path: root/lib/ssl/src/ssl_manager.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssl/src/ssl_manager.erl')
1 files changed, 91 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_manager.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_manager.erl
index bf0333ba8d..396013825e 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_manager.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_manager.erl
@@ -26,10 +26,11 @@
%% Internal application API
-export([start_link/1, start_link_dist/1,
- connection_init/2, cache_pem_file/2,
+ connection_init/3, cache_pem_file/2,
new_session_id/1, clean_cert_db/2,
register_session/2, register_session/3, invalidate_session/2,
+ insert_crls/2, insert_crls/3, delete_crls/1, delete_crls/2,
invalidate_session/3, invalidate_pem/1, clear_pem_cache/0, manager_name/1]).
% Spawn export
@@ -100,19 +101,21 @@ start_link_dist(Opts) ->
gen_server:start_link({local, DistMangerName}, ?MODULE, [DistMangerName, Opts], []).
--spec connection_init(binary()| {der, list()}, client | server) ->
- {ok, certdb_ref(), db_handle(), db_handle(), db_handle(), db_handle()}.
+-spec connection_init(binary()| {der, list()}, client | server,
+ {Cb :: atom(), Handle:: term()}) ->
+ {ok, certdb_ref(), db_handle(), db_handle(),
+ db_handle(), db_handle(), CRLInfo::term()}.
%% Description: Do necessary initializations for a new connection.
-connection_init({der, _} = Trustedcerts, Role) ->
- call({connection_init, Trustedcerts, Role});
+connection_init({der, _} = Trustedcerts, Role, CRLCache) ->
+ call({connection_init, Trustedcerts, Role, CRLCache});
-connection_init(<<>> = Trustedcerts, Role) ->
- call({connection_init, Trustedcerts, Role});
+connection_init(<<>> = Trustedcerts, Role, CRLCache) ->
+ call({connection_init, Trustedcerts, Role, CRLCache});
-connection_init(Trustedcerts, Role) ->
- call({connection_init, Trustedcerts, Role}).
+connection_init(Trustedcerts, Role, CRLCache) ->
+ call({connection_init, Trustedcerts, Role, CRLCache}).
-spec cache_pem_file(binary(), term()) -> {ok, term()} | {error, reason()}.
@@ -124,7 +127,7 @@ cache_pem_file(File, DbHandle) ->
[{Content,_}] ->
{ok, Content};
[Content] ->
- {ok, Content};
+ {ok, Content};
undefined ->
call({cache_pem, File})
@@ -193,11 +196,28 @@ invalidate_session(Host, Port, Session) ->
invalidate_session(Port, Session) ->
cast({invalidate_session, Port, Session}).
-spec invalidate_pem(File::binary()) -> ok.
invalidate_pem(File) ->
cast({invalidate_pem, File}).
+insert_crls(Path, CRLs)->
+ insert_crls(Path, CRLs, normal).
+insert_crls(?NO_DIST_POINT_PATH = Path, CRLs, ManagerType)->
+ put(ssl_manager, manager_name(ManagerType)),
+ cast({insert_crls, Path, CRLs});
+insert_crls(Path, CRLs, ManagerType)->
+ put(ssl_manager, manager_name(ManagerType)),
+ call({insert_crls, Path, CRLs}).
+ delete_crls(Path, normal).
+delete_crls(?NO_DIST_POINT_PATH = Path, ManagerType)->
+ put(ssl_manager, manager_name(ManagerType)),
+ cast({delete_crls, Path});
+delete_crls(Path, ManagerType)->
+ put(ssl_manager, manager_name(ManagerType)),
+ call({delete_crls, Path}).
%% gen_server callbacks
@@ -245,50 +265,38 @@ init([Name, Opts]) ->
%% Description: Handling call messages
-handle_call({{connection_init, <<>>, client}, _Pid}, _From,
- #state{certificate_db = [CertDb, FileRefDb, PemChace],
- session_cache_client = Cache} = State) ->
- Result = {ok, make_ref(),CertDb, FileRefDb, PemChace, Cache},
- {reply, Result, State};
-handle_call({{connection_init, <<>>, server}, _Pid}, _From,
- #state{certificate_db = [CertDb, FileRefDb, PemChace],
- session_cache_server = Cache} = State) ->
- Result = {ok, make_ref(),CertDb, FileRefDb, PemChace, Cache},
- {reply, Result, State};
-handle_call({{connection_init, Trustedcerts, client}, Pid}, _From,
- #state{certificate_db = [CertDb, FileRefDb, PemChace] = Db,
- session_cache_client = Cache} = State) ->
- Result =
- try
- {ok, Ref} = ssl_pkix_db:add_trusted_certs(Pid, Trustedcerts, Db),
- {ok, Ref, CertDb, FileRefDb, PemChace, Cache}
- catch
- _:Reason ->
- {error, Reason}
- end,
- {reply, Result, State};
-handle_call({{connection_init, Trustedcerts, server}, Pid}, _From,
- #state{certificate_db = [CertDb, FileRefDb, PemChace] = Db,
- session_cache_server = Cache} = State) ->
