path: root/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl')
1 files changed, 162 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl
index 06226d5155..5b51ac0916 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@
%% Handle handshake messages
-export([certify/10, client_certificate_verify/6, certificate_verify/6, verify_signature/5,
- master_secret/5, server_key_exchange_hash/2, verify_connection/6,
- init_handshake_history/0, update_handshake_history/2, verify_server_key/5
+ master_secret/4, server_key_exchange_hash/2, verify_connection/6,
+ init_handshake_history/0, update_handshake_history/3, verify_server_key/5
%% Encode/Decode
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
--export([select_version/3, prf/6, select_hashsign/5,
+-export([select_version/3, prf/6, select_hashsign/4, select_hashsign/5,
premaster_secret/2, premaster_secret/3, premaster_secret/4]).
@@ -94,15 +94,14 @@ hello_request() ->
--spec server_hello(#session{}, ssl_record:ssl_version(), #connection_states{},
+-spec server_hello(#session{}, ssl_record:ssl_version(), ssl_record:connection_states(),
#hello_extensions{}) -> #server_hello{}.
%% Description: Creates a server hello message.
server_hello(SessionId, Version, ConnectionStates, Extensions) ->
- Pending = ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
- SecParams = Pending#connection_state.security_parameters,
+ #{security_parameters := SecParams} =
+ ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
#server_hello{server_version = Version,
cipher_suite = SecParams#security_parameters.cipher_suite,
compression_method =
@@ -335,9 +334,8 @@ verify_server_key(#server_key_params{params_bin = EncParams,
signature = Signature},
HashSign = {HashAlgo, _},
ConnectionStates, Version, PubKeyInfo) ->
- ConnectionState =
+ #{security_parameters := SecParams} =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
- SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom} = SecParams,
Hash = server_key_exchange_hash(HashAlgo,
@@ -447,7 +445,7 @@ init_handshake_history() ->
{[], []}.
--spec update_handshake_history(ssl_handshake:ssl_handshake_history(), Data ::term()) ->
+-spec update_handshake_history(ssl_handshake:ssl_handshake_history(), Data ::term(), boolean()) ->
%% Description: Update the handshake history buffer with Data.
@@ -457,14 +455,14 @@ update_handshake_history(Handshake, % special-case SSL2 client hello
?UINT16(CSLength), ?UINT16(0),
- ChallengeData:CDLength/binary>>) ->
+ ChallengeData:CDLength/binary>>, true) ->
<<?CLIENT_HELLO, ?BYTE(Major), ?BYTE(Minor),
?UINT16(CSLength), ?UINT16(0),
- ChallengeData:CDLength/binary>>);
-update_handshake_history({Handshake0, _Prev}, Data) ->
+ ChallengeData:CDLength/binary>>, true);
+update_handshake_history({Handshake0, _Prev}, Data, _) ->
{[Data|Handshake0], Handshake0}.
%% %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -581,7 +579,7 @@ prf({3,_N}, PRFAlgo, Secret, Label, Seed, WantedLength) ->
{atom(), atom()} | undefined | #alert{}.
-%% Description: Handles signature_algorithms extension
+%% Description: Handles signature_algorithms hello extension (server)
select_hashsign(_, undefined, _, _, _Version) ->
{null, anon};
@@ -593,14 +591,17 @@ select_hashsign(HashSigns, Cert, KeyExAlgo,
select_hashsign(#hash_sign_algos{hash_sign_algos = HashSigns}, Cert, KeyExAlgo, SupportedHashSigns,
{Major, Minor}) when Major >= 3 andalso Minor >= 3 ->
#'OTPCertificate'{tbsCertificate = TBSCert} = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp),
- #'OTPSubjectPublicKeyInfo'{algorithm = {_,Algo, _}} = TBSCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.subjectPublicKeyInfo,
- Sign = cert_sign(Algo),
- case lists:filter(fun({sha, dsa = S}) when S == Sign ->
- true;
- ({_, dsa}) ->
- false;
- ({_, _} = Algos) ->
- is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, Sign, KeyExAlgo, SupportedHashSigns);
+ #'OTPCertificate'{tbsCertificate = TBSCert,
+ signatureAlgorithm = {_,SignAlgo, _}} = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp),
+ #'OTPSubjectPublicKeyInfo'{algorithm = {_, SubjAlgo, _}} =
+ TBSCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.subjectPublicKeyInfo,
+ Sign = sign_algo(SignAlgo),
+ SubSing = sign_algo(SubjAlgo),
+ case lists:filter(fun({_, S} = Algos) when S == Sign ->
+ is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, Sign,
+ SubSing, KeyExAlgo, SupportedHashSigns);
(_) ->
end, HashSigns) of
@@ -613,6 +614,49 @@ select_hashsign(_, Cert, _, _, Version) ->
#'OTPCertificate'{tbsCertificate = TBSCert} = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp),
#'OTPSubjectPublicKeyInfo'{algorithm = {_,Algo, _}} = TBSCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.subjectPublicKeyInfo,
select_hashsign_algs(undefined, Algo, Version).
