path: root/lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.erl')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.erl
index ad220ae9de..fb87662c7b 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.erl
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
%% User Events
-export([send/2, recv/3, close/2, shutdown/2,
- new_user/2, get_opts/2, set_opts/2, session_info/1,
+ new_user/2, get_opts/2, set_opts/2,
peer_certificate/1, renegotiation/1, negotiated_protocol/1, prf/5,
- connection_information/1, handle_common_event/5
+ connection_information/2, handle_common_event/5
%% General gen_statem state functions with extra callback argument
@@ -185,12 +185,12 @@ recv(Pid, Length, Timeout) ->
call(Pid, {recv, Length, Timeout}).
--spec connection_information(pid()) -> {ok, list()} | {error, reason()}.
+-spec connection_information(pid(), boolean()) -> {ok, list()} | {error, reason()}.
%% Description: Get the SNI hostname
-connection_information(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
- call(Pid, connection_information).
+connection_information(Pid, IncludeSecrityInfo) when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ call(Pid, {connection_information, IncludeSecrityInfo}).
-spec close(pid(), {close, Timeout::integer() |
@@ -247,14 +247,6 @@ set_opts(ConnectionPid, Options) ->
call(ConnectionPid, {set_opts, Options}).
--spec session_info(pid()) -> {ok, list()} | {error, reason()}.
-%% Description: Returns info about the ssl session
-session_info(ConnectionPid) ->
- call(ConnectionPid, session_info).
-spec peer_certificate(pid()) -> {ok, binary()| undefined} | {error, reason()}.
%% Description: Returns the peer cert
@@ -509,13 +501,7 @@ certify(internal, #certificate{} = Cert,
crl_db = CRLDbInfo,
ssl_options = Opts} = State, Connection) ->
case ssl_handshake:certify(Cert, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef,
- Opts#ssl_options.depth,
- Opts#ssl_options.verify,
- Opts#ssl_options.verify_fun,
- Opts#ssl_options.partial_chain,
- Opts#ssl_options.crl_check,
- CRLDbInfo,
- Role) of
+ Opts, CRLDbInfo, Role) of
{PeerCert, PublicKeyInfo} ->
handle_peer_cert(Role, PeerCert, PublicKeyInfo,
State#state{client_certificate_requested = false}, Connection);
@@ -775,14 +761,12 @@ connection({call, From}, renegotiate, #state{protocol_cb = Connection} = State,
connection({call, From}, peer_certificate,
#state{session = #session{peer_certificate = Cert}} = State, _) ->
hibernate_after(connection, State, [{reply, From, {ok, Cert}}]);
-connection({call, From}, connection_information, State, _) ->
+connection({call, From}, {connection_information, true}, State, _) ->
+ Info = connection_info(State) ++ security_info(State),
+ hibernate_after(connection, State, [{reply, From, {ok, Info}}]);
+connection({call, From}, {connection_information, false}, State, _) ->
Info = connection_info(State),
hibernate_after(connection, State, [{reply, From, {ok, Info}}]);
-connection({call, From}, session_info, #state{session = #session{session_id = Id,
- cipher_suite = Suite}} = State, _) ->
- SessionInfo = [{session_id, Id},
- {cipher_suite, ssl_cipher:erl_suite_definition(Suite)}],
- hibernate_after(connection, State, [{reply, From, SessionInfo}]);
connection({call, From}, negotiated_protocol,
#state{negotiated_protocol = undefined} = State, _) ->
hibernate_after(connection, State, [{reply, From, {error, protocol_not_negotiated}}]);
@@ -921,14 +905,14 @@ handle_call({new_user, User}, From, StateName,
handle_call({get_opts, OptTags}, From, _,
#state{socket = Socket,
transport_cb = Transport,
- socket_options = SockOpts}, _) ->
- OptsReply = get_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, OptTags, SockOpts, []),
+ socket_options = SockOpts}, Connection) ->
+ OptsReply = get_socket_opts(Connection, Transport, Socket, OptTags, SockOpts, []),
{keep_state_and_data, [{reply, From, OptsReply}]};
handle_call({set_opts, Opts0}, From, StateName,
#state{socket_options = Opts1,
socket = Socket,
- transport_cb = Transport} = State0, _) ->
- {Reply, Opts} = set_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, Opts0, Opts1, []),
+ transport_cb = Transport} = State0, Connection) ->
+ {Reply, Opts} = set_socket_opts(Connection, Transport, Socket, Opts0, Opts1, []),
State = State0#state{socket_options = Opts},
handle_active_option(Opts#socket_options.active, StateName, From, Reply, State);
@@ -1019,7 +1003,7 @@ terminate(_, _, #state{terminated = true}) ->
%% Happens when user closes the connection using ssl:close/1
%% we want to guarantee that Transport:close has been called
%% when ssl:close/1 returns unless it is a downgrade where
- %% we want to guarantee that close alert is recived before
+ %% we want to guarantee that close alert is received before
%% returning. In both cases terminate has been run manually
%% before run by gen_statem which will end up here
@@ -1194,7 +1178,8 @@ handle_alert(#alert{level = ?WARNING} = Alert, StateName,
%%% Internal functions
connection_info(#state{sni_hostname = SNIHostname,
- session = #session{cipher_suite = CipherSuite, ecc = ECCCurve},
+ session = #session{session_id = SessionId,
+ cipher_suite = CipherSuite, ecc = ECCCurve},
protocol_cb = Connection,
negotiated_version = {_,_} = Version,
ssl_options = Opts}) ->
@@ -1209,9 +1194,18 @@ connection_info(#state{sni_hostname = SNIHostname,
[{protocol, RecordCB:protocol_version(Version)},
+ {session_id, SessionId},
{cipher_suite, CipherSuiteDef},
{sni_hostname, SNIHostname} | CurveInfo] ++ ssl_options_list(Opts).
