path: root/lib/ssl/src/ssl_ssl3.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssl/src/ssl_ssl3.erl')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_ssl3.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_ssl3.erl
index df809ce275..375adf263a 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_ssl3.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_ssl3.erl
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
-include("ssl_record.hrl"). % MD5 and SHA
-export([master_secret/3, finished/3, certificate_verify/3,
- mac_hash/6, setup_keys/8,
+ mac_hash/6, setup_keys/7,
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
%% Internal application API
+-spec master_secret(binary(), binary(), binary()) -> binary().
master_secret(PremasterSecret, ClientRandom, ServerRandom) ->
@@ -57,6 +59,8 @@ master_secret(PremasterSecret, ClientRandom, ServerRandom) ->
+-spec finished(client | server, binary(), {binary(), binary()}) -> binary().
finished(Role, MasterSecret, {MD5Hash, SHAHash}) ->
%% draft-ietf-tls-ssl-version3-00 - 5.6.9 Finished
%% struct {
@@ -75,8 +79,10 @@ finished(Role, MasterSecret, {MD5Hash, SHAHash}) ->
SHA = handshake_hash(?SHA, MasterSecret, Sender, SHAHash),
<<MD5/binary, SHA/binary>>.
+-spec certificate_verify(key_algo(), binary(), {binary(), binary()}) -> binary().
certificate_verify(Algorithm, MasterSecret, {MD5Hash, SHAHash})
- when Algorithm == rsa; Algorithm == dh_rsa; Algorithm == dhe_rsa ->
+ when Algorithm == rsa; Algorithm == dhe_rsa ->
%% md5_hash
%% MD5(master_secret + pad_2 +
%% MD5(handshake_messages + master_secret + pad_1));
@@ -88,13 +94,14 @@ certificate_verify(Algorithm, MasterSecret, {MD5Hash, SHAHash})
SHA = handshake_hash(?SHA, MasterSecret, undefined, SHAHash),
<<MD5/binary, SHA/binary>>;
-certificate_verify(Algorithm, MasterSecret, {_, SHAHash})
- when Algorithm == dh_dss; Algorithm == dhe_dss ->
+certificate_verify(dhe_dss, MasterSecret, {_, SHAHash}) ->
%% sha_hash
%% SHA(master_secret + pad_2 +
%% SHA(handshake_messages + master_secret + pad_1));
handshake_hash(?SHA, MasterSecret, undefined, SHAHash).
+-spec mac_hash(integer(), binary(), integer(), integer(), integer(), binary()) -> binary().
mac_hash(Method, Mac_write_secret, Seq_num, Type, Length, Fragment) ->
%% draft-ietf-tls-ssl-version3-00 -
%% hash(MAC_write_secret + pad_2 +
@@ -114,9 +121,11 @@ mac_hash(Method, Mac_write_secret, Seq_num, Type, Length, Fragment) ->
-setup_keys(Exportable, MasterSecret, ServerRandom, ClientRandom,
- when Exportable == no_export; Exportable == ignore ->
+-spec setup_keys(binary(), binary(), binary(), binary(),
+ integer(), integer(), binary()) -> {binary(), binary(), binary(),
+ binary(), binary(), binary()}.
+setup_keys(MasterSecret, ServerRandom, ClientRandom, HS, KML, _EKML, IVS) ->
KeyBlock = generate_keyblock(MasterSecret, ServerRandom, ClientRandom,
%% draft-ietf-tls-ssl-version3-00 - 6.2.2
@@ -137,79 +146,25 @@ setup_keys(Exportable, MasterSecret, ServerRandom, ClientRandom,
{ClientWriteMacSecret, ServerWriteMacSecret, ClientWriteKey,
- ServerWriteKey, ClientIV, ServerIV};
-setup_keys(export, MasterSecret, ServerRandom, ClientRandom,
- HS, KML, EKML, IVS) ->
- KeyBlock = generate_keyblock(MasterSecret, ServerRandom, ClientRandom,
- 2*(HS+KML)),
- %% draft-ietf-tls-ssl-version3-00 - 6.2.2
- %% Exportable encryption algorithms (for which
- %% CipherSpec.is_exportable is true) require additional processing as
- %% follows to derive their final write keys:
+ ServerWriteKey, ClientIV, ServerIV}.
- %% final_client_write_key = MD5(client_write_key +
- %% ClientHello.random +
- %% ServerHello.random);
- %% final_server_write_key = MD5(server_write_key +
- %% ServerHello.random +
- %% ClientHello.random);
- %% Exportable encryption algorithms derive their IVs from the random
- %% messages:
- %% client_write_IV = MD5(ClientHello.random + ServerHello.random);
- %% server_write_IV = MD5(ServerHello.random + ClientHello.random);
- <<ClientWriteMacSecret:HS/binary, ServerWriteMacSecret:HS/binary,
- ClientWriteKey:KML/binary, ServerWriteKey:KML/binary>> = KeyBlock,
- <<ClientIV:IVS/binary, _/binary>> =
- hash(?MD5, [ClientRandom, ServerRandom]),
- <<ServerIV:IVS/binary, _/binary>> =
- hash(?MD5, [ServerRandom, ClientRandom]),
- <<FinalClientWriteKey:EKML/binary, _/binary>> =
- hash(?MD5, [ClientWriteKey, ClientRandom, ServerRandom]),
- <<FinalServerWriteKey:EKML/binary, _/binary>> =
- hash(?MD5, [ServerWriteKey, ServerRandom, ClientRandom]),
- ?DBG_HEX(ClientWriteMacSecret),
- ?DBG_HEX(ServerWriteMacSecret),
- ?DBG_HEX(FinalClientWriteKey),
- ?DBG_HEX(FinalServerWriteKey),
- ?DBG_HEX(ClientIV),
- ?DBG_HEX(ServerIV),
- {ClientWriteMacSecret, ServerWriteMacSecret, FinalClientWriteKey,
- FinalServerWriteKey, ClientIV, ServerIV}.
+-spec suites() -> [cipher_suite()].
suites() ->
- %% TODO: uncomment when supported
- %%?TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_RC4_128_SHA, TODO: Support this?
- %% ?TLS_RSA_WITH_IDEA_CBC_SHA, Not supported: in later openssl version than OTP requires
- %%?TLS_RSA_EXPORT1024_WITH_RC4_56_MD5,
@@ -269,8 +224,7 @@ handshake_hash(Method, MasterSecret, Sender, HandshakeHash) ->
hash(Method, [MasterSecret, pad_2(Method), InnerHash]).
get_sender(client) -> "CLNT";
-get_sender(server) -> "SRVR";
-get_sender(none) -> "".
+get_sender(server) -> "SRVR".
generate_keyblock(MasterSecret, ServerRandom, ClientRandom, WantedLength) ->
gen(MasterSecret, [MasterSecret, ServerRandom, ClientRandom],