send_all_state_event(ConnectionHandler, {request, ChannelId, Type, Data, Timeout});
+ call(ConnectionHandler, {request, ChannelId, Type, Data, Timeout});
request(ConnectionHandler, ChannelId, Type, false, Data, _) ->
- send_all_state_event(ConnectionHandler, {request, ChannelId, Type, Data}).
+ cast(ConnectionHandler, {request, ChannelId, Type, Data}).
--spec reply_request(pid(), success | failure, channel_id()) -> ok.
+-spec reply_request(connection_ref(),
+ success | failure,
+ channel_id()
+ ) -> ok.
+%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
reply_request(ConnectionHandler, Status, ChannelId) ->
- send_all_state_event(ConnectionHandler, {reply_request, Status, ChannelId}).
+ cast(ConnectionHandler, {reply_request, Status, ChannelId}).
--spec global_request(pid(), string(), boolean(), iolist()) -> ok | error.
+-spec global_request(connection_ref(),
+ string(),
+ boolean(),
+ iolist()
+ ) -> ok | error.
+%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
global_request(ConnectionHandler, Type, true = Reply, Data) ->
- case sync_send_all_state_event(ConnectionHandler,
- {global_request, self(), Type, Reply, Data}) of
+ case call(ConnectionHandler, {global_request, self(), Type, Reply, Data}) of
{ssh_cm, ConnectionHandler, {success, _}} ->
{ssh_cm, ConnectionHandler, {failure, _}} ->
global_request(ConnectionHandler, Type, false = Reply, Data) ->
- send_all_state_event(ConnectionHandler, {global_request, self(), Type, Reply, Data}).
+ cast(ConnectionHandler, {global_request, self(), Type, Reply, Data}).
--spec send(pid(), channel_id(), integer(), iodata(), timeout()) ->
- ok | {error, timeout} | {error, closed}.
+-spec send(connection_ref(),
+ channel_id(),
+ non_neg_integer(),
+ iodata(),
+ timeout()
+ ) -> ok | {error, timeout|closed}.
+%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
send(ConnectionHandler, ChannelId, Type, Data, Timeout) ->
- sync_send_all_state_event(ConnectionHandler, {data, ChannelId, Type, Data, Timeout}).
+ call(ConnectionHandler, {data, ChannelId, Type, Data, Timeout}).
--spec send_eof(pid(), channel_id()) -> ok | {error, closed}.
+-spec send_eof(connection_ref(),
+ channel_id()
+ ) -> ok | {error,closed}.
+%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
send_eof(ConnectionHandler, ChannelId) ->
- sync_send_all_state_event(ConnectionHandler, {eof, ChannelId}).
+ call(ConnectionHandler, {eof, ChannelId}).
--spec connection_info(pid(), [atom()]) -> proplists:proplist().
+-spec info(connection_ref()
+ ) -> {ok, [#channel{}]} .
+-spec info(connection_ref(),
+ pid() | all
+ ) -> {ok, [#channel{}]} .
+%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+info(ConnectionHandler) ->
+ info(ConnectionHandler, all).
+info(ConnectionHandler, ChannelProcess) ->
+ call(ConnectionHandler, {info, ChannelProcess}).
+-type local_sock_info() :: {inet:ip_address(), non_neg_integer()} | string().
+-type peer_sock_info() :: {inet:ip_address(), non_neg_integer()} | string().
+-type state_info() :: iolist().
+-spec get_print_info(connection_ref()
+ ) -> {{local_sock_info(), peer_sock_info()},
+ state_info()
+ }.
+%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
get_print_info(ConnectionHandler) ->
- sync_send_all_state_event(ConnectionHandler, get_print_info, 1000).
+ call(ConnectionHandler, get_print_info, 1000).
+-spec connection_info(connection_ref(),
+ [atom()]
+ ) -> proplists:proplist().
+%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
connection_info(ConnectionHandler, Options) ->
- sync_send_all_state_event(ConnectionHandler, {connection_info, Options}).
+ call(ConnectionHandler, {connection_info, Options}).
--spec channel_info(pid(), channel_id(), [atom()]) -> proplists:proplist().
+-spec channel_info(connection_ref(),
+ channel_id(),
+ [atom()]
+ ) -> proplists:proplist().
+%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
channel_info(ConnectionHandler, ChannelId, Options) ->
- sync_send_all_state_event(ConnectionHandler, {channel_info, ChannelId, Options}).
+ call(ConnectionHandler, {channel_info, ChannelId, Options}).
--spec adjust_window(pid(), channel_id(), integer()) -> ok.
+-spec adjust_window(connection_ref(),
+ channel_id(),
+ integer()
+ ) -> ok.
+%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
adjust_window(ConnectionHandler, Channel, Bytes) ->
- send_all_state_event(ConnectionHandler, {adjust_window, Channel, Bytes}).
--spec renegotiate(pid()) -> ok.
-renegotiate(ConnectionHandler) ->
- send_all_state_event(ConnectionHandler, renegotiate).
+ cast(ConnectionHandler, {adjust_window, Channel, Bytes}).
--spec renegotiate_data(pid()) -> ok.
-renegotiate_data(ConnectionHandler) ->
- send_all_state_event(ConnectionHandler, data_size).
--spec close(pid(), channel_id()) -> ok.
+-spec close(connection_ref(),
+ channel_id()
+ ) -> ok.
+%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
close(ConnectionHandler, ChannelId) ->
- case sync_send_all_state_event(ConnectionHandler, {close, ChannelId}) of
+ case call(ConnectionHandler, {close, ChannelId}) of
ok ->
- {error, closed} ->
+ {error, closed} ->
- end.
--spec stop(pid()) -> ok | {error, term()}.
- case sync_send_all_state_event(ConnectionHandler, stop) of
- {error, closed} ->
- ok;
- Other ->
- Other
-info(ConnectionHandler) ->
- info(ConnectionHandler, {info, all}).
+%% Test support
+-spec renegotiate(connection_ref()
+ ) -> ok.
+%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+renegotiate(ConnectionHandler) ->
+ cast(ConnectionHandler, renegotiate).
-info(ConnectionHandler, ChannelProcess) ->
- sync_send_all_state_event(ConnectionHandler, {info, ChannelProcess}).
+-spec renegotiate_data(connection_ref()
+ ) -> ok.
+%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+renegotiate_data(ConnectionHandler) ->
+ cast(ConnectionHandler, data_size).
-%% gen_fsm callbacks
+%% Internal process state
+-record(data, {
+ starter :: pid(),
+ auth_user :: string()
+ | undefined,
+ connection_state :: #connection{},
+ latest_channel_id = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
+ idle_timer_ref :: undefined
+ | infinity
+ | reference(),
+ idle_timer_value = infinity :: infinity
+ | pos_integer(),
+ transport_protocol :: atom(), % ex: tcp
+ transport_cb :: atom(), % ex: gen_tcp
+ transport_close_tag :: atom(), % ex: tcp_closed
+ ssh_params :: #ssh{}
+ | undefined,
+ socket :: inet:socket(),
+ decrypted_data_buffer = <<>> :: binary(),
+ encrypted_data_buffer = <<>> :: binary(),
+ undecrypted_packet_length :: undefined | non_neg_integer(),
+ key_exchange_init_msg :: #ssh_msg_kexinit{}
+ | undefined,
+ last_size_rekey = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
+ event_queue = [] :: list(),
+ opts :: proplists:proplist(),
+ inet_initial_recbuf_size :: pos_integer()
+ | undefined
+ }).
+%% Intitialisation
--spec hello(socket_control | {info_line, list()} | {version_exchange, list()},
- #state{}) -> gen_fsm_state_return().
+-spec init_connection_handler(role(),
+ inet:socket(),
+ proplists:proplist()
+ ) -> no_return().
+%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+init_connection_handler(Role, Socket, Opts) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ S0 = init_process_state(Role, Socket, Opts),
+ try
+ {Protocol, Callback, CloseTag} =
+ proplists:get_value(transport, Opts, ?DefaultTransport),
+ S0#data{ssh_params = init_ssh_record(Role, Socket, Opts),
+ transport_protocol = Protocol,
+ transport_cb = Callback,
+ transport_close_tag = CloseTag
+ }
+ of
+ S ->
+ gen_statem:enter_loop(?MODULE,
+ [], %%[{debug,[trace,log,statistics,debug]} || Role==server],
+ handle_event_function,
+ {hello,Role},
+ S)
+ catch
+ _:Error ->
+ gen_statem:enter_loop(?MODULE,
+ [],
+ handle_event_function,
+ {init_error,Error},
+ S0)
+ end.
+init_process_state(Role, Socket, Opts) ->
+ D = #data{connection_state =
+ C = #connection{channel_cache = ssh_channel:cache_create(),
+ channel_id_seed = 0,
+ port_bindings = [],
+ requests = [],
+ options = Opts},
+ starter = proplists:get_value(user_pid, Opts),
+ socket = Socket,
+ opts = Opts
+ },
+ case Role of
+ client ->
+ %% Start the renegotiation timers
+ timer:apply_after(?REKEY_TIMOUT, gen_statem, cast, [self(), renegotiate]),
+ timer:apply_after(?REKEY_DATA_TIMOUT, gen_statem, cast, [self(), data_size]),
+ cache_init_idle_timer(D);
+ server ->
+ D#data{connection_state = init_connection(Role, C, Opts)}
+ end.
+init_connection(server, C = #connection{}, Opts) ->
+ Sups = proplists:get_value(supervisors, Opts),
+ SystemSup = proplists:get_value(system_sup, Sups),
+ SubSystemSup = proplists:get_value(subsystem_sup, Sups),
+ ConnectionSup = proplists:get_value(connection_sup, Sups),
+ Shell = proplists:get_value(shell, Opts),
+ Exec = proplists:get_value(exec, Opts),
+ CliSpec = proplists:get_value(ssh_cli, Opts, {ssh_cli, [Shell]}),
+ C#connection{cli_spec = CliSpec,
+ exec = Exec,
+ system_supervisor = SystemSup,
+ sub_system_supervisor = SubSystemSup,
+ connection_supervisor = ConnectionSup
+ }.
+init_ssh_record(Role, Socket, Opts) ->
+ {ok, PeerAddr} = inet:peername(Socket),
+ KeyCb = proplists:get_value(key_cb, Opts, ssh_file),
+ AuthMethods = proplists:get_value(auth_methods, Opts, ?SUPPORTED_AUTH_METHODS),
+ S0 = #ssh{role = Role,
+ key_cb = KeyCb,
+ opts = Opts,
+ userauth_supported_methods = AuthMethods,
+ available_host_keys = supported_host_keys(Role, KeyCb, Opts),
+ random_length_padding = proplists:get_value(max_random_length_padding,
+ Opts,
+ (#ssh{})#ssh.random_length_padding)
+ },
+ {Vsn, Version} = ssh_transport:versions(Role, Opts),
+ case Role of
+ client ->
+ PeerName = proplists:get_value(host, Opts),
+ S0#ssh{c_vsn = Vsn,
+ c_version = Version,
+ io_cb = case proplists:get_value(user_interaction, Opts, true) of
+ true -> ssh_io;
+ false -> ssh_no_io
+ end,
+ userauth_quiet_mode = proplists:get_value(quiet_mode, Opts, false),
+ peer = {PeerName, PeerAddr}
+ };
+ server ->
+ S0#ssh{s_vsn = Vsn,
+ s_version = Version,
+ io_cb = proplists:get_value(io_cb, Opts, ssh_io),
+ userauth_methods = string:tokens(AuthMethods, ","),
+ kb_tries_left = 3,
+ peer = {undefined, PeerAddr}
+ }
+ end.
+%% gen_statem callbacks
+-type event_content() :: any().
+-type renegotiate_flag() :: init | renegotiate.
+-type state_name() ::
+ {init_error,any()}
+ | {hello, role()}
+ | {kexinit, role(), renegotiate_flag()}
+ | {key_exchange, role(), renegotiate_flag()}
+ | {key_exchange_dh_gex_init, server, renegotiate_flag()}
+ | {key_exchange_dh_gex_reply, client, renegotiate_flag()}
+ | {new_keys, role()}
+ | {service_request, role()}
+ | {userauth, role()}
+ | {userauth_keyboard_interactive, role()}
+ | {connected, role()}
+ .
+-type handle_event_result() :: gen_statem:handle_event_result().
+-spec handle_event(gen_statem:event_type(),
+ event_content(),
+ state_name(),
+ #data{}
+ ) -> handle_event_result().
+%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+%%% ######## Error in the initialisation ####
+handle_event(_, _Event, {init_error,Error}, _) ->
+ case Error of
+ {badmatch,{error,enotconn}} ->
+ %% Handles the abnormal sequence:
+ %% SYN->
+ %% <-SYNACK
+ %% ACK->
+ %% RST->
+ {stop, {shutdown,"TCP connenction to server was prematurely closed by the client"}};
+ OtherError ->
+ {stop, {shutdown,{init,OtherError}}}
+ end;
+%%% ######## {hello, client|server} ####
+%% The very first event that is sent when the we are set as controlling process of Socket
+handle_event(_, socket_control, {hello,_}, D) ->
+ VsnMsg = ssh_transport:hello_version_msg(string_version(D#data.ssh_params)),
+ ok = send_bytes(VsnMsg, D),
+ case inet:getopts(Socket=D#data.socket, [recbuf]) of
+ {ok, [{recbuf,Size}]} ->
+ %% Set the socket to the hello text line handling mode:
+ inet:setopts(Socket, [{packet, line},
+ {active, once},
+ % Expecting the version string which might
+ % be max ?MAX_PROTO_VERSION bytes:
+ {recbuf, ?MAX_PROTO_VERSION},
+ {nodelay,true}]),
+ {keep_state, D#data{inet_initial_recbuf_size=Size}};
+ Other ->
+ {stop, {shutdown,{unexpected_getopts_return, Other}}}
+ end;
-hello(socket_control, #state{socket = Socket, ssh_params = Ssh} = State) ->
- VsnMsg = ssh_transport:hello_version_msg(string_version(Ssh)),
- send_msg(VsnMsg, State),
- case getopt(recbuf, Socket) of
- {ok, Size} ->
- inet:setopts(Socket, [{packet, line}, {active, once}, {recbuf, ?MAX_PROTO_VERSION}]),
- {next_state, hello, State#state{recbuf = Size}};
- {error, Reason} ->
- {stop, {shutdown, Reason}, State}
+handle_event(_, {info_line,_Line}, {hello,Role}, D) ->
+ case Role of
+ client ->
+ %% The server may send info lines to the client before the version_exchange
+ inet:setopts(D#data.socket, [{active, once}]),
+ keep_state_and_data;
+ server ->
+ %% But the client may NOT send them to the server. Openssh answers with cleartext,
+ %% and so do we
+ ok = send_bytes("Protocol mismatch.", D),
+ {stop, {shutdown,"Protocol mismatch in version exchange. Client sent info lines."}}
-hello({info_line, _Line},#state{role = client, socket = Socket} = State) ->
- %% The server may send info lines before the version_exchange
- inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
- {next_state, hello, State};
-hello({info_line, _Line},#state{role = server,
- socket = Socket,
- transport_cb = Transport } = State) ->
- %% as openssh
- Transport:send(Socket, "Protocol mismatch."),
- {stop, {shutdown,"Protocol mismatch in version exchange."}, State};
-hello({version_exchange, Version}, #state{ssh_params = Ssh0,
- socket = Socket,
- recbuf = Size} = State) ->
+handle_event(_, {version_exchange,Version}, {hello,Role}, D) ->
{NumVsn, StrVsn} = ssh_transport:handle_hello_version(Version),
- case handle_version(NumVsn, StrVsn, Ssh0) of
+ case handle_version(NumVsn, StrVsn, D#data.ssh_params) of
{ok, Ssh1} ->
- inet:setopts(Socket, [{packet,0}, {mode,binary}, {active, once}, {recbuf, Size}]),
+ %% Since the hello part is finnished correctly, we set the
+ %% socket to the packet handling mode (including recbuf size):
+ inet:setopts(D#data.socket, [{packet,0},
+ {mode,binary},
+ {active, once},
+ {recbuf, D#data.inet_initial_recbuf_size}]),
{KeyInitMsg, SshPacket, Ssh} = ssh_transport:key_exchange_init_msg(Ssh1),
- send_msg(SshPacket, State),
- {next_state, kexinit, next_packet(State#state{ssh_params = Ssh,
- key_exchange_init_msg =
- KeyInitMsg})};
+ ok = send_bytes(SshPacket, D),
+ {next_state, {kexinit,Role,init}, D#data{ssh_params = Ssh,
+ key_exchange_init_msg = KeyInitMsg}};
not_supported ->
- DisconnectMsg =
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code =
- description = "Protocol version " ++ StrVsn
- ++ " not supported",
- language = "en"},
- handle_disconnect(DisconnectMsg, State)
- end.
+ disconnect(
+ description = ["Protocol version ",StrVsn," not supported"]},
+ {next_state, {hello,Role}, D})
+ end;
--spec kexinit({#ssh_msg_kexinit{}, binary()}, #state{}) -> gen_fsm_state_return().
-kexinit({#ssh_msg_kexinit{} = Kex, Payload},
- #state{ssh_params = #ssh{role = Role} = Ssh0,
- key_exchange_init_msg = OwnKex} =
- State) ->
- Ssh1 = ssh_transport:key_init(opposite_role(Role), Ssh0, Payload),
- case ssh_transport:handle_kexinit_msg(Kex, OwnKex, Ssh1) of
- {ok, NextKexMsg, Ssh} when Role == client ->
- send_msg(NextKexMsg, State),
- {next_state, key_exchange,
- next_packet(State#state{ssh_params = Ssh})};
- {ok, Ssh} when Role == server ->
- {next_state, key_exchange,
- next_packet(State#state{ssh_params = Ssh})}
- end.
+%%% ######## {kexinit, client|server, init|renegotiate} ####
--spec key_exchange(#ssh_msg_kexdh_init{} | #ssh_msg_kexdh_reply{} |
- #ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_group{} | #ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request{} |
- #ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request{} | #ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_reply{}, #state{})
- -> gen_fsm_state_return().
+handle_event(_, {#ssh_msg_kexinit{}=Kex, Payload}, {kexinit,Role,ReNeg},
+ D = #data{key_exchange_init_msg = OwnKex}) ->
+ Ssh1 = ssh_transport:key_init(peer_role(Role), D#data.ssh_params, Payload),
+ Ssh = case ssh_transport:handle_kexinit_msg(Kex, OwnKex, Ssh1) of
+ {ok, NextKexMsg, Ssh2} when Role==client ->
+ ok = send_bytes(NextKexMsg, D),
+ Ssh2;
+ {ok, Ssh2} when Role==server ->
+ Ssh2
+ end,
+ {next_state, {key_exchange,Role,ReNeg}, D#data{ssh_params=Ssh}};
-key_exchange(#ssh_msg_kexdh_init{} = Msg,
- #state{ssh_params = #ssh{role = server} = Ssh0} = State) ->
- case ssh_transport:handle_kexdh_init(Msg, Ssh0) of
- {ok, KexdhReply, Ssh1} ->
- send_msg(KexdhReply, State),
- {ok, NewKeys, Ssh} = ssh_transport:new_keys_message(Ssh1),
- send_msg(NewKeys, State),
- {next_state, new_keys, next_packet(State#state{ssh_params = Ssh})}
- end;
-key_exchange(#ssh_msg_kexdh_reply{} = Msg,
- #state{ssh_params = #ssh{role = client} = Ssh0} = State) ->
- {ok, NewKeys, Ssh} = ssh_transport:handle_kexdh_reply(Msg, Ssh0),
- send_msg(NewKeys, State),
- {next_state, new_keys, next_packet(State#state{ssh_params = Ssh})};
-key_exchange(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request{} = Msg,
- #state{ssh_params = #ssh{role = server} = Ssh0} = State) ->
- {ok, GexGroup, Ssh} = ssh_transport:handle_kex_dh_gex_request(Msg, Ssh0),
- send_msg(GexGroup, State),
- {next_state, key_exchange_dh_gex_init, next_packet(State#state{ssh_params = Ssh})};
-key_exchange(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request_old{} = Msg,
- #state{ssh_params = #ssh{role = server} = Ssh0} = State) ->
- {ok, GexGroup, Ssh} = ssh_transport:handle_kex_dh_gex_request(Msg, Ssh0),
- send_msg(GexGroup, State),
- {next_state, key_exchange_dh_gex_init, next_packet(State#state{ssh_params = Ssh})};
-key_exchange(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_group{} = Msg,
- #state{ssh_params = #ssh{role = client} = Ssh0} = State) ->
- {ok, KexGexInit, Ssh} = ssh_transport:handle_kex_dh_gex_group(Msg, Ssh0),
- send_msg(KexGexInit, State),
- {next_state, key_exchange_dh_gex_reply, next_packet(State#state{ssh_params = Ssh})};
-key_exchange(#ssh_msg_kex_ecdh_init{} = Msg,
- #state{ssh_params = #ssh{role = server} = Ssh0} = State) ->
- {ok, KexEcdhReply, Ssh1} = ssh_transport:handle_kex_ecdh_init(Msg, Ssh0),
- send_msg(KexEcdhReply, State),
+%%% ######## {key_exchange, client|server, init|renegotiate} ####
+%%%---- diffie-hellman
+handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_kexdh_init{} = Msg, {key_exchange,server,ReNeg}, D) ->
+ {ok, KexdhReply, Ssh1} = ssh_transport:handle_kexdh_init(Msg, D#data.ssh_params),
+ ok = send_bytes(KexdhReply, D),
{ok, NewKeys, Ssh} = ssh_transport:new_keys_message(Ssh1),
- send_msg(NewKeys, State),
- {next_state, new_keys, next_packet(State#state{ssh_params = Ssh})};
+ ok = send_bytes(NewKeys, D),
+ {next_state, {new_keys,server,ReNeg}, D#data{ssh_params=Ssh}};
+handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_kexdh_reply{} = Msg, {key_exchange,client,ReNeg}, D) ->
+ {ok, NewKeys, Ssh} = ssh_transport:handle_kexdh_reply(Msg, D#data.ssh_params),
+ ok = send_bytes(NewKeys, D),
+ {next_state, {new_keys,client,ReNeg}, D#data{ssh_params=Ssh}};
+%%%---- diffie-hellman group exchange
+handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request{} = Msg, {key_exchange,server,ReNeg}, D) ->
+ {ok, GexGroup, Ssh} = ssh_transport:handle_kex_dh_gex_request(Msg, D#data.ssh_params),
+ ok = send_bytes(GexGroup, D),
+ {next_state, {key_exchange_dh_gex_init,server,ReNeg}, D#data{ssh_params=Ssh}};
+handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request_old{} = Msg, {key_exchange,server,ReNeg}, D) ->
+ {ok, GexGroup, Ssh} = ssh_transport:handle_kex_dh_gex_request(Msg, D#data.ssh_params),
+ ok = send_bytes(GexGroup, D),
+ {next_state, {key_exchange_dh_gex_init,server,ReNeg}, D#data{ssh_params=Ssh}};
+handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_group{} = Msg, {key_exchange,client,ReNeg}, D) ->
+ {ok, KexGexInit, Ssh} = ssh_transport:handle_kex_dh_gex_group(Msg, D#data.ssh_params),
+ ok = send_bytes(KexGexInit, D),
+ {next_state, {key_exchange_dh_gex_reply,client,ReNeg}, D#data{ssh_params=Ssh}};
+%%%---- elliptic curve diffie-hellman
+handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_kex_ecdh_init{} = Msg, {key_exchange,server,ReNeg}, D) ->
+ {ok, KexEcdhReply, Ssh1} = ssh_transport:handle_kex_ecdh_init(Msg, D#data.ssh_params),
+ ok = send_bytes(KexEcdhReply, D),
+ {ok, NewKeys, Ssh} = ssh_transport:new_keys_message(Ssh1),
+ ok = send_bytes(NewKeys, D),
+ {next_state, {new_keys,server,ReNeg}, D#data{ssh_params=Ssh}};
-key_exchange(#ssh_msg_kex_ecdh_reply{} = Msg,
- #state{ssh_params = #ssh{role = client} = Ssh0} = State) ->
- {ok, NewKeys, Ssh} = ssh_transport:handle_kex_ecdh_reply(Msg, Ssh0),
- send_msg(NewKeys, State),
- {next_state, new_keys, next_packet(State#state{ssh_params = Ssh})}.
+handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_kex_ecdh_reply{} = Msg, {key_exchange,client,ReNeg}, D) ->
+ {ok, NewKeys, Ssh} = ssh_transport:handle_kex_ecdh_reply(Msg, D#data.ssh_params),
+ ok = send_bytes(NewKeys, D),
+ {next_state, {new_keys,client,ReNeg}, D#data{ssh_params=Ssh}};
--spec key_exchange_dh_gex_init(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_init{}, #state{}) -> gen_fsm_state_return().
-key_exchange_dh_gex_init(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_init{} = Msg,
- #state{ssh_params = #ssh{role = server} = Ssh0} = State) ->
- {ok, KexGexReply, Ssh1} = ssh_transport:handle_kex_dh_gex_init(Msg, Ssh0),
- send_msg(KexGexReply, State),
+%%% ######## {key_exchange_dh_gex_init, server, init|renegotiate} ####
+handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_init{} = Msg, {key_exchange_dh_gex_init,server,ReNeg}, D) ->
+ {ok, KexGexReply, Ssh1} = ssh_transport:handle_kex_dh_gex_init(Msg, D#data.ssh_params),
+ ok = send_bytes(KexGexReply, D),
{ok, NewKeys, Ssh} = ssh_transport:new_keys_message(Ssh1),
- send_msg(NewKeys, State),
- {next_state, new_keys, next_packet(State#state{ssh_params = Ssh})}.
+ ok = send_bytes(NewKeys, D),
+ {next_state, {new_keys,server,ReNeg}, D#data{ssh_params=Ssh}};
--spec key_exchange_dh_gex_reply(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_reply{}, #state{}) -> gen_fsm_state_return().
-key_exchange_dh_gex_reply(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_reply{} = Msg,
- #state{ssh_params = #ssh{role = client} = Ssh0} = State) ->
- {ok, NewKeys, Ssh1} = ssh_transport:handle_kex_dh_gex_reply(Msg, Ssh0),
- send_msg(NewKeys, State),
- {next_state, new_keys, next_packet(State#state{ssh_params = Ssh1})}.
--spec new_keys(#ssh_msg_newkeys{}, #state{}) -> gen_fsm_state_return().
+%%% ######## {key_exchange_dh_gex_reply, client, init|renegotiate} ####
-new_keys(#ssh_msg_newkeys{} = Msg, #state{ssh_params = Ssh0} = State0) ->
- {ok, Ssh} = ssh_transport:handle_new_keys(Msg, Ssh0),
- after_new_keys(next_packet(State0#state{ssh_params = Ssh})).
+handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_reply{} = Msg, {key_exchange_dh_gex_reply,client,ReNeg}, D) ->
+ {ok, NewKeys, Ssh1} = ssh_transport:handle_kex_dh_gex_reply(Msg, D#data.ssh_params),
+ ok = send_bytes(NewKeys, D),
+ {next_state, {new_keys,client,ReNeg}, D#data{ssh_params=Ssh1}};
--spec service_request(#ssh_msg_service_request{} | #ssh_msg_service_accept{},
- #state{}) -> gen_fsm_state_return().
-service_request(#ssh_msg_service_request{name = "ssh-userauth"} = Msg,
- #state{ssh_params = #ssh{role = server,
- session_id = SessionId} = Ssh0} = State) ->
- {ok, {Reply, Ssh}} = ssh_auth:handle_userauth_request(Msg, SessionId, Ssh0),
- send_msg(Reply, State),
- {next_state, userauth, next_packet(State#state{ssh_params = Ssh})};
-service_request(#ssh_msg_service_accept{name = "ssh-userauth"},
- #state{ssh_params = #ssh{role = client,
- service = "ssh-userauth"} = Ssh0} =
- State) ->
+%%% ######## {new_keys, client|server} ####
+%% First key exchange round:
+handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_newkeys{} = Msg, {new_keys,Role,init}, D) ->
+ {ok, Ssh1} = ssh_transport:handle_new_keys(Msg, D#data.ssh_params),
+ Ssh = case Role of
+ client ->
+ {MsgReq, Ssh2} = ssh_auth:service_request_msg(Ssh1),
+ ok = send_bytes(MsgReq, D),
+ Ssh2;
+ server ->
+ Ssh1
+ end,
+ {next_state, {service_request,Role}, D#data{ssh_params=Ssh}};
+%% Subsequent key exchange rounds (renegotiation):
+handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_newkeys{}, {new_keys,Role,renegotiate}, D) ->
+ {next_state, {connected,Role}, D};
+%%% ######## {service_request, client|server}
+handle_event(_, Msg = #ssh_msg_service_request{name=ServiceName}, StateName = {service_request,server}, D) ->
+ case ServiceName of
+ "ssh-userauth" ->
+ Ssh0 = #ssh{session_id=SessionId} = D#data.ssh_params,
+ {ok, {Reply, Ssh}} = ssh_auth:handle_userauth_request(Msg, SessionId, Ssh0),
+ ok = send_bytes(Reply, D),
+ {next_state, {userauth,server}, D#data{ssh_params = Ssh}};
+ _ ->
+ disconnect(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
+ description = "Unknown service"},
+ StateName, D)
+ end;
+handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_service_accept{name = "ssh-userauth"}, {service_request,client},
+ #data{ssh_params = #ssh{service="ssh-userauth"} = Ssh0} = State) ->
{Msg, Ssh} = ssh_auth:init_userauth_request_msg(Ssh0),
- send_msg(Msg, State),
- {next_state, userauth, next_packet(State#state{auth_user = Ssh#ssh.user, ssh_params = Ssh})}.
+ ok = send_bytes(Msg, State),
+ {next_state, {userauth,client}, State#data{auth_user = Ssh#ssh.user, ssh_params = Ssh}};
--spec userauth(#ssh_msg_userauth_request{} | #ssh_msg_userauth_info_request{} |
- #ssh_msg_userauth_info_response{} | #ssh_msg_userauth_success{} |
- #ssh_msg_userauth_failure{} | #ssh_msg_userauth_banner{},
- #state{}) -> gen_fsm_state_return().
-userauth(#ssh_msg_userauth_request{service = "ssh-connection",
- method = "none"} = Msg,
- #state{ssh_params = #ssh{session_id = SessionId, role = server,
- service = "ssh-connection"} = Ssh0
- } = State) ->
- {not_authorized, {_User, _Reason}, {Reply, Ssh}} =
- ssh_auth:handle_userauth_request(Msg, SessionId, Ssh0),
- send_msg(Reply, State),
- {next_state, userauth, next_packet(State#state{ssh_params = Ssh})};
-userauth(#ssh_msg_userauth_request{service = "ssh-connection",
- method = Method} = Msg,
- #state{ssh_params = #ssh{session_id = SessionId, role = server,
- service = "ssh-connection",
- peer = {_, Address}} = Ssh0,
- opts = Opts, starter = Pid} = State) ->
- case lists:member(Method, Ssh0#ssh.userauth_methods) of
- true ->
- case ssh_auth:handle_userauth_request(Msg, SessionId, Ssh0) of
- {authorized, User, {Reply, Ssh}} ->
- send_msg(Reply, State),
- Pid ! ssh_connected,
- connected_fun(User, Address, Method, Opts),
- {next_state, connected,
- next_packet(State#state{auth_user = User, ssh_params = Ssh#ssh{authenticated = true}})};
- {not_authorized, {User, Reason}, {Reply, Ssh}} when Method == "keyboard-interactive" ->
- retry_fun(User, Address, Reason, Opts),
- send_msg(Reply, State),
- {next_state, userauth_keyboard_interactive, next_packet(State#state{ssh_params = Ssh})};
- {not_authorized, {User, Reason}, {Reply, Ssh}} ->
- retry_fun(User, Address, Reason, Opts),
- send_msg(Reply, State),
- {next_state, userauth, next_packet(State#state{ssh_params = Ssh})}
+%%% ######## {userauth, client|server} ####
+%%---- userauth request to server
+ Msg = #ssh_msg_userauth_request{service = ServiceName, method = Method},
+ StateName = {userauth,server},
+ D = #data{ssh_params=Ssh0}) ->
+ case {ServiceName, Ssh0#ssh.service, Method} of
+ {"ssh-connection", "ssh-connection", "none"} ->
+ %% Probably the very first userauth_request but we deny unauthorized login
+ {not_authorized, _, {Reply,Ssh}} =
+ ssh_auth:handle_userauth_request(Msg, Ssh0#ssh.session_id, Ssh0),
+ ok = send_bytes(Reply, D),
+ {keep_state, D#data{ssh_params = Ssh}};
+ {"ssh-connection", "ssh-connection", Method} ->
+ %% Userauth request with a method like "password" or so
+ case lists:member(Method, Ssh0#ssh.userauth_methods) of
+ true ->
+ %% Yepp! we support this method
+ case ssh_auth:handle_userauth_request(Msg, Ssh0#ssh.session_id, Ssh0) of
+ {authorized, User, {Reply, Ssh}} ->
+ ok = send_bytes(Reply, D),
+ D#data.starter ! ssh_connected,
+ connected_fun(User, Method, D),
+ {next_state, {connected,server},
+ D#data{auth_user = User,
+ ssh_params = Ssh#ssh{authenticated = true}}};
+ {not_authorized, {User, Reason}, {Reply, Ssh}} when Method == "keyboard-interactive" ->
+ retry_fun(User, Reason, D),
+ ok = send_bytes(Reply, D),
+ {next_state, {userauth_keyboard_interactive,server}, D#data{ssh_params = Ssh}};
+ {not_authorized, {User, Reason}, {Reply, Ssh}} ->
+ retry_fun(User, Reason, D),
+ ok = send_bytes(Reply, D),
+ {keep_state, D#data{ssh_params = Ssh}}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ %% No we do not support this method (=/= none)
+ %% At least one non-erlang client does like this. Retry as the next event
+ {keep_state_and_data,
+ [{next_event, internal, Msg#ssh_msg_userauth_request{method="none"}}]
+ }
- false ->
- userauth(Msg#ssh_msg_userauth_request{method="none"}, State)
+ %% {"ssh-connection", Expected, Method} when Expected =/= ServiceName -> Do what?
+ %% {ServiceName, Expected, Method} when Expected =/= ServiceName -> Do what?
+ {ServiceName, _, _} when ServiceName =/= "ssh-connection" ->
+ disconnect(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
+ description = "Unknown service"},
+ StateName, D)
-userauth(#ssh_msg_userauth_success{}, #state{ssh_params = #ssh{role = client} = Ssh,
- starter = Pid} = State) ->
- Pid ! ssh_connected,
- {next_state, connected, next_packet(State#state{ssh_params =
- Ssh#ssh{authenticated = true}})};
- #state{ssh_params = #ssh{role = client,
- userauth_methods = []}}
- = State) ->
- Msg = #ssh_msg_disconnect{code =
+%%---- userauth success to client
+handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_userauth_success{}, {userauth,client}, D=#data{ssh_params = Ssh}) ->
+ D#data.starter ! ssh_connected,
+ {next_state, {connected,client}, D#data{ssh_params=Ssh#ssh{authenticated = true}}};
+%%---- userauth failure response to client
+handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_userauth_failure{}, {userauth,client}=StateName,
+ D = #data{ssh_params = #ssh{userauth_methods = []}}) ->
+ Msg = #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_NO_MORE_AUTH_METHODS_AVAILABLE,
description = "Unable to connect using the available"
- " authentication methods",
- language = "en"},
- handle_disconnect(Msg, State);
-%% Server tells us which authentication methods that are allowed
-userauth(#ssh_msg_userauth_failure{authentications = Methodes},
- #state{ssh_params = #ssh{role = client,
- userauth_methods = none} = Ssh0} = State) ->
- AuthMethods = string:tokens(Methodes, ","),
- Ssh1 = Ssh0#ssh{userauth_methods = AuthMethods},
+ " authentication methods"},
+ disconnect(Msg, StateName, D);
+handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_userauth_failure{authentications = Methods}, StateName={userauth,client},
+ D = #data{ssh_params = Ssh0}) ->
+ %% The prefered authentication method failed try next method
+ Ssh1 = case Ssh0#ssh.userauth_methods of
+ none ->
+ %% Server tells us which authentication methods that are allowed
+ Ssh0#ssh{userauth_methods = string:tokens(Methods, ",")};
+ _ ->
+ %% We already know...
+ Ssh0
+ end,
case ssh_auth:userauth_request_msg(Ssh1) of
{disconnect, DisconnectMsg, {Msg, Ssh}} ->
- send_msg(Msg, State),
- handle_disconnect(DisconnectMsg, State#state{ssh_params = Ssh});
+ send_bytes(Msg, D),
+ disconnect(DisconnectMsg, StateName, D#data{ssh_params = Ssh});
{"keyboard-interactive", {Msg, Ssh}} ->
- send_msg(Msg, State),
- {next_state, userauth_keyboard_interactive, next_packet(State#state{ssh_params = Ssh})};
+ send_bytes(Msg, D),
+ {next_state, {userauth_keyboard_interactive,client}, D#data{ssh_params = Ssh}};
{_Method, {Msg, Ssh}} ->
- send_msg(Msg, State),
- {next_state, userauth, next_packet(State#state{ssh_params = Ssh})}
+ send_bytes(Msg, D),
+ {keep_state, D#data{ssh_params = Ssh}}
-%% The prefered authentication method failed try next method
- #state{ssh_params = #ssh{role = client} = Ssh0} = State) ->
- case ssh_auth:userauth_request_msg(Ssh0) of
- {disconnect, DisconnectMsg,{Msg, Ssh}} ->
- send_msg(Msg, State),
- handle_disconnect(DisconnectMsg, State#state{ssh_params = Ssh});
- {"keyboard-interactive", {Msg, Ssh}} ->
- send_msg(Msg, State),
- {next_state, userauth_keyboard_interactive, next_packet(State#state{ssh_params = Ssh})};
- {_Method, {Msg, Ssh}} ->
- send_msg(Msg, State),
- {next_state, userauth, next_packet(State#state{ssh_params = Ssh})}
- end;
+%%---- banner to client
+handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_userauth_banner{message = Msg}, {userauth,client}, D) ->
+ case D#data.ssh_params#ssh.userauth_quiet_mode of
+ false -> io:format("~s", [Msg]);
+ true -> ok
+ end,
+ keep_state_and_data;
- #state{ssh_params = #ssh{userauth_quiet_mode = true,
- role = client}} = State) ->
- {next_state, userauth, next_packet(State)};
-userauth(#ssh_msg_userauth_banner{message = Msg},
- #state{ssh_params =
- #ssh{userauth_quiet_mode = false, role = client}} = State) ->
- io:format("~s", [Msg]),
- {next_state, userauth, next_packet(State)}.
-userauth_keyboard_interactive(#ssh_msg_userauth_info_request{} = Msg,
- #state{ssh_params = #ssh{role = client,
- io_cb = IoCb} = Ssh0} = State) ->
- {ok, {Reply, Ssh}} = ssh_auth:handle_userauth_info_request(Msg, IoCb, Ssh0),
- send_msg(Reply, State),
- {next_state, userauth_keyboard_interactive_info_response, next_packet(State#state{ssh_params = Ssh})};
-userauth_keyboard_interactive(#ssh_msg_userauth_info_response{} = Msg,
- #state{ssh_params = #ssh{role = server,
- peer = {_, Address}} = Ssh0,
- opts = Opts, starter = Pid} = State) ->
- case ssh_auth:handle_userauth_info_response(Msg, Ssh0) of
+%%% ######## {userauth_keyboard_interactive, client|server}
+handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_userauth_info_request{} = Msg, {userauth_keyboard_interactive, client},
+ #data{ssh_params = Ssh0} = D) ->
+ {ok, {Reply, Ssh}} = ssh_auth:handle_userauth_info_request(Msg, Ssh0#ssh.io_cb, Ssh0),
+ send_bytes(Reply, D),
+ {next_state, {userauth_keyboard_interactive_info_response,client}, D#data{ssh_params = Ssh}};
+handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_userauth_info_response{} = Msg, {userauth_keyboard_interactive, server}, D) ->
+ case ssh_auth:handle_userauth_info_response(Msg, D#data.ssh_params) of
{authorized, User, {Reply, Ssh}} ->
- send_msg(Reply, State),
- Pid ! ssh_connected,
- connected_fun(User, Address, "keyboard-interactive", Opts),
- {next_state, connected,
- next_packet(State#state{auth_user = User, ssh_params = Ssh#ssh{authenticated = true}})};
+ send_bytes(Reply, D),
+ D#data.starter ! ssh_connected,
+ connected_fun(User, "keyboard-interactive", D),
+ {next_state, {connected,server}, D#data{auth_user = User,
+ ssh_params = Ssh#ssh{authenticated = true}}};
{not_authorized, {User, Reason}, {Reply, Ssh}} ->
- retry_fun(User, Address, Reason, Opts),
- send_msg(Reply, State),
- {next_state, userauth, next_packet(State#state{ssh_params = Ssh})}
+ retry_fun(User, Reason, D),
+ send_bytes(Reply, D),
+ {next_state, {userauth,server}, D#data{ssh_params = Ssh}}
-userauth_keyboard_interactive(Msg = #ssh_msg_userauth_failure{},
- #state{ssh_params = Ssh0 =
- #ssh{role = client,
- userauth_preference = Prefs0}}
- = State) ->
- Prefs = [{Method,M,F,A} || {Method,M,F,A} <- Prefs0,
+handle_event(_, Msg = #ssh_msg_userauth_failure{}, {userauth_keyboard_interactive, client},
+ #data{ssh_params = Ssh0} = D0) ->
+ Prefs = [{Method,M,F,A} || {Method,M,F,A} <- Ssh0#ssh.userauth_preference,
Method =/= "keyboard-interactive"],
- userauth(Msg, State#state{ssh_params = Ssh0#ssh{userauth_preference=Prefs}}).
+ D = D0#data{ssh_params = Ssh0#ssh{userauth_preference=Prefs}},
+ {next_state, {userauth,client}, D, [{next_event, internal, Msg}]};
+handle_event(_, Msg=#ssh_msg_userauth_failure{}, {userauth_keyboard_interactive_info_response, client}, D) ->
+ {next_state, {userauth,client}, D, [{next_event, internal, Msg}]};
+handle_event(_, Msg=#ssh_msg_userauth_success{}, {userauth_keyboard_interactive_info_response, client}, D) ->
+ {next_state, {userauth,client}, D, [{next_event, internal, Msg}]};
- #state{ssh_params = #ssh{role = client}} = State) ->
- userauth(Msg, State);
- #state{ssh_params = #ssh{role = client}} = State) ->
- userauth(Msg, State);
- #state{ssh_params = #ssh{role = client}} = State) ->
- userauth_keyboard_interactive(Msg, State).
+handle_event(_, Msg=#ssh_msg_userauth_info_request{}, {userauth_keyboard_interactive_info_response, client}, D) ->
+ {next_state, {userauth_keyboard_interactive,client}, D, [{next_event, internal, Msg}]};
--spec connected({#ssh_msg_kexinit{}, binary()}, %%| %% #ssh_msg_kexdh_init{},
- #state{}) -> gen_fsm_state_return().
-connected({#ssh_msg_kexinit{}, _Payload} = Event, #state{ssh_params = Ssh0} = State0) ->
- {KeyInitMsg, SshPacket, Ssh} = ssh_transport:key_exchange_init_msg(Ssh0),
- State = State0#state{ssh_params = Ssh,
- key_exchange_init_msg = KeyInitMsg,
- renegotiate = true},
- send_msg(SshPacket, State),
- kexinit(Event, State).
--spec handle_event(#ssh_msg_disconnect{} | #ssh_msg_ignore{} | #ssh_msg_debug{} |
- #ssh_msg_unimplemented{} | {adjust_window, integer(), integer()} |
- {reply_request, success | failure, integer()} | renegotiate |
- data_size | {request, pid(), integer(), integer(), iolist()} |
- {request, integer(), integer(), iolist()}, state_name(),
- #state{}) -> gen_fsm_state_return().