+-spec select_hashsign(#certificate_request{}, binary(),
+ [atom()], ssl_record:ssl_version()) ->
+ {atom(), atom()} | #alert{}.
+%% Description: Handles signature algorithms selection for certificate requests (client)
+select_hashsign(#certificate_request{}, undefined, _, {Major, Minor}) when Major >= 3 andalso Minor >= 3->
+ %% There client does not have a certificate and will send an empty reply, the server may fail
+ %% or accept the connection by its own preference. No signature algorihms needed as there is
+ %% no certificate to verify.
+ {undefined, undefined};
+select_hashsign(#certificate_request{hashsign_algorithms = #hash_sign_algos{hash_sign_algos = HashSigns},
+ certificate_types = Types}, Cert, SupportedHashSigns,
+ {Major, Minor}) when Major >= 3 andalso Minor >= 3->
+ #'OTPCertificate'{tbsCertificate = TBSCert} = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp),
+ #'OTPCertificate'{tbsCertificate = TBSCert,
+ signatureAlgorithm = {_,SignAlgo, _}} = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp),
+ #'OTPSubjectPublicKeyInfo'{algorithm = {_, SubjAlgo, _}} =
+ TBSCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.subjectPublicKeyInfo,
+ Sign = sign_algo(SignAlgo),
+ SubSign = sign_algo(SubjAlgo),
+ case is_acceptable_cert_type(SubSign, HashSigns, Types) andalso is_supported_sign(Sign, HashSigns) of
+ true ->
+ case lists:filter(fun({_, S} = Algos) when S == SubSign ->
+ is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
+ (_) ->
+ false
+ end, HashSigns) of
+ [] ->
+ ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY, no_suitable_signature_algorithm);
+ [HashSign | _] ->
+ HashSign
+ end;
+ false ->
+ ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY, no_suitable_signature_algorithm)
+ end;
+select_hashsign(#certificate_request{}, Cert, _, Version) ->
+ select_hashsign(undefined, Cert, undefined, [], Version).
-spec select_hashsign_algs({atom(), atom()}| undefined, oid(), ssl_record:ssl_version()) ->
@@ -648,34 +692,34 @@ select_hashsign_algs(undefined, ?rsaEncryption, _) ->
select_hashsign_algs(undefined, ?'id-dsa', _) ->
{sha, dsa}.
--spec master_secret(atom(), ssl_record:ssl_version(), #session{} | binary(), #connection_states{},
- client | server) -> {binary(), #connection_states{}} | #alert{}.
+-spec master_secret(ssl_record:ssl_version(), #session{} | binary(), ssl_record:connection_states(),
+ client | server) -> {binary(), ssl_record:connection_states()} | #alert{}.
%% Description: Sets or calculates the master secret and calculate keys,
%% updating the pending connection states. The Mastersecret and the update
%% connection states are returned or an alert if the calculation fails.
-master_secret(RecordCB, Version, #session{master_secret = Mastersecret},
+master_secret(Version, #session{master_secret = Mastersecret},
ConnectionStates, Role) ->
- ConnectionState =
+ #{security_parameters := SecParams} =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
- SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
- try master_secret(RecordCB, Version, Mastersecret, SecParams,
+ try master_secret(Version, Mastersecret, SecParams,
ConnectionStates, Role)
exit:_ ->
?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?HANDSHAKE_FAILURE, key_calculation_failure)
-master_secret(RecordCB, Version, PremasterSecret, ConnectionStates, Role) ->
- ConnectionState =
+master_secret(Version, PremasterSecret, ConnectionStates, Role) ->
+ #{security_parameters := SecParams} =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
- SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{prf_algorithm = PrfAlgo,
client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom} = SecParams,
- try master_secret(RecordCB, Version,
+ try master_secret(Version,
ClientRandom, ServerRandom),
SecParams, ConnectionStates, Role)
@@ -1143,11 +1187,13 @@ certificate_types(_, {N, M}) when N >= 3 andalso M >= 3 ->
certificate_types({KeyExchange, _, _, _}, _) when KeyExchange == rsa;
+ KeyExchange == dh_rsa;
KeyExchange == dhe_rsa;
KeyExchange == ecdhe_rsa ->
-certificate_types({KeyExchange, _, _, _}, _) when KeyExchange == dhe_dss;
+certificate_types({KeyExchange, _, _, _}, _) when KeyExchange == dh_dss;
+ KeyExchange == dhe_dss;
KeyExchange == srp_dss ->
@@ -1170,13 +1216,18 @@ certificate_authorities(CertDbHandle, CertDbRef) ->
list_to_binary([Enc(Cert) || {_, Cert} <- Authorities]).
