path: root/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
index 8730cad127..c13dee96f1 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
@@ -190,7 +190,8 @@ transport_accept(#sslsocket{} = ListenSocket, Timeout) ->
-spec ssl_accept(#sslsocket{}) -> {ok, #sslsocket{}} | {error, reason()}.
--spec ssl_accept(#sslsocket{}, timeout()) -> {ok, #sslsocket{}} | {error, reason()}.
+-spec ssl_accept(#sslsocket{}, list() | timeout()) -> {ok, #sslsocket{}} | {error, reason()}.
+-spec ssl_accept(port(), list(), timeout()) -> {ok, #sslsocket{}} | {error, reason()}.
%% Description: Performs accept on a ssl listen socket. e.i. performs
%% ssl handshake.
@@ -463,11 +464,102 @@ versions() ->
-spec renegotiate(#sslsocket{}) -> ok | {error, reason()}.
-%% Description:
+%% Description: Initiates a renegotiation.
renegotiate(#sslsocket{pid = Pid, fd = new_ssl}) ->
+-spec format_error({error, term()}) -> list().
+%% Description: Creates error string.
+format_error({error, Reason}) ->
+ format_error(Reason);
+format_error(Reason) when is_list(Reason) ->
+ Reason;
+format_error(closed) ->
+ "The connection is closed";
+format_error(ecacertfile) ->
+ "Own CA certificate file is invalid.";
+format_error(ecertfile) ->
+ "Own certificate file is invalid.";
+format_error(ekeyfile) ->
+ "Own private key file is invalid.";
+format_error(esslaccept) ->
+ "Server SSL handshake procedure between client and server failed.";
+format_error(esslconnect) ->
+ "Client SSL handshake procedure between client and server failed.";
+format_error({eoptions, Options}) ->
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Error in options list: ~p~n", [Options]));
+%%%%%%%%%%%% START OLD SSL format_error %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+format_error(ebadsocket) ->
+ "Connection not found (internal error).";
+format_error(ebadstate) ->
+ "Connection not in connect state (internal error).";
+format_error(ebrokertype) ->
+ "Wrong broker type (internal error).";
+format_error(echaintoolong) ->
+ "The chain of certificates provided by peer is too long.";
+format_error(ecipher) ->
+ "Own list of specified ciphers is invalid.";
+format_error(ekeymismatch) ->
+ "Own private key does not match own certificate.";
+format_error(enoissuercert) ->
+ "Cannot find certificate of issuer of certificate provided by peer.";
+format_error(enoservercert) ->
+ "Attempt to do accept without having set own certificate.";
+format_error(enotlistener) ->
+ "Attempt to accept on a non-listening socket.";
+format_error(enoproxysocket) ->
+ "No proxy socket found (internal error or max number of file "
+ "descriptors exceeded).";
+format_error(enooptions) ->
+ "List of options is empty.";
+format_error(enotstarted) ->
+ "The SSL application has not been started.";
+format_error(eoptions) ->
+ "Invalid list of options.";
+format_error(epeercert) ->
+ "Certificate provided by peer is in error.";
+format_error(epeercertexpired) ->
+ "Certificate provided by peer has expired.";
+format_error(epeercertinvalid) ->
+ "Certificate provided by peer is invalid.";
+format_error(eselfsignedcert) ->
+ "Certificate provided by peer is self signed.";
+format_error(esslerrssl) ->
+ "SSL protocol failure. Typically because of a fatal alert from peer.";
+format_error(ewantconnect) ->
+ "Protocol wants to connect, which is not supported in this "
+ "version of the SSL application.";
+format_error(ex509lookup) ->
+ "Protocol wants X.509 lookup, which is not supported in this "
+ "version of the SSL application.";
+format_error({badcall, _Call}) ->
+ "Call not recognized for current mode (active or passive) and state "
+ "of socket.";
+format_error({badcast, _Cast}) ->
+ "Call not recognized for current mode (active or passive) and state "
+ "of socket.";
+format_error({badinfo, _Info}) ->
+ "Call not recognized for current mode (active or passive) and state "
+ "of socket.";
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END OLD SSL format_error %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+format_error(Error) ->
+ case (catch inet:format_error(Error)) of
+ "unkknown POSIX" ++ _ ->
+ no_format(Error);
+ {'EXIT', _} ->
+ no_format(Error);
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end.