+%%% ######## {connected, client|server} ####
-handle_event(#ssh_msg_disconnect{description = Desc} = DisconnectMsg, _StateName, #state{} = State) ->
- handle_disconnect(peer, DisconnectMsg, State),
- {stop, {shutdown, Desc}, State};
-handle_event(#ssh_msg_ignore{}, StateName, State) ->
- {next_state, StateName, next_packet(State)};
-handle_event(#ssh_msg_debug{always_display = Display, message = DbgMsg, language=Lang},
- StateName, #state{opts = Opts} = State) ->
- F = proplists:get_value(ssh_msg_debug_fun, Opts,
- fun(_ConnRef, _AlwaysDisplay, _Msg, _Language) -> ok end
- ),
- catch F(self(), Display, DbgMsg, Lang),
- {next_state, StateName, next_packet(State)};
-handle_event(#ssh_msg_unimplemented{}, StateName, State) ->
- {next_state, StateName, next_packet(State)};
-handle_event(renegotiate, connected, #state{ssh_params = Ssh0}
- = State) ->
- {KeyInitMsg, SshPacket, Ssh} = ssh_transport:key_exchange_init_msg(Ssh0),
- send_msg(SshPacket, State),
- timer:apply_after(?REKEY_TIMOUT, gen_fsm, send_all_state_event, [self(), renegotiate]),
- {next_state, kexinit,
- next_packet(State#state{ssh_params = Ssh,
- key_exchange_init_msg = KeyInitMsg,
- renegotiate = true})};
-handle_event(renegotiate, StateName, State) ->
+handle_event(_, {#ssh_msg_kexinit{},_} = Event, {connected,Role}, D0) ->
+ {KeyInitMsg, SshPacket, Ssh} = ssh_transport:key_exchange_init_msg(D0#data.ssh_params),
+ D = D0#data{ssh_params = Ssh,
+ key_exchange_init_msg = KeyInitMsg},
+ send_bytes(SshPacket, D),
+ {next_state, {kexinit,Role,renegotiate}, D, [{next_event, internal, Event}]};
+handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_disconnect{description=Desc} = Msg, StateName, D0) ->
+ {disconnect, _, {{replies,Replies}, _}} =
+ ssh_connection:handle_msg(Msg, D0#data.connection_state, role(StateName)),
+ {Actions,D} = send_replies(Replies, D0),
+ disconnect_fun(Desc, D),
+ {stop_and_reply, {shutdown,Desc}, Actions, D};
+handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_ignore{}, _, _) ->
+ keep_state_and_data;
+handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_unimplemented{}, _, _) ->
+ keep_state_and_data;
+handle_event(_, #ssh_msg_debug{} = Msg, _, D) ->
+ debug_fun(Msg, D),
+ keep_state_and_data;
+handle_event(internal, Msg=#ssh_msg_global_request{}, StateName, D) ->
+ handle_connection_msg(Msg, StateName, D);
+handle_event(internal, Msg=#ssh_msg_request_success{}, StateName, D) ->
+ handle_connection_msg(Msg, StateName, D);
+handle_event(internal, Msg=#ssh_msg_request_failure{}, StateName, D) ->
+ handle_connection_msg(Msg, StateName, D);
+handle_event(internal, Msg=#ssh_msg_channel_open{}, StateName, D) ->
+ handle_connection_msg(Msg, StateName, D);
+handle_event(internal, Msg=#ssh_msg_channel_open_confirmation{}, StateName, D) ->
+ handle_connection_msg(Msg, StateName, D);
+handle_event(internal, Msg=#ssh_msg_channel_open_failure{}, StateName, D) ->
+ handle_connection_msg(Msg, StateName, D);
+handle_event(internal, Msg=#ssh_msg_channel_window_adjust{}, StateName, D) ->
+ handle_connection_msg(Msg, StateName, D);
+handle_event(internal, Msg=#ssh_msg_channel_data{}, StateName, D) ->
+ handle_connection_msg(Msg, StateName, D);
+handle_event(internal, Msg=#ssh_msg_channel_extended_data{}, StateName, D) ->
+ handle_connection_msg(Msg, StateName, D);
+handle_event(internal, Msg=#ssh_msg_channel_eof{}, StateName, D) ->
+ handle_connection_msg(Msg, StateName, D);
+handle_event(internal, Msg=#ssh_msg_channel_close{}, StateName, D) ->
+ handle_connection_msg(Msg, StateName, D);
+handle_event(internal, Msg=#ssh_msg_channel_request{}, StateName, D) ->
+ handle_connection_msg(Msg, StateName, D);
+handle_event(internal, Msg=#ssh_msg_channel_success{}, StateName, D) ->
+ handle_connection_msg(Msg, StateName, D);
+handle_event(internal, Msg=#ssh_msg_channel_failure{}, StateName, D) ->
+ handle_connection_msg(Msg, StateName, D);
+handle_event(cast, renegotiate, {connected,Role}, D) ->
+ {KeyInitMsg, SshPacket, Ssh} = ssh_transport:key_exchange_init_msg(D#data.ssh_params),
+ send_bytes(SshPacket, D),
+ timer:apply_after(?REKEY_TIMOUT, gen_statem, cast, [self(), renegotiate]),
+ {next_state, {kexinit,Role,renegotiate}, D#data{ssh_params = Ssh,
+ key_exchange_init_msg = KeyInitMsg}};
+handle_event(cast, renegotiate, _, _) ->
%% Already in key-exchange so safe to ignore
- {next_state, StateName, State};
+ timer:apply_after(?REKEY_TIMOUT, gen_statem, cast, [self(), renegotiate]), % FIXME: not here in original
+ keep_state_and_data;
%% Rekey due to sent data limit reached?
-handle_event(data_size, connected, #state{ssh_params = Ssh0} = State) ->
- {ok, [{send_oct,Sent0}]} = inet:getstat(State#state.socket, [send_oct]),
- Sent = Sent0 - State#state.last_size_rekey,
- MaxSent = proplists:get_value(rekey_limit, State#state.opts, 1024000000),
- timer:apply_after(?REKEY_DATA_TIMOUT, gen_fsm, send_all_state_event, [self(), data_size]),
+handle_event(cast, data_size, {connected,Role}, D) ->
+ {ok, [{send_oct,Sent0}]} = inet:getstat(D#data.socket, [send_oct]),
+ Sent = Sent0 - D#data.last_size_rekey,
+ MaxSent = proplists:get_value(rekey_limit, D#data.opts, 1024000000),
+ timer:apply_after(?REKEY_DATA_TIMOUT, gen_statem, cast, [self(), data_size]),
case Sent >= MaxSent of
true ->
- {KeyInitMsg, SshPacket, Ssh} = ssh_transport:key_exchange_init_msg(Ssh0),
- send_msg(SshPacket, State),
- {next_state, kexinit,
- next_packet(State#state{ssh_params = Ssh,
- key_exchange_init_msg = KeyInitMsg,
- renegotiate = true,
- last_size_rekey = Sent0})};
+ {KeyInitMsg, SshPacket, Ssh} =
+ ssh_transport:key_exchange_init_msg(D#data.ssh_params),
+ send_bytes(SshPacket, D),
+ {next_state, {kexinit,Role,renegotiate}, D#data{ssh_params = Ssh,
+ key_exchange_init_msg = KeyInitMsg,
+ last_size_rekey = Sent0}};
_ ->
- {next_state, connected, next_packet(State)}
+ keep_state_and_data
-handle_event(data_size, StateName, State) ->
+handle_event(cast, data_size, _, _) ->
%% Already in key-exchange so safe to ignore
- {next_state, StateName, State};
-handle_event(Event, StateName, State) when StateName /= connected ->
- Events = [{event, Event} | State#state.event_queue],
- {next_state, StateName, State#state{event_queue = Events}};
-handle_event({adjust_window, ChannelId, Bytes}, StateName,
- #state{connection_state =
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache}} = State0) ->
- State =
- case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId) of
- #channel{recv_window_size = WinSize,
- recv_window_pending = Pending,
- recv_packet_size = PktSize} = Channel
- when (WinSize-Bytes) >= 2*PktSize ->
- %% The peer can send at least two more *full* packet, no hurry.
- ssh_channel:cache_update(Cache,
- Channel#channel{recv_window_pending = Pending + Bytes}),
- State0;
- #channel{recv_window_size = WinSize,
- recv_window_pending = Pending,
- remote_id = Id} = Channel ->
- %% Now we have to update the window - we can't receive so many more pkts
- ssh_channel:cache_update(Cache,
- Channel#channel{recv_window_size =
- WinSize + Bytes + Pending,
- recv_window_pending = 0}),
- Msg = ssh_connection:channel_adjust_window_msg(Id, Bytes + Pending),
- send_replies([{connection_reply, Msg}], State0);
+ timer:apply_after(?REKEY_DATA_TIMOUT, gen_statem, cast, [self(), data_size]), % FIXME: not here in original
+ keep_state_and_data;
+handle_event(cast, _, StateName, _) when StateName /= {connected,server},
+ StateName /= {connected,client} ->
+ {keep_state_and_data, [postpone]};
+handle_event(cast, {adjust_window,ChannelId,Bytes}, {connected,_}, D) ->
+ case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(cache(D), ChannelId) of
+ #channel{recv_window_size = WinSize,
+ recv_window_pending = Pending,
+ recv_packet_size = PktSize} = Channel
+ when (WinSize-Bytes) >= 2*PktSize ->
+ %% The peer can send at least two more *full* packet, no hurry.
+ ssh_channel:cache_update(cache(D),
+ Channel#channel{recv_window_pending = Pending + Bytes}),
+ keep_state_and_data;
+ #channel{recv_window_size = WinSize,
+ recv_window_pending = Pending,
+ remote_id = Id} = Channel ->
+ %% Now we have to update the window - we can't receive so many more pkts
+ ssh_channel:cache_update(cache(D),
+ Channel#channel{recv_window_size =
+ WinSize + Bytes + Pending,
+ recv_window_pending = 0}),
+ Msg = ssh_connection:channel_adjust_window_msg(Id, Bytes + Pending),
+ {keep_state, send_msg(Msg,D)};
- undefined ->
- State0
- end,
- {next_state, StateName, next_packet(State)};
-handle_event({reply_request, success, ChannelId}, StateName,
- #state{connection_state =
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache}} = State0) ->
- State = case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId) of
- #channel{remote_id = RemoteId} ->
- Msg = ssh_connection:channel_success_msg(RemoteId),
- send_replies([{connection_reply, Msg}], State0);
- undefined ->
- State0
- end,
- {next_state, StateName, State};
-handle_event({request, ChannelPid, ChannelId, Type, Data}, StateName, State0) ->
- {{replies, Replies}, State1} = handle_request(ChannelPid, ChannelId,
- Type, Data,
- false, none, State0),
- State = send_replies(Replies, State1),
- {next_state, StateName, next_packet(State)};
-handle_event({request, ChannelId, Type, Data}, StateName, State0) ->
- {{replies, Replies}, State1} = handle_request(ChannelId, Type, Data,
- false, none, State0),
- State = send_replies(Replies, State1),
- {next_state, StateName, next_packet(State)};
-handle_event({unknown, Data}, StateName, State) ->
+ undefined ->
+ keep_state_and_data
+ end;
+handle_event(cast, {reply_request,success,ChannelId}, {connected,_}, D) ->
+ case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(cache(D), ChannelId) of
+ #channel{remote_id = RemoteId} ->
+ Msg = ssh_connection:channel_success_msg(RemoteId),
+ {keep_state, send_msg(Msg,D)};
+ undefined ->
+ keep_state_and_data
+ end;
+handle_event(cast, {request,ChannelPid, ChannelId, Type, Data}, {connected,_}, D) ->
+ {keep_state, handle_request(ChannelPid, ChannelId, Type, Data, false, none, D)};
+handle_event(cast, {request,ChannelId,Type,Data}, {connected,_}, D) ->
+ {keep_state, handle_request(ChannelId, Type, Data, false, none, D)};
+handle_event(cast, {unknown,Data}, {connected,_}, D) ->
Msg = #ssh_msg_unimplemented{sequence = Data},
- send_msg(Msg, State),
- {next_state, StateName, next_packet(State)}.
+ {keep_state, send_msg(Msg,D)};
--spec handle_sync_event({request, pid(), channel_id(), integer(), binary(), timeout()} |
- {request, channel_id(), integer(), binary(), timeout()} |
- {global_request, pid(), integer(), boolean(), binary()} | {eof, integer()} |
- {open, pid(), integer(), channel_id(), integer(), binary(), _} |
- {send_window, channel_id()} | {recv_window, channel_id()} |
- {connection_info, [client_version | server_version | peer |
- sockname]} | {channel_info, channel_id(), [recv_window |
- send_window]} |
- {close, channel_id()} | stop, term(), state_name(), #state{})
- -> gen_fsm_sync_return().
-handle_sync_event(get_print_info, _From, StateName, State) ->
+%%% Previously handle_sync_event began here
+handle_event({call,From}, get_print_info, StateName, D) ->
Reply =
- {inet:sockname(State#state.socket),
- inet:peername(State#state.socket)
+ {inet:sockname(D#data.socket),
+ inet:peername(D#data.socket)
- {{ok,Local}, {ok,Remote}} -> {{Local,Remote},io_lib:format("statename=~p",[StateName])};
- _ -> {{"-",0},"-"}
+ {{ok,Local}, {ok,Remote}} ->
+ {{Local,Remote},io_lib:format("statename=~p",[StateName])};
+ _ ->
+ {{"-",0},"-"}
- _:_ -> {{"?",0},"?"}
+ _:_ ->
+ {{"?",0},"?"}
- {reply, Reply, StateName, State};
+ {keep_state_and_data, [{reply,From,Reply}]};
-handle_sync_event({connection_info, Options}, _From, StateName, State) ->
- Info = ssh_info(Options, State, []),
- {reply, Info, StateName, State};
+handle_event({call,From}, {connection_info, Options}, _, D) ->
+ Info = ssh_info(Options, D, []),
+ {keep_state_and_data, [{reply,From,Info}]};
-handle_sync_event({channel_info, ChannelId, Options}, _From, StateName,
- #state{connection_state = #connection{channel_cache = Cache}} = State) ->
- case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId) of
- #channel{} = Channel ->
+handle_event({call,From}, {channel_info,ChannelId,Options}, _, D) ->
+ case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(cache(D), ChannelId) of
+ #channel{} = Channel ->
Info = ssh_channel_info(Options, Channel, []),
- {reply, Info, StateName, State};
+ {keep_state_and_data, [{reply,From,Info}]};
undefined ->
- {reply, [], StateName, State}
+ {keep_state_and_data, [{reply,From,[]}]}
-handle_sync_event({info, ChannelPid}, _From, StateName,
- #state{connection_state =
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache}} = State) ->
+handle_event({call,From}, {info, all}, _, D) ->
+ Result = ssh_channel:cache_foldl(fun(Channel, Acc) ->
+ [Channel | Acc]
+ end,
+ [], cache(D)),
+ {keep_state_and_data, [{reply, From, {ok,Result}}]};
+handle_event({call,From}, {info, ChannelPid}, _, D) ->
Result = ssh_channel:cache_foldl(
- fun(Channel, Acc) when ChannelPid == all;
- Channel#channel.user == ChannelPid ->
+ fun(Channel, Acc) when Channel#channel.user == ChannelPid ->
[Channel | Acc];
(_, Acc) ->
- end, [], Cache),
- {reply, {ok, Result}, StateName, State};
+ end, [], cache(D)),
+ {keep_state_and_data, [{reply, From, {ok,Result}}]};
-handle_sync_event(stop, _, _StateName, #state{connection_state = Connection0,
- role = Role} = State0) ->
+handle_event({call,From}, stop, StateName, D0) ->
{disconnect, _Reason, {{replies, Replies}, Connection}} =
ssh_connection:handle_msg(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION,
- description = "User closed down connection",
- language = "en"}, Connection0, Role),
- State = send_replies(Replies, State0),
- {stop, normal, ok, State#state{connection_state = Connection}};
-handle_sync_event(Event, From, StateName, State) when StateName /= connected ->
- Events = [{sync, Event, From} | State#state.event_queue],
- {next_state, StateName, State#state{event_queue = Events}};
-handle_sync_event({request, ChannelPid, ChannelId, Type, Data, Timeout}, From, StateName, State0) ->
- {{replies, Replies}, State1} = handle_request(ChannelPid,
- ChannelId, Type, Data,
- true, From, State0),
- %% Note reply to channel will happen later when
- %% reply is recived from peer on the socket
- State = send_replies(Replies, State1),
- start_timeout(ChannelId, From, Timeout),
- handle_idle_timeout(State),
- {next_state, StateName, next_packet(State)};
-handle_sync_event({request, ChannelId, Type, Data, Timeout}, From, StateName, State0) ->
- {{replies, Replies}, State1} = handle_request(ChannelId, Type, Data,
- true, From, State0),
- %% Note reply to channel will happen later when
- %% reply is recived from peer on the socket
- State = send_replies(Replies, State1),
- start_timeout(ChannelId, From, Timeout),
- handle_idle_timeout(State),
- {next_state, StateName, next_packet(State)};
-handle_sync_event({global_request, Pid, _, _, _} = Request, From, StateName,
- #state{connection_state =
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache}} = State0) ->
- State1 = handle_global_request(Request, State0),
- Channel = ssh_channel:cache_find(Pid, Cache),
- State = add_request(true, Channel#channel.local_id, From, State1),
- {next_state, StateName, next_packet(State)};
-handle_sync_event({data, ChannelId, Type, Data, Timeout}, From, StateName,
- #state{connection_state = #connection{channel_cache = _Cache}
- = Connection0} = State0) ->
- case ssh_connection:channel_data(ChannelId, Type, Data, Connection0, From) of
- {{replies, Replies}, Connection} ->
- State = send_replies(Replies, State0#state{connection_state = Connection}),
- start_timeout(ChannelId, From, Timeout),
- {next_state, StateName, next_packet(State)};
- {noreply, Connection} ->
- start_timeout(ChannelId, From, Timeout),
- {next_state, StateName, next_packet(State0#state{connection_state = Connection})}
- end;
-handle_sync_event({eof, ChannelId}, _From, StateName,
- #state{connection_state =
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache}} = State0) ->
- case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId) of
+ description = "User closed down connection"},
+ D0#data.connection_state,
+ role(StateName)),
+ {Repls,D} = send_replies(Replies, D0),
+ {stop_and_reply, normal, [{reply,From,ok}|Repls], D#data{connection_state=Connection}};
+handle_event({call,_}, _, StateName, _) when StateName /= {connected,server},
+ StateName /= {connected,client} ->
+ {keep_state_and_data, [postpone]};
+handle_event({call,From}, {request, ChannelPid, ChannelId, Type, Data, Timeout}, {connected,_}, D0) ->
+ D = handle_request(ChannelPid, ChannelId, Type, Data, true, From, D0),
+ %% Note reply to channel will happen later when reply is recived from peer on the socket
+ start_channel_request_timer(ChannelId, From, Timeout),
+ {keep_state, cache_request_idle_timer_check(D)};
+handle_event({call,From}, {request, ChannelId, Type, Data, Timeout}, {connected,_}, D0) ->
+ D = handle_request(ChannelId, Type, Data, true, From, D0),
+ %% Note reply to channel will happen later when reply is recived from peer on the socket
+ start_channel_request_timer(ChannelId, From, Timeout),
+ {keep_state, cache_request_idle_timer_check(D)};
+handle_event({call,From}, {global_request, Pid, _, _, _} = Request, {connected,_}, D0) ->
+ D1 = handle_global_request(Request, D0),
+ Channel = ssh_channel:cache_find(Pid, cache(D1)),
+ D = add_request(true, Channel#channel.local_id, From, D1),
+ {keep_state, D};
+handle_event({call,From}, {data, ChannelId, Type, Data, Timeout}, {connected,_}, D0) ->
+ {{replies, Replies}, Connection} =
+ ssh_connection:channel_data(ChannelId, Type, Data, D0#data.connection_state, From),
+ {Repls,D} = send_replies(Replies, D0#data{connection_state = Connection}),
+ start_channel_request_timer(ChannelId, From, Timeout), % FIXME: No message exchange so why?
