path: root/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 95 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl
index c8245e2fb4..3811906d77 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl
@@ -35,23 +35,22 @@
hello_request/0, certify/7, certificate/3,
certificate_verify/6, certificate_request/2,
- key_exchange/2, server_key_exchange_plain/2, finished/4,
+ key_exchange/2, server_key_exchange_hash/2, finished/4,
server_hello_done/0, sig_alg/1,
encode_handshake/3, init_hashes/0,
update_hashes/2, decrypt_premaster_secret/2]).
+-type tls_handshake() :: #client_hello{} | #server_hello{} | #server_hello_done{} |
+#certificate{} | #client_key_exchange{} | #finished{} | #certificate_verify{}.
%% Internal application API
-%% Function: client_hello(Host, Port, ConnectionStates, SslOpts, Cert, Renegotiation) ->
-%% #client_hello{}
-%% Host
-%% Port
-%% ConnectionStates = #connection_states{}
-%% SslOpts = #ssl_options{}
+-spec client_hello(host(), port_num(), #connection_states{},
+ #ssl_options{}, binary(), boolean()) -> #client_hello{}.
%% Description: Creates a client hello message.
@@ -79,13 +78,8 @@ client_hello(Host, Port, ConnectionStates, #ssl_options{versions = Versions,
-%% Function: server_hello(SessionId, Version,
-%% ConnectionStates, Renegotiation) -> #server_hello{}
-%% SessionId
-%% Version
-%% ConnectionStates
-%% Renegotiation
+-spec server_hello(session_id(), tls_version(), #connection_states{},
+ boolean()) -> #server_hello{}.
%% Description: Creates a server hello message.
@@ -103,7 +97,7 @@ server_hello(SessionId, Version, ConnectionStates, Renegotiation) ->
-%% Function: hello_request() -> #hello_request{}
+-spec hello_request() -> #hello_request{}.
%% Description: Creates a hello request message sent by server to
%% trigger renegotiation.
@@ -112,15 +106,12 @@ hello_request() ->
-%% Function: hello(Hello, Info, Renegotiation) ->
-%% {Version, Id, NewConnectionStates} |
-%% #alert{}
-%% Hello = #client_hello{} | #server_hello{}
-%% Info = ConnectionStates | {Port, #ssl_options{}, Session,
-%% Cahce, CahceCb, ConnectionStates}
-%% ConnectionStates = #connection_states{}
-%% Renegotiation = boolean()
+-spec hello(#server_hello{} | #client_hello{}, #ssl_options{},
+ #connection_states{} | {port_num(), #session{}, cache_ref(),
+ atom(), #connection_states{}, binary()},
+ boolean()) -> {tls_version(), session_id(), #connection_states{}}|
+ {tls_version(), {resumed | new, session_id()},
+ #connection_states{}} | #alert{}.
%% Description: Handles a recieved hello message
@@ -183,12 +174,9 @@ hello(#client_hello{client_version = ClientVersion, random = Random,
-%% Function: certify(Certs, CertDbRef, MaxPathLen) ->
-%% {PeerCert, PublicKeyInfo} | #alert{}
-%% Certs = #certificate{}
-%% CertDbRef = reference()
-%% MaxPathLen = integer() | nolimit
+-spec certify(#certificate{}, term(), integer() | nolimit,
+ verify_peer | verify_none, fun(), fun(),
+ client | server) -> {der_cert(), public_key_info()} | #alert{}.
%% Description: Handles a certificate handshake message
@@ -244,10 +232,7 @@ certify(#certificate{asn1_certificates = ASN1Certs}, CertDbRef,
-%% Function: certificate(OwnCert, CertDbRef, Role) -> #certificate{}
-%% OwnCert = binary()
-%% CertDbRef = term() as returned by ssl_certificate_db:create()
+-spec certificate(der_cert(), term(), client | server) -> #certificate{}.
%% Description: Creates a certificate message.
@@ -273,10 +258,10 @@ certificate(OwnCert, CertDbRef, server) ->
-%% Function: client_certificate_verify(Cert, ConnectionStates) ->
-%% #certificate_verify{} | ignore
-%% Cert = #'OTPcertificate'{}
-%% ConnectionStates = #connection_states{}
+-spec client_certificate_verify(undefined | der_cert(), binary(),
+ tls_version(), key_algo(), private_key(),
+ {binary(), binary()}) ->
+ #certificate_verify{} | ignore.