-certificate_authorities_from_db(CertDbHandle, CertDbRef) ->
+certificate_authorities_from_db(CertDbHandle, CertDbRef) when is_reference(CertDbRef) ->
ConnectionCerts = fun({{Ref, _, _}, Cert}, Acc) when Ref == CertDbRef ->
[Cert | Acc];
(_, Acc) ->
- ssl_pkix_db:foldl(ConnectionCerts, [], CertDbHandle).
+ ssl_pkix_db:foldl(ConnectionCerts, [], CertDbHandle);
+certificate_authorities_from_db(_CertDbHandle, {extracted, CertDbData}) ->
+ %% Cache disabled, Ref contains data
+ lists:foldl(fun({decoded, {_Key,Cert}}, Acc) -> [Cert | Acc] end,
+ [], CertDbData).
%%-------------Extension handling --------------------------------
@@ -1294,29 +1345,29 @@ do_select_version(
renegotiation_info(_, client, _, false) ->
#renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = undefined};
renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, server, ConnectionStates, false) ->
- CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
- case CS#connection_state.secure_renegotiation of
+ ConnectionState = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ case maps:get(secure_renegotiation, ConnectionState) of
true ->
#renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = ?byte(0)};
false ->
#renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = undefined}
renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, client, ConnectionStates, true) ->
- CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
- case CS#connection_state.secure_renegotiation of
+ ConnectionState = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ case maps:get(secure_renegotiation, ConnectionState) of
true ->
- Data = CS#connection_state.client_verify_data,
+ Data = maps:get(client_verify_data, ConnectionState),
#renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = Data};
false ->
#renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = undefined}
renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, server, ConnectionStates, true) ->
- CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
- case CS#connection_state.secure_renegotiation of
+ ConnectionState = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ case maps:get(secure_renegotiation, ConnectionState) of
true ->
- CData = CS#connection_state.client_verify_data,
- SData =CS#connection_state.server_verify_data,
+ CData = maps:get(client_verify_data, ConnectionState),
+ SData = maps:get(server_verify_data, ConnectionState),
#renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = <<CData/binary, SData/binary>>};
false ->
#renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = undefined}
@@ -1339,9 +1390,9 @@ handle_renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, _, undefined, ConnectionStates, false, _, _
handle_renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, client, #renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = ClientServerVerify},
ConnectionStates, true, _, _) ->
- CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
- CData = CS#connection_state.client_verify_data,
- SData = CS#connection_state.server_verify_data,
+ ConnectionState = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ CData = maps:get(client_verify_data, ConnectionState),
+ SData = maps:get(server_verify_data, ConnectionState),
case <<CData/binary, SData/binary>> == ClientServerVerify of
true ->
{ok, ConnectionStates};
@@ -1355,8 +1406,8 @@ handle_renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, server, #renegotiation_info{renegotiated_co
true ->
?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?HANDSHAKE_FAILURE, {server_renegotiation, empty_renegotiation_info_scsv});
false ->
- CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
- Data = CS#connection_state.client_verify_data,
+ ConnectionState = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ Data = maps:get(client_verify_data, ConnectionState),
case Data == ClientVerify of
true ->
{ok, ConnectionStates};
@@ -1377,8 +1428,8 @@ handle_renegotiation_info(RecordCB, server, undefined, ConnectionStates, true, S
handle_renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, ConnectionStates, SecureRenegotation) ->
- CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
- case {SecureRenegotation, CS#connection_state.secure_renegotiation} of
+ ConnectionState = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ case {SecureRenegotation, maps:get(secure_renegotiation, ConnectionState)} of
{_, true} ->
{true, false} ->
@@ -1596,7 +1647,7 @@ calc_finished({3, 0}, Role, _PrfAlgo, MasterSecret, Handshake) ->
calc_finished({3, N}, Role, PrfAlgo, MasterSecret, Handshake) ->
tls_v1:finished(Role, N, PrfAlgo, MasterSecret, lists:reverse(Handshake)).