+ {keep_state, D, Repls};
+handle_event({call,From}, {eof, ChannelId}, {connected,_}, D0) ->
+ case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(cache(D0), ChannelId) of
#channel{remote_id = Id, sent_close = false} ->
- State = send_replies([{connection_reply,
- ssh_connection:channel_eof_msg(Id)}], State0),
- {reply, ok, StateName, next_packet(State)};
+ D = send_msg(ssh_connection:channel_eof_msg(Id), D0),
+ {keep_state, D, [{reply,From,ok}]};
_ ->
- {reply, {error,closed}, StateName, State0}
+ {keep_state, D0, [{reply,From,{error,closed}}]}
-handle_sync_event({open, ChannelPid, Type, InitialWindowSize, MaxPacketSize, Data, Timeout},
- From, StateName, #state{connection_state =
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache}} = State0) ->
+ {open, ChannelPid, Type, InitialWindowSize, MaxPacketSize, Data, Timeout},
+ {connected,_},
+ D0) ->
erlang:monitor(process, ChannelPid),
- {ChannelId, State1} = new_channel_id(State0),
- Msg = ssh_connection:channel_open_msg(Type, ChannelId,
- InitialWindowSize,
- MaxPacketSize, Data),
- State2 = send_replies([{connection_reply, Msg}], State1),
- Channel = #channel{type = Type,
- sys = "none",
- user = ChannelPid,
- local_id = ChannelId,
- recv_window_size = InitialWindowSize,
- recv_packet_size = MaxPacketSize,
- send_buf = queue:new()
- },
- ssh_channel:cache_update(Cache, Channel),
- State = add_request(true, ChannelId, From, State2),
- start_timeout(ChannelId, From, Timeout),
- {next_state, StateName, next_packet(remove_timer_ref(State))};
-handle_sync_event({send_window, ChannelId}, _From, StateName,
- #state{connection_state =
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache}} = State) ->
- Reply = case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId) of
+ {ChannelId, D1} = new_channel_id(D0),
+ D2 = send_msg(ssh_connection:channel_open_msg(Type, ChannelId,
+ InitialWindowSize,
+ MaxPacketSize, Data),
+ D1),
+ ssh_channel:cache_update(cache(D2),
+ #channel{type = Type,
+ sys = "none",
+ user = ChannelPid,
+ local_id = ChannelId,
+ recv_window_size = InitialWindowSize,
+ recv_packet_size = MaxPacketSize,
+ send_buf = queue:new()
+ }),
+ D = add_request(true, ChannelId, From, D2),
+ start_channel_request_timer(ChannelId, From, Timeout),
+ {keep_state, cache_cancel_idle_timer(D)};
+handle_event({call,From}, {send_window, ChannelId}, {connected,_}, D) ->
+ Reply = case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(cache(D), ChannelId) of
#channel{send_window_size = WinSize,
send_packet_size = Packsize} ->
{ok, {WinSize, Packsize}};
undefined ->
{error, einval}
- {reply, Reply, StateName, next_packet(State)};
-handle_sync_event({recv_window, ChannelId}, _From, StateName,
- #state{connection_state = #connection{channel_cache = Cache}}
- = State) ->
+ {keep_state_and_data, [{reply,From,Reply}]};
- Reply = case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId) of
+handle_event({call,From}, {recv_window, ChannelId}, {connected,_}, D) ->
+ Reply = case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(cache(D), ChannelId) of
#channel{recv_window_size = WinSize,
recv_packet_size = Packsize} ->
{ok, {WinSize, Packsize}};
undefined ->
{error, einval}
- {reply, Reply, StateName, next_packet(State)};
-handle_sync_event({close, ChannelId}, _, StateName,
- #state{connection_state =
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache}} = State0) ->
- State =
- case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId) of
- #channel{remote_id = Id} = Channel ->
- State1 = send_replies([{connection_reply,
- ssh_connection:channel_close_msg(Id)}], State0),
- ssh_channel:cache_update(Cache, Channel#channel{sent_close = true}),
- handle_idle_timeout(State1),
- State1;
- undefined ->
- State0
- end,
- {reply, ok, StateName, next_packet(State)}.
+ {keep_state_and_data, [{reply,From,Reply}]};
--spec handle_info({atom(), port(), binary()} | {atom(), port()} |
- term (), state_name(), #state{}) -> gen_fsm_state_return().
+handle_event({call,From}, {close, ChannelId}, {connected,_}, D0) ->
+ case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(cache(D0), ChannelId) of
+ #channel{remote_id = Id} = Channel ->
+ D1 = send_msg(ssh_connection:channel_close_msg(Id), D0),
+ ssh_channel:cache_update(cache(D1), Channel#channel{sent_close = true}),
+ {keep_state, cache_request_idle_timer_check(D1), [{reply,From,ok}]};
+ undefined ->
+ {keep_state_and_data, [{reply,From,ok}]}
+ end;
+%%===== Reception of encrypted bytes, decryption and framing
+handle_event(info, {Proto, Sock, Info}, {hello,_}, #data{socket = Sock,
+ transport_protocol = Proto}) ->
+ case Info of
+ "SSH-" ++ _ ->
+ {keep_state_and_data, [{next_event, internal, {version_exchange,Info}}]};
+ _ ->
+ {keep_state_and_data, [{next_event, internal, {info_line,Info}}]}
+ end;
-handle_info({Protocol, Socket, "SSH-" ++ _ = Version}, hello,
- #state{socket = Socket,
- transport_protocol = Protocol} = State ) ->
- event({version_exchange, Version}, hello, State);
-handle_info({Protocol, Socket, Info}, hello,
- #state{socket = Socket,
- transport_protocol = Protocol} = State) ->
- event({info_line, Info}, hello, State);
-handle_info({Protocol, Socket, Data}, StateName,
- #state{socket = Socket,
- transport_protocol = Protocol,
- ssh_params = Ssh0,
- decoded_data_buffer = DecData0,
- encoded_data_buffer = EncData0,
- undecoded_packet_length = RemainingSshPacketLen0} = State0) ->
- Encoded = <<EncData0/binary, Data/binary>>,
- try ssh_transport:handle_packet_part(DecData0, Encoded, RemainingSshPacketLen0, Ssh0)
+handle_event(info, {Proto, Sock, NewData}, StateName, D0 = #data{socket = Sock,
+ transport_protocol = Proto}) ->
+ try ssh_transport:handle_packet_part(
+ D0#data.decrypted_data_buffer,
+ <<(D0#data.encrypted_data_buffer)/binary, NewData/binary>>,
+ D0#data.undecrypted_packet_length,
+ D0#data.ssh_params)
- {get_more, DecBytes, EncDataRest, RemainingSshPacketLen, Ssh1} ->
- {next_state, StateName,
- next_packet(State0#state{encoded_data_buffer = EncDataRest,
- decoded_data_buffer = DecBytes,
- undecoded_packet_length = RemainingSshPacketLen,
- ssh_params = Ssh1})};
- {decoded, MsgBytes, EncDataRest, Ssh1} ->
- generate_event(MsgBytes, StateName,
- State0#state{ssh_params = Ssh1,
- %% Important to be set for
- %% next_packet
-%%% FIXME: the following three seem to always be set in generate_event!
- decoded_data_buffer = <<>>,
- undecoded_packet_length = undefined,
- encoded_data_buffer = EncDataRest},
- EncDataRest);
+ {packet_decrypted, DecryptedBytes, EncryptedDataRest, Ssh1} ->
+ D = D0#data{ssh_params =
+ Ssh1#ssh{recv_sequence = ssh_transport:next_seqnum(Ssh1#ssh.recv_sequence)},
+ decrypted_data_buffer = <<>>,
+ undecrypted_packet_length = undefined,
+ encrypted_data_buffer = EncryptedDataRest},
+ try
+ ssh_message:decode(set_kex_overload_prefix(DecryptedBytes,D))
+ of
+ Msg = #ssh_msg_kexinit{} ->
+ {keep_state, D, [{next_event, internal, {Msg,DecryptedBytes}},
+ {next_event, internal, prepare_next_packet}
+ ]};
+ Msg ->
+ {keep_state, D, [{next_event, internal, Msg},
+ {next_event, internal, prepare_next_packet}
+ ]}
+ catch
+ _C:_E ->
+ disconnect(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
+ description = "Encountered unexpected input"},
+ StateName, D)
+ end;
+ {get_more, DecryptedBytes, EncryptedDataRest, RemainingSshPacketLen, Ssh1} ->
+ %% Here we know that there are not enough bytes in
+ %% EncryptedDataRest to use. We must wait for more.
+ inet:setopts(Sock, [{active, once}]),
+ {keep_state, D0#data{encrypted_data_buffer = EncryptedDataRest,
+ decrypted_data_buffer = DecryptedBytes,
+ undecrypted_packet_length = RemainingSshPacketLen,
+ ssh_params = Ssh1}};
{bad_mac, Ssh1} ->
- DisconnectMsg =
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- description = "Bad mac",
- language = ""},
- handle_disconnect(DisconnectMsg, State0#state{ssh_params=Ssh1});
+ disconnect(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
+ description = "Bad mac"},
+ StateName, D0#data{ssh_params=Ssh1});
{error, {exceeds_max_size,PacketLen}} ->
- DisconnectMsg =
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- description = "Bad packet length "
- ++ integer_to_list(PacketLen),
- language = ""},
- handle_disconnect(DisconnectMsg, State0)
+ disconnect(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
+ description = "Bad packet length "
+ ++ integer_to_list(PacketLen)},
+ StateName, D0)
- _:_ ->
- DisconnectMsg =
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- description = "Bad packet",
- language = ""},
- handle_disconnect(DisconnectMsg, State0)
+ _C:_E ->
+ disconnect(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
+ description = "Bad packet"},
+ StateName, D0)
-handle_info({CloseTag, _Socket}, _StateName,
- #state{transport_close_tag = CloseTag,
- ssh_params = #ssh{role = _Role, opts = _Opts}} = State) ->
- DisconnectMsg =
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION,
- description = "Connection closed",
- language = "en"},
- handle_disconnect(DisconnectMsg, State);
-handle_info({timeout, {_, From} = Request}, Statename,
- #state{connection_state = #connection{requests = Requests} = Connection} = State) ->
+handle_event(internal, prepare_next_packet, _, D) ->
+ Enough = erlang:max(8, D#data.ssh_params#ssh.decrypt_block_size),
+ case size(D#data.encrypted_data_buffer) of
+ Sz when Sz >= Enough ->
+ self() ! {D#data.transport_protocol, D#data.socket, <<>>};
+ _ ->
+ inet:setopts(D#data.socket, [{active, once}])
+ end,
+ keep_state_and_data;
+handle_event(info, {CloseTag,Socket}, StateName,
+ D = #data{socket = Socket,
+ transport_close_tag = CloseTag}) ->
+ disconnect(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION,
+ description = "Connection closed"},
+ StateName, D);
+handle_event(info, {timeout, {_, From} = Request}, _,
+ #data{connection_state = #connection{requests = Requests} = C0} = D) ->
case lists:member(Request, Requests) of
true ->
- gen_fsm:reply(From, {error, timeout}),
- {next_state, Statename,
- State#state{connection_state =
- Connection#connection{requests =
- lists:delete(Request, Requests)}}};
+ %% A channel request is not answered in time. Answer {error,timeout}
+ %% to the caller
+ C = C0#connection{requests = lists:delete(Request, Requests)},
+ {keep_state, D#data{connection_state=C}, [{reply,From,{error,timeout}}]};
false ->
- {next_state, Statename, State}
+ %% The request is answered - just ignore the timeout
+ keep_state_and_data
%%% Handle that ssh channels user process goes down
-handle_info({'DOWN', _Ref, process, ChannelPid, _Reason}, Statename, State0) ->
- {{replies, Replies}, State1} = handle_channel_down(ChannelPid, State0),
- State = send_replies(Replies, State1),
- {next_state, Statename, next_packet(State)};
+handle_event(info, {'DOWN', _Ref, process, ChannelPid, _Reason}, _, D0) ->
+ {{replies, Replies}, D1} = handle_channel_down(ChannelPid, D0),
+ {Repls, D} = send_replies(Replies, D1),
+ {keep_state, D, Repls};
%%% So that terminate will be run when supervisor is shutdown
-handle_info({'EXIT', _Sup, Reason}, _StateName, State) ->
- {stop, {shutdown, Reason}, State};
+handle_event(info, {'EXIT', _Sup, Reason}, _, _) ->
+ {stop, {shutdown, Reason}};
-handle_info({check_cache, _ , _},
- StateName, #state{connection_state =
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache}} = State) ->
- {next_state, StateName, check_cache(State, Cache)};
+handle_event(info, check_cache, _, D) ->
+ {keep_state, cache_check_set_idle_timer(D)};
-handle_info(UnexpectedMessage, StateName, #state{opts = Opts,
- ssh_params = SshParams} = State) ->
- case unexpected_fun(UnexpectedMessage, Opts, SshParams) of
+handle_event(info, UnexpectedMessage, StateName, D = #data{ssh_params = Ssh}) ->
+ case unexpected_fun(UnexpectedMessage, D) of
report ->
Msg = lists:flatten(
"Unexpected message '~p' received in state '~p'\n"
"Role: ~p\n"
"Peer: ~p\n"
- "Local Address: ~p\n", [UnexpectedMessage, StateName,
- SshParams#ssh.role, SshParams#ssh.peer,
- proplists:get_value(address, SshParams#ssh.opts)])),
- error_logger:info_report(Msg);
+ "Local Address: ~p\n", [UnexpectedMessage,
+ StateName,
+ Ssh#ssh.role,
+ Ssh#ssh.peer,
+ proplists:get_value(address, Ssh#ssh.opts)])),
+ error_logger:info_report(Msg),
+ keep_state_and_data;
skip ->
- ok;
+ keep_state_and_data;
Other ->
Msg = lists:flatten(
@@ -1103,200 +1293,181 @@ handle_info(UnexpectedMessage, StateName, #state{opts = Opts,
"Message: ~p\n"
"Role: ~p\n"
"Peer: ~p\n"
- "Local Address: ~p\n", [Other, UnexpectedMessage,
- SshParams#ssh.role,
- element(2,SshParams#ssh.peer),
- proplists:get_value(address, SshParams#ssh.opts)]
+ "Local Address: ~p\n", [Other,
+ UnexpectedMessage,
+ Ssh#ssh.role,
+ element(2,Ssh#ssh.peer),
+ proplists:get_value(address, Ssh#ssh.opts)]
+ error_logger:error_report(Msg),
+ keep_state_and_data
+ end;
+handle_event(internal, {disconnect,Msg,_Reason}, StateName, D) ->
+ disconnect(Msg, StateName, D);
+handle_event(Type, Ev, StateName, D) ->
+ Descr =
+ case catch atom_to_list(element(1,Ev)) of
+ "ssh_msg_" ++_ when Type==internal ->
+ "Message in wrong state";
+ _ ->
+ "Internal error"
+ end,
+ disconnect(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
+ description = Descr},
+ StateName, D).
- error_logger:error_report(Msg)
- end,
- {next_state, StateName, State}.
--spec terminate(Reason::term(), state_name(), #state{}) -> _.
-terminate(normal, _, #state{transport_cb = Transport,
- connection_state = Connection,
- socket = Socket}) ->
- terminate_subsystem(Connection),
- (catch Transport:close(Socket)),
- ok;
+-spec terminate(any(),
+ state_name(),
+ #data{}
+ ) -> finalize_termination_result() .
+%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+terminate(normal, StateName, State) ->
+ finalize_termination(StateName, State);
terminate({shutdown,{init,Reason}}, StateName, State) ->
error_logger:info_report(io_lib:format("Erlang ssh in connection handler init: ~p~n",[Reason])),
- terminate(normal, StateName, State);
-%% Terminated by supervisor
-terminate(shutdown, StateName, #state{ssh_params = Ssh0} = State) ->
- DisconnectMsg =
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION,
- description = "Application shutdown",
- language = "en"},
- {SshPacket, Ssh} = ssh_transport:ssh_packet(DisconnectMsg, Ssh0),
- send_msg(SshPacket, State),
- terminate(normal, StateName, State#state{ssh_params = Ssh});
-terminate({shutdown, #ssh_msg_disconnect{} = Msg}, StateName,
- #state{ssh_params = Ssh0} = State) ->
- {SshPacket, Ssh} = ssh_transport:ssh_packet(Msg, Ssh0),
- send_msg(SshPacket, State),
- terminate(normal, StateName, State#state{ssh_params = Ssh});
-terminate({shutdown, _}, StateName, State) ->
- terminate(normal, StateName, State);
-terminate(Reason, StateName, #state{ssh_params = Ssh0, starter = _Pid,
- connection_state = Connection} = State) ->
- terminate_subsystem(Connection),
+ finalize_termination(StateName, State);
+terminate(shutdown, StateName, State0) ->
+ %% Terminated by supervisor
+ State = send_msg(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION,
+ description = "Application shutdown"},
+ State0),
+timer:sleep(400), %% FIXME!!! gen_tcp:shutdown instead
+ finalize_termination(StateName, State);
+%% terminate({shutdown,Msg}, StateName, State0) when is_record(Msg,ssh_msg_disconnect)->
+%% State = send_msg(Msg, State0),
+%% timer:sleep(400), %% FIXME!!! gen_tcp:shutdown instead
+%% finalize_termination(StateName, Msg, State);
+terminate({shutdown,_R}, StateName, State) ->
+ finalize_termination(StateName, State);
+terminate(Reason, StateName, State0) ->
+ %% Others, e.g undef, {badmatch,_}
- DisconnectMsg =
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION,
- description = "Internal error",
- language = "en"},
- {SshPacket, Ssh} = ssh_transport:ssh_packet(DisconnectMsg, Ssh0),
- send_msg(SshPacket, State),
- terminate(normal, StateName, State#state{ssh_params = Ssh}).
-terminate_subsystem(#connection{system_supervisor = SysSup,
- sub_system_supervisor = SubSysSup}) when is_pid(SubSysSup) ->
- ssh_system_sup:stop_subsystem(SysSup, SubSysSup);
-terminate_subsystem(_) ->
- ok.
-format_status(normal, [_, State]) ->
- [{data, [{"StateData", State}]}];
-format_status(terminate, [_, State]) ->
- SshParams0 = (State#state.ssh_params),
- SshParams = SshParams0#ssh{c_keyinit = "***",
- s_keyinit = "***",
- send_mac_key = "***",
- send_mac_size = "***",
- recv_mac_key = "***",
- recv_mac_size = "***",
- encrypt_keys = "***",
- encrypt_ctx = "***",
- decrypt_keys = "***",
- decrypt_ctx = "***",
- compress_ctx = "***",
- decompress_ctx = "***",
- shared_secret = "***",
- exchanged_hash = "***",
- session_id = "***",
- keyex_key = "***",
- keyex_info = "***",
- available_host_keys = "***"},
- [{data, [{"StateData", State#state{decoded_data_buffer = "***",
- encoded_data_buffer = "***",
- key_exchange_init_msg = "***",
- opts = "***",
- recbuf = "***",
- ssh_params = SshParams
- }}]}].
+ State = send_msg(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION,
+ description = "Internal error"},
+ State0),
+ finalize_termination(StateName, State).
--spec code_change(OldVsn::term(), state_name(), Oldstate::term(), Extra::term()) ->
- {ok, state_name(), #state{}}.
+%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+format_status(normal, [_, _StateName, D]) ->
+ [{data, [{"State", D}]}];
+format_status(terminate, [_, _StateName, D]) ->
+ DataPropList0 = fmt_stat_rec(record_info(fields, data), D,
+ [decrypted_data_buffer,
+ encrypted_data_buffer,
+ key_exchange_init_msg,
+ user_passwords,
+ opts,
+ inet_initial_recbuf_size]),
+ SshPropList = fmt_stat_rec(record_info(fields, ssh), D#data.ssh_params,
+ [c_keyinit,
+ s_keyinit,
+ send_mac_key,
+ send_mac_size,
+ recv_mac_key,
+ recv_mac_size,
+ encrypt_keys,
+ encrypt_ctx,
+ decrypt_keys,
+ decrypt_ctx,
+ compress_ctx,
+ decompress_ctx,
+ shared_secret,
+ exchanged_hash,
+ session_id,
+ keyex_key,
+ keyex_info,
+ available_host_keys]),
+ DataPropList = lists:keyreplace(ssh_params, 1, DataPropList0,
+ {ssh_params,SshPropList}),
+ [{data, [{"State", DataPropList}]}].
+fmt_stat_rec(FieldNames, Rec, Exclude) ->
+ Values = tl(tuple_to_list(Rec)),
+ [P || {K,_} = P <- lists:zip(FieldNames, Values),
+ not lists:member(K, Exclude)].
+-spec code_change(term() | {down,term()},
+ state_name(),
+ #data{},
+ term()
+ ) -> {gen_statem:callback_mode(), state_name(), #data{}}.
+%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, State, _Extra) ->
- {ok, StateName, State}.
+ {handle_event_function, StateName, State}.
+%% Internal functions
-%%% Internal functions
-init_role(#state{role = client, opts = Opts} = State0) ->
- Pid = proplists:get_value(user_pid, Opts),
- TimerRef = get_idle_time(Opts),
- timer:apply_after(?REKEY_TIMOUT, gen_fsm, send_all_state_event, [self(), renegotiate]),
- timer:apply_after(?REKEY_DATA_TIMOUT, gen_fsm, send_all_state_event,
- [self(), data_size]),
- State0#state{starter = Pid,
- idle_timer_ref = TimerRef};
-init_role(#state{role = server, opts = Opts, connection_state = Connection} = State) ->
- Sups = proplists:get_value(supervisors, Opts),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(user_pid, Opts),
- SystemSup = proplists:get_value(system_sup, Sups),
- SubSystemSup = proplists:get_value(subsystem_sup, Sups),
+%% Starting
+start_the_connection_child(UserPid, Role, Socket, Options) ->
+ Sups = proplists:get_value(supervisors, Options),
ConnectionSup = proplists:get_value(connection_sup, Sups),
- Shell = proplists:get_value(shell, Opts),
- Exec = proplists:get_value(exec, Opts),
- CliSpec = proplists:get_value(ssh_cli, Opts, {ssh_cli, [Shell]}),
- State#state{starter = Pid, connection_state = Connection#connection{
- cli_spec = CliSpec,
- exec = Exec,
- system_supervisor = SystemSup,
- sub_system_supervisor = SubSystemSup,
- connection_supervisor = ConnectionSup
- }}.
-get_idle_time(SshOptions) ->
- case proplists:get_value(idle_time, SshOptions) of
- infinity ->
- infinity;
- _IdleTime -> %% We dont want to set the timeout on first connect
- undefined
- end.
+ Opts = [{supervisors, Sups}, {user_pid, UserPid} | proplists:get_value(ssh_opts, Options, [])],
+ {ok, Pid} = ssh_connection_sup:start_child(ConnectionSup, [Role, Socket, Opts]),
+ ok = socket_control(Socket, Pid, Options),
+ Pid.
-init_ssh(client = Role, Vsn, Version, Options, Socket) ->
- IOCb = case proplists:get_value(user_interaction, Options, true) of
- true ->
- ssh_io;
- false ->
- ssh_no_io
- end,
+%% Stopping
+-type finalize_termination_result() :: ok .
+finalize_termination(_StateName, #data{transport_cb = Transport,
+ connection_state = Connection,
+ socket = Socket}) ->
+ case Connection of
+ #connection{system_supervisor = SysSup,
+ sub_system_supervisor = SubSysSup} when is_pid(SubSysSup) ->
+ ssh_system_sup:stop_subsystem(SysSup, SubSysSup);
+ _ ->
+ do_nothing
+ end,
+ (catch Transport:close(Socket)),
+ ok.