- Result =
- try
- {ok, Ref} = ssl_pkix_db:add_trusted_certs(Pid, Trustedcerts, Db),
- {ok, Ref, CertDb, FileRefDb, PemChace, Cache}
- catch
- _:Reason ->
- {error, Reason}
- end,
- {reply, Result, State};
-handle_call({{new_session_id,Port}, _},
+handle_call({{connection_init, <<>>, Role, {CRLCb, UserCRLDb}}, _Pid}, _From,
+ #state{certificate_db = [CertDb, FileRefDb, PemChace | _] = Db} = State) ->
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ Result = {ok, Ref, CertDb, FileRefDb, PemChace, session_cache(Role, State), {CRLCb, crl_db_info(Db, UserCRLDb)}},
+ {reply, Result, State#state{certificate_db = Db}};
+handle_call({{connection_init, Trustedcerts, Role, {CRLCb, UserCRLDb}}, Pid}, _From,
+ #state{certificate_db = [CertDb, FileRefDb, PemChace | _] = Db} = State) ->
+ case add_trusted_certs(Pid, Trustedcerts, Db) of
+ {ok, Ref} ->
+ {reply, {ok, Ref, CertDb, FileRefDb, PemChace, session_cache(Role, State),
+ {CRLCb, crl_db_info(Db, UserCRLDb)}}, State};
+ {error, _} = Error ->
+ {reply, Error, State}
+ end;
+handle_call({{insert_crls, Path, CRLs}, _}, _From,
+ #state{certificate_db = Db} = State) ->
+ ssl_pkix_db:add_crls(Db, Path, CRLs),
+ {reply, ok, State};
+handle_call({{delete_crls, CRLsOrPath}, _}, _From,
+ #state{certificate_db = Db} = State) ->
+ ssl_pkix_db:remove_crls(Db, CRLsOrPath),
+ {reply, ok, State};
+handle_call({{new_session_id, Port}, _},
_, #state{session_cache_cb = CacheCb,
session_cache_server = Cache} = State) ->
Id = new_id(Port, ?GEN_UNIQUE_ID_MAX_TRIES, Cache, CacheCb),
{reply, Id, State};
handle_call({{cache_pem,File}, _Pid}, _,
#state{certificate_db = Db} = State) ->
try ssl_pkix_db:cache_pem_file(File, Db) of
@@ -298,7 +306,7 @@ handle_call({{cache_pem,File}, _Pid}, _,
_:Reason ->
{reply, {error, Reason}, State}
-handle_call({unconditionally_clear_pem_cache, _},_, #state{certificate_db = [_,_,PemChace]} = State) ->
+handle_call({unconditionally_clear_pem_cache, _},_, #state{certificate_db = [_,_,PemChace | _]} = State) ->
{reply, ok, State}.
@@ -344,8 +352,19 @@ handle_cast({invalidate_session, Port, #session{session_id = ID} = Session},
session_cache_cb = CacheCb} = State) ->
invalidate_session(Cache, CacheCb, {Port, ID}, Session, State);
+handle_cast({insert_crls, Path, CRLs},
+ #state{certificate_db = Db} = State) ->
+ ssl_pkix_db:add_crls(Db, Path, CRLs),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_cast({delete_crls, CRLsOrPath},
+ #state{certificate_db = Db} = State) ->
+ ssl_pkix_db:remove_crls(Db, CRLsOrPath),
+ {noreply, State};
handle_cast({invalidate_pem, File},
- #state{certificate_db = [_, _, PemCache]} = State) ->
+ #state{certificate_db = [_, _, PemCache | _]} = State) ->
ssl_pkix_db:remove(File, PemCache),
{noreply, State}.
@@ -374,7 +393,7 @@ handle_info({delayed_clean_session, Key, Cache}, #state{session_cache_cb = Cache
CacheCb:delete(Cache, Key),
{noreply, State};
-handle_info(clear_pem_cache, #state{certificate_db = [_,_,PemChace],
+handle_info(clear_pem_cache, #state{certificate_db = [_,_,PemChace | _],
clear_pem_cache = Interval,
last_pem_check = CheckPoint} = State) ->
NewCheckPoint = os:timestamp(),
@@ -382,9 +401,8 @@ handle_info(clear_pem_cache, #state{certificate_db = [_,_,PemChace],
erlang:send_after(Interval, self(), clear_pem_cache),
{noreply, State#state{last_pem_check = NewCheckPoint}};
handle_info({clean_cert_db, Ref, File},
- #state{certificate_db = [CertDb,RefDb, PemCache]} = State) ->
+ #state{certificate_db = [CertDb,RefDb, PemCache | _]} = State) ->
case ssl_pkix_db:lookup(Ref, RefDb) of
undefined -> %% Alredy cleaned
@@ -606,3 +624,21 @@ is_before_checkpoint(Time, CheckPoint) ->
calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(calendar:now_to_datetime(CheckPoint)) -
calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Time) > 0.
+add_trusted_certs(Pid, Trustedcerts, Db) ->
+ try
+ ssl_pkix_db:add_trusted_certs(Pid, Trustedcerts, Db)
+ catch
+ _:Reason ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end.
+session_cache(client, #state{session_cache_client = Cache}) ->
+ Cache;
+session_cache(server, #state{session_cache_server = Cache}) ->
+ Cache.
+crl_db_info([_,_,_,Local], {internal, Info}) ->
+ {Local, Info};
+crl_db_info(_, UserCRLDb) ->
+ UserCRLDb.