+security_info(#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates}) ->
+ #{security_parameters :=
+ #security_parameters{client_random = ClientRand,
+ server_random = ServerRand,
+ master_secret = MasterSecret}} =
+ ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ [{client_random, ClientRand}, {server_random, ServerRand}, {master_secret, MasterSecret}].
do_server_hello(Type, #hello_extensions{next_protocol_negotiation = NextProtocols} =
#state{negotiated_version = Version,
@@ -1688,7 +1682,7 @@ request_client_cert(#state{ssl_options = #ssl_options{verify = verify_peer,
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
TLSVersion = ssl:tls_version(Version),
HashSigns = ssl_handshake:available_signature_algs(SupportedHashSigns,
- TLSVersion, [TLSVersion]),
+ TLSVersion),
Msg = ssl_handshake:certificate_request(CipherSuite, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef,
HashSigns, TLSVersion),
State = Connection:queue_handshake(Msg, State0),
@@ -1916,42 +1910,39 @@ call(FsmPid, Event) ->
{error, closed}
-get_socket_opts(_,_,[], _, Acc) ->
+get_socket_opts(_, _,_,[], _, Acc) ->
{ok, Acc};
-get_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, [mode | Tags], SockOpts, Acc) ->
- get_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, Tags, SockOpts,
+get_socket_opts(Connection, Transport, Socket, [mode | Tags], SockOpts, Acc) ->
+ get_socket_opts(Connection, Transport, Socket, Tags, SockOpts,
[{mode, SockOpts#socket_options.mode} | Acc]);
-get_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, [packet | Tags], SockOpts, Acc) ->
+get_socket_opts(Connection, Transport, Socket, [packet | Tags], SockOpts, Acc) ->
case SockOpts#socket_options.packet of
{Type, headers} ->
- get_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, Tags, SockOpts, [{packet, Type} | Acc]);
+ get_socket_opts(Connection, Transport, Socket, Tags, SockOpts, [{packet, Type} | Acc]);
Type ->
- get_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, Tags, SockOpts, [{packet, Type} | Acc])
+ get_socket_opts(Connection, Transport, Socket, Tags, SockOpts, [{packet, Type} | Acc])
-get_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, [header | Tags], SockOpts, Acc) ->
- get_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, Tags, SockOpts,
+get_socket_opts(Connection, Transport, Socket, [header | Tags], SockOpts, Acc) ->
+ get_socket_opts(Connection, Transport, Socket, Tags, SockOpts,
[{header, SockOpts#socket_options.header} | Acc]);
-get_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, [active | Tags], SockOpts, Acc) ->
- get_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, Tags, SockOpts,
+get_socket_opts(Connection, Transport, Socket, [active | Tags], SockOpts, Acc) ->
+ get_socket_opts(Connection, Transport, Socket, Tags, SockOpts,
[{active, SockOpts#socket_options.active} | Acc]);
-get_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, [Tag | Tags], SockOpts, Acc) ->
- try tls_socket:getopts(Transport, Socket, [Tag]) of
- {ok, [Opt]} ->
- get_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, Tags, SockOpts, [Opt | Acc]);
- {error, Error} ->
- {error, {options, {socket_options, Tag, Error}}}
- catch
- %% So that inet behavior does not crash our process
- _:Error -> {error, {options, {socket_options, Tag, Error}}}
+get_socket_opts(Connection, Transport, Socket, [Tag | Tags], SockOpts, Acc) ->
+ case Connection:getopts(Transport, Socket, [Tag]) of
+ {ok, [Opt]} ->
+ get_socket_opts(Connection, Transport, Socket, Tags, SockOpts, [Opt | Acc]);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, {options, {socket_options, Tag, Reason}}}
-get_socket_opts(_, _,Opts, _,_) ->
+get_socket_opts(_,_, _,Opts, _,_) ->
{error, {options, {socket_options, Opts, function_clause}}}.