- AuthMethods = proplists:get_value(auth_methods, Options,
- {ok, PeerAddr} = inet:peername(Socket),
- PeerName = proplists:get_value(host, Options),
- KeyCb = proplists:get_value(key_cb, Options, ssh_file),
- #ssh{role = Role,
- c_vsn = Vsn,
- c_version = Version,
- key_cb = KeyCb,
- io_cb = IOCb,
- userauth_quiet_mode = proplists:get_value(quiet_mode, Options, false),
- opts = Options,
- userauth_supported_methods = AuthMethods,
- peer = {PeerName, PeerAddr},
- available_host_keys = supported_host_keys(Role, KeyCb, Options),
- random_length_padding = proplists:get_value(max_random_length_padding,
- Options,
- (#ssh{})#ssh.random_length_padding)
- };
-init_ssh(server = Role, Vsn, Version, Options, Socket) ->
- AuthMethods = proplists:get_value(auth_methods, Options,
- AuthMethodsAsList = string:tokens(AuthMethods, ","),
- {ok, PeerAddr} = inet:peername(Socket),
- KeyCb = proplists:get_value(key_cb, Options, ssh_file),
- #ssh{role = Role,
- s_vsn = Vsn,
- s_version = Version,
- key_cb = KeyCb,
- io_cb = proplists:get_value(io_cb, Options, ssh_io),
- opts = Options,
- userauth_supported_methods = AuthMethods,
- userauth_methods = AuthMethodsAsList,
- kb_tries_left = 3,
- peer = {undefined, PeerAddr},
- available_host_keys = supported_host_keys(Role, KeyCb, Options),
- random_length_padding = proplists:get_value(max_random_length_padding,
- Options,
- (#ssh{})#ssh.random_length_padding)
- }.
+%% "Invert" the Role
+peer_role(client) -> server;
+peer_role(server) -> client.
+%% StateName to Role
+role({_,Role}) -> Role;
+role({_,Role,_}) -> Role.
+%% Check the StateName to see if we are in the renegotiation phase
+renegotiation({_,_,ReNeg}) -> ReNeg == renegotiation;
+renegotiation(_) -> false.
supported_host_keys(client, _, Options) ->
- case proplists:get_value(public_key,
+ case proplists:get_value(public_key,
) of
- undefined ->
+ undefined ->
L ->
L -- (L--ssh_transport:default_algorithms(public_key))
@@ -1311,7 +1482,7 @@ supported_host_keys(client, _, Options) ->
{stop, {shutdown, Reason}}
supported_host_keys(server, KeyCb, Options) ->
- [atom_to_list(A) || A <- proplists:get_value(public_key,
+ [atom_to_list(A) || A <- proplists:get_value(public_key,
@@ -1322,10 +1493,16 @@ supported_host_keys(server, KeyCb, Options) ->
available_host_key(KeyCb, Alg, Opts) ->
element(1, catch KeyCb:host_key(Alg, Opts)) == ok.
-send_msg(Msg, #state{socket = Socket, transport_cb = Transport}) ->
- Transport:send(Socket, Msg).
-handle_version({2, 0} = NumVsn, StrVsn, Ssh0) ->
+send_msg(Msg, State=#data{ssh_params=Ssh0}) when is_tuple(Msg) ->
+ {Bytes, Ssh} = ssh_transport:ssh_packet(Msg, Ssh0),
+ send_bytes(Bytes, State),
+ State#data{ssh_params=Ssh}.
+send_bytes(Bytes, #data{socket = Socket, transport_cb = Transport}) ->
+ Transport:send(Socket, Bytes).
+handle_version({2, 0} = NumVsn, StrVsn, Ssh0) ->
Ssh = counterpart_versions(NumVsn, StrVsn, Ssh0),
{ok, Ssh};
handle_version(_,_,_) ->
@@ -1336,419 +1513,212 @@ string_version(#ssh{role = client, c_version = Vsn}) ->
string_version(#ssh{role = server, s_version = Vsn}) ->
-send_event(FsmPid, Event) ->
- gen_fsm:send_event(FsmPid, Event).
-send_all_state_event(FsmPid, Event) ->
- gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(FsmPid, Event).
+cast(FsmPid, Event) ->
+ gen_statem:cast(FsmPid, Event).
-sync_send_all_state_event(FsmPid, Event) ->
- sync_send_all_state_event(FsmPid, Event, infinity).
+call(FsmPid, Event) ->
+ call(FsmPid, Event, infinity).
-sync_send_all_state_event(FsmPid, Event, Timeout) ->
- try gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(FsmPid, Event, Timeout) of
- {closed, _Channel} ->
+call(FsmPid, Event, Timeout) ->
+ try gen_statem:call(FsmPid, Event, Timeout) of
+ {closed, _R} ->
+ {error, closed};
+ {killed, _R} ->
{error, closed};
Result ->
- exit:{noproc, _} ->
+ exit:{noproc, _R} ->
{error, closed};
- exit:{normal, _} ->
+ exit:{normal, _R} ->
{error, closed};
- exit:{{shutdown, _},_} ->
+ exit:{{shutdown, _R},_} ->
{error, closed}
-%% simulate send_all_state_event(self(), Event)
-event(#ssh_msg_disconnect{} = Event, StateName, State) ->
- handle_event(Event, StateName, State);
-event(#ssh_msg_ignore{} = Event, StateName, State) ->
- handle_event(Event, StateName, State);
-event(#ssh_msg_debug{} = Event, StateName, State) ->
- handle_event(Event, StateName, State);
-event(#ssh_msg_unimplemented{} = Event, StateName, State) ->
- handle_event(Event, StateName, State);
-%% simulate send_event(self(), Event)
-event(Event, StateName, State) ->
- try
- ?MODULE:StateName(Event, State)
+handle_connection_msg(Msg, StateName, State0 =
+ #data{starter = User,
+ connection_state = Connection0,
+ event_queue = Qev0}) ->
+ Renegotiation = renegotiation(StateName),
+ Role = role(StateName),
+ try ssh_connection:handle_msg(Msg, Connection0, Role) of
+ {{replies, Replies}, Connection} ->
+ case StateName of
+ {connected,_} ->
+ {Repls, State} = send_replies(Replies,
+ State0#data{connection_state=Connection}),
+ {keep_state, State, Repls};
+ _ ->
+ {ConnReplies, Replies} =
+ lists:splitwith(fun not_connected_filter/1, Replies),
+ {Repls, State} = send_replies(Replies,
+ State0#data{event_queue = Qev0 ++ ConnReplies}),
+ {keep_state, State, Repls}
+ end;
+ {noreply, Connection} ->
+ {keep_state, State0#data{connection_state = Connection}};
+ {disconnect, Reason0, {{replies, Replies}, Connection}} ->
+ {Repls,State} = send_replies(Replies, State0#data{connection_state = Connection}),
+ case {Reason0,Role} of
+ {{_, Reason}, client} when ((StateName =/= {connected,client}) and (not Renegotiation)) ->
+ User ! {self(), not_connected, Reason};
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ {stop, {shutdown,normal}, Repls, State#data{connection_state = Connection}}
- throw:#ssh_msg_disconnect{} = DisconnectMsg ->
- handle_disconnect(DisconnectMsg, State);
- throw:{ErrorToDisplay, #ssh_msg_disconnect{} = DisconnectMsg} ->
- handle_disconnect(DisconnectMsg, State, ErrorToDisplay);
- _C:_Error ->
- handle_disconnect(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = error_code(StateName),
- description = "Invalid state",
- language = "en"}, State)
+ _:Error ->
+ {disconnect, _Reason, {{replies, Replies}, Connection}} =
+ ssh_connection:handle_msg(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION,
+ description = "Internal error"},
+ Connection0, Role),
+ {Repls,State} = send_replies(Replies, State0#data{connection_state = Connection}),
+ {stop, {shutdown,Error}, Repls, State#data{connection_state = Connection}}
-error_code(key_exchange) ->
-error_code(new_keys) ->
-error_code(_) ->
-generate_event(<<?BYTE(Byte), _/binary>> = Msg, StateName,
- #state{
- role = Role,
- starter = User,
- renegotiate = Renegotiation,
- connection_state = Connection0} = State0, EncData)
- try
- ssh_message:decode(Msg)
- of
- ConnectionMsg ->
- State1 = generate_event_new_state(State0, EncData),
- try ssh_connection:handle_msg(ConnectionMsg, Connection0, Role) of
- {{replies, Replies0}, Connection} ->
- if StateName == connected ->
- Replies = Replies0,
- State2 = State1;
- true ->
- {ConnReplies, Replies} =
- lists:splitwith(fun not_connected_filter/1, Replies0),
- Q = State1#state.event_queue ++ ConnReplies,
- State2 = State1#state{ event_queue = Q }
- end,
- State = send_replies(Replies, State2#state{connection_state = Connection}),
- {next_state, StateName, next_packet(State)};
- {noreply, Connection} ->
- {next_state, StateName, next_packet(State1#state{connection_state = Connection})};
- {disconnect, {_, Reason}, {{replies, Replies}, Connection}} when
- Role == client andalso ((StateName =/= connected) and (not Renegotiation)) ->
- State = send_replies(Replies, State1#state{connection_state = Connection}),
- User ! {self(), not_connected, Reason},
- {stop, {shutdown, normal},
- next_packet(State#state{connection_state = Connection})};
- {disconnect, _Reason, {{replies, Replies}, Connection}} ->
- State = send_replies(Replies, State1#state{connection_state = Connection}),
- {stop, {shutdown, normal}, State#state{connection_state = Connection}}
- catch
- _:Error ->
- {disconnect, _Reason, {{replies, Replies}, Connection}} =
- ssh_connection:handle_msg(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION,
- description = "Internal error",
- language = "en"}, Connection0, Role),
- State = send_replies(Replies, State1#state{connection_state = Connection}),
- {stop, {shutdown, Error}, State#state{connection_state = Connection}}
- end
- catch
- _:_ ->
- handle_disconnect(
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- description = "Bad packet received",
- language = ""}, State0)
- end;
-generate_event(Msg, StateName, State0, EncData) ->
- try
- Event = ssh_message:decode(set_prefix_if_trouble(Msg,State0)),
- State = generate_event_new_state(State0, EncData),
- case Event of
- #ssh_msg_kexinit{} ->
- %% We need payload for verification later.
- event({Event, Msg}, StateName, State);
- _ ->
- event(Event, StateName, State)
- end
- catch
- _C:_E ->
- DisconnectMsg =
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- description = "Encountered unexpected input",
- language = "en"},
- handle_disconnect(DisconnectMsg, State0)
- end.
-set_prefix_if_trouble(Msg = <<?BYTE(Op),_/binary>>, #state{ssh_params=SshParams})
+set_kex_overload_prefix(Msg = <<?BYTE(Op),_/binary>>, #data{ssh_params=SshParams})
when Op == 30;
Op == 31
case catch atom_to_list(kex(SshParams)) of
- "ecdh-sha2-" ++ _ ->
+ "ecdh-sha2-" ++ _ ->
"diffie-hellman-group-exchange-" ++ _ ->
"diffie-hellman-group" ++ _ ->
- _ ->
+ _ ->
-set_prefix_if_trouble(Msg, _) ->
+set_kex_overload_prefix(Msg, _) ->
kex(#ssh{algorithms=#alg{kex=Kex}}) -> Kex;
kex(_) -> undefined.
+cache(#data{connection_state=C}) -> C#connection.channel_cache.
-handle_request(ChannelPid, ChannelId, Type, Data, WantReply, From,
- #state{connection_state =
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache}} = State0) ->
- case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId) of
+handle_request(ChannelPid, ChannelId, Type, Data, WantReply, From, D) ->
+ case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(cache(D), ChannelId) of
#channel{remote_id = Id} = Channel ->
- update_sys(Cache, Channel, Type, ChannelPid),
- Msg = ssh_connection:channel_request_msg(Id, Type,
- WantReply, Data),
- Replies = [{connection_reply, Msg}],
- State = add_request(WantReply, ChannelId, From, State0),
- {{replies, Replies}, State};
+ update_sys(cache(D), Channel, Type, ChannelPid),
+ send_msg(ssh_connection:channel_request_msg(Id, Type, WantReply, Data),
+ add_request(WantReply, ChannelId, From, D));
undefined ->
- {{replies, []}, State0}
+ D
-handle_request(ChannelId, Type, Data, WantReply, From,
- #state{connection_state =
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache}} = State0) ->
- case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId) of
- #channel{remote_id = Id} ->
- Msg = ssh_connection:channel_request_msg(Id, Type,
- WantReply, Data),
- Replies = [{connection_reply, Msg}],
- State = add_request(WantReply, ChannelId, From, State0),
- {{replies, Replies}, State};
+handle_request(ChannelId, Type, Data, WantReply, From, D) ->
+ case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(cache(D), ChannelId) of
+ #channel{remote_id = Id} ->
+ send_msg(ssh_connection:channel_request_msg(Id, Type, WantReply, Data),
+ add_request(WantReply, ChannelId, From, D));
undefined ->
- {{replies, []}, State0}
+ D
handle_global_request({global_request, ChannelPid,
"tcpip-forward" = Type, WantReply,
- <<?UINT32(IPLen),
- IP:IPLen/binary, ?UINT32(Port)>> = Data},
- #state{connection_state =
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache}
- = Connection0} = State) ->
- ssh_channel:cache_update(Cache, #channel{user = ChannelPid,
- type = "forwarded-tcpip",
- sys = none}),
- Connection = ssh_connection:bind(IP, Port, ChannelPid, Connection0),
+ <<?UINT32(IPLen),IP:IPLen/binary, ?UINT32(Port)>> = Data
+ },
+ D) ->
+ ssh_channel:cache_update(cache(D),
+ #channel{user = ChannelPid,
+ type = "forwarded-tcpip",
+ sys = none}),
+ Connection = ssh_connection:bind(IP, Port, ChannelPid, D#data.connection_state),
Msg = ssh_connection:global_request_msg(Type, WantReply, Data),
- send_replies([{connection_reply, Msg}], State#state{connection_state = Connection});
+ send_msg(Msg, D#data{connection_state = Connection});
handle_global_request({global_request, _Pid, "cancel-tcpip-forward" = Type,
WantReply, <<?UINT32(IPLen),
IP:IPLen/binary, ?UINT32(Port)>> = Data},
- #state{connection_state = Connection0} = State) ->
+ #data{connection_state = Connection0} = State) ->
Connection = ssh_connection:unbind(IP, Port, Connection0),
Msg = ssh_connection:global_request_msg(Type, WantReply, Data),
- send_replies([{connection_reply, Msg}], State#state{connection_state = Connection});
+ send_msg(Msg, State#data{connection_state = Connection});
handle_global_request({global_request, _, "cancel-tcpip-forward" = Type,
WantReply, Data}, State) ->
Msg = ssh_connection:global_request_msg(Type, WantReply, Data),
- send_replies([{connection_reply, Msg}], State).
-handle_idle_timeout(#state{opts = Opts}) ->
- case proplists:get_value(idle_time, Opts, infinity) of
- infinity ->
- ok;
- IdleTime ->
- erlang:send_after(IdleTime, self(), {check_cache, [], []})
- end.
+ send_msg(Msg, State).
-handle_channel_down(ChannelPid, #state{connection_state =
- #connection{channel_cache = Cache}} =
- State) ->
+handle_channel_down(ChannelPid, D) ->
fun(Channel, Acc) when Channel#channel.user == ChannelPid ->
- ssh_channel:cache_delete(Cache,
+ ssh_channel:cache_delete(cache(D),
(_,Acc) ->
- end, [], Cache),
- {{replies, []}, check_cache(State, Cache)}.
+ end, [], cache(D)),
+ {{replies, []}, cache_check_set_idle_timer(D)}.
update_sys(Cache, Channel, Type, ChannelPid) ->
Channel#channel{sys = Type, user = ChannelPid}).
add_request(false, _ChannelId, _From, State) ->
-add_request(true, ChannelId, From, #state{connection_state =
- #connection{requests = Requests0} =
- Connection} = State) ->
+add_request(true, ChannelId, From, #data{connection_state =
+ #connection{requests = Requests0} =
+ Connection} = State) ->
Requests = [{ChannelId, From} | Requests0],
- State#state{connection_state = Connection#connection{requests = Requests}}.
+ State#data{connection_state = Connection#connection{requests = Requests}}.
-new_channel_id(#state{connection_state = #connection{channel_id_seed = Id} =
- Connection}
+new_channel_id(#data{connection_state = #connection{channel_id_seed = Id} =
+ Connection}
= State) ->
- {Id, State#state{connection_state =
- Connection#connection{channel_id_seed = Id + 1}}}.
-generate_event_new_state(#state{ssh_params =
- #ssh{recv_sequence = SeqNum0}
- = Ssh} = State, EncData) ->
- SeqNum = ssh_transport:next_seqnum(SeqNum0),
- State#state{ssh_params = Ssh#ssh{recv_sequence = SeqNum},
- decoded_data_buffer = <<>>,
- encoded_data_buffer = EncData,
- undecoded_packet_length = undefined}.
-next_packet(#state{decoded_data_buffer = <<>>,
- encoded_data_buffer = Buff,
- ssh_params = #ssh{decrypt_block_size = BlockSize},
- socket = Socket,
- transport_protocol = Protocol} = State) when Buff =/= <<>> ->
- case size(Buff) >= erlang:max(8, BlockSize) of
- true ->
- %% Enough data from the next packet has been received to
- %% decode the length indicator, fake a socket-recive
- %% message so that the data will be processed
- self() ! {Protocol, Socket, <<>>};
- false ->
- inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}])
- end,
- State;
-next_packet(#state{socket = Socket} = State) ->
- inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
- State.
-after_new_keys(#state{renegotiate = true} = State) ->
- State1 = State#state{renegotiate = false, event_queue = []},
- lists:foldr(fun after_new_keys_events/2, {next_state, connected, State1}, State#state.event_queue);
-after_new_keys(#state{renegotiate = false,
- ssh_params = #ssh{role = client} = Ssh0} = State) ->
- {Msg, Ssh} = ssh_auth:service_request_msg(Ssh0),
- send_msg(Msg, State),
- {next_state, service_request, State#state{ssh_params = Ssh}};
-after_new_keys(#state{renegotiate = false,
- ssh_params = #ssh{role = server}} = State) ->
- {next_state, service_request, State}.
-after_new_keys_events({sync, _Event, From}, {stop, _Reason, _StateData}=Terminator) ->
- gen_fsm:reply(From, {error, closed}),
- Terminator;
-after_new_keys_events(_, {stop, _Reason, _StateData}=Terminator) ->
- Terminator;
-after_new_keys_events({sync, Event, From}, {next_state, StateName, StateData}) ->
- case handle_sync_event(Event, From, StateName, StateData) of
- {reply, Reply, NextStateName, NewStateData} ->
- gen_fsm:reply(From, Reply),
- {next_state, NextStateName, NewStateData};
- {next_state, NextStateName, NewStateData}->
- {next_state, NextStateName, NewStateData};
- {stop, Reason, Reply, NewStateData} ->
- gen_fsm:reply(From, Reply),
- {stop, Reason, NewStateData}
- end;
-after_new_keys_events({event, Event}, {next_state, StateName, StateData}) ->
- case handle_event(Event, StateName, StateData) of
- {next_state, NextStateName, NewStateData}->
- {next_state, NextStateName, NewStateData};
- {stop, Reason, NewStateData} ->
- {stop, Reason, NewStateData}
- end;
-after_new_keys_events({connection_reply, _Data} = Reply, {StateName, State}) ->
- NewState = send_replies([Reply], State),
- {next_state, StateName, NewState}.
-handle_disconnect(DisconnectMsg, State) ->
- handle_disconnect(own, DisconnectMsg, State).
-handle_disconnect(#ssh_msg_disconnect{} = DisconnectMsg, State, Error) ->
- handle_disconnect(own, DisconnectMsg, State, Error);
-handle_disconnect(Type, #ssh_msg_disconnect{description = Desc} = Msg, #state{connection_state = Connection0, role = Role} = State0) ->
- {disconnect, _, {{replies, Replies}, Connection}} = ssh_connection:handle_msg(Msg, Connection0, Role),
- State = send_replies(disconnect_replies(Type, Msg, Replies), State0),
- disconnect_fun(Desc, State#state.opts),
- {stop, {shutdown, Desc}, State#state{connection_state = Connection}}.
-handle_disconnect(Type, #ssh_msg_disconnect{description = Desc} = Msg, #state{connection_state = Connection0,
- role = Role} = State0, ErrorMsg) ->
- {disconnect, _, {{replies, Replies}, Connection}} = ssh_connection:handle_msg(Msg, Connection0, Role),
- State = send_replies(disconnect_replies(Type, Msg, Replies), State0),
- disconnect_fun(Desc, State#state.opts),
- {stop, {shutdown, {Desc, ErrorMsg}}, State#state{connection_state = Connection}}.
-disconnect_replies(own, Msg, Replies) ->
- [{connection_reply, Msg} | Replies];
-disconnect_replies(peer, _, Replies) ->
- Replies.
+ {Id, State#data{connection_state =
+ Connection#connection{channel_id_seed = Id + 1}}}.
+%% %%% This server/client has decided to disconnect via the state machine:
+disconnect(Msg=#ssh_msg_disconnect{description=Description}, _StateName, State0) ->
+ State = send_msg(Msg, State0),
+ disconnect_fun(Description, State),
+ {stop, {shutdown,Description}, State}.
counterpart_versions(NumVsn, StrVsn, #ssh{role = server} = Ssh) ->
Ssh#ssh{c_vsn = NumVsn , c_version = StrVsn};
counterpart_versions(NumVsn, StrVsn, #ssh{role = client} = Ssh) ->
Ssh#ssh{s_vsn = NumVsn , s_version = StrVsn}.
-opposite_role(client) ->
- server;
-opposite_role(server) ->
- client.
-connected_fun(User, PeerAddr, Method, Opts) ->
- case proplists:get_value(connectfun, Opts) of
- undefined ->
- ok;
- Fun ->
- catch Fun(User, PeerAddr, Method)
- end.