%% Description: Creates a certificate_verify message, called by the client.
@@ -298,10 +283,9 @@ client_certificate_verify(OwnCert, MasterSecret, Version, Algorithm,
-%% Function: certificate_verify(Signature, PublicKeyInfo) -> valid | #alert{}
-%% Signature = binary()
-%% PublicKeyInfo = {Algorithm, PublicKey, PublicKeyParams}
+-spec certificate_verify(binary(), public_key_info(), tls_version(),
+ binary(), key_algo(),
+ {binary(), binary()}) -> valid | #alert{}.
%% Description: Checks that the certificate_verify message is valid.
@@ -325,8 +309,8 @@ certificate_verify(Signature, {_, PublicKey, PublicKeyParams}, Version,
public_key:verify_signature(Hashes, sha, Signature, PublicKey, PublicKeyParams).
-%% Function: certificate_request(ConnectionStates, CertDbRef) ->
-%% #certificate_request{}
+-spec certificate_request(#connection_states{}, certdb_ref()) ->
+ #certificate_request{}.
%% Description: Creates a certificate_request message, called by the server.
@@ -342,11 +326,12 @@ certificate_request(ConnectionStates, CertDbRef) ->
-%% Function: key_exchange(Role, Secret, Params) ->
-%% #client_key_exchange{} | #server_key_exchange{}
-%% Secret -
-%% Params -
+-spec key_exchange(client | server,
+ {premaster_secret, binary(), public_key_info()} |
+ {dh, binary()} |
+ {dh, binary(), #'DHParameter'{}, key_algo(),
+ binary(), binary(), private_key()}) ->
+ #client_key_exchange{} | #server_key_exchange{}.
%% Description: Creates a keyexchange message.
@@ -371,26 +356,20 @@ key_exchange(server, {dh, {<<?UINT32(Len), PublicKey:Len/binary>>, _},
YLen = byte_size(PublicKey),
ServerDHParams = #server_dh_params{dh_p = PBin,
dh_g = GBin, dh_y = PublicKey},
- Plain =
- server_key_exchange_plain(KeyAlgo, <<ClientRandom/binary,
+ Hash =
+ server_key_exchange_hash(KeyAlgo, <<ClientRandom/binary,
?UINT16(PLen), PBin/binary,
?UINT16(GLen), GBin/binary,
?UINT16(YLen), PublicKey/binary>>),
- Signed = digitally_signed(Plain, PrivateKey),
+ Signed = digitally_signed(Hash, PrivateKey),
#server_key_exchange{params = ServerDHParams,
signed_params = Signed}.
-%% Function: master_secret(Version, Session/PremasterSecret,
-%% ConnectionStates, Role) ->
-%% {MasterSecret, NewConnectionStates} | #alert{}
-%% Version = #protocol_version{}
-%% Session = #session{} (session contains master secret)
-%% PremasterSecret = binary()
-%% ConnectionStates = #connection_states{}
-%% Role = client | server
+-spec master_secret(tls_version(), #session{} | binary(), #connection_states{},
+ client | server) -> {binary(), #connection_states{}} | #alert{}.
%% Description: Sets or calculates the master secret and calculate keys,
%% updating the pending connection states. The Mastersecret and the update
%% connection states are returned or an alert if the calculation fails.
@@ -427,9 +406,8 @@ master_secret(Version, PremasterSecret, ConnectionStates, Role) ->
-%% Function: finished(Version, Role, MacSecret, Hashes) -> #finished{}
-%% ConnectionStates = #connection_states{}
+-spec finished(tls_version(), client | server, binary(), {binary(), binary()}) ->
+ #finished{}.
%% Description: Creates a handshake finished message
@@ -438,15 +416,8 @@ finished(Version, Role, MasterSecret, {Hashes, _}) -> % use the current hashes
calc_finished(Version, Role, MasterSecret, Hashes)}.
-%% Function: verify_connection(Finished, Role,
-%% MasterSecret, Hashes) -> verified | #alert{}
-%% Finished = #finished{}
-%% Role = client | server - the role of the process that sent the finished
-%% message.