-master_secret(_RecordCB, Version, MasterSecret,
+master_secret(Version, MasterSecret,
bulk_cipher_algorithm = BCA,
client_random = ClientRandom,
@@ -1679,18 +1730,16 @@ hello_pending_connection_states(_RecordCB, Role, Version, CipherSuite, Random, C
-hello_security_parameters(client, Version, ConnectionState, CipherSuite, Random,
+hello_security_parameters(client, Version, #{security_parameters := SecParams}, CipherSuite, Random,
Compression) ->
- SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
NewSecParams = ssl_cipher:security_parameters(Version, CipherSuite, SecParams),
server_random = Random,
compression_algorithm = Compression
-hello_security_parameters(server, Version, ConnectionState, CipherSuite, Random,
+hello_security_parameters(server, Version, #{security_parameters := SecParams}, CipherSuite, Random,
Compression) ->
- SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
NewSecParams = ssl_cipher:security_parameters(Version, CipherSuite, SecParams),
client_random = Random,
@@ -2196,27 +2245,73 @@ distpoints_lookup([DistPoint | Rest], Issuer, Callback, CRLDbHandle) ->
[{DistPoint, {CRL, public_key:der_decode('CertificateList', CRL)}} || CRL <- CRLs]
-cert_sign(?rsaEncryption) ->
+sign_algo(?rsaEncryption) ->
-cert_sign(?'id-ecPublicKey') ->
+sign_algo(?'id-ecPublicKey') ->
-cert_sign(?'id-dsa') ->
+sign_algo(?'id-dsa') ->
-cert_sign(Alg) ->
+sign_algo(Alg) ->
{_, Sign} =public_key:pkix_sign_types(Alg),
-is_acceptable_hash_sign({_, Sign} = Algos, Sign, _, SupportedHashSigns) ->
- is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
-is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos,_, KeyExAlgo, SupportedHashSigns) when KeyExAlgo == dh_ecdsa;
- KeyExAlgo == ecdh_rsa;
- KeyExAlgo == ecdh_ecdsa ->
+is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, _, _, KeyExAlgo, SupportedHashSigns) when
+ KeyExAlgo == dh_dss;
+ KeyExAlgo == dh_rsa;
+ KeyExAlgo == dh_ecdsa ->
+ %% dh_* could be called only dh in TLS-1.2
+ is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
+is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, rsa, ecdsa, ecdh_rsa, SupportedHashSigns) ->
+ is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
+is_acceptable_hash_sign({_, rsa} = Algos, rsa, _, dhe_rsa, SupportedHashSigns) ->
+ is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
+is_acceptable_hash_sign({_, rsa} = Algos, rsa, rsa, ecdhe_rsa, SupportedHashSigns) ->
+ is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
+is_acceptable_hash_sign({_, rsa} = Algos, rsa, rsa, rsa, SupportedHashSigns) ->
+ is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
+is_acceptable_hash_sign({_, rsa} = Algos, rsa, _, srp_rsa, SupportedHashSigns) ->
+ is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
+is_acceptable_hash_sign({_, rsa} = Algos, rsa, _, rsa_psk, SupportedHashSigns) ->
is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
-is_acceptable_hash_sign(_,_,_,_) ->
- false.
+is_acceptable_hash_sign({_, dsa} = Algos, dsa, _, dhe_dss, SupportedHashSigns) ->
+ is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
+is_acceptable_hash_sign({_, dsa} = Algos, dsa, _, srp_dss, SupportedHashSigns) ->
+ is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
+is_acceptable_hash_sign({_, ecdsa} = Algos, ecdsa, _, dhe_ecdsa, SupportedHashSigns) ->
+ is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
+is_acceptable_hash_sign({_, ecdsa} = Algos, ecdsa, ecdsa, ecdhe_ecdsa, SupportedHashSigns) ->
+ is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
+is_acceptable_hash_sign(_, _, _, KeyExAlgo, _) when
+ KeyExAlgo == psk;
+ KeyExAlgo == dhe_psk;
+ KeyExAlgo == srp_anon;
+ KeyExAlgo == dh_anon;
+ KeyExAlgo == ecdhe_anon
+ ->
+ true;
+is_acceptable_hash_sign(_,_, _,_,_) ->
+ false.
is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns) ->
lists:member(Algos, SupportedHashSigns).
+is_acceptable_cert_type(Sign, _HashSigns, Types) ->
+ lists:member(sign_type(Sign), binary_to_list(Types)).
+is_supported_sign(Sign, HashSigns) ->
+ [] =/= lists:dropwhile(fun({_, S}) when S =/= Sign ->
+ true;
+ (_)->
+ false
+ end, HashSigns).
+sign_type(rsa) ->
+sign_type(dsa) ->
+sign_type(ecdsa) ->
bad_key(#'DSAPrivateKey'{}) ->
bad_key(#'RSAPrivateKey'{}) ->