-retry_fun(_, _, undefined, _) ->
- ok;
-retry_fun(User, PeerAddr, {error, Reason}, Opts) ->
- case proplists:get_value(failfun, Opts) of
- undefined ->
- ok;
- Fun ->
- do_retry_fun(Fun, User, PeerAddr, Reason)
- end;
-retry_fun(User, PeerAddr, Reason, Opts) ->
- case proplists:get_value(infofun, Opts) of
- undefined ->
- ok;
- Fun ->
- do_retry_fun(Fun, User, PeerAddr, Reason)
- end.
-do_retry_fun(Fun, User, PeerAddr, Reason) ->
- case erlang:fun_info(Fun, arity) of
- {arity, 2} -> %% Backwards compatible
- catch Fun(User, Reason);
- {arity, 3} ->
- catch Fun(User, PeerAddr, Reason)
- end.
ssh_info([], _State, Acc) ->
-ssh_info([client_version | Rest], #state{ssh_params = #ssh{c_vsn = IntVsn,
+ssh_info([client_version | Rest], #data{ssh_params = #ssh{c_vsn = IntVsn,
c_version = StringVsn}} = State, Acc) ->
ssh_info(Rest, State, [{client_version, {IntVsn, StringVsn}} | Acc]);
-ssh_info([server_version | Rest], #state{ssh_params =#ssh{s_vsn = IntVsn,
+ssh_info([server_version | Rest], #data{ssh_params =#ssh{s_vsn = IntVsn,
s_version = StringVsn}} = State, Acc) ->
ssh_info(Rest, State, [{server_version, {IntVsn, StringVsn}} | Acc]);
-ssh_info([peer | Rest], #state{ssh_params = #ssh{peer = Peer}} = State, Acc) ->
+ssh_info([peer | Rest], #data{ssh_params = #ssh{peer = Peer}} = State, Acc) ->
ssh_info(Rest, State, [{peer, Peer} | Acc]);
-ssh_info([sockname | Rest], #state{socket = Socket} = State, Acc) ->
+ssh_info([sockname | Rest], #data{socket = Socket} = State, Acc) ->
{ok, SockName} = inet:sockname(Socket),
ssh_info(Rest, State, [{sockname, SockName}|Acc]);
-ssh_info([user | Rest], #state{auth_user = User} = State, Acc) ->
+ssh_info([user | Rest], #data{auth_user = User} = State, Acc) ->
ssh_info(Rest, State, [{user, User}|Acc]);
ssh_info([ _ | Rest], State, Acc) ->
ssh_info(Rest, State, Acc).
ssh_channel_info([], _, Acc) ->
@@ -1765,43 +1735,49 @@ ssh_channel_info([send_window | Rest], #channel{send_window_size = WinSize,
ssh_channel_info([ _ | Rest], Channel, Acc) ->
ssh_channel_info(Rest, Channel, Acc).
log_error(Reason) ->
- Report = io_lib:format("Erlang ssh connection handler failed with reason: "
- "~p ~n, Stacktrace: ~p ~n",
- [Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace()]),
- error_logger:error_report(Report),
- "Internal error".
-not_connected_filter({connection_reply, _Data}) ->
- true;
-not_connected_filter(_) ->
- false.
-send_replies([], State) ->
- State;
-send_replies([{connection_reply, Data} | Rest], #state{ssh_params = Ssh0} = State) ->
- {Packet, Ssh} = ssh_transport:ssh_packet(Data, Ssh0),
- send_msg(Packet, State),
- send_replies(Rest, State#state{ssh_params = Ssh});
-send_replies([Msg | Rest], State) ->
- catch send_reply(Msg),
- send_replies(Rest, State).
-send_reply({channel_data, Pid, Data}) ->
- Pid ! {ssh_cm, self(), Data};
-send_reply({channel_requst_reply, From, Data}) ->
- gen_fsm:reply(From, Data);
-send_reply({flow_control, Cache, Channel, From, Msg}) ->
+ Report = io_lib:format("Erlang ssh connection handler failed with reason:~n"
+ " ~p~n"
+ "Stacktrace:~n"
+ " ~p~n",
+ [Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace()]),
+ error_logger:error_report(Report).
+not_connected_filter({connection_reply, _Data}) -> true;
+not_connected_filter(_) -> false.
+send_replies(Repls, State) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun get_repl/2,
+ {[],State},
+ Repls).
+get_repl({connection_reply,Msg}, {CallRepls,S}) ->
+ {CallRepls, send_msg(Msg,S)};
+get_repl({channel_data,undefined,_Data}, Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+get_repl({channel_data,Pid,Data}, Acc) ->
+ Pid ! {ssh_cm, self(), Data},
+ Acc;
+get_repl({channel_request_reply,From,Data}, {CallRepls,S}) ->
+ {[{reply,From,Data}|CallRepls], S};
+get_repl({flow_control,Cache,Channel,From,Msg}, {CallRepls,S}) ->
ssh_channel:cache_update(Cache, Channel#channel{flow_control = undefined}),
- gen_fsm:reply(From, Msg);
-send_reply({flow_control, From, Msg}) ->
- gen_fsm:reply(From, Msg).
+ {[{reply,From,Msg}|CallRepls], S};
+get_repl({flow_control,From,Msg}, {CallRepls,S}) ->
+ {[{reply,From,Msg}|CallRepls], S};
+get_repl(noreply, Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+get_repl(X, Acc) ->
+ exit({get_repl,X,Acc}).
-disconnect_fun({disconnect,Msg}, Opts) ->
- disconnect_fun(Msg, Opts);
-disconnect_fun(_, undefined) ->
- ok;
-disconnect_fun(Reason, Opts) ->
+disconnect_fun({disconnect,Msg}, D) ->
+ disconnect_fun(Msg, D);
+disconnect_fun(Reason, #data{opts=Opts}) ->
case proplists:get_value(disconnectfun, Opts) of
undefined ->
@@ -1809,50 +1785,137 @@ disconnect_fun(Reason, Opts) ->
catch Fun(Reason)
-unexpected_fun(UnexpectedMessage, Opts, #ssh{peer={_,Peer}}) ->
+unexpected_fun(UnexpectedMessage, #data{opts = Opts,
+ ssh_params = #ssh{peer = {_,Peer} }
+ } ) ->
case proplists:get_value(unexpectedfun, Opts) of
undefined ->
Fun ->
- catch Fun(UnexpectedMessage, Peer)
+ catch Fun(UnexpectedMessage, Peer)
-check_cache(#state{opts = Opts} = State, Cache) ->
- %% Check the number of entries in Cache
- case proplists:get_value(size, ets:info(Cache)) of
- 0 ->
- case proplists:get_value(idle_time, Opts, infinity) of
- infinity ->
- State;
- Time ->
- handle_idle_timer(Time, State)
- end;
+debug_fun(#ssh_msg_debug{always_display = Display,
+ message = DbgMsg,
+ language = Lang},
+ #data{opts = Opts}) ->
+ case proplists:get_value(ssh_msg_debug_fun, Opts) of
+ undefined ->
+ ok;
+ Fun ->
+ catch Fun(self(), Display, DbgMsg, Lang)
+ end.
+connected_fun(User, Method, #data{ssh_params = #ssh{peer = {_,Peer}},
+ opts = Opts}) ->
+ case proplists:get_value(connectfun, Opts) of
+ undefined ->
+ ok;
+ Fun ->
+ catch Fun(User, Peer, Method)
+ end.
+retry_fun(_, undefined, _) ->
+ ok;
+retry_fun(User, Reason, #data{ssh_params = #ssh{opts = Opts,
+ peer = {_,Peer}
+ }}) ->
+ {Tag,Info} =
+ case Reason of
+ {error, Error} ->
+ {failfun, Error};
+ _ ->
+ {infofun, Reason}
+ end,
+ Fun = proplists:get_value(Tag, Opts, fun(_,_)-> ok end),
+ try erlang:fun_info(Fun, arity)
+ of
+ {arity, 2} -> %% Backwards compatible
+ catch Fun(User, Info);
+ {arity, 3} ->
+ catch Fun(User, Peer, Info);
_ ->
- State
+ ok
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ ok
+ end.
+%%% Cache idle timer that closes the connection if there are no
+%%% channels open for a while.
+cache_init_idle_timer(D) ->
+ case proplists:get_value(idle_time, D#data.opts, infinity) of
+ infinity ->
+ D#data{idle_timer_value = infinity,
+ idle_timer_ref = infinity % A flag used later...
+ };
+ IdleTime ->
+ %% We dont want to set the timeout on first connect
+ D#data{idle_timer_value = IdleTime}
-handle_idle_timer(Time, #state{idle_timer_ref = undefined} = State) ->
- TimerRef = erlang:send_after(Time, self(), {'EXIT', [], "Timeout"}),
- State#state{idle_timer_ref=TimerRef};
-handle_idle_timer(_, State) ->
- State.
-remove_timer_ref(State) ->
- case State#state.idle_timer_ref of
- infinity -> %% If the timer is not activated
- State;
- undefined -> %% If we already has cancelled the timer
- State;
- TimerRef -> %% Timer is active
+cache_check_set_idle_timer(D = #data{idle_timer_ref = undefined,
+ idle_timer_value = IdleTime}) ->
+ %% No timer set - shall we set one?
+ case ssh_channel:cache_info(num_entries, cache(D)) of
+ 0 when IdleTime == infinity ->
+ %% No. Meaningless to set a timer that fires in an infinite time...
+ D;
+ 0 ->
+ %% Yes, we'll set one since the cache is empty and it should not
+ %% be that for a specified time
+ D#data{idle_timer_ref =
+ erlang:send_after(IdleTime, self(), {'EXIT',[],"Timeout"})};
+ _ ->
+ %% No - there are entries in the cache
+ D
+ end;
+cache_check_set_idle_timer(D) ->
+ %% There is already a timer set or the timeout time is infinite
+ D.
+cache_cancel_idle_timer(D) ->
+ case D#data.idle_timer_ref of
+ infinity ->
+ %% The timer is not activated
+ D;
+ undefined ->
+ %% The timer is already cancelled
+ D;
+ TimerRef ->
+ %% The timer is active
- State#state{idle_timer_ref = undefined}
+ D#data{idle_timer_ref = undefined}
-socket_control(Socket, Pid, Transport) ->
- case Transport:controlling_process(Socket, Pid) of
+cache_request_idle_timer_check(D = #data{idle_timer_value = infinity}) ->
+ D;
+cache_request_idle_timer_check(D = #data{idle_timer_value = IdleTime}) ->
+ erlang:send_after(IdleTime, self(), check_cache),
+ D.
+start_channel_request_timer(_,_, infinity) ->
+ ok;
+start_channel_request_timer(Channel, From, Time) ->
+ erlang:send_after(Time, self(), {timeout, {Channel, From}}).
+%%% Connection start and initalization helpers
+socket_control(Socket, Pid, Options) ->
+ {_, TransportCallback, _} = % For example {_,gen_tcp,_}
+ proplists:get_value(transport, Options, ?DefaultTransport),
+ case TransportCallback:controlling_process(Socket, Pid) of
ok ->
- send_event(Pid, socket_control);
+ gen_statem:cast(Pid, socket_control);
{error, Reason} ->
{error, Reason}
@@ -1881,16 +1944,3 @@ handshake(Pid, Ref, Timeout) ->
{error, timeout}
-start_timeout(_,_, infinity) ->
- ok;
-start_timeout(Channel, From, Time) ->
- erlang:send_after(Time, self(), {timeout, {Channel, From}}).
-getopt(Opt, Socket) ->
- case inet:getopts(Socket, [Opt]) of
- {ok, [{Opt, Value}]} ->
- {ok, Value};
- Other ->
- {error, {unexpected_getopts_return, Other}}
- end.
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_info.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_info.erl
index 67130d5eac..0c24c09887 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_info.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_info.erl
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ print() ->
io:format("~s", [string()]).
print(File) when is_list(File) ->
- {ok,D} = file:open(File, write),
+ {ok,D} = file:open(File, [write]),
print(D) ->
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_message.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_message.erl
index 65754956aa..db80d4c9e3 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_message.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_message.erl
@@ -50,13 +50,7 @@
-define(Empint(X), (ssh_bits:mpint(X))/binary ).
-define(Ebinary(X), ?STRING(X) ).
-%% encode(Msg) ->
-%% try encode1(Msg)
-%% catch
-%% C:E ->
-%% io:format('***********************~n~p:~p ~p~n',[C,E,Msg]),
-%% error(E)
-%% end.
+-define(unicode_list(B), unicode:characters_to_list(B)).
name = Name,
@@ -176,7 +170,7 @@ encode(#ssh_msg_userauth_pk_ok{
encode(#ssh_msg_userauth_passwd_changereq{prompt = Prompt,
languge = Lang
- <<?Ebyte(?SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_PASSWD_CHANGEREQ), ?Estring(Prompt), ?Estring(Lang)>>;
+ <<?Ebyte(?SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_PASSWD_CHANGEREQ), ?Estring_utf8(Prompt), ?Estring(Lang)>>;
name = Name,
@@ -184,14 +178,14 @@ encode(#ssh_msg_userauth_info_request{
language_tag = Lang,
num_prompts = NumPromtps,
data = Data}) ->
- <<?Ebyte(?SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST), ?Estring(Name), ?Estring(Inst), ?Estring(Lang),
+ <<?Ebyte(?SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST), ?Estring_utf8(Name), ?Estring_utf8(Inst), ?Estring(Lang),
?Euint32(NumPromtps), ?'E...'(Data)>>;
num_responses = Num,
data = Data}) ->
lists:foldl(fun %%("", Acc) -> Acc; % commented out since it seem wrong
- (Response, Acc) -> <<Acc/binary, ?Estring(Response)>>
+ (Response, Acc) -> <<Acc/binary, ?Estring_utf8(Response)>>
<<?Ebyte(?SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE), ?Euint32(Num)>>,
@@ -201,17 +195,17 @@ encode(#ssh_msg_disconnect{
description = Desc,
language = Lang
}) ->
- <<?Ebyte(?SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT), ?Euint32(Code), ?Estring(Desc), ?Estring(Lang)>>;
+ <<?Ebyte(?SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT), ?Euint32(Code), ?Estring_utf8(Desc), ?Estring(Lang)>>;
name = Service
}) ->
- <<?Ebyte(?SSH_MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST), ?Estring(Service)>>;
+ <<?Ebyte(?SSH_MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST), ?Estring_utf8(Service)>>;
name = Service
}) ->
- <<?Ebyte(?SSH_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT), ?Estring(Service)>>;
+ <<?Ebyte(?SSH_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT), ?Estring_utf8(Service)>>;
encode(#ssh_msg_newkeys{}) ->
@@ -283,7 +277,7 @@ encode(#ssh_msg_kex_ecdh_reply{public_host_key = Key, q_s = Q_s, h_sig = Sign})
<<?Ebyte(?SSH_MSG_KEX_ECDH_REPLY), ?Ebinary(EncKey), ?Empint(Q_s), ?Ebinary(EncSign)>>;
encode(#ssh_msg_ignore{data = Data}) ->
- <<?Ebyte(?SSH_MSG_IGNORE), ?Estring(Data)>>;
+ <<?Ebyte(?SSH_MSG_IGNORE), ?Estring_utf8(Data)>>;
encode(#ssh_msg_unimplemented{sequence = Seq}) ->
<<?Ebyte(?SSH_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED), ?Euint32(Seq)>>;
@@ -291,7 +285,7 @@ encode(#ssh_msg_unimplemented{sequence = Seq}) ->
encode(#ssh_msg_debug{always_display = Bool,
message = Msg,
language = Lang}) ->
- <<?Ebyte(?SSH_MSG_DEBUG), ?Eboolean(Bool), ?Estring(Msg), ?Estring(Lang)>>.
+ <<?Ebyte(?SSH_MSG_DEBUG), ?Eboolean(Bool), ?Estring_utf8(Msg), ?Estring(Lang)>>.
%% Connection Messages
@@ -330,7 +324,7 @@ decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE), ?UINT32(Recipient), ?UINT32(Reas
recipient_channel = Recipient,
reason = Reason,
- description = unicode:characters_to_list(Desc),
+ description = ?unicode_list(Desc),
lang = Lang
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST), ?UINT32(Recipient), ?UINT32(Bytes)>>) ->
@@ -363,7 +357,7 @@ decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST), ?UINT32(Recipient),
?DEC_BIN(RequestType,__0), ?BYTE(Bool), Data/binary>>) ->
recipient_channel = Recipient,
- request_type = unicode:characters_to_list(RequestType),
+ request_type = ?unicode_list(RequestType),
want_reply = erl_boolean(Bool),
data = Data
@@ -381,9 +375,9 @@ decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST),
?DEC_BIN(User,__0), ?DEC_BIN(Service,__1), ?DEC_BIN(Method,__2),
Data/binary>>) ->
- user = unicode:characters_to_list(User),
- service = unicode:characters_to_list(Service),
- method = unicode:characters_to_list(Method),
+ user = ?unicode_list(User),
+ service = ?unicode_list(Service),
+ method = ?unicode_list(Method),
data = Data
@@ -391,7 +385,7 @@ decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE),
?BYTE(Bool)>>) ->
#ssh_msg_userauth_failure {
- authentications = unicode:characters_to_list(Auths),
+ authentications = ?unicode_list(Auths),
partial_success = erl_boolean(Bool)
@@ -493,18 +487,18 @@ decode(<<"ecdh",?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_KEX_ECDH_REPLY),
decode(<<?SSH_MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST, ?DEC_BIN(Service,__0)>>) ->
- name = unicode:characters_to_list(Service)
+ name = ?unicode_list(Service)
decode(<<?SSH_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT, ?DEC_BIN(Service,__0)>>) ->
- name = unicode:characters_to_list(Service)
+ name = ?unicode_list(Service)
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT), ?UINT32(Code), ?DEC_BIN(Desc,__0), ?DEC_BIN(Lang,__1)>>) ->
code = Code,
- description = unicode:characters_to_list(Desc),
+ description = ?unicode_list(Desc),
language = Lang
@@ -512,7 +506,7 @@ decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT), ?UINT32(Code), ?DEC_BIN(Desc,__0), ?DEC_BIN
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT), ?UINT32(Code), ?DEC_BIN(Desc,__0)>>) ->
code = Code,
- description = unicode:characters_to_list(Desc),
+ description = ?unicode_list(Desc),
language = <<"en">>
@@ -554,7 +548,7 @@ decode_kex_init(<<?BYTE(Bool)>>, Acc, 0) ->
X = 0,
list_to_tuple(lists:reverse([X, erl_boolean(Bool) | Acc]));
decode_kex_init(<<?DEC_BIN(Data,__0), Rest/binary>>, Acc, N) ->
- Names = string:tokens(unicode:characters_to_list(Data), ","),
+ Names = string:tokens(?unicode_list(Data), ","),
decode_kex_init(Rest, [Names | Acc], N -1).
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_no_io.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_no_io.erl
index 8144aac66e..1da257ed99 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_no_io.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_no_io.erl
@@ -27,27 +27,39 @@
-export([yes_no/2, read_password/2, read_line/2, format/2]).
+-spec yes_no(any(), any()) -> no_return().
yes_no(_, _) ->
- throw({{no_io_allowed, yes_no},
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
- description = "User interaction is not allowed",
- language = "en"}}).
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
+ description = "User interaction is not allowed"},
+ {no_io_allowed, yes_no}).
+-spec read_password(any(), any()) -> no_return().
read_password(_, _) ->
- throw({{no_io_allowed, read_password},
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
- description = "User interaction is not allowed",
- language = "en"}}).
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
+ description = "User interaction is not allowed"},
+ {no_io_allowed, read_password}).
+-spec read_line(any(), any()) -> no_return().
read_line(_, _) ->
- throw({{no_io_allowed, read_line},
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
- description = "User interaction is not allowed",
- language = "en"}} ).
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
+ description = "User interaction is not allowed"},
+ {no_io_allowed, read_line}).
+-spec format(any(), any()) -> no_return().
format(_, _) ->
- throw({{no_io_allowed, format},
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
- description = "User interaction is not allowed",
- language = "en"}}).
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
+ description = "User interaction is not allowed"},
+ {no_io_allowed, format}).
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_transport.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_transport.erl
index c04bd350c7..7cb3b75ac0 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_transport.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_transport.erl
@@ -265,7 +265,8 @@ new_keys_message(Ssh0) ->
{SshPacket, Ssh} =
ssh_packet(#ssh_msg_newkeys{}, Ssh0),
{ok, SshPacket, Ssh}.
handle_kexinit_msg(#ssh_msg_kexinit{} = CounterPart, #ssh_msg_kexinit{} = Own,
#ssh{role = client} = Ssh0) ->
{ok, Algoritms} = select_algorithm(client, Own, CounterPart),
@@ -275,10 +276,10 @@ handle_kexinit_msg(#ssh_msg_kexinit{} = CounterPart, #ssh_msg_kexinit{} = Own,
Ssh0#ssh{algorithms = Algoritms});
_ ->
%% TODO: Correct code?