-%% MasterSecret = binary()
-%% Hashes = binary() - {md5_hash, sha_hash}
+-spec verify_connection(tls_version(), #finished{}, client | server, binary(),
+ {binary(), binary()}) -> verified | #alert{}.
%% Description: Checks the ssl handshake finished message to verify
%% the connection.
@@ -462,17 +433,18 @@ verify_connection(Version, #finished{verify_data = Data},
_E ->
+-spec server_hello_done() -> #server_hello_done{}.
+%% Description: Creates a server hello done message.
server_hello_done() ->
-%% Function: encode_handshake(HandshakeRec) -> BinHandshake
-%% HandshakeRec = #client_hello | #server_hello{} | server_hello_done |
-%% #certificate{} | #client_key_exchange{} | #finished{} |
-%% #client_certify_request{}
+-spec encode_handshake(tls_handshake(), tls_version(), key_algo()) -> binary().
-%% encode a handshake packet to binary
+%% Description: Encode a handshake packet to binary
encode_handshake(Package, Version, KeyAlg) ->
SigAlg = sig_alg(KeyAlg),
@@ -481,12 +453,11 @@ encode_handshake(Package, Version, KeyAlg) ->
[MsgType, ?uint24(Len), Bin].
-%% Function: get_tls_handshake(Data, Buffer) -> Result
-%% Result = {[#handshake{}], [Raw], NewBuffer}
-%% Data = Buffer = NewBuffer = Raw = binary()
+-spec get_tls_handshake(binary(), binary(), key_algo(), tls_version()) ->
+ {[tls_handshake()], [binary()], binary()}.
%% Description: Given buffered and new data from ssl_record, collects
-%% and returns it as a list of #handshake, also returns leftover
+%% and returns it as a list of handshake messages, also returns leftover
%% data.
get_tls_handshake(Data, <<>>, KeyAlg, Version) ->
@@ -495,6 +466,9 @@ get_tls_handshake(Data, Buffer, KeyAlg, Version) ->
get_tls_handshake_aux(list_to_binary([Buffer, Data]),
KeyAlg, Version, []).
+%%% Internal functions
get_tls_handshake_aux(<<?BYTE(Type), ?UINT24(Length),
Body:Length/binary,Rest/binary>>, KeyAlg,
Version, Acc) ->
@@ -504,9 +478,6 @@ get_tls_handshake_aux(<<?BYTE(Type), ?UINT24(Length),
get_tls_handshake_aux(Data, _KeyAlg, _Version, Acc) ->
{lists:reverse(Acc), Data}.
-%%% Internal functions
verify_bool(verify_peer) ->
verify_bool(verify_none) ->
@@ -1087,12 +1058,12 @@ certificate_authorities_from_db(CertDbRef, PrevKey, Acc) ->
certificate_authorities_from_db(CertDbRef, Key, Acc)
-digitally_signed(Hashes, #'RSAPrivateKey'{} = Key) ->
- public_key:encrypt_private(Hashes, Key,
+digitally_signed(Hash, #'RSAPrivateKey'{} = Key) ->
+ public_key:encrypt_private(Hash, Key,
[{rsa_pad, rsa_pkcs1_padding}]);
-digitally_signed(Plain, #'DSAPrivateKey'{} = Key) ->
- public_key:sign(Plain, Key).
+digitally_signed(Hash, #'DSAPrivateKey'{} = Key) ->
+ public_key:sign(none, Hash, Key).
calc_master_secret({3,0}, PremasterSecret, ClientRandom, ServerRandom) ->
ssl_ssl3:master_secret(PremasterSecret, ClientRandom, ServerRandom);
@@ -1122,15 +1093,14 @@ calc_certificate_verify({3, N}, _, Algorithm, Hashes)
when N == 1; N == 2 ->
ssl_tls1:certificate_verify(Algorithm, Hashes).
-server_key_exchange_plain(Algorithm, Value) when Algorithm == rsa;
+server_key_exchange_hash(Algorithm, Value) when Algorithm == rsa;
Algorithm == dhe_rsa ->
MD5 = crypto:md5(Value),
SHA = crypto:sha(Value),
<<MD5/binary, SHA/binary>>;
-server_key_exchange_plain(dhe_dss, Value) ->
- %% Hash will be done by crypto.
- Value.
+server_key_exchange_hash(dhe_dss, Value) ->
+ crypto:sha(Value).
sig_alg(dh_anon) ->