-set_socket_opts(_,_, [], SockOpts, []) ->
+set_socket_opts(_,_,_, [], SockOpts, []) ->
{ok, SockOpts};
-set_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, [], SockOpts, Other) ->
+set_socket_opts(ConnectionCb, Transport, Socket, [], SockOpts, Other) ->
%% Set non emulated options
- try tls_socket:setopts(Transport, Socket, Other) of
+ try ConnectionCb:setopts(Transport, Socket, Other) of
ok ->
{ok, SockOpts};
{error, InetError} ->
@@ -1962,13 +1953,13 @@ set_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, [], SockOpts, Other) ->
{{error, {options, {socket_options, Other, Error}}}, SockOpts}
-set_socket_opts(Transport,Socket, [{mode, Mode}| Opts], SockOpts, Other)
+set_socket_opts(ConnectionCb, Transport,Socket, [{mode, Mode}| Opts], SockOpts, Other)
when Mode == list; Mode == binary ->
- set_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, Opts,
+ set_socket_opts(ConnectionCb, Transport, Socket, Opts,
SockOpts#socket_options{mode = Mode}, Other);
-set_socket_opts(_, _, [{mode, _} = Opt| _], SockOpts, _) ->
+set_socket_opts(_, _, _, [{mode, _} = Opt| _], SockOpts, _) ->
{{error, {options, {socket_options, Opt}}}, SockOpts};
-set_socket_opts(Transport,Socket, [{packet, Packet}| Opts], SockOpts, Other)
+set_socket_opts(ConnectionCb, Transport,Socket, [{packet, Packet}| Opts], SockOpts, Other)
when Packet == raw;
Packet == 0;
Packet == 1;
@@ -1984,26 +1975,26 @@ set_socket_opts(Transport,Socket, [{packet, Packet}| Opts], SockOpts, Other)
Packet == httph;
Packet == http_bin;
Packet == httph_bin ->
- set_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, Opts,
+ set_socket_opts(ConnectionCb, Transport, Socket, Opts,
SockOpts#socket_options{packet = Packet}, Other);
-set_socket_opts(_, _, [{packet, _} = Opt| _], SockOpts, _) ->
+set_socket_opts(_, _, _, [{packet, _} = Opt| _], SockOpts, _) ->
{{error, {options, {socket_options, Opt}}}, SockOpts};
-set_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, [{header, Header}| Opts], SockOpts, Other)
+set_socket_opts(ConnectionCb, Transport, Socket, [{header, Header}| Opts], SockOpts, Other)
when is_integer(Header) ->
- set_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, Opts,
+ set_socket_opts(ConnectionCb, Transport, Socket, Opts,
SockOpts#socket_options{header = Header}, Other);
-set_socket_opts(_, _, [{header, _} = Opt| _], SockOpts, _) ->
+set_socket_opts(_, _, _, [{header, _} = Opt| _], SockOpts, _) ->
{{error,{options, {socket_options, Opt}}}, SockOpts};
-set_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, [{active, Active}| Opts], SockOpts, Other)
+set_socket_opts(ConnectionCb, Transport, Socket, [{active, Active}| Opts], SockOpts, Other)
when Active == once;
Active == true;
Active == false ->
- set_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, Opts,
+ set_socket_opts(ConnectionCb, Transport, Socket, Opts,
SockOpts#socket_options{active = Active}, Other);
-set_socket_opts(_, _, [{active, _} = Opt| _], SockOpts, _) ->
+set_socket_opts(_,_, _, [{active, _} = Opt| _], SockOpts, _) ->
{{error, {options, {socket_options, Opt}} }, SockOpts};
-set_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, [Opt | Opts], SockOpts, Other) ->
- set_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, Opts, SockOpts, [Opt | Other]).
+set_socket_opts(ConnectionCb, Transport, Socket, [Opt | Opts], SockOpts, Other) ->
+ set_socket_opts(ConnectionCb, Transport, Socket, Opts, SockOpts, [Opt | Other]).
start_or_recv_cancel_timer(infinity, _RecvFrom) ->