- throw(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED,
- description = "Selection of key exchange"
- " algorithm failed",
- language = ""})
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED,
+ description = "Selection of key exchange algorithm failed"
+ })
handle_kexinit_msg(#ssh_msg_kexinit{} = CounterPart, #ssh_msg_kexinit{} = Own,
@@ -288,10 +289,10 @@ handle_kexinit_msg(#ssh_msg_kexinit{} = CounterPart, #ssh_msg_kexinit{} = Own,
true ->
{ok, Ssh#ssh{algorithms = Algoritms}};
_ ->
- throw(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED,
- description = "Selection of key exchange"
- " algorithm failed",
- language = ""})
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED,
+ description = "Selection of key exchange algorithm failed"
+ })
@@ -371,12 +372,12 @@ handle_kexdh_init(#ssh_msg_kexdh_init{e = E},
session_id = sid(Ssh1, H)}};
true ->
- throw({{error,bad_e_from_peer},
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "Key exchange failed, 'e' out of bounds",
- language = ""}
- })
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{
+ description = "Key exchange failed, 'e' out of bounds"},
+ {error,bad_e_from_peer}
+ )
handle_kexdh_reply(#ssh_msg_kexdh_reply{public_host_key = PeerPubHostKey,
@@ -396,21 +397,20 @@ handle_kexdh_reply(#ssh_msg_kexdh_reply{public_host_key = PeerPubHostKey,
exchanged_hash = H,
session_id = sid(Ssh, H)}};
Error ->
- throw({Error,
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "Key exchange failed",
- language = "en"}
- })
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{
+ description = "Key exchange failed"},
+ Error)
true ->
- throw({{error,bad_f_from_peer},
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "Key exchange failed, 'f' out of bounds",
- language = ""}
- })
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{
+ description = "Key exchange failed, 'f' out of bounds"},
+ bad_f_from_peer
+ )
@@ -435,10 +435,11 @@ handle_kex_dh_gex_request(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request{min = Min0,
keyex_info = {Min, Max, NBits}
{error,_} ->
- throw(#ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "No possible diffie-hellman-group-exchange group found",
- language = ""})
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{
+ description = "No possible diffie-hellman-group-exchange group found"
+ })
handle_kex_dh_gex_request(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request_old{n = NBits},
@@ -469,19 +470,19 @@ handle_kex_dh_gex_request(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request_old{n = NBits},
keyex_info = {-1, -1, NBits} % flag for kex_h hash calc
{error,_} ->
- throw(#ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "No possible diffie-hellman-group-exchange group found",
- language = ""})
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{
+ description = "No possible diffie-hellman-group-exchange group found"
+ })
handle_kex_dh_gex_request(_, _) ->
- throw({{error,bad_ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request},
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
- description = "Key exchange failed, bad values in ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request",
- language = ""}
- }).
+ description = "Key exchange failed, bad values in ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request"},
+ bad_ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request).
adjust_gex_min_max(Min0, Max0, Opts) ->
@@ -495,10 +496,11 @@ adjust_gex_min_max(Min0, Max0, Opts) ->
Min2 =< Max2 ->
{Min2, Max2};
Max2 < Min2 ->
- throw(#ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "No possible diffie-hellman-group-exchange group possible",
- language = ""})
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{
+ description = "No possible diffie-hellman-group-exchange group possible"
+ })
@@ -535,20 +537,18 @@ handle_kex_dh_gex_init(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_init{e = E},
session_id = sid(Ssh, H)
true ->
- throw({{error,bad_K},
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "Key exchange failed, 'K' out of bounds",
- language = ""}
- })
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{
+ description = "Key exchange failed, 'K' out of bounds"},
+ bad_K)
true ->
- throw({{error,bad_e_from_peer},
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "Key exchange failed, 'e' out of bounds",
- language = ""}
- })
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{
+ description = "Key exchange failed, 'e' out of bounds"},
+ bad_e_from_peer)
handle_kex_dh_gex_reply(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_reply{public_host_key = PeerPubHostKey,
@@ -572,29 +572,28 @@ handle_kex_dh_gex_reply(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_reply{public_host_key = PeerPubHostK
exchanged_hash = H,
session_id = sid(Ssh, H)}};
_Error ->
- throw(#ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "Key exchange failed",
- language = ""}
- )
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{
+ description = "Key exchange failed"
+ })
true ->
- throw({{error,bad_K},
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "Key exchange failed, 'K' out of bounds",
- language = ""}
- })
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{
+ description = "Key exchange failed, 'K' out of bounds"},
+ bad_K)
true ->
- throw({{error,bad_f_from_peer},
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "Key exchange failed, 'f' out of bounds",
- language = ""}
- })
- end.
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{
+ description = "Key exchange failed, 'f' out of bounds"},
+ bad_f_from_peer
+ )
+ end.
@@ -624,12 +623,11 @@ handle_kex_ecdh_init(#ssh_msg_kex_ecdh_init{q_c = PeerPublic},
session_id = sid(Ssh1, H)}}
_:_ ->
- throw({{error,invalid_peer_public_key},
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "Peer ECDH public key is invalid",
- language = ""}
- })
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{
+ description = "Peer ECDH public key is invalid"},
+ invalid_peer_public_key)
handle_kex_ecdh_reply(#ssh_msg_kex_ecdh_reply{public_host_key = PeerPubHostKey,
@@ -650,21 +648,19 @@ handle_kex_ecdh_reply(#ssh_msg_kex_ecdh_reply{public_host_key = PeerPubHostKey,
exchanged_hash = H,
session_id = sid(Ssh, H)}};
Error ->
- throw({Error,
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "Key exchange failed",
- language = ""}
- })
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{
+ description = "Key exchange failed"},
+ Error)
_:_ ->
- throw({{error,invalid_peer_public_key},
- #ssh_msg_disconnect{
- description = "Peer ECDH public key is invalid",
- language = ""}
- })
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{
+ description = "Peer ECDH public key is invalid"},
+ invalid_peer_public_key)
@@ -675,9 +671,10 @@ handle_new_keys(#ssh_msg_newkeys{}, Ssh0) ->
{ok, Ssh}
_C:_Error -> %% TODO: Throw earlier ....
- throw(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- description = "Install alg failed",
- language = "en"})
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
+ description = "Install alg failed"
+ })
%% select session id
@@ -929,9 +926,9 @@ select_all(CL, SL) when length(CL) + length(SL) < ?MAX_NUM_ALGORITHMS ->
lists:map(fun(ALG) -> list_to_atom(ALG) end, (CL -- A));
select_all(CL, SL) ->
Err = lists:concat(["Received too many algorithms (",length(CL),"+",length(SL)," >= ",?MAX_NUM_ALGORITHMS,")."]),
- throw(#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- description = Err,
- language = ""}).
+ ssh_connection_handler:disconnect(
+ #ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
+ description = Err}).
select([], []) ->
@@ -1042,7 +1039,7 @@ handle_packet_part(DecryptedPfx, EncryptedBuffer, TotalNeeded,
{bad_mac, Ssh1};
true ->
{Ssh, DecompressedPayload} = decompress(Ssh1, payload(DecryptedPacket)),
- {decoded, DecompressedPayload, NextPacketBytes, Ssh}
+ {packet_decrypted, DecompressedPayload, NextPacketBytes, Ssh}
aead ->
PacketLenBin = DecryptedPfx,
@@ -1052,7 +1049,7 @@ handle_packet_part(DecryptedPfx, EncryptedBuffer, TotalNeeded,
{Ssh1, DecryptedSfx} ->
DecryptedPacket = <<DecryptedPfx/binary, DecryptedSfx/binary>>,
{Ssh, DecompressedPayload} = decompress(Ssh1, payload(DecryptedPacket)),
- {decoded, DecompressedPayload, NextPacketBytes, Ssh}
+ {packet_decrypted, DecompressedPayload, NextPacketBytes, Ssh}
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/Makefile b/lib/ssh/test/Makefile
index 4ecc662c13..6ce6d6f537 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/test/Makefile
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/Makefile
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ MODULES= \
+ $(ERL_TOP)/lib/ssh/test/ssh_test_lib.hrl \
$(ERL_TOP)/lib/ssh/src/ssh.hrl \
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_algorithms_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_algorithms_SUITE.erl
index bdc980e65c..9910b8f1d7 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_algorithms_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_algorithms_SUITE.erl
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ simple_exec_groups_no_match_too_large(Config) ->
%% Testing all default groups
-simple_exec_groups() -> [{timetrap,{seconds,180}}].
+simple_exec_groups() -> [{timetrap,{minutes,5}}].
simple_exec_groups(Config) ->
Sizes = interpolate( public_key:dh_gex_group_sizes() ),
@@ -226,28 +226,13 @@ sshc_simple_exec(Config) ->
KnownHosts = filename:join(PrivDir, "known_hosts"),
{Host,Port} = ?config(srvr_addr, Config),
Cmd = lists:concat(["ssh -p ",Port,
- " -C -o UserKnownHostsFile=",KnownHosts,
+ " -C",
+ " -o UserKnownHostsFile=",KnownHosts,
+ " -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
" ",Host," 1+1."]),
- SshPort = open_port({spawn, Cmd}, [binary]),
- Expect = <<"2\n">>,
- rcv_expected(SshPort, Expect).
-rcv_expected(SshPort, Expect) ->
- receive
- {SshPort, {data,Expect}} ->
- ct:log("Got expected ~p from ~p",[Expect,SshPort]),
- catch port_close(SshPort),
- ok;
- Other ->
- ct:log("Got UNEXPECTED ~p",[Other]),
- rcv_expected(SshPort, Expect)
- after ?TIMEOUT ->
- catch port_close(SshPort),
- ct:fail("Did not receive answer")
- end.
+ OpenSsh = ssh_test_lib:open_port({spawn, Cmd}, [eof,exit_status]),
+ ssh_test_lib:rcv_expected({data,<<"2\n">>}, OpenSsh, ?TIMEOUT).
%% Connect to the ssh server of the OS
@@ -361,13 +346,15 @@ get_atoms(L) ->
%%% Test case related
start_std_daemon(Opts, Config) ->
+ ct:log("starting std_daemon",[]),
{Pid, Host, Port} = ssh_test_lib:std_daemon(Config, Opts),
ct:log("started ~p:~p ~p",[Host,Port,Opts]),
[{srvr_pid,Pid},{srvr_addr,{Host,Port}} | Config].
-start_pubkey_daemon(Opts, Config) ->
+start_pubkey_daemon(Opts0, Config) ->
+ Opts = [{auth_methods,"publickey"}|Opts0],
{Pid, Host, Port} = ssh_test_lib:std_daemon1(Config, Opts),
- ct:log("started1 ~p:~p ~p",[Host,Port,Opts]),
+ ct:log("started pubkey_daemon ~p:~p ~p",[Host,Port,Opts]),
[{srvr_pid,Pid},{srvr_addr,{Host,Port}} | Config].
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_benchmark_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_benchmark_SUITE.erl
index 6e1d18cc95..1f11fee350 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_benchmark_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_benchmark_SUITE.erl
@@ -333,52 +333,64 @@ find_time(accept_to_hello, L) ->
[T0,T1] = find([fun(C=#call{mfa = {ssh_acceptor,handle_connection,5}}) ->
- fun(C=#call{mfa = {ssh_connection_handler,hello,_},
- args = [socket_control|_]}) ->
- C#call.t_return
- end
+ ?LINE,
+ fun(C=#call{mfa = {ssh_connection_handler,handle_event,5},
+ args = [_, {version_exchange,_}, _, {hello,_}, _]}) ->
+ C#call.t_call
+ end,
], L, []),
{accept_to_hello, now2micro_sec(now_diff(T1,T0)), microsec};
find_time(kex, L) ->
- [T0,T1] = find([fun(C=#call{mfa = {ssh_connection_handler,hello,_},
- args = [socket_control|_]}) ->
+ [T0,T1] = find([fun(C=#call{mfa = {ssh_connection_handler,handle_event,5},
+ args = [_, {version_exchange,_}, _, {hello,_}, _]}) ->
- ?send(#ssh_msg_newkeys{})
+ ?LINE,
+ ?send(#ssh_msg_newkeys{}),
], L, []),
{kex, now2micro_sec(now_diff(T1,T0)), microsec};
find_time(kex_to_auth, L) ->
[T0,T1] = find([?send(#ssh_msg_newkeys{}),
- ?recv(#ssh_msg_userauth_request{})
+ ?LINE,
+ ?recv(#ssh_msg_userauth_request{}),
], L, []),
{kex_to_auth, now2micro_sec(now_diff(T1,T0)), microsec};
find_time(auth, L) ->
[T0,T1] = find([?recv(#ssh_msg_userauth_request{}),
- ?send(#ssh_msg_userauth_success{})
+ ?LINE,
+ ?send(#ssh_msg_userauth_success{}),
], L, []),
{auth, now2micro_sec(now_diff(T1,T0)), microsec};
find_time(to_prompt, L) ->
[T0,T1] = find([fun(C=#call{mfa = {ssh_acceptor,handle_connection,5}}) ->
- ?recv(#ssh_msg_channel_request{request_type="env"})
+ ?LINE,
+ ?recv(#ssh_msg_channel_request{request_type="env"}),
], L, []),
{to_prompt, now2micro_sec(now_diff(T1,T0)), microsec};
find_time(channel_open_close, L) ->
[T0,T1] = find([?recv(#ssh_msg_channel_request{request_type="subsystem"}),
- ?send(#ssh_msg_channel_close{})
+ ?LINE,
+ ?send(#ssh_msg_channel_close{}),
], L, []),
{channel_open_close, now2micro_sec(now_diff(T1,T0)), microsec}.
-find([F|Fs], [C|Cs], Acc) when is_function(F,1) ->
+find([F,Id|Fs], [C|Cs], Acc) when is_function(F,1) ->
T -> find(Fs, Cs, [T|Acc])
- _:_ -> find([F|Fs], Cs, Acc)
+ _:_ -> find([F,Id|Fs], Cs, Acc)
find([], _, Acc) ->
@@ -444,7 +456,7 @@ erlang_trace() ->
0 = erlang:trace(new, true, [call,timestamp,{tracer,TracerPid}]),
[init_trace(MFA, tp(MFA))
|| MFA <- [{ssh_acceptor,handle_connection,5},
- {ssh_connection_handler,hello,2},
+%% {ssh_connection_handler,hello,2},
@@ -454,6 +466,10 @@ erlang_trace() ->
{public_key,dh_gex_group,4} % To find dh_gex group size
+ init_trace({ssh_connection_handler,handle_event,5},
+ [{['_', {version_exchange,'_'}, '_', {hello,'_'}, '_'],
+ [],
+ [return_trace]}]),
{ok, TracerPid}.
tp({_M,_F,Arity}) ->
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_connection_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_connection_SUITE.erl
index a5f424f863..0f757a0322 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_connection_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_connection_SUITE.erl
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
@@ -655,15 +656,21 @@ max_channels_option(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{user_interaction, true},
{user_dir, UserDir}]),
+ %% Allocate a number of ChannelId:s to play with. (This operation is not
+ %% counted by the max_channel option).
{ok, ChannelId0} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity),
{ok, ChannelId1} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity),
{ok, ChannelId2} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity),
{ok, ChannelId3} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity),
{ok, ChannelId4} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity),
{ok, ChannelId5} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity),
- {ok, _ChannelId6} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity),
+ {ok, ChannelId6} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity),
+ {ok, _ChannelId7} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity),
- %%%---- shell
+ %% Now start to open the channels (this is counted my max_channels) to check that
+ %% it gives a failure at right place
+ %%%---- Channel 1(3): shell
ok = ssh_connection:shell(ConnectionRef,ChannelId0),
{ssh_cm,ConnectionRef, {data, ChannelId0, 0, <<"Eshell",_/binary>>}} ->
@@ -672,10 +679,10 @@ max_channels_option(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ct:fail("CLI Timeout")
- %%%---- subsystem "echo_n"
+ %%%---- Channel 2(3): subsystem "echo_n"
success = ssh_connection:subsystem(ConnectionRef, ChannelId1, "echo_n", infinity),
- %%%---- exec #1
+ %%%---- Channel 3(3): exec. This closes itself.
success = ssh_connection:exec(ConnectionRef, ChannelId2, "testing1.\n", infinity),
{ssh_cm, ConnectionRef, {data, ChannelId2, 0, <<"testing1",_/binary>>}} ->
@@ -684,13 +691,13 @@ max_channels_option(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ct:fail("Exec #1 Timeout")
- %%%---- ptty
- success = ssh_connection:ptty_alloc(ConnectionRef, ChannelId3, []),
+ %%%---- Channel 3(3): subsystem "echo_n" (Note that ChannelId2 should be closed now)
+ ?wait_match(success, ssh_connection:subsystem(ConnectionRef, ChannelId3, "echo_n", infinity)),
- %%%---- exec #2
+ %%%---- Channel 4(3) !: exec This should fail
failure = ssh_connection:exec(ConnectionRef, ChannelId4, "testing2.\n", infinity),
- %%%---- close the shell
+ %%%---- close the shell (Frees one channel)
ok = ssh_connection:send(ConnectionRef, ChannelId0, "exit().\n", 5000),
%%%---- wait for the subsystem to terminate
@@ -703,14 +710,11 @@ max_channels_option(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ct:fail("exit Timeout",[])
- %%%---- exec #3
- success = ssh_connection:exec(ConnectionRef, ChannelId5, "testing3.\n", infinity),
- receive
- {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef, {data, ChannelId5, 0, <<"testing3",_/binary>>}} ->
- ok
- after 5000 ->
- ct:fail("Exec #3 Timeout")
- end,
+ %%---- Try that we can open one channel instead of the closed one
+ ?wait_match(success, ssh_connection:subsystem(ConnectionRef, ChannelId5, "echo_n", infinity)),
+ %%---- But not a fourth one...
+ failure = ssh_connection:subsystem(ConnectionRef, ChannelId6, "echo_n", infinity),
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_options_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_options_SUITE.erl
index 1d14a16065..4ca6a473fa 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_options_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_options_SUITE.erl
@@ -51,9 +51,7 @@
- ssh_connect_nonegtimeout_connected_parallel/0,
- ssh_connect_nonegtimeout_connected_sequential/0,
ssh_connect_timeout/1, connect/4,
@@ -82,7 +80,7 @@
suite() ->
- {timetrap,{seconds,40}}].
+ {timetrap,{seconds,30}}].
all() ->
@@ -493,7 +491,7 @@ ssh_msg_debug_fun_option_client(Config) ->
{user_interaction, false},
%% Beware, implementation knowledge:
- gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(ConnectionRef,{ssh_msg_debug,false,<<"Hello">>,<<>>}),
+ gen_statem:cast(ConnectionRef,{ssh_msg_debug,false,<<"Hello">>,<<>>}),
{msg_dbg,X={ConnectionRef,false,<<"Hello">>,<<>>}} ->
ct:log("Got expected dbg msg ~p",[X]),
@@ -606,7 +604,7 @@ ssh_msg_debug_fun_option_server(Config) ->
{connection_pid,Server} ->
%% Beware, implementation knowledge:
- gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(Server,{ssh_msg_debug,false,<<"Hello">>,<<>>}),
+ gen_statem:cast(Server,{ssh_msg_debug,false,<<"Hello">>,<<>>}),
{msg_dbg,X={_,false,<<"Hello">>,<<>>}} ->
ct:log("Got expected dbg msg ~p",[X]),
@@ -982,16 +980,10 @@ ssh_connect_negtimeout(Config, Parallel) ->
%%% Test that ssh connection does not timeout if the connection is established (parallel)
-ssh_connect_nonegtimeout_connected_parallel() -> [{timetrap,{seconds,90}}].
ssh_connect_nonegtimeout_connected_parallel(Config) ->
ssh_connect_nonegtimeout_connected(Config, true).
%%% Test that ssh connection does not timeout if the connection is established (non-parallel)
-ssh_connect_nonegtimeout_connected_sequential() -> [{timetrap,{seconds,90}}].
ssh_connect_nonegtimeout_connected_sequential(Config) ->
ssh_connect_nonegtimeout_connected(Config, false).
@@ -1000,7 +992,7 @@ ssh_connect_nonegtimeout_connected(Config, Parallel) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
SystemDir = filename:join(?config(priv_dir, Config), system),
UserDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
- NegTimeOut = 20000, % ms
+ NegTimeOut = 2000, % ms
ct:log("Parallel: ~p",[Parallel]),
{_Pid, _Host, Port} = ssh_test_lib:daemon([{system_dir, SystemDir},{user_dir, UserDir},
@@ -1131,21 +1123,7 @@ max_sessions(Config, ParallelLogin, Connect0) when is_function(Connect0,2) ->
%% This is expected
%% Now stop one connection and try to open one more
ok = ssh:close(hd(Connections)),
- receive after 250 -> ok end, % sleep so the supervisor has time to count down. Not nice...
- try Connect(Host,Port)
- of
- _ConnectionRef1 ->
- %% Step 3 ok: could set up one more connection after killing one
- %% Thats good.
- ssh:stop_daemon(Pid),
- ok
- catch
- error:{badmatch,{error,"Connection closed"}} ->
- %% Bad indeed. Could not set up one more connection even after killing
- %% one existing. Very bad.
- ssh:stop_daemon(Pid),
- {fail,"Does not decrease # active sessions"}
- end
+ try_to_connect(Connect, Host, Port, Pid)
error:{badmatch,{error,"Connection closed"}} ->
@@ -1153,6 +1131,35 @@ max_sessions(Config, ParallelLogin, Connect0) when is_function(Connect0,2) ->
{fail,"Too few connections accepted"}
+try_to_connect(Connect, Host, Port, Pid) ->
+ {ok,Tref} = timer:send_after(3000, timeout_no_connection), % give the supervisors some time...
+ try_to_connect(Connect, Host, Port, Pid, Tref, 1). % will take max 3300 ms after 11 tries
+try_to_connect(Connect, Host, Port, Pid, Tref, N) ->
+ try Connect(Host,Port)
+ of
+ _ConnectionRef1 ->
+ %% Step 3 ok: could set up one more connection after killing one
+ %% Thats good.
+ timer:cancel(Tref),
+ ssh:stop_daemon(Pid),
+ receive % flush.
+ timeout_no_connection -> ok
+ after 0 -> ok
+ end
+ catch
+ error:{badmatch,{error,"Connection closed"}} ->
+ %% Could not set up one more connection. Try again until timeout.
+ receive
+ timeout_no_connection ->
+ ssh:stop_daemon(Pid),
+ {fail,"Does not decrease # active sessions"}
+ after N*50 -> % retry after this time
+ try_to_connect(Connect, Host, Port, Pid, Tref, N+1)
+ end
+ end.
%% Internal functions ------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_renegotiate_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_renegotiate_SUITE.erl
index 90132becbd..f1a909cbd0 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_renegotiate_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_renegotiate_SUITE.erl
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]},
all() -> [{group,default_algs},
@@ -238,7 +237,7 @@ renegotiate2(Config) ->
%% get_kex_init - helper function to get key_exchange_init_msg
get_kex_init(Conn) ->
%% First, validate the key exchange is complete (StateName == connected)
- {connected,S} = sys:get_state(Conn),
+ {{connected,_},S} = sys:get_state(Conn),
%% Next, walk through the elements of the #state record looking
%% for the #ssh_msg_kexinit record. This method is robust against
%% changes to either record. The KEXINIT message contains a cookie
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_sftp_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_sftp_SUITE.erl
index cd6c5f82b9..17ea1887be 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_sftp_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_sftp_SUITE.erl
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ suite() ->
all() ->
[{group, not_unicode},
{group, unicode}
@@ -301,9 +300,9 @@ end_per_testcase(_, Config) ->
end_per_testcase(Config) ->
{Sftp, Connection} = ?config(sftp, Config),
- ssh_sftp:stop_channel(Sftp),
+ ok = ssh_sftp:stop_channel(Sftp),
catch ssh_sftp:stop_channel(?config(channel_pid2, Config)),
- ssh:close(Connection).
