path: root/lib/ssl/doc/src/using_ssl.xml
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssl/doc/src/using_ssl.xml')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/doc/src/using_ssl.xml b/lib/ssl/doc/src/using_ssl.xml
index f84cd6e391..775066ef7d 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/doc/src/using_ssl.xml
+++ b/lib/ssl/doc/src/using_ssl.xml
@@ -152,4 +152,85 @@ Shell got {ssl,{sslsocket,[...]},"foo"}
+ <section>
+ <title>Customizing cipher suits</title>
+ <p>Fetch default cipher suite list for an TLS/DTLS version. Change default
+ to all to get all possible cipher suites.</p>
+ <code type="erl">1> Default = ssl:cipher_suites(default, 'tlsv1.2').
+ [#{cipher => aes_256_gcm,key_exchange => ecdhe_ecdsa,
+ mac => aead,prf => sha384}, ....]
+ <p>In OTP 20 it is desirable to remove all cipher suites
+ that uses rsa kexchange (removed from default in 21) </p>
+ <code type="erl">2> NoRSA =
+ ssl:filter_cipher_suites(Default,
+ [{key_exchange, fun(rsa) -> false;
+ (_) -> true end}]).
+ [...]
+ </code>
+ <p> Pick just a few suites </p>
+ <code type="erl"> 3> Suites =
+ ssl:filter_cipher_suites(Default,
+ [{key_exchange, fun(ecdh_ecdsa) -> true;
+ (_) -> false end},
+ {cipher, fun(aes_128_cbc) ->true;
+ (_) ->false end}]).
+ [#{cipher => aes_128_cbc,key_exchange => ecdh_ecdsa,
+ mac => sha256,prf => sha256},
+ #{cipher => aes_128_cbc,key_exchange => ecdh_ecdsa,mac => sha,
+ prf => default_prf}]
+ </code>
+ <p> Make some particular suites the most preferred, or least
+ preferred by changing prepend to append.</p>
+ <code type="erl"> 4>ssl:prepend_cipher_suites(Suites, Default).
+ [#{cipher => aes_128_cbc,key_exchange => ecdh_ecdsa,
+ mac => sha256,prf => sha256},
+ #{cipher => aes_128_cbc,key_exchange => ecdh_ecdsa,mac => sha,
+ prf => default_prf},
+ #{cipher => aes_256_cbc,key_exchange => ecdhe_ecdsa,
+ mac => sha384,prf => sha384}, ...]
+ </code>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <title>Using an Engine Stored Key</title>
+ <p>Erlang ssl application is able to use private keys provided
+ by OpenSSL engines using the following mechanism:</p>
+ <code type="erl">1> ssl:start().
+ <p>Load a crypto engine, should be done once per engine used. For example
+ dynamically load the engine called <c>MyEngine</c>:
+ </p>
+ <code type="erl">2> {ok, EngineRef} =
+ [{&lt;&lt;"SO_PATH">>, "/tmp/user/engines/MyEngine"},&lt;&lt;"LOAD">>],[]).
+ </code>
+ <p>Create a map with the engine information and the algorithm used by the engine:</p>
+ <code type="erl">3> PrivKey =
+ #{algorithm => rsa,
+ engine => EngineRef,
+ key_id => "id of the private key in Engine"}.
+ </code>
+ <p>Use the map in the ssl key option:</p>
+ <code type="erl">4> {ok, SSLSocket} =
+ssl:connect("localhost", 9999,
+ [{cacertfile, "cacerts.pem"},
+ {certfile, "cert.pem"},
+ {key, PrivKey}], infinity).
+ </code>
+ <p>See also <seealso marker="crypto:engine_load#engine_load"> crypto documentation</seealso> </p>
+ </section>