%%% Internal functions
@@ -810,92 +902,6 @@ cipher_suites(Version, Ciphers0) ->
Ciphers = [ssl_cipher:openssl_suite(C) || C <- string:tokens(Ciphers0, ":")],
cipher_suites(Version, Ciphers).
-format_error({error, Reason}) ->
- format_error(Reason);
-format_error(Reason) when is_list(Reason) ->
- Reason;
-format_error(closed) ->
- "The connection is closed";
-format_error(ecacertfile) ->
- "Own CA certificate file is invalid.";
-format_error(ecertfile) ->
- "Own certificate file is invalid.";
-format_error(ekeyfile) ->
- "Own private key file is invalid.";
-format_error(esslaccept) ->
- "Server SSL handshake procedure between client and server failed.";
-format_error(esslconnect) ->
- "Client SSL handshake procedure between client and server failed.";
-format_error({eoptions, Options}) ->
- lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Error in options list: ~p~n", [Options]));
-%%%%%%%%%%%% START OLD SSL format_error %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-format_error(ebadsocket) ->
- "Connection not found (internal error).";
-format_error(ebadstate) ->
- "Connection not in connect state (internal error).";
-format_error(ebrokertype) ->
- "Wrong broker type (internal error).";
-format_error(echaintoolong) ->
- "The chain of certificates provided by peer is too long.";
-format_error(ecipher) ->
- "Own list of specified ciphers is invalid.";
-format_error(ekeymismatch) ->
- "Own private key does not match own certificate.";
-format_error(enoissuercert) ->
- "Cannot find certificate of issuer of certificate provided by peer.";
-format_error(enoservercert) ->
- "Attempt to do accept without having set own certificate.";
-format_error(enotlistener) ->
- "Attempt to accept on a non-listening socket.";
-format_error(enoproxysocket) ->
- "No proxy socket found (internal error or max number of file "
- "descriptors exceeded).";
-format_error(enooptions) ->
- "List of options is empty.";
-format_error(enotstarted) ->
- "The SSL application has not been started.";
-format_error(eoptions) ->
- "Invalid list of options.";
-format_error(epeercert) ->
- "Certificate provided by peer is in error.";
-format_error(epeercertexpired) ->
- "Certificate provided by peer has expired.";
-format_error(epeercertinvalid) ->
- "Certificate provided by peer is invalid.";
-format_error(eselfsignedcert) ->
- "Certificate provided by peer is self signed.";
-format_error(esslerrssl) ->
- "SSL protocol failure. Typically because of a fatal alert from peer.";
-format_error(ewantconnect) ->
- "Protocol wants to connect, which is not supported in this "
- "version of the SSL application.";
-format_error(ex509lookup) ->
- "Protocol wants X.509 lookup, which is not supported in this "
- "version of the SSL application.";
-format_error({badcall, _Call}) ->
- "Call not recognized for current mode (active or passive) and state "
- "of socket.";
-format_error({badcast, _Cast}) ->
- "Call not recognized for current mode (active or passive) and state "
- "of socket.";
-format_error({badinfo, _Info}) ->
- "Call not recognized for current mode (active or passive) and state "
- "of socket.";
-%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END OLD SSL format_error %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-format_error(Error) ->
- case (catch inet:format_error(Error)) of
- "unkknown POSIX" ++ _ ->
- no_format(Error);
- {'EXIT', _} ->
- no_format(Error);
- Other ->
- Other
- end.
no_format(Error) ->
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("No format string for error: \"~p\" available.", [Error])).