+ ok = ssh:close(Connection).
%% Test Cases --------------------------------------------------------
@@ -365,7 +364,7 @@ write_file(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{Sftp, _} = ?config(sftp, Config),
Data = list_to_binary("Hej hopp!"),
- ssh_sftp:write_file(Sftp, FileName, [Data]),
+ ok = ssh_sftp:write_file(Sftp, FileName, [Data]),
{ok, Data} = file:read_file(FileName).
@@ -378,7 +377,7 @@ write_file_iolist(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Data = list_to_binary("Hej hopp!"),
fun(D) ->
- ssh_sftp:write_file(Sftp, FileName, [D]),
+ ok = ssh_sftp:write_file(Sftp, FileName, [D]),
Expected = if is_binary(D) -> D;
is_list(D) -> list_to_binary(D)
@@ -397,7 +396,7 @@ write_big_file(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{Sftp, _} = ?config(sftp, Config),
Data = list_to_binary(lists:duplicate(750000,"a")),
- ssh_sftp:write_file(Sftp, FileName, [Data]),
+ ok = ssh_sftp:write_file(Sftp, FileName, [Data]),
{ok, Data} = file:read_file(FileName).
@@ -409,7 +408,7 @@ sftp_read_big_file(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Data = list_to_binary(lists:duplicate(750000,"a")),
ct:log("Data size to write is ~p bytes",[size(Data)]),
- ssh_sftp:write_file(Sftp, FileName, [Data]),
+ ok = ssh_sftp:write_file(Sftp, FileName, [Data]),
{ok, Data} = ssh_sftp:read_file(Sftp, FileName).
@@ -500,7 +499,7 @@ set_attributes(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ok = ssh_sftp:write_file_info(Sftp, FileName, #file_info{mode=8#400}),
{error, eacces} = file:write_file(FileName, "hello again"),
- ssh_sftp:write_file_info(Sftp, FileName, #file_info{mode=8#600}),
+ ok = ssh_sftp:write_file_info(Sftp, FileName, #file_info{mode=8#600}),
ok = file:write_file(FileName, "hello again").
@@ -549,7 +548,7 @@ position(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{Sftp, _} = ?config(sftp, Config),
Data = list_to_binary("1234567890"),
- ssh_sftp:write_file(Sftp, FileName, [Data]),
+ ok = ssh_sftp:write_file(Sftp, FileName, [Data]),
{ok, Handle} = ssh_sftp:open(Sftp, FileName, [read]),
{ok, 3} = ssh_sftp:position(Sftp, Handle, {bof, 3}),
@@ -577,7 +576,7 @@ pos_read(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
FileName = ?config(testfile, Config),
{Sftp, _} = ?config(sftp, Config),
Data = list_to_binary("Hej hopp!"),
- ssh_sftp:write_file(Sftp, FileName, [Data]),
+ ok = ssh_sftp:write_file(Sftp, FileName, [Data]),
{ok, Handle} = ssh_sftp:open(Sftp, FileName, [read]),
{async, Ref} = ssh_sftp:apread(Sftp, Handle, {bof, 5}, 4),
@@ -607,7 +606,7 @@ pos_write(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ok, Handle} = ssh_sftp:open(Sftp, FileName, [write]),
Data = list_to_binary("Bye,"),
- ssh_sftp:write_file(Sftp, FileName, [Data]),
+ ok = ssh_sftp:write_file(Sftp, FileName, [Data]),
NewData = list_to_binary(" see you tomorrow"),
{async, Ref} = ssh_sftp:apwrite(Sftp, Handle, {bof, 4}, NewData),
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_sftpd_erlclient_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_sftpd_erlclient_SUITE.erl
index 09bef87148..355ce6a8f5 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_sftpd_erlclient_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_sftpd_erlclient_SUITE.erl
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ suite() ->
all() ->
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_sup_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_sup_SUITE.erl
index f800ea806d..2dc4263603 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_sup_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_sup_SUITE.erl
@@ -22,21 +22,23 @@
%% Note: This directive should only be used in test suites.
--define(WAIT_FOR_SHUTDOWN, 500).
-define(USER, "Alladin").
-define(PASSWD, "Sesame").
+-define(WAIT_FOR_SHUTDOWN, 500).
%% Common Test interface functions -----------------------------------
suite() ->
- {timetrap,{seconds,40}}].
+ {timetrap,{seconds,100}}].
all() ->
[default_tree, sshc_subtree, sshd_subtree, sshd_subtree_profile].
@@ -92,8 +94,8 @@ default_tree(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
lists:keysearch(sshc_sup, 1, TopSupChildren),
{value, {sshd_sup, _,supervisor,[sshd_sup]}} =
lists:keysearch(sshd_sup, 1, TopSupChildren),
- [] = supervisor:which_children(sshc_sup),
- [] = supervisor:which_children(sshd_sup).
+ ?wait_match([], supervisor:which_children(sshc_sup)),
+ ?wait_match([], supervisor:which_children(sshd_sup)).
sshc_subtree() ->
[{doc, "Make sure the sshc subtree is correct"}].
@@ -101,24 +103,26 @@ sshc_subtree(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{_Pid, Host, Port} = ?config(server, Config),
UserDir = ?config(userdir, Config),
- [] = supervisor:which_children(sshc_sup),
+ ?wait_match([], supervisor:which_children(sshc_sup)),
{ok, Pid1} = ssh:connect(Host, Port, [{silently_accept_hosts, true},
{user_interaction, false},
{user, ?USER}, {password, ?PASSWD},{user_dir, UserDir}]),
- [{_, _,supervisor,[ssh_connection_handler]}] =
- supervisor:which_children(sshc_sup),
+ ?wait_match([{_, _,supervisor,[ssh_connection_handler]}],
+ supervisor:which_children(sshc_sup)),
{ok, Pid2} = ssh:connect(Host, Port, [{silently_accept_hosts, true},
{user_interaction, false},
{user, ?USER}, {password, ?PASSWD}, {user_dir, UserDir}]),
- [{_,_,supervisor,[ssh_connection_handler]},
- {_,_,supervisor,[ssh_connection_handler]}] =
- supervisor:which_children(sshc_sup),
+ ?wait_match([{_,_,supervisor,[ssh_connection_handler]},
+ {_,_,supervisor,[ssh_connection_handler]}],
+ supervisor:which_children(sshc_sup)),
- [{_,_,supervisor,[ssh_connection_handler]}] =
- supervisor:which_children(sshc_sup),
+ ?wait_match([{_,_,supervisor,[ssh_connection_handler]}],
+ supervisor:which_children(sshc_sup)),
- ct:sleep(?WAIT_FOR_SHUTDOWN),
- [] = supervisor:which_children(sshc_sup).
+ ?wait_match([], supervisor:which_children(sshc_sup)).
sshd_subtree() ->
[{doc, "Make sure the sshd subtree is correct"}].
@@ -130,14 +134,16 @@ sshd_subtree(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{failfun, fun ssh_test_lib:failfun/2},
[{?USER, ?PASSWD}]}]),
- [{{server,ssh_system_sup, HostIP, Port, ?DEFAULT_PROFILE},
- Daemon, supervisor,
- [ssh_system_sup]}] =
- supervisor:which_children(sshd_sup),
+ ?wait_match([{{server,ssh_system_sup, HostIP, Port, ?DEFAULT_PROFILE},
+ Daemon, supervisor,
+ [ssh_system_sup]}],
+ supervisor:which_children(sshd_sup),
+ Daemon),
check_sshd_system_tree(Daemon, Config),
ssh:stop_daemon(HostIP, Port),
- [] = supervisor:which_children(sshd_sup).
+ ?wait_match([], supervisor:which_children(sshd_sup)).
sshd_subtree_profile() ->
[{doc, "Make sure the sshd subtree using profile option is correct"}].
@@ -152,14 +158,15 @@ sshd_subtree_profile(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
[{?USER, ?PASSWD}]},
{profile, Profile}]),
- [{{server,ssh_system_sup, HostIP,Port,Profile},
- Daemon, supervisor,
- [ssh_system_sup]}] =
- supervisor:which_children(sshd_sup),
+ ?wait_match([{{server,ssh_system_sup, HostIP,Port,Profile},
+ Daemon, supervisor,
+ [ssh_system_sup]}],
+ supervisor:which_children(sshd_sup),
+ Daemon),
check_sshd_system_tree(Daemon, Config),
ssh:stop_daemon(HostIP, Port, Profile),
- [] = supervisor:which_children(sshd_sup).
+ ?wait_match([], supervisor:which_children(sshd_sup)).
check_sshd_system_tree(Daemon, Config) ->
@@ -170,28 +177,31 @@ check_sshd_system_tree(Daemon, Config) ->
{user_interaction, false},
{user, ?USER}, {password, ?PASSWD},{user_dir, UserDir}]),
- [{_,SubSysSup, supervisor,[ssh_subsystem_sup]},
- {{ssh_acceptor_sup,_,_,_}, AccSup, supervisor,[ssh_acceptor_sup]}]
- = supervisor:which_children(Daemon),
+ ?wait_match([{_,SubSysSup, supervisor,[ssh_subsystem_sup]},
+ {{ssh_acceptor_sup,_,_,_}, AccSup, supervisor,[ssh_acceptor_sup]}],
+ supervisor:which_children(Daemon),
+ [SubSysSup,AccSup]),
- [{{server,ssh_connection_sup, _,_},
- ConnectionSup, supervisor,
- [ssh_connection_sup]},
- {{server,ssh_channel_sup,_ ,_},
- ChannelSup,supervisor,
- [ssh_channel_sup]}] = supervisor:which_children(SubSysSup),
+ ?wait_match([{{server,ssh_connection_sup, _,_},
+ ConnectionSup, supervisor,
+ [ssh_connection_sup]},
+ {{server,ssh_channel_sup,_ ,_},
+ ChannelSup,supervisor,
+ [ssh_channel_sup]}],
+ supervisor:which_children(SubSysSup),
+ [ConnectionSup,ChannelSup]),
- [{{ssh_acceptor_sup,_,_,_},_,worker,[ssh_acceptor]}] =
- supervisor:which_children(AccSup),
+ ?wait_match([{{ssh_acceptor_sup,_,_,_},_,worker,[ssh_acceptor]}],
+ supervisor:which_children(AccSup)),
- [{_, _, worker,[ssh_connection_handler]}] =
- supervisor:which_children(ConnectionSup),
+ ?wait_match([{_, _, worker,[ssh_connection_handler]}],
+ supervisor:which_children(ConnectionSup)),
- [] = supervisor:which_children(ChannelSup),
+ ?wait_match([], supervisor:which_children(ChannelSup)),
- [{_, _,worker,[ssh_channel]}] =
- supervisor:which_children(ChannelSup),
+ ?wait_match([{_, _,worker,[ssh_channel]}],
+ supervisor:which_children(ChannelSup)),
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_test_cli.erl b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_test_cli.erl
index 697ddb730d..f96b9967d2 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_test_cli.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_test_cli.erl
@@ -75,10 +75,11 @@ terminate(_Why, _S) ->
run_portprog(User, cli, TmpDir) ->
Pty_bin = os:find_executable("cat"),
- open_port({spawn_executable, Pty_bin},
- [stream, {cd, TmpDir}, {env, [{"USER", User}]},
- {args, []}, binary,
- exit_status, use_stdio, stderr_to_stdout]).
+ ssh_test_lib:open_port({spawn_executable, Pty_bin},
+ [stream,
+ {cd, TmpDir},
+ {env, [{"USER", User}]},
+ {args, []}]).
get_ssh_user(Ref) ->
[{user, User}] = ssh:connection_info(Ref, [user]),
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_test_lib.erl b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_test_lib.erl
index 0e3500e0c1..c6541461a1 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_test_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_test_lib.erl
@@ -32,15 +32,8 @@
-define(TIMEOUT, 50000).
-connect(Options) ->
- connect(hostname(), inet_port(), Options).
connect(Port, Options) when is_integer(Port) ->
- connect(hostname(), Port, Options);
-connect(any, Options) ->
- connect(hostname(), inet_port(), Options);
-connect(Host, Options) ->
- connect(Host, inet_port(), Options).
+ connect(hostname(), Port, Options).
connect(any, Port, Options) ->
connect(hostname(), Port, Options);
@@ -58,6 +51,7 @@ daemon(Host, Options) ->
daemon(Host, Port, Options) ->
+ ct:log("~p:~p Calling ssh:daemon(~p, ~p, ~p)",[?MODULE,?LINE,Host,Port,Options]),
case ssh:daemon(Host, Port, Options) of
{ok, Pid} when Host == any ->
ct:log("ssh:daemon ok (1)",[]),
@@ -66,6 +60,7 @@ daemon(Host, Port, Options) ->
ct:log("ssh:daemon ok (2)",[]),
{Pid, Host, daemon_port(Port,Pid)};
Error ->
+ ct:log("ssh:daemon error ~p",[Error]),
@@ -209,6 +204,35 @@ reply(TestCase, Result) ->
%%ct:log("reply ~p sending ~p ! ~p",[self(), TestCase, Result]),
TestCase ! Result.
+rcv_expected(Expect, SshPort, Timeout) ->
+ receive
+ {SshPort, Expect} ->
+ ct:log("Got expected ~p from ~p",[Expect,SshPort]),
+ catch port_close(SshPort),
+ rcv_lingering(50);
+ Other ->
+ ct:log("Got UNEXPECTED ~p~nExpect ~p",[Other, {SshPort,Expect}]),
+ rcv_expected(Expect, SshPort, Timeout)
+ after Timeout ->
+ catch port_close(SshPort),
+ ct:fail("Did not receive answer")
+ end.
+rcv_lingering(Timeout) ->
+ receive
+ Msg ->
+ ct:log("Got LINGERING ~p",[Msg]),
+ rcv_lingering(Timeout)
+ after Timeout ->
+ ct:log("No more lingering messages",[]),
+ ok
+ end.
receive_exec_result(Msg) ->
ct:log("Expect data! ~p", [Msg]),
@@ -478,8 +502,9 @@ openssh_supports(ClientOrServer, Tag, Alg) when ClientOrServer == sshc ;
%% Check if we have a "newer" ssh client that supports these test cases
ssh_client_supports_Q() ->
- ErlPort = open_port({spawn, "ssh -Q cipher"}, [exit_status, stderr_to_stdout]),
- 0 == check_ssh_client_support2(ErlPort).
+ 0 == check_ssh_client_support2(
+ ?MODULE:open_port({spawn, "ssh -Q cipher"})
+ ).
check_ssh_client_support2(P) ->
@@ -698,3 +723,16 @@ has_inet6_address() ->
throw:6 -> true
+open_port(Arg1) ->
+ ?MODULE:open_port(Arg1, []).
+open_port(Arg1, ExtraOpts) ->
+ erlang:open_port(Arg1,
+ [binary,
+ stderr_to_stdout,
+ exit_status,
+ use_stdio,
+ overlapped_io, hide %only affects windows
+ | ExtraOpts]).
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_test_lib.hrl b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_test_lib.hrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7cb7edeaa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_test_lib.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+%% Help macro
+-define(wait_match(Pattern, FunctionCall, Bind, Timeout, Ntries),
+ Bind =
+ (fun() ->
+ F = fun(N, F1) ->
+ case FunctionCall of
+ Pattern -> Bind;
+ _ when N>0 ->
+ ct:pal("Must sleep ~p ms at ~p:~p",[Timeout,?MODULE,?LINE]),
+ timer:sleep(Timeout),
+ F1(N-1, F1);
+ Other ->
+ ct:fail("Unexpected ~p:~p ~p",[?MODULE,?LINE,Other])
+ end
+ end,
+ F(Ntries, F)
+ end)()
+ ).
+-define(wait_match(Pattern, FunctionCall, Timeout, Ntries), ?wait_match(Pattern, FunctionCall, ok, Timeout, Ntries)).
+-define(wait_match(Pattern, FunctionCall, Bind), ?wait_match(Pattern, FunctionCall, Bind, 500, 10) ).
+-define(wait_match(Pattern, FunctionCall), ?wait_match(Pattern, FunctionCall, ok) ).
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_to_openssh_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_to_openssh_SUITE.erl
index 5b65edc32f..2be75fd7f3 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_to_openssh_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_to_openssh_SUITE.erl
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
suite() ->
- [{timetrap,{seconds,40}}].
+ [{timetrap,{seconds,20}}].
all() ->
case os:find_executable("ssh") of
@@ -50,13 +50,15 @@ groups() ->
[{erlang_client, [], [erlang_shell_client_openssh_server,
- erlang_client_openssh_server_publickey_rsa,
+ erlang_client_openssh_server_publickey_rsa,
- {erlang_server, [], [erlang_server_openssh_client_public_key_dsa]}
+ {erlang_server, [], [erlang_server_openssh_client_public_key_dsa,
+ erlang_server_openssh_client_public_key_rsa
+ ]}
init_per_suite(Config) ->
@@ -74,6 +76,7 @@ init_per_group(erlang_server, Config) ->
DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
UserDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
ssh_test_lib:setup_dsa_known_host(DataDir, UserDir),
+ ssh_test_lib:setup_rsa_known_host(DataDir, UserDir),
init_per_group(erlang_client, Config) ->
CommonAlgs = ssh_test_lib:algo_intersection(
@@ -86,6 +89,7 @@ init_per_group(_, Config) ->
end_per_group(erlang_server, Config) ->
UserDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ ssh_test_lib:clean_rsa(UserDir),
end_per_group(_, Config) ->
@@ -93,6 +97,8 @@ end_per_group(_, Config) ->
init_per_testcase(erlang_server_openssh_client_public_key_dsa, Config) ->
chk_key(sshc, 'ssh-dss', ".ssh/id_dsa", Config);
+init_per_testcase(erlang_server_openssh_client_public_key_rsa, Config) ->
+ chk_key(sshc, 'ssh-rsa', ".ssh/id_rsa", Config);
init_per_testcase(erlang_client_openssh_server_publickey_dsa, Config) ->
chk_key(sshd, 'ssh-dss', ".ssh/id_dsa", Config);
init_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) ->
@@ -347,14 +353,24 @@ erlang_client_openssh_server_publickey_dsa(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
erlang_server_openssh_client_public_key_dsa() ->
- [{doc, "Validate using dsa publickey."}].
+ [{timetrap, {seconds,(?TIMEOUT div 1000)+10}},
+ {doc, "Validate using dsa publickey."}].
erlang_server_openssh_client_public_key_dsa(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ erlang_server_openssh_client_public_key_X(Config, ssh_dsa).
+erlang_server_openssh_client_public_key_rsa() ->
+ [{timetrap, {seconds,(?TIMEOUT div 1000)+10}},
+ {doc, "Validate using rsa publickey."}].
+erlang_server_openssh_client_public_key_rsa(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ erlang_server_openssh_client_public_key_X(Config, ssh_rsa).
+erlang_server_openssh_client_public_key_X(Config, PubKeyAlg) ->
SystemDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
KnownHosts = filename:join(PrivDir, "known_hosts"),
{Pid, Host, Port} = ssh_test_lib:daemon([{system_dir, SystemDir},
- {public_key_alg, ssh_dsa},
+ {public_key_alg, PubKeyAlg},
{failfun, fun ssh_test_lib:failfun/2}]),
@@ -362,18 +378,8 @@ erlang_server_openssh_client_public_key_dsa(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Cmd = "ssh -p " ++ integer_to_list(Port) ++
" -o UserKnownHostsFile=" ++ KnownHosts ++
" " ++ Host ++ " 1+1.",
- SshPort = open_port({spawn, Cmd}, [binary, stderr_to_stdout]),
- receive
- {SshPort,{data, <<"2\n">>}} ->
- ok
- after ?TIMEOUT ->
- receive
- X -> ct:fail("Received: ~p",[X])
- after 0 ->
- ct:fail("Did not receive answer")
- end
- end,
+ OpenSsh = ssh_test_lib:open_port({spawn, Cmd}),
+ ssh_test_lib:rcv_expected({data,<<"2\n">>}, OpenSsh, ?TIMEOUT),
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_to_openssh_SUITE_data/ssh_host_rsa_key b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_to_openssh_SUITE_data/ssh_host_rsa_key
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79968bdd7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_to_openssh_SUITE_data/ssh_host_rsa_key
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_to_openssh_SUITE_data/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_to_openssh_SUITE_data/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75d2025c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_to_openssh_SUITE_data/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+---- END SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_trpt_test_lib.erl b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_trpt_test_lib.erl
index 4269529ae8..e34071af99 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_trpt_test_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_trpt_test_lib.erl
@@ -294,12 +294,11 @@ instantiate(X, _S) ->
init_ssh(Role, Socket, Options0) ->
- Options = [{user_interaction,false}
+ Options = [{user_interaction, false},
+ {vsn, {2,0}},
+ {id_string, "ErlangTestLib"}
| Options0],
- ssh_connection_handler:init_ssh(Role,
- {2,0},
- lists:concat(["SSH-2.0-ErlangTestLib ",Role]),
- Options, Socket).
+ ssh_connection_handler:init_ssh_record(Role, Socket, Options).
mangle_opts(Options) ->
SysOpts = [{reuseaddr, true},
diff --git a/lib/ssh/vsn.mk b/lib/ssh/vsn.mk
index 41b42d454b..b165928877 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/vsn.mk
+++ b/lib/ssh/vsn.mk
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#-*-makefile-*- ; force emacs to enter makefile-mode
-SSH_VSN = 4.2.2
+SSH_VSN = 4.3
APP_VSN = "ssh-$(SSH